Cambridgeshire Yearbook 2014
Cambridgeshire Yearbook 2014
Cambridgeshire Yearbook 2014
(A.L. 6014)
Welcome to our new Provincial Year Book which heralds the start of a new
Masonic year.
This year this small but perfectly formed book is slightly slimmer than
usual, and I must explain to the Mark Masons in Cambridgeshire that this
is because your pages are missing. We were informed by the hierarchy of
the East Anglian Province of Mark Master Masons that they did not wish
us to list the officers and members of their lodges (including Royal Ark
Mariners) which meet in the Province of Cambridgeshire. The Provinces
of Norfolk and Suffolk were given similar instructions with regard to their
year books.
As a result our booklet, which has always previously listed full details of
every Masonic Order which meets in Cambridgeshire, is this year in my
view incomplete, and I very much regret this. The dates of Mark lodge
meetings are however included in the Diary of Lodge Meetings etc. at the
front of the book.
Having said that, everything else that you would hope to find is here again;
and I congratulate the Editorial Board as usual on this year’s production.
Much hard work and long hours are spent in ensuring the accuracy and
completeness (where possible) of its contents.
The year 2014/15 promises to be as exciting and fulfilling as recent years
have been; and I hope that every mason in Cambridgeshire will continue to
share not only in the companionship of our meetings and festive boards but
also in the pride of being a member of our wonderful fraternity and of this
splendid Province in particular.
I wish you all a very happy and enjoyable year ahead.
Foreword by the Provincial Grand Master.........2 Grand Chapter Officers in the Province...........76
Useful Addresses................................................5 Provincial Grand Chapter of Cambridgeshire. .79
Secretary & Scribe E contact details..................6 Provincial Grand Superintendents. etc.............80
Directors of Ceremony contact details...............7 Provincial Grand Chapter By-Laws.................82
Dining Steward contact details...........................8 Minutes Grand Chapter 18/6/14.......................84
Diary of Meetings...............................................9 Toast List, Royal Arch......................................92
CRAFT MASONRY: Chapter of Pythagoras No. 88..........................93
Chapter of Fidelity No. 441..............................94
The United Grand Lodge of England...............18 Etheldreda Chapter No. 809.............................95
Grand Officers in the Province.........................20 Euclid Chapter No. 859....................................96
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cambridgeshire....22 Saint Etheldreda Chapter No. 2107..................97
Provincial Grand Masters, etc..........................23 Caldwell Chapter No. 2727..............................98
Notes for the guidance......................................27 Cantabrigia Chapter No. 3532........................100
Use of Email and Internet.................................30 St Andrew Chapter No. 4087.........................101
Provincial Grand Lodge Regalia......................30 Gray Chapter No. 4334..................................102
Provincial Grand Lodge By-Laws....................31 Kynaston Chapter No. 5810...........................103
Minutes Provincial Grand Lodge 18/6/14........33 Chapter of Probity No. 7333..........................104
Toast List, Craft................................................46 First Principals' Chapter No. 7429.................105
Scientific Lodge No. 88...................................47 Cambridgeshire Meridian Chapter No. 8374. 106
Lodge of Three Grand Principles No. 441.......48 Fidelity Chapter of Instruction.......................107
Lodge of United Good Fellowship No. 809.....49 St. Wendreda Chapter of Improvement..........107
Isaac Newton University Lodge No. 859.........50 Quator Coronati Lodge...................................108
Alma Mater Lodge No. 1492...........................51
Etheldreda Lodge No. 2107.............................52 OTHER ORDERS AND ASSOCS:
St Audrey Lodge No. 2727...............................53 Supreme Council 33rd Degree.......................109
Caldwell Lodge No. 3201................................54 Toast List........................................................110
Cantabrigia Lodge No. 3532............................55 Rose Croix Chapters.......................................111
St Andrew Lodge No. 4087..............................56 Royal and Select Masters...............................120
Gray Lodge No. 4334.......................................57 Great Priory of the United Religious, Military
Old Leysian Lodge No. 4520...........................58 and Masonic Orders of the Temple...............121
Kynaston Lodge No. 5810...............................59 Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests.......127
Gild of Holy Trinity Lodge No. 6125..............60 Grand Council of the Order of the Allied
Granta Lodge No. 6179....................................61 Masonic Degrees..........................................128
Stone Cross Lodge No. 6704............................62 Royal Order of Scotland.................................132
Gild of St Mary Lodge No. 7288.....................63 The Masonic & Military Order of the
Thirkill Lodge No. 7333...................................64 Red Cross of Constantine.............................133
Installed Masters Lodge No. 7429...................65 Order of the Secret Monitor...........................135
St Ovin Lodge No. 7774..................................66 The Worshipful Society of Freemasons.........137
Virtute et Fide Lodge No. 7959........................67 The Commemorative Order of St. Thomas
St Wendred Lodge No. 8374............................68 of Acon.........................................................138
Nourse Lodge No. 8590...................................69 The Masonic Order of Athelstan....................139
Descensus Aquarum Lodge No. 8655..............70 Provincial Building Fund...............................168
The Porta Lodge No. 9511...............................71 Provincial Bowls Association.........................168
Cambridgeshire Meridian Lodge No. 9687......72 Provincial Golf Association............................170
Logistica Lodge No. 9804................................73 Provincial Shooting Association....................172
Fenland Meridian Lodge No. 9858..................74 Provincial Library and Museum.....................172
ROYAL ARCH MASONRY: Cambridge Masonic Hall Limited..................173
Freemasons’ Hall, Cambridge........................173
Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons The Cambridge Freemasons' Club.................174
of England......................................................75 Calendar 2014-15...........................................175
Masonic Benevolence
The Freemasons’ Grand Charity.....................141 Cambridgeshire Masonic Benevolent
The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution....143 Association...................................................156
Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys........144 Masonic Widows’ Friendship Club................165
Masonic Samaritan Fund................................145 Legacies (guidance notes)..............................165
Association of Friends of Cornwallis Court...146 The City and University of Cambridge
Provincial Charity for Care and Relief...........147 Masonic Charitable Trust.............................166
Change History
29/7/14 Added missing ProvGChSwd/CMBA report to PGL Craft minutes
Added Kynaston website address
30/7/14 Corrected email address for ScE 88
Moved P. Brindle in list of GOs.
5/8/14 Added 1492 DC, new email address for DC for 3532
Added principal Royal Arch officers to contacts (Page 5)
11/8/14 Bowls – added July cup winners.
Rationalised C&R/DMBA section headings
Rationalised order of some of the associations.
Library & Museum missing from ToC – added.
Revisited ToC layout.
25/8/14 KT Provincial page updated.
Removed deceased HM (A&AR 972)
2/9/14 New email address for ProvGSwdB
Corrected ProvGSec home phone number
Provincial Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Cambridgeshire
Useful Addresses
Provincial Grand Master: Provincial Grand Orator:
R.W. Bro. R.J. Wolverson, W. Bro. H. Rooke
39 Cambridge Road, Little Abington, 65 Cavalry Drive, March PE15 9EQ.
Cambridge CB21 6BL. Tel: 01354 659502
Tel: 01223 891008 e.mail: [email protected]
e.mail: [email protected] Provincial Benevolent Association Secretary:
Deputy Provincial Grand Master: W. Bro. N.A. McKittrick,
V.W. Bro. W.C.M. Dastur, 41 Chisenhale, Orton Waterville,
Edwardstone House, Edwardstone, Peterborough PE2 5FP.
Sudbury CO10 5PD. Tel: 01733 237535
Tel: 01787 210949 (H), 01223 373422 (Office) e.mail: [email protected]
e.mail: [email protected]
Provincial Charity for Care and Relief:
Provincial Senior Grand Warden: W. Bro. A.K. Mason,
W. Bro. C.G. Bell, 154 Main Street, Witchford, Ely CB6 2HP.
20 The Green, Eltisley, Cambs. PE19 6TG. Tel: 01353 665185
Tel: 01480 880665 e.mail: [email protected]
e.mail: [email protected]
Provincial Communications Officer:
Provincial Junior Grand Warden: W. Bro. C. S. Lingard,
W. Bro. K. Robinson, 14 Spens Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9LS.
17 Egremont Road, Hardwick, Tel: 01223 356476
Cambs. CB23 7XR. e.mail: [email protected]
Tel: 01954 211946 (H), 07528 479577 (M)
Provincial Information Officer:
e.mail: [email protected]
W. Bro. P.J. Sutton,
Provincial Grand Chaplain: 2 West Hill Road, Foxton,
W. Bro. Revd. C.M. Woolley, Cambridge CB22 6SZ.
66 Ventress Farm Court, Tel: 01223 870721
Cambridge CB1 8HD. e.mail: [email protected]
Tel: 01223 721151 Deputy Grand Superintendent:
e.mail: [email protected]
E. Comp. R.H.H. Jackson,
Provincial Grand Treasurer: 2 Garden Grove,
W. Bro. D.M. Blair, Whittlesey PE7 1EL
6 Varrier Drive, Papworth Everard CB23 3GJ. Tel: 01733 203094
Tel: 01480 831451 (H), 07970 767296 (M) e.mail: [email protected]
e.mail: [email protected] Second Provincial Grand Principal:
Provincial Grand Secretary: E. Comp. G.C. Summerfield,
W. Bro. P.B. Kilby, 11 Radegund Road,
Freemasons’ Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge CB1 3RH
Cambridge CB2 1NA. Tel: 01223 212315
Tel: Home 01223 860936 e.mail: [email protected]
Prov. Office 01223 471586 Third Provincial Grand Principal:
e.mail: [email protected] E. Comp. C.S. Lingard,
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies: 14 Spens Avenue,
W. Bro. B.J. Elliott, Cambridge CB3 9LS
7 Hathaway Close, Eaton Socon, Tel: 01223 356476
St. Neots PE19 8HQ. e.mail: [email protected]
Tel: 01480 212454 Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra:
e.mail: [email protected] E. Comp. E.J.N. Brookes,
Provincial Grand Sword Bearer: 149 Shelford Road, Trumpington,
W. Bro. D.W. Parker, Cambridge CB2 9ND.
8 Kens Way, Milton CB24 6DJ. Tel: Home 01223 840374
Tel: 01223 440870 e.mail: [email protected]
e.mail: [email protected]
Secretary / Scribe E e.mail Address & Telephone No.
Lodge Name Email Telephone
Secretary distrib'n list [email protected]
Installation distrib'n [email protected]
ProvGSec [email protected] 01223 471586 (O)
01223 860936 (H)
88 Michael Hinton [email protected] 01223 881115
441 Stuart Britt [email protected] 01638 596594
809 John Breeze [email protected] 01945 465283
859 Alistair Townsend [email protected] 020 8378 1545
1492 Edmund Brookes [email protected] 01223 840374
2107 Jim Stokes [email protected] 07885 694426
2727 David Deverson [email protected] 07918 081907
3201 David Mathews [email protected] 01354 638555
3532 Allen Brown [email protected] 01954 200025
4087 Tim Smith [email protected] 01733 203394
4334 Harry Rooke [email protected] 01354 659502
4520 Keven Mulley [email protected] 01473 725613
5810 Brian Fenton [email protected] 01223 425625
6125 Ray Page [email protected] 01945 583156
6179 Dan Heath [email protected] 01223 291343
6704 Cliff Brown [email protected] 01354 655735
7288 Kevin Mader [email protected] 01223 212822
7333 David Kirkham [email protected] 01763 264262
7429 Kevin Mader [email protected] 01223 212822
7774 Andy Pearson [email protected] 07828 539504
7959 Leslie Waters [email protected] 01954 781036
8374 Wayne Snedeker [email protected] 01638 510470
8590 David Cameron [email protected] 01353 722715
8655 David Sherwood [email protected] 01353 663716
9511 Frank Beesley [email protected] 01353 722205
9687 Doug Reed [email protected] 01223 247991
9804 Roger Billings [email protected] 01638 741080
9858 Brian January [email protected] 01354 740634
Directors of Ceremony e.mail Address and Telephone No.
Lodge Name Email Tel. No.
DC Distrib'n list [email protected]
ProvDC Brian Elliott [email protected] 01480 212454
88 Kim Sheldrick [email protected] 01638 745564
441 John Deadman [email protected] 01954 202206
809 Bharat Khetani [email protected] 01945 466488
859 Christopher Freeman [email protected] 020 7221 1540
1492 Stewart Kerr [email protected] 01223 842984
2107 Tony Lamkin [email protected] 01638 507615
2727 Terry Hall [email protected] 01353 699704
3201 Bill Becker [email protected] 01354 661710
3532 Bob Hyslop [email protected] 01223 501328
4087 Paul Fulstow [email protected] 01733 346220
4334 Richard Graham [email protected] 01354 692735
4520 Kevin Ledgard [email protected] 01379 586873
5810 Tony Compton [email protected] 01223 833626
6125 Edward Boyd-Tuck [email protected] 01945 582748
6179 Les Greig [email protected] 01223 290680
6704 Vic Richards [email protected] 01638 750130
7288 Richard Kemp [email protected] 01223 860953
7333 Chris Harper [email protected] 01223 834962
7429 Colin Bell [email protected] 01480 880665
7774 Dave Pasek [email protected] 01353 662466
7959 Ken Robinson [email protected] 01954 211946
8374 Andy Elsey [email protected] 01787 237840
8590 Peter Vipers [email protected] 01223 833819
8655 Martin Rose [email protected] 01353 721397
9511 Colin Bell [email protected] 01480 880665
9687 Alan Upex [email protected] 01223 244023
9804 Barry Young [email protected] 01473 213363
9858 Harry Rooke [email protected] 01354 659602
Dining Steward e.mail Address and Telephone No.
Lodge Name Email Tel. No.
88 Neil Taylor [email protected] 01223 574065
441 John Frith [email protected] 01353 699187
809 John Jewson [email protected] 01945 585335
859 Simon Duckworth [email protected] (no telephone)
1492 Stewart Kerr [email protected] 01223 842984
2107 Ian Tolliday [email protected] 01223 514033
2727 Nigel Davies [email protected] 01353 721037
3201 Mike Watkins [email protected] 01354 741633
3532 Joseph McMurray [email protected] 01954 781953
4087 Russell Huber [email protected] 07414 474417
4334 Ian Kilby [email protected] 01354 694195
4520 Harry Arnold [email protected] 01525 714629
5810 John Bailey [email protected] 01480 831742
6125 John Jewson [email protected] 01945 585335
6179 Peter Swannell [email protected] 01223 811584
6704 David Pritchard [email protected] 01945 450408
7288 Andrew Jones [email protected] 01223 690893
7333 Gordon Barnes [email protected] 01763 249713
7429 'Danny' Ellis [email protected] 07785 307233
7774 David Gowler [email protected] 01353 665903
7959 Jonathan Wright [email protected] 07825 768997
8374 Tim Shorey [email protected] 01223 214957
8590 Brian Mortlock [email protected] 01945 581356
8655 Jonathan Cooper [email protected] 01353 669891
9511 Christopher Barnes [email protected] 01353 663517
9687 Sean Tirrell [email protected] 01638 714025
9804 Roger Billings [email protected] 01638 741080
9858 Mike Watkins [email protected] 07860 716122
Diary of Lodge Meetings, etc.
