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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

Using MIDI/SMPTE on MagicQ


The MagicQ console and MagicQ PC software supports the use of MIDI / SMPTE via the MagicQ
MIDI / SMPTE interface.

Note that the only MagicQ support is through the MagicQ MIDI/SMPTE interface. MIDI/SMPTE
directly through PC MIDI interfaces or through the phone (rca) interfaces on the consoles is not

MIDI Support

MagicQ supports MIDI via the MagicQ MIDI/SMPTE interface. MagicQ can generate and
receive MIDI commands. MIDI is configured in the Setup Window, View Settings view,
MIDI/Timecode tab.

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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

MIDI Transmit

To transmit a MIDI command, first set the MIDI Out Type in the Setup Window. You can choose
between “None”, “Any chan” and “Requested Chan”. When set to “Requested Chan” the
requested channel is configured in the MIDI Out Chan field.

When set to “Any chan” MagicQ will send out any MIDI commands specified in the Cue Stack
macro field regardless of the channel specified. When set to “Requested Chan” MagicQ will
always change the MIDI commands before transmission to be sent on the requested MIDI channel

MIDI commands are entered in decimal in the Macro field of the Cue Stack Window (page right)
using the ‘N’ macro command. It is possible to over-ride the channel specified in the MIDI
commands using the MIDI Out Channel in the Setup Window.

MIDI note commands are 3 bytes long, consisting of the command (note on / note off) byte,
followed by the note and then the velocity

<note on/off> <note> <velocity>

For example, to send a note for middle C set the macro field to the following:

N144,60,127 // Note 60 on velocity 127

N128,60,0 // Note 60 off

MagicQ accepts both ‘N’ and ‘n’ to specify MIDI commands.

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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

MIDI receive

To receive MIDI commands, first set the MIDI In Type in the Setup Window. You can choose
between “None”, “Any chan” and “Requested Chan”. When set to “Requested Chan” the
requested channel is configured in the MIDI IN Chan field.

When using the MagicQ MIDI/SMPTE interface for MIDI only the Timecode options can be set
to none and then the last received MIDI command will be shown in the Status Window.

MagicQ uses a text mapping file, miditable.txt in the MagicQ folder to convert from MIDI
commands to MagicQ serial commands.

An example file miditable.txt is included which maps midi notes to the playbacks PB1 to PB34.
Each line in the file specifies a received MIDI command and then the mapping to the serial
command in inverted comments “”.

For example, the first to lines in the default file are:


MagicQ checks the received MIDI note byes to see whether they match the values. So if the MIDI
message matches 144 36 then it executes the remote command 1t (Test Playback 1). Similarly if it
matches 128 36 then executes the remote command 1u (UnTest Playback 1).

Note that Test and Untest are like Activate and Release except they force the Playback level to be
100% and 0% respectively.

Note that for security reasons MagicQ limits the number of playbacks that can be controlled using
MIDI and the remote protocols. On MagicQ consoles PB1 to PB34 can be controlled. On
MagicQ PC, playbacks PB1 to PB10 can be controlled.

Advanced MIDI mapping

It is possible to match all 3 MIDI message bytes including the velocity. So for example:


This would execute the Test Playback 1 when Note On for note 36 at velocity 100 was received
and Untest Playback 1 when Note On for note 36 at velocity 101 was received.

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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

To jump within a Cue Stack instead of testing / untesting a Playback just change the remote
command in the inverted comments.

144,36”1,10j” // Jump to Cue Id 10 on Playback 1

From MagicQ Software version it is also possible to map the note or velocity directly into
the remote command using the %01 for the note and %02 for the velocity.

So the following command would look for Note On, Note 36 and then use the Velocity to jump to
a specific step on the Playback.


The %02 is replaced with the velocity received, so that if MagicQ receives

144 36 50

then it will execute the remote command


Which jumps to Cue Id 50 on Playback 1

Default miditable.txt file


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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ


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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

Remote commands

For the latest list of remote commands check the software change log and the manual.

ChamSys remote protocol consists of simple commands consisting of a list parameter values
separated by commas ‘,’ and ending in a character A to Z (or a to z). Commands can contain
spaces, tabs, and carriage returns; they are all ignored.

The commands are:

<playback number> A Activate playback

<playback number> R Release playback
<playback number> T Test playback (activate with level 100%)
<playback number> U Un-test playback (release with level 0%)
<playback number> G Go on playback
<playback number> S Stop (go back) on playback
<playback number> B Fast back on playback (no fade)
<playback number> F Fast forward on playback (no fade)
<playback number> , <level> L Set playback fader level
<playback number> , <cue id> , <cue id dec>J Jump to Cue Id on playback
<page number> P Change page
<channel number> , <level> I Set intensity channel to level
<program command number> H Remote programming command

The following parameter values are supported

<playback number> is a number between 1 and 10

<level> is an integer between 0 and 100.
<page number> is an integer between 0 and 100
<channel number> is an integer between 1 and 6144
<cue id> is an integer between 1 and 65536
<cue id dec> is an integer between 0 and 99

So for example, to set dimmer channel 4 to 50% you would use:


To jump to Cue id 2.5 on playback 8 you would use:


Commands can be sent back to back – e.g.


