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African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 10(81), pp.

18847-18854, 16 December, 2011

Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB
DOI: 10.5897/AJB11.2764
ISSN 1684–5315 ©2011 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Nano-structural analysis of fish collagen extracts for

new process development
Irwandi Jaswir*, Hammed Ademola Monsur and Hamzah Mohd. Salleh
Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM),
Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Accepted 7 November, 2011

Nano and micro imaging were used to evaluate effects of pretreatment solution on gelatin. Four types
of pretreatment solution were used during fish gelatin extraction in this study. They are acetic acid (A),
acetic acid-NaCl (SA), acetic acid-NaOH (BA) and acetic acid-NaOH-NaCl (SBA). Different patterns were
observed for different gelatins pretreated. Results show that each pretreatment gave different nano
imaging patterns: A (fibril), SA (zig-zag cracks), BA (straight rods) and SBA (cross-linked rods). Cross-
linked rods observed in SBA denote adequate removal of non-collagen content of the fish skin and
increased its surface area. SBA is suggested as the best pretreatment for perch fish gelatin. The result
of viscosity was also highest for sample SBA (0.0245 ± 0.0001 pas), while viscosity for others are 0.0155
± 0.0002, 0.0123 ± 0.0001 and 0.0025 ± 0.0001 pas for samples BA, SA and A, respectively. SDS-PAGE
analysis showed the presence of and in samples SBA and BA.

Key words: Fish gelatin extraction, pretreatment solution, viscosity.


Gelatin from fish has been identified as the most safe and systems (Weiss and Terech, 2006; Weiss et al., 2006).
acceptable due to its halal status and also its epidemic Applications of nano technology in food include creation
free nature as compared to other counterpart sources, of rapid detection methods such as sensors for food
that is, porcine, bovine and pig. Although, mammalian safety and quality, design of high performing packaging
gelatin is still in its wide spread, a lot of challenges materials, development of processing technology and
threaten its future usage. Not so long ago, bovine was development of novel delivery system that better protect
threatened with bovine spongiform encephalopathy functional ingredient and allow for control release of
(BSE) in Europe which questioned its safety for gelatin encapsulated compound (Betty and Meryl, 2007).
production. In the recent time, the case of swine flu Different optimal conditions have been used to extract
combined with rejection by Islamic world and Jews cum gelatin from fish skin: 0.115 M (84 min) acetic acid (Wang
vegetarian populace remain a stumbling block for pig and Yang, 2009), 0.115 M acetic acid plus 0.2 M (3 h)
gelatin (Karim and Rajeev, 2008). NaOH (Wang and Yang, 2009), acetic acid plus ∼0.1 M
Nanoscience and nanotechnology entail comprehen- NaCl (Montero and Gomez-Guillen, 2000) and acetic
sive understanding and allow modification/manipulation acid, NaOH and NaCl (Gomez-Guillen and Montero,
of materials at the atomic, molecular and macromolecular 2000). Comparative studies at nano scale of effect of
scales. The greater surface area per mass when compar- different pretreatment sets have only been done for ace-
ed with larger-sized particles of the same chemistry tic and acetic-NaOH (Wang and Yang, 2009). Comparing
renders nanosized particles more active biologically different sets of pretreatment methods is a worthwhile
(Oberdorster et al., 2005). Nanotechnology has the study in order to determine the best pretreatment method
potential to impact many aspects of food and agricultural for gelatin extraction.
Some recent works for nano structural analysis of
gelatin involve the use of atomic force microscopy (AFM),
transmission X-ray microscopy and scanning electron
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. microscopy (SEM) (Wang and Yang, 2009; Jiang et al.,
18848 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