September 2014 1 Monday Abbot Simeon MMM 1847 (Inst)
Concordia Ducum 9798 (Inst)
3 Wednesday East Anglian Installed Mark Masters 1418
6 Saturday Court of Aelfred 2 (Inst)
9 Tuesday Grand Mark Lodge
Hereward RC 660 (Enth)
10 Wednesday Grand Lodge
St. Wendred 8374
11 Thursday Isle of Ely Preceptory 677
St. Wendreda Chapter of Improvement
12 Friday Old Leysian 4520
13 Saturday Corpus Christi Conclave RCC 388 (Enth)
Royal and Select District Meeting
16 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
17 Wednesday Fenland Council 97 (Inst)
Gild of Good Fellowship RAM 1410
19 Friday Stone Cross 6704
Virtute et Fide 7959
20 Saturday Granta 6179
22 Monday Kynaston RAC 5810
23 Tuesday Iceni RC 1126
St. Ovin 7774 (Inst)
24 Wednesday Gray RAC 4334 (Inst)
Three Virtues RC 972
United Good Fellowship 809
25 Thursday Kynaston 5810
Octagon in Ely RC 1076
26 Friday Cambridgeshire First Principals (Inst) 7429
Royal Order of Scotland (Annual Meeting)
27 Saturday Alma Mater 1492
30 Tuesday Etheldreda OSM 311 (Inst)
Tancred Preceptory (Malta) 102
October 2014 1 Wednesday Fidelity Chapter of Instruction
Gild of Holy Trinity 6125 (Inst)
2 Thursday Cantabrigia RC 112 (Enth)
3 Friday Admiral Rous MMM 1427 (Inst)
Cambridgeshire Installed Masters 7429
6 Monday Three Grand Principles 441
7 Tuesday Cambridgeshire Meridian 9687 (Inst)
8 Wednesday Etheldreda RAC 809
9 Thursday Cambridgeshire Meridian RAC 8374
Nourse 8590
10 Friday The Porta 9511 (Inst)
11 Saturday Alma Mater OSM 74 (Inst)
13 Monday Scientific 88
14 Tuesday St. Andrew 4087 (Inst)
St. Audley 2727
Stradbroke MMM 603 (Inst)
Stradbroke RAM 603
15 Wednesday Descensus Aquarum 8655 (Inst)
Gray 4334
16 Thursday Etheldreda 2107
Gild of St. Mary 7288
17 Friday Chapter of Fidelity RA 441
Stone Cross 6704 (Inst)
18 Saturday University RC 30
20 Monday Caldwell RAC 2727 (Inst)
Logistica 9804 (Inst)
Thirkill 7333
21 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
Euclid RAC 859 (Inst)
22 Wednesday Cantabrigia 3532 (Inst)
United Good Fellowship 809
23 Thursday Kynaston 5810 (Inst)
25 Saturday Boadicea 170 (Inst)
University Council (R&S) 26
27 Monday St. Etheldreda RAC 2107
28 Tuesday Fenland Meridian 9858
Isaac Newton University 859 (Inst)
St. Andrew RAC 4087
St. Ovin 7774
November 2014 1 Saturday Alma Mater 1492
3 Monday Three Grand Principles 441
4 Tuesday St. Wendreda RAC 3201
Tancred Preceptory 102 (Inst)
5 Wednesday Gild of Holy Trinity 6125
6 Thursday Cambridge & Isle of Ely RC 1157 (Enth)
7 Friday Cantabrigia RAC 3532 (Inst)
Court of Unity at Witesie 84
10 Monday Gild of Good Fellowship MMM 1410 (Inst)
Scientific 88
11 Tuesday Isaac Newton University MMM 112 (Inst)
Isaac Newton University RAM 112
St. Andrew 4087
St. Audley 2727 (Inst)
12 Wednesday Supreme Grand Chapter
St. Wendred 8374
13 Thursday Nourse 8590 (Inst)
14 Friday Holy Rood Preceptory 179
Virtute et Fide 7959
15 Saturday Granta 6179 (Inst)
17 Monday Thirkill 7333 (Inst)
18 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
19 Wednesday Descensus Aquarum 8655
Gray 4334
Wysbech Trinity RC 822
20 Thursday Etheldreda 2107
Gild of St. Mary 7288 (Inst)
Isle of Ely Preceptory 677 (Malta)
22 Saturday Corpus Christi Conclave RCC 388
24 Monday Pythagoras RAC 88 (Inst)
25 Tuesday St. Ovin 7774
26 Wednesday Cantabrigia 3532
United Good Fellowship 809
27 Thursday Abbot Simeon MMM 1847
Chapter of Probity RA 7333 (Inst)
Ship of the Fens RAM 1847
28 Friday Etheldreda OSM 311
Old Leysian 4520
Stone Cross 6704
December 2014 1 Monday Three Grand Principles 441
2 Tuesday Cambridgeshire Meridian 9687
3 Wednesday Gild of Holy Trinity 6125
York MMM 334
York RAM 334
4 Thursday Kynaston 5810
The Porta 9511 †
5 Friday Carol Service (Ely Cathedral)
6 Saturday Isaac Newton University 859
8 Monday Scientific 88
9 Tuesday Annual Assembly of Royal Arch Mariners
St. Andrew 4087
St. Audley 2727
Stradbroke MMM 603
Stradbroke RAM 603
10 Wednesday Grand Lodge
Etheldreda RAC 809
11 Thursday Nourse 8590
12 Friday Hereward the Wake Preceptory 439 (Inst)
13 Saturday Alma Mater 1492 (Inst)
16 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
17 Wednesday Gray 4334
18 Thursday Etheldreda 2107
Gild of St. Mary 7288
25 Thursday Christmas Day
26 Friday Boxing Day
January 2015 1 Thursday New Year's Day
5 Monday Three Grand Principles 441 (Inst)
6 Tuesday St. Wendreda RAC 3201
7 Wednesday Gild of Holy Trinity 6125
8 Thursday Nourse 8590
9 Friday Hereward the Wake Preceptory 439 (Malta)
Kynaston RAC 5810
12 Monday Gild of Good Fellowship MMM 1410
Scientific 88 (Inst)
13 Tuesday St. Andrew 4087
St. Audley 2727
14 Wednesday St. Wendred 8374
15 Thursday Etheldreda 2107
Gild of St. Mary 7288
16 Friday Chapter of Fidelity RA 441
17 Saturday Alma Mater OSM 74
19 Monday Caldwell RAC 2727
Logistica 9804
Thirkill 7333
20 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
21 Wednesday Descensus Aquarum 8655
Gray 4334 (Inst)
Three Virtues RC 972
22 Thursday Kynaston 5810
23 Friday Stone Cross 6704
Virtute et Fide 7959
26 Monday St. Etheldreda RAC 2107
27 Tuesday Iceni RC 1126
Isaac Newton University 859
St. Ovin 7774
28 Wednesday Cantabrigia 3532
United Good Fellowship 809
February 2015 2 Monday Three Grand Principles 441
4 Wednesday Fidelity Chapter of Instruction
Gild of Holy Trinity 6125
5 Thursday Cantabrigia RC 112
6 Friday Holy Rood Preceptory 179
The Porta 9511
7 Saturday University Council (R&S) 26 (Inst)
9 Monday Scientific 88
10 Tuesday St. Andrew 4087
St. Audley 2727
Stradbroke MMM 603
Stradbroke RAM 603 (Inst)
11 Wednesday Wysbech Trinity RC 822 (Enth)
12 Thursday Cambridgeshire Meridian RAC 8374
Nourse 8590
13 Friday Cantabrigia RAC 3532
14 Saturday Chapel of King Anna 50 (Inst)
16 Monday Thirkill 7333
17 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
Isaac Newton University MMM 112
Isaac Newton University RAM 112 (Inst)
18 Wednesday Descensus Aquarum 8655
Gild of Good Fellowship RAM 1410
Gray 4334
York MMM 334
York RAM 334
19 Thursday Etheldreda 2107 (Inst)
Gild of St. Mary 7288
23 Monday Pythagoras RAC 88
24 Tuesday Fenland Meridian 9858 (Inst)
St. Andrew RAC 4087
St. Ovin 7774
25 Wednesday Cantabrigia 3532
United Good Fellowship 809
26 Thursday Kynaston 5810
27 Friday Admiral Rous MMM 1427
Admiral Rous RAM 1427
Octagon in Ely RC 1076 (Enth)
Stone Cross 6704
28 Saturday Provincial Priory of East Anglia
Alma Mater 1492
March 2015 2 Monday Three Grand Principles 441
3 Tuesday Old Leysian 4520 (Inst)
St. Wendreda RAC 3201
4 Wednesday Gild of Holy Trinity 6125
5 Thursday Cambridgeshire Meridian 9687
6 Friday Cambridgeshire First Principals 7429
7 Saturday Isaac Newton University 859
9 Monday Scientific 88
10 Tuesday Grand Mark Lodge
Hereward RC 660
St. Andrew 4087
St. Audley 2727
11 Wednesday Grand Lodge
12 Thursday Nourse 8590
13 Friday Abbot Simeon MMM 1847
Hereward the Wake Preceptory 439
Ship of the Fens RAM 1847
Tancred Preceptory 102
Court of Unity at Witesie 84
14 Saturday Corpus Christi Conclave RCC 388
16 Monday Thirkill 7333
17 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
Chapter of Probity RA 7333
Euclid RAC 859
18 Wednesday Descensus Aquarum 8655
Etheldreda RAC 809 (Inst)
Gray 4334
19 Thursday Etheldreda 2107
Gild of St. Mary 7288
20 Friday Chapter of Fidelity RA 441 (Inst)
21 Saturday East Anglian Installed Mark Masters 1418 (Inst)
Granta 6179
University RC 30
23 Monday Kynaston RAC 5810 (Inst)
24 Tuesday St. Ovin 7774
25 Wednesday Cantabrigia 3532
Gray RAC 4334
St. Wendred 8374
United Good Fellowship 809
26 Thursday Kynaston 5810
27 Friday Stone Cross 6704
Virtute et Fide 7959
27 Friday The Porta 9511 ‡
Royal Order of Scotland (TBC) ‡
28 Saturday Court of Aelfred 2
April 2015 1 Wednesday Gild of Holy Trinity 6125
2 Thursday Cantabrigia RC 112
3 Friday Good Friday
6 Monday Easter Monday
7 Tuesday Three Grand Principles 441 ‡
9 Thursday St. Wendreda Chapter of Improvement
13 Monday Gild of Good Fellowship MMM 1410
Scientific 88
14 Tuesday St. Andrew 4087
St. Audley 2727
Stradbroke MMM 603
Stradbroke RAM 603
15 Wednesday Descensus Aquarum 8655
Fenland Council 97
Gray 4334
York RAM 334 (Inst)
16 Thursday Etheldreda 2107
Gild of St. Mary 7288
18 Saturday Alma Mater OSM 74
20 Monday Caldwell RAC 2727
Logistica 9804
Thirkill 7333
21 Tuesday Caldwell 3201 (Inst)
22 Wednesday Grand Lodge (Annual Investiture)
Cantabrigia 3532
23 Thursday Supreme Grand Chapter (Annual Investiture)
Kynaston 5810
24 Friday Stone Cross 6704
25 Saturday Isaac Newton University 859
27 Monday Holy Rood Preceptory 179 (Inst)
St. Etheldreda RAC 2107 (Inst)
28 Tuesday Fenland Meridian 9858
St. Andrew RAC 4087 (Inst)
St. Ovin 7774
30 Thursday Etheldreda OSM 311
May 2015 1 Friday Admiral Rous MMM 1427
Admiral Rous RAM 1427 (Inst)
Cantabrigia RAC 3532
4 Monday Early May Bank Holiday
5 Tuesday St. Wendreda RAC 3201 (Inst)
6 Wednesday United Good Fellowship 809 (Inst)
7 Thursday Pythagoras RAC 88
8 Friday Cambridgeshire Installed Masters 7429 (Inst)
9 Saturday University RC 30 (Enth)
11 Monday Cambridge & Isle of Ely RC 1157
12 Tuesday Hereward RC 660
St. Andrew 4087
St. Audley 2727
13 Wednesday Gild of Good Fellowship RAM 1410 (Inst)
Gray RAC 4334
Old Leysian 4520
St. Wendred 8374 (Inst)
14 Thursday Iceni RC 1126 (Enth)
15 Friday Royal Order of Scotland
Virtute et Fide 7959 (Inst)
16 Saturday Alma Mater 1492
Boadicea 170
Granta 6179
18 Monday Concordia Ducum 9798
Thirkill 7333
19 Tuesday Euclid RAC 859
20 Wednesday Wysbech Trinity RC 822
York MMM 334 (Inst)
21 Thursday Isle of Ely Preceptory 677
Three Virtues RC 972 (Enth)
25 Monday Spring Bank Holiday
28 Thursday Cambridgeshire Meridian RAC 8374 (Inst)
30 Saturday University Council (R&S) 26
June 2015 5 Friday Court of Unity at Witesie 84 (Inst)
9 Tuesday Grand Mark Lodge
Isaac Newton University 859
10 Wednesday Grand Lodge
11 Thursday Octagon in Ely RC 1076
12 Friday Hereward the Wake Preceptory 439
13 Saturday Isaac Newton University MMM 112
Isaac Newton University RAM 112
17 Wednesday Provincial Grand Chapter
Provincial Grand Lodge
18 Thursday Ship of the Fens RAM 1847 (Inst)
26 Friday Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners
July 2015 8 Wednesday St. Wendred 8374
9 Thursday Isle of Ely Preceptory 677 (Inst)
11 Saturday Red Cross of Constantine (Annual Meeting)
15 Wednesday Fenland Council 97
18 Saturday Provincial Grand Mark Lodge
20 Monday Logistica 9804
25 Saturday Provincial Grand Meeting of Mark Master Masons
August 2015 1 Saturday Chapel of King Anna 50
31 Monday Summer Bank Holiday
September 2015 2 Wednesday East Anglian Installed Mark Masters 1418
5 Saturday Court of Aelfred 2 (Inst)
7 Monday Abbot Simeon MMM 1847 (Inst)
Concordia Ducum 9798 (Inst)
8 Tuesday Grand Mark Lodge
Hereward RC 660 (Enth)
9 Wednesday Grand Lodge
St. Wendred 8374
10 Thursday Isle of Ely Preceptory 677
St. Wendreda Chapter of Improvement
11 Friday Old Leysian 4520
12 Saturday Corpus Christi Conclave RCC 388 (Enth)
Royal and Select District Meeting
15 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
16 Wednesday Fenland Council 97 (Inst)
Gild of Good Fellowship RAM 1410
18 Friday Stone Cross 6704
Virtute et Fide 7959
19 Saturday Granta 6179
22 Tuesday Iceni RC 1126
St. Ovin 7774 (Inst)
23 Wednesday Three Virtues RC 972
United Good Fellowship 809
24 Thursday Kynaston 5810
Octagon in Ely RC 1076
25 Friday Cambridgeshire First Principals (Inst) 7429
Royal Order of Scotland (Annual Meeting) (TBC)
26 Saturday Alma Mater 1492
28 Monday Kynaston RAC 5810
29 Tuesday Tancred Preceptory (Malta) 102
30 Wednesday Etheldreda OSM 311 (Inst)
Gray RAC 4334 (Inst)
October 2015 1 Thursday Cantabrigia RC 112 (Enth)
2 Friday Admiral Rous MMM 1427 (Inst)
Cambridgeshire Installed Masters 7429
5 Monday Three Grand Principles 441
6 Tuesday Cambridgeshire Meridian 9687 (Inst)
7 Wednesday Fidelity Chapter of Instruction
Gild of Holy Trinity 6125 (Inst)
8 Thursday Cambridgeshire Meridian RAC 8374
Nourse 8590
9 Friday The Porta 9511 (Inst)
10 Saturday Alma Mater OSM 74 (Inst)
12 Monday Scientific 88
13 Tuesday St. Andrew 4087 (Inst)
St. Audley 2727
Stradbroke MMM 603 (Inst)
Stradbroke RAM 603
14 Wednesday Etheldreda RAC 809
15 Thursday Etheldreda 2107
Gild of St. Mary 7288
16 Friday Chapter of Fidelity RA 441
Stone Cross 6704 (Inst)
17 Saturday University RC 30
19 Monday Caldwell RAC 2727 (Inst)
Logistica 9804 (Inst)
Thirkill 7333
20 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
Euclid RAC 859 (Inst)
21 Wednesday Descensus Aquarum 8655 (Inst)
Gray 4334
22 Thursday Kynaston 5810 (Inst)
24 Saturday Boadicea 170 (Inst)
University Council (R&S) 26
26 Monday St. Etheldreda RAC 2107
27 Tuesday Fenland Meridian 9858
Isaac Newton University 859 (Inst)
St. Andrew RAC 4087
St. Ovin 7774
28 Wednesday Cantabrigia 3532 (Inst)
United Good Fellowship 809
November 2015 2 Monday Three Grand Principles 441
3 Tuesday St. Wendreda RAC 3201
Tancred Preceptory 102 (Inst)
4 Wednesday Gild of Holy Trinity 6125
5 Thursday Cambridge & Isle of Ely RC 1157 (Enth)
6 Friday Cantabrigia RAC 3532 (Inst)
Court of Unity at Witesie 84
7 Saturday Alma Mater 1492
9 Monday Gild of Good Fellowship MMM 1410 (Inst)
Scientific 88
10 Tuesday Isaac Newton University MMM 112 (Inst)
Isaac Newton University RAM 112
St. Andrew 4087
St. Audley 2727 (Inst)
11 Wednesday Supreme Grand Chapter
St. Wendred 8374
12 Thursday Nourse 8590 (Inst)
13 Friday Holy Rood Preceptory 179
16 Monday Thirkill 7333 (Inst)
17 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
18 Wednesday Descensus Aquarum 8655
Gray 4334
Wysbech Trinity RC 822
19 Thursday Etheldreda 2107
Gild of St. Mary 7288 (Inst)
Isle of Ely Preceptory 677 (Malta)
20 Friday Virtute et Fide 7959
21 Saturday Granta 6179 (Inst)
24 Tuesday St. Ovin 7774
25 Wednesday Cantabrigia 3532
United Good Fellowship 809
26 Thursday Abbot Simeon MMM 1847
Chapter of Probity RA 7333 (Inst)
Ship of the Fens RAM 1847
27 Friday Old Leysian 4520
Stone Cross 6704
28 Saturday Corpus Christi Conclave RCC 388
30 Monday Etheldreda OSM 311
Pythagoras RAC 88 (Inst)
December 2015 1 Tuesday Cambridgeshire Meridian 9687
2 Wednesday Gild of Holy Trinity 6125
York MMM 334
York RAM 334
3 Thursday Kynaston 5810
4 Friday The Porta 9511
5 Saturday Isaac Newton University 859
7 Monday Three Grand Principles 441
8 Tuesday Annual Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners
St. Andrew 4087
St. Audley 2727
Stradbroke MMM 603
Stradbroke RAM 603
9 Wednesday Grand Lodge
Etheldreda RAC 809
10 Thursday Nourse 8590
11 Friday Hereward the Wake Preceptory 439 (Inst)
12 Saturday Alma Mater 1492 (Inst)
14 Monday Scientific 88
15 Tuesday Caldwell 3201
16 Wednesday Gray 4334
17 Thursday Etheldreda 2107
Gild of St. Mary 7288
25 Friday Christmas Day
26 Saturday Boxing Day
28 Monday Bank Holiday (subst)
The United Grand Lodge of
Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England
Grand Master:
His Royal Highness THE DUKE OF KENT, KG
Pro Grand Master:
Deputy Grand Master:
Assistant Grand Master:
Senior Grand Warden ............................. Sir Stuart Hampson PJGW
Junior Grand Warden ............................. Sir Michael John Synder PJGW
President, Board of General Purposes ... Anthony Charles Wilson, PSGW
Grand Chaplain ...................................... The Rev Andrew John Davey
Grand Registrar ...................................... The Rt Hon Sir John Murray Chadwick, ED, PJGW
Grand Secretary ...................................... Christopher Nigel Rupert Brown
Grand Chancellor .................................... Derek Ralph Dinsmore
President of the Grand Charity ............... His Honour Judge Richard Michael Hone, QC
President, Royal Masonic Trust for Girls
and Boys ................................................. Michael Woodcock
President, Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution ................................................ James Henry Newman, PSGD
President, Masonic Samaritan Fund ....... Brig William Edward Shackell, CBE
Grand Director of Ceremonies ................ Oliver Arthur Wynlayne Lodge, TD