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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

Remote programming commands

Remote programming commands enable simple programming actions to be carried out from a
remote terminal. Remote programming commands consist of the program command number
followed by parameters and completed with an “H”.

The commands are:

<01> , <start head> , [<end head>] H Select one or more heads

<02> , <start head> , [<end head>] H Deselect one or more heads
<03> H Deselect all heads
<04> , <group number> H Select group
<05> , <level> , [<time>] H Set intensity of selected heads
<06> , <attribute number> , <value> , [<time>] H Set attribute value of selected heads
<07> , <attribute number> , <value> , [<16bit>] H Increase attribute of selected heads
<08> , <attribute number> , <value> , [<16bit>] H Decrease attribute of selected heads
<09> H Clear programmer
<10> , <palette id> H Include position palette
<11> , <palette id> H Include colour palette
<12> , <palette id> H Include beam palette
<13> , <cue id> H Include cue
<19> H Update
<20>, <palette id> H Record position palette
<21> , <palette id> H Record colour palette
<22> , <palette id> H Record beam palette
<23> , <cue id> H Record cue

<30> H Next head

<31> H Previous head
<32> H All heads

<40> H Locate
<41> H Lamp on
<42> H Lamp off
<43> H Reset

<80> , <cue id> H Test Cue

<81> , <cue id> H Untest Cue
<82> , <cue stack id> H Test Cue Stack
<83> , <cue stack id> H Untest Cue Stack

[] indicates an optional parameter

<level> is an integer between 0 and 100
<palette id> is an integer between 1 and 1024
<cue id> is an integer between 1 and 5000
<16 bit> is a flag. 0 for change in 8 bit resolution, 1 for change in 16 bit resolution
<time> is an integer time in seconds
<group number> is an integer between 1 and 200
<start head> and <end head> are integers between 1 and 6145

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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

MIDI problems

The ChamSys MIDI interface can be easily tested using the test show midilooptest.show. This
show simply runs a 2 step chase on Playback 1 which sends out MIDI commands corresponding to
activation and release of Playback2.

• Connect the MIDI interface to MagicQ

• Connect a MIDI cable from the Out to the In on the Interface
• Set MIDI In Type to “Any chan”
• Set MIDI Out Type to “Any chan”
• Load the midilooptest.shw
• Raise Playback 1
• If MIDI is working then Playback 2 should activate and release every 1 second.

If the loopback test works but connection to external equipment is failing, then try to insert active
splitters or IN/THRU links into the system.

Note that we have experienced some problems with the signal level transmitted from low cost PC
MIDI dongles operating at 3.3V. From July 08 our interfaces have been improved to boost the
signal received from these devices.

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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

Timecode Support

MagicQ supports both time code receive and time code transmit.

Timecode Receive

MagicQ supports receipt of both linear time code and MIDI time code.

Enable timecode receive in the Timecode In Type field, and choose between SMPTE and MIDI

The time-code type can be set to EBU-25, SMPTE30, NTSC30 and Film 24. When a ChamSys
MIDI/SMPTE module is fitted the Status Window will show the current time-code being received
from the module.

The time-code continue time is the number of frames to continue internal regeneration of the time-
code signal when it is lost. After this time the time-code will be frozen until a signal is received

Time code can be triggered from an external SMPTE time code source using the optional
ChamSys MIDI/SMPTE module, or it can run from the internal time code source. To control a
Cue Stack using external time code set the “External time code” option in the Cue Stack options.

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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

Cues can be set to time code by changing the Halt field in the Cue Stack window (double click on
it or press SHIFT + ENTER.

When a Cue Stack that contains time code cues is activated the time code takes control of the Cue
Stack and each Cue executes at the time code specified. For Internally generated time code,
activating the Cue Stack starts the time code at 0/0/0. For external time code the time code will be
read from the external module.

Learn Timing

It is possible for the console to learn the timing live. Set the steps in the Cue Stack to time code.
Then release the Cue Stack, and in the Cue Stack window, press SHIFT and RECORD TC. Now
press the GO button for the Cue Stack. MagicQ starts the time code running at 0/0/0 and each
time you press GO it moves to the next Cue whilst recording the current time code into the Wait
fields. At the end of the Cue Stack, press RELEASE to exit the time code record mode.

Time code values can be edited individually and can be set in the format 0/0/0.00. The + and –
operators can be used to add or subtract times to the time code times for one or more cues. This is
useful for changing the absolute times of a Cue Stack whilst maintaining the relative times
between Cues. Use SHIFT and the cursor keys to select multiple times and offset their values
using + or -.

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Using MIDI / SMPTE on MagicQ

Timecode transmit

MagicQ can also master time code. In Setup, choose between SMPTE timecode and MIDI

There are special macro field commands to enable time code mastering and to set the time code.

W <enable> Enable / disable time code generation (1 for enable, 0 for disable)
Q <time code> Set current time code (also enables time code generation)

For example to set timecode to 0:0:10:0


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