Article - Dietary Phenolics (Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001-1043)

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Volume 26 | Number 8 | 2009

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Natural Product Reports Current developments in natural products chemistry Volume 26 | Number 8 | August 2009 | Pages 965–1096

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Pages 965–1096

ISSN 0265-0568
Building community for chemists
Registered Charity No. 207890 REVIEW
Alan Crozier, Indu B. Jaganath
and Michael N. Clifford
Dietary phenolics: chemistry,
bioavailability and effects on health 0265-0568(200908)26:8;1-U
REVIEW | Natural Product Reports

Dietary phenolics: chemistry, bioavailability and effects on health

Alan Crozier,*a Indu B. Jaganathb and Michael N. Cliffordc
Received 12th March 2009
First published as an Advance Article on the web 13th May 2009
DOI: 10.1039/b802662a

Covering: up to the end of 2008

There is much epidemiological evidence that diets rich in fruit and vegetables can reduce the incidence of
non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and stroke. These
protective effects are attributed, in part, to phenolic secondary metabolites. This review summarizes the
chemistry, biosynthesis and occurrence of the compounds involved, namely the C6–C3–C6 flavonoids –
anthocyanins, dihydrochalcones, flavan-3-ols, flavanones, flavones, flavonols and isoflavones. It also
includes tannins, phenolic acids, hydroxycinnamates and stilbenes and the transformation of plant
phenols associated with food processing (for example, production of black tea, roasted coffee and
matured wines), these latter often being the major dietary sources. Events that occur following ingestion
are discussed, in particular, the deglycosylation, glucuronidation, sulfation and methylation steps that
occur at various points during passage through the wall of the small intestine into the circulatory system
and subsequent transport to the liver in the portal vein. We also summarise the fate of compounds that are
not absorbed in the small intestine, but which pass into the large intestine where they are degraded by the
colonic microflora to phenolic acids, which can be absorbed into the circulatory system and subjected to
phase II metabolism prior to excretion. Initially, the protective effect of dietary phenolics was thought to
be due to their antioxidant properties which resulted in a lowering of the levels of free radicals within the
body. However, there is now emerging evidence that the metabolites of dietary phenolics, which appear in
the circulatory system in nmol/L to low mmol/L concentrations, exert modulatory effects in cells through
selective actions on different components of the intracellular signalling cascades vital for cellular
functions such as growth, proliferation and apoptosis. In addition, the intracellular concentrations
required to affect cell signalling pathways are considerably lower than those required to impact on
antioxidant capacity. The mechanisms underlying these processes are discussed.

1 Introduction 6 Bioavailability of phenolics and polyphenolics

2 Classification of phenolic compounds 6.1 Flavonols
2.1 Flavonoids 6.1.1 Onion quercetin-O-glucosides
2.2 Non-flavonoids 6.1.2 Tomato juice quercetin-3-O-rutinoside
3 Significant dietary sources of phenolics and polyphenolics 6.2 Orange juice flavanones
3.1 Beverages 6.3 Dihydrochalcones
3.1.1 Tea 6.4 Flavan-3-ols
3.1.2 Coffee 6.4.1 Green tea and flavan-3-ol monomers
3.1.3 Cocoa 6.4.2 Procyanidins
3.1.4 Wines 6.5 Anthocyanins
3.1.5 Beer 6.6 Isoflavones
3.1.6 Cider 6.7 Ellagitannins
3.2 Fruits 7 Paradigm shift on the possible mode of action of
3.3 Vegetables phenolics
3.4 Miscellaneous minor commodities 7.1 Significance of phenolic metabolites for human health
4 Biosynthesis of phenolics and polyphenolics 7.2 Tissue or organ targets of phenolics
5 Potential for genetically-modified produce 7.3 Potential mode of action of phenolic compounds and
their metabolites
7.3.1 NF-kB signaling pathway
Graham Kerr Building, Division of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 7.3.2 Activator protein-1 (AP-1)
Faculty of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow,
Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK. E-mail: [email protected] 7.3.3 Phase II enzyme activation and Nrf2
Malaysian Agricultural, Research and Development Institute, Kuala 7.3.4 Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling
Lumpur, Malaysia. E-mail: [email protected] pathway
Food Safety Research Group, Centre for Nutrition and Food Safety, 8 Concluding comments
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford,
Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK. E-mail: [email protected] 9 References

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1 Introduction whereas the body has specific mechanisms for the accumulation
and retention of vitamins, in contrast, phytochemicals are treated
Current dietary advice is that for optimum health people should as non-nutrient xenobiotics and metabolised so as to eliminate
consume on a daily basis five portions of fruit and vegetables them efficiently. The flavonoids and allied phenolic and poly-
each comprising at least 80 grams.1 The epidemiological evidence phenolic compounds, including tannins and derived poly-
for the benefit of consuming a diet that is high in fruit and phenols, form one major group of phytochemicals. We here
vegetables is quite compelling. The evidence for specific vegeta- review data relating to those dietary commodities that make
bles, and indeed specific phytochemicals, is less convincing and a particular contribution to the intake of phenols and poly-
the best simple advice that can be given is to recommend as much phenols, either because the commodity is unusually rich, or
variety as possible. Phytochemicals are plant secondary metab- consumed in large quantities, or is otherwise of note. However, it
olites, i.e. substances that in planta have little or no role in cannot be overstressed that published analytical data may not be
photosynthesis, respiration or growth and development, but truly representative of the individual component in a particular
which may accumulate in surprisingly high concentrations.2 diet.
Unlike the traditional vitamins, phytochemicals as dietary The lack of comprehensive and reliable data for the phyto-
components are not essential for short-term well-being, and chemical content of raw foods severely limits the insights that can
be obtained from epidemiological studies. This is compounded
by a lack of information relating to changes in content and
character, i.e. the production of derived polyphenols caused by
Alan Crozier is a Botany grad-
food processing, and the physiological consequences of the gut
uate of the University of
microbial and mammalian metabolism of both native and
Durham. He obtained a PhD at
derived phytochemicals once consumed.
Bedford College, University of
London, carried out post-
doctoral research at the Univer-
2 Classification of phenolic compounds
sity of Calgary and lectured at
the University of Canterbury in Phenolics are characterized by having at least one aromatic ring
New Zealand before joining the with one or more hydroxyl groups attached. In excess of 8000
University of Glasgow where he phenolic structures have been reported and they are widely
is currently Professor of Plant dispersed throughout the plant kingdom3 – many occur in food.
Biochemistry and Human Phenolics range from simple, low molecular weight, single-
Nutrition. He has published aromatic-ring compounds to the large and complex tannins and
Alan Crozier extensively on plant hormones derived polyphenols. They can be classified by the number and
and purine alkaloids in coffee arrangement of their carbon atoms (Table 1) and are commonly
and teas. The activities of his research group are currently focussed found conjugated to sugars and organic acids. Phenolics occur-
on dietary flavonoids and phenolic compounds in fruits, vegetables ring naturally in healthy plant tissue can be classified into two
and beverages, including teas and fruit juices, and their fate within groups, the flavonoids and the non-flavonoids: traditionally
the body following ingestion in relation to their potentially bene- processed foods and beverages, such as black tea, matured red
ficial effects on health. wine, coffee and cocoa, may contain phenolic transformation

Indu Jaganath is a senior Mike Clifford is a Food Science

research officer at The Biotech- graduate of the University of
nology Research Centre at the Reading. He obtained a PhD at
Malaysian Agricultural the University of Strathclyde.
Research and Development He taught at Grimsby College of
Institute. She obtained a Master Technology for eight years and
of Science from the University joined the University of Surrey
of California, Riverside, and in 1979, where he founded and
a PhD at the University of led the Food Safety Research
Glasgow. Her earlier research Group. He is now Emeritus
areas include pollination biology Professor of Food Safety. He
and ethnobotany. Currently her has published extensively on the
research is focused on the analysis and characterisation of
Indu Jaganath discovery of chemically and Mike Clifford phenols, especially those in
biologically active natural prod- coffee (chlorogenic acids) and
ucts in tropical plants. Her research group uses metabolomics and black tea (thearubigins), and their metabolism by the gut micro-
genomics approaches to understand and delineate the metabolic flora and their effects on the consumer.
pathways involved in the production of these biologically active

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Table 1 Basic structural skeletons of phenolic and polyphenolic products that are best described as ‘derived polyphenols’.
compounds. Tannins are the active ingredients of traditional plant extracts
Skeleton Classification Basic structure
used to convert hides to leather and occur widely in foods and
beverages but at concentrations too low to tan hides.
C6–C1 Phenolic acids
2.1 Flavonoids
C6–C2 Acetophenones Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds comprising 15 carbons,
with two aromatic rings connected by a three carbon bridge,
hence C6–C3–C6 (1). They are the most numerous of the
C6–C2 phenylacetic acid
phenolics and are found throughout the plant kingdom.4 They
are present particularly in the epidermis of leaves and the skin of
C6–C3 Hydroxycinnamic acids fruits.
The main sub-classes of dietary flavonoids are flavonols (2),
C6–C3 Coumarins
flavones (3), flavan-3-ols (4), anthocyanidins (5), flavanones (6)
and isoflavones (7), while those that are comparatively minor
components of the diet are dihydroflavonols (8), flavan-3,4-diols
C6–C4 Naphthoquinones (9), coumarins (10), chalcones (11), dihydrochalcones (12) and
aurones (13). The basic flavonoid skeleton can have numerous
substituents. Hydroxyl groups are usually present at the 40 -, 5-
and 7-positions. Sugars are very common, with the majority of
C6–C1–C6 Xanthones flavonoids existing naturally as glycosides. Whereas both sugars
and hydroxyl groups increase the water solubility of flavonoids,
other substituents, such as methyl groups and isopentyl units,
make flavonoids lipophilic.
C6–C2–C6 Stilbenes Flavonols (2) are the most widespread of the flavonoids, being
dispersed throughout the plant kingdom with the exception of
algae. They are also not found in fungi. The distribution and
C6–C3–C6 Flavonoids structural variations of flavonols are extensive and have been
well documented.5 The main dietary flavonols, kaempferol (14),
quercetin (15), isorhamnetin (16) and myricetin (17), are most
commonly found as O-glycosides. Conjugation occurs most

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frequently at the 3-position of the C-ring but substitutions can (+)-epicatechin (29) are comparatively rare.8 The oligomeric and
also occur at the 5-, 7-, 40 -, 30 - and 50 -carbons. Although the polymeric proanthocyanidins have an additional chiral centre at
number of aglycones is limited there are numerous flavonol C4 of each additional flavan-3-ol unit. Pairs of enantiomers are
conjugates, with more than 200 different sugar conjugates of not resolved on the commonly used reverse-phase HPLC
kaempferol alone. The levels of flavonols found in commonly columns, and so are easily overlooked. Although difficult to
consumed fruits, vegetables and beverages are well documented.6 visualise, these differences in chirality have a significant effect on
However, sizable differences are found in the amounts present in the 3-D structure of the molecules, as illustrated in Fig. 1 for the
seemingly similar produce, possibly due to seasonal changes and (epi)gallocatechin-3-O-gallates. Although this has little, if any,
varietal differences;7 effects of processing will also have an effect on their redox properties or ability to scavenge small
impact. unhindered radicals,9 it can be expected to have a more
Flavones (3), such as apigenin (18) and luteolin (19), lack pronounced effect on their binding properties and hence any
oxygenation at C3 but otherwise may have a wide range of phenomenon to which the ‘lock and key’ concept is fundamental,
substitutions including hydroxylation, methylation, O- and C- e.g. enzyme–substrate, enzyme–inhibitor or receptor–ligand
alkylation and glycosylation. Most flavones occur as 7-O- interactions. Humans fed ()-epicatechin (23) excrete some
glycosides. Flavones are not distributed widely, with significant (+)-epicatechin (29), indicating ring opening and racemisation,
occurrences being reported in only celery, parsley and some possibly in the gastrointestinal tract.10 Transformation can also
herbs. Polymethoxylated flavones, such as tangeretin (20) and occur during food processing.11
nobiletin (21), have been found in citrus species. Type B proanthocyanidins are formed from (+)-catechin (22)
Flavan-3-ols (4) are non-planar by virtue of their saturated C3 and ()-epicatechin (23) with oxidative coupling occurring
element and are the most structurally complex subclass of between the C4 of the heterocycle and the C6 (30) or C8 positions
flavonoids, ranging from the simple monomers (+)-catechin (22) (31) of the adjacent unit to create oligomers or polymers. Type A
and its isomer ()-epicatechin (23), which can be hydroxylated to proanthocyanidins have an additional ether bond between C2
form gallocatechins (24, 25) and also undergo esterification with and C7 (32). Proanthocyanidins can occur as polymers of up to 50
gallic acid (26, 27), through to complex structures including the units. Proanthocyanidins that consist exclusively of (epi)catechin
oligomeric and polymeric proanthocyanidins, which are also units are called procyanidins, and are the most abundant type of
known as condensed tannins. The two chiral centres at C2 and proanthocyanidins in plants. The less common proanthocyani-
C3 of the flavan-3-ols produce four isomers for each level of B- dins containing ()-epiafzelechin (33) and (+)-afzelechin (34) or
ring hydroxylation, two of which, (+)-catechin and ()-epi- (epi)gallocatechin (24, 25) sub-units are called propelargonidins
catechin, are widespread in nature whereas ()-catechin (28) and and prodelphinidins, respectively. Many condensed tannins

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contain more than one monomer. Flavan-3-ol monomers are
extensively transformed during the traditional processing of
wines, cocoa and black tea, in the latter case yielding theaflavins,
theacitrins and thearubigins (see Section 3.1.1)
Anthocyanidins (5) are widely dispersed throughout the plant
kingdom, being particularly evident in fruit and flower tissue
where they are responsible for red, blue and purple colours. They
are also found in leaves, stems, seeds and root tissue. The most
common anthocyanidins are pelargonidin (35), cyanidin (36),
delphinidin (37), peonidin (38), petunidin (39) and malvidin (40).
In plant tissues these compounds are invariably found as sugar
conjugates that are known as anthocyanins, which may also be
conjugated to hydroxycinnamates and organic acids such as acetic
acid (41–44). Although glycosylation can take place on carbons 3,
5, 7, 30 and 50 , it occurs most often on C3. In certain products, such
as matured red wines and ports, chemical and enzymic trans-
formations occur, and an increasing number of ‘anthocyanin-
derived polyphenols’ are being found (see Section 3.1.4).
Fig. 1 Computer-generated stereochemical projections for flavan-3-ol The flavanones (6) are non-planar and have a chiral center at
diastereoisomers. epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG) and galloca- C2. In the majority of naturally occurring flavanones, ring C is
techin-3-O-gallate (GCG). Three-dimensional structures computed by attached to the B-ring at C2 in the a-configuration. Flavanones
Mr J. Warren Dryman, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, are present in especially high concentrations in citrus fruits. The
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
most common flavanone glycoside is hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside

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(hesperidin) (45), which along with narigenin-7-O-rutinoside dependent upon a supply of oestrogens for growth, especially
(narirutin) (46) is found in citrus peel. Flavanone rutinosides are during the early stages. Isoflavones compete with natural oes-
tasteless. In contrast, flavanone neohesperidoside conjugates trogens, restricting their availability and thereby suppressing the
such as hesperetin-7-O-neohesperidoside (neohesperidin) (47) growth of the cancerous cells. There was concern that neonates
from bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) and naringenin-7-O-neo- and infants could be adversely affected by excessive intakes of
hesperidoside (naringin) (48) from grapefruit peel (Citrus para- isoflavones in soy-protein-based human milk-replacers, and
disi) are intensely bitter. the levels have been voluntarily reduced by industry as
Isoflavones (7) have the B-ring attached at C3 rather than C2. a precaution.13
They are found almost exclusively in leguminous plants, with
the highest concentrations occurring in soy bean (Glycine
max).12 The isoflavones, daidzein (49) and genistein (50), and
2.2 Non-flavonoids
the coumestan, coumestrol (51) from lucerne and clovers
(Trifolium spp.), have sufficient oestrogenic activity to seriously The main non-flavonoids of dietary significance are the C6–C1
affect the reproduction of grazing animals such as cows and phenolic acids, most notably gallic acid (54), which is the
sheep, and are termed phyto-oestrogens. These isoflavonoids biosynthetic precursor of hydrolysable tannins, the C6–C3
appear to mimic the steroidal hormone oestradiol (52) which hydroxycinammates and their conjugated derivatives, and the
blocks ovulation. The consumption of legume fodder by polyphenolic C6–C2–C6 stilbenes (Table 1).
animals must, therefore, be restricted, or low-isoflavonoid Gallic acid is the commonest phenolic acid, and occurs widely
producing varieties selected. This is clearly an area where it as complex sugar esters in gallotannins such as 2-O-digalloyl-
would be beneficial to produce genetically modified iso- tetra-O-galloyl-glucose (55) but these are found only to a limited
flavonoid-deficient legumes. extent in dietary components. Non-sugar galloyl esters in grapes,
Dietary consumption of genistein and daidzein from soy wine, mangoes, green tea and black tea are the major source of
products is thought to reduce the incidence of prostate and breast gallic acid in the human diet. The related ellagic acid (56) and
cancers in humans. However, the mechanisms involved are ellagitannins, such as sanguiin H-10 (57), which is found in
different. Growth of prostate cancer cells is induced by and raspberries (Rubus idaeus) and strawberries (Fragaria  ana-
dependent upon the androgen testosterone (53), the production nassa), are also present in a number of fruits including pome-
of which is suppressed by oestradiol. When natural oestradiol is granate (Punica granatum), blackberries (Rubus spp.),
insufficient, the isoflavones can lower androgen levels and, as persimmon (Diospyros kaki) as well as walnuts (Juglans regia),
a consequence, inhibit tumour growth. Breast cancers are hazelnuts (Corylus avellana) and oak-aged wines.