Grand Sword Bearer ............................... Graham Charles King, PDepGSwdB (Gloucestershire)
Grand Superintendent of Works ............. John Clovis Pagella, PDepGSuptWks
Grand Treasurer ...................................... Quentin Charles Triscott Humberstone, PGSwdB
Deputy Grand Chaplain .......................... The Rev Anthony William Avery
Deputy President, Board of General
Purposes .................................................. Raymond Reed, PProvGM
Deputy Grand Registrar .......................... James Alexander Francis Thom, QC
Deputy Grand Secretary ......................... Graham Frederick Redman, PGSwdB
Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies . Philip Lawrence Hall
Dr Giles Robert Evelyn Shilson
Mark Jeremy Patrick Horlock, PAGDC
Deputy Grand Sword Bearer .................. Herbert Keith Emmerson, PSGD
Deputy Grand Superintendent of Works . Robert Chowen Bruce, PAGSuptWks
Senior Grand Deacons ............................ Robin Edward Furber, PJGD
William Henry Morley, PAGDC
(Cumberland and Westmorland)
Stratton George David Richey, PAGSwdB (London)
Prof Stephen John Tucker, PAGDC
Junior Grand Deacons ............................. Sir Paul Michael Williams, OBE, DL, PAGDC
Dr Richard James Rowley Dunstan, PAGDC (London)
Michael Graham, PAGDC
(Yorkshire, North and East Ridings)
Michael Richard Heenan, PAGDC
Assistant Grand Chaplains ...................... The Rev Graham Halsall
The Rev Paul Thompson
Assistant Grand Registrars ..................... His Honour Judge Paul Frederick Worsley, QC
Richard John Hopkinson-Woolley (London)
Assistant Grand Secretary ....................... Anthony Gray Rayner
Shawn Edward Roy Christie
Assistant Grand Chancellor .................... John MacKensie Hamill, PGSwdB
Assistant Grand Directors of Nicholas John Burger (Surrey)
Ceremonies ............................................. David John Cresswell, PDepGOrg (London)
Ian St John D'Arcy
Edward David John Goodchild
Julian Charles Pacey (Berkshire)
Richard Hayden Reano (Buckinghamshire)
David Anthony Stanford (Warkwickshire)
Dr David Richard Staples
Assistant Grand Sword Bearers .............. Edmund John Nichols Brookes, TD
James Firmstone King (London)
Assistant Grand Superintendent of George Hugh Stallard
Works ...................................................... Paul Abbott
Grand Organist ........................................ Paul Gareth Bowen, PDepGOrg
Grand Standard Bearers .......................... David William May (West Kent)
Barry Robert Nothmore (Surrey)
Assistant Grand Standard Bearers .......... Gary Mervyn William Beckwith (London)
Peter John Bland
John Walter Oram (London)
Issa Khamis Tahhan (London)
Deputy Grand Organist ........................... Adrian John Leopard
Grand Pursuivant .................................... Antony Paul Grier
Assistant Grand Pursuivants ................... Headley Peter O'Brien (London)
Jonathan Charles Roberts
Marios Phillip Stylianides (London)
Grand Tyler ............................................. Malcolm Brookes, PADGC
Grand Officers in the Province of Cambridgeshire
Year of No. of
Appointment Lodge
Provincial Grand Master
R.W. Bro. R.J. Wolverson ProvGM 2005- 7333
PGSwdB 2003
PAGDC 1999
R.W. Bro. R.K. Wilson (Notts.) ProvGM 2005- 859
SGD 1996
PAGReg 1994
Past Provincial Grand Master
R.W. Bro. H.B. Smith (Northants. & Hunts.) ProvGM 1990-97 4520
PresRMBI 1999-04
PGSwdB 1985
PAGDC 1983
R.W. Bro. C.H. Hutchinson ProvGM 1994-05 809
SGD 1990
PAGDC 1987
R.W. Bro. O.N.N. Hart (Northants. and Hunts.) ProvGM 1997-05 4520
PGSwdB 1995
PSGD 1991
PAGDC 1987
Past Grand Sword Bearer
V.W. Bro. J.M. Hoare GSwdB 2003 1492
PDepGSwdB 1998
SGD 1988
V.W. Bro. A.T. Pearce Higgins PGSwdB 2010 88
PAGReg 2003
V.W. Bro. W.C.M. Dastur PGSwdB 2013 1492
PAGDC 2005
V.W. Bro. S. d’O. Duckworth. PGSwdB 2013 859
PAGDC 2007
Past Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro. A.J. Townsend DepGDC 2010-13 859
PAGDC 2009
Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearer
W. Bro. A.R. Chalk PDepGSwdB 2006 6179
PJGD 2001
PAGDC 1992
Past Senior Grand Deacon
W. Bro. N.B.D. Marshall SGD 1992 859
W. Bro. J.A. Wright PSGD 2006 2727
PJGD 2003
PAGDC 1994
W. Bro. R.G.H. Bethel SGD 2007 859
AGDC 1999
W. Bro. J.C. Mead PSGD 2010 4520
PAGDC 1992
W. Bro. N.W. Penn PSGD 2014 441
AGDC 2009
Past Junior Grand Deacon
W. Bro. R.J. Abraham PJGD 1993 5810
PAGDC 1984
W. Bro. R.F. Wilkinson PJGD 1993 6704
PAGDC 1983
W. Bro. Lord Soulsby of Swaffham Prior PJGD 1997 1492
W. Bro. J.M. Whitehead JGD 2004 859
PAGDC 1992
W. Bro. E.S. Harborne PJGD 2006 859
PAGDC 1994
W. Bro. D.F. Woodings PJGD 2007 859
W. Bro. J.L.G. Miller PJGD 2008 7288
PAGDC 1992
W. Bro. D.E.H. Adams PJGD 2009 1492
GOrg 2002
DepGOrg 2001
W. Bro. P, Cartwright PJGD 2010 859
W. Bro. A.C. Parmley JGD 2012 1492
GOrg 2006
DepGOrg 2001
W. Bro. A.L. Saggers PJGD 2014 6179
PAGDC 1995
Past Assistant Grand Registrar
W. Bro. A.N.H. Leigh-Smith PAGReg 1997 1492
Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro. J.S. Braun PAGDC 1988 6125
W. Bro. R.C.W. Church PAGDC 1992 859
W. Bro. J.M.L. Smith AGDC 1993 8374
W. Bro. D. Webster AGDC 1994 859
W. Bro. M.J. Mulholland AGDC 1994 3201
W. Bro. Dr. J.H. Dowson PAGDC 1994 4520
W. Bro. T.W. Godfrey PAGDC 1996 88
W. Bro. R.O. Fyson PAGDC 1997 2727
W. Bro. R. Habbitts PAGDC 2001 4520
W. Bro. T.J. Whitford PAGDC 2001 3532
W. Bro. C.K. Huddlestone PAGDC 2003 7429
W. Bro. C.C. Overland PAGDC 2003 809
W. Bro. R.H.H. Jackson PAGDC 2004 4087
W. Bro. R.C. Impey PAGDC 2006 7333
W. Bro. C.S. Lingard PAGDC 2007 441
W. Bro. J.E. Breeze PAGDC 2008 809
W. Bro. D.C. Gent PAGDC 2008 6179
W. Bro. P.K. Hamel-Cooke. PAGDC 2009 9511
AGPurs 1997
W. Bro. B.J. Elliott PAGDC 2009 5801
W. Bro. A.K. Mason PAGDC 2010 7959
W. Bro. J.R. Sherriff PAGDC 2011 441
W. Bro. P.J. Sutton PAGDC 2012 1492
W. Bro. N.C. Williams PAGDC 2013 809
W. Bro. P. Gillingwater PAGDC 2014 2727
Assistant Grand Sword Bearer
W. Bro. E.J.N. Brookes AGSwdB 2014 1492
Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearer
W. Bro. M.T. Stollery AGSwdB 2006 859
W. Bro. P.J. Brindle AGSwdB 2013 5810
Past Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works
W. Bro. J.W.P. Campbell AGSuptWorks 2009 859
Past Grand Standard Bearer
W. Bro. C. Arnold PGStB 1992 2107
W. Bro. G. Hearn PGStB 1993 3201
W. Bro. B.G. Heasman PGStB 2003 2107
W. Bro. I.A. Greig PGStB 2012 7429
Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearer
W. Bro. D.C. Coles PAGStB 1996 6179
W. Bro. C.J. Freeman AGStB 2010 859
Past Grand Pursuivant
W. Bro. D.J. Hammond GPurs 2011 859
Past Grand Steward
W. Bro. E.O. Nagel GStwd 2010 859
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cambridgeshire
The Provincial Grand Master
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master
ProvSGW W Bro CG Bell PPGSwdB 9511
ProvJGW W Bro K Robinson PPGReg 7959
ProvGChap W Bro Revd CM Woolley ProvGChap 4520
ProvGTreas W Bro DM Blair ProvGTreas 1492
ProvGReg W Bro DV Deverson 2727
ProvGSec W Bro PB Kilby PPJGW 7288
ProvGDC W Bro BJ Elliott PAGDC 5810
ProvGSwdB W Bro DW Parker 5810
ProvGSuptWks W Bro PW Rose 809
ProvDepGDC W Bro J Lambert PProvGSuptWks 2107
ProvGAlm W Bro AK Mason PAGDC 7959
ProvGChStwd W Bro PC Gillingwater PAGDC 2727
ProvGMen W Bro SN Moorse PPJGW 7774
ProvGOrat W Bro HC Rooke PPGSwdB 4334
ProvSGD W Bro RJ Brown 7288
ProvSGD W Bro DP Pasek 7774
ProvJGD W Bro AG Lamkin 2107
ProvJGD W Bro DE Sherwood 8655
ProvAGSec W Bro RP George PPJGW 6179
ProvAGDC W Bro PAR Burton 8374
ProvAGDC W Bro LM Mills 3201
ProvGOrg W Bro ADE Brown PPJGD 3532
ProvGStB W Bro MJ Humphrey 6125
ProvGStB W Bro TJ Mulkay 4334
ProvGPurs W Bro JP West PPAGDC (Hants. & I. of W.) 441
ProvGStwd W Bro PD Fulstow 4087
ProvGStwd W Bro JA Hamilton 6179
ProvGStwd Bro ML Watkins 3201
ProvGTyler W Bro DC Gates PPSGD 8590
Past Ranks
PPJGW W Bro B Young PPJGW (Essex) 9804
PPGReg W Bro RJ Cook PPDepGReg (Herts.) 3532
PPGReg W Bro DR Stanton PPGSwdB (Essex) 8590
PPGSwdB W Bro GW Giller (Deceased) 7333
PPGSwdB W Bro DJ Matthews PPSGD (Essex) 3201
PPGStB W Bro A Ghavami 859
PPSGW W Bro DP Grainger PPJGW 4334
PPSGW W Bro AS Kallend PPJGW 859
PPSGW W Bro DTS Shipp PProvJGW 2107
PPJGW W Bro WC Barnett PPGReg 6179
PPJGW W Bro MT Cooke PPGSwdB 7959
PPJGW W Bro AG Doggett PPGReg 7959
PPJGW W Bro RP George PProvGReg 6179
PPJGW W Bro PB Kilby PPGSwdB 7288
PPJGW W Bro PF Seaber PPGSwdB 7959
PPJGW W Bro DAD Smith PPGSwdB 7333
PPGReg W Bro WJ Becker PPGSuptWks 3201
PPGReg W Bro AA Browne PPGSuptWks 4087
PPGReg W Bro MH Green PPGSwdB 8590
PPGReg W Bro RJ Lowther PPDepGDC 3201
PPGReg W Bro RM North PPGSuptWks 8590
PPGReg W Bro RB Page PProvGSuptWks 6125
PPGReg W Bro BJ Skates PPGSwdB 6179
PPGReg W Bro RA Ward PPGSuptWks 8590
PPGSwdB W Bro JB Grevatt PProvGSuptWks 6125
PPGSwdB W Bro DH Kirkham PProvJGD 7333
PPGSwdB W Bro RS Outram PPSGD 6125
PPGSwdB W Bro JR Surbey PProvSGD 9511
PPGSwdB W Bro JD Williams PPDepGDC 8655
PPGSuptWks W Bro AJ Allan PProvSGD 8590
PPGSuptWks W Bro D Broker PProvJGD 809
PPGSuptWks W Bro AN Goodwyn PPSGD 8590
PPGSuptWks W Bro GM Hobbs PPSGD 7774
PPGSuptWks W Bro OCW Price PPSGD 859
PPGSuptWks W Bro JR Sculthorpe PPSGD 2727
PPGSuptWks W Bro TJ Smith PProvSGD 4087
PPGSuptWks W Bro RM Wordsworth ProvGPurs 5810
PPDepGDC W Bro IH Mason PProvJGD 809
PPDepGDC W Bro D Phillips PProvJGD 6704
PPDepGDC W Bro JH Smith PProvGPurs 7288
PPDepGDC W Bro MW Upex PProvGStB 5810
PPDepGDC W Bro EP Whittle PProvAGDC 6179
PPSGD W Bro J Seekings PProvGStwd 4334
PPSGD W Bro R Swann ProvGStwd 2107
PPJGD W Bro TA Clark PProvGStwd 8374
PPJGD Bro J Farrow PPGStB 441
PPJGD W Bro MJ Fletcher ProvGStwd 8655
PPJGD Bro AC Wedderburn PProvGStwd 88
PPAGSec Bro DRA Pepperell PPGStB 6179
1959 Dr. Henry E. Nourse 1994 Colin Frederick Kidman
1970 E.J. Wright 2002 Rodney John Wolverson
1977 Dr. Stanley Charles Aston, OBE, TD, DL 2005 Christopher Godden
1979 R.L.R. Bentley 2009 Alexander Timothy Pearce Higgins
1986 Rev. Canon Hugh Remington Barker 2012 William Charles Mason Dastur
1989 Colin Herbert Hutchinson
* S.H. Billit 6704 * B.F. Bartholomew 8374 * C.H. Hurst 4087
* A.H. Neale 6179 1998 D.A. Osborne 5810 * A. Speirs 5810
* F.J. Moore 88 * M.J. Doel 88 * D.L. Bays 6125
1983 A.P. Murden 4334 * P.J. Marr 3532 * M.I. Bodger 6704
* A.J. Towler * R.A.G. Watts 4334 * D.W. Harrison 6704
1984 T.C. Impey 7959 1999 G.L. Sturgess 8655 2009 A.D.M. Warham 7288
* J.M. Ailsby 4087 * N.J.K. Pratt 2107 * I.J. Fulton 492
1985 B.A. Lyons 6125 * E.R. Peacock 8655 * A.P. Hemming 4520
* R.N. Morris 2727 * B.K.B. Peak 5810 * R.L.F. Luff 7333
* A.E. Snowden 6125 2001 R.H. Coleman 3201 * R.H. McCarthy 7333
1986 A.R. Hopper 6704 * B.E. Hotson 88 2010 M.J. Fox 7774
* G.E.C. Porter 7333 * G.S. Brunning 2107 * A.H. Borland 2727
1987 D.J.H. Bliss 441 * M.G. Biggs 5810 2011 P. Gillingwater 2727
1988 J.R. Brown 3201 2002 P.J. Vipers 8590 * J.G. Hichisson 88
* 0 Williams 2727 * D.A. Hammond 809 * A.N. Howard 859
* A.F. Truelove 6179 * T.P. Titmarsh 4334 * S.N. Moorse 7774
1989 C. Carey 7288 2003 E.J. Tilley 4334 * J.E. Seaman 8655
* L.S. Palmer 809 * J.D. Cole 5810 2012 E. Boyd-Tuck 6125
1990 R.W. Hillman 7774 * D.L. Wedd 7959 * H.S. Arnold 4520
* R.G. Westwood 1492 2004 D.W. Green 4087 * D.N. Reed 4334
* R.E. Gillingham 3532 * B.C. Moore 88 * N.C. Williams 809
1991 A.L. Saggers 6179 * A.S. Kallend 859 2013 D.K.M. Coupland 809
1992 N. Didwell 809 * R.H. Naylor 5810 * E.J.N. Brookes 1492
1993 T.W. Godfrey 88 2005 B. Ashworth 8374 * C.L. Cook 809
* D.P. Grainger 4334 * D.R. Hadden 3532 * A.R. Foster 8374
* R.L. Niblett 7288 * F.R. Scott 3532 * J.E. Pedley 5810
1994 H.M. Summerscales * G.T. Rolfe 7333 * B. Sutton 3201
2727 * R.H. Asbury 7959 2014 K. Robinson 7959
* J.E. Humphrey 2727 2006 D.T.S. Shipp 2107 * W.C. Barnett 6179
* C.W. Fletcher 7288 * N.G. Allen 4087 * M.T. Cooke 7959
1995 C.P. Hurrell 2107 * S.G. Darby 7774 * A.G. Doggett 7959
* C. Tombleson 6125 2007 G.R. Kent 2107 * R.P. George 6179
1996 V.M. Allen 3201 * G.H. Feild 441 * P.B. Kilby 7288
* H.V. Beck 1492 * J. Webster 2107 * P.F. Seaber 7959
1997 R.H.H. Jackson 4087 * H.H. Bland 3532 * D.A.D. Smith 7333
* M.V. Allcoat 809 * F.T. Pattrick 6125
* R.C. Impey 7333 2008 K.M. Fayers 2727 *Indicates Past Rank.
Guidance Notes for Masters, Directors of Ceremonies and Secretaries
and some points of Masonic Etiquette.
1. The Master is personally responsible for the safe custody of the Lodge Warrant and must
ensure that it is available for inspection at every Lodge meeting.
2. No Brother has any right to claim advancement. The appointment of all Officers except the
Master, Treasurer and Tyler (who are all elected, unless by resolution of the Lodge a
subscribing member shall be Tyler without emolument) is at the sole discretion of the
3. A Brother who is not a subscribing member of the Lodge may not hold any office therein
except that of Tyler.
4. No one degree can be conferred on more than two candidates at any meeting except by
dispensation from the Provincial Grand Master.
5. If a Past Master occupies the Chair to conduct a ceremony (or part of a ceremony) the W.M.
should be seated on his immediate left, the I.P.M. having moved one place to his left. The
W.M. should continue to wear his collar and the Past Master taking the Chair should be
clothed according to his own rank.
6. The W.M. may offer his Gavel only to The Grand Master, The Pro Grand Master, the
Deputy and Assistant Grand Masters, the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy
Provincial Grand Master and to no other person. The W.M. should always retain the gavel
at the Festive Board.
7. Salutes to Grand Officers – it is not customary or necessary to salute Grand Officers in their
own Private Lodges. Visiting Grand Officers should be saluted as follows:
the Provincial Grand Master and other R.W. Brethren 7
the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and V.W. Brethren 5
other Grand Officers 3
It is also customary in this Province to salute the Provincial Grand Wardens with 3 when
they are making an official visit to a Lodge.
8. When the Provincial Grand Master or the Deputy Provincial Grand Master attends an
Installation or Special Meeting of a Private Lodge, it is the custom in this Province that he
is attended by a Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. The Provincial DC will form a
procession consisting of Grand Officers and appropriate Provincial Officers (active if
possible) in the ante-room. After the Lodge has been opened and the minutes read or
confirmed, the Provincial DC will be admitted (one knock) and demand admission for the
Provincial Grand Master or Deputy & seek approval of the Worshipful Master to form an
escort which will consist of the Lodge DC and Assistant DC, Lodge Senior & Junior
Deacons and 2 Past Provincial Officers of the Lodge. The escort will retire to collect the
procession, the Lodge DC calling the “brethren to order” and will enter as follows:
Asst.DC DC (of the lodge)
JD SD (of the lodge
Past Prov. Officer Past Prov. Officer (of the lodge
Grand Officers (juniors first)
ProvJW ProvSW
Deputy ProvGM (if present)
Prov Sword Bearer
ProvGM (or the Deputy)
The Provincial DC will undertake the salutations to the Provincial Grand Master (or the
Deputy) and to Right Worshipful and Very Worshipful Brethren present. It is the responsibility
of the Lodge DC to undertake salutations to Grand Officers and the Provincial Senior and
Junior Grand Wardens (if present).
For ordinary regular meetings no procession will be required. In this situation and before
the Lodge is opened the Provincial Grand Master (or Deputy) should be escorted into the
Lodge by the Lodge D.C., he having called the Brethren to order as above.
9. On occasions the Provincial Grand Master may depute a Grand Officer to represent him. In
this event the Lodge Secretary will be advised accordingly and provided with detailed
instructions for his reception (with copy for the Lodge D.C. for information and guidance).
