Isolation of Collagen
Isolation of Collagen
Isolation of Collagen
Received 10 May 2002; received in revised form 2 August 2002; accepted 2 August 2002
The aim of the investigations was to establish the optimum conditions for the isolation of odourless and colourless collagen from
the skins of cod (Gadus morhua) by solvent extraction. It was established that, with the use of a one-stage, 24-h extraction of whole
skins with acetic or citric acid at ratios of material to solvent of 1:6 and 1:4, respectively, about 20% of collagen was extracted.
Using three consecutive 24-h extractions of whole skins with citric acid, 85% of collagen protein could be separated. The thermal
solubility of collagen depends on the medium applied. About 85 and 15% of collagen contained in the skins were dissolved in 0.45
M NaCl solution and water, respectively, after 24 h incubation at 30 C. The addition of 0.5% non-ionic detergent to all extracting
solutions used in the purification procedure and the solubilisation of collagen in 0.5 M citric acid entirely prevented development of
rancid off-odour for up to 50 days of storage of the product at 4 C. Similar effects could be achieved at 4 and 20 C, respectively, in
the presence of 0.14% of aseptine M-14 in the collagen solution in citric acid.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Baltic cod; Collagen skin; Isolation; Thermal solubility
1. Introduction of fish skins (Bailey & Light, 1989; Sikorski, Scott, &
Buisson, 1984; Yamaguchi, Lavety, & Love, 1976; Yata,
Splits of the skins of cattle and pig, as well as bones, Yoshida, Mizuta, & Yoshinaka, 2001). Therefore the
are the main sources of collagen and gelatin used in the methods used for isolation of collagen from cattle skins
food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and leather industries are not effective enough for the isolation of collagen
(Bailey & Light, 1989; Cavallaro, Kemp, & Kraus, 1994; from fish skins.
Hood, 1987; Slade & Levine, 1987; Stainsby, 1987). The In the literature, there are only a few papers dealing
outbreak of mad cow disease has resulted in anxiety with the practical utilisation of connective tissue offal of
among users of cattle gelatin, due to the not-fully-con- sea vertebrates and invertebrates (Gómez-Guillén &
firmed hypothesis, that the infective agent can be trans- Montero, 2001; Gudmundsson & Hafsteinsson, 1997;
ferred from animals into human beings. Additionally, Koodziejska, Sikorski, & Niecikowska, 1999; Montero,
the collagen obtained from pig’s bones cannot be used Alvarez, Marti, & Borderias, 1995; Nagai & Suzuki,
as a component of some foods for religious reasons. 2000; Norland, 1990; Skrodzki, Kowalska-Gwardys,
Therefore there is a strong need to develop alternative Michniewicz, & Kujawa, 1989). Other papers, concern-
collagen sources. Fish offal, such as bones, skins, ing collagen of sea animals, focus mainly on cognitive
scales, fins, as well as the skins and collagenous mem- aspects, such as collagen content in tissues, its genetic
branes of squid separated during mechanical proces- types, amino-acid composition, extent of intra- and
sing, can serve as an alternative source of connective intermolecular crosslinking, susceptibility to endo- and
tissue, but they have not been rationally utilised up till exogenous enzymes, and thermal stability of collagen
now. The physical and chemical properties of collagen structure (Bracho & Haard, 1990; Love, Yamaguchi,
from cattle skins are substantially different from those Creach, & Lavety, 1976; Sato, Yoshinaka, & Sato, 1989;
Sikorski et al., 1984; Yamaguchi et al., 1976; Yata et al.,
* Corresponding author. Fax: +48-58-3472694. 2001). These factors influence the texture of the raw and
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Sadowska). processed materials.
