In Honorem R. C. Vaughan Annos LXX Nati
In Honorem R. C. Vaughan Annos LXX Nati
In Honorem R. C. Vaughan Annos LXX Nati
Abstract. Estimates are provided for sth moments of cubic smooth Weyl
sums, when 4 6 s 6 8, by enhancing the author’s iterative method that de-
livers estimates beyond classical convexity. As a consequence, an improved
lower bound is presented for the number of integers not exceeding X that
are represented as the sum of three cubes of natural numbers.
1. Introduction
A heuristic application of the Hardy-Littlewood (circle) method suggests
that the set of integers represented as the sum of three cubes of natural num-
bers should have positive density. Although intense effort over the past 75
years has delivered a reasonable approximation to this expectation, an un-
conditional proof remains elusive. However, each phase of progress has been
accompanied by technological advances of value elsewhere in applications of
the circle method, and so even modest advances remain of interest. The most
recent progress [26] hinges on an extension of Vaughan’s method [21] utilising
smooth numbers, in which fractional moments of exponential sums are esti-
mated non-trivially. In this paper, we make further progress on sums of three
cubes by exploiting a new mean value estimate to improve earlier estimates for
fractional moments of cubic smooth Weyl sums. Although these improvements
are modest in scale, such estimates have found many applications (see, for ex-
ample, [1], [5], [6]), and it seems reasonable to expect that our new bounds
will also be of considerable utility.
We begin with a new lower bound for for the number, N(X), of integers not
exceeding X which are the sum of three cubes of natural numbers.
Theorem 1.1. One has N(X) ≫ X β , where β = 0.91709477.
Lower bounds for N(X) are at least implicit in work of Hardy and Littlewood
[10] from 1925. By developing methods based on diminishing ranges and their
p-adic variants, Davenport [8] established the lower bound N(X) ≫ X 13/15−ε ,
subsequently obtaining N(X) ≫ X 47/54−ε (see [9]). Thirty-five years later,
Vaughan [19], [20] enhanced these methods, first proving that N(X) ≫ X 8/9−ε ,
and later that N(X) ≫ X 19/21−ε . His seminal introduction [21] of methods
utilising smooth numbers led to the lower bound N(X) ≫ X 11/12−ε (see also
Ringrose [18] for an intermediate result). The author’s derivation of effective
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11P05, 11L15, 11P55.
Key words and phrases. Sums of three cubes, Waring’s problem, Weyl sums.
estimates for fractional moments of smooth Weyl sums [24] first delivered a
lower bound of the shape N(X) ≫ X 1−ξ/3−ε , where ξ = 0.24956813 . . . denotes
the positive root of the polynomial ξ 3 +16ξ 2 +28ξ
√ −8. Subsequently, the author
obtained a similar estimate in which ξ = ( 2833 − 43)/41 = 0.24941301 . . .
(see [26]). With this value of ξ, one has 1 − ξ/3 = 0.91686232 . . ., which should
be compared with the exponent 0.91709477 of Theorem 1.1. Subject to the
truth of an unproved Riemann Hypothesis concerning a certain Hasse-Weil
L-function, meanwhile, one has the conditional estimate N(X) ≫ X 1−ε due
to Hooley [13, 14] and Heath-Brown [11].
Theorem 1.1 follows from an estimate for the sixth moment of a certain
smooth Weyl sum. Define the set of R-smooth numbers of size at most P by
A(P, R) = {n ∈ [1, P ] ∩ Z : p|n and p prime ⇒ p 6 R}.
Then, with e(z) = e2πiz , we introduce the smooth and classical Weyl sums
f (α; P, R) = e(αx3 ) and F (α; P ) = e(αx3 ). (1.1)
x∈A(P,R) 16x6P
in place of
Z t Z 1
|f (α; P, R)| dα ≪ sup |f (α; P, R)| |f (α; P, R)|s dα.
m α∈m 0
The ease with which classical Weyl sums can be estimated on sets of minor arcs
ensures that this device is of utility when s lies between 6 and 8. In particular,
in §7 we explain how to improve [4, Theorem 2], which establishes that when
R is a small enough power of P , then Us (P, R) ≪ P s−3 for s > 7.691.