There is no procession and the Grand Officer will be escorted by the D.C. (who will call the
Brethren to order) immediately prior to the W.M. He is not offered the gavel and will be
saluted along with other Grand Officers, but his name is called out first. He will usually
reply to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master's toast at the Festive Board.
10. Installation of a Past Master. Guidance regarding the necessary variations to the Installation
Ceremony should be obtained from the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies or the
Provincial Grand Secretary.
11. Collars of Officers of Private Lodges should be worn only in their own Lodges, and by the
Master and Wardens when visiting Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge. Provincial
ties may be worn at any Craft or Royal Arch meeting but only in this Province.
12. Absence of the Master. In the unavoidable absence of the Master, the Chair should be
occupied by the I.P.M., or in his absence by the Senior Past Master present.
13. When notification of a ballot for a candidate or joining member is given on a summons the
particulars of the man concerned MUST be given as stated in Rule 164(b), Book of
Constitutions. These particulars must always be given on the summons for the meeting at
which the ballot is to be taken irrespective of whether most of them may have been given
on a previous summons.
14. Dispensations for permission to vary regular practice are requests to the R.W. Provincial
Grand Master and the granting of same must never be taken for granted. The reasons for the
variation must always be given and are always considered before approval is given. There
is no general power of dispensation.
15. Installation Return of Master, Wardens and Past Masters of, and in, the Lodge. A Past
Master who resigns and subsequently rejoins should be shown after the previous Past
Master in the year in which he rejoined (not in his original date order). A joining member
who is a Past Master should be included in the year in which he joined and retain that
position so long as he remains a subscribing member. A member who becomes a Master in
another Lodge should be included as a Past Master in the year he becomes one and
similarly retain that position. This thus settles the order of precedence if required.
16. When contemplating changes of By-Laws, particularly to incorporate the new wording
regarding annual subscriptions, Secretaries are advised to submit a draft to the Provincial
Grand Secretary for perusal before proposing in Lodge.
17. Officers when addressed by the name of their Office should always be called ‘Brother’, never
‘W. Brother’ even when the holder is a Past Master (i.e. ‘Bro. Secretary’ not
‘W. Bro. Secretary’).
18. Christian Names alone should not be used in addressing brethren, either in Lodge or at the
Festive Board.
19. When brethren have occasion to bow this should be done by a forward movement of the
head only and NOT of the body.
20. At the Installation ceremony after an officer has been invested and conducted to his seat,
some Lodges like to acknowledge his appointment by the clap of the hands. The signal for
this should be simply the word 'Brethren' by the D.C.
21. Greetings from visiting brethren should not be encouraged as in any case it is proper only
for a visiting Master to do so or a brother specifically requested by his W. Master so to do.
22. Takings of Wine at dinner – these are not obligatory but if indulged in the W. Master should
take wine first with the Provincial Grand Master or, in his absence, the Deputy Provincial
Grand Master if present; then with his Wardens, then with the Grand Officers and Officers
of Supreme Grand Chapter and then such other brethren as he particularly wishes. The
Provincial Grand Master (or the Deputy) should be asked if he wishes to take wine with the
brethren immediately after the W. Master has taken wine with his Wardens.
23. Toast to Absent Brethren – if this is given at 9o/c and the first two toasts have not yet been
drunk, the health of Absent Brethren may be proposed and drunk, but there should be no
'fire'. If the first two toasts have been completed then it is in order for 'fire' to be given with
the toast to Absent Brethren.
24. When holders of London Grand Rank are present it is courteous to include the phrase 'and
holders of London Grand Rank' at the end of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and
Provincial Grand Officers' toast.
25. In this Province singing with Toasts at dinner is not desired and should be discouraged.
26. If menu cards are printed for any occasion it is essential that the first five toasts are printed
identically to the list shown in the current Year Book (subject to any amendment which may
be officially notified). The attention of the Steward or whoever is responsible for the
production of the cards, must be drawn to this important point of etiquette.
These notes have been compiled from the Book of Constitutions and Grand Lodge Points of
Procedure, incorporating customs of this Province. Requests for the inclusion of guidance on other
points in future editions of the Year Book should be addressed to the Provincial Grand Director of
Ceremonies or Provincial Grand Secretary.
Guidance notes on using Electronic Mail and the Internet
Whilst there is no objection to using e-mail for Masonic purposes, normal care must be taken to
ensure that any private and sensitive matter does not become available to unauthorised users. In
case of doubt contact should be made with the Provincial Information Officer W. Bro. P. Sutton,
2 West Hill Road, Foxton, Cambridge. Tel: 01223 870721. He will be able to give helpful advice
and guidance.
The Internet
Grand Lodge has ruled that any Lodge or Brother wishing to register a web-site which contains
Masonic material of any sort must first obtain approval from the Grand Secretary. The Provincial
Grand Secretary or the Provincial Information Officer will be able to give information on the
procedure to be adopted.
The Province has its own web-site at which is available to all Internet users.
This web-site is planned to have links with our own Grand Lodge web-site and, where appropriate,
with those of other Grand Lodges.
Provision has been made for additional items from Lodges, Chapters etc. to be included in our
Provincial web-site. For more information on how to have an entry included please contact the
Webmaster, W.Bro. Roger Outram, e.mail: [email protected]
By-Laws of the
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cambridgeshire
1. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cambridgeshire shall consist of Brethren listed in Rule 65
of the Book of Constitutions of Grand Lodge.
2. Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall take precedence in the same order as the
corresponding ranks in the United Grand Lodge, except as provided by Rule 71 of the Book
of Constitutions.
(a) The Provincial Grand Lodge shall on a day between 1st June and 31st July in each
year hold the Annual General Meeting at such time and place as the Provincial Grand
Master, or in his absence his Deputy, shall appoint and at such meeting the Provincial
Grand Treasurer and two Independent Examiners (each of whom shall be a member
of the Provincial Grand Lodge) shall be elected and the other Provincial Grand
Officers shall be appointed.
(b) The Provincial Grand Master, or in his absence his Deputy, may whenever special
circumstances or the good of the Craft require it, convene other meetings of the
Provincial Grand Lodge. The business to be transacted shall be limited to that stated
in the summonses convening such meetings.
(c) Nominations in writing for the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer, duly signed by
the proposer and seconder who must be members of the Provincial Grand Lodge,
shall be sent to the Provincial Grand Secretary to arrive on or before 31 st March each
4. Subject to the provisions of By-law No.5, Master Masons who are not members of the
Provincial Grand Lodge but are subscribing members of a Lodge in the Province of
Cambridgeshire, may, with the consent of the Provincial Grand Master or his Deputy,
attend meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge but may not vote or other wise take any part
in the proceedings.
5. The Master of each Lodge, or in his absence the officer ranking next in seniority to him,
shall answer for the qualification of any member of his Lodge who may apply to be
admitted as a visitor to the Provincial Grand Lodge. The Provincial Grand Pursuivant shall
prove the qualification of any visitor not otherwise satisfactorily vouched for. No member
of a Lodge in the Province shall be admitted unless the relevant fee due for him under By-
law 13(c) has been received by the Provincial Grand Lodge.
6. A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be convened by summons sent to the
Secretary of every Lodge in the Province in sufficient numbers and in sufficient time for a
copy to be transmitted by him to every Master Mason of his Lodge at least 28 days prior to
the meeting.
7. Any member of the Provincial Grand Lodge intending to submit a motion or any other
matter for consideration at a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, shall, not later than six
months prior to the meeting, give to the Provincial Grand Secretary notice in writing,
stating the nature of his intended motion or business and such notice shall be included in
the summons for the meeting. Save with the consent of the Presiding Master no motion
shall be proposed unless notice thereof has been given as aforesaid nor any business
transacted unless notice of it appears on the summons.
8. Every Lodge in the Province shall be represented at a meeting of the Provincial Grand
Lodge and every present Provincial Grand Officer shall attend unless unavoidably
prevented from so doing.
9. The Annual General Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened, the
Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and of any other meetings which may have
been convened shall be read and, following their confirmation, the regular business shall be
proceeded with.
10. The accounts of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be made up to 31st March in each year
and a copy, bearing the written report of the Independent Examiners, shall be sent to the
Secretary of every Lodge in the Province at least 21 days before the date on which the
Annual General Meeting is to be held. The report of the Provincial Grand Treasurer on the
accounts shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting.
11. In the event of a vacancy occurring in any of the offices of the Provincial Grand Lodge
before 1st April, the Provincial Grand Master may proceed forthwith to fill such vacancy by
the appointment of some other suitably qualified Brother who shall, from the date of his
appointment, take rank as if he had been appointed at the last Annual General Meeting. A
report of such appointment shall be entered in the minutes of the following meeting of the
Provincial Grand Lodge.
12. The Master of every Lodge in the Province shall be responsible for compliance with
Rule 146(ii) of the Book of Constitutions and for the transmission to the Provincial Grand
Secretary of:
(a) A copy of the Grand Lodge Registration Form 'P' within one month of a candidate's
initiation or admission as a joining or re-joining member of the Lodge.
(b) Immediately after the Installation Meeting a return in the form prescribed indicating
the names of the newly installed Master and his Wardens together with the names of
the Past Masters of the Lodge and Past Masters of other Lodges who are members of
the Lodge.
The Master shall also be responsible for the transmission to the Provincial Grand
Treasurer of a list of all Brethren who are, or have been, members of the Lodge
during the previous subscription year of the Lodge. This shall be done either by
confirmation of computer lists as provided by the United Grand Lodge, or, if
required, by completion of a prescribed form of Return. This list shall be sent not
later than one month from the end of the subscription year together with such fees as
are payable in accordance with By-law No.13.
13. The following fees shall be payable to the Provincial Grand Lodge:
(a) By a Provincial Grand Officer, Present or Past, on his first appointment. £20
(b) For registration of a new Lodge £30
(c) For every member who has been on the Register of a Lodge during any part of a
subscription year £10 (or such less amount as the Provincial Grand Lodge may from
time to time resolve).
The annual dues to Provincial Grand Lodge are £8.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cambridgeshire
The Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Guildhall Cambridge on
Wednesday 18th June 2014 under the banner of Nourse Lodge No. 8590.
Present: The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro. R J Wolverson in the chair and The Deputy
Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro.WCM Dastur.
There were also present:
from Essex: RW Bro J M Webb Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro P E Holland Deputy Provincial
Grand Master and W Bro L T G Justice Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
from Bedfordshire: RW Bro M J Sawyer Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro G E J Staple Deputy
Provincial Grand Master and W Bro. T J Pope Provincial Grand Secretary.
from Leicestershire and Rutland: RW Bro. D V Hagger Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro J L Buckle
Deputy Provincial Grand Master and VW Bro P Kinder Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
from Northants and Hunts: RW Bro M W Bayes Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Dr V Thomas
Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bro N Pope Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro T F Boswell
Provincial Grand Secretary and W Bro C Bennett Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.
from Berkshire: RW Bro M Peters Provincial Grand Master and W Bro D Keys Provincial Grand
from Hertfordshire: RW Bro P Gower Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro J Sharpley Deputy
Provincial Grand Master and W Bro H Oram Provincial Grand Secretary.
from Suffolk: RW Bro I J Yeldham Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro D H Harries Deputy Provincial
Grand Master, W Bro J S Rice Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro D Clarke Provincial Grand
Secretary, RW Bro I B Ross, Past Provincial Grand Master and W Bro J W Yeldham Past Assistant
Provincial Grand Master.
from Norfolk: VW Bro S N Allen Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bros C J Hall and M T Goffin
Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W Bro T Larkowsky Provincial Grand Secretary and W Bro A Jarvis
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.
from Lincolnshire: VW Bro W J Hockin Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bros J Crutchley and
R Garn Assistant Provincial Grand Masters.
from East Kent: VW Bro R Odd Deputy Provincial Grand Master and W Bro. D Alexander
Provincial Grand Secretary.
from Oxfordshire: VW Bro M Harwood Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bro D Laidlaw
Assistant Provincial Grand Master and W Bro A R Taylor Provincial Grand Secretary.
from West Kent: VW Bro C Roberts Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
from Buckinghamshire: VW Bro M Stimson Deputy Provincial Grand Master and W Bro D Watts
Provincial Grand Secretary.
from West Yorkshire: W Bro M Stray Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
from Grand lodge: VW Bro. Graham Redman, Deputy Grand Secretary.
from other Orders:
W Bro A Wright, Grand Master – Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales
W Bro N C Williams, Inspector General - Rose Croix for Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely.
W Bro. S Middleton, Provincial Prior for the Province of East Anglia.
W Bro. D Adams, Intendant-General - Red Cross of Constantine.
and other visiting Grand Officers and Brethren, Grand Officers of this Province and the present and
past Provincial Grand Officers, Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Master Masons making a total
attendance of 371 Brethren.
The Grand Officers entered the Lodge and took their places.
The visiting Right Worshipful and Very Worshipful Brethren entered the Lodge in procession and
took their places
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand
Master and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge entered the Lodge in procession and took their
Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form.
The Provincial Grand Master was then saluted and returned thanks.
The Provincial Grand Master then greeted the distinguished guests who were received with aclaim.
The Provincial Grand Secretary W Bro J R Sherriff, proposed that the minutes of the Annual
Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge held on Wednesday 19th June 2013 as printed on pages 30 to 45
of the Provincial Year Book for 2013 be taken as read and approved as a correct record.
The proposal was seconded by W Bro M R Hinton Provincial Grand Registrar and carried
The Provincial Grand Secretary reported that all the Provincial Grand Officers were present.
The Provincial Grand Registrar called the Roll of Lodges. All Lodges were represented.
The Provincial Grand Secretary reported that he had received apologies for inability to attend from
a number of Right Worshipful, Very Worshipful and Worshipful Brethren and from a number of our
own members all of whose names would be recorded.
The Provincial Grand Secretary reported that he had been notified of the deaths of thirty members
of the Province during the past year: John Bull, Brian Casbon, Anthony Fowler, George Giller,
Ralph Green, Peter Harvey, Daniel House, Colin Kidman, Jan Kooreman, Thomas McGuiness,
Terence Mizen, John Mobey, Patrick Morrow, Ronald Nichols, Gerry Nutcombe, Frank Pattrick,
Lester Potter, Donald Ramsey, Richard Reeve, John Richards, James Rone, Alan Rumbelow, John
Seaman, William Simpson, Arthur Smith, Norman Underhill, Terence Welham, Leonard
Woodhams, Malcolm Woolf and Hugh Wynne.
The Brethren stood to order as a token of respect to their memory and the Provincial Grand
Chaplain offered a prayer.
The Provincial Grand Secretary confirmed that his annual report was contained in the Provincial
Booklet and he then highlighted a number of points from the report for the Meeting.
The Provincial Grand Treasurer W Bro D M Blair confirmed that his report was contained in the
Provincial Booklet and proposed that the accounts be adopted and entered in the minutes.
The proposal was seconded by W Bro Hinton Provincial Grand Registrar and carried unanimously.
The Provincial Grand Treasurer proposed an increase in Provincial Lodge dues to £8.00 per
member with effect from 1st July.
The proposal was seconded by W Bro Hinton Provincial Grand Registrar and carried unanimously.
W Bro Hinton then confirmed that the Provincial Grand Registrar’s report was contained in the
Provincial Booklet.
The Provincial Grand Master announced that only one nomination had been received for the office
of Provincial Grand Treasurer, that of W Bro D M Blair, and he declared him elected. The
Provincial Grand Master thanked W Bro. Blair for his work during the year.
The Provincial Senior Grand Warden W Bro P Brindle proposed that W Bro P W Rose and W Bro R Brown
be elected as Independent Examiners of the Accounts of Provincial Grand Lodge and of the Accounts of the
Provincial Benevolent Association and the Provincial Charity for Care and Relief.
This was seconded by the Provincial Junior Grand Warden W Bro D Coupland and was carried
The Provincial Grand Master announced that he had re-appointed VW Bro W.C.M. Dastur
PGSwdB as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and then proceeded to appoint and invest the
Provincial Grand Officers for 2014-15 as shown on pages 22 to 23.
The newly appointed and promoted Provincial Grand Officers were saluted. The Provincial Senior
Grand Warden W Bro C G Bell responded.
The Provincial Grand Master then awarded Certificates of Merit for services to Masonry to W Bros
Edward Little and Roy Peacock. W Bro Little was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting.
The Provincial Grand Master announced that he had re-appointed W Bro P C Gillingwater as
Chairman of the Provincial Benevolent Association.
W Bro Gillingwater confirmed that the Annual Report of the Provincial Benevolent Association was
contained in the Provincial Booklet and gave a brief report on the activities of the Association..
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master V W Bro. W C M Dastur confirmed that the Annual Report of
the Provincial Charity for Care and Relief was contained in the Provincial Booklet.
The Provincial Grand Secretary proposed that the Provincial Grand Master shall have the authority
to nominate a brother to serve on each of the following bodies when vacancies occur, the Council of
the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys, the Council of the Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution and the Board of Management of the Masonic Samaritan Fund.
This proposal was seconded by W Bro K Robinson and was carried unanimously.
The Provincial Grand Master addressed the Brethren.
“Good afternoon Brethren – and a warm welcome to this our annual meeting. This welcome is
extended not just to our distinguished visitors from our neighbouring Provinces; but particularly
now to the very many Brethren of this wonderful Province of Cambridgeshire who are here in such
numbers, and especially to those of you who are attending PGL for the first time.
Everyone should have a copy of the excellent meeting booklet which we now produce each year;
and I’m very grateful to the contributors for their reports and to the ProvGSec for co-ordinating the
The booklet lists those members of PGL who have died in the past year, all of whom will of course
be very sadly missed by their lodges, the Province and all their friends within the craft; but I must
mention specifically one man – the much loved and greatly respected VW Bro Colin Kidman
PGSwdB who died at the end of April. A very distinguished Cambridgeshire mason, he was
ProvGDC from 1974 to 1981, then ProvGSec for 13 years until 1994, and finally DepProvGM until
2003. Quite extra-ordinary service of almost 30 years in very senior office within the Province.
Colin was a splendid man and an excellent mason.
On a much happier note you will also see in the booklet the names of no less than 4 Cambridgeshire
brethren who were honoured at the Craft Investiture meeting at Grand Lodge in April – W Bros
Edmund Brookes and Paul Gillingwater with Grand Rank first appointments and W Bros Nigel
Penn and Alan Saggers with promotions. They were doubly honoured in that they were invested
with their new ranks by The MW Grand Master himself. Very many congratulations to all four of
I must also most warmly congratulate all those brethren who I’ve just had the great pleasure of
appointing to, or promoting in, Provincial Grand Lodge. I make no apology for repeating exactly
what I said at this point last year – and that is that I hope that in your new offices you will firstly
each continue to enjoy your masonry to the full, and secondly that you will set an example for the
newer brethren in your lodges to follow, by not only aiming for the highest standards of behaviour
and ritual within the lodge, but also by encouraging them through your own enthusiasm for
masonry; and I stress enthusiasm, because there is no doubt that enthusiasm is a wonderfully
infectious quality.