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The most common hydroxycinnamates are p-coumaric acid
(58), caffeic acid (59), ferulic acid (60) and sinapic acid (61),
with caffeic acid dominating. These occur as conjugates, for
example with tartaric acid or quinic acid, collectively referred
to as chlorogenic acids. Chlorogenic acids, principally 3-O-,
4-O- and 5-O-caffeoylquinic acids (62–64), form ca. 10%
of green robusta coffee beans (processed seeds of Coffea
canephora). Regular consumers of coffee may have a daily
intake in excess of 1 g, and these for many people will be the
major dietary phenols.
Derivatives of phenylvaleric acid (65), phenyl-lactic acid (66),
phenylpropionic acid (67), phenylmandelic acid (68) and phe-
nylhydracrylic acid (69) rarely occur preformed in food but are
colonic microflora metabolites of many dietary phenols and
polyphenols that are readily absorbed, and may in part be
responsible for some biological effects associated with diets rich
in polyphenols (see Section 7.0).

Stilbenes have a C6–C2–C6 structure (Table 1) and are phy-

toallexins produced by plants in response to disease, injury and
stress.14 The main dietary source of stilbenes is resveratrol
(3,5,40 -trihdroxystilbene) from red wine and peanuts (Arachis

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hypogaea)15 with lesser amounts found in berries, red cabbage
(Brassica oleracea), spinach and certain herbs. Resveratrol
occurs as cis and trans isomers (70, 71), and trans-resveratrol and
trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucoside (trans-piceid) (72) have been
detected in pistachio nuts (Pistacia vera).16 The woody root of the
noxious weed Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed or
Mexican bamboo) has been shown to contain very high levels of
trans-resveratrol and its glucoside, with concentrations of up to
377 mg per 100 g dry weight.17 As well as resveratrol, red wines
can also contain trans-piceatannol (3,30 ,4,50 -tetrahydrox-
ystilbene) (73) and trans-astringin, its 3-O-glucoside (74).18 trans-
Resveratrol is transformed by Botrytis cinerea, a fungal grape-
vine pathogen, to pallidol (75) and resveratrol trans-dehy-
drodimer (76), and both these compounds have been detected in
grape cell cultures along with the 11-O- and 110 -O-glucosides of
resveratrol trans-dehydrodimer (77, 78).19 Viniferins are another
family of oxidised resveratrol dimers, and trans-d-viniferin (79)
and smaller amounts of its isomer trans-3-viniferin (80) have been
detected in Vitis vinifera leaves infected with Plasmopara viticola
(downy mildew).20

affords protective effects in animals they would have to drink in

excess of 100 L of red wine per day.26

3 Significant dietary sources of phenolics and

It is not possible to rank commodities in terms of their produc-
trans-Resveratrol (71) has gained significant worldwide tion of phenols and polyphenols per annum. However, on
attention because of its ability to inhibit or retard a wide variety a global scale, the most important commodities are those that are
of animal diseases21 that include cardiovascular disease22 and rich in polyphenols and widely consumed in large quantities such
cancer.23 It has also been reported to increase stress resistance as green tea, black tea, red wine, coffee and cocoa/chocolate.
and enhance longevity.24 The protective effects of red wine Generally, fruits, and especially vegetables, are a poor second
consumption are regularly attributed to resveratrol.25 However, because of their much lower contents. No staples are rich in these
this is highly unlikely as the levels of resveratrol in red wines are phytochemicals, but along with herbs and spices, nuts, algae and
low, and for humans to ingest the quantity of resveratrol that olive oil, they are potentially significant for supplying certain
phenols and polyphenols of restricted botanical occurrence.2
Because of constraints on space, our emphasis will be on those
commodities making the greatest quantitative contribution, but
this is not to suggest that the minor dietary components are

3.1 Beverages
3.1.1 Tea. Tea prepared from the leaves of Camellia spp. is
one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world.
Approximately 3.2 million metric tons of dried leaf are produced
annually, of which 20% is green tea and 2% is oolong, the
remainder being black tea. In all cases the raw material is young
leaves, the tea flush, which are preferred as they have a higher
flavan-3-ol content and elevated levels of active enzymes. The
highest quality teas utilise ‘two leaves and a bud’, with progres-
sively lower quality taking four or even five leaves.27 Although

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produced from similar plant material, these teas differ markedly ()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27) dominates, occasionally
in the nature of phenols and polyphenols that they contribute to taking second place to ()-epicatechin-3-O-gallate (26), together
the diet because of differences in their manufacture. with smaller but still substantial amounts of (+)-catechin (22),
There are basically two types of green tea.28 The Japanese type ()-epicatechin (23), (+)-gallocatechin (24), ()-epigallocatechin
utilises a shade-grown hybrid leaf with comparatively low flavan- (25) and ()-epiafzelchin (33). The minor flavan-3-ols also occur
3-ol levels and high amino acid content, including theanine. After as gallates, and ()-epigallocatechin (25) may occur as a digal-
harvesting the leaf is steamed rapidly to inhibit polyphenol late, esterified with p-coumaric acid or caffeic acid, and with
oxidase and other enzymes. Chinese green tea traditionally uses various levels of methylation.31 There are at least 15 flavonol
selected forms of Camellia sinensis var. sinensis and dry heat glycosides, comprising mono-, di- and tri-glycosides based upon
(firing) rather than steaming, giving a less efficient inhibition of kaempferol (14), quercetin (15) and myricetin (17), and various
the polyphenol oxidase activity and allowing some trans- permutations of glucose, galactose, rhamnose, arabinose and
formation of the flavan-3-ols. rutinose.32–34 Three C-glycosides of apigenin (18),35 several caf-
In the production of black tea there are two major processes – feoyl- and p-coumaroylquinic acids (chlorogenic acids) and gal-
the ‘orthodox’ and the ‘cut–tear–curl’ processes.29,30 In both the loylquinic acids and at least 27 proanthocyanidins, including
objective is to achieve efficient disruption of cellular compart- some with ()-epiafzelchin units, also occur.36 In addition, some
mentation bringing phenolic compounds into contact with forms have a significant content of hydrolysable tannins, such as
polyphenol oxidases and activating many other enzymes. A strictinin (81),37 perhaps indicating an affinity with C. japonica,
detailed account of the processes is beyond the scope of this C. sasanqua and C. oleifera,38 whereas others contain chalcan–
article (see ref. 30) but oxidation for 60–120 min at about 40  C flavan dimers known as assamaicins (82).39
before drying is representative. In green teas, especially those of Japanese production, most of
When harvested, the fresh tea leaf is unusually rich in poly- these various polyphenols survive and can be found in the mar-
phenols (ca. 30% dry weight) and this changes with processing keted product. In Chinese green teas and the semi-fermented teas
even during the manufacture of commercial green tea, and such as oolong, some transformations occur, for example leading
progressively through semi-fermented teas to black teas to the production of theasinensins (83) (flavan-3-ol dimers linked
and those with a microbial processing stage. Flavan-3-ols 2/20 ), oolong homo-bis-flavans linked either 8/80 (84) or 8/
are the dominant polyphenols of fresh leaf. Usually 60 , oolongtheanin (85) and 8C-ascorbyl-epigallocatechin-3-O-

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gallate (86).40 In black tea production the transformations are primary substrates for polyphenol oxidase are the flavan-3-ols
much more extensive, with some 90% destruction of the flavan-3- which are converted to quinones. These quinones react further,
ols in orthodox processing and even greater transformation in and may be reduced back to phenols by oxidising other phenols,
cut–tear–curl processing. Some losses of 5-O-galloylquinic acid such as gallic acid (54), flavonol glycosides and theaflavins (94),
(theogallin) (87), quercetin glycosides and especially myricetin that are not direct substrates for polyphenol oxidase.44
glycosides have been noted, and recent studies on thearubigins Many of the transformation products are still uncharacterised.
(88) suggest that theasinensins (83) and possibly proanthocya- The best known are the various theaflavins and theaflavin
nidins may also be transformed. Pu’er tea is produced by gallates (94), characterised by their bicyclic undecane benz-
a microbial fermentation of black tea. Some novel compounds tropolone nucleus, reddish colour and solubility in ethyl acetate.
have been isolated and it is suggested that they form during the These form through the Michael addition of a B-ring trihydroxy
fermentation.41 These include two new 8-C-substituted flavan-3- (epi)gallocatechin quinone to a B-ring dihydroxy (epi)catechin
ols, puerins A and B (89, 90), two known cinchonain-type quinone prior to carbonyl addition across the ring and subse-
phenols, epicatechin-[7,8-bc]-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-dihydro- quent decarboxylation.45 However, it is now accepted that the
2(3H)-pyranone (91) and cinchonain Ib (92), and 2,20 ,6,60 -tet- theasinensins (83) form more rapidly and may actually be thea-
rahydroxydiphenyl (93). However, various cinchonains have flavin (94) precursors.46,47 Theaflavonins (95) and theogallinin
previously been reported in unfermented plant material.42 (96) (2/20 -linked theasinensin analogues formed from ()-epi-
It is generally considered that polyphenol oxidase, which has gallocatechin (23)/()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27) and iso-
at least three isoforms, is the key enzyme in the fermentation myricetin-3-glucoside (97) or 5-O-galloylquinic acid (87),
processes that produce black teas, but there is also evidence for respectively) have also been found in black tea.46
an important contribution from peroxidases, with the essential Coupled oxidation of free gallic acid or ester gallate produces
hydrogen peroxide being generated by polyphenol oxidase.43 The quinones that can replace (epi)gallocatechin quinone leading to

1010 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
(epi)theaflavic acids (98) and various theaflavates (99).48 Inter- quinones with peptides and proteins. Though long anticipated, 80 -
action between two quinones derived from trihydroxy precursors ethylpyrrolidinonyl-theasinensin A (106), the first such product
can produce benztropolone-containing theaflagallins (100)49 or containing an N-ethyl-2-pyrrolidinone moiety, was only isolated
yellowish theacitrins (101) that have a tricyclic dodecane from black tea in 2005.57 It is probably formed from a theasinensin
nucleus.50 Mono- or di-gallated analogues are similarly formed (83) and the quinone-driven Strecker aldehyde produced by
from the appropriate gallated precursors, and in the case of decarboxylation of theanine (107). Much remains to be done in
theaflavins coupled oxidation of benztropolone gallates can lead this area, and it is interesting to note that for consumers of black
to theadibenztropolones (102) (and higher homologues at least in tea, consumption of these uncharacterised derived polyphenols at
model systems). Oxidative degallation of ()-epigallocatechin-3- ca. 100 mg per cup greatly exceeds their consumption of chemi-
O-gallate (27) produces a pinkish-red desoxyanthocyanidin, tri- cally-defined polyphenols such as flavonoids.58
cetanidin (103).51 Green and semi-fermented teas retain substantial amounts of
The brownish water-soluble thearubigins (88) are the major the flavan-3-ols, but they decline progressively with increased
phenolic fraction of black tea, and these have been only partially fermentation and are lowest in cut–tear–curl black teas. Beverages
characterised. Masses certainly extend to ca. 2000 daltons. Early from green, semi-fermented and black teas also have significant
reports that these were polymeric proanthocyanidins52 probably contents of flavonol glycosides and smaller amounts of chloro-
arose through detection of proanthocyanidins that had passed genic acids, flavone-C-glycosides (including luteolin-8-C-gluco-
through from the fresh leaf unchanged. The few structures that side (108)) and 5-O-galloylquinic acid (87), which are less affected
have been identified include dibenztropolones (102) where the by processing but may vary more markedly with the origin of the
‘chain extension’ has involved coupled oxidation of ester gallate,53 fresh leaf.32,34.59 The black tea beverage uniquely contains thea-
theanaphthoquinones (104) formed when a bicyclo-undecane flavins (94) and to a greater extent the high molecular weight
benztropolone nucleus collapses back to a bicyclo-decane thearubigins (88), which are responsible for the astringent taste of
nucleus54 and dehydrotheasinensins (105).55 Production of higher- black tea and the characteristic red-brown colour. Thearubigins
mass thearubigins could involve coupled oxidation of gallate are difficult to analyse, since they either do not elute from or are
esters yielding tribenztropolones, etc., coupled oxidation of large not resolved on reverse-phase HPLC columns. Indirect estimates
mass precursors such as proanthocyanidin gallates or theasinensin indicate that they comprise around 80% of the phenolic compo-
gallates (83) rather than flavan-3-ol gallates,56 or interaction of nents in black tea infusions.60 Details of how some of the phenolic

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compounds in green tea are modified by fermentation to produce 3.1.2 Coffee. In economic terms, coffee is the most valuable
black tea are presented in Table 2.61 Further changes may occur agricultural product exported by third-world and developing
during the domestic brewing process and production of instant tea countries, amounting to ca. six million metric tonnes per
beverages. The flavan-3-ols may epimerise, producing for example annum.27 The green coffee bean is the processed, generally non-
()-catechin (28) and (+)-epicatechin (29).62 viable, seed of the coffee cherry. Commercial production exploits
Table 2 Concentration of the major phenolics in infusions of green and black tea manufactured from the same batch of Camellia sinensis leaves.61,a

Black tea content as a percentage of

Compound Green tea Black tea green tea content

Gallic acid (54) 6.0  0.1 125  7.5 2083

5-O-Galloylquinic acid (87) 122  1.4 148  0.8 121
Total gallic acid derivatives 128 273 213
(+)-Gallocatechin B (24) 383  3.1 n.d. 0
()-Epigallocatechin (25) 1565  18 33  0.8 2.1
(+)-Catechin (22) 270  9.5 12  0.1 4.4
()-Epicatechin (23) 738  17 11  0.2 1.5
()-Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate 1255  63 19  0.0 1.5
()-Epicatechin-3-O-gallate (26) 361  12 26  0.1 7.2
Total flavan-3-ols 4572 101 2.2
3-O-Caffeoylquinic acid (62) 60  0.2 10  0.2 17
5-O-Caffeoylquinic acid (64) 231  1.0 62  0.2 27
4-O-p-Coumaroylquinic acid (149) 160  3.4 143  0.2 89
Total hydroxycinammate quinic 451 215 48
Quercetin-O-rhamnosylgalactoside 15  0.6 12  0.2 80
Quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (153) 131  1.9 98  1.4 75
Quercetin-3-O-galactoside (150) 119  0.9 75  1.1 63
Quercetin-O-rhamnose-hexose- 30  0.4 25  0.1 83
Quercetin-3-O-glucoside (117) 185  1.6 119  0.1 64
Kaempferol-rhamnose-hexose- 32  0.2 30  0.3 94
Kaempferol-galactoside 42  0.6 29  0.1 69
Kaempferol-rutinoside 69  1.4 60  0.4 87
Kaempferol-O-glucoside 102  0.4 69  0.9 68
Kaempferol-arabinoside 4.4  0.3 n.d. 0
Unknown quercetin conjugate 4  0.1 4.3  0.5 108
Unknown quercetin conjugate 33  0.1 24  0.9 73
Unknown kaempferol conjugate 9.5  0.2 n.d. 0
Unknown kaempferol conjugate 1.9  0.0 1.4  0.0 74
Total flavonols 778 570 73
Theaflavin (94) n.d. 64  0.2 N
Theaflavin-3-gallate (94) n.d. 63  0.6 N
Theaflavin-30 -gallate (94) n.d. 35  0.8 N
Theaflavin-3,30 -digallate (94) n.d. 62  0.1 N
Total theaflavins n.d. 224 N
Data expressed as mg/L  standard error (n ¼ 3). n.d. – not detected. Green and black teas prepared by infusing 3 g of leaves with 300 mL of boiling
water for 3 min.

1012 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
the seeds of Coffea arabica (so-called arabica coffees) accounting decarboxylation and cyclisation of the vinylcatechol interme-
for ca. 70% of the world market and C. canephora (so-called diate.69 Two of these rather unstable compounds, 1,3-trans- and
robusta coffees) accounting for ca. 30%. Although the method of 1,3-cis-tetrahydroxyphenylindan (115, 116), have been found in
processing the coffee cherry and the extracted beans has subtle roasted and instant coffee at 10–15 mg/kg.
effects on the sensory properties of the beverage obtained, the
effects on the delivery of polyphenols are comparatively
slight,27,63 and will not be described here.
Green coffee beans are one of the richest dietary sources of
chlorogenic acids comprising 6–10% on a dry-weight basis. 5-O-
Caffeoylquinic acid (62) is by far the dominant chlorogenic acid,
accounting for some 50% of the total. This is accompanied by
significant amounts of 3-O- and 4-O-caffeoylquinic acid (63, 64),
the three analogous feruloylquinic acids and 3,4-O-, 3,5-O- and
4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acids (109–111).64 Recently, many minor
mono-acyl and diacyl chlorogenic acids involving also p-cou-
maric acid (58) and 3,4-dimethoxycinnamic acid (112) have been
characterised in green coffee beans65 along with a series of amino
acid conjugates.66 Robustas, with the possible exception of those
from Angola, have a significantly greater content of chlorogenic
acids than arabicas.67

The commercial beans are roasted at air temperatures as high

as 230  C for a few minutes, or at 180  C for up to ca. 20 min.
During roasting there is a progressive destruction and trans-
formation of chlorogenic acids with some 8–10% being lost for 3.1.3 Cocoa. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is a tree which orig-
every 1% loss of dry matter, but substantial amounts survive to inated in the tropical regions of South America. There are two
be extracted into domestic brews and commercial soluble coffee forms sufficiently distinct as to be considered subspecies. Criollo
powders. For many consumers coffee beverage must be the developed north of the Panama isthmus and Forastero in the
major dietary source of chlorogenic acids.63 Regular coffee Amazon basin, the latter accounting for 90% of world produc-
drinkers will almost certainly have a greater intake of chloro- tion. Extraction of the seeds, fermentation and conversion to
genic acids than flavonoids.58 While a portion of the green bean chocolate and cocoa are described elsewhere.27,70 These processes
chlorogenic acids is completely destroyed, some is transformed will cause some transformation of the native polyphenols, but
during roasting. Early in roasting when there is still adequate although there is a role for polyphenol oxidase and a roasting at
water content, isomerisation (acyl migration) occurs accompa- ca. 150  C, these transformations are even less well characterised
nied by some hydrolysis, releasing the cinnamic acids and quinic than those of tea or coffee processing. Cocoa and chocolate as
acid. Later in roasting the free quinic acid epimerises and lacto- consumed have been characterised only with regard to the
nises, and several chlorogenic lactones including 3-O- and 4-O- surviving untransformed flavan-3-ols and proanthocyanidins.
caffeoyl-1,5-quinide (113, 114)† also form.68 The cinnamic acids The major polyphenols in fresh beans are (+)-catechin (22),
may be decarboxylated and transformed to a number of simple ()-epicatechin (23) and oligomeric procyanidins ranging from
phenols and a range of phenylindans, probably via dimers to decamers. Trace quantities of quercetin-3-O-glucoside
(117) and quercetin-3-O-arabinoside (118) also occur.71 Indi-
vidual procyanidins that have been identified include the B5 and
† To avoid confusion, non-IUPAC numbering is used for the quinide B2 dimers (30, 31) and the trimer C1 (119).72 N-Caffeoyl-3-O-
moiety in 113 and 114. hydroxytyrosine (clovamide) (120) and N-p-coumaroyl-tyrosine