Theorem 1.4. Suppose that η > 0 and P is sufficiently large in terms of η,
and further that R 6 P η . Then provided that s > 7.5906, one has
Z 1
|f (α; P, R)|s dα ≪ P s−3 .
s δs ∆s s δs ∆s
4.0 0.00000000 1.00000000 6.0 0.24871567 0.24871567
4.1 0.00130000 0.95130000 6.1 0.27667792 0.22667792
4.2 0.00495852 0.90495852 6.2 0.30598066 0.20598066
4.3 0.01069296 0.86069296 6.3 0.33718632 0.18718632
4.4 0.01811263 0.81811263 6.4 0.36984515 0.16984515
4.5 0.02685074 0.77685074 6.5 0.40263501 0.15263501
4.6 0.03754195 0.73754195 6.6 0.43542486 0.13542486
4.7 0.04903470 0.69903470 6.7 0.46851012 0.11851012
4.8 0.06130069 0.66130069 6.8 0.50330866 0.10330866
4.9 0.07426685 0.62426685 6.9 0.53863866 0.08863866
5.0 0.08780854 0.58780854 7.0 0.57423853 0.07423853
5.1 0.10328796 0.55328796 7.1 0.61131437 0.06131437
5.2 0.11894874 0.51894874 7.2 0.64881437 0.04881437
5.3 0.13477800 0.48477800 7.3 0.68631437 0.03631437
5.4 0.15076406 0.45076406 7.4 0.72381437 0.02381437
5.5 0.16689626 0.41689626 7.5 0.76131437 0.01131437
5.6 0.18316493 0.38316493 7.6 0.80000000 0.00000000
5.7 0.19954296 0.34954296 7.7 0.85000000 0.00000000
5.8 0.21593386 0.31593386 7.8 0.90000000 0.00000000
5.9 0.23232477 0.28232477 7.9 0.95000000 0.00000000
Table 1. Associated and permissible exponents for 4 6 s 6 8.
Our estimates for the mean values Us (P, R) depend on those for Ut (P, R) for
appropriate choices of t. In §7, we describe how computations associated with
this complicated iteration were performed, and discuss the extent to which
the computed exponents reflect the sharpest available from this circle of ideas.
These conclusions are summarised in the following theorem.
Theorem 1.5. Let (s, δs , ∆s ) be a triple listed in Table 1. Suppose that η > 0
and P is sufficiently large in terms of η, and further that R 6 P η . Then
Z 1 Z 1
s s/2+δs
|f (α; P, R)| dα ≪ P and |f (α; P, R)|s dα ≪ P s−3+∆s .
0 0
Exponents may be derived for values of s between those in the table by linear
interpolation using Hölder’s inequality. Values of δs and ∆s computed in §7
have been rounded up, as appropriate, in the final decimal place recorded.
In this paper, we adopt the convention that whenever ε, P or R appear in
a statement, either implicitly or explicitly, then for each ε > 0, there exists a
positive number η = η(ε) such that the statement holds whenever R 6 P η and
P is sufficiently large in terms of ε and η. Implicit constants in Vinogradov’s
notation ≪ and ≫ will depend at most on ε and η. Since our iterative methods
involve only a finite number of statements (depending at most on ε), there is no
danger of losing control of implicit constants. Finally, write kθk = min|θ − y|.
and then write Υ(P, R; φ) = Υ(P, R; φ; [0, 1)). We observe that an applica-
tion of Cauchy’s inequality to (2.2) yields the bound |F1 (α)|2 6 D(α)E(α).
Consequently, when t > 2, we obtain the estimate
Υ(P, R; φ; B) 6 (D(α)E(α))2/t |F1 (α)|2−4/t |f (α; 2Q, R)|2 dα. (2.5)
Recall the definition (1.3) of the mean value Us (P, R). We say that an expo-
nent µs is permissible whenever it has the property that, with the notational
conventions introduced above, one has Us (P, R) ≪ P µs +ε . It follows that, for
each positive number s, a permissible exponent µs exists with s/2 6 µs 6 s.
We refer to the exponent δs as associated when µs = s/2 + δs is permissible,
and ∆s as admissible when µs = s − 3 + ∆s is permissible.
We require a Hardy-Littlewood dissection. Let m denote the set of points
α ∈ [0, 1) with the property that, whenever there exist a ∈ Z and q ∈ N with
(a, q) = 1 and |qα−a| 6 P Q−3 , then one has q > P . Further, let M = [0, 1)\m.