This might be an appropriate point at which to draw attention to a matter which is causing me a
little concern – and that is an increasing perception in some lodges that reading the ritual (rather
than learning and reciting it) is acceptable. Co-incidentally this was the subject of the address given
by the Pro Grand Master to Grand Lodge last week. He clearly strongly disapproves of reading
ritual, and I heartily endorse all that he said on the subject.
Brethren in this Province of Cambridgeshire we do not read ritual. Obviously some find learning
more difficult than others, and it is the duty of every lodge and particularly our new Provincial
officers to help and support those brethren. By all means share out the work – indeed I am a great
believer that splitting some significantly long passages into more manageable chunks with a number
of brethren involved can be of great benefit to all concerned – but please don’t let our standards slip
in this regard.
You will have gathered Brethren that today marks a number of important changes in our Provincial
team. I must thank our retiring wardens W Bros Peter Brindle and David Coupland for the
enormous support they have given me and the Province in the past 12 months - they and the
excellent retiring sword bearer W Bro Graham Turner have hardly missed an installation meeting
throughout the year; and I know all of you will want to wish their newly-appointed successors a
very happy and enjoyable year ahead.
But there are 3 other brethren who retire today after rather longer terms of office, whom I’d like to
mention individually. W Bro Peter Brown has been our organist since 2008, when I asked him to do
a maximum term of 2 years in that office. 6 years later he is stepping down – thank you Peter for
those 6 happy years.
Secondly W Bro Jeremy Miller is retiring as Provincial Mentor, an office he has held since 2009,
when the rank of Provincial Grand Mentor was first officially introduced; but he had actually
started doing the job some years earlier. He has almost single-handedly been responsible for the
introduction and development of our very successful mentoring procedures throughout the
Province; and I am very grateful indeed for the enormous energy and enthusiasm he gave to the
role, and for the solid platform he leaves behind him.
And thirdly we are of course losing John Sherriff as our ProvGSec after 5 years in that office. This
was a brilliant appointment of mine – although I can take very little credit for it. His predecessor
VW Bro Tim Pearce Higgins recommended him so strongly that I really had no choice. Weren’t we
lucky Brethren? John – it says here that you’ve been quite brilliant in the job, supremely efficient,
reliable and unflappable, and always cheerful and extra-ordinarily good company. Thank you John
for 5 excellent years; and for writing this little para for me….
Now I wish to touch very briefly on communications (both internal and external) the improvement
of which remains an area to which the Province is seriously committed. Our Communications
Group under the leadership of W Bro Stuart Lingard has made and continues to make significant
progress in reviewing, modernising and developing our procedures; and I am most grateful to him
and his team for what they have achieved to date, and I know we all wish them well and continued
success in the future.
Turning now to charitable matters. As many of you will know we have during the past year applied
to the Charity Commission to obtain charitable status for the Provincial Building Fund. If
successful, this would enable us to raise money for the Fund, to receive grants from our other
Provincial charities, and then to apply such funds to maintain and enhance our Masonic centres
throughout the Province. This application driven by the DepProvGM and with the very
considerable efforts and legal expertise of W Bro Lewis Cohen of INUL is taking rather longer than
we originally anticipated - all I can report now is that we remain optimistic, and everything
possible is being done to achieve our objective in the shortest possible time frame.
We have of course now completed the Royal Arch Bi-Centenary Appeal for the Royal College of
Surgeons. Our contribution was a massive £50,300, to which I referred in my address to Provincial
Grand Chapter earlier this afternoon. Our ongoing collection for Lifelites, which will close at the
end of August, will I know raise comfortably in excess of £25,000 for that excellent charity.
Brethren, Cambridgeshire generosity is legendary, and I am so grateful to every member of the
Province for the support given to these appeals.
With my term of office as ProvGM due to finish at the end of 2015, I would very much like to
complete that very happy term for me and to mark the occasion with a last charitable project, which
I would ask you please to consider and to support.
Most of you will know of the Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridge which provides such wonderful
nursing and loving care for the critically ill; and again many of you will be aware of the very recent
official launch of their appeal when it was announced that it was hoped that over £7m would be
raised to build a brand new hospice with much improved and considerably larger facilities near the
Gog Magog Golf Club just south of Cambridge.
The Hospice although based in Cambridge already serves a huge area including of course every
corner of the Masonic Province of Cambridgeshire. In addition to in-patient care they also provide
much appreciated home visits and home nursing through their Hospice at Home section, which
operates as I have said throughout Cambridgeshire.
The Hospice is an enormously important, indeed vital, facility, and to support it I believe is at the
very core of the second of our 3 grand principles – namely relief.
Therefore from 1 September and for the following 15 months or so, I will be challenging the
Province to raise a substantial 6-figure sum for this appeal.
Incidentally The Arthur Rank Hospice is to be one of the joint beneficiaries at our usual biennial
Carol Concert in Ely – this year being held on Friday 5 December (please note this date in your
diaries now Brethren) where we would hope to raise a sum in excess of £30,000 to be shared
between the 2 nominated charities, and therefore a good boost for this appeal.
Cambridgeshire is at its best and most generous when we have something specific on which to
focus. Supporting the Arthur Rank Hospice Appeal would be ideal for us – not just being a cause
we could and should promote – but showing that we as freemasons are not only part of the local
community, but that we are anxious to be seen as a force for good within the community, being
involved with, and actively providing assistance to, an essential section of that community.
You’ll be relieved to know that I’ve very nearly finished, but I can’t end without some thank yous.
There are many hard working and enthusiastic masons in the Province who I’m afraid I’ve not had
time to mention today. As I said last year you know who you are – and I know who you are. Please
accept these few words of thanks – what you do is greatly appreciated.
To the ProvGDC and his team, I am most grateful for the smooth-running of today’s meeting; as
indeed I am for his and his deputy’s assistance and attention to the quality of our ceremonies
throughout the year.
I am very grateful indeed for all the time and effort that the ProvGSec and his assistants have spent
in planning and organising our proceedings today, and for what they too have achieved over the past
12 months;
And finally a big thank you to the WM and Brethren of Nourse Lodge No 8590 under whose banner
this meeting has been held, and to all of those who have worked so hard in the arrangements for
both meetings this afternoon.
Thank you Brethren for your attention.”
A charity collection in aid of the Cambridgeshire Masonic Benelovent Association raised the sum of £1,835.
The Provincial Grand Secretary announced that the Guildhall and Queens’ College had already been
booked for the Annual Meeting of the Province on Wednesday 17th June 2015.
There being no further business Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form and the Brethren
sung the first verse of the National Anthem.
Aferwards Brethren dined together in the Cripps Hall at Queens’ College.
We have, this year, lost more than the usual number of members of Provincial Grand Lodge who
have died and we pay tribute to their memory. Sadly among them is our Past Deputy Provincial
Grand Master VW Bro. Colin Kidman, one of the most respected and influential members of this
Province who over his 62 years of service occupied some of the most senior positions in
Cambridgeshire Masonry. He, and indeed all those who have died, will be sorely missed.
The meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge last year was very well attended and it is good to see that
the members attending both the meetings in the Guildhall and the dinner at Queens’ College have
remained steady. Our Provincial visit to the Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge in March
was also well attended this year and we had the pleasure of seeing Sir David Wootton installed as
Assistant Grand Master. The new initiative from Grand Lodge to invite Master Masons to the
Quarterly Communications has been taken up well by the Province and we have seen a good
number visit London for the September meeting. This has proved most popular and I hope that we
may expand our attendance again this year.
Brethren, you will know that this Province can usually expect a maximum of one appointment to
Grand Rank each year, and one promotion, but it was good to report that, in April, no fewer than
four members of the Province were recognized. Congratulations must first go to W Bro. Paul
Gillingwater who was appointed, through the Province, to the rank of PAGDC for his sterling work
as our Charity Steward and W Bro. Edmund Brookes continued with the Province’s strong hold on
the active rank of AGSwdB following in the footsteps of last year’s incumbent W Bro. Peter
Brindle. Also congratulations are due to W Bro. Alan Saggers who was promoted to PJGD and W
Bro. Nigel Penn who was promoted to PJGD for his work in Metropolitan Grand Lodge
Our congratulations must also go, of course, to those Brethren who are receiving their first
Provincial appointments and promotions today.
A number of our Brethren have reached the splendid milestone of 50 or 60 years in Masonry and
the Provincial Grand Master, throughout the year, has marked this important achievement with the
awarding of his certificate for long service
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, I am able to report that all your Lodges continue to do
well and the percentage of members attending meetings has held steady again this year. Visiting
between the Lodges also appears to have continued at the same level and overall the Province
remains in good health. Virtute et Fide Lodge No.7959 has just celebrated its 50 th anniversary of
the consecration of the Lodge in June of this year and a splendid event, with their ladies, was
arranged on the 7th June to rededicate their banner at Freemasons Hall in Cambridge.
We have once again recently held our Charities evening at Bateman Street to distribute monies
collected through The Grand Charity and through our Provincial charities to organizations in and
around Cambridgeshire. The meeting was well attended and continues to provide an excellent
opportunity for those in the Province to meet with those working in this sector and to be able to
discuss, face to face, their needs and requirements to enable us to direct the path of our future
I am pleased to report that I have managed to book both the Guildhall and Queens’ College for our
Provincial Grand Lodge meeting for the next 5 years and I hope this will assist my successor W
Bro. Pat Kilby who I am sure will continue to maintain order in this small but immensely happy
Province. Having worked with Bro. Pat for some time, I have no doubts that he will add a new
vigour to the job and I truly wish him well in the post.
As I look back over the last five years I hope I have moved the Province forward to keep pace with
the changing world of technology and communications, whilst keeping the office open on most
days to all who wish to visit and providing them with a warm welcome and a ready answer to their
problems ….... and mostly a cup of tea or coffee to smooth the discussion.
Some of the successes must be the use of the Provincial web site for the introduction of new, young
candidates into our Lodges, the launch of the “Cambsec” web site for the transmission and
streamlining of information between the individual Lodge Secretaries and the Provincial Office, the
launch and continuing success of our magazine “The Cambridgeshire Mason”, the much improved
livery of our year book, and our venture into the world of social media.
I hope I have left the Provincial Office in good shape and ready to take on new challenges with my
successor at the helm.
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, it has been a privilege to be asked to take the position of
Provincial Grand Secretary and I have greatly enjoyed both the work and the opportunity to
represent Cambridgeshire at other Provinces’ meetings and in a perverse way I shall miss both the
rigours of the job and the day to day contact with those who have helped me with the task.
There are probably too many people to mention individually but I must mention just a few. Firstly
to the individual Lodge secretaries who have worked with me over the last five years, my assistant
secretary W Bro. Richard George and W Bros. Roland Brown and Graham Kent who keep us up to
date on Adelphi. To W Bro. Brian Williams and “his ladies” who have been a great help to me
personally and I will certainly miss meeting them all on a day to day basis …… and of course I
shall miss the coffee, jammy dodgers, sausage rolls, cakes and many other delights that I could not
possibly put into this report.
In conclusion Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, I must on behalf of us all continue to pay
tribute to you for the enormous amount of time and hard work that you put in to make our Province
so successful and happy.
J R Sherriff
Provincial Grand Secretary
Name and Number of Lodge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Scientific 88 66 2 2 1 3 0 66
Lodge of Three Grand Principles 441 63 0 2 2 0 0 63
Lodge of United Good Fellowship 809 95 2 0 2 3 0 92
Isaac Newton University 859 200 9 0 1 0 0 208
Alma Mater 1492 65 1 5 1 1 0 69
Etheldreda 2107 67 2 0 1 3 1 64
St Audrey 2727 78 2 1 2 5 0 74
Caldwell 3201 56 1 2 0 2 0 57
Cantabrigia 3532 47 2 1 0 0 0 50
St Andrew 4087 65 1 1 0 0 0 67
Gray 4334 44 1 1 1 2 0 43
Old Leysian 4520 25 1 1 0 0 0 27
Kynaston 5810 63 2 1 2 2 0 62
Gild of Holy Trinity 6125 78 2 4 0 3 0 81
Granta 6179 46 1 0 3 1 0 43
Stone Cross 6704 54 4 3 0 4 0 57
Gild of St Mary 7288 69 2 0 2 2 0 67
Thirkill 7333 61 3 2 3 3 0 60
Cambridgeshire Installed Masters 7429 216 0 15 2 3 0 226
St Ovin 7774 65 3 0 1 3 1 63
Virtute et Fide 7959 54 0 0 2 1 0 51
St Wendred 8374 46 1 1 2 4 0 42
Nourse 8590 60 1 1 1 2 0 59
Descensus Aquarum 8655 43 1 1 2 3 4 40
The Porta 9511 43 1 0 0 2 0 42
Cambridgeshire Meridian 9687 51 0 1 1 0 0 51
Logistica 9804 28 2 2 0 2 0 30
Fenland Meridian 9858 35 0 4 0 0 0 39
Total 1883 47 51 32 54 6 1893
replenish the Special Purposes Fund, £4,000 of which was applied last year in funding the net cost to
the Province of the 2012 festival. I have therefore transferred £1,000 from the Income and
Expenditure account for this year to the Special Purposes Fund to ensure that we have sufficient
provision for similar exceptional costs when they arise in the future. I anticipate that an annual
transfer of this size will be required on an ongoing basis.
The net result is to leave a deficit for the year on the revenue account of £33 which has been
transferred to the General Fund.
Turning to the balance sheet, the Province ended the year with a General Fund of £13,749 which
together with the balance on the Special Purposes Fund of £4,000 leaves us with total reserves of just
under £18,000. This is almost totally held as cash and does, I believe, confirm the Province’s general
financial well-being.
Nevertheless, faced with continuing increases in expenditure and the need to provide for additional
one-off items in the future it is right that we look to the long term funding of the Province and sadly I
shall propose later in the meeting that annual Provincial dues be increased by £1 per member with
effect from 1 July 2014, notice of which proposition I gave at our annual meeting in June 2013.
The report on the Charity for Care & Relief, from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master who is the
Chairman, is included in the booklet so I shall restrict my commentary to the financial side.
2013/2014 was another solid year for the charity and although there was general uncertainty in capital
markets our asset allocation strategy stood us in good stead such that investment income was a very
creditable £18,015, 11.5% higher than last year and one of our best results ever despite the continuing
low interest rate.
Total incoming resources were £33,501 – an increase from 2013 thanks in no small measure to the
magnificent efforts of W Bro Tony Mason, the Provincial Almoner, and lodge almoners in obtaining
relief grants from Grand Charity on behalf of brethren, widows and other dependants. These amounted
to £12,380 whilst restricted grants made in the year were £17,085. The Trustees also awarded grants
of £23,687 including a grant of £5,000 in support of the 2013 Royal Arch Appeal on behalf of the
Royal College of Surgeons. A broad range of masonic causes received grants during the year and
payments to non–masonic causes were 30% greater than in the previous year
It is pleasing to note that the Charity’s ability to award grants of this magnitude shows that we are in
the fortunate position to be generous when necessary. We also continue to attempt to ensure a
balanced split between Cambridge and the rest of the Province. The only expenses relate to
stockbroker fees as none of the brethren who served as trustees charged any expenses to the charity.
Investment gains of £21,339 more than offset the net deficit on incoming resources so that the net
movement on the Charity’s funds was a surplus of £10,186. The investment strategy using a medium
to low risk basis continues to serve us well with an overall return on investments of 8% for the year
despite the uncertainties in global markets.
Total fund balances, comprising investments and cash, stand at over £496,000, of which £493,000 is
unrestricted and represents a strong base on which we can continue to build for future years and more
importantly to provide meaningful support to masonic and non-masonic causes.
The accounts for both Provincial Grand Lodge and the Charity for Care & Relief have been
scrutinised by the independent examiners and duly signed off without qualification. I should like to
take this opportunity to thank W Bros Paul Rose and Richard Brown for the professional and
meticulous way in which they fulfil the duties and responsibilities of this important role.
Finally, I should like to thank the Provincial Grand Master for entrusting me with such an enjoyable
role as Provincial Treasurer, my predecessor W Bro Bill Dastur for his continuing guidance and
encouragement and also to all the Brethren for their support
I commend both sets of accounts to you and would be very happy to answer any questions, and
assuming these are satisfactorily resolved, I should like to recommend that the accounts for Provincial
Grand Lodge and for the Provincial Charity for Care & Relief, both for the year to 31st March 2014,
be adopted and entered in the Minutes.
D M Blair
Provincial Grand Treasurer
Revenue Account for the Year Ended 31st March 2014
2014 2013
£ £ £ £
Incom e
14,145 14,204
Expe nditu re
13,178 13,410
967 794
Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014
2014 2013
£ £ £ £
C urre n t Ass e ts
Cash at Bank 15,578 14,736
Debtors and prepayment s 1,309 410
16,887 15,146
C urre n t Liabili ti e s
Credit ors 905 540
905 540
£17,749 £16,782
Re pre se n tin g:
Ge n e ral Fun d
Balance brought forward 13,782 13,397
Surplus/(deficit) for t he year (33) 385
13,749 13,782
Spe ci al Pu rpose s Fu nd
Balance brought forward 3,000 7,000
T ransfer from/(to) Revenue Account 1,000 (4,000)
Balance carried forward 4,000 3,000
£17,749 £16,782
We have examined t he books, vouchers, and ot her records of t he P rovincial Grand Lodge of Cambridgeshire , without
carrying out an audit , and, in our opinion, the accounts present ed for t he year ended 31 March 2013 are in accordance
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and Brethren, I beg to present a report on the activities
of the Cambridgeshire Masonic Benevolent Association for the past year.
Clearly the highlight of the year was the tremendous support and contribution from this Province to
the Royal Arch 2013 Appeal for the Royal College of Surgeons. Not only did it inspire all of your
13 Chapters to participate, it also gained much valued support and generosity from Craft Lodges
and many other Orders Meeting in Cambridgeshire. The closing figure of £50,300 may prove one
of the highest – if not the highest donation per-capita by a Province. The Cambridgeshire Masonic
Benevolent Association was instrumental in the administration, and processing of the numerous
submissions to the Appeal and enhanced contributions Gift Aid Tax Relief when appropriate. I wish
to acknowledge and thank E. Comp Alan Jones, the Royal Arch Provincial Grand Charity Steward,
for his work and input in the overseeing and encouragement for the Appeal.