0308-8146/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0308-8146(02)00420-X
258 M. Sadowska et al. / Food Chemistry 81 (2003) 257–262
For physico-chemical studies and for many practical in 10% NaCl solution at room temperature for 24 h and
uses, pure, colourless and odourless preparations of the material was bleached with 1% H2O2 solution in
collagen, which are free of other components of con- 0.01 M NaOH.
nective tissue, are required. The objective of the investi-
gations was to establish the optimal conditions for the 2.4. Isolation of collagen using acetic acid
isolation of odourless and colourless collagen from the
skins of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua). The method of direct collagen extraction from fish
skins, with different concentrations of acetic acid at dif-
ferent ratios of material to solvent, was used. According
2. Materials and methods to Fig. 1 minced skins were slowly stirred with acetic
acid solution at 0 C; then, after 2 h, they were homo-
2.1. Raw material genized and stirred for 24 h. After the next homo-
genisation the material was centrifuged. In the case of
The skins of fresh Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) were the whole skins, the first homogenisation was omitted.
mechanically separated. The residue of adhering tissues Hydroxyproline was determined in the supernatants.
was removed manually. After thorough mixing of the
skins, samples (approximately 500 g) were prepared, and 2.5. Isolation of collagen using citric acid
stored at 20 C in polyethylene bags. For chemical
analysis and for the determination of protein solubility, The method of Skrodzki et al. (1989), with modifi-
the frozen samples were minced in a meat grinder, using cation, was used for extraction of collagen from the
mesh diameter f=3 mm. The dry weight, total protein skins with citric acid. The raw material, after washing
and hydroxyproline in raw material were determined. with water and disinfection with 0.3% H2O2, was
extracted with 0.5 M citric acid solution. Three extrac-
2.2. Determination of soluble non-collagenous compounds tions of the raw material, instead of one as proposed by
Skrodzki et al. (1989), were used and all the operations
Soluble non-collagenous substances were removed were performed at 4 C instead of at room temperature
from the skins as follows: minced or whole material was (Fig. 2). The sediment and the extract were weighed
mixed with water (1:6) for 3 min at 0 C. After separa- after the extractions, in order to calculate the nitrogen
tion of water, whole skins were gently stirred with 0.45 balance. Total nitrogen content, hydroxyproline and
M NaCl or 0.01 M NaOH solutions (1:6) for 3 min and dry weight were determined in all extracts and in the
solutions were separated by filtration. The minced skins residue after extraction.
were homogenized in the same solutions for 4 min at Collagen, dissolved in citric acid, was purified by dialysis
6000 rpm. The process of extraction with 0.45 M NaCl in distilled water at 4 C. The precipitated collagen fibres
or 0.01 M NaOH solutions was repeated twice. After were dehydrated with acetone. Total nitrogen and hydro-
each extraction, the samples were washed with water xyproline were determined to establish the conversion
(1:6) at 4 C. All mixtures were centrifuged for 30 min at
2000g at 0 C and subsequently, in combined super-
natants from each treatment, the hydroxyproline and
total nitrogen were determined.
2.7. Dry weight and total nitrogen 1997 30.11.0 4.200.1 1.490.01
1999 30.31.3 4.340.2 1.390.05
The dry weight and total nitrogen were determined a
Mean valuestandard deviation from three separate samples.
according to AOAC methods (1990).
Hydroxyproline was determined after hydrolysis of Whole 1.90.08 7.00.56 4.20.23 8.33.41
the material in 6 M HCl for 6 h at 105 C, using the Minced and 3.10.17 34.81.74 4.90.19 76.53.82
colorimetric method recommended by ISO (Anony-
mous, 1978). a
Mean valuestandard deviation from three separate samples.