Lemma 2.1. Suppose that t > 4 and 0 6 φ 6 31 . Then whenever δt is an
associated exponent, one has
Υ(P, R; φ; m) ≪ P 1+ε MH 1+2/t Q1+2δt /t .
Proof. We ultimately work outside the range 0 6 φ 6 7
in which the estimate
sup |F1 (α)| ≪ P ε (P M)1/2 H
follows from [21, Lemmata 3.1 and 3.4], and so we engineer a hybrid method
combining elements of the Hardy-Littlewood method with a Diophantine in-
terpretation of auxiliary equations. We begin by applying Hölder’s inequality
The estimates
I2 ≪ P 1+ε MH and Ut (2Q, R) ≪ Qt/2+δt +ε (2.8)
follow, respectively, from [21, Lemma 2.3] with j = 1 and the definition of an
associated exponent. Also, given α ∈ [0, 1), we find from [21, Lemma 3.1] that
whenever a ∈ Z and q ∈ N satisfy (a, q) = 1 and |α − a/q| 6 q −2 , then
ε P 2H 3
D(α) ≪ P + P H + q + Q |qα − a| . (2.9)
q + Q3 |qα − a|
By Dirichlet’s theorem on Diophantine approximation, there exist a ∈ Z and
q ∈ N with 0 6 a 6 q 6 P −1 Q3 , (a, q) = 1 and |qα − a| 6 P Q−3 . When
α ∈ m, it follows that q > P , and hence we deduce via (2.1) that
sup D(α) ≪ P ε (P H + P −1Q3 ) ≪ P 1+ε H. (2.10)
Then by applying [2, Lemma 2] within (2.16), we deduce via (2.1) that
T ≪ Qε−3 P (P 1+ε H) + H(MR)2 Q2 ≪ P 2ε .
On substituting this estimate into (2.17), we conclude that
Υ(P, R; φ; M) ≪ P 1+ε MH 1+2/t Q1+2δt /t + P 2+ε H.
The proof of the lemma is completed by noting that the relations (2.1) ensure
that the second term on the right hand side here is majorised by the first.
We finish this section by combining the conclusions of Lemmata 2.1 and 2.2.
Lemma 2.3. Suppose that t > 4 and 0 6 φ 6 31 . Then whenever δt is an
associated exponent, one has
Z 1
|F1 (α)2 f (2α; Q, R)2| dα ≪ P 1+ε MH 1+2/t Q1+2δt /t .
Proof. On recalling (2.4), the desired conclusion follows from Lemmata 2.1 and
2.2 by means of the relation
Υ(P, R; φ) = Υ(P, R; φ; M) + Υ(P, R; φ; m).
f (α; P, M, R) = max e(αx ).
Note here that Fd,e (α) = 0 whenever e > Hd2 . Finally, we put
Z 1
Υd,e,π (P, R; φ) = |Fed,e (α; π)2 fe(α; P/(de), M/d, π)2| dα. (3.4)
Proof. We first eliminate the maximal aspect of the sum fe(α; P/(de), M/d, π)
implicit in Υd,e,π (P, R; φ). Define
DK (θ) = e(mθ) and DK (θ) = min{2K 3 + 1, kθk−1},
|m|6K 3
∗ ∗
Since DP/m (θ) ≪ DP/m (θ) 6 DQ (θ) for m > M, we thus infer from (3.3) that
Z 1
fe(α; P/(de), M/d, π) ≪ ∗
|f (α + θ; Q/e, π)|DQ (θ) dθ. (3.6)
Then by applying the inequality |z1 z2 | 6 |z1 |2 + |z2 |2 and invoking symmetry,
we infer via (3.5) that
Z 1 Z 1
∗ ∗
Υd,e,π (P, R; φ) ≪ Ξd,e,π (θ1 )DQ (θ1 ) dθ1 DQ (θ2 ) dθ2
0 0
Z 1
ε ∗
≪Q Ξd,e,π (θ1 )DQ (θ1 ) dθ1 . (3.8)
The conclusion of the lemma now follows on applying the bound (3.5).
Lemma 3.2. Suppose that
1 6 d 6 M, 1 6 e 6 min{Q, Hd2 } and 0 6 φ 6 31 .