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1013
(deoxyclovamide) (121) are also present.73 These compounds The wild grapevine originated in the Far East (Mesopotamia) and
along with the proanthocyanidins contribute to the astringent Egypt, and evidence for wine production dates from Neolithic
taste of unfermented cocoa beans and roasted cocoa nibs, but not times. Today, wines are produced from numerous varieties of
to the same degree as other amides, in particular cinnamoyl-L- grapes, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah,
aspartic acid (122) and caffeoyl-L-glutamic acid (123).74 During Cinsault, Rondinella, Sangiovese, Nebiolo, Grenache, Tempra-
fermentation and processing, the conversion of many of the nillo, Tannat and Carignan. The main commercial producers are
phenolic components to insoluble brown polymeric compounds located in France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Chile,
takes place and the level of soluble polyphenols can fall by ca. Argentina, California and South Africa, as well as Bulgaria,
90%. As a consequence, there are large variations in the flavan-3- Romania, southern Brazil, and (more recently) China and India.
ol monomer and procyanidin content of commercial cocoas, and A wide variety of processes are used in the making of red wine.
many brands of milk chocolate are largely depleted of flavan-3- Typically, however, black grapes are pressed and the juice
ols.75 As a further complication it has recently been reported that (‘must’), together with the crushed grapes, undergo alcoholic
chocolate has a significant content of ()-catechin (28), which is fermentation for 5–10 days at ca. 25–28  C. The solids are
absorbed less readily than its (+)-isomer (22).76 removed and the young wine subjected to a secondary or malo-
lactic fermentation during which malic acid is converted to lactic
acid and carbon dioxide. This softens the acidity of the wine and
adds to its complexity and stability. The red wine is then matured
in stainless steel vats or (in the case of higher quality vintages) in
oak barrels for varying periods, before being filtered and bottled.
White wines are produced from both black and, more tradi-
tionally, white varieties of grapes. The berries are crushed gently
rather than pressed to prevent breaking of stems and seeds. Solid
material is removed and the clarified juice fermented typically
between 16  C and 20  C for 5 days. The resultant must then
undergoes malo-lactic fermentation, before maturation, filtra-
tion and bottling.
Wines are produced from an assortment of grape cultivars
grown under climatic conditions that can vary substantially not
only in different geographical regions but also locally on a year-
to-year basis. To complicate matters further, grapes at different
stages of maturity are used, and vinification and ageing proce-
dures are far from uniform. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that
wines are extremely heterogeneous in terms of their colour,
flavour, appearance, taste and chemical composition.72,77 In
general, however, red wines, and to a much lesser extent white
wines, are an extremely rich source of a variety of phenolic and
polyphenolic compounds.
In the making of red wine, with prolonged extraction, the
fermented must can contain up to 40–60% of the phenolics
originally present in the grapes. Subtle changes in these grape-
derived phenolic components occur during the ageing of the
wines, especially when carried out in oak barrels or, as in recent
years, during exposure to chips of oak wood. Consequently,
there is a wide range in the level of phenolics between different
red wines, the concentration of flavonols, for instance, varying by
more than 10-fold and the overall level of phenolics by almost 5-
fold (Table 3).78 Information on variations in the levels of
a number of phenolic compounds in comprehensive range of
French red wines have been published.79,80
The phenolics in red wines are the hydroxycinnamate–tartaric
acid conjugates, coutaric acid (124), caftaric acid (125) and fer-
taric acid (126), malvidin-3-O-glucoside (41) and other antho-
cyanins with lower levels of gallic acid (54), stilbenes and
flavonols. From the data presented in Table 3 it is evident that
the levels of the flavan-3-ol monomers (+)-catechin (22) and
()-epicatechin (23) are not high and that there is a large
discrepancy between the levels of phenolics measured by HPLC
3.1.4 Wines. Wine is basically the fermented juice of Vitis and the total phenolics determined by the Folin-Ciocalteau
vinifera grapes with a minimum alcohol level of 8.5% by volume. assay. Among the ‘missing ingredients’ that were not measured

1014 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
Table 3 Range of concentrations of phenolic compounds in 15 red wines Table 4 Average concentration of selected phenolic compounds in 34
of different geographical origin.77,a red, 11 dry white and 7 sweet white French wines.79,a

Phenolic Range (mg/L) Red wine Dry white wine Sweet white wine

Total flavonols 5–55 Flavan-3-ols

trans-Resveratrol (71) and trans- 1–18 (+)-Catechin (22) 41  6 15  8 4.2  0.7
resveratrol-3-O-glucoside (72) ()-Epicatechin (23) 29  3 12  9 1.4  0.3
Gallic acid (54) 8–71 Procyanidin B1 (127) 15  2 5.1  2.3 3.4  0.4
Total hydroxycinnmates 66–124 Procyanidin B2 (31) 27  5 8.9  4.9 3.0  0.5
(+)-Catechin (22) and 8–60 Procyanidin B3 (128) 59  7 13  5 10  2
()-epicatechin (23) Procyanidin B4 (30) 5.2  1.0 4.0  2.5 2.0  1.1
Free and polymeric anthocyanins 41–150 Total flavan-3-ols 177  22 59  31 24  1
Total phenols 824–4059 Gallic acid (54) 30  2 4.0  2.1 5.8  1.1
Caffeic acid (59) 11  1 3.4  0.5 1.6  0.3
Total phenols measured by colorimetric Folin-Ciocalteau assay; other Caftaric acid (125) 51  4 33  6 14  3
estimates based on HPLC analyses that did not detect Anthocyanins 22  19 n.d. n.d.
Data expressed as in mg/L as mean values  standard error. n.d. – not
by HPLC are proanthocyanidin B1–4 dimers (127, 31, 128, 30),
the C1 and C2 trimers (129, 130)81 and oligomeric and polymeric
forms with respective mean degrees of polymerisation of 4.8 and
22.1.82 The equivalent mean degrees of polymerisation of malvidin-3-O-glucoside-pyruvic acid (vitisin A) (137) and mal-
proanthocyanidins in grapes were 9.8 and 31.5, indicating that vidin-3-O-glucoside-4-vinyl (vitisin B) (138).85
substantial changes in flavan-3-ol composition occur during The production of white wine results in either low levels or an
fermentation and aging of the wines. Among the processes absence of skin- and seed-derived phenolics, so the overall level
involved is the formation of compounds corresponding to mal- of phenolics can be much lower than that found in many red
vidin-3-O-glucoside (41) linked through a vinyl bond to either wines.86 This observation is reflected in a more detailed
(+)-catechin, ()-epicatechin or the procyanidin dimer B3 (131– comparison of the constituents of French red wines, dry white
133).83 Similar blue-coloured compounds with the flavan-3-ols wines and sweet white wines summarised in Table 4.80
linked to malvidin-3-O-(600 -O-p-coumaroyl)glucoside (44) have
also been detected in red wines (134–136).84 The production of 3.1.5 Beer. Beer is an alcoholic beverage made from malted
pyruvate and acetaldehyde by yeast during fermentation of grains, usually barley (Hordeum vulgare) or wheat (Triticum
Tempranillo grapes has been associated with the formation of vulgare), hops (Humulus lupulus), yeast (Saccharomyces spp.) and
water. It contains a range of phenolic and polyphenolic
compounds, derived partly from the barley (70%) and partly
from the hops (30%). Flavan-3-ols are found in both hops and
malt. These include monomers such as (+)-catechin (22) and
()-epicatechin (23), and the dimers procyanidin B3 (128) and
prodelphinidin B3 (139). Trimers also occur, although a more
recent study, albeit with one unnamed American beer, reported
an absence of high molecular weight polymeric proanthocyani-
dins and an average degree of polymerisation of only 2.1.87 The
malt contributes most of the simple phenolics such as 3,4-dihy-
droxybenzoic acid (protocatechuic acid) (140), caffeic acid (59)
and ferulic acid (60), with small amounts of these compounds
also being found in hops.

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general low and sub-mg quantities per litre are present. De
Pascual-Teresa et al.89 determined the flavan-3-ol content of a red
wine and a beer and found 17.8 and 7.3 mg/L, respectively.
Considering serving size, the potential flavan-3-ol intake from
these two sources is similar.

3.1.6 Cider. Cider is an alcoholic beverage produced by

yeast fermentation of apples (Malus domestica), typically
specific cider varieties rather than dessert apples, the varieties
often but not always blended. A survey of English ciders found
Hops contain quercetin conjugates and the prenylflavonoid that the overall level of phenolics ranged from 44 to 1559 mg/L.
xanthohumol (141), which during the brewing process undergoes The principal components were 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (62),
substantial conversion to the flavanone isoxanthohumol (142), and procyanidins. Also present were (+)-catechin (22),
which predominates in most beers. Other prenylflavonoids found ()-epicatechin (23), the dihydrochalcones phloretin-20 -O-
in beers include desmethylxanthohumol (143), 6- and 8-pre- glucoside (phloridzin) (147) and phloretin-20 -O-(200 -O-xylosyl)-
nylnaringenin (144, 145) and 6-geranylnaringenin (146).88 The glucoside (148), hydroxycinnamates and trace amounts of
quantity of phenolics in beer has not been widely studied, but in quercetin glycosides.90,91

1016 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
xylosyl)glucoside (148) and 4-O-p-coumaroylquinic acid (149).
Apples are an important source of flavonols, containing quer-
cetin-3-O-glucoside (117), quercetin-3-O-galactoside (150),
quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside (151), quercetin-3-O-xyloside (152),
quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (153), quercetin-3-O-arabinopyroside
(154) and quercetin-3-O-arabinofuranoside (155). They also
contain flavan-3-ols, including ()-epicatechin (23) and its pro-
cyanidin dimers (B1 (127) and B2 (31)) and oligomers, these latter
especially in cider apples.98 The procyanidins have been shown to
have an average degree of polymerisation of between 3.1 and
8.5.99 An anthocyanin, cyanidin-3-O-galactoside (156), is found
in the skin of red apple varieties.

Chlorogenic acids and flavan-3-ols are the two classes that are
important in the cider industry due to their physiochemical
properties. 5-O-Caffeoylquinic acid (64) is a key substrate for
endogenous polyphenol oxidases, with further reactions from the
products formed giving cider its yellow-brown colouring.92
Phenolics of apples are implicated in cider quality, being involved
in astringent and bitter tastes. The degree of polymerisation of
procyanidins is directly involved in the balance of bitterness and
astringency. Bitterness is due to oligomeric procyanidins with
a degree of polymerisation of 2–5, whereas procyanidins with
a degree of polymerisation of 6–10 are more involved in astrin-
The method of production has been shown to affect the
phenolic content, with modern techniques of pneumatically
pressed cider fermented in stainless steel vats decreasing levels
more slowly than the more traditional methods of pressing and
fermenting in wooden barrels.94 Oxidation which occurs during
the juice extraction has also been linked with a reduction in the
level of polymeric procyanidins.95 Fining to clarify the cider has
been shown to decrease the procyanidin content.90

3.2 Fruits
Apples (Malus domestica) and pears (Pyrus communis) are
among the main sources of proanthocyanidins in the diet.96
Apples and apple products are extensively consumed. They are
a good source of flavonoids and phenolic compounds, containing The total phenolic content of some cultivars of pears is
2310–4880 mg/kg.97 The principal ingredients include 5-O-caf- between 1235 and 2500 mg/kg in the peel and 28–81 mg/kg in the
feoylquinic acid (64) which occurs together with small quantities flesh.100 The phenolic composition of pears is very similar to that
of phloretin-20 -O-glucoside (146), phloretin-20 -O-(200 -O- of apples, containing 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (64), 4-O-p-

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1017
coumaroylquinic acid (149), procyanidins and quercetin glyco- quercetin and kaempferol glycosides, the principal flavonols
sides. The main difference in the phenolic content of apples and being quercetin-3-O-glucoside (117) and quercetin-3-O-galacto-
pears is the presence of 1-hydroxyphenyl-4-O-glucoside (arbutin) side (150), a xanthone C-glucoside, mangiferin (162), and smaller
(157) in pears and the dihydrochalcones in apples.101 The average amounts of its isomer isomangiferin (163), an array of gallo-
degree of polymerisation of procyanidins in some varieties of tannins, and C-glucosides and galloyl derivatives of the benzo-
pears has been shown to be as high as 44.102 phenones maclurin (164) and iriflopheone (165).106 Mango latex
There is increasing usage of nectarines (Prunus persica var. also contains the contact allergen 5-(12-heptadecenyl)resorcinol
nectarina) a smooth-skinned variety of peach. Peaches and (166),107 which may contaminate the peel but not normally the
nectarines contain cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (158), cyanidin-3-O- fruit itself. Mango extracts are used widely in traditional medi-
rutinoside (159), quercetin-3-O-glucoside (117) and quercetin-3- cines for treating a number of conditions including diarrhoea,
O-rutinoside (153), and other stone fruits (cherries, plums, diabetes and skin infections,108 and mangiferin is reported to
prunes) are not greatly different. Stone fruits are characterised by inhibit bowel carcinogenesis in rats.109
a greater content of 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid (62) than 5-O-caf-
feoylquinic acid (64).103 Canning and storage of nectarines causes
a reduction in the contents of (+)-catechin (22), ()-epicatechin
(23) and proanthocyanidins including procyanidin B1 (127).104

Citrus fruits are significant sources of flavonoids, principally

flavanones, which are present in both the juice and the tissues that
are ingested when fruit segments are consumed. These tissues are
Commercial pomegranate juice is being consumed in
a particularly rich source but are only consumed as an accidental
increasing quantities. Some, but not all, of the products have
adjunct to the consumption of the pulp. It is difficult to estimate
a high antioxidant content attributable to gallagic acid (167), an
dietary intake in such cases because it is so heavily dependent on
analogue of ellagic acid (56) containing four gallic acid (54)
the amount of tissue surrounding the segments after peeling, and
residues, and punicalin (168), the principal monomeric ellagi-
on the method of analysis.105 Citrus peel, and to a lesser extent the
tannin in which gallagic acid is bound to glucose. Punicalagin
segments, also contain the conjugated flavanone naringenin-7-O-
(169) is a further ellagitannin in which ellagic acid, as well as
rutinoside (46) as well as hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside (45), which is
gallagic acid, is linked to the glucose moiety. Pomegranates
included in dietary supplements and is reputed to prevent capil-
contain 3-O-glucosides and 3,5-O-diglucosides of cyanidin (36)
lary bleeding. Naringenin-7-O-neohesperidoside (48) from
and delphinidin (37) and several ellagic acid derivatives.110 There
grapefruit peel and hesperetin-7-O-neohesperidoside (47) from
is evidence that consumption of pomegranate juice can have
bitter orange are intensely bitter flavanone glycosides. Orange
a favourable impact on cardiovascular disease111 and have
juice contains polymethoxylated flavones such as tangeretin (20),
protective effects against colon and prostate cancer.112
nobiletin (21), scutellarein (160) and sinensetin (161), which are
found exclusively in citrus species. The relative levels of these
compounds can be used to detect the illegal adulteration of
orange juice with juice of tangelo fruit (Citrus reticulata).
The red colour of ripe mango (Mangifera indica) peel is due to
cyanidin-3-O-galactoside (156). The peels also contains several

1018 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
in the Northern European diet, the edible flesh containing
between 280 and 490 mg/kg.7 Even higher concentrations are
found in the dry outer scales.116 By contrast, leeks have been
found to contain only 10–60 mg/kg of kaempferol and no
quercetin. White onions are all but devoid of flavonols. Red
onions like their yellow counterparts are rich in flavonols and
also contain up to 250 mg/kg of anthocyanins,117 among the
major components being cyanidin-3-O-(600 -malonyl)glucoside
(175) and cyanidin-3-O-(600 -malonyl)laminaribioside (176).118
Flavonols are of chemotaxonomic interest, and many
commodities, e.g. broccoli119 and spinach,120 contain distinctive
forms, but in most cases intake is low. Flavonols are generally
concentrated in the leaf or peel, and cherry tomatoes, because of
their high skin:volume ratio, are an especially rich source of
quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (153).121 The extent to which this is
3.3 Vegetables transferred to processed products is largely unknown.
Although widely consumed in fresh and processed forms, there
Carrots contain a range of chlorogenic acids including 3-O- and 5- is relatively little information on the phytochemicals present in
O-caffeoylquinic acids (62, 64), 3-O-p-coumaroylquinic acid (170), most legumes of dietary significance. The notable exception is
5-O-feruloylquinic acid (171) and 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid soybean (Glycine max) which contains the isoflavones diadzein-
(110). The chlorogenic acids are found in orange, purple, yellow 7-O-(600 -O-malonyl)glucoside (177) and genistein-7-O-(600 -O-
and white carrots, the level of 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid in purple malonyl)glucoside (178), and their aglycones (49, 50).122 The
carrots, at 540 mg/kg, being almost 10-fold higher than the levels of isoflavones in soybeans have been reported to range
amounts present in the other varieties.113 Chlorogenic acids are from 560–3810 mg/kg, which is two orders of magnitude higher
considered a carrot root fly attractant, and varieties resistant to this than the amounts detected in other legumes. Fermented soya
pest have been bred to have low caffeoylquinic acid contents.114 products can be comparatively rich in the aglycones as hydrolysis
of the glycosides can occur.123 Products whose manufacture
involves heating at 100  C, such as soy milk and tofu, contain
reduced quantities of isoflavones, the principal components
being daidzein and genistein glucosides, which form as a result of
degradation of the malonyl- and acetylglucosides.124
As far as other legumes are concerned, peanuts (Arachis
hypogaea) contain 5,7-dimethoxyisoflavone (179), broad beans
(Vicia faba) are a relatively rich source of flavan-3-ols (contain-
ing more than 150 mg/kg89), while French beans (Phaseolus vul-
Onions provide a range of flavonols that are of comparatively garis) can contain substantial quantities of quercetin-3-O-
restricted occurrence, principally quercetin-40 -O-glucoside (172) glucuronide (180).125 Pinto beans and red kidney beans contain in
and quercetin-3,40 -O-diglucoside (173) with smaller amounts of excess of 5 g/kg of proanthocyanidins, principally as prodelphi-
isorhamnetin-40 -O-glucoside (174) and other quercetin conju- nidins and propelargonidins, most with a degree of polymerisa-
gates.115 Yellow onions form one of the main sources of flavonols tion >4.126