2010; Wangtueai and Noomhorm, 2009). The interaction by cold slush nitrogen (cryo-fixation) for 30 min. Then, each were
used in AFM are the local attractive and repulsive forces mounted on field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM,
JEOL JIM-5600), and then viewed for their nano structures with the
occurring between a tip attached to a flexible cantilever aid of computer.
and the sample surface, while SEM involves bombard-
ment of sample surface with electron beams which are
reflected to give the surface pattern (Kumar, 2006). Field Determination of viscosity
emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) is more
advanced as it uses cold electron sources, better image The concentrations of extracted gelatin solutions were adjusted to
3.3% with distilled water. Then the viscosity of 50 ml of diluted
quality as its size of electron beam is 1000 times smaller solutions was determined using a Visco Tester at 27 ± 1°C. The
than in normal microscopy and can also be used to instrument was allowed to run for 30 min for each run.
explore the nanostructure of materials. Very little success
has been achieved in order to correlate micro and nano
structure of a gelatin to the complex macroscopic physi- Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE) analysis
cal properties. Microscopic structure was also related to
transparency of gelatin. More opaque was associated Gelatin was first dissolved at 5 mg/ml in distilled water at 60°C and
with increase in concentration of triacetin when Jiang et divided into two parts. The first part of each sample was then mixed
al. (2010) studied physical and microscopic properties of with two-fold-concentrated loading buffer containing -
gelatin and triacetin mixture. The aim and objectives of mercaptoethanol. One part was not diluted. Protein samples were
this study were to investigate different pretreatment heat-denatured for 25 min at 90°C and analysed by SDS-PAGE
(Laemmli, 1970) using 4% stacking gel and 9% resolving gel in a
methods available for fish gelatin extraction and to Mini Protean II unit (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) at 25
evaluate the nano structure of dried gelatin in order to mA/gel. The loading volume was 15 µl for each sample well. Protein
provide useful evident for structure-physical properties bands were stained with Coomassie brilliant Blue R250.



Gelatin extraction Microscopic image of fish skin layers

Frozen perch fish was obtained from a local supermarket
(Kompleks Idaman, Gombak Selangor) and transported in frozen
Figure 1 shows the microscopic images of cleaned fish
condition to the laboratory where their skins were peeled, washed layer. Transparent regions were observed due to the
with water (4°C) and cut into small sizes (2 to 3 cm squares). transparent nature of fish collagen which allows light rays
Pretreatment solutions (0.115 M acetic acid, 0.2 M NaOH and 0.1 M to pass through. Thus, a well processed collagen should
NaCl) were prepared and kept at ~4°C. The skins were divided into be transparent. Also, thin connective tissues that appear-
four groups, each groups weighing at least 30 g, namely A, BA, SA ed opaque to light rays were visibly observed. These are
and SBA. Group A was pretreated with only acetic acid, BA
pretreated with NaOH and then acetic acid, AS pretreated with
non-collagenous substances that adhered to fish skin
acetic NaCl and then acid, while SBA was pretreated with NaCl collagen. The connective tissues are interwoven and em-
followed by NaOH and then acetic acid. Pretreatment timing are: bedded in and out of the collagen layers. During gelatin
NaCl (24 h), NaOH (3 h) and acetic acid (84 min). After every extraction, it is important that these non-collagenous
pretreatment, the skin was adequately washed (3 times) with water substances be properly removed in order to avoid
and drained using four layers of cheesecloth. Ratio of skin to
lowering interaction between collagen molecules. In
solutions/water was 1:6 (w:v) while temperature of solutions and
water was ~4°C. Extraction was performed with distilled water in a addition, fibril patterns of collagen were still retain since
water bath at 55°C for 3 h. The solution was filtered through four the skin had not been treated with any solution that can
layers cheesecloth and the filtered solution was kept at -20°C. cause partial denaturization. This is in agreement with
Some portions from each group were lyophilized. report of Mentero and Gomez-Guillen (2000) that colla-
gen has fibril patterns.
Microscopic imaging of fish collagen skin

After adequate scaling and removal of adhered tissues from the fish Nano imaging techniques
skin, the layers of collagen were slightly scraped and peeled off
from each other. Smaller pieces were then made to attach on glass Scanning electron imaging requires bombardment of
slide and viewed under a light microscope. The image of each electron on surface of material to be characterized.
sample was viewed under 10 and 40x eye and objective lens,
respectively, and captured with the aid of a digital camera
Hence, surface fixation is important for any material to be
connected to a desktop computer. characterized in order to disallow alteration of the surface
of materials during imaging. Fixation can be done by
either chemical or physical means. Because microstruc-
Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM)
ture of materials are very sensitive to changes in
composition, addition of compounds such as a stain or
Powdered sample of lyophilized gelatin was subjected to prefixing fixative, can cause chemical reaction between the fixative
Jaswir et al. 18849

