Analog Sound Sensor (000x0000 Article Number) (TS2133) : Product Details

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Analog Sound Sensor

(000x0000 Article Number)


Product Details

This is the TelePort sound sensor, aiming at the detection of the sound
intensity. Based on the LM386 amplifier, it can amplify the detected
sound. Then the Arduino will sense it and turn sound signals into the
the analog signals, that is, the voltage value by feedback can
demonstrate the sound intensity. In addition, the blue potentiometer
is used to adjust the sound intensity.

Features and Benefits

 Compatible with RJ11 6P6C OKdo TelePort Control boards and expansion shields.
 Used for detecting the ambient loudness in an environment.
 Make interactive circuits such as a voice-operated switch.
 The sound sensitivity can be adjusted by the potentiometer.

Technical Specifications

Sensor type Analog input

Working voltage 3.3V-5V
Operating current <10mA
Dimensions 42mm*20mm*18mm
Weight 6.0g

 Sound-activated robots
 Sound-activated switches
 Sound alert alarm

This module is compatible with the TS2180-Raspberry Pi shield, the TS2179-Micro:bit shield and the
TS2178-TelePort main board.
 Arduino Application

This module is compatible with the TS2178 TelePort control board.

Test Code

void setup()
Serial.begin(9600);// open serial port, set the baud rate to 9600 bps
void loop()
int val;
val=analogRead(A0); //connect mic sensor to Analog 0
Test Result
Wire up, upload test code and power it up. Change the sound intensity in the environment, then check the
displayed results on the monitor, as shown below;

If you want to know more details about Arduino and the TelePort control board, you can refer to TS2178.

 Micro:bit Application

It is compatible with the Micro:bit board and the TS2179 Micro:bit expansion board.
Test Code

....................①Run the“on start”block to boot the

....................②Turn on the LED matrix of the Micro:bit
....................③The program is run circularly under
the command of“forever”block
....................④read the analog value of P0

Test Result
Wire up, upload the test code and power it up. Change the sound intensity in the environment, then check
the displayed values on the Micro:bit board,
If you want to know more details about the Micro:bit board and Micro:bit shield, you can refer to TS2179.

 Raspberry Pi Application

This module is compatible with the Raspberry Pi board and the TS2180 Raspberry Pi shield.

PCF8591 A/D Conversion:

The Raspberry Pi itself does not have AD/DA function; therefore an expansion board with this function is
required when connected to external analog sensors. And here we use a PCF8591 A/D converter with I2C
Enable the I2C communication function of the Raspberry Pi as follows:
a. Raspberry Pi does not enable the I2C function by default. Enter sudo raspi-config in the terminal to enter
the Raspberry Pi configuration interface.

Follow the below instructions to enable the I2C function of Raspberry Pi:(press ←,↑,↓,→ then“Enter”)
Check the address of the I2C module (PCF8591) connected to the Raspberry Pi, input the command
i2cdetect -y 1, and then press Enter.
From below picture, the I2C address of PCF8591 is 0x48 .

Copy the test code to Raspberry Pi system to run it

(1) Save the test code in the pi folder of Raspberry Pi system. Then place the file we
provide in the pi folder, right-click and click Extract Here. As shown below:
(2) Compile and run test code:
Input the following code and press“Enter”
cd /home/pi/Analog_Sound
gcc Analog_Sound.c -o Analog_Sound -lwiringPi
sudo ./Analog_Sound

(3) Test Result:

Insert the shield into the Raspberry Pi board. After programming finishes, then the terminal will print the
detected sound analog values.
Note: press Ctrl + C to exit code running
Test Code
File name: Analog_Sound.c
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <pcf8591.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define Address 0x48

#define BASE 64
#define A0 BASE+0
#define A1 BASE+1
#define A2 BASE+2
#define A3 BASE+3

int main(void){
int value;

If you want to know how to utilize Raspberry Pi and the Raspberry Pi shield, you can refer to TS2180.

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