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3.4 Miscellaneous minor commodities
Minor commodities are those consumed in small quantities,
perhaps less than a gram per day on average, for example nuts,
algae, herbs and spices. Compositional data are scarce and have
been reviewed in detail elsewhere.2,127 Attention is drawn here to
their provision of unusual phenols and polyphenols.
Nuts encompass a botanically diverse collection of fruits that
contain an edible and usually rather hard and oily kernel within
a hard or brittle outer shell. They are consumed raw or roasted as
snack foods or decorative/comparatively minor ingredients in
baked goods and confectionary. Proanthocyanidins are
frequently present at quite high concentrations, for example
hazelnuts (Corylus avellana) and pecans (Carya illinoensis) are
particularly rich with ca. 5 g/kg, whereas almonds (Prunus dulcis)
and pistachios (Pistachio vera) contain 1.8 to 2.4 mg/kg, walnuts
ca. 0.67 g/kg, roasted peanuts ca. 0.16 g/kg and cashews (Ana-
cardium occidentale) only ca. 0.09 g/kg. Fruits of black walnut
(Juglans nigra) and buttermilk walnut (J. cinerea) contain 1,5-
dihydroxynaphthalene-4-O-glucoside (181), from which 5-
hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (juglone) (182) is produced during
ripening by hydrolysis and oxidation. This quinone is responsible
for the yellow-brown staining and irritation of the hands that can
occur after handling these nuts.127
Marine algae are utilised to a limited extent for food and as
a source of polysaccharides used as food additives, but are
increasingly being investigated for their novel, potentially
bioactive components. Red algae which are consumed as laver
bread and ‘nori’ synthesise a substantial range of halogenated
phenols. 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (183) predominates and the total
bromophenols content ranges from 8 to 180 mg/kg. Herbs and
spices are botanically heterogeneous, phytochemically complex,
and extremely variable in composition geographically.
Frequently, herbs and spices contain phytochemicals not found
in other foodstuffs and may sometimes resemble herbal medi-
cines. Rosmarinic acids (184, 185), cinnamaldehyde (186), 2- 4 Biosynthesis of phenolics and polyphenolics
hydroxycinnamaldehyde (187), curcuminoids (cinnamoyl-meth- The biosynthesis of flavonoids, stilbenes, hydroxycinnamates
anes or diaryl-heptenoids) (188–190), piperidine (191), capsaicin and phenolic acids involves a complex network of routes based
(192) and gingerols (193) are variously found.2 principally on the shikimate (C6–C1 compounds), phenyl-
propanoid (C6–C3 compounds) and flavonoid pathways. The
non-flavonoids are formed via the shikimic and phenylpropanoid
pathways (Fig. 2). The C6–C3–C6 flavonoid structure is formed
from the interaction of two separate biosynthesis pathways. The
bridge and the aromatic B-ring constitute a phenylpropanoid
unit synthesized from p-coumaroyl-CoA. The six carbons of ring
A originate from the condensation of three acetate units via the
malonic acid pathway (Fig. 3). Much of the recent information
on these pathways, the enzymes involved, and the encoding genes
has come from molecular biology-based studies with Arabidopsis
thaliana which are discussed in detail elsewhere.128 This knowl-
edge has opened up the possibility of using genetic engineering to
produce fruits and vegetables containing elevated levels of key

1020 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of the main pathways and key enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of hydrolysable tannins, hydroxycinnamates and 5-O-
caffeoylquinic acid (64). Enzyme abbreviations: PAL, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; C4H, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase; COMT-1, caffeic/5-hydroxyferulic
acid O-methyltransferase; 4CL, p-coumarate:CoA ligase; F5H, ferulate 5-hydroxylase; GT, galloyltransferase; ACoAC, acetylCoA carboxylase.

phenolic and polyphenolic compounds that may enhance a pathway, or part of a pathway, to other plant species.129 Both
protection of human health. structural genes and transcription factors have been manipulated
for this purpose. Transcriptional factors play an important role
in regulating secondary metabolism, and since they are able to
5 Potential for genetically-modified produce
control multiple steps within a pathway, they are potentially
Recognising that genetic control plays a most crucial role in the more powerful than structural genes (which control only a single
production of functional metabolites has made plants producing step) when attempting to manipulate metabolic pathways in
beneficial phytochemicals an attractive target for manipulation plants.130
and augmentation using biotechnological breeding strategies. Conveniently from a nutritional perspective, the flavonoid
The goal is to increase the production of specific bioactive biosynthesis pathway is the best-studied route at the genetic level,
ingredients in the normal producing plant species or to transfer and to date most of the structural and several regulatory genes

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1021
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of the stilbene and flavonoid biosynthetic pathways. Enzyme abbreviations: SS, stilbene synthase; CHS, chalcone synthase;
CHR, chalcone reductase; CHI, chalcone isomerase; IFS, isoflavone synthase; FNS, flavone synthase; F3H, flavanone 3-hydroxylase; FLS, flavonol
synthase; F30 H, flavonoid 30 -hydroxylase; DFR, dihydroflavonol 4-reductase; LAR, leucoanthocyanidin 4-reductase; ANS, anthocyanidin synthase;
ANR, anthocyanidin reductase; EU, extension units; TU, terminal unit.

1022 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
have been cloned (see Fig. 3). The use of structural genes in endogenous enzymes. This was reported for the tomato dihy-
metabolic engineering was the means by which Jung et al.131 droflavonol-4-reductase that was restricted in its substrate
introduced the isoflavone synthase gene into the non-legume specificity to dihydromyricetin (196), and thus only gave rise to
Arabidopsis in order to convert naringenin (194) to the isoflavone the production of delphinidin (37)-type anthocyanins.134 The
genistein (50). The same gene was also introduced into tomato picture that evolves from the studies on biosynthetic pathways
plants under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S and metabolic engineering is that once the plant cell factory has
promoter and this resulted in the accumulation of up to 90 nmol/g been assembled, based on the genetic information, the important
(fresh weight) of genistein-7-O-glucoside (195) in leaves of the determinants controlling the fluxes through the pathways are the
transgenic plants.132 In another study, chalcone isomerase, the key post-translational regulation of enzyme activity and enzyme and
enzyme to enhance flavonol production, was over-expressed in metabolite compartmentation and transport.129
tomato, resulting in a 78-fold increase in the flavonol levels in the
skin of the fruit.133 In contrast, over-expression of regulatory
genes, such as the LC and C1, to control multiple pathways, also
resulted in an increase in flavonols in the flesh of tomato fruit.
Total flavonol content of ripe transgenic tomatoes over-expressing
LC and C1 was ca. 20-fold higher than that of the controls where
flavonol production occurred only in the skin.134 In a further
study, AtMYB12, a flavonol-specific transcriptional factor in
Arabidopsis thaliana, was over-expressed in a tissue-specific In addition to the complexities mentioned above, another huge
manner in tomato. This activated both caffeoylquinic acid hurdle to clear is moving from research to practical application.
biosynthetic production and the flavonol biosynthetic pathway, Commercialization of the transgenic products assumes that at
and as a result a transgenic tomato fruit with extremely high levels some point their consumption would become acceptable to the
of multiple, polyphenolic compounds was produced.135 general public in the UK and Europe, which is certainly not the
case at the moment. It is also critical to ascertain the impact and
potential market for a given target trait and to ensure that the
expression system in the desired organelle, organ, or tissue at
each developmental stage will achieve a high accumulation level
of the desired compound or groups of compounds. In most cases,
a relatively constant and predictable product accumulation level
must be established to be sure that the introduced trait does not
adversely affect the host plant under agronomic conditions.139
Another important criterion, and one that would be much more
Butelli et al.136 attempted to increase the anthocyanin content difficult to achieve, is to ascertain whether the increased levels of
of tomatoes by over-expressing two transcription factors from desired phytochemicals remain palatable and are sufficient to
snapdragon. The fruit of the plants accumulated substantial achieve discernable health benefits.
concentrations of anthocyanins at levels significantly higher than
those found in blackberries and blueberries. Subsequently,
6 Bioavailability of phenolics and polyphenolics
cancer-susceptible Trp53(/) mice were fed with a diet sup-
plemented with the high-anthocyanin tomatoes, and results Following the ingestion of dietary flavonoids which, with the
revealed that these mice exhibited significant extension of the notable exception of flavan-3-ols, exist in planta predominantly
average life span from 142 to 182 days. as glycoside conjugates, absorption of some but not all compo-
Because of the complexity of the pathways involved and nents into the circulatory system occurs in the small intestine.140
variation between plant species, metabolic engineering to Typically, this is associated with hydrolysis, releasing the agly-
enhance levels of desired dietary phytochemicals remains a chal- cone, as a result of the action of lactase phloridizin hydrolase
lenging task. In practice, the final result is dependent upon (LPH) in the brush-border of the small intestine epithelial cells.
a number of factors, including the approach used, the encoded LPH exhibits broad substrate specificity for flavonoid-O-b-D-
function of the introduced gene and the type of promoter used as glucosides, and the released aglycone may then enter the
well as the regulation of the endogenous pathway,130,137 and the epithelial cells by passive diffusion as a result of its increased
anticipated results may not always be achieved. In several cases, lipophilicity and its proximity to the cellular membrane.141 An
over-expression has resulted in the accumulation of unexpected alternative site of hydrolysis is a cytosolic b-glucosidase (CBG)
products, demonstrating the complexity of the metabolic path- within the epithelial cells. In order for CBG-mediated hydrolysis
ways and our lack of knowledge of these networks and their to occur the polar glucosides must be transported into the
regulation. This was the case in a study by Bovy et al.138 in which epithelial cells, possibly with the involvement of the active
the C1 and R transcriptional factors were introduced into sodium-dependent glucose transporter SGLT1.142 Thus, it has
tomato. This led to the induction of several flavonoid genes, but been accepted that there are two possible routes by which the
was not sufficient to induce flavonoid-30 ,50 -hydroxylase activity, glucoside conjugates are hydrolysed and the resultant aglycones
and thereby bring about anthocyanin production by the fruit. appear in the epithelial cells, namely ‘LPH/diffusion’ and
Sometimes, the host plant or tissue may be ‘incapable’ of ‘transport/CBG’. However, a recent investigation, in which
producing certain compounds due to the substrate specificity of SGLT1 was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, indicated that

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1023
SLGT1 does not transport flavonoids and that glycosylated
flavonoids, and some aglycones, have the capability to inhibit the
glucose transporter.143
Prior to passage into the blood stream the aglycones undergo
metabolism, forming sulfate, glucuronide and/or methylated
metabolites through the respective action of sulfotransferases
(SULT), uridine-50 -diphosphate glucuronosyltransferases
(UGTs) and catechol-O-methyltransferases (COMT). There is
also efflux of at least some of the metabolites back into the lumen
of the small intestine and this is thought to involve members of
the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding cassette (ABC) family
of transporters including multidrug resistance protein (MRP)
and P-glycoprotein (P-gp). Once in the bloodstream, metabolites
can be subjected to phase II metabolism with further conversions
occurring in the liver, where enterohepatic transport in the bile
may result in some recycling back to the small intestine.140
Flavonoids and their metabolites not absorbed in the small
intestine can be absorbed in the large intestine but will be sub-
jected to the action of the colonic microflora, which will cleave
conjugating moieties and subject the resultant aglycones to ring
fission, leading to the production of phenolic acids and hydroxy-
cinnamates. These can be absorbed and ultimately excreted in
urine in substantial quantities that, in most instances, are well in
excess of the flavonoid metabolites that entered the circulatory
system via the small intestine.
A detailed review on the bioavailability of polyphenols in
humans was published in 2005 by Manach and colleagues.144
Much of the research covered involved feeding volunteers
a single supplement and monitoring the levels of flavonoids in
plasma and urine over a 24 h period. As flavonoid metabolites Fig. 4 Concentration of (A) quercetin-30 -O-sulfate (197) and quercetin-
were rarely available, analysis almost invariably involved treat- 3-O-glucuronide (180), (B) a quercetin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfate, iso-
ment of samples with mollusc glucuronidase/sulfatase prepara- rhamnetin-3-O-glucuronide (198) and a quercetin-O-diglucuronide in
tions and subsequent quantification of the released aglycones by plasma from six healthy human volunteers collected 0–6 h after the
HPLC using either absorbance, fluorescence or electrochemical ingestion of onions containing 275 mmol of flavonol glucosides. Data
detection. While at the time such studies provided valuable expressed as mean values in nmol/L  standard error (n ¼ 6). Note that
insights, it is important to appreciate their potential shortcom- no quercetin metabolites were present in detectable amounts in plasma
collected 24 h after supplementation.
ings. Namely, information yielded on the metabolites produced
is very indirect, and quantitative estimates, although precise, are
not necessarily accurate as there are few data on the efficiency 24 h during which time plasma and urine samples were collected
with which the enzymes hydrolyse individual metabolites and for analysis by HPLC-MS2. Five principal quercetin metabolites,
release the aglycone.145 Indeed, the only study on the subject to quercetin-30 -O-sulfate (197), quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180),
date reports that the use of enzyme hydrolysis results in an a quercetin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfate, isorhamnetin-3-O-glucuro-
underestimation of isoflavone metabolites.146 Our review will nide (198) and a quercetin-O-diglucuronide,‡ were detected in
focus on post-2005 bioavailability studies in which HPLC with plasma; their quantitative 0–6 h profiles are illustrated in Fig. 4.
mass spectrometric (MS) detection, in the single ion or selective No quercetin metabolites were detected in plasma collected either
reaction monitoring mode, has been used to identify or charac- prior to (0 h) or 24 h after supplementation. A pharmacokinetic
terise polyphenol metabolites in plasma and urine. analysis of the five plasma metabolites is summarised in Table 5
with information on maximum post-ingestion plasma

6.1 Flavonols
6.1.1 Onion quercetin-O-glucosides. As noted in Section 3.3, ‡ The availability of reference compounds enables specific metabolites to
onions are a rich source of quercetin-40 -O-glucoside (172) and be identified by HPLC-MS2 and MS3. In the absence of standards it is not
quercetin-3,40 -O-diglucoside (173), and Mullen et al.147 have possible to distinguish between isomers and to ascertain the position of
conjugating groups on the flavonoid skeleton. Thus, the
reported on an acute human feeding study with 270 g of lightly quercetin-O-diglucuronide and the quercetin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfate,
fried onions containing a total of 275 mmol of flavonol glucosides along with other metabolites detected in the onion study, could only be
with the main constituents being 143 mmol of the 40 -O-glucoside partially identified on the basis of their MS fragmentation pattern.
Nonetheless, the use of MS in this way represents a powerful HPLC
and 107 mmol of the 3,40 -O-diglucoside. The volunteers were on
detection system, as with low ng quantities of sample it provides
a low flavonoid diet for two days prior to ingestion of the meal, structural information on analytes of interest that is not obtained with
after which they continued on a low flavonoid diet for a further absorbance, fluorescence or electrochemical detectors.

1024 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
Table 5 Pharmacokinetic analysis of quercetin metabolites in the values obtained in earlier flavonol absorption studies,148 which is
plasma of healthy human volunteers after the consumption of 270 g of almost certainly a consequence of the enhanced accuracy of
fried onions containing 275 mmol of flavonol glucosides.147,a
analytical data available with the advent of HPLC-MS2.
Metabolites Cmax (nmol/L) Tmax (h) T1/2 (h) In keeping with the rapid Tmax and short plasma T1/2 values,
most urinary excretion of quercetin metabolites occurred within
Quercetin-30 -O-sulfate (197) 665  82 0.75  0.12 1.71 the first 8 h after ingestion of the onions and over the 0–24 h
Quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) 351  27 0.60  0.10 2.33
Isorhamnetin-3-O-glucuronide 112  18 0.60  0.10 5.34 collection period a total of 12.9 mmol of metabolites were
(198) excreted, which corresponds to 4.7% of intake.147 The urinary
Quercetin-O-diglucuronide 62  12 0.80  0.12 1.76 metabolite profile was very different from that of the plasma as
Quercetin-O-glucuronide- 123  26 2.5  0.22 4.54 shown in Table 6. The main plasma metabolite, quercetin-30 -O-
sulfate (197), was excreted in only trace quantities while iso-
Data presented as mean values  standard error (n ¼ 6). rhanmetin-3-O-glucuronide (198) and the quercetin-O-diglucur-
onide that were minor components in plasma were major urinary
metabolites. Several other metabolites, including quercetin-30 -O-
concentration (Cmax), the time to reach Cmax (Tmax) and the glucuronide (199) and isorhamnetin-40 -O-glucuronide (200),
elimination half-life (T1/2). which were present in only trace quantities or absent from
plasma, were excreted in urine in substantial amounts (Table 6).