Then, whenever t > 4 and δt is an associated exponent, one has
Υd,e,π (P, R; φ) ≪ d4/t e−3−2/t P 1+ε MH 1+2/t Q1+2δt /t .
Proof. A comparison of (2.2) and (3.2) reveals that, as a consequence of Lemma
2.3 in combination with (2.1), whenever t > 4 and M 3 6 P , one has
Z 1
|F1,1 (α)2 f (2α; Q, R)2| dα ≪ P 1+ε MH 1+2/t Q1+2δt /t . (3.10)
Proof. These estimates are given by [24, equations (3.25) and (3.26)].
Lemma 3.4. Suppose that s > 1 and that δs is an associated exponent. Then
whenever P > M and R > 2, one has Ues (P, M, R) ≪s (P/M)s/2+δs +ε .
The relevant results from [24] are summarised in the following lemma.
Lemma 4.1. Suppose that s > 4 and 0 < φ 6 31 . Then whenever µs−2 and µs
are permissible exponents, and 1 6 D 6 P 1/3 , one has
µs +ε s/2−µs 1+µs−2 +ε µ +ε
Us (P, R) ≪ P D + MP +P s−2 s V
s (P, R),
Vs (P, R) = P M s−2 Qµs−2 + M s−3 Us (P, R) .
Proof. The desired result follows at once on substituting the conclusion of [24,
Lemma 3.3] into that of [24, Lemma 2.3].
Proof. We begin by estimating the mean value Ωd,e,π (P, R; φ). Suppose that
d 6 M, e 6 min{Q, Hd2 }, π 6 R and 0 6 φ 6 13 .
Then on recalling (3.4), (3.11) and (3.12), an application of Hölder’s inequality
to (4.1) yields the bound
et (P/(de), M/d, π)γ2
Ωd,e,π (P, R; φ) 6 Υd,e,π (P, R; φ)γ1 U
(1) (2)
× Λd,e,π (P, R; φ)γ3 Λd,e,π (P, R; φ)γ , (4.5)
γ1 = 41 (2s − 4 − t − 2tγ), γ2 = (s − 2 − 2γ1 )/t and γ3 = 1
− γ1 − 2γ.
A few words are in order to confirm that the above is indeed a valid ap-
plication of Hölder’s inequality. Observe first that the hypotheses s > 4 and
0 6 γ 6 14 , together with those concerning the value t, ensure that
2s − 6 + 8γ 6 t(1 + 2γ) 6 2s − 4,
so that
0 6 γ1 6 41 ((2s − 4) − (2s − 6 + 8γ)) = 21 (1 − 4γ) 6 1.
Hence we deduce that
0= 2
− 21 (1 − 4γ) − 2γ 6 γ3 6 1
− 2γ < 1.
Also, since s > 4 and γ1 6 21 (1 − 4γ), one finds that
γ2 > (s − 3 + 4γ)/t > 0.
Moreover, since t > (2s − 6 + 8γ)/(1 + 2γ), we have
(1 + 2γ)(s − 2 − 2γ1 − t) 6 4 − s − 2γ1 − γ(12 + 4γ1 − 2s).
When 4 6 s 6 6, we therefore deduce that
t(1 + 2γ)(γ2 − 1) 6 4 − s − 2γ1 6 0,
and when s > 6 we see instead that
t(1 + 2γ)(γ2 − 1) 6 4 − s − 2γ1 + 14 (2s − 12) 6 1 − 21 s 6 0.
Thus, in all circumstances, one has 0 6 γ2 6 1. Finally, the relations
γ + γ1 + γ2 + γ3 = 1, 4γ + 2γ1 + 2γ3 = 1 and 2γ1 + tγ2 = s − 2 (4.6)
follow by direct computation.
By applying Lemmata 3.2–3.4, we deduce from (4.5) that
Ωd,e,π (P, R; φ) ≪ P ε d4/t e−3−2/t P MH 1+2/t Q1+2δt /t
× (P MHe−2 )γ3 (P 2 M 4 H 3 e−5 )γ (Q/e)t/2+δt .