260 M. Sadowska et al. / Food Chemistry 81 (2003) 257–262
weight basis. The rest of the dry weight consisted of ash, total content of collagen, about 90%, can be extracted
12%, lipids, 1% and mucopolysaccharides, 0.5%. by treating minced, homogenized skins with 0.5 M ace-
tic acid, at 4 C for 24 h, using a ratio of skins to solvent
3.2. Isolation of collagen from Baltic cod skins of 1:40; with the ratio of 1:6 only 60% of collagen was
extracted. Using the same conditions for the whole
One of the most important features of collagen, with skins, only 40 and 20% of collagen, respectively, were
regard to its use, is colour. Collagen entirely devoid of extracted. Mincing and homogenisation of skins had a
colour is difficult to obtain because of the presence of crucial influence on the yield of collagen extracted.
pigments in fish skins. Application of the method Because of collagen characteristics, fish skins are diffi-
described by Montero et al. (1995) for removing pig- cult to mince in a meat grinder. In order to avoid ther-
ments from plaice skins was only partially successful for mal denaturation of collagen, the skins should be
processing Baltic cod skins, since the pigments were ground frozen. However, cod skin could be comminuted
only partially removed. Similarly, the procedure of col- easily after previous treatment with 0.25 M acetic acid
lagen extraction from squid skins described by Kood- (1:6) at a temperature below 15 C for 2 h. The loss in
ziejska et al. (1999) was not effective for treatment of yield of collagen extraction, after such preliminary
cod skins. treatment, was only about 1.5%.
The most effective way to separate the pigments from The extractability of collagen in citric acid, after a 24
collagen is to extract collagen directly from cod skins h treatment, did not depend on the ratio of skins to
with organic acids. Leaching of cod skins with 0.5 M solvent (Table 4) in the range studied of 1:4–1:20 and
acetic acid at 4 C for 24 h, followed by homogenisation was about 25%. With the use of three 24-h extractions
and centrifuging, leads to a colourless collagen solution, of the same skins with citric acid, about 85% of collagen
while the pigments remain in the precipitate. was dissolved (Table 4). The extractability of collagen
The extractability of collagen depends both on the from cod skins in citric buffer, pH 3.5, determined by
concentration of acetic acid (Table 3) and on the ratio Yamaguchi et al. (1976) after extensive homogenisation
of skins to acid (Fig. 3). The largest percentage of the
Table 4
Table 3
Solubility of nitrogen compounds of skins of Baltic cod in citric acid
Effect of acetic acid concentration on extractability of collagen from
minced skins of Baltic coda
Skins:solution Number of Total nitrogen Hydroxyproline Dry weight
Concentration of pH Collagen extractability
extraction [%] [%] [%]
acetic acid [M] [% of the content in
the raw material]b 1:4 I 24.4 21.4 24.9
II 48.2 41.4 43.0
0.10 4.2 521
III 21.1 14.2 17.9
0.25 3.8 541
Residue 15.3 16.4 16.5
0.50 3.5 591 P
109 93.4 102.3
Minced material was homogenized after 24 h treatment with ace-
tic acid (1:6) at 4 C. 1:7 I 19.3 11.3 12.9
Mean valuestandard deviation from three separate samples. II 51.0 39.3 45.5
III 17.6 20.9 17.1
Residue 21.4 24.6 24.8
107.3 96.1 100.3
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Skrodzki, M., Kowalska-Gwardys, A., Michniewicz, A., & Kujawa,
Acknowledgements H. (1989). Methods of preparing of collagen solution [in Polish].
Patent PRL No 144 584.
The authors acknowledge with thanks the financial Slade, L., & Levine, H. (1987). Polymer-chemical properties of gelatin
support received under research grant no. 5 P06G 013 in foods. In A. M. Pearson, T. R. Dutson, & A. J. Bailey (Eds.),
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18 from the Polish State Committee for Scientific New York: Nostrand Reinhold.
Research. The authors also wish to express their grati- Stainsby, G. (1987). Gelatin gels. In A. M. Pearson, T. R. Dutson, &
tude to Professor Zdzisaw E. Sikorski for his help in A. J. Bailey (Eds.), Advances in meat research, vol. 4: collagen as
preparing this manuscript for publication. food (pp. 209–222). New York: Nostrand Reinhold.
Yamaguchi, K., Lavety, J., & Love, R. M. (1976). The connective tis-
sues of fish. VIII. Comparative studies on hake, cod and catfish
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