The two major metabolites, quercetin-30 -O-sulfate (197) (Cmax

665 nmol/L) and quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) (Cmax 351
nmol/L) appeared in plasma within 30 min of the ingestion of
onions, both had Tmax values of under 1 h and T1/2 values of 1.71 The data obtained in this investigation147 indicate absorption
and 2.33 h respectively (Fig. 4, Table 5).147 The quercetin-O- in the proximal part of the small intestine. However, it provides
diglucuronide had a lower Cmax and similar Tmax and T1/2 values. no information on the mechanisms involved or the efficiency
The pharmacokinetic profiles of isorhamnetin-3-O-glucuronide with which quercetin-40 -O-glucoside and quercetin-3,40 -O-
(198) and the quercetin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfate were somewhat diglucoside are hydrolysed and the resultant aglycone trans-
different in that both had a much longer T1/2 and the glucuronide ported into the enterocyte. On the basis of the plasma metabolite
sulfate also had a much delayed Tmax (Table 5). However, the profile, it is evident that following the release of the aglycone,
total contribution of these two compounds to the overall quercetin is subjected to sulfation, glucuronidation and methyl-
absorption profile was minimal, having no effect on the Tmax and ation. Arguably, the short Tmax times of quercetin-30 -O-sulfate
only extending the T1/2 to 2.61 h. This T1/2 is much shorter than (197), quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) and the quercetin-O-
diglucuronide may be indicative of sulfation and glucuronidation
taking place in the entercyte prior to passage of the metabolites
Table 6 Quercetin metabolites detected in plasma and urine after the
consumption of 270 g of fried onions containing 275 mmol of flavonol into the circulatory system. The longer plasma T1/2 value of
glucosides by six healthy human volunteers.147,a isorhamnetin-3-O-glucuronide (198) could reflect post-absorp-
tion 30 -O-methylation of quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) in the
Plasma Cmax 0–24 h Urinary liver. Likewise, the delayed T1/2 of the quercetin-O-glucuronide-
Metabolites (nmol/L) excretion (nmol)
O-sulfate could be a consequence of post-absorption sulfation of
Quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) 351  27 912  149 quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) and/or glucuronidation of
Quercetin-30 -O-sulfate (197) 665  82 Trace quercetin-30 -O-sulfate (197). The marked differences in the
Isorhamnetin-3-O-glucuronide 112  18 1789  27 plasma and urinary metabolite profiles are suggestive of exten-
Quercetin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfate 123  26 1229  190 sive phase II metabolism and rapid turnover and removal from
Quercetin-O-diglucuronide 51  13 2223  417 the circulatory system via the kidneys, but where in the body
Quercetin-30 -O-glucuronide (199) Trace 1845  193 these conversions occur remains to be determined.147
Isorhamnetin-40 -O-glucuronide Trace 700  11
Quercetin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfate n.d. 1384  163 6.1.2 Tomato juice quercetin-3-O-rutinoside. In a human
Quercetin-O-glucoside-O-sulfates n.d. 1214  156 study parallel to that carried out with quercetin glucosides in
Quercetin-O-glucoside-O- n.d. 163  23 onions, the bioavailability of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (153) was
Methylquercetin-O-diglucuronides n.d. 1429  156
investigated by feeding 250 mL of tomato juice containing 176
mmol of the quercetin rhamnose-glucose disaccharide.149 In this
Data presented as mean values  standard error (n ¼ 6). n.d. – not instance only two metabolites were detected in plasma, quer-
detected. Trace – compound detected but not in sufficient amounts for
routine quantification. cetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) and isorhamnetin-3-O-glucuronide
(198) (Fig. 5). They were present in ca. 25-fold lower quantities

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1025
individual volunteers. Confirmation of large intestine absorption
was obtained in a separate feeding study using subjects with an
ileostomy i.e. who have had their colon removed surgically.
Unlike the healthy subjects with a functioning colon, neither
plasma nor urinary metabolites were detected, and ileal fluid
collected after tomato juice consumption contained 86% of the
ingested quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (153). The urine collected from
the ileostomy volunteers, as well as not containing quercetin
metabolites, also lacked the phenolic acid catabolites 3,4-dihy-
droxyphenylacetic acid (201), 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (202),
and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (203). These catab-
olites were present in the urine of the healthy volunteers with
a functioning colon in quantities corresponding to 22% of
Fig. 5 Concentration of quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) and iso- quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (152) intake, having probably origi-
rhamnetin-3-O-glucuronide (198) in the plasma of six healthy human nated from colonic bacteria-mediated deglycosylation of the
subjects 0–8 h after the consumption of tomato juice containing 176 mmol rutinoside, and ring fission of the released aglycone followed by
of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (153). Data expressed as mean values in
the conversions illustrated in Fig. 6.149
nmol/L  standard error (n ¼ 6). Note that neither metabolite was
The data indicate that the rhamnose-glucose disaccharide
present in detectable amounts in plasma collected 24 h after supple-
mentation. sugar moiety of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (153) is not cleaved by
the action of either LPH or CBG during passage through the
small intestine and that, as a consequence, following the release
Table 7 Pharmacokinetic analysis of quercetin metabolites in the
plasma of six healthy human volunteers after the consumption of 250 mL of quercetin through the action of colonic bacteria, low-level
of tomato juice containing 176 mmol of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside production and absorption of methylated and glucuronidated
(153).148,a quercetin metabolites takes place in the large intestine. However,
most of the quercetin is degraded by the colonic microflora,
Metabolites Cmax (nmol/L) Tmax (h) T1/2 (h)
releasing substantial quantities of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic
Quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) 12  2 4.7  0.3 1.67 acid (201) and smaller quantities of 3-hydroxphenylacetic acid
Isorhamnetin-3-O-glucuronide 4.3  1.5 5.4  0.2 1.66 (202). These are absorbed into the portal vein, and (probably
(198) during passage through the liver) 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid
Data presented as mean values  standard error (n ¼ 6). (203) undergoes methylation to yield 3-methoxy-4-hydrox-
yphenylacetic acid, with all three catabolites being excreted in
than in the onion study, with respective Cmax values of 12 and 4.3 It is of interest to note that after feeding tomato juice con-
nmol/L. The Tmax times extended to ca. 5 h (Table 7), indicating taining quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (152) where transformations
absorption in the large rather than the small intestine. A total of are restricted to the large intestine, no quercetin sulfates were
nine methylated and glucuronidated quercetin metabolites were detected either in plasma or urine. In marked contrast, after
detected in urine but some volunteers excreted only 3–4 metab- feeding onions containing quercetin glucosides that are trans-
olites. The overall level of metabolite excretion ranged from 0.02 formed in the small intestine, quercetin-30 -O-sulfate (197) was the
to 2.8% of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside intake, which is probably major plasma metabolite and other sulfated metabolites accu-
a reflection of variations in the colonic microflora of the mulated in urine, as described in Section 6.1.1. This indicates that

Fig. 6 Proposed pathway for colon bacteria-mediated catabolism of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (153) in the large intestine resulting in the production of
3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (201) and smaller quantities of 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (202), with the subsequent hepatic conversion of 3,4-
dihydroxyphenylacetic acid to 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (203) prior to urinary excretion. The dotted arrow indicates a minor pathway.

1026 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
sulfation of quercetin occurs exclusively in the wall of the small Table 8 Quantities of hesperetin and naringenin metabolites excreted in
intestine and that data obtained in ex vivo studies in which the urine of eight healthy human volunteers 0–24 h after the consumption
of 250 mL of orange juice containing 168 mmol of hesperetin-7-O-ruti-
quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180) was converted to quercetin-30 - noside and 12 mmol of naringenin-7-O-rutinoside.145,a
O-sulfate (197) by liver cell-free preparations150 may not accu-
rately reflect in vivo sulfation. It also suggests that formation of Metabolites Quantity (nmol)
mixed conjugates such as quercetin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfate
Hesperetin-7-O-glucuronide (204) 1373  471
might occur following glucuronide excretion in bile and re- Hesperetin-O-glucuronide 3662  1483
absorption in the large intestine, and this would be consistent Hesperetin-O-glucuronide 2319  420
with Tmax values of <1 h for quercetin-3-O-glucuronide Hesperetin-O-diglucuronide 767  361
compared with ca. 3 h for the mixed conjugate.147 Hesperetin-O-glucuronide-O- 2841  699
Total hesperetin metabolites 10962 (6.5%)
6.2 Orange juice flavanones Naringenin-7-O-glucuronide (205) 1001  344
Naringenin-40 -O-glucuronide (206) 976  389
Several early studies, where analyses involve the use of enzyme Naringenin-O-diglucuronide 98  46
hydrolysis, have shown that the orange juice flavanone rutino- Total naringenin metabolites 2075 (17.3%)
sides are absorbed in the large intestine.151 In a more recent a
Data expressed as mean values  standard error (n ¼ 8). Figures in
study, metabolites were analysed by HPLC-MS2 after volunteers parentheses indicate excretion of hesperetin and naringenin metabolites
expressed as a percentage of intake.
consumed 250 mL of orange juice containing 168 mmol of hes-
peretin-7-O-rutinoside (45) and 12 mmol of naringenin-7-O-
rutinoside (46).145 The hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside dose was
therefore very similar to that of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (152) in in amounts equivalent to 17.1% of the ingested naringenin-7-O-
the study outlined in Section 6.1.2. Plasma contained hesperetin- rutinoside (Table 8).145 The differing levels of excretion of hes-
7-O-glucuronide (204) and a second unassigned hesperetin-O- peretin and naringenin metabolites relative to the amounts
glucuronide, and the combined Cmax for both metabolites was ingested is a trend that has been observed in some but not all
922 nmol/L at a Tmax of 4.4 h (Fig. 7). The two hesperetin flavanone feeding studies.144 While it could be a dose effect
metabolites were also excreted in urine along with a third hes- reflecting the higher intake of the hesperetin conjugate, it is more
peretin-O-glucuronide, two hesperetin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfates likely to be due to naringenin-7-O-rutinoside (46) being more
and a hesperetin-O-diglucuronide. These marked differences in bioavailable than hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside (45), indicating that
the plasma and urinary hesperetin metabolite profiles demon- the 30 and 40 substituents have an impact on absorption.
strate that substantial post-absorption phase II metabolism is
occurring. The quantities of these metabolites excreted 0–24 h
after ingestion corresponded to 6.5% of hesperetin-7-O-rutino-
side intake. Although no naringenin metabolites were detected in
plasma, urine contained naringenin-7-O-glucuronide (205), nar-
igenin-40 -O-glucuronide (206) and a naringenin-O-diglucuronide

Although both are absorbed in the large intestine, the 922

nmol/L Cmax of the hesperetin-O-glucuronides is more than 50-
fold higher than that of the quercetin-3-O-rutinoside metabolites
(Table 7). This, coupled with the higher level of excretion of the
orange juice metabolites, indicates that hesperetin-7-O-rutino-
side is absorbed from the large intestine much more effectively
than quercetin-3-O-rutinoside. This may be a consequence of the
hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside being converted to glucuronides in the
Fig. 7 Combined concentration of hesperetin-7-O-glucuronide (204)
large intestine more efficiently than quercetin-3-O-rutinoside,
and an unassigned hesperetin-O-glucuronide in the plasma of eight
healthy human subjects 0–24 h after ingesting 250 mL of orange juice perhaps because it is less prone to degradation by colonic
containing 168 mmol of hesperitin-7-O-rutinoside (45) and 12 mmol of bacteria. Among the flavanone metabolites excreted in quantity
naringenin-7-O-rutinoside (46). Data expressed as mean values in nmol/L is a hesperetin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfate (Table 8).145 This
 standard error. Note that no metabolites were present in detectable contrasts with the absence of sulfated naringenin metabolites and
amounts in plasma collected 24 h after supplementation. with metabolites derived from large intestine absorption of

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1027
Table 9 Quantities of key phenolic acids excreted in human urine 0–24 h quantifiable metabolite in plasma was phloretin-20 -O-glucuro-
after drinking 250 mL of water or 250 mL of orange juice, containing 168 nide (147), which reached a Cmax of 73 nmol/L 0.6 h after
mmol hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside and 12 mmol naringenin 7-O-rutinosi-
de.152,a ingestion and had a T1/2 of 0.7 h, indicative of absorption in the
proximal part of the small intestine and rapid elimination from
0–2 h 2–5 h 5–10 h 10–24 h Total (0–24 h) the circulatory system. The 0–24 h urine contained a total of 2.3
mmol of phloretin metabolites, equivalent to 5.0% of intake,
Water 1.8  0.4 1.1  0.2 1.2  0.2 2.7  0.5 6.7  1.8
Orange juice 0.5  0.0 1.7  0.2 26  2 34  12 62  18 which consisted mainly of phloretin-20 -O-glucuronide (211) (1.9
mmol) and trace quantities of two additional phloretin-O-
Data were expressed in mmol as mean values  standard error (n ¼ 5). glucuronides and a phloretin-O-glucuronide-O-sulfate. There
Quantifications based on the combined levels of 3-hydroxyphenylacetic
acid (202), 3-hydroxyphenylhydracrylic acid (207), 3-methoxy-4- was, therefore, relatively little evidence of phase II metabolism.
hydroxyphenylhydracrylic acid (208) dihydroferulic acid (209) and 3-
hydroxyhippuric acid (210) presented in Table 2. Within each of the
last three columns, the values for water and orange juice are
significantly different at p < 0.05.

quercetin-3-O-rutinoside in the tomato juice feed (Section

6.1.2).149 Thus, there appear to be clear differences in the
substrate specificity of flavonoid SULTs in the large intestine
and/or the liver.
In keeping with absorption in the small intestine, similar plasma
Analysis of phenolic acids excreted in urine after the ingestion
and urine data were obtained when the cider was consumed by
of orange juice indicates that the hesperetin, released through
subjects with an ileostomy. Of the two major phloretin-O-glyco-
colonic bacteria-mediated deglycosylation, as well as being glu-
sides in cider, only phloretin-20 -O-(200 -O-xylosyl)glucoside (148)
curonidated, undergoes ring fission and is catabolised, producing
was recovered in ileal fluid in quantities corresponding to 22% of
3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (202), 3-hydroxyphenylhydracrylic
intake. The absence of phloretin-20 -O-glucoside (147) in ileal fluid
acid (207), 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylhydracrylic acid (208),
suggests it is more readily absorbed than phloretin-20 -O-(200 -O-
dihydroferulic acid (209) and 3-hydroxyhippuric acid (210). The
xylosyl)glucoside. Phloretin-20 -O-glucuronide (211), two other
chirality of the hydracrylic acids was not determined. The 62 mmol
phloretin-O-glucuronides, one phloretin-O-glucuronide-O-
of these phenolic acids excreted 0–24 h after orange juice ingestion
sulfate, two phloretin-O-sulfates and the aglycone were also
corresponds to 37% of hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside intake (Table 9).
detected in the ileal fluid. This implies that the wall of the small
The main compounds excreted, 3-hydroxyphenylhydracrylic acid
intestine contains b-glycosidase, SULT and UGT activities and
(207) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylhydracrylic acid (208), are
that, as well as being absorbed, sizable amounts of the phloretin
potential biomarkers of orange juice consumption.152
metabolites that are formed efflux back into the lumen of the
gastrointestinal tract. The overall recovery of the dihy-
drochalcones and their metabolites in the ileal fluid was equivalent
to 38.6% of intake.153

6.4 Flavan-3-ols
6.4.1 Green tea and flavan-3-ol monomers. Green tea, as
outlined in Section 3.1.1, is an extremely rich source of flavan-3-
ol monomers. In a recent study 500 mL of a bottled green tea was
given as an acute supplement to ten volunteers after which
plasma and urine were collected over a 24 h period. The tea
contained a total of 648 mmol of flavan-3-ols, principally in the
form of 257 mmol of ()-epigallocatechin (25), 230 mmol of
()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27), 58 mmol of ()-epicatechin
(23), 49 mmol of ()-epicatechin-3-O-gallate (26) and 36 mmol of
(+)-gallocatechin (24).154
Two of the native green tea flavan-3-ols, ()-epicatechin-3-O-
6.3 Dihydrochalcones
gallate (26) and ()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27), were
Dihydrochalcones (12) are a minor group of flavonoids with identified by HPLC-MS3 in plasma along with glucuronide,
a ring-opened structure that occur almost exclusively in apples methyl-glucuronide and methyl-sulfate metabolites of (epi)-
and apple products, including cider, as phloretin derivatives. In gallocatechin and glucuronide, sulfate and methyl-sulfate
a human feeding study, 500 mL of cider containing 5% alcohol metabolites of (epi)catechinx. The pharmacokinetic profiles of
was consumed, 0–24 h plasma and urine collected and HPLC-
MS2 used to analyse dihydrochalcone metabolites.153 The drink
x Note that without reference compounds and chiral chromatography,76
had a total dihydrochalcone content of 46 mmol, comprised
reverse-phase HPLC (even with MS3 detection) is unable to distinguish
mainly of 14 mmol of phloretin-20 -O-(200 -O-xylosyl)glucoside between the four possible enantiomers of any (epi)catechin or any
(148) and 31 mmol of phloretin-20 -O-glucoside (147). The sole (epi)gallocatechin derivative.