I now wish to pay tribute to two most valued past ‘Officers’ of our Association, W Bro. Malcolm
Woolf who passed away in September 2013, and more recently the sad loss in April 2014, of VW
Bro. Colin F. Kidman OBE. W Bro. Woolf served as Secretary to the Trustees for many years,
being appointed Chairman of the Association in 2002. He retired in 2006 and accepted the
appointment of Chairman Emeritus. VW Bro. Kidman was Vice President of the Association for 8
years until his retirement in 2002. He continued to serve as a co-opted member until his move into
Cornwallis Court. Both these fine masons afforded us wise council and direction, I am sure you
would wish to recognise and record our thanks for their past hard work and leadership.
Turning to Charitable activities of the Association, and the disposal of income derived this past
year. In November 2013 we learnt of the tragic effects of Typhoon Haiyan. You, Right Worshipful
Provincial Grand Master, reacted immediately, issuing instructions to the Association to make an
Emergency Grant of £7,500 directly to the Relief Chest opened by The Freemasons’ Grand Charity
to support aid work in the Philippines. This Association continues in its recognition and financial
support of the good work of our Almoners and the role played by the Provincial Charity for Care
and Relief with grants to Local and Non Masonic charities. Late in 2013 you launched your
Provincial Appeal to assist the work of the Charity ‘Lifelites’ with their project of refurbishment
and provision of additional technology equipment into the East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice located
within our Province at Milton. I can report this Appeal has gained momentum and proves popular
with members of the Craft, Royal Arch and indeed other Orders alike, we are continually receiving
and collecting for what will appear to be a ‘significant donation’ for presentation to ‘Lifelites’ on
the completion of the Appeal, early September this year.
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, we are seeing tremendous amounts raised for Charity by
Freemasons in this Province. Lodges are making significant individual donations directly to
various charities and worthy causes. We ask where at all possible these donations should be made
through the Benevolent Association, or if not made though this Association, then we ask the Lodge
to inform the Treasurer or the Secretary of the Association so that the amount can be recorded so as
to gain a wider appreciation of Charitable activities from our Province. Passing donations through
this Benevolent Association has its advantages. The Lodge or Chapter will get wider recognition
for its charitable activity, and where possible the use of the Provincial Relief Chest E0109 can
further enhance qualifying donations with Gift Aid Tax Relief.
One matter of disappointment is the decline of Regular Payment Promises by Freemasons in our
Province. There has been in recent years, a steady decline to the point they have reduced in number
by a staggering 50% of those that were active just a few years ago. These regular instructions form
the backbone our core funding and provide for our future ‘Charitable Giving’. May I urge our
Brethren to consider and address this state of affairs.
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, I wish to thank in public the Officers of the Association,
for their continued hard work, and tremendously valued support: The Secretary, W Bro. Neil
McKittrick, Assistant Secretary, W Bro. Nigel Williams, Treasurer, W. Bro. Andrew Borland, our
Relief Chest Representative and Assistant Treasurer, W Bro. Justin Curtis, and finally to you and
the Deputy Provincial Grand Master VW Bro. William Dastur; may I express my gratitude
personally for the encouragement, guidance and support I receive from you both.
P C Gillingwater
Chairman of the Province of Cambridgeshire Masonic Benevolent Association
Toast List
8 The Visitors
(This list is a guide only; the first five toasts are essential)
Scientific Lodge No. 88
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
2nd Monday October to April. January (I)
Lodge of Three Grand Principles No. 441
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
1st Monday October to April. January (I)
60 Members
Lodge of United Good Fellowship No. 809
Masonic Rooms, The Crescent, Wisbech
4th Wednesday January to March, October, November,
3rd Wednesday December, 1st Wednesday May (I)
WM Carlton Farm, Cattle Dyke, Gorefield, Wisbech, PE13 4NN Tel: 01945 410099
SW Bellamy House, Bellamy Lane, West Walton, Wisbech, PE14 7EY Tel: 01945 474792
JW Old Haven Post Office, Ullingswick, Hereford, HR1 3JG Tel: 01432 820819
Sec 19b Clarkson Avenue, Wisbech, PE13 2EG Tel: 01945 465283
Treas 180 Lynn Road, Wisbech, PE13 3EB Tel: 01945 463826
Alm 46 Westmead Avenue, Wisbech, PE13 2SL Tel: 01945 580113
ChStwd 92 Church Road, Emneth, Wisbech, PE14 8AF Tel: 01945 463446
93 Members
Isaac Newton University Lodge No. 859
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
Last Tuesday January, October (I), 1st Saturday March, December,
Last Saturday April, 2nd Tuesday June
211 Members
Alma Mater Lodge No. 1492
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
Last Saturday February, September, 3rd Saturday May,
1st Saturday November, 2nd Saturday December (I)
69 Members
Etheldreda Lodge No. 2107
Masonic Club, 115 High Street, Newmarket
3rd Thursday October to April. February (I)
St Audrey Lodge No. 2727
Masonic Hall, Silver Street, Ely
2nd Tuesday October to May. November (I)
WM 142 Wisbech Road, Littleport, Ely, CB6 1JJ Tel: 01353 860132
SW 24 Station Road, Littleport, Ely, CB6 1QF Tel: 01353 861621
JW 5 Walnut Grove, Worlington, Bury St. Edmunds, IP28 8SF
Sec Rose Cottage, 84 Cannon Street, Little Downham, Ely, CB6 2SS Tel: 07918 081907
Treas 91a Cambridge Road, Ely, CB7 4HX Tel: 01353 663873
Alm 87 Ely Road, Little Downham, Ely, CB6 2SN Tel: 01353 698276
ChStwd Allens Skip Hire, Willow Row, Ten Mile Bank, Littleport, Ely, CB6 1EE
Tel: 01353 863848
76 Members
Caldwell Lodge No. 3201
Masonic Hall, City Road, March
3rd Tuesday September to April (I)
WM Mustang House, South-Eau Bank, Gedney Hill, Spalding, PE12 0QN Tel: 01945701330
SW 185 Station Road, March, PE15 8SQ
JW 24 The Shires, March, PE15 9HH Tel: 01354 657349
Sec Blackbird Cottage, Sixteen Foot Bank, Stonea, March, PE15 0DU Tel: 01354 638555
Treas 352 Benwick Road, Whittlesey, nr Peterborough, PE7 2HT Tel: 01733 840260
Alm 18A High Street, Doddington, March, Cambs, PE15 0TH Tel: 01354 741192
ChStwd 9 Sutton Way, Doddington, March, PE15 0RU Tel: 01354 740749
56 Members
Cantabrigia Lodge No. 3532
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
4th Wednesday October (I) to April ex. December
St Andrew Lodge No. 4087
Masonic Hall, Woolpack Lane, Whittlesey, Peterborough
2nd Tuesday October (I) to May
Gray Lodge No. 4334
Masonic Hall, Huntingdon Road, Chatteris
3rd Wednesday October to April. January (I)
WM Rosemary House, 37 Huntingdon Road, Chatteris, PE16 6EA Tel: 01354 669229
SW 180 Broomhill, Downham Market, PE38 9QY Tel: 01366 384438
JW 21a South Park Street, Chatteris, PE16 6AR Tel: 01354693028
Sec 65 Cavalry Drive, March, PE15 9EQ Tel: 01354 659502
Treas 6 Dock Road, Chatteris, PE16 6RE Tel: 01354 694596
Alm 62 London Road, Chatteris, PE16 6LS Tel: 01354 696963
ChStwd 14 Morton Way, Wimblington, March, PE15 0PQ Tel: 01354740157
45 Members
Old Leysian Lodge No. 4520
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
1st Tuesday March (I), 2nd Wednesday May, September, Last Friday November
WM The Moorings, Chapel Lane, Houghton, Huntingdon, PE28 2AY Tel: 01480 462759
SW 47 Kerridges, East Harling, Norwich, NR16 2QA Tel: 01953718734
JW 4-5, Tower Cottages, Barnham, Thetford, IP24 2ND Tel: 01842 890 037
Sec 2 Victory Road, Ipswich, IP4 4LE Tel: 01473 725613
Treas The Leys, Blackhill Lane, Pulloxhill, Bedford, MK45 5HQ Tel: 01525 714629
Alm The Old Vicarage, Church Lane, Sawston, Cambridge., CB22 3JR Tel: 01223 835773
ChStwd 4-5, Tower Cottages, Barnham, Thetford, IP24 2ND Tel: 01842 890 037
28 Members
Kynaston Lodge No. 5810
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
4th Thursday January, February, March, April, September, October (I),
1st Thursday December
60 Members
Gild of Holy Trinity Lodge No. 6125
Masonic Rooms, The Crescent, Wisbech
1st Wednesday October (I) to April
82 Members
Granta Lodge No. 6179
Masonic Club, 115 High Street, Newmarket
3rd Saturday March, May, September, November (I)
Stone Cross Lodge No. 6704
Masonic Hall, City Road, March
4th Friday November to April ex. December, 3rd Friday September, October (I)
Gild of St Mary Lodge No. 7288
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
3rd Thursday October to April. November (I)
WM 25 Granhams Close, Great Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5LG Tel: 07595 339187
SW 12 Tower Road, Ely, CB7 4HW Tel: 01353 662539
JW 23 Lemur Drive, Cambridge, CB1 9XZ Tel: 01223 501295
Sec 66 Wulfstan Way, Cambridge, CB1 8QH Tel: 01223 212822
Treas 39 Gilbert Road, Cambridge, CB4 3NX Tel: 01223 366460
Alm 4 Shelford Park Avenue, Great Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5LU Tel: 01223 524021
ChStwd 86 Chapel Lane, Fowlmere, Royston, SG8 7SD Tel: 01763 208630
68 Members
Thirkill Lodge No. 7333
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
3rd Monday October to May ex. December. November (I)
Cambridgeshire Installed Masters Lodge No. 7429
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
2nd Friday May (I), 1st Friday October
St Ovin Lodge No. 7774
Masonic Hall, Silver Street, Ely
4th Tuesday September (I) to April ex. December
WM 2 Sluice Road, Denver, Downham Market, PE38 0DY Tel: 01366 388195
SW 4 Sycamore Place, Littleport, Ely, CB6 1PF Tel: 01353 861295
JW 18 Sutton Road, Witchford, Ely, CB6 2HX
Sec 46 Merivale Way, Ely, CB7 4GQ Tel: 01353 666260
Alm 51a Feltwell Road, Southery, Downham Market, PE38 0NR Tel: 01366 377506
ChStwd The Lodge, 6 Main Street, Little Downham, Ely, CB6 2ST Tel: 01353 699256
64 Members
Virtute et Fide Lodge No. 7959
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
Friday before 4th Saturday January, March,
Friday before 3rd Saturday May (I), September, November
St Wendred Lodge No. 8374
Masonic Club, 115 High Street, Newmarket
2nd Wednesday January, May (I), July, September, November, 4th Wednesday March
WM 9 The Green, Tuddenham, Bury St. Edmunds, IP28 6SD Tel: 07710 539221
SW 26 The Street, Gazeley, Newmarket, CB8 8RB Tel: 01638 552670
JW 1 Shetland Road, Haverhill, CB9 0LN Tel: 01440 761089
Sec 53 Oak Drive, Beck Row, Bury St. Edmunds, IP28 8UA Tel: 01638 510470
Treas 12 Woodditton Road, Newmarket, CB8 9BQ Tel: 01638 601198
Alm Tidmans, 11 Park Lane, Fen Drayton, Cambridge, CB24 4SW Tel: 01954 231074
ChStwd 23 Tithe Close, Gazeley, Newmarket, CB8 8RS Tel: 01638 751037
42 Members
Nourse Lodge No. 8590
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
2nd Thursday October to March. November (I)
WM 24 Grove Park, Magazine Lane, Wisbech, PE13 1LF Tel: 01945 581356
SW 68 Hereward Close, Impington, Cambridge, CB24 9YN Tel: 01223 721539
JW 9 Thorncroft, Saffron Walden, CB10 2AZ Tel: 01799 502789
Sec 1 Adelaide Close, Soham, Ely, CB7 5FJ Tel: 01353 722715
Treas 64 High Street, Over, Cambridge, CB24 5ND Tel: 01954 202450
Alm 46 Pettits Lane, Dry Drayton, Cambridge, CB23 8BT Tel: 01954 782954
ChStwd 4 High Piece Crescent, Over, Cambridge, CB24 5NR Tel: 07792 251116
60 Members
Descensus Aquarum Lodge No. 8655
Masonic Hall, Silver Street, Ely
3rd Wednesday January, February, March, April, October (I), November
The Porta Lodge No. 9511
Masonic Hall, Silver Street, Ely
1st Friday February, April, December, 2nd Friday October (I)
WM 10c Reads Street, Stretham, Ely, CB6 3JT Tel: 01353 649818
SW 101 Cambridge Road, Ely, CB7 4HX Tel: 01353 662344
JW 119 Lynn Road, Ely, CB6 1DG Tel: 01353664058
Sec 3 North Drive, Soham, Ely, CB7 5UD Tel: 01353 722205
Treas 14 Grove Gardens, Fordham, Ely, CB7 5ZL Tel: 01638 720687
Alm 2 Beald Way, Ely, CB6 3DA Tel: 01353 610509
ChStwd 6 Merlin Drive, Ely, CB6 3EA Tel: 01353 666085
41 Members
Cambridgeshire Meridian Lodge No. 9687
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
1st Thursday March, 1st Tuesday October (I), December
Logistica Lodge No. 9804
Masonic Club, 115 High Street, Newmarket
3rd Monday January, April, July, October (I)
Fenland Meridian Lodge No. 9858
Masonic Hall, City Road, March
4th Tuesday February (I), April, November
Supreme Grand Chapter
of Royal Arch Masons of England
*First Grand Principal:
His Royal Highness THE DUKE OF KENT, KG
*Pro First Grand Principal:
Second Grand Principal:
Third Grand Principal:
President, Committee of General Purposes . Dr. Malcolm Roger Aish
*Grand Registrar ..................................... The Rt Hon. Sir John Murray Chadwick, ED
*Grand Scribe E ...................................... Christopher Nigel Rupert Brown
Grand Scribe N ....................................... Colin Frank Harris, PGSwdB
Grand Director of Ceremonies ................ Oliver Arthur Wynlayne Lodge, TD
Grand Sword Bearer ............................... Clarence Alfred Stuart Halder, PDepGSwdB (Somerset)
*Grand Treasurer .................................... Quentin Charles Triscott Humberstone
Deputy Grand Registrar .......................... James Alexander Francis Thom, QC
Deputy Grand Scribe E ........................... Graham Frederick Redman, PGSwdB
Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies . Philip Lawrence Hall
Dr Giles Robert Evelyn Shilson
Mark Jeremy Patrick Horlock
Deputy Grand Sword Bearer .................. Robert Christopher Vaughan, PGStB (Worcestershire)
Grand Sojourner ...................................... Ian John Yeldham (Suffolk)
1st Assistant Grand Sojourner .................. The Rev David John Bowen
(Gloucestershire and Herefordshire)
2nd Assistant Grand Sojourner ................. Paul William Tarrant, PGStB
Assistant Grand Scribe E ........................ Anthony Gray Rayner
Shawn Edward Roy Christie
Grand Standard Bearers .......................... John Robert Bramley (Cheshire)
Mark Douglas Estaugh (West Kent)
Christopher Richard Evans (Monmouthshire)
Keith Martin Evans (Worcestershire)
Simon David Farmer
Jeremy Gordon Whitmore (Berkshire)
Grand Organist ........................................ David John Cresswell
Assistant Grand Directors of David William Alexander (East Kent)
Ceremonies ............................................. Andrew Paul Elliott (Middlesex)
Michael John Stocker (Sussex)
David Thompson (London)
Grand Janitor .......................................... Malcolm Brooks, PGStB
*These offices, according to the Regulations of the Order, devolve upon the Companions (if
qualified) holding the corresponding position in Grand Lodge.
Grand Officers in the Province of Cambridgeshire
Year of No. of
Appointment Chapter
Grand Superintendent
R.J. Wolverson GSupt 2005- 441
PGStB 2002
J.S. Rushmer GSupt 2005- 7333
PAGSoj 2001
PAGDC 1991
J.M. Webb GSupt 2005 7333
PAGSoj 1995
PGStB 1987
J. Illott GSupt 2006- 7333
PGwdB 2002
PGStB 2000
PAGDC 1992
R.J. Lovesey GSupt 2006- 7333
G. Ives GSupt 2007- 7333
PGSwdB 2005
PGStB 2003
W.E. Williams GSupt 2007- 7333
D.J. Boswell GSupt 2011- 7333
GStB 2007
S.C.L. Middleton PGSwdB 2002 7333
PGSoj 2001
PGStB 1994
R.A. Robinson PGSwdB 2002 7333
PGSoj 2000
J.M. Whitehead PGSwdB 2002 859
PGSoj 2000
PAGSoj 1995
PGStB 1987
J.S. Vincent PGSwdB 2006 7333
PGStB 2000
R.C. Impey PGSwdB 2007 441
PAGSoj 2003
PGStB 1993
D.R. Jackson PGSwdB 2007 7333
GStB 2002
E.M.L. Manly PGSwdB 2007 7333
PGStB 2001
T.S. Climpson PGSwdB 2009 7333
PGStB 2001
R.W. King PGSwdB 2009 7333
I.A. Clift PGSwdB 2010 7333
PAGSoj 2005
B. Gorman PGSwdB 2010 7333
GOrg 2004
J.L. Keeble PGSwdB 2011 7333
PGStB 2007
J.E. Low PGSwdB 2011 7333
PGStB 2006
M.R. Caddock PGSwdB 2012 7333
PAGDC 2008
R.H.H. Jackson PGSwdB 2013 4087
PGStB 2008
Past Grand Treasurer
B.A. Lyons GTreas 1987 809
Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearer
R.J.R. Tile DepGSwdB 1998 7333
PGStB 1990
PAGDC 1994
I.B.J. Ross PDepGSwdB 2008 7333
PAGSoj 2005
Past Grand Sojourner
R.F. Wilkinson PGSoj 1994 3201
PGStB 1992
J.C. Mead PGSoj 2012 7429
PAGSoj 2010
Past Assistant Grand Sojourner
J.D. Cole PAGSoj 2006 5810
PGStB 1993
E.T. Little PAGSoj 2006 4087
PGStB 1992
J.A. Wright PAGSoj 2006 2727
PGStB 2002
D.E.H. Adams PAGSoj 2009 859
GOrg 2000
D.P. Grainger PAGSoj 2010 4334
PGStB 1996
L.J. Bradbury PAGSoj 2013 3201
PGStB 2003
N.W. Penn PAGSoj 2014 441
Past Grand Standard Bearer
R.F. Coggan PGStB 1987 88
R.J. Abraham PGStB 1998 88
A.L. Saggers PGStB 2001 2107
C.K. Huddlestone PGStB 2002 7429
J.W. Brady PGStB 2004 441
D.W. Green PGStB 2005 4087
P.J. Sutton PGStB 2006 859
J. Webster PGStB 2007 441
J.M. How PGStB 2009 441
M.T. Stollery GStB 2010 859
A.T. Pearce Higgins PGStB 2011 88
C.D. Radmore PGStB 2011 3532
A.G. Doggett PGStB 2012 3532
B.G. Heasman PGStB 2012 2107
W.C.M. Dastur PGStB 2013 859
S.N. Moorse PGStB 2013 2727
K. Johnson PGStB 2014 2727
P.B. Kilby PGStB 2014 88
Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
E.H. Long PAGDC 2002 5810
A.W. Jones PAGDC 2014 441
Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of
M.E. Grand Supt - 39 Cambridge Road, Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6BL. Tel: 01223 891008
Dep. Grand Supt - 2 Garden Grove, Whittlesey PE7 1EL. Tel: 01733 203094
2ndProvGPrin - 11 Radegund Road, Cambridge CB1 3RH. Tel: 01223 212315
3rdProvGPrin - 14 Spens Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9LS. Tel: 01223 356476
