Oxy Oman'S Smes Development Program

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About the Program:

In support of the Sultanate’s in-country value (ICV) initiative, Oxy Oman has established a development program for Omani
small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Oxy Oman's SMEs Development Program supports capacity building of Omani-owned
SMEs that demonstrate high potential for maximizing ICV and creating jobs for Omanis. Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development
Program will contribute to the growth and development of the SMEs sector in Oman by:

 Identifying Omani SMEs with high-potential to enhance ICV and job creation for Omanis
 Implementing customized development programs that enhance the capacity and growth potential of Omani SMEs by
increasing their long-term competitiveness

Mandatory Criteria:

 SMEs must be doing business within Oxy’s projects (directly or sub-contracting) currently or within the last 2 years.
 Head Office must be based in Oman and running business in Oman.
 SMEs must be in a manufacturing or service business and not a local agent.
 SMEs must be registered as an SME in the Joint Supplier Registration System (JSRS).
 SMEs must not be part of any previous SME development program of Oxy.

 Note: These are mandatory criteria. Failing to meet any of them causes SMEs disqualification.

Scoring Criteria:

It covers the below three elements

 Omanisation
 Financial Health
 Business Development

 The SMEs must provide evidence for each answer.

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Supporting Documents requirements:

Questions Evidence requirements

Provide a copy of Oxy’s contract as evidence. If it is through sub-

Are you an SME doing business within Oxy’s projects (directly or
1 contracting, a letter from the primary contractor is required
sub-contracting) currently or within the last 2 years?
confirming that the SME is providing a service under Oxy contracts
Is your company's head-office based in Oman and running Provide commercial registration (CR) and related office registration
business in Oman? certificate in Oman
Is your company in a manufacturing or service business and not a Provide evidence such as a list of relevant contracts with the
local agent? service or product category and CR registered activities list
4 Is your company registered as an SME in JSRS? Provide JSRS registration number/ certificate
5 Have you joined any previous SMEs development program of Oxy? Confirm in writing that you have not
6 What is the percentage of Omani ownership of your company? Provide CR and related ownership registration certificate in Oman
7 What is the percentage of current overall Omanisation? Provide Omanisation report – Ministry of Manpower certificate
What is the percentage of Omani in the senior management role Provide Omanisation report/organization chart – Ministry of
(CEO and CEO-1)? Manpower certificate
What is the percentage increase of Omanis for the past three Provide Omanisation report of the last three years supported by
years? Ministry of Manpower certificate
What is the percentage of Omani compensation from the total
10 Provide the overall compensation report for Omanis and expats
staff compensation?
What is your company’s total years of experience (counting from Provide a copy of the first contract with starting date or evidence
the date of the first contract or operation)? of first operation date
What is your company’s average historical revenue growth over
12 Provide annual financial report for the last three years
the last three years?
13 What is your company’s annual revenue for the past three years? Provide annual financial report for the last three years
14 Does your company own manufacturing facilit(ies) in Oman? Provide supporting evidence of manufacturing facility(ies) in Oman
Provide evidence such as a letter or certificate showing your new
15 Are you working with new technology?
technology and why would you consider it a new technology
How many industrial/ technical international certifications does
16 Provide a copy of the certifications
your company have?
How many process management systems does your company
17 Provide a copy of available processes
have (HR, Finance, IT, Procurement, HSE and QC/QA)?
What is your company market outreach? (the sector of your
18 current business and whether you are doing business locally in Provide evidence of your selected sector and regions if applicable
Oman only, regionally or internationally)

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: What is Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program?

A1: In support of the Sultanate’s in-country value (ICV) initiative, Oxy Oman has established a development program for Omani small
and medium enterprises (SMEs). Oxy Oman's SMEs Development Program supports capacity building of Omani-owned SMEs that
demonstrate high potential for maximizing ICV and creating jobs for Omanis. Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program will
contribute to the growth and development of the SMEs sector in Oman by:

 Identifying Omani SMEs with high-potential to enhance ICV and job creation for Omanis

 Implementing customized development programs that enhance the capacity and growth potential of Omani SMEs by
increasing their long-term competitiveness

Q2: What are the criteria that applicants must fulfill to participate in Oxy Oman SMEs Development Program?


 SMEs must be doing business within Oxy’s projects (directly or sub-contracting) currently or within the last 2 years.
 Head Office must be based in Oman and running business in Oman.
 SMEs must be in a manufacturing or service business and not a local agent.
 SMEs must be registered as an SME in the JSRS.
 SMEs must not be part of any previous SMEs development program of Oxy.

Q3: What are the areas that applicants must operate in order to participate in this Program?

A3: SMEs must be in a manufacturing or service business and not a local agent.

Q4: Is there a deadline for completing Oxy Oman’s SMEs Program Application Questionnaire?

A4: Applications to be accepted from February 13th 2018 till March 20th 2018. After 5:00 PM local time on March 20th 2018 Oxy
Oman’s online system will close and will no longer accept applications.

Q5: What happens if we are not selected to participate in Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program, and how are we notified?

A5: At any time during the assessment process, Oxy Oman may determine that your company was not selected for participation in
the SMEs Development Program. If Oxy Oman announces the list of selected SMEs and you were not included, this means that
you either did not meet the selection criteria or scored lower than the selected SMEs. Any information provided by your company
for the purposes of assessment will be treated as strictly confidential and kept on file for future consideration.

Q6: What information is required of applicants for Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program?

A6: Applicants may be required to provide information of their company ownership, employment statistics, financial performance,
growth potential and other documentation as required by Oxy Oman.

Companies that pass the pre-qualification stage will be then invited to participate in the next phase of the evaluation process and
will potentially require in-depth interviews with Oxy Oman. The interviews are used to assess each SME’s commitment to the
SMEs Development Program, alignment with Oxy Oman’s objectives, business prospects and growth potential, and business
support options.

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The information being requested by Oxy Oman aids in assessing the strengths and challenges facing each applicant being
considered for the Program, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the customized development program that is designed for
each applicant.

Q7: If my company is selected to participate in Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program, how long will the program last?

A7: If your company is invited to participate in Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program, an implementation schedule will be
prepared which describes your company’s customized development program. Implementation could last for a few months or
longer, depending on the results of the company assessment and prospects of the selected SMEs. Support will only be provided
as long as it takes to implement the agreed upon development program.

While Oxy Oman’s support does not represent an open-ended commitment, monitoring and reporting requirements will continue
even after Oxy Oman’s support ceases. These monitoring and reporting requirements assist with tracking progress and ensuring
continuous improvement of Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program, and comprises a required component of the Program.

Q8: If my company is selected to participate in Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program, how will our progress and growth be

A8: If your company is selected to participate in Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program, Oxy Oman will work with your company
to develop realistic and relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) for each support option. The KPIs are designed to measure
the effectiveness of Oxy Oman’s support and the growth and development of each company as a result of the support.

Q9: Will the information we share as part of the selection process for Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program affect our ability
to compete for contracts with Oxy Oman in the future?

A9: Any information shared during the selection process for Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program, including analyses,
interpretations or assessments that reflect information provided by your company will be treated as strictly confidential and will
have no effect – neither positive nor negative – on your company’s ability to pursue future projects with Oxy Oman. This
information will only be used for purposes of Oxy Oman’s SMEs Development Program.

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