1028 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
Fig. 8 Concentrations of (epi)gallocatechin-O-glucuronide (EGC-GlcUA), 40 -O-methyl-(epi)gallocatechin-O-glucuronide (40 -Me-EGC-GlcUA), 40 -O-
methyl-(epi)gallocatechin-O-sulfates (40 -Me-EGC-S), (epi)catechin-30 -O-glucuronide (EC-GlcUA), (epi)catechin-O-sulfates (EC-S), 30 - and 40 -O-
methyl-(epi)catechin-O-sulfates (Me-EC-S), ()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27) (EGCg) and ()-epicatechin-3-O-gallate (26) (ECg) in the plasma of
healthy human subjects 0–8 h after the ingestion of 500 mL of green tea containing 648 mmol of flavan-3-ol monomers. Data expressed as mean values in
nmol/L  standard error (n ¼ 10) Note that no flavan-3-ols or their metabolites were detected in plasma collected 24 h after ingestion of the green tea.

the eight groups of flavan-3-ols and their metabolites are illus- (26) and ()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27) and through the
trated in Fig. 8. The Cmax values ranged from 25 to 126 nM and wall of the small intestine into the circulatory system without
Tmax values from 1.6 to 2.3 h (Table 10). These Tmax values and
the pharmacokinetic profiles are indicative of absorption in the
Table 11 Quantification of the major groups of flavan-3-ol metabolites
small intestine. The appearance of unmetabolised flavonoids in
excreted in urine 0–24 h after the ingestion of 500 mL of green tea con-
plasma is unusual. The passage of ()-epicatechin-3-O-gallate taining 648 mmol of flavan-3-ol monomers by ten healthy human vol-

Table 10 Pharmacokinetic analysis of flavan-3-ols and their metabolites Flavan-3-ol metabolites Quantity (mmol)
detected in plasma of ten healthy human volunteers following the
ingestion of 500 mL of green tea containing 648 mmol of flavan-3-ol (Epi)gallocatechin-O- 6.5  1.2
monomers.154,a glucuronide
40 -O-Methyl-(epi)gallocatechin- 4.4  1.5
Flavan-3-ols Cmax (nmol/L) Tmax (h) T1/2 (h) O-glucuronide
(Epi)gallocatechin-O-sulfates 2.6  0.3
(Epi)gallocatechin-O-glucuronide 126  19 2.2  0.2 1.6 40 -O-Methyl-(epi)gallocatechin- 19.8  3.0
40 -O-Methyl-(epi)gallocatechin-O- 46  6.3 2.3  0.3 3.1 O-sulfates
glucuronide Total (epi)gallocatechin 33.3 (11.4%)
(Epi)catechin-O-glucuronide 29  4.7 1.7  0.2 1.6 metabolites
(Epi)catechin-O-sulfates 89  15 1.6  0.2 1.9 (Epi)catechin-O-glucuronide 1.5  0.3
40 -O-Methyl-(epi)gallocatechin-O- 79  12 2.2  0.2 2.2 (Epi)catechin-O-sulfates 6.7  0.7
sulfates O-Methyl-(epi)catechin-O- 10.9  1.2
O-Methyl-(epi)catechin-O-sulfates 90  15 1.7  0.2 1.5 sulfates
()-Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate 55  12 1.9  0.1 1.0 Total (epi)catechin metabolites 19.1 (28.5%)
(27) Total flavan-3-ol metabolites 52.4 (8.1%)
()-Epicatechin-3-O-gallate (26) 25  3.0 1.6  0.2 1.5
Data expressed as mean values  standard error (n ¼ 10). Figures in
Data expressed as mean values  standard error (n ¼ 10). parentheses indicate amount excreted as a percentage of intake.

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1029
metabolic modification could be a consequence of the presence of sequestration has yet to be convincingly demonstrated suggests
the 3-O-galloyl moiety, as gallic acid per se is readily absorbed that it can only be at low levels, if at all.
with a reported urinary excretion of 37% of intake.155 A further point of note is that the plasma Tmax times of the
Urine collected 0–24 h after green tea ingestion contained an (epi)catechin metabolites following absorption in the small
array of flavan-3-ol metabolites similar to that detected in intestine are all in excess of 1.6 h (Table 10) while with one
plasma except for the presence of minor amounts of three exception the Tmax of the flavonol metabolites absorbed in the
additional (epi)gallocatechin-O-sulfates and the absence of small intestine and derived from onion quercetin glucosides was
()-epicatechin-3-O-gallate (26) and ()-epigallocatechin-3-O- 0.6–0.8 h (Table 5). This is unexpected, as in contrast to the onion
gallate (27) (Table 11). This indicates that the flavan-3-ols do flavonols, the green tea flavan-3-ols were already in solution and
not undergo extensive phase II metabolism, in contrast to did not have to be solubilised post-ingestion. Furthermore, they
quercetin and flavanone metabolites (see Sections 6.1.1, 6.1.2 were aglycones not conjugates, and therefore did not have to be
and 6.2). In total, 52.4 mmol of metabolites were excreted, which hydrolysed prior to absorption and metabolism. The delayed
is equivalent to 8.1% of the ingested green tea flavan-3-ols. Tmax of the green tea flavonols is unlikely to be due to a slower
When the urinary (epi)gallocatechin and (epi)catechin metabo- rate of absorption, as their excretion is well in excess of the
lites are considered separately, a somewhat different picture quantity of flavonol metabolites that appear in urine. Although
emerges. The 33.3 mmol excretion of (epi)gallocatechin metab- further investigation is required, this does raise the possibility
olites is 11.4% of the ingested ()-epigallocatechin and that (i) the flavan-3-ols may be absorbed in the distal part of the
(+)-gallocatechin while the 19.1  2.2 mmol recovery of (epi)- small intestine, and flavonols in the proximal part, or (ii) some
catechin represents 28.5% of intake (Table 11). These figures are component(s) in the green tea may be slowing transport through
in keeping with high recoveries obtained in earlier studies with the gastrointestinal tract, something which could be checked by
green tea and cocoa products,144,156 confirming that ()-epi- drinking the tea with a small amount of lactulose and measuring
catechin (23) and (+)-catechin (22) in particular are highly breath hydrogen to ascertain the time taken for the head of the
bioavailable, being absorbed and excreted to a much greater drink to reach the colon.145
extent that other flavonoids, with the possible exception of The comparatively high lipophilicity of quercetin aglycone is
isoflavones.144,157 another factor that might, in part, explain its more rapid
The absence of detectable amounts of ()-epigallocatechin-3- attainment of Tmax compared with green tea flavan-3-ols
O-gallate (27) in urine, despite its presence in plasma (an event absorbed at the same site. Experimentally determined octanol–
observed by several investigators158), is difficult to explain. It is water partition coefficients (log P) or the analogous theoretical
possible that the kidneys are unable to remove ()-epi- quantum-mechanical calculated values are widely considered to
gallocatechin-3-O-gallate from the bloodstream, but if this is the indicate the relative lipophilicity of a xenobiotic and/or its
case there must be other mechanisms that result in its rapid decline metabolites. The more lipophilic a compound, the greater its
after reaching Cmax. Studies with rats have led to speculation that affinity for the lipid-rich cell membrane, and its potential to
()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate may be removed from the diffuse passively through such a membrane and to bind to
bloodstream in the liver and returned to the small intestine in the proteins such as serum albumin. In contrast, the transfer of
bile.159 To what extent enterohepatic recirculation of ()-epi- a compound of low lipophilicity is likely to require interaction
gallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27), and also ()-epicatechin-3-O- with a transporter. In some instances there is a good statistical
gallate (26), occurs in humans remains to be established. correlation between a set of log P values and the magnitude of
Summing the Cmax values for the individual plasma flavan-3- a biological effect where cellular uptake is a prerequisite. For
ols and metabolites in Table 11 results in an overall maximum example, Sergediene et al. observed that cellular cytotoxicity
plasma concentration of 538 nmol/L being attained after the increased as a function of lipophilicity, although it must be noted
ingestion of green tea.154 This is lower than the 1313 nmol/L Cmax the test compound concentrations used were much higher than
of quercetin metabolites obtained following the ingestion of would be encountered in the alimentary canal,160 and log P
onions containing 250 mmol of quercetin-40 -O-glucoside (172) increases with concentration when p–p stacking occurs. Simi-
and quercetin-3,40 -O-diglucoside (173) (Table 5),147 and is also larly, Crespy et al., using much lower concentrations, reported
less than the 922 nM Cmax of the hesperetin-O-glucuronides that that the net transfer of the tested flavonoids across the intestinal
appear in plasma after the ingestion of orange juice containing brush border of rats ranged from 70–80% for flavonols to 38%
168 mmol of hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside (45).145 Despite the rela- for flavan-3-ols, and appeared to be linked to the lipophilicity of
tively low concentration of the green tea flavan-3-ol metabolites the compound defined by log P.161
in plasma (Table 10, Fig. 8), the data on urinary excretion (Table However, there are exceptions and contradictions in the pub-
11) demonstrate that they are absorbed in substantial quantities, lished data, in part because some experimental procedures for
especially ()-epicatechin (23). Their failure to accumulate in determining log P are now known to be inadequate.162 The
comparable concentrations in plasma suggests that they are in literature does not provide an appropriate set of experimental
a state of flux, are more rapidly turned over in the circulatory octanol–water log P values obtained under identical conditions
system, and, rather than accumulating, are excreted via the and encompassing the flavan-3-ols and flavonols required.
kidneys. In the circumstances, urinary excretion provides a more Calculated values suggest that quercetin (log P ¼ 2.075) is much
realistic assessment of absorption, but as this does not include the more lipophilic than (epi)catechins (0.491) and (epi)-
possibility of metabolites being sequestered in body tissues, this gallocatechins (0.096) but identical to (epi)gallocatechin
too is theoretically an underestimate of absorption, but to what gallates (2.082).163 However, this ranking by calculated log P
degree remains to be determined. However, the fact that tissue does not match the ranking by Tmax for substances absorbed

1030 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
proximally, i.e. quercetin from quercetin glucosides is <1 h and conclusion.176 There are two reports of minor quantities of pro-
green tea flavan-3-ols, including gallates, is ca. 1.5–2.5 h, (see cyanidin dimers B1 (127) and B2 (31) being detected in human
Tables 5 and 11). This discrepancy indicates that these simple plasma after the respective consumption of a grape seed
models fail to take account of all factors that operate in vivo, for extract177 and a flavan-3-ol-rich cocoa.178 In the latter study, the
example metabolism and efflux by active transporters, etc. To levels of the B2 dimer (31) in plasma were ca. 100-fold lower than
overcome these limitations some investigators have determined those of flavan-3-ols monomers.
an ‘apparent partition coefficient’ (Papp) by measuring transfer The biological effects of procyanidins are generally attributed
across Caco-2 cell membranes and reported a correlation to their more readily absorbed colonic breakdown products, the
between Papp and log P for flavones, isoflavones and dihydro- phenolic acids, although there is a lack of detailed study in this
flavones, but not for flavonols.164 Thus, while the use of an iso- area. There is, however, a dissenting view as trace levels of pro-
lated organ or cultured cells takes account of some factors that cyanidins, in contrast to ()-catechin (22) and (+)-epicatechin
the simple octanol–water partition cannot, even these models (23), inhibit platelet aggregation in vitro and suppress the
cannot predict perfectly the pharmacokinetics that would occur synthesis of the vasoconstriction peptide endothelin-1 by
in a whole organism. The marked divergence between log P and cultured endothelial cells.179 Supporting this view is a study in
pharmacokinetic behaviour observed with green tea flavan-3-ols which individual procyandins were fed to rats after which dimers
and onion flavonols reinforces our contention that proper through to pentamers were detected in plasma which was
understanding of the significance of dietary polyphenols will not extracted with 8 mol/L urea, rather than the more traditional
be possible without recourse to volunteer studies. methanol/acetonitrile, which it was proposed prevented the
The necessity of volunteer studies is also indicated by claims in irreversible binding of procyanidins to plasma proteins.180 The
the literature that green tea flavan-3-ols are poorly bioavailable procyanidins were, however, administered by gavage at an
because of instability under digestive conditions, with >80% losses extremely high dose, 1 g/kg body weight, and it remains to be
being observed with in vitro digestion models simulating gastric determined if procyanidins can be similarly detected in urea-
and small intestine conditions.165 It is clear that the data obtained extracted plasma after the ingestion of more nutritionally rele-
in these investigations do not accurately reflect the in vivo fate of vant quantities.
flavan-3-ols following ingestion, as they are at variance with the
high urinary excretion observed in green tea feeding studies144,154
and the substantial recovery of flavan-3-ols in ileal fluid after the
6.5 Anthocyanins
consumption of Polyphenon E, a green tea extract.156
Anthocyanins, for people who eat berries and drink red wine on
6.4.2 Procyanidins. Procyanidins are major components in a routine basis, are major dietary components. Although there
the human diet because of their widespread occurrence in fruits, are exceptions, unlike other flavonoids that are absorbed and
berries nuts, beans, cocoa-based products, wine and beer.166 In excreted, most anthocyanins do not appear to undergo extensive
vivo, their consumption has been implicated in improved anti- metabolism of the parent glycosides to glucurono, sulfo or
oxidant status167 and decreased DNA damage in humans,168 and methyl derivatives.181,182 In feeding studies with animals and
reduced development of aortic atherosclerosis169 and delayed humans, typically ca. 0.1% of the quantities ingested, and
tumour production170 in animal test systems. Because of these sometimes much less, has been detected in urine. The available
and other biological effects of procyanidins,171 principally data imply that the determinants of absorption and excretion are
derived from the ingestion of grape seed extracts or consumption influenced not only by the nature of the sugar moiety but also by
of cocoa-derived food stuffs, information on the bioavailability the structure of the anthocyanidin aglycone.181,183
of procyanidins and the compounds responsible for these effects The complex array of information on anthocyanin bioavail-
in vivo is of importance. ability obtained with human and animal test systems has been
There are numerous feeding studies with animals and humans reviewed by Prior and Wu.184 One of the reasons for the
indicating that polymeric procyanidins are not absorbed.172 Most complicated picture that has emerged is that many feeds have
pass unaltered to the large intestine where they are catabolised by involved berry or fruit supplements containing several structur-
the colonic microflora yielding a diversity of phenolic acids144,173 ally diverse anthocyanins. For instance, black raspberries
including 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (212) and 4-O- contain five cyanidin-3-O-sugar conjugates ranging from mono
methylgallic acid (213)174 which are absorbed in to the circulatory to trisaccharides while blueberries contain a total of 12 antho-
system and excreted in urine. There is one report, based on data cyanins, principally 3-O-glucosides, galactosides and arabino-
obtained in an in vitro model of gastrointestinal conditions, that sides of cyanidin (36), delphinidin (37), petunidin (39) and
procyanidins degrade yielding more readily absorbable flavan-3- malvidin (40).181,185 This makes the complex anthocyanin content
ol monomers.175 Subsequent studies have not supported this of plasma and urine exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to
assess in terms of absorption, excretion and potential phase I and
phase II metabolism, especially when 30 -O-methylation can
convert cyanidin to peonidin, and delphinidin to petunidin, and
50 -O-methylation converts petunidin to malvidin. Much simpler
anthocyanin profiles are found in strawberries and blackberries,
both of which contain one predominant anthocyanin, pelargo-
nidin-3-O-glucoside (214) in the former and cyanidin-3-O-
glucoside (158) in the latter.186 As a consequence, data on

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1031
anthocyanin bioavailability after ingestion of these berries by of the colourless chalcone pseudobase and the blue quinoidal
humans are potentially more straightforward to interpret. base.191 Anthocyanins are traditionally extracted and analysed in
In a recent human study, 200 g of strawberries containing 222 acidic medium as the red flavylium cation is the most stable form.
mmol of pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside (214) and trace quantities of However, it is not known what forms predominate in vivo. The
pelargonidin-3-O-rutinoside (215) (13 mmol) and cyanidin-3-O- limited available experimental evidence indicates that in the acidic
glucoside (158) (6 mmol) were consumed by six subjects, after conditions that prevail in the stomach anthocyanins are in the red
which plasma and urine were collected over a 24 h period.187 The flavylium form but once they enter more basic conditions in the
plasma contained a pelargonidin-O-glucuronide in substantial small intestine the carbinol pseudobase is likely to predominate. It
quantities along with non-quantifiable amounts of three other could be that the colourless carbinol pseudobase is the main form
pelargonidin-O-glucuronides and pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside, in the small intestine where it undergoes limited absorption,
the latter perhaps derived from removal of the 600 -rhamnose possibly being metabolised to conjugates that are overlooked
moiety from pelargonidin-3-O-rutinoside (215). The main because they cannot be converted to red flavylium forms prior to
pelargonidin-O-glucuronide had a Cmax of 274  24 nmol/L, the eventual analysis. It is also possible that significant amounts
a Tmax of 1.1  0.4 h, in keeping with small intestine absorption, of the carbinol pseudobase might pass into the large intestine
and T1/2 of 2.1  0.7 h. All the plasma anthocyanins also where degradation, to as-yet undetermined products, occurs due
appeared in urine along with small quantities of pelargonidin to the action of colonic bacteria. More subtle scenarios may exist,
aglycone and a pelargonidin-O-sulfate. The pelargonidin-O- and detailed information is unlikely to be forthcoming until ring-
glucuronide that was the main metabolite in plasma was by far labelled 14C-anthocyanins become available.
the predominant component in urine, accounting over 0–24 h for
1498 nmol of a total of 1672 nmol of anthocyanins excreted. This
corresponds to 0.75% of pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside intake. 6.6 Isoflavones
Isoflavones, though not a major component of the European
diet, are one of the better absorbed dietary flavonoids with
urinary excretion of metabolites typically being 20–50% of
intake.140,144 A study by R€ ufer et al.192 in which seven male
volunteers were given either pure daidzein (49) or pure daidzein-
7-O-glucoside (195), both at a dose of 3.9 mmol/kg body weight,
has demonstrated that the plasma Cmax, at ca. 8–9 h, was three to
six times longer after consumption of the glucoside, which is
dominant in soya compared with the aglycone, the main
component in fermented soya products. The metabolites, quan-
tified after deconjugation, included dihydrodaidzein (216), O-
There is, therefore, no evidence of substantive post-absorption
desmethylangolensin (217), 6-hydroxydaidzein (218), 8-hydrox-
metabolism prior to excretion.
ydaidzein (219) and 30 -hydroxydaidzein (220). One of the seven
In an earlier feeding study with strawberries, Felgines and co-
volunteers also produced equol (221).192 The bioavailability
workers188 reported a urinary excretion equivalent to 1.8% of the
reported in this study contrasts markedly with the results
179 mmol of ingested pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside (214) and this is
obtained when tablets containing a crude preparation of soya
also similar to values obtained in a 15–60 mmol dose study with
saponins and either daidzein (49) and genistein (50) aglycone or
strawberries.189 These urinary recoveries are high for anthocya-
their mixed glycosides was given to eight volunteers weighing 51–
nins, and suggest that pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside (214) is
87 kg at doses of 0.11 and 1.7 mmol.193 At the higher dose, the
absorbed more readily that other anthocyanins. In a separate
isoflavone aglycone mixture produced plasma Cmax concentra-
human feeding study with 200 g of blackberries containing 960
tions up to five times higher than the preparation containing the
mmol of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (158), 12 anthocyanins were
diadzein and genistein glycosides. The Tmax in this study was ca.
excreted including unmetabolised cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, a cya-
4 h,193 which is much earlier than the 8–9 h reported by R€ ufer
nidin-O-glucuronide and a peonidin-O-glucuronide in quantities
equivalent to 0.16% of intake.190 This suggests that pelargonidin-
3-O-glucoside (214), while it is metabolised to fewer products,
may be absorbed more readily than cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (158).
However, the high cyanidin-3-O-glucoside content of the black-
berry supplement may have had an impact on absorption and/or
excretion. In the circumstances, it would be of interest to carry out
a feeding study and to determine not only the urine but also the
plasma anthocyanin profile after ingestion of blackberries and
strawberries containing similar quantities of anthocyanins
A point of note is that anthocyanins are readily distinguished
from other flavonoids as they undergo re-arrangements in
response to pH. The red flavylium cation predominates at pH 1–3
but as the pH increases to 4 and above the colourless carbinol
pseudobase is the major component along with smaller amounts