ProvGSE - 149 Shelford Road, Trumpington, Cambridge, CB2 9ND. Tel: 01223 840374
Roll of Past and Present Officers of the Provincial
Grand Chapter of Cambridgeshire
since its formation in 1802
1802 G.D. Harvey 1927 Fredrick Margetson Rushmore
1807 W.R. Wright 1934 Sir Kynaston Studd, Bt, OBE, LLD
1810 Rev. George Adam Browne 1944 Sir Henry Thirkill, CBE, MC
1843 Thomas Henry Hall 1969 Dr. Henry Edward Nourse
1873 John Deighton 1979 Dr. Stanley Charles Aston, OBE, TD, DL
1884 James Neal York 1989 Rev. Canon Hugh Remington Barker
1886 Col. Robert Townley Caldwell 1994 Colin Herbert Hutchinson
1914 Rev. Canon Frederick John Foakes-Jackson 2005 Rodney John Wolverson
1920 Rev. Edmund Courtenay Pearce, D.D.
1942 *E.J. Wright 3201 1956 C. Phillips 809 1987 F.N. Matthews 88
1944 *J. Evans 88 1958 S.T. Miller 859 1989 R.J. Abraham 88
1944 *J.D. Bland 441 1960 L. Dexter 3201 1991 R.O. Fyson 2727
1944 H.D. Cosway 809 1962 L.V. Slater 441 1993 R. Stone 441
1946 E.T. Halnan 859 1963 L.W. Thompson 88 1995 D.E. Forsdyke 441
1946 *H.T. Frohock 441 1965 P. Wheatley 4334 1997 E.G.M. Mann 2727
1947 *H.T. Drage 2727 1967 A.E. Hopkins 441 1999 N. Higham 2727
1948 E. Hickling 809 1969 R.L.R. Bentley 3201 2001 J.H. Davies 4087
1948 *C. Fox 859 1971 R. Alsop 441 2003 R.J. Wolverson 441
1948 *L.J. Chater 88 1973 C.C. McClement 809 2005 J.M. How 441
1950 W. Pitstow 4334 1975 R.A. Taylor 859 2007 A.G. Doggett 3532
1950 *H.H. Truman 3201 1977 F.H. Newman 4087 2009 S.N. Moorse 2727
1952 *D.O. Watts 3532 1979 G. Walker 859 2011 E.J.N. Brookes 859
1952 *H.E. Nourse 859 1980 J.R. Harriman 809 2013 C.S. Lingard 441
1952 G.A. Heyworth 88 1982 R.F. Wilkinson 3201
1954 S. Riddiough 859 1984 A.L. Abel 3532 * Denotes Past Rank
1954 *E. Cant 2727 1986 F.E. O'Dell 4087
By-Laws of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Cambridgeshire
I. The Provincial Grand Chapter shall consist of:
1. The Grand Superintendent.
2. The acting Provincial Grand Officers.
3. All Past Provincial Grand Officers and the Past First Principals of any Chapter
under the Grand Chapter so long as they may respectively be both members of the
Grand Chapter and subscribing members of any Chapter in the Province.
4. The three Principals of all Chapters in the Province.
II. The Provincial Grand Chapter shall meet at least once in each year at such time and place
within the Province as the Grand Superintendent shall appoint and he shall also hold other
Convocations of the Provincial Grand Chapter as he shall consider necessary. Notices
specifying the business to be transacted at the Convocations of Provincial Grand Chapter
shall be sent to all members of Provincial Grand Chapter at least fourteen days before the
III. Notice in writing of any motion to be brought forward at an annual Convocation of the
Provincial Grand Chapter complimentary thanks to individuals or local authorities and
similar resolutions excepted shall be sent with the name of the proposer and seconder to
the Provincial Grand Scribe E., not less than three calendar weeks before the appointed
date of the annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter that the same may appear on
the Summons convening that Convocation and no motion or other matter shall be brought
into discussion at that Convocation unless such notice thereof shall have been given or by
special leave from the Grand Superintendent or Presiding Officer.
IV. The Provincial Grand Treasurer shall be elected annually at the annual Convocation of
Provincial Grand Chapter. All nominations for the Office should be sent to the Provincial
Grand Scribe E., not less than six calendar months before the appointed date of the annual
Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter.
V. All Registration Fees and other monies belonging to the Provincial Grand Chapter shall
be received by the Provincial Grand Treasurer who shall pay the amount to the approved
account of the Provincial Grand Chapter. All payments shall, as far as possible, be made
by cheque, signed by the Provincial Grand Treasurer and countersigned by the Provincial
Grand Scribe E.
VI. The accounts of Provincial Grand Chapter made up to the quarter day preceding the
annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter shall be examined by two members of
the Order elected at the preceding annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter and
shall be presented to the annual Convocation, and a copy thereof shall be sent to the
Chapters in the Province, in accordance with Regulation 39 of the Royal Arch
VII. The Provincial Grand Scribe E. shall issue Summonses for all Convocations of Provincial
Grand Chapter and attend and take minutes of the proceedings. He shall keep a register of
the Present and Past Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter. He shall receive the returns
from the several Chapters, reporting all cases of default to the Grand Superintendent. He
shall at all times when required produce his books, and send extracts therefrom to the
Grand Superintendent, or other Officer appointed by the Grand Superintendent for that
purpose. All applications to the Grand Superintendent shall be made through the
Provincial Grand Scribe E. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies shall have the
arrangement and direction of all ceremonies of the Provincial Grand Chapter. The care of
the Regalia, Clothing, Insignia, and Jewels belonging to the Provincial Grand Chapter
shall be the responsibility of the Provincial Grand Scribe E. Every acting Provincial
Grand Officer may retain in his possession the Collar and Jewel of his office, on signing
the receipt book for the same, such Collar and Jewel to be delivered up uninjured at the
close of his year of office to the Provincial Grand Scribe E.
VIII. Every Companion shall on his first appointment in Provincial Grand Chapter pay to
Provincial Grand Chapter a registration fee on the following scale: Deputy Grand
Superintendent, Second or Third Provincial Grand Principal – such fee as is payable
under Regulation 98 of The Royal Arch Regulations. All other Offices, £10.00.
IX. The following Fees shall be paid to a Provincial Grand Chapter:
For registering a new Chapter, £4.00.
For registering By-laws or amendments thereto, no charge.
For every subscribing member of a Chapter in the Province per annum, £5.00 or such less
sum as the Provincial Grand Chapter in annual Convocation shall from time to time
For every newly exalted Companion, £1.00.
For every Joining Member under the English Constitution, no charge.
For every Companion joining from a Chapter under any other Constitution, £1.00.
For a dispensation, no charge.
Every application for a dispensation must be in writing to the Provincial Grand Scribe E.,
for submission to the Grand Superintendent and shall state fully the occasion, objects and
purpose in connection therewith.
X. Every Chapter in the Province shall each year, as soon as possible after 1st January, and
in no case later than 31st January, submit to the Provincial Grand Scribe E, a register of
its subscribing members, both in good standing and in arrears, and including the Brethren
who have been exalted therein and those who have joined the Chapter up to and including
31st December preceding, with the dates of exaltation or joining, and the name and
number of each of their Lodges and/or Chapters, and shall with the above mentioned
return transmit the dues payable to Provincial Grand Chapter. The name of any member
who may have died or ceased to be a member during the year shall be shewn with the date
on which the membership ceased. If any Chapter be twelve months in arrears with its
Return or payments the Principals and Past First Principals of the Chapter shall not be
permitted to attend Provincial Grand Chapter until all arrears have been paid. In case of
continued neglect such Chapter shall be reported to Supreme Grand Chapter.
XI. Every Chapter in the Province shall, immediately after the installation of the Principals,
make a return to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. of the Principals and subscribing Past
First Principals of the Chapter, and of all members entitled to vote in the Provincial Grand
Chapter, by reason of having served the office of First Principal, specifying the Chapter in
which he so served.
XII. The First Principal of each Chapter shall cause a copy of the Summons of every meeting
of the Chapter to be forwarded to the Grand Superintendent, Deputy Grand
Superintendent, the Provincial Second and Third Grand Principals and the Provincial
Grand Scribe E. at the time they are forwarded to the members.
XIII. These By-laws shall be binding on all the Chapters in the Province, and no Bylaw shall be
altered or repealed nor shall any new one be introduced unless notice thereof shall have
been given to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. in accordance with Rule 3.
Approved by the M.E. The First Grand Principal, 24th June 1985.
Amended 20th June 1990, 19th June 1991, 17th June 1992, 16th June 1993.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the
Provincial Grand Chapter of Cambridgeshire
The Annual Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Cambridgeshire was held on
Wednesday 18th June 2014 at 2.30 pm at the Guildhall, Cambridge, under the auspices of Euclid
Chapter No. 859.
Present: The M.E. Grand Superintendent, R. J. Wolverson, the Deputy Grand Superintendent, R. H.
H. Jackson, PGSwdB, the Second Provincial Grand Principal G. R. Kent, the Third Provincial
Grand Principal C.S. Lingard together with E Comps Dr R.J.H. Neale Grand Superintendent –
Buckinghamshire, J.M. Webb Grand Superintendent – Essex, J. Ilott Grand Superintendent –
Hertfordshire, P. C. Kinder Grand Superintendent-Leicestershire & Rutland, S. C. L. Middleton
PGSwdB Deputy Grand Superintendent-Norfolk, G. F. Redman PGSwdB Deputy Grand Scribe E,
R. C. Impey PGSwdB, D.A. Jackson PGSwdB Deputy Grand Superintendent-Northamptonshire
and Huntingdonshire, J. E. Low PGSwdB Deputy Grand Superintendent-Bedfordshire, M. R.
Caddock PGSwdB Deputy Grand Superintendent-Suffolk, N.C. Manby PGSwdB Deputy Grand
Superintendent – Leicestershire and Rutland, A. Bridges PGStB Deputy Grand Superintendent –
Lincolnshire, D. Kershaw PGStB Deputy Grand Superintendent – East Kent, D. V. Hagger
DepSwdB, I.B.J. Ross PDepGSwdB, R. W. Odd PGSoj, J.W. Yeldham PGSoj, J. A. Wright PAGSoj,
D. E. H. Adams PAGSoj, D. P. Grainger PAGSoj, M. Bayes PAGSoj, S. A. Norris PAGSoj, P. E.
Holland PAGSoj, N.W. Penn PAGSoj, R.J. Moore PAGSoj, R.J. Abraham PGStB, A.J. Saggers
PGStB, P. J. Sutton PGStB, R. Pells PGStB, J.L. Buckle PGStB, J. Webster PGStdB, R.A. Garn
PGStB, F. E. Sharp PGStB 2nd ProvGPrin – Essex, M. K. Harwood PGStB, W. J. Hockin PGStB,
J. M. How PGStB, N. Berry PGStB 2nd ProvGPrin Suffolk, M. J. Wilson, PGStB, 3rd ProvGPrin –
Bedfordshire, Dr V. Thomas PGStB, P. C. Wallace PGStB ProvGSE – Leicestershire and Rutland,
T. Pearce Higgins PGStB, K.C. Montgomery PGStB 3rd ProvGPrin. Essex, L. C. Steward PGStB
ProvGSE – Oxfordshire, L.T.G. Justice PGStB, P.R. Savage PGStB 2nd ProvGPrin –
Buckinghamshire, A. G. Doggett PGStB, B. G. Heasman PGStB, C.S. Hoad GStB 2nd ProvGPrin –
Bedfordshire, M. T. Goffin PGStB 2nd ProvGPrin – Norfolk, C. Roberts PGStB, W. C. M. Dastur
PGStB, S.N. Moorse PGStB, P.B. Kilby PGStB, D. Gray PGStB 3rd ProvGPrin – Lincolnshire, T.F.
Boswell PGStB ProvGDC – Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire, P. Blakemore PAGDC
ProvGSE – Hertfordshire, J.B. Crutchley PAGDC, D. Alexander AGDC ProvGSE – East Kent, A.
Jones PAGDC, T. Coles PAGDC 3rd ProvGPrin – Hertfordshire, R. J. Phillips 3rd ProvGPrin
-Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire, M.J. Large 3rd ProvGPrin – Norfolk, C.E. Carter 3rd
ProvGPrin – Oxfordshire and D. Lillis 3rd ProvGPrin – Suffolk together with other Provincial
Grand Officers and Companions all of whose names are recorded on the attendance sheets giving a
total attendance of 180 Companions.
Provincial Grand Chapter was opened in ancient and solemn form at 2.50 pm. following a 20
minute delay due to the Guild Hall fire alarm operating and a full evacuation being necessary.
The minutes of the last Annual Provincial Grand Chapter Convocation, held on 19th June 2013,
having been printed on pages 82 to 89 of the 2013 Provincial Year Book, were taken as read,
confirmed, accepted and signed as a true record of those proceedings.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent introduced and offered warm greetings to the visitors.
The Provincial Grand Scribe E reported apologies for inability to attend from Grand
Superintendents, Deputy Grand Superintendents, a number of Provincial Grand Principals of other
Provinces; together with members of our own Province; all of whom send good wishes for a happy
and successful afternoon.
The roll of Provincial Grand Officers was called and all were present with the exception of the
Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, E. Comp. James Burt.
The roll of Chapters in the Province was called and all were well represented.
The M.E. Grand Superintendent then called on the Second Provincial Grand Principal to report the
death of Cambridgeshire Companions since the last annual convocation as follows:
Comp. Dan House – Chapter of Pythagoras No 88, E. Comp Peter Cannon – Chapter of Pythagoras
No 88, Comp. Anthony Fowler – Chapter of Fidelity No 441, Comp. Jan Kooreman – Etheldreda
Chapter No 809, Comp. Malcolm Woolf – Chapter of Fidelity No 441, E. Comp. Pat Morrow –
Euclid Chapter No 859, E. Comp. John Seaman – Caldwell Chapter No 2727, E. Comp Gerry
Nutcombe – Chapter of Pythagoras No 88, E. Comp Norman Underhill – St Etheldreda Chapter No
2107. E. Comp George Giller – Chapter of Fidelity No 441, E. Comp Alfred Williams – Caldwell
Chapter No 2727, Comp. Hugh Wynne – Kynaston Chapter No 5810, Comp. Ron Nichols – St.
Etheldreda Chapter No 2107, Comp. Colin Kidman – Chapter of Fidelity No 441.
The Third Provincial Grand Principal read a prayer and the Companions stood in silent tribute.
to dedicate a splendid new banner for the Chapter on the 13th February 2014. This was a great day
of celebration for a new Chapter that is developing well.
During the year the following Companions will have achieved the significant milestone of 50/60
years membership of the Royal Arch: Excellent Companion Edward [Ted] Little St. Andrew
Chapter 50 years and Excellent Companion Norman Underhill St Etheldreda Chapter 60 years.
Unfortunately Companion Underhill passed away shortly after the presentation of his certificate
Our sincere congratulations and best wishes were delivered to them both.
The Provincial Executive have been very busy this year with the various major events in our
Province and together with the active officers in the Province have provided a strong presence at
almost every Chapter meeting. We found the work to be well delivered with feeling and
consideration to the candidates. We are very grateful for the warm and friendly reception we all
received and we were very pleased to note the energy, enthusiasm and enjoyment of the
Finally, in my last year as Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra, I would like to particularly thank the
Scribes E of the Cambridgeshire Chapters, who have worked so hard and enthusiastically to make
sure the Royal Arch flourishes in the Province. I hope that this will continue in support of my
successor. I have also enjoyed very much the company of the Provincial executive and our full team
of active officers over the past two years. It has been, for me, marvellous.
In conclusion Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, I believe your Province is in good heart and
that we can look forward with confidence to a very successful and, above all, a very happy future
for the Holy Royal Arch in Cambridgeshire.
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and Companions – that concludes my report.
Patrick Kilby Provincial Grand Scribe E
Statement of Accounts – Year ended 31 March 2014
Represented by
Cash at Bank 4,930 3,749
£4,930 £3,749
There are no other debtors or creditors
Examiners’ Report
We have examined the accounts which, in our opinion, fairly and accurately represent the
transactions of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Cambridgeshire for the year ended 31 March 2014
and the balance at bank at that date.
Comp R. Brown
E Comp R.P. George ProvGReg
The acceptance of the accounts was proposed by E Comp D R Sowman, ProvDepGDC, and
seconded by E Comp R. Smith, ProvAGDC. The proposition was carried.
The Provincial Grand Registrar asked that his report, which appeared on page 5 of the order of
business and is produced below, be taken as read:
I am pleased to present my report for 2013 in which the year saw a steady rise in membership, with
exaltations remaining strong at just over an average of two per chapter of those that carry out
exaltations. Joining membership is showing a positive increase and resignations are down this year.
The average age of our newly Exalted Companions was 53 years and we have some 40.5% of all
Craft Masons in the Province as Royal Arch members. Attendance at Convocations is an average of
39.1% of companions with some 49.8% of each Chapter’s membership, on average, attending each
meeting. These statistics I believe reflect the growing popularity of the Royal Arch in
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and Companions – that concludes my report.
E Comp Michael Nicholas Provincial Grand Registrar
Chapter 2012 Exalted Joined Deceased Resigned Other 2013
Py thagoras 88 80 2 2 2 2 1 79
Fidelity 441 80 1 0 2 0 0 79
Etheldreda 809 62 3 2 1 2 0 64
Euclid 859 57 1 3 1 1 2 57
St Etheldreda 2107 50 3 0 0 5 0 48
Caldwell 2727 65 3 1 1 3 0 65
St Wendreda 3201 37 2 3 0 2 0 40
Cantabrigia 3532 47 1 0 0 1 0 47
St Andrew 4087 44 2 0 0 1 0 45
Gray 4334 25 1 0 0 1 0 25
Kynaston 5810 43 2 0 0 1 0 44
Probity 7333 29 0 5 0 0 0 34
First Principals 7429 105 0 3 0 1 0 107
Meridian 8374 34 2 1 0 0 0 37
Total Memberships 758 23 20 7 20 3 771
Less m ultiple memberships 150 154
Total Members 608 617
Only one nomination having been received for a Provincial Grand Treasurer, The Most Excellent
Grand Superintendent declared E Comp R.E.J. Wells of the Chapter of Pythagoras No 88, duly
elected for the ensuing year.