Thus, by making use of the relations (4.6) and
t > 2, γ1 6 21 , 3γ1 + 12 tγ2 + 2γ3 + 5γ > 12 s, 2γ1 + tγ = s − 2 − 21 t,
we deduce that
Ωd,e,π (P, R; φ) ≪ de−s/2 P 1/2+ε M 1/2+2γ H (s−2)/t Qs/2−1+(s−2)δt /t . (4.7)
When e > Hd2 , one has Fd,e (α) = 0, and hence Ωd,e,π (P, R; φ) = 0. Thus,
on substituting (4.7) into (4.2), we discern that
Us (P, R) ≪ P 1/2+ε M 1/2+2γ H (s−2)/t Qs/2−1+(s−2)δt /t Σ0 ,
where X X X
Σ0 = d3−s/2 e−1 .
16d6D π6R 16e6min{Q,Hd2 }
We therefore conclude that
Us (P, R) ≪ D 2 P 1/2+2ε M 1/2+2γ H (s−2)/t Qs/2−1+(s−2)δt /t .
In the notation of Lemma 4.1, therefore, we have
Vs (P, R)s−2 ≪ P ε M s−3 (Ψ1 + D 2 Ψ2 ),
Ψ1 = P MQµs−2 and Ψ2 = P 1/2 M 1/2+2γ H (s−2)/t Qs/2−1+(s−2)δt /t .
On recalling (2.1) and the definition of an associated exponent, the equation
Ψ1 = Ψ2 implicitly determines a linear equation for φ, namely
1+φ + 12 (s − 2) + δs−2 (1 − φ)
s − 2 s − 2
1 1 1
= 2 + 2 + 2γ φ + (1 − 3φ) + 2 (s − 2) + δt (1 − φ).
t t
A modicum of computation reveals that this equation has solution φ = θ0 ,
where θ0 is given by (4.4). Put D = P ω , where ω is any sufficiently small,
but fixed, positive number. Then we may follow the discussion of [24, §4] to
confirm via Lemma 4.1 that whenever µs−2 = 12 (s − 2) + δs−2 and µt = 21 t + δt
are permissible exponents, then so too is
µs = µs−2(1 − θ) + 1 + (s − 2)θ.
It follows that the exponent δs = δs−2 (1−θ)+ 21 (s−2)θ is associated, completing
the proof of the lemma.
We highlight three special cases of Lemma 4.2 for future use.
Corollary 4.3. Suppose that 4 < s 6 5. Then whenever δ2s−4 6 2 is an
associated exponent, so too is δs = 21 (s − 2)θ, where
θ= .
4 + δ2s−4
Proof. We take γ = 0 and t = 2s − 4, so that γ and t satisfy (4.3). It follows
from Hua’s lemma [22, Lemma 2.5] that
Z 1
|f (α; Q, R)|4 dα ≪ Q2+ε ,
and hence one may take δu = 0 for 0 < u 6 4. With these choices of s, γ and
t, one finds that δs−2 = 0, and hence (4.4) gives
2(s − 2)δt δ2s−4
θ0 = = .
8s − 16 + 2(s − 2)δt 4 + δ2s−4
Proof. On considering the Diophantine equation underlying (1.3), one sees that
Z 1
U6 (P, R) ≪ |F (α; P )2f (α; P, R)4| dα.
Lemma 6.1. Suppose that s > 6 and the exponent ∆s is admissible. Suppose
also that 16 (8−s) 6 ∆s 6 14 and u > s+8∆s . Then there exist positive numbers
η and c, depending at most on u, with the following property. Whenever P is
sufficiently large in terms of η, and exp (c(log log P )2 ) 6 R 6 P η , then
Z 1
|f (α; P, R)|u dα ≪ P u−3. (6.2)
In particular, the exponent µw = w − 3 is permissible for w > u.
Proof. We seek to show that whenever v > s + 8∆s , then
Z 1
|f (α; P, R)|v dα ≪ P v−3+ε . (6.3)
When u > v, the bound (6.2) follows from this estimate via [4, Lemma 4.5].
Next, by applying a dyadic dissection, we deduce from (1.1) and (6.1) that
X √
f (α; P, R) = g(α; 2−j P, R) + O( P ),
2j 6 P
so that Z
|g(α)|6 dα ≪ P 3+ε .
Since |g(α)| = O(P ), we find that whenever v > 6, one has
|g(α)|v dα ≪ P v−3+ε . (6.5)
We now turn to the main task at hand. Suppose that s > 6 and that ∆s is
an admissible exponent. We consider the mean value
T0 = |g(α)|s+2 dα. (6.7)
Z 2
T1 = |g(α)|se(α(x3 − y 3)) dα .
