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2 Chapter-1 PDF
2 Chapter-1 PDF
2 Chapter 1. Earth’s magnetic field
given by celestial investigation. This discrepancy is referred as declination. Also the fact,
that the true direction of the magnetic field is not horizontal, the magnetic inclination as
it is called, was known to the navigators in the 16th century.
To introduce the geomagnetic elements that describe the magnetic field vector at a certain
point on the Earth’s surface, we may consider a local Cartesian coordinate system with x
pointing to the geographic north, y to the east and z vertically downward. The magnetic
elements X, Y, Z are the components of the magnetic field vector B in this frame, then the
declination D is obtained by
tan D = Y /X , (1.1)
the total force F is √
F = X2 + Y 2 + Z2 (1.2)
and the inclination I satifies
tan I = Z/ X 2 + Y 2 = Z/H , (1.3)
basis of this study Halley produced a model for the variation in terms of dipole moving
generally westward, deep within the earth, making a circuit every 700 years [Halley, 1683,
1692]. He explained this property by an Earth composed of magnetized concentric shells
separated by a fluid and rotating relative to each other.
The westward drift is a particular feature of the geomagnetic field originating internal
to the Earth’s surface. However, this phenomenon does not manifest globally. Figures
(1.1) illustrate the westward drift of the zero declination line, the Agonic line, at 100–year
intervals from 1590 to 1990. The eastern Agonic line moves in this period steadily west-
ward, whereas the western line approaches the Americas.
Figure 1.1: Global chart of the Declination (D) derived from GUFM [Jackson et al., 2000]
for 5 epochs 1590, 1690, 1790, 1890 and 1990 from top to bottom. The red line is the zero
Declination line (agonic line). Units are degrees.
4 Chapter 1. Earth’s magnetic field
From discussion of fig.(1.1), part of the field seems to drift and part not. Langel [1987]
discusses several methods to quantify the westward drift. The basic assumption therein is
that the entire temporal change of the field is due to the westward drift. Following [Langel,
1987, p. 445, method 2], a crude estimate of the drift can be achieved by minimizing
χ= [C(θ, φi , t2 ) − C(θ, φi + ∆φ, t1 )]2 (1.4)
with respect to ∆φ, the drift between two times t1 and t2 . Here, C is any main field or
secular variation component for a fixed latitude θ and longitudes φi . The drift rate is then
given by
φ̇ = ∆φ/∆t . (1.5)
For the period 1980 – 2000 the westward drift depends on the latitude, as shown in
figure (1.2). The averaged drift rate is 0.11◦ /year (see for further discussion section 4.1.3).
The westward drift is by no means steady in time: rather, it shows a complex transient
drift rate [deg/yr]
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Figure 1.2: Westward drift for different latitudes during the period 1980 – 2000. After
[Langel, 1987, p. 445, method 2].
behaviour, which seems to be related to what is known as geomagnetic jerks. Such jerks are
event-like features which show up as a change of sign of the slope of the secular variation,
a discontinuity in the second time derivative of the field, most clearly seen in the east (Y)
component of the geomagnetic field. For the last 100 years at least seven jerks have been
reported (1912, 1925, 1969, 1978, 1983, 1991 and 1999), some of them of global extent.
The 1969 event (first described by Courtillot et al. [1978]) was widely investigated; on the
basis of observatory records Courtillot et al. [1978] and Malin & Hodder [1982] showed
its global extent, although it was not evident in all field components. This fact and the
coinstantaneous occurrence of jerks and Sun spot maxima hinder the understanding of the
6 Chapter 1. Earth’s magnetic field
causative processes for jerks, as the lively discussion between Alldredge and McLeod in the
1980’s shows [Alldredge, 1984; McLeod, 1985; Backus et al., 1987].
In addition to long term behavior and short term events the geomagnetic field also ex-
hibits periodic variations. Most of the variations have been identified as external, including
the single solar cycle, its harmonics [Currie, 1966, 1976] and a quasi-biennial variation gen-
erated by solar activity [Sugiura & Poros, 1977]. The origin of variations with a near
22–year period is less clear. As Alldredge [1977] pointed out, the origin of these variations
cannot be external because they occur at only a subset of observatories and do not have a
common phase. Even longer periods have been found in geomagnetic observatory measure-
ments. The most interesting, a 60–year period [Slaucitajis & Winch, 1965; Currie, 1973],
which could be associated to torsional oscillation in the core [Braginskii, 1970].
An apparent periodicity of nearly 60 years occurs also in the decadal change of the
length of days (Λ). Vestine [1953] and Vestine & Kahle [1968] showed an evidence for a
correlation between Λ and the westward drift, and also it seems that a slow down of the
mantle or spin up of the core precede a jerk [Kahle et al., 1969; Davis & Whaler, 1997].
The origin of the Earth’s magnetic field is most likely due to dynamo action in the
Earth’s interior, where the field is generated by motions of a conducting fluid [Larmor,
1919]. These motions are driven by the heat loss of the inner core to maintain a convective
dissipation of heat to the mantle.
The origin of secular variation could be either due to MAC–wave dynamo [see Finlay
& Jackson, 2003; Finlay, 2004b, for recent discussion] or due to fluid flows at the core–
mantle boundary. MAC–waves are magnetohydrodynamic waves which are dependent on
magnetic, Archimedean (buoyancy) and Coriolis force, therefore MAC-waves. They occur
on diffusive time scales (≥ 300 years) and might account to the long term secular variation
and westward drift. As this thesis will point out, core–surface flows have the ability to
account for the most of the short term secular variation. An interaction of MAC-waves
and core–surface flows is very conceivable.
this study is undertaken for three geomagnetic observatories Eskadalemuir, Hermanus and
Chapter 3 gives the description of data, data processing and satellite models used for
simultaneous time–dependent modelling of main field and secular variation. Also the mod-
elling approach is developed in this chapter. In chapter 4 the time–dependent model is
inverted to assess the fluid motion at the core–mantle boundary. Herein different assump-
tions of the nature of the flow and their prediction of secular variation and the angular
momentum budget are analysed. The fifth chapter summarizes the findings and provides
some prospects.