1032 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
et al.192 These differences are not easily explained but a possible metabolites equol (221), dihydrodaidzein (216) and dihy-
role for the saponins is suggested. drogenistein (230) by ileostomists was lower than that of healthy
A study in which two volunteers consumed 50 g of kinako subjects, and the ileostomy group contained fewer equol-
(baked soya bean powder) containing 66 mmol of daidzein (49), producers. Equol was characterised as the S-enantiomer.196
106 mmol of genistein (50), 120 mmol of diadzein-7-glucoside
(222) and 205 mmol of genistein-7-O-glucoside (195) suspended in 6.7 Ellagitannins
300 ml of cow’s milk, used HPLC-MS to establish the presence of
daidzein (49), genistein (50), daidzein-40 -O-glucuronide (222), Studies into the bioavailability of ellagitannins following inges-
genistein-40 -O-glucuronide (223), daidzein-7-O-glucuronide tion by humans have been carried out mainly with pomegranate,
(224), genistein-7-O-glucuronide (225), daidzein-40 -O-sulfate which contains punicalin (168) and punicalagins (169),197–199 but
(226), genistein-40 -O-sulfate (227), daidzein-7-O-sulfate (228) the fate of ellagitannins in strawberries, raspberries, walnuts and
and genistein-7-O-sulfate (229) in plasma in the 1–7 h period oak-aged wines has also been investigated.200
post-consumption.194 Traces of the glucosides of genistein and After drinking pomegranate juice containing 318 mg of puni-
daidzein were also detected in plasma 1 h post-consumption. The calagins (169), ellagic acid (56) was detected in plasma with Cmax
short duration of the study prevented determination of Tmax, of 60 nmol/L at a Tmax of 0.98 h, suggesting acid hydrolysis of at
Cmax and T1/2. The aglycone concentration never exceeded ca. least some of the ellagitannins releasing free ellagic acid which is
200 nmol/L with genistein (50) exceeding daidzein (49) for one absorbed directly from the stomach or the proximal small
volunteer but the reverse for the other. Within the period studied intestine.198 Also detected in the plasma of some but not all
the isoflavone metabolites never exceeded ca. 3 mmol/L in total, volunteers, mainly 6 h after supplementation, were 3,8-dihy-
and no single metabolite exceeded 0.8 mmol/L. Conjugation for droxy-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one (urolithin A) (231), urolithin
both isoflavones occurred preferentially at the C7 position, but A-3-O-glucuronide (232), 3-hydroxy-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-
the ratio of glucuronides to sulfates varied with time.194 one (urolithin B) (233) and a methylated urolithin B. Urinary
metabolites which began to appear after 12 h included urolithin
A-3-O-glucuronide (232), urolithin B-3-O-glucuronide (234) and
2-(1-O-glucuronyl)-3,8-di-O-methylellagic acid (3,8-O-dimethy-
lellagic acid -2-O-glucuronide) (235), and excretion continued for

Although, as mentioned above, traces of the glucosides have

been detected in plasma, most absorption occurs after deconju-
gation. The first phase of absorption, up to 1 hour, is impaired in
lactose malabsorbers, suggesting a role for LPH, but overall this
is compensated by microbial hydrolysis, and total absorption
was not significantly affected by lactose malabsorption.195 The
ability of ileostomists to absorb isoflavone glycosides, not
significantly different from healthy volunteers with an intact up to a further 36 h. None of these compounds were quantified
colon, confirms that absorption occurs in the upper gastroin- and there was much subject-to-subject variation in the spectrum
testinal tract. However, urinary excretion of the microbial of metabolites produced. This implies that when the ellagitannins

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1033
and/or ellagic acid reach the distal part of the small intestine and beneficial effects on human health. The interest was stimulated
the colon they are metabolised by the gut microflora, producing mainly by epidemiological studies indicating an inverse associa-
urolithins A and B which are then absorbed along with ellagic tion between intake of foods rich in these compounds and the
acid (56) and subjected to the action of Phase II UGTs and/or incidence of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular
methyltransferases before being excreted in urine.198 diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cancer.202 For example, studies
In a separate study in which volunteers ingested one litre of carried out by various investigators suggested a protective effect
pomegranate juice containing 4.37 g of punicalagins on a daily of flavonol (2) and flavone (3) intake on (i) the risk of fatal or
basis for five days, circulating urolithin levels reached a concen- non-fatal coronary artery diseases,203 (ii) the risk of lung
tration of 18.6 mmol/L.197 Feeding human subjects a single dose cancer,204,205 (iii) the incidence of asthma204 and (iv) the impair-
of strawberries, raspberries, walnuts and oak-aged red wine, all ment of pulmonary functions.206
of which contain ellagitannins, resulted in excretion of urolithin Since the phenolics in fruits and vegetables, cocoa, chocolate,
A-3-O-glucuronide (232) in quantities equivalent to 2.8% red wine, green tea and other dietary sources exhibit potent free
(strawberries), 3.4% (raspberries), 6.5% (oak-aged red wine) and radical-scavenging properties in vitro, their main role in vivo was
16.6% (walnuts) of intake.200 thought to be as antioxidants involved in protection against lipid
The most detailed study on ellagitannins to date has been peroxidation. However, in the last decade, the fate and mode of
carried out with Iberian pigs which in their natural habit feed on action of these compounds has turned out to be more complex
oak acorns, which are a further source of ellagitannins.201 The than originally expected.144,207,208 Generalisations are invidious,
pigs were given an average of 4.04 kg of acorns on a daily basis and there are always exceptions. Nevertheless, one can say that
for 117 days after which tissues and body fluids were processed only a small percentage of the phenols and polyphenols
and analysed by HPLC-MS3. A total of 31 ellagitannin-derived consumed ever reaches the tissues, and very little of this absorbed
metabolites were detected, including 25 urolithin and six ellagic material retains the structure found in the plant.
acid derivatives. A summary of the complex picture that emerges The percentage of intake that is absorbed varies with structure
is that in the jejunum the acorn ellagitannins release ellagic acid (for example being significantly modulated by which sugars are
(156), which the intestinal microflora metabolise, sequentially attached to a flavonoid aglycone), and the food matrix. Any
producing 3,8,9,10-tetrahydroxy-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one single phenol or polyphenol generates several metabolites,
(urolithin D) (236), 3,8,9-trihydroxy-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6- perhaps as many as 20 in the case of quercetin glycosides
one (urolithin C) (237), urolithin A (231) and urolithin B (233). although two or three usually dominate.147 The exact yields and
These urolithins are absorbed preferentially as their lipophilicity proportions of metabolites from any substrate will vary not only
increases with plasma containing mainly urolithin A-3-O- with the individual’s genetic profile but also with the composition
glucuronide (232) and urolithin B-3-O-glucuronide (234) with and competence of that individual’s intestinal microflora. Any
traces of a urolithin C-O-glucuronide and 3,8-O-dimethylellagic biological effects produced by these metabolites will be a func-
acid -2-O-glucuronide (235). The urolithin A and C glucuronides tion of the concentration achieved at the relevant site and the
were the major components in urine. Among the 26 conjugated susceptibility of the organelle (receptor, enzyme, transporter,
metabolites detected in bile were glucuronides and methyl etc.) that again might vary with the individual’s genetic profile. It
glucuronides of ellagic acid and substantial quantities of uroli- is not possible to quantify the magnitude of the variation
thin A, C and D derivatives. This indicates extensive hepatic produced by these factors, but it would not be unreasonable to
metabolism and active enterohepatic circulation, and also assume an order of magnitude overall.
explains the persistence of urinary urolithin metabolites observed As discussed in Section 6, most dietary polyphenolics are
in the human studies. No ellagitannins or their metabolites were modified during absorption from the small intestine, with the
detected in body tissues outside the gastrointestinal tract, which formation of glucuronide, methyl and sulfate metabolites, while
is interesting as the meat and fat of Iberian pigs fed on acorns is in the large intestine breakdown to phenolic acid and non-
resistant to rancidity.201 Perhaps this may be attributable to other phenolic catabolites occurs. Consequently, the compounds that
potential ellagitannin colonic breakdown products such as reach cells and tissues are chemically, biologically and (in many
phenolic acids, which have yet to be investigated. instances) functionally distinct from the dietary form, and such
features underlay their bioactivity. This, in addition to the fact
that very low levels of dietary flavonoids and related compounds
are actually absorbed and appear in the bloodstream (generally
the maximum is <10 mmol/L in total, and such maxima are
transient), implies that their mechanism of action goes beyond
the modulation of oxidative stress.209 The capacity of flavonoids
and their metabolites to bind to proteins is another factor that
must be considered when determining the overall bioactivity.
Manach et al.210 have reported the existence of intermolecular
bonds between serum albumin and quercetin metabolites, which
7 Paradigm shift on the possible mode of action of supports its slow elimination from the body. Similarly, ()-epi-
gallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27) possesses a high affinity for blood
proteins211 which, potentially, could extend its half-life in the
Flavonoids and phenolic compounds in foods have attracted circulatory system. However, volunteer studies indicate that in
great interest since the 1990s owing to growing evidence of their normal dietary circumstances the half-life is shorter than the

1034 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
interval between repeat consumption, indicating that there is
little opportunity for metabolite concentrations to increase
during the day, and any slight daytime accumulation is likely to
be eliminated overnight. Many of the commodities so far
examined in volunteer studies might only be consumed once
a day, but the significance of this rapid elimination is well illus-
trated by the data in for green tea (Fig. 8 and Table 10) that
would often be consumed several times a day.
There is now emerging evidence that some phytochemicals, at
concentrations that might be achieved under normal dietary
Platelet activation and subsequent aggregation play a major
circumstances, can exert modulatory effects in cells through
role in the pathogenesis of myocardial infarction and ischaemic
selective actions on multiple intracellular signalling cascades,
heart disease. Hence, promoting an optimal platelet function via
which are vital for cellular functions such as growth, prolifera-
the reduction of platelet hyper-reactivity using dietary solutions
tion and death (apoptosis).207 For example, trans-resveratrol (71)
is considered a feasible approach for the maintenance of
has been shown to target many components of intracellular
cardiovascular health. An investigation on this topic has assayed
signaling pathways, including pro-inflammatory mediators,
the anti-platelet activity of physiologically relevant concentra-
regulators of cell survival and apoptosis, and tumor angiogenic
tions of the anthocyanins delphinidin-3-O-rutinoside (239),
and metastatic switches, by modulating a distinct set of upstream
cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (158), cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside (159),
kinases, transcription factors and their regulators.212 The iden-
and malvidin-3-O-glucoside (41), and their putative colonic
tification of these molecular targets is an important first step that
metabolites, dihydroferulic acid (209), 3-(3-hydrox-
must be attained before the molecular mode(s) of action can be
yphenyl)propionic acid (212), 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (202)
elucidated and understood, and this understanding is essential in
and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (203), both sepa-
order to formulate dietary strategies that might manage or even
rately and in combination. Anti-thrombotic properties were
prevent certain non-communicable diseases. Emphasis on the
exhibited by 10 mmol/L dihydroferulic acid, and 3-(3-hydrox-
mode of action in subsequent sections will cover investigations
yphenyl)propionic acid, 1 mmol/L delphinidin-3-rutinoside and
that either deal with clinical and preclinical studies or in vitro
a mixture of all the test compounds.220
investigations that use either phenolic compounds and/or their
The isoflavones daidzein (49) and genistein (50) are known to
main in vivo metabolites at concentrations that, at least,
have estrogenic properties because of their structural similarity
approach what might be achieved through diet.
to estradiol (52), and both compounds elicit or selectively
modulate estrogenic responses by binding estrogen receptors
ERa and ERb, with greater affinity for ERa.221 However, equol
(221), a gut bacterial metabolite of daidzein (49), exhibits greater
7.1 Significance of phenolic metabolites for human health binding affinity to ERa and posses higher antioxidant capacity
than its parent molecule.222 Furthermore, equol at mmol/L
There are a large number of reports on in vitro studies into the
concentrations is more active than soy isoflavones in competing
effect of individual phenolics or plant extracts on various aspects
for binding to thromboxane A2 receptor in human platelets, thus
of human health. However, many of these investigations lack any
eliciting its anti-platelet activity. The order of the relative affinity
physiological significance because of the high doses used, typi-
in competing for binding was equol (221) > genistein (50) >
cally of parent compounds, such as quercetin, rather than their
daidzein (49) > glycitein (240) > genistein-7-O-glucoside (195) >
conjugated mammalian metabolites or microbial degradation
daidzein-7-O-glucoside (222) > glycitein-7-O-glucoside (241).223
products (see Section 6). In order for any metabolite of any
However, only 20–30% of the human population are equol
dietary phenolic to exert in vivo a biologically significant effect,
producers.224 Thus, the use of dietary sources of isoflavones as
then it must be sufficiently potent to exert that effect at 50% of its
a treatment for those at risk of thrombus formation and
transient plasma Cmax. So far as we are aware, such potency has
atherosclerosis will require evaluation of the patient’s ability to
yet to be demonstrated, and as a consequence only a handful of in
convert daidzein (49) to equol (221).223
vitro studies have used concentrations sufficiently low to have
any relevance to potential bioactivities in vivo.
Enterolactone (238), a phytoestrogenic lignan metabolite
formed by the action of colonic microflora, has been ascribed
various health-benefiting properties. A high concentration of
plasma enterolactone is associated with a lower risk of acute
coronary events,213 breast cancer,214,215 colorectal adenomas216
and prostate cancer.217 More recently, enterolactone has been
shown to have direct inhibitory effects associated with cancer cell
7.2 Tissue or organ targets of phenolics
growth and is able to modulate the cell-signaling pathway.218
Enterolactone (238) competes with E2 for the type II estrogen To understand the mechanism of action of dietary phenolics and
receptor, induces sex-hormone-binding globulin219 and influ- their derivatives, it is necessary to identify their target sites.
ences steroid-metabolising enzymes and synthesis, thus poten- However, data on tissue distribution are very scarce even in
tially reducing proliferation of hormone-dependant cancer.215 experimental animals. Microautoradiography of mice tissues

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1035
after administration of either radiolabeled ()-epigallocatechin- the major human metabolites of some quercetin glycosides,
3-O-gallate (27) or resveratrol (71) indicated that radioactivity is inhibits angiogenesis in vitro, whereas quercetin-30 -O-sulfate
unequally incorporated into the cells of organs.225 Phenolics have (197), another major metabolite, promotes angiogenesis.234
also been detected in the brain,226 heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas These results may provide insights into a mechanism for the anti-
and reproductive organs of mice and rats.227 After acute inges- atherosclerotic actions of flavan-3-ols and flavonols.
tion of a nutritionally appropriate dose of the flavonol
[2-14C]quercetin-40 -glucoside (172) by rats, a number of glucu-
7.3 Potential mode of action of phenolic compounds and their
ronide and methylated quercetin metabolites formed in the small
intestine and subsequently small amounts, ca. 4% of intake, were
excreted in urine. Once the flavonols reached the caecum and Many phenolic compounds are potent effectors of biologic
colon they were rapidly degraded to phenolic acids, principally 3- processes and have the capacity to influence disease risk via
hydroxyphenylacetic acid (202) and benzoic acid (242), most of several complementary and overlapping mechanisms. In this
which (over a 72 h period) were rapidly excreted in urine without section, current knowledge on mechanisms by which dietary
any noticeable build-up in the circulatory system. In this instance phenolic compounds play a role in preventing degenerative
there is, therefore, no evidence of significant quantities of quer- pathologies will be summarized. In particular, the complex
cetin-derived compounds binding to albumin and elimination interactions between these dietary molecules and their molecular
from the body being slowed, as proposed by Manach and targets including the cell signaling pathways and response will be
colleagues.210 There was also no marked accumulation of discussed.
radioactivity in any of the body tissues, including the brain.228
7.3.1 NF-kB signaling pathway. NF-kB (nuclear factor
kappa B) is a redox-sensitive transcription factor that regulates
numerous physiological functions and is involved in the patho-
genesis of various diseases. NF-kB regulates the expression of
cytokines, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclo-oxge-
nase 2 (COX-2), growth factors and inhibitors of apoptosis.
Pathological dysregulation of NF-kB is associated with inflam-
matory disease such as asthma,235 Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
Following the ingestion of isoflavones by humans, the pres- colitis,236 and is also involved in the pathophysiology of auto-
ence of daidzein (49) and genistein (50) and their metabolites immune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, as well as
equol (221), enterolactone (238) and enterodiol (243) have been neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Potent inhibitors of NF-
detected in prostate tissue.229 In another study, after ingesting ca. kB include curcumin (188),237 resveratrol (71),238 ellagic acid (56),
300 mmol of daidzein (49), concentrations up to 6 mmol/L of and ()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27).239 Curcumin at doses
equol (221) accumulated in the breast tissue.230 When 20 men of 10 to 30 mmol/L inhibits NF-kB activation of human prostate
scheduled for surgery consumed 1.42 L of green tea and black tea cancer cells.240
on a daily basis for 5 days before radical prostatectomy, tea
flavan-3-ols, specifically ()-epigallocatechin (25) and ()-epi- 7.3.2 Activator protein-1 (AP-1). AP-1 is another class of
gallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27), were found to accumulate in redox-sensitive transcriptional factor with important roles in
prostate samples.231 normal development and the response to stress. AP-1 activation
Recently, immunochemistry has been used successfully to is linked to growth regulation, cell transformation, inflamma-
demonstrate the target sites of a flavan-3-ol in humans. A tion, and innate immune response. AP-1 has been implicated in
monoclonal antibody specific for ()-epicatechin-3-O-gallate regulation of genes involved in apoptosis and proliferation, and
(27) was developed, and this antibody detected immunoreactive may promote cell proliferation by activating the cyclin D1 gene,
materials in human atherosclerotic lesions, specifically localized and repressing tumor-suppressor genes, such as p53, p21cip1/
in the macrophage-derived foam cells, but not in the normal waf1 and p16. Several phenolic compounds, such as green tea
aorta.232 This is especially interesting as it is known that unme- flavan-3-ols, quercetin (15), trans-resveratrol (71) and curcumin
tabolised ()-epicatechin-3-O-gallate (27) appears in the human (188), have been shown to suppress the AP-1 activation
circulatory system after the ingestion of green tea,154 but why the process.241
concentration is higher in damaged tissue than in healthy tissue is
not known. Similar methodology was also used to reveal that 7.3.3 Phase II enzyme activation and Nrf2. Anthocyanins
quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180), a known plasma flavonol were shown to induce phase II antioxidant and detoxifying
metabolite,147 accumulates in macrophage-derived foam cells in enzymes in cultured cells.242 Treatment of rat liver clone 9 cells
human atherosclerotic lesions where it is converted to the agly- and non-cancerous breast cells with anthocyanins, albeit at high
cone quercetin (15) and is associated with a subsequent reduction concentrations (20–50 mM), enhanced antioxidant capacity
in lesion size.233 This suggests a role for human b-glucuronidase through the activation of both NADPH:quinone reductase and
which is released at sites of inflammation, but the exact specificity three glutathione-related enzymes, glutathione reductase, gluta-
of this enzyme towards the flavonoids and non-flavonoid thione peroxidase, and glutathione S-transferase.243 Other
conjugates is not known, and certain glucuronide conjugates phenolic compounds have also been implicated in the induction
may have greater potential than others. In this regard it is of phase II enzymes and they can be considered as potential
interesting to note that quercetin-3-O-glucuronide (180), one of candidates for preventing tumour development.244 5-O-