P/2<x,y6P q
We analyse the mean value on the right hand side of (6.9) by means of the
Hardy-Littlewood method. Let N = M(P 3/4) and n = m(P 3/4 ). Denote by
κ(q) the multiplicative function defined on prime powers by taking
κ(p3l ) = p−l , κ(p3l+1 ) = 3p−l−1/2 , κ(p3l+2 ) = p−l−1 (l > 0).
Also, define the function Υ(γ) for γ ∈ N by taking
Υ(γ) = κ(q)2 (1 + P 3 |γ − a/q|)−1, (6.10)
when γ ∈ M(q, a; P 3/4 ) ⊆ N, and put Υ(γ) = 0 when γ ∈ n. Then it
follows from [15, Lemma 2.1] that G(γ)2 ≪ P 2 Υ(γ) + P 3/2+ε . Substituting
this estimate into (6.9), we deduce that
Z 1 2
2 7/2+ε
T0 ≪ P s
|g(α)| dα + P 4 T2 , (6.11)
where Z Z
T2 = Υ(α − β)|g(α)g(β)|s dα dβ.
q q
q Z 2
X P −9/4 X
Λ(q) = (1 + P 3 |θ|)−1 e(x3 (β + θ + a/q)) dθ.
a=1 −P −9/4
(a,q)=1 x>P/2
Thus, the well-known estimate |cq (n)| 6 (q, n) yields the bound
X Z P −9/4
3 3
Λ(q) 6 (q, x − y ) (1 + P 3 |θ|)−1 dθ,
16x,y6P −P −9/4
and consequently
Z 1 X X
Υ(α − β)|g(α)|2 dα ≪ P −3 log(2P ) κ(q)2 (q, x3 − y 3).
0 16x,y6P
16q6P 3/4
From here, the treatment following [4, equation (3.2)] delivers the upper bound
Z 1
Υ(α − β)|g(α)|2 dα ≪ P ε−1. (6.13)
But the latter condition on s is assured by the hypotheses of the lemma, and
thus we conclude via (6.5) that
Z 1 Z Z
|g(α)| dα = |g(α)| dα + |g(α)|v dα ≪ P v−3+ε .
0 Q q
This confirms the estimate (6.4), and the conclusion of the lemma follows.
7. Computations
We now address the problem of how to implement the computation of asso-
ciated exponents δs for 4 6 s 6 8. Let h be a small positive number that we
view as a step size, and put J = ⌈16/h⌉. It is convenient in what follows to as-
sume that 1/h ∈ N. We begin with an array of known associated exponents δjh
(0 6 j 6 J). Thus, we have the associated exponents δ4 = 0 and δs = 21 s − 3
(s > 8) which follow from Hua’s lemma (see [22, Lemma 2.5]). Making use
also of the associated exponent δ6 = 14 due to Vaughan [21, Theorem 4.4], one
may apply convexity to deliver the associated exponents
δs = max 0, 81 (s − 4), 38 s − 2, 21 s − 3 .
For the interesting values of j with 4 < jh < 8, one may now calculate new
associated exponents δjh by means of Lemmata 4.2, 5.1-5.3 and 6.1. Here, we
note that associated exponents δs are related to admissible exponents ∆s by
means of the relation δs = 12 s − 3 + ∆s . Should any of these new associated
exponents be superior to the old ones, then they may be substituted into the
array of values δjh . By iterating this process for 4/h < j < 8/h, one derives
new associated exponents converging to some set of limiting values.
We summarise the formulae delivered by the above-cited lemmata as follows.
(i) Method As (t, γ). We apply Lemma 4.2 for γ = lh and t = mh with
0 6 l 6 (4h)−1 and
2jh − 6 + 8lh 2jh − 4
6 mh 6 . (7.1)
1 + 2lh 1 + 2lh
Thus one finds that the exponent δjh is associated, where
δjh = δjh−2 (1 − θ) + 21 (jh − 2)θ, (7.2)
in which θ = max 0, min θ0 , 31 , and
2jh − 4 − mh + 2(jh − 2)δmh − 2mhδjh−2
θ0 = .