Figure 1. Microscopic images of untreated fish skin collagen layer (magnification


and the specimen, and often by drying the sample which Although, while conducting the experiment, swelling was
may alter the original structure of the studies system. noticed when samples were soaked in acetic acid,
This is the reason why chemical fixation is unacceptable possibly due to penetration of water into the skin
for the study of materials like gelatin. Hence, the method structure, application of acid, which aids increase in H ,
that was adopted when analyzing gelatin using FESEM is favours the access of water to collagen fibers which is
thermal fixation (ultra-fast cooling of the specimens into a held in by electrostatic forces between charged polar
vitrified or quasi-solid state). This is achieved by rapidly groups (electrostatic swelling) or hydrogen bonding
plunging or contact with cryogen. In addition, thermal between uncharged polar groups and negative atoms
diffusivities are larger than mass diffusivities; therefore, (lyotropic hydration) (Gustavson, 1956).
thermal fixation is much more rapid than with chemical. Figure 3 represents nano structure of gelatin when
pretreated with acetic acid and then NaOH solutions with
rod like shapes which are overlapping; comparing this
Nano structural pattern with that of Figure 2, additional effects of NaOH
could be studied. NaOH solution was probably respon-
Examination of impacts of all known pretreatments solu- sible for separation of the rods attachment from each
tions for gelatin production was studied at nano scale. other, making overlapping layers to separate from one
Experiment was designed in such a way that single effect another. Yoshimura et al. (2000) reported that alkaline
of these solutions will be understood alongside with their attacks predominantly the telopeptide region of the
effects when combined. Four pretreatment designs were collagen molecule during pretreatment; thus alkaline
formulated with the first set pretreated with only acetic solution can be used to solubilize collagen. Also, rod-rod
acid (A), second with acetic acid and NaOH (AB), third side attachment was also affected by revealing each rod
with acetic acid and NaCl (AS) and forth with acetic acid, as an entity. This means that bonds holding the rods and
NaOH and NaCl (ABS). layer together have been probably affected. These
Figure 2 represents the structure of lyophilized gelatin separated rods were the fibrous patterns observed in acid
which was pretreated with only acetic acid and fibril and alkaline pretreated gelatin as reported by Yang et al.
pattern was observed. This fibril pattern is present in the (2008). Slight swelling occurred (while sample was in
parent material (collagen) meaning that it was not lost NaOH) which was due to creation of space for water to
during conversion to gelatin. Hence, acetic acid did not penetrate and become absorbed. Likewise, any non-
affect bonds responsible for formation of fibril pattern. collagenous substances initially entrapped within colla-
The fibril pattern noticed in acid pretreatment also agrees gen matrix were easily released; thus, making migration
with the result of Jiang et al. (2010). This fibril pattern of non-collagenous substance from the interior region of
was related to partial formation or retention of collagen skin possible (Cho et al., 2005). Consequently, this made
helitical structure (Mentero and Gomez-Guillen, 2000). the NaOH solution to change from colorless to light
18850 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Figure 2. Nano-structure of gelatin at 100 nm pretreated with only acetic acid.

Figure 3. Nano-structure of gelatin at 100 nm pretreated with acetic acid and NaOH.
Jaswir et al. 18851

Figure 4. Nano-structure of gelatin at 100 nm pretreated with acetic acid and NaCl.

brown solution during the cause of pretreatment. In solution (Figure 3). Also, adequate spaces are available
addition, the removal of non-collagenous materials and between the rods. Since NaCl was applied before NaOH,
rod formation were responsible for creation of spaces in more cracking would have been done on the skin
the gelatin and allow water percolation during rehydra- collagen followed by separation of rods and layers by
tion. Spaces or spores were also observed in the nano NaOH. Hence, efficient degradation was achieved by
structure of gelatin, as reported by Yang et al. (2008), combination of NaOH and NaCl with acetic acid. These
when gelatin was pretreated with alkaline. openings definitely allow adequate release of non-
Figure 4 shows zig-zag cracks patterns when collagenous adhered substances and more room for
pretreatment involves acetic acid and NaCl solutions. As water penetration during rehydration. These nano tubes
compared to application of acetic acid alone (Figure 2), will have added advantage of large space to volume for
NaCl caused breaking bonds responsible for retention of interaction during gelation. Large surface area will be
fibril structure. Likewise, some peptide bonds might be available for Van Daal wall interaction between molecules
affected resulting to formation of cracks (Figure 4). This (tubes) and more protein junctions will also be formed
can be achieved by either binding directly to the peptide which will lead to increase gel strength. According to
backbone of collagen, or affecting collagen folding Yang et al. (2008), continuous sponge-like patterns at
indirectly by interacting with structurally bounding-water nano scale gave higher macroscopic textural properties
molecules (Asghar and Henrickson, 1982). Lyotropic than that observed with the irregular separated
hydration occurred when ions of neutral salts disrupt non- aggregates.
ionic bonds (e.g hydrogen bonds) of collagen. So salt These cross link rods observed in Figure 5 for sample
electrolytes, acting as lyotropic agent, consequently SBA was an indication that combination of NaCl and
altered water structure around collagen molecules, NaOH with acetic acid was able to create nano sized
interrupt internal hydrogen bonds, or interact with internal protein tubes. This exhibits another potential method of
hydrophobic bonds by direct bindings at same sites of producing protein nanomaterials and gelatin (sample
protein chain (Asghar and Henrickson, 1982). ABS) with high functionalities. Protein nanoparticles have
Figure 5 shows cross-linked tubular structures when lots of added advantages since they are biodegradable,
combination of acetic acid, NaOH and NaCl was applied metabolizable and can also be easily amenable for
for pretreatment solution during gelatin production. These surface modification and covalent attachment of drugs
rods were no longer in an organized manner as com- and ligands. High surface area of sample ABS will
pared to sample pretreated with acetic acid and NaOH enhance force of attraction between molecules during
18852 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Figure 5. Nano-structure of gelatin at 100 nm pretreated with acetic acid, NaOH and NaCl.