1036 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
Caffeoylquinic acid (64) increases the activity of the phase II pathways, thus providing protection against environmental
detoxifying enzymes GST and NADPH quinone oxidoreductase carcinogen-induced carcinogenesis.245
in mouse epidermal cells.245 Similar results were also obtained
with drinks rich in phenolic compounds such as tea and mate.246 8 Concluding comments
The mechanism by which phenolic compounds exhibited these
The current interest in dietary polyphenols has been driven
effects is through activation of the antioxidant response element
primarily by epidemiological studies that suggest diets rich in
upstream of genes that code for these enzymes. Recently, nuclear
these phytochemicals are beneficial to human health. Epidemi-
transcription factor erythroid 2p45 (NF-E2)-related factor 2
ology is a valuable tool that has featured significantly in studies
(Nrf2) has been shown to be a critical transcription factor that
of health, nutrition and toxicology, ranging historically from
binds to the antioxidant response element in the promoter region
essentially ad hoc but painstaking observations by individuals{
of a number of genes encoding for antioxidant enzymes in several
to the large and systematic studies used today. The objective is to
types of cells and tissues.247 Phenolic compounds such as gallic
establish a statistically valid association between the health of
acid (54), p-coumaric acid (58) and ferulic acid (60), albeit at
a population and one (or more) factors impacting upon it.
a high dosage of 100 mg/kg body weight, significantly increase
Establishing associations is easier where the effect is acute and
levels of Nrf2 and thus up-regulate the gene expression of cardiac
the outcome dramatic and unequivocal. It is much more difficult
antioxidant enzymes in the heart of male Sprague-Dawley rats.248
where phenomena are determined by multiple independent
Similarly, curcumin (188), trans-resveratrol (71), and the
factors and an observable effect takes years to become apparent,
synthetic analogues caffeic acid phenethyl ester (244) and 40 -
as is the situation with the less healthy diet. Moreover, the
bromoflavone (245), exhibit chemopreventive properties through
demonstration of a strong statistical relationship does not
stimulating Nrf2.249
establish cause-and-effect. It may suggest causality but in fact it
merely defines a problem requiring further study. To demon-
strate causality it is essential to define a logical chain of events
based on sound biochemistry, chemistry and physiology, and
ideally to support this by controlled and randomised intervention
studies. Intervention studies may be impractical, and in many
cases the additional support inevitably comes from animal and in
vitro studies.
Statistical relationships can be misleading. For example,
7.3.4 Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling
a relationship was established between the traditional
pathway. MAPKs are a family of highly conserved groups of
consumption of mate and the incidence of oesophageal cancer.
signalling proteins; they are divided into three main groups, (i)
On the basis of an imperfect chemical analysis this effect was
the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (Erk), (ii) c-Jun
attributed initially to tannins in mate, leading to speculation
N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinases (JNK) and
about the risks of drinking black tea.255 Subsequently it was
(iii) p38MAPK. Typically, JNK and p38MAPK cascades are activated
established that mate does not contain tannins,256 and in due
by environmental stresses and pro-inflammatory cytokines such
course the primary driving force was defined as chronic damage
as tumour necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-2 and
to the oesophageal tissues caused by scalding hot water and
IL-17, and they are largely associated with the promotion of
subsequent exposure to a carcinogen during the error-prone
inflammation, pain and programmed cell death.250 MAPKs have
stage of tissue repair.257
also been implicated in the regulation of Phase II enzyme gene
Consistent outcomes from independent epidemiological
expression and induction of apoptosis.251 Green tea flavan-3-ols,
studies greatly strengthen the likelihood of a robust and poten-
specifically 25 mmol/L ()-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27),
tially causal relationship, for example, the statistical link between
which appears in the bloodstream (albeit at ca. 100 nM
increased coffee consumption and reduced likelihood of devel-
concentrations154) suppress tumorigenesis through induction of
oping Type II diabetes.258 The explanation could be the ability of
the antioxidant-response element and MAPK (ERK, JNK and
coffee constituents, chlorogenic acids and their transformation
p38) in several chemical-induced animal carcinogenesis models in
products (see Section 3.1.2) to blunt the post-prandial surge in
a dose- and time-dependent manner.251
plasma glucose with associated effects on the incretin
(+)-Catechin (22) and quercetin (15) exhibit cardiovascular
hormones.259 In contrast, inconsistent outcomes, as in the case of
protection through suppressing PAI-1 expression in human
the Zutphen study investigating flavonol intake and coronary
coronary artery endothelial cells in vitro through activating the
heart disease mortality260 and the Caerphilly study investigating
ERK, JNK and p38 signalling pathways.252 In a more recent
flavonol and flavone intake and the incidence of ischaemic heart
study, quercetin (15) at mM concentrations exerted anti-adipo-
disease,261 suggest the existence of confounding factors or at least
genesis activity in a dose-dependent manner by inducing
one outcome having occurred purely by chance.
apoptosis of mature adipocytes through the modulation of the
ERK and JNK pathways, which play pivotal roles during
apoptosis.253 5-O-Caffeoylquinic acid (64) exhibits chemo- { It is often said that John Snow was the first epidemiologist. In London,
preventive effects on A549 human cancer cells in vitro in a dose- in 1854, he prepared a map recording all cases of cholera and the location
dependent manner at mmol/L concentrations, mainly through its of wells supplying water. The cases were clustered around a well in Broad
Street, and it is said that the outbreak of cholera was ended by removing
up-regulation of the MAPK signaling pathway. In addition, it the handle of the pump, rendering it inoperable. The infectious agent,
also suppressed the ROS-mediated NF-kB and AP-1 signalling Vibrio cholerae, was not unequivocally identified for a further 50 years.254

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 | 1037
Furthermore, although the Zutphen study has been a very freedom of action, as to be unacceptable. It is vital to have suffi-
important catalyst for research into the protective effects of ciently large study groups to provide statistical power. This is
dietary phenolics, the statistics suggested that diets richer in tea, especially important in a stratified study (having subgroups such
apples and onions might protect against cardiovascular disease. as age, gender, etc.). Excessive drop-out arising from mounting
The statistical data per se did not focus on the flavones and inconvenience can erode the statistical power and ruin a study.
flavonols – that was an inference drawn by the investigators – Animal studies may be unpopular with society but overcome
and other components in these commodities (see Sections 3.1.1, some of the difficulties associated with human intervention trials.
3.2 and 3.3) might have a role. Subsequent events suggest that the For example, animals may be used in a three-generation study,
inference has some merit, but cause and effect have still not been allowing investigation of reproductive effects and effects on
proven. This statement is not meant as a criticism only of the offspring, something requiring over 60 years in humans and
seminal Zutphen study, or of the scientists who made the obviously totally impractical for many reasons. However, animal
investigation, but rather of the over-simple extrapolations to studies have their peculiarities and limitations. The animals in
which the general public are exposed. a study tend to be genetically similar. The human population is
Epidemiological studies fall in to several categories.262 anything but. On the one hand, the genetic standardisation may
Prospective studies are the more powerful and follow one or more make it easier to achieve statistical significance for a relatively
groups (cohorts) of individuals, who have not yet had the outcome weak effect; on the other it may completely miss something of
event in question, and who are monitored for the number of such great human importance simply because the selected strain of
events that occur over time. In a cohort study, two (or more) animal is insufficiently sensitive to whatever challenge or treat-
defined groups, such as exposed and non-exposed, are followed ment is being investigated. Differences between the human and
and a comparison is made of the disease rates emerging during animal genomes may also lead to potential problems of extrap-
the study period. In some prospective studies diets are sampled olation. For example, rodents methylate dietary phenols far
and stored frozen for future chemical analysis. Alternatively, the more extensively than humans. The three major human metab-
intake of phytochemicals might be assessed from tabulated olites of quercetin glycosides are quercetin-3-O-glucuronide
composition data for particular commodities recorded in diet- (180), quercetin-30 -O-sulfate (197) and isorhamnetin-3-O-glucu-
diaries. For this approach to be satisfactory much more detailed ronide (198), but quercetin-7-O-glucuronide (246) is not detec-
compositional databases are required. The current lack of data for ted.147 This is, however, a major rat metabolite.264 Ruminants are
the composition of commodities after cooking or processing is not susceptible to the toxicity of gossypol (247), a polyphenol
a major deficiency that must be addressed before reliable statis- peculiar to cotton, but monogastric species are. Many species,
tical data can be obtained.263 Even when adequate compositional including rats, can synthesise ascorbate, but humans cannot.
data are available for the commodity as consumed (i.e. after
cooking or processing) this cannot provide quantitative data
for gut microflora metabolites that might in some cases be the
active principle. This weakness has not yet been addressed in any
epidemiological study so far as we are aware.
In contrast, a retrospective study involves questioning, or
otherwise investigating, cases where individuals who had
a particular outcome, and analysing the collected data after the
outcomes have occurred. One such design is the case-control
study where the retrospective comparison involves the history of
persons with disease (cases) with those of persons without the
disease (controls). With retrospective studies there can be signif-
icant problems of recall especially if it is necessary to define the diet
consumed, levels of exercise, etc. for the preceding 20 years. It is
even more difficult if the subject has died, although in this
case there is usually unequivocal information on the cause of In vitro studies utilising tissue slices or cultured cells can
death (as compared with information derived from controversial provide extremely valuable biochemical information. However,
biomarkers). Whatever the study type, the inferences obtained great care is required when interpreting and extrapolating the
apply to populations and not necessarily to particular individuals. data obtained. Again, the species of origin must be considered –
Epidemiological studies are expensive, and if prospective may obviously slices of animal liver are more readily available than
take many years. Intervention studies are even more expensive, slices of human liver, but biochemical differences must not be
costing millions of pounds. Intervention studies seem ideal, but overlooked. Many cells that are amenable to culturing are
have particular limitations. It is vital that the study sample is derived from human tumours, which may differ from healthy
representative of the target population. It is essential that clinical tissue in important ways; e.g. individual clones of Caco-2 differ
data are sound, and the value of data can be severely compromised dramatically in their production of particular enzymes and
by injudicious choice of the biomarkers of effect that will be transporters. It is clearly unwise to draw hasty conclusions from
monitored. Biomarkers that are difficult to reproduce across a study where a tissue such as liver was exposed directly to tea
study centres, or are of questionable predictive value for ultimate brew. If the tissue had been the buccal epithelium, gastric
disease outcome, can ruin a study. An intervention may have to be epithelium, or even intestinal Caco-2 cells, the experimental
maintained for a very long time, and may so curtail a participant’s conditions might have better reflected real life. When the test

1038 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, 26, 1001–1043 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
substance is more appropriate to the tissue, valuable data can be 9 T. Unno, A. Sugimoto and T. Kakuda, J. Sci. Food Agric., 2000, 80,
generated and the extrapolations that follow are much more 601–606.
10 B. Yang, K. Arai and F. Kusu, Anal. Biochem., 2000, 283, 77–82.
likely to be sound – for example, the studies in which HepG2 cells 11 R. Seto, H. Nakamura, F. Nanjo and Y. Hara, Biosci. Biotech.
were exposed to quercetin glucuronides establishing that these Biochem., 1997, 61, 1434–1439.
could be absorbed, deglucuronidated, methylated and converted 12
to sulfates150 (although as noted in Section 6.1.2 the conversion 13 L. I. Mennen, R. Walker, C. Bennetau-Pelissero and A. Scalbert,
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 2005, 81, 326S–329S.
of glucuronide to sulfate seems not to occur in humans in vivo). 14 P. Langcake and R. J. Pryce, Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 1193–
The dose used should also reflect real life. In a paper reporting 1196.
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Agric. Food Chem., 2002, 50, 3337–3340.
gallate (27) (IC50 ca. 4 mmol/L), it was suggested that this might 16 F. Grippi, L. Crosta, G. Aiello, M. Tolomeo, F. Oliveri, N. Gebbia
explain why drinking green tea prevents cancer.265 This unwise and A. Curione, Food Chem., 2008, 107, 483–488.
comment was severely criticised by others who pointed out that 17 B. C. Vastano, Y. Chen, N. Zhu, C. T. Ho, Z. Zhou and R. T. Rosen,
plasma levels of epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate even following J. Agric. Food Chem., 2000, 48, 253–256.
18 X. Vitrac, A. Bornet, R. Vanderlinde, J. M. Valls, T. Richard, J.-
heavy green tea consumption were lower by a factor of 10 000.266 C. Delaunay, J.-M. Merillon and P.-L. Teissedre, J. Agric. Food
Elevated doses can be used to ‘force’ an outcome but such Chem., 2005, 53, 5664–5669.
results must be extrapolated with great care. Elevated doses can 19 P. Waffo-Teguo, D. Lee, M. Cuendet, J. Merillon, J. M. Pezzuto and
A. D. Kinghorn, J. Nat. Prod., 2001, 64, 136–138.
sensibly be used when comparing potency of a range of related
20 R. Pezet, C. Perret, J. B. Jean-Denis, R. Tabacchi, K. Gindro and
substances and numerical data are required for the potency of the O. Viret, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2003, 51, 5488–5492.
less powerful compounds, and when determining a dose– 21 J. A. Baur and D. A. Sinclair, Nat. Rev. Drug Discov., 2006, 5, 493–
response relationship. It is well known from toxicological studies 506.
22 S. Bradamante, L. Barenghi and A. Villa, Cardiovasc. Drug Rev.,
that while a linear dose–response relationship may occur over 2004, 22, 169–188.
a certain range of concentrations, the effect may have 23 M. Jang, L. Cai, G. O. Udeani, K. V. Slowing, C. F. Thomas,
a threshold, and extrapolation to very low concentrations may C. W. W. Beecher, H. H. S. Fong, N. R. Farnsworth,
over-estimate the toxic effect. This could also be true for bene- A. D. Kinghorn, R. G. Mehta, R. C. Moon and J. M. Pezzuto,
Science, 1997, 275, 218–220.
ficial effects, and downwards extrapolation from a ‘forced’ effect 24 J. A. Baur, K. J. Pearson, N. L. Price, H. A. Jamieson, C. Lerin,
at high concentration in vitro must be interpreted with caution. A. Kalra, V. V. Prabhu, J. S. Allard, G. Lopez-Lluch, K. Lewis,
With regard to dietary polyphenols and human health, much P. J. Pistell, S. Poosala, K. G. Becker, O. Boss, D. Gwinn,
M. Wang, S. Ramaswamy, K. W. Fishbein, R. G. Spencer,
yet remains to be investigated. We are convinced that further E. G. Lakatta, D. L. Couteur, R. J. Shaw, P. Navas,
human studies will be essential to unravelling the complexities. P. Puigserver, D. K. Ingram, R. de Cabo and D. A. Sinclair,
As yet, claims for benefit outstrip understanding, and some Nature, 2006, 444, 337–342; D. Valenzano, E. Terzibasi,
claims have clearly been based on methodology that has severe T. Genade, A. Cattaneo, L. Domenici and A. Celerino, Curr.
Biol., 2006, 16, 296–300.
limitations. Nevertheless, we remain optimistic that there is a real 25 M. Kaeberlein and P. S. Rabinovitch, Nature, 2006, 444, 280–281.
possibility that some dietary polyphenols will be shown to 26 R. Corder, A. Crozier and P. A. Kroon, Nature, 2003, 426, 119.
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Wallingford, UK, 1999.
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give is to have as much variety as possible, so as to maximise the M. N. Clifford, Chapman and Hall, London, 1992, pp. 413–457.
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Willson and M. N. Clifford, Chapman and Hall, London, 1992,
pp. 459–512.
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