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cementitious adhesive
with extended open time
for ceramic and vitrified
tiles and stone material

CLASSIFICATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH resin and special additives according to a formula

ISO 13007-1 developed in the MAPEI research laboratories.
Kerabond Plus is a C2E class cementitious (C), When mixed with water, it forms mortar with the
improved (2), extended open time (E) adhesive. following characteristics:

WHERE TO USE • good workability;

Bonding all types of ceramic tile (porcelain, ingle-fired,
terracotta, double-fired, klinker, etc.) vitrified tiles and • perfect adhesion to all materials normally used in
mosaic on internal and external floors, walls and the building industry;
ceilings. Also suitable for spot bonding insulating
materials such as foam polystyrene, foam • hardens with very little shrinkage.
polyurethane, Rockwool, glass wool, soundproofing
panels, etc. N.B.: When Kerabond Plus is mixed with Isolastic
instead of water, its characteristics are improved to
Some application examples meet the requirements of class C2ES2 adhesive
• Bonding ceramic tiles, vitrified tiles, stone (if stable in (highly deformable, improved cementitious adhesive
damp environments) and mosaics on the following with extended open time) according to ISO 13007-1.
types of substrate:
––walls with natural finish render or cementitious RECOMMENDATIONS
mortar; Do not use Kerabond Plus:
–– internal cellular cement block walls; • on prefabricated and cast concrete;
–– gypsum and anhydrite primed with Primer G or Eco • on walls and floors subject to large movements
Prim T; or vibration (wood, fibre-cement, etc.);
–– plasterboard; • on metal surfaces.
–– heated floors;
––well cured, dry cementitious screeds and screeds APPLICATION PROCEDURE
made from special binders (such as Topcem). Substrate preparation
Substrates on which Kerabond Plus is to be applied
must be flat, strong, have no crumbling areas and have
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS no traces of grease, oil, varnish, wax, etc.
Kerabond Plus is a grey or white-coloured powder Cementitious substrates must not shrink after laying
made from cement, selected graded sand, synthetic tiles. Therefore, in good weather, render must be cured
for at least one week per cm of thickness, must be protected from water and rain for at

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while cementitious screeds must be cured least 24 hours, and from freezing weather

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for at least 28 days, unless they are made and direct sunlight for at least 5 to 7 days.

from MAPEI special screed binders such as
Topcem or Topcem Pronto. If the surface Grouting and sealing
is too hot due to direct sunlight, cool it down Tile joints may be grouted after 4 to 8 hours
with water. Gypsum substrates and on walls and after 24 hours on floors. Use a
anhydrite screeds must be perfectly dry MAPEI cementitious or epoxy grout, available
(maximum residual moisture content 0.5%), in a wide variety of colours.
hard enough for the final intended use, free Seal expansion joints using a suitable MAPEI
of dust and treated with Primer G or Eco sealant.
Prim T.
Spot-bonding insulating materials
Preparation of the mix When bonding insulating or soundproofing
Blend Kerabond Plus with clean water to panels, apply spots of Kerabond Plus with a
obtain a smooth, lump-free mix. Let the mix trowel or spreader.
stand for around 5 minutes and blend again.
The amount of water required varies from SET TO FOOT TRAFFIC
25-28 parts per 100 parts in weight, equal to Floors may be stepped on after approx. 24
6.25-7.0 litres of water every 25 kg of hours.
Kerabond Plus grey and from 28-30 parts
per 100 parts in weight, equal to 7-7.5 litres WAITING TIME BEFORE PUTTING INTO
of water every 25 kg of Kerabond Plus SERVICE
white. Surfaces may be put into service after
When blended as described above, the mix approx. 14 days.
lasts for approximately 8 hours.
Spreading the mix Clean tools and containers with water while
Apply Kerabond Plus on the substrate using Kerabond Plus is still fresh. Clean the
a notched trowel. Use a trowel that allows at surface of tiles with a damp cloth before the
least 65-70% of the back of the tiles to be adhesive hardens.
wetted for wall tiles or for internal floors with
only light traffic and 100% for areas with CONSUMPTION
heavy traffic or for external floors. To Bonding ceramics
guarantee a good bond, apply a thin layer of ––Mosaic and small tiles
Kerabond Plus on the substrate using the in general (No. 4 spreader): 2 kg/m²
smooth side of the trowel and then
immediately apply a second layer of ––Normal size tiles
Kerabond Plus to form the thickness (No. 5 spreader): 2.5-3 kg/m²
required using a notched trowel suitable for
the type and size of tiles to be bonded (see –– Large tiles, external floors
“Consumption” section). For external floors (No. 6 spreader): 5 kg/m²
and ceramic tiles, or when bonding tiles in
swimming pools or water tanks, make sure Spot-bonding insulating material
the adhesive completely covers the back of –– Foam sheets, etc.: approx.
the tiles. 0.5-0.8 kg/m²