gelation and provide wide surface for attachment of samples in duplicate. The four well known protein bands
bioactive components. Since drug compounds can be for gelatin were present namely alpha (α1 and α2), beta
entrapped into the matrix of carrier, sample ABS with (β) and gamma (γ) (Karim and Rajeev, 2008). The bands
meshes of protein tubes will definitely allow easy penetra- for each sample were duplicated so as to enhance our
tion of bio active materials and become embedded. observation in this analysis.
Apart from these four bands, some low molecular
weight proteins were present mostly in sample SA, some
Viscosity traces were also observed for samples BA and sample
SBA. Obviously, the intensities of these bands are
Viscosity is a very important parameter in process design
and product development. Sample SBA (0.0245 ± 0.0001 different from each other. Lowest bands intensity for α, β
pas) has the highest viscosity value followed by sample and γ sized protein, were observed for sample SA, while
BA (0.0155 ± 0.0002 pas) and then sample SA (0.0123 ± that of sample A did not even show any of the bands. The
0.0001 pas), while sample A (0.0025 ± 0.0001 pas) result for sample A correlated with that of Gimenez et al.
exhibited the lowest viscosity. All samples behave like (2005a) that gelatin pretreated with acetic acid alone lack
Newtonian fluid as the rate of change of shear stress and α, β and γ bands, except for the presence of lower band
rate are constants. The highest viscosity of sample SBA of about 100 kD reported. This difference can be due to
strongly suggests that intermolecular interactions (van variation in concentration of CH3COOH of 0.115 M as
der Waals and hydrogen bonds) are high between its compared to 0.05 M.
molecules which are responsible for its resistance to flow. Sample SA have very faint bands for α, β and γ
High viscosity is an added advantage in application of proteins, as could be observed from run labeled SA1.
gelatin as an ingredient in food industries as it contributes Meaning that some gelatin molecules were released
to improvement of product mouth feel and texture. when pretreatments stage include salt. This also agrees
with the report of Gimenez et al. (2005b), that salt
washing contribute to increase in α, β and γ of gelatin. Salt
SDS-PAGE interpretation washing (NaCl or KCl) may enhance opening of collagen
structure and facilitate swelling and penetration of acetic
Figure 6 shows the results from SDS-PAGE for the four acid, thus, allow release of higher molecular weight poly-
Jaswir et al. 18853




Lower molecular
Weight molecules

Figure 6. Molecular weight distribution of gelatins from SDS-PAGE analysis. * All samples with sub-
script 1 are at higher concentration as compared to those with sub-script 2.

mers more easily during extraction (Gimenez et al., Mechanism and impacts of processing were studies from
2005a). However, if salt was not removed from the solu- the structural analysis and SBA was suggested as the
tion properly, it could still have impact on the collagen best pretreatment for production of high value fish gelatin.
structure itself, thus reducing some of collagen molecules
to smaller molecular size protein noticed earlier. Conse-
quently, α, β and γ bands of sample SA are not as ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
intense as that of sample AB and SBA.
Addition of alkaline (NaOH) to sample BA and SBA We are grateful to Research Management Center,
contribute immensely to release of higher molecular sized International Islamic University Malaysia, for providing the
proteins as these protein bands were conspicuously more fund used for this project.
than the other two samples. This corresponds with the
finding of Zhou and Regenstein (2005). Non-collagenous REFERENCES
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