Procedure For Internal Audit
Procedure For Internal Audit
Procedure For Internal Audit
Document Type: DQM System/Subsystem: Zone:
1. Purpose:
To define the responsibility and requirement for planning and conducting audits in a properly
documented manner.
2. Scope:
This applies to all the activities required for effective planning and execution for Internal
Quality Audit.
3. Responsibility:
The Management Representative is responsible for its implementation.
4. Definition:
Audit: Is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining objective evidence
and evaluating it to determine the extent to which specified criteria are fulfilled.
Internal Quality Audit: An audit carried out by an organization on the organization’s activities.
5. References:
5.1 ISO 9001:2008 QMS Standard Requirements.
5.2 DAMAGIX Quality System Manual DQM 100 Revision 1.
5.3 ISO 19011- (Guidelines for Management Systems Audit).
6. Actions:
6.1 Planning Internal Quality Audit:
6.1.01 Draw up an annual Internal Quality Audit programme for the year within the first month
of the year.
6.1.02 Obtain approval for the programme from Top Management.
6.1.03 For each audit, draw up specific schedule/plan and obtain approval for its
implementation before commencement.
6.1.04 Define scope and criteria for the audit.
6.1.05 Appoint a team of Internal Auditors for the audit.
6.1.06 Communicate the audit schedule/plan to unit heads and appropriate Internal Auditors.
6.2.06 The audit exercise shall halt if the audit guide is away for more than five (5) minutes
except a replacement audit guide is provided.
6.2.07 Auditors are to make notes while the exercise is in progress.
6.2.08 Audit team leader who shall be responsible for the audit management shall
communicate the audit findings to auditees at the end of the exercise in the closing meeting.
7. Records:
7.1 Audit Schedule/Plan.
7.2 Internal Quality Audit Reports.
7.3 Recommended corrective action/report.
7.4 Audit checklists.
7.5 Completed and signed Non-Conformance Form.