Bonding tiles –– Plasterboard and expanded

Tiles do not need to be wet before they are cement panels: approx.
laid. However, if the backs of the tiles are 1.5 kg/m²
particularly dusty, wash them by dipping in
clean water. When bonding tiles apply firm PACKAGING
pressure to guarantee good buttering. The Kerabond Plus is available in white or grey in
open time for Kerabond Plus is 25 kg bags.
approximately 30 minutes in normal weather
conditions. When laying conditions are not STORAGE
ideal (direct sunlight, dry wind, high Kerabond Plus may be stored for 12 months
temperatures, etc.), or if the substrate is in its original packaging in a dry place.
particularly absorbent, this time may drop to
just a few minutes. Therefore, check often to SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR
make sure skin does not form on the surface PREPARATION AND APPLICATION
of the adhesive and that it is still fresh. If Kerabond Plus contains cement that when in
skin forms, spread the adhesive again with contact with sweat or other body fluids
the notched trowel. Do not wet the surface causes irritant alkaline reactions and allergic
of the adhesive if a skin forms. Water does reactions to those predisposed.
not dissolve the skin and impedes correct When using the product wear protective
adhesion. Final adjustment of the tiles must gloves and goggles and take the usual
be carried out within 60 minutes of bonding. precautions for handling chemicals. If the
Tiles and stone bonded with Kerabond Plus product comes in contact with the eyes or
TECHNICAL DATA (typical values)
Complies with the following standards: – Euronorm EN 12004 (C2E)
– Euronorm EN 12004 (C2ES1)
(if mixed with Isolastic diluted 1:1 with water)
– Euronorm EN 12004 (C2ES2) (if mixed with
neat Isolastic)
– ISO 13007-1 (C2E)
– ISO 13007-1 (C2ES1)
(if mixed with Isolastic diluted 1:1 with water)
– ISO 13007-1 (C2ES2) (if mixed with neat Isolastic)


Consistency: powder

Colour: white or grey

Bulk density (kg/m³): 1,300

Dry solids content (%): 100

EMICODE: EC1 R Plus - very low emission

APPLICATION DATA (at +23°C and 50% R.H.)

100 parts in weight of Kerabond Plus grey with 25-28

Mixing ratio: parts in weight of water
100 parts in weight of Kerabond Plus white with 28-30
parts in weight of water

Consistency of mix: thick paste

Density of mix (kg/m³): 1,450

pH of mix: 13

Pot life of mix: more than 8 hours

Application temperature: +5°C to +40°C

Open time (according to EN 1346): 30 minutes

Adjustment time: approx. 60 minutes

Grouting joints in wall tiles: after 4-8 hours

Grouting joints in floor tiles: after 24 hours

Set to foot traffic: 24 hours

Ready for service: 14 days


ISO13007 code Kerabond plus Kerabond plus

Adhesion according to EN 1348 (N/mm²)
limit (N/mm²) White Grey

– initial adhesion (after 28 days): Minimum 1 1.33 1.58

– adhesion after application of heat source: Minimum 1 1.19 1.03
– adhesion after immersion in water: Minimum 1 1.18 1.04
– adhesion after freeze-thaw cycles: Minimum 1 1.26 1.17

Resistance to alkalis: excellent

Resistance to oils: excellent (poor for vegetable oils)

Resistance to solvents: excellent

Service temperature: from -30°C to +90°C

N.B. The figures for Kerabond Plus mixed with Isolastic are shown on the Isolastic Technical Data Sheet.
onds skin, wash immediately with plenty of water product installation.

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and seek medical attention. The most up-to-date TDS can be

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For further and complete information about downloaded from our website

the safe use of our product please refer to www.mapei.com.
the latest version of our Material Safety Data ANY ALTERATION TO THE WORDING


Although the technical details and
recommendations contained in this product
data sheet correspond to the best of our
knowledge and experience, all the above
information must, in every case, be taken as
merely indicative and subject to confirmation
after long-term practical application; for this
reason, anyone who intends to use the
product must ensure beforehand that it is
suitable for the envisaged application. In This symbol is used to identify Mapei products
which give off a low level of volatile organic
every case, the user alone is fully compounds (VOC) as certified by GEV (Gemein-
schaft Emissionskontrollierte Verlegewerkstoffe,
responsible for any consequences deriving Klebstoffe und Bauprodukte e.V.), an international
organisation for controlling the level of emissions
from the use of the product. from products used for floors.

Please refer to the current version of the Our Commitment To The Environment
Technical Data Sheet, available from our MAPEI products assist Project Designers
and Contractors create innovative LEED
website www.mapei.com (The Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design) certified projects, in
compliance with the U.S. Green
Building Council.

Any reproduction of texts, photos and illustrations published

The contents of this Technical Data
Sheet (“TDS”) may be copied into All relevant references

here is prohibited and subject to prosecution

another project-related document, but for the product are available
the resulting document shall not upon request and from
supplement or replace requirements per www.mapei.com
the TDS in force at the time of the MAPEI

87-2-2018 (GB X -IN)


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