6jh − 12 + mh − 4(lh)(mh) + 2(jh − 2)δmh − 2mhδjh−2
(ii) Method B6 (t). We apply Lemma 5.1 for t = mh with 4 < mh 6 8. Thus,
when δmh 6 61 (mh − 4), we find that the exponent δ6′ is associated, where
′ 8 − mh + 8δmh δ6
δ6 = 2 max , .
24 + mh + 8δmh 4 + δ6
(iii) Method Cs . First, if i is the integer for which 34 (j − 2/h) ∈ (i, i + 1], then
convexity provides the associated exponent
δ4(jh−2)/3 = i + 1 − 34 (j − 2/h) δih + 34 (j − 2/h) − i δ(i+1)h .
Next, Lemma 5.2 shows the exponent δjh given by (7.2) to be associated, where
1 + 3δ4(jh−2)/3 − 4δjh−2
θ0 = .
9 + 3δ4(jh−2)/3 − 4δjh−2
(iv) Process Ls (t). We apply Lemma 5.3 for t = mh with 1 6 m 6 1/h. Thus
one finds that the exponent δjh ′
is associated, where δjh = 21 (δ(j+m)h + δ(j−m)h ).
(v) Process Ws . We apply Lemma 6.1. Thus one finds that δjh ′
= 12 jh − 3 is
an associated exponent whenever δjh−mh is associated and satisfies
3 − 12 (j − m)h + δjh−mh < 81 mh.
(ii) 5 < s 6 5.6462. Process As (6, 0), so that δs′ is determined according to
Corollary 4.4. Thus δjh is given by (7.2) with
jh − 5 + (jh − 2)δ6
θ0 = .
3jh − 3 + (jh − 2)δ6
(iii) 5.6462 < s < 6. Process Ls (t), linear interpolation between δ5.6462 and δ6 .
(iv) s = 6. Process B6 (5.392938).
(v) 6 < s 6 6.081. Process Ls (t), linear interpolation between δ6 and δ6.081 .
(vi) 6.081 < s 6 6.3395. Process As (6, 12 (s − 6)), so that δs′ is determined
according to Corollary 4.5. Thus δjh is given by (7.2) with
jh − 5 + (jh − 2)δ6 − 6δjh−2
θ0 = .
33 − 3jh + (jh − 2)δ6 − 6δjh−2
(vii) 6.3395 < s 6 6.5. Process Ls (t), linear interpolation between δ6.3395 and
δ6.5 .
(viii) 6.5 < s 6 7.06. Processes Cs and Ls (t).
(ix) 7.06 < s < 8. Processes Ws and Ls (t).
Some additional discussion seems warranted concerning the robustness of
these computations. The first point to make is that, while the above restricted
iteration may not be guaranteed to deliver optimal estimates, the exponents
that it delivers will at least be legitimate associated exponents. Thus the expo-
nents presented in Table 1 in the introduction may be considered upper bounds
for optimal associated exponents. In this context, it is worth noting that we
experimented with adjustments to the step size h, and found no improvement
in the first 8 digits of the decimal expansions of the computed values of δs ,
even when h varied from 10−4 to 10−6 .
The second point concerns the stability of the iteration. There is a potential
danger in iterations involving large numbers of cycles that round-off errors
may accumulate, leading to substantial cumulative errors and even to unstable
iterative processes. In our computations, we exercised some caution concerning
this issue by artificially inflating the newly computed associated exponents by
adding a small positive quantity τ at the end of each iteration. Thus, with
τ = 10−9 , we replaced the newly computed associated exponent δs by δs + τ .
This has the effect of slightly weakening our exponents, though round-off errors
(which in double-precision arithmetic are very much smaller) are swamped by
this cushion of numerical security. This device has the effect of permitting
some control on the number of decimal digits reliably computed.
We now interpret these computations in the context of the conclusions pre-
sented in the introduction. First, Theorem 1.2 follows from the computed
associated exponent δt = 0.14963020 for t = 5.392938 that follows from the
computations underlying Table 1 via convexity, and the upper bound (5.2) of
Lemma 5.1. Next, the exponent ∆7.1 = 0.06131437 is admissible, according to
Theorem 1.5 and the associated Table 1. Then it follows from Lemma 6.1 that
Z 1
|f (α; P, R)|u dα ≪ P u−3
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