E Comp T. Just PProvGSoj, proposed and E Comp P.C. Gillingwater PProvGSoj, seconded that
Companion R.J. Brown, and Excellent Companion R.P. George, ProvGReg, be elected Examiners
of the Provincial accounts for the ensuing year. The proposition was carried.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent re-appointed E Comp R. H. H. Jackson, PGSwdB, as
Deputy Grand Superintendent for the ensuing year and thanked him for his help and support during
the past year.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent appointed E Comp G.C. Summerfield PProvGSN as
Second Provincial Grand Principal. E Comp Summerfield was presented, obligated and invested
and The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent congratulated him and wished him a happy and
successful tenure of office.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent re-appointed E Comp C.S. Lingard as Third Provincial
Grand Principal and thanked him for his help and support during the past year
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent re-appointed E Comps A. K. Mason as Provincial Grand
Almoner, A. W. Jones as Provincial Grand Charity Steward and Comp D. C. Gates as Provincial
Grand Janitor.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent then made the following appointments and promotions:
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra E Comp E.J.N. Brookes Euclid Chapter No 859
Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah E Comp K.J. Fear St Andrew Chapter No 4087
Provincial Grand Treasurer E Comp R.E.J. Wells Pythagoras Chapter No 88
Provincial Grand Registrar E Comp A.J. Allan Kynaston Chapter No 5810
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies E Comp D.R. Sowman St. Andrew Chapter No 4087
Provincial Grand Sword Bearer E Comp H.C. Rooke Gray Chapter No 4334
Provincial Deputy G.D.C. E Comp M.W. Upex Kynaston Chapter No 5810
Provincial Grand Sojourner E Comp J. McCormick Chapter of Fidelity No 441
Provincial First Asst Grand Soj E Comp R.A. Williams Caldwell Chapter No 2727
Provincial Second Asst Grand Soj E Comp C.M. Sharma St Wendreda Chapter No 3201
Provincial Asst Grand Scribe E E Comp P.A.R. Burton St. Etheldreda Chapter No 2107
Provincial Grand Standard Bearer E Comp K.R. Sheldrick Chapter of Pythagoras No 88
Provincial Grand Standard Bearer E Comp J.J.W. Parker Euclid Chapter No 859
Provincial Grand Organist E.Comp A.D.E. Brown Inst. 1st Principals Chapter No 7429
Provincial Asst Grand D C Comp P.M. Brown St Etheldreda Chapter No 2107
Provincial Grand Steward Comp R Wordsworth Kynaston Chapter No 5810
Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah E Comp B.J. Elliott Kynaston Chapter No 5810
E Comp K.N. Giddens St Wendreda Chapter No 3201
E Comp A.D.M. Warham Chapter of Pythagoras No 88
E Comp N.C. Williams Etheldreda Chapter No 809
Past Provincial Grand Registrar E Comp B.H. Robinson Chapter of Fidelity No 441
E Comp A.A. Browne St Andrew Chapter No 4087
E Comp P.J. Brindle Euclid Chapter No 859
Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer E Comp B Ashworth St Etheldreda Chapter No 2107
E Comp F.D. Northrop Cantabrigia Chapter No 3532
Past Provincial Asst Grand Scribe E Comp R.A. Bower Cantabrigia Chapter No 3532
Comp D.C. Gates Kynaston Chapter No 5810
The Provincial Grand Scribe E reported that there were several communications which would be
passed to the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent after the Convocation.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent then addressed the Companions as follows:
One of the considerable advantages of producing our Annual Convocation booklet for this meeting
is that it contains reports from The Provincial Grand Scribe E, Treasurer and Registrar, which
themselves contain and summarise much of the information that I would normally include myself in
this address. So perhaps this year I might be a little shorter than usual…
I’m delighted as always to see such a good attendance for the annual Convocation of Provincial
Grand Chapter; and I do hope that you will be staying for our Craft meeting later this afternoon, and
indeed for the dinner at Queens this evening.
I’ve just welcomed our distinguished visitors; and I’m delighted to do so again now – but I really
want to welcome here the Companions of Cambridgeshire and to thank all of you very much for
attending, and for supporting the Province today. I welcome especially those of you who are here
for the first time. I hope you have an enjoyable day.
The Royal Arch Bi-Centenary celebrations in October and our Provincial celebratory dinner at
Newmarket Racecourse in September are well recorded in the Provincial Scribe E’s report. The
dinner was a very special occasion indeed – and congratulations are due to the organisers (who
included of course the ProvGSE…)
That our final total for the appeal for the Royal College of Surgeons of £50,300 so far exceeded our
original target and indeed our most optimistic expectations, and with the appeal immediately
following our hugely successful Craft Festival in 2012, the very considerable total and success of
our campaign reflect enormous credit on this small but very generous Province. Thank you
everyone who contributed so willingly to such a good cause.
The Scribe E’s report does not refer to those of our companions who were honoured at the
investiture Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter on 1st May – not so surprisingly perhaps as of
course one such particularly well deserved first appointment to Grand Chapter Rank was E. Comp
Pat Kilby himself as PGStB. In a record year for first appointments for this small Province we had
three others. Appointed to PAGDC was E. Comp Alan Jones the Provincial Grand Charity Steward
in recognition of his efforts for the bi-centenary appeal. The other two were to Cambridgeshire
companions but for their services to the Royal Arch outside the Province. E. Comp Nigel Penn of
Fidelity Chapter was appointed PAGSoj and E. Comp Keith Johnson of Caldwell Chapter was made
PGStB. Many congratulations to all four of them.
And very many congratulations are also due to the companions whom I’ve just had the pleasure of
appointing to or promoting in Provincial Grand Chapter. As you know these new ranks are partly in
recognition of past services within your individual chapters and the Province, but also to remind
you that much is still expected of you.
And this is particularly true in respect of the active recruitment of suitable exaltees and also the
encouragement and thereby the retention of existing members. Although you will see from the
Registrar’s report that our numbers remain encouraging (and I thank all of you here today for your
support and efforts to ensure that this is so), there are of course other Masonic orders which are
equally keen to swell their memberships. I can only ask you please Companions to continue to
advise the new master masons in your lodges that exaltation into the Royal Arch completes the
journey of Pure and Antient Freemasonry – and it should of course always be the very first step that
a brother should consider after he has been raised to the third degree.
Three senior members of the Province retire today. Firstly Pat Kilby who has been extra-ordinarily
efficient as ProvScrE albeit for only 2 years. I’m glad to say that we are not losing him since he is
moving across to the Craft to be Provincial Grand Secretary. Secondly E. Comp John How the
Provincial DC who completes four enthusiastic years in office today. Thank you John for your
friendship, your ebullience, and for what you’ve achieved in that office; and thirdly E. Comp
Graham Kent as Second Provincial Principal. Graham I know you’ve enjoyed the office – you’ve
done a splendid job and have been a great credit to the Province during your two years in office. So
thank you all three of you very much indeed; and I know that all of us here today will wish those
who are filling your places every success and much happiness in the years ahead.
I shall speak a little longer in my address to Provincial Grand Lodge later this afternoon (another
very good reason perhaps for staying for that meeting!) but now I wish to close with a few more
thank yous.
I’m most grateful to all the members of the Provincial team, not only for doing their respective jobs
so well, but also for the support they have given me and the Province throughout the year. Every
chapter meeting has always been attended by at least 2, usually 3 or 4, and very often all 5 of the
executive, their presence I hope and believe acting as a considerable source of encouragement and
pleasure for the companions. I’ve already thanked the ProvGSE for his service over the past 2
years but that this meeting has run so smoothly is very largely down to his meticulous planning,
together with the calm efficiency of the ProvGDC and his deputy.
Thank you to the principals and companions of Euclid Chapter No 859, under whose banner this
meeting has been held; and finally Companions thank you again for your attendance and attention.”
There being no further business, Provincial Grand Chapter was closed in due form at 3.30pm and
the first verse of the National Anthem was sung.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent accompanied by his Officers, members of Supreme
Grand Chapter and distinguished visitors retired in procession.
Toast List
(This list is a guide only; the first five toasts are essential)
Chapter of Pythagoras No. 88
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
Last Monday February, November (I), 1st Thursday May
MEZ 24 Church Street, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon, PE28 9DF Tel: 07713 635997
H 12 Tower Road, Ely, CB7 4HW Tel: 01353 662539
J 6 School Lane, Burwell, Cambridge, CB25 0HS Tel: 01638742010
SE 4 Shelford Park Avenue, Great Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5LU Tel: 01223 524021
Treas 32 Pages Close, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9HF Tel: 01223 232065
Alm Mulberry Cottage, 28 High Street, Cottenham, Cambridge, CB24 8SA
Tel: 01954 250575
78 Members
Chapter of Fidelity No. 441
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
3rd Friday January, March (I), October
MEZ 11 Ffolkes Place, Runcton Holme, Kings Lynn, Norfolk., PE33 0AH Tel: 01553 811043
J 55 Tern Gardens, Chatteris, PE16 6DX Tel: 01354 695446
SE 19 Apthorpe Street, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5EY Tel: 01223 881345
Treas 10 The Hemlocks, Haslingfield, Cambridge, CB23 1LE Tel: 01223 874377
Alm 11 Kelsey Crescent, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 9XS Tel: 01223 247991
76 Members
Etheldreda Chapter No. 809
Masonic Hall, The Crescent, Wisbech
3rd Wednesday March (I), 2nd Wednesday October, December
MEZ The Shieling, Lords Lane, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 4TU Tel: 01945 466488
H Three Acres, School Road, West Walton, Wisbech, PE14 7HA Tel: 01945 589508
J 13 Tavistock Road, Wisbech, PE13 2DY Tel: 01945 588646
SE 19b Clarkson Avenue, Wisbech, PE13 2EG Tel: 01945 465283
Treas 43 Blackthorn Road, South Wootton, King's Lynn, PE30 3WU Tel: 01553 670669
Alm 15 Sandringham Avenue, Wisbech, PE13 3ED Tel: 01945 588742
64 Members
Euclid Chapter No. 859
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
3rd Tuesday March, May, last Tuesday but one October (I)
MEZ 41 Chisenhale, Orton Waterville, Peterborough, PE2 5FP Tel: 01733 237535
H Flat 34 Collingwood House, 103 New Cavendish Street, London, W1W 6XH
Tel: 020 7436 6006
J 2 Princess Court, Cambridge, CB2 1JJ Tel: 01223 655406
SE 27 Courtyards, Little Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5ER Tel: 01223 842423
Treas 2 West Hill Road, Foxton, Cambridge, CB22 6SZ Tel: 01223 870721
Alm Tanglin, Butt Lane, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6DG Tel: 01223 860704
58 Members
Saint Etheldreda Chapter No. 2107
Masonic Club, 115 High Street, Newmarket
4th Monday January, April (I), October
MEZ 363 Norton Way South, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 1SZ Tel: 01462483270
H 82 High Street, Burwell, Cambs, CB25 0HD Tel: 01638 741080
J Tamariu, Williams Way, West Row, Bury St. Edmunds, IP28 8QB Tel: 01638 714025
SE 10 Hythe Close, Burwell, Cambridge, CB25 0EZ Tel: 01638 741895
Treas 3 Elizabeth Avenue, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 0DJ Tel: 01638 604280
Alm 14 Coopers Close, Stetchworth, Newmarket, CB8 9TT Tel: 01638508028
48 Members
Caldwell Chapter No. 2727
Masonic Hall, Silver Street, Ely
3rd Monday January, April, October (I)
MEZ 1 Bradley Mews, Saffron Walden, CB10 2BG Tel: 01799 522578
H 24 Station Road, Littleport, Ely, CB6 1QF Tel: 01353 861621
J 4 Ward Way, Witchford, Ely, CB6 2JR Tel: 01353 650421
SE 14 Mawson Close, Ely, CB6 3DX Tel: 01353 661667
Treas 20 Northampton Close, Ely, CB6 3QT Tel: 01353 645167
Alm 18 Market Street, Fordham, Ely, CB7 5LQ Tel: 01638 721611
67 Members
St Wendreda Chapter No. 3201
Masonic Hall, City Road, March
1st Tuesday January, March, May (I), November
42 Members
Cantabrigia Chapter No. 3532
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
1st Friday February, May, November (I)
MEZ 24 Clover End, Witchford, Ely, CB6 2XD Tel: 01353 658735
H 154 Mowbray Road, Cambridge, CB1 7TG Tel: 01223 501328
J 8 Sternes Way, Stapleford, Cambridge, CB22 5DA Tel: 01223 843796
SE 3 Whitefield Way, Sawston, Cambridge, CB22 3BY Tel: 01223 836390
Treas 28 Pettitts Lane, Dry Drayton, Cambridge, CB23 8BT Tel: 01954 789525
Alm 4 Aylesford Way, Stapleford, Cambridge, CB22 5DP Tel: 01223 842284
49 Members
St Andrew Chapter No. 4087
Masonic Hall, Woolpack Lane, Whittlesey, Peterborough
4th Tuesday February, April (I), October
44 Members
Gray Chapter No. 4334
Masonic Hall, Huntingdon Road, Chatteris
Last Wednesday March, September (I), 2nd Wednesday May
25 Members
Kynaston Chapter No. 5810
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
2nd Friday January, 4th Monday March (I), September
MEZ 20 High Street, Oakington, Cambridge, CB24 3AG Tel: 01223 232 844
H 64 High Street, Over, Cambridge, CB24 5ND Tel: 01954 202450
J 1 Adelaide Close, Soham, Ely, CB7 5FJ Tel: 01353722715
SE 39 Elfleda Road, Cambridge, CB5 8NA Tel: 01223 241464
Treas 42 Illingworth Way, Foxton, Cambridge, CB22 6RY Tel: 01223 512652
Alm 49 High Street, Aldreth, Ely, CB6 3PQ Tel: 01353 741295
43 Members
Chapter of Probity No. 7333
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
3rd Tuesdays March, 4th Thursdays November (I)
MEZ 1 Ferndown Way, Hatfield Peverel, Chelmsford, CM3 2JU Tel: 01245 381343
H Highfield Cottage, Boulge Road, Hasketon, Woodbridge, IP13 6JU Tel: 01394 387532
J 18 Clarkes Way, Welton, Daventry, NN11 2JJ Tel: 01327 872368
SE Tom Pecks, Borley Green, Woolpit, Bury St. Edmunds, IP30 9RW Tel: 01449 737148
34 Members
Cambridgeshire First Principals' Chapter No. 7429
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
1st Friday March, Last Friday September (I)
MEZ 2 Garden Grove, Whittlesey, Peterborough, PE7 1EL Tel: 01733 203094
H 2 West Hill Road, Foxton, Cambridge, CB22 6SZ Tel: 01223 870721
J 16 The Grove, Whittlesey, Peterborough, Cambs., PE7 2RF Tel: 01733 350385
SE Tanglin, Butt Lane, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6DG Tel: 01223 860704
Treas 32 Pages Close, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9HF Tel: 01223 232065
Alm 6 Mangers Lane, Duxford, Cambridge, CB22 4RN Tel: 01223 833626
106 Members
Cambridgeshire Meridian Chapter No. 8374
Masonic Club, 115 High Street, Newmarket
2nd Thursday. February, October, 4th Thursday. May (I)
40 Members
Fidelity Chapter of Instruction
Attached to Chapter of Fidelity 441
Held on 1st Wednesday February & October
All Royal Arch Chapter Freemasons in Cambridgeshire are invited to learn more about this
beautiful and intriguing natural progression from the Third degree.
It is very different from the other degrees in Freemasonry and its value and interpretation is seldom
immediately understood. In order to assist newly exalted Companions, the Fidelity Chapter of
Instruction was formed. It meets twice a year on the 1 st Wednesday in October and February, with
each of the four Cambridge Chapters taking it in turn to open and close.
As no two Chapters in Cambridge have the same ritual, even opening and closing provides variation
and interest. The primary focus of the Chapter is to give instructional talks about the Royal Arch
which are not abstruse and academic, but are down to earth and interesting.
Annual Subscription Future meetings
£2.50 1st October 2014 and 4th February 2015 at
Bateman Street, Cambridge
Scribe E
J.P. West Treasurer
57 Carisbrooke Road, Cambridge CB4 3LP R.J. Brown
01223 360337 39 Gilbert Road, Cambridge CB4 3NX
01223 366460
Scribe E Treasurer
J.B. Stocks J.S. Braun
10 Hollycroft Road, Emneth 42 Windsor Drive
Wisbech PE14 8AY Wisbech PE13 3HJ
Tel: 01945 581208 Tel: 01945 585671
e.mail: [email protected]
Quator Coronati Lodge No. 2076
For the Master Mason who enjoys his masonry and would like to learn something more about its
history, ritual and customs.
Will open the door to a whole new world of profit and pleasure. It is
and the acknowledged leader in this most fascination field of Masonic activity.
The Quator Coronati Correspondence Circle has a world-wide membership of more than 12,000
Grand Lodges, Lodges, etc., and individual Brethren; membership is open to Master Masons of
every recognised Jurisdiction, Lodges, R.A. Chapters and all regular Masonic bodies.
The Lodge meets five times a year at Freemasons’ Hall, London, and all members of the
Correspondence Circle are cordially welcomed.
Members of the Correspondence Circle receive the Annual Volume of Transactions, a handsome
book containing all the lectures of the year – the best that is written in Masonry – with a fine
collection of Articles, Notes and Queries specially designed for use in Lodges or Study Groups, and
to provide the ideal Masonic instruction and entertainment for the younger Mason.
Softback volume - £30
Hardback volume - £35
Application Forms for joining and leaflets describing the work of the Correspondence Circle may
be obtained from the local Secretary, W. Bro. J.M. How, 17 Carrick Close, Cambridge CB1 8RQ,
Tel: 01223 247497, the Secretary, Quator Coronati Lodge, 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B
5BA or from the website.
Supreme Council 33rd Degree
of the Ancient and Accepted Rite
Inspector General:
Dr. N.C. Williams, 33°
District Recorder:
M.H. Smart, 30°
3 South Barn, Chrishall Grange, Heydon,
Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 7NT.
Tel: 01638 743014
Candidates for the Rose Croix Degree must be Master Masons of one year’s standing
and profess a belief in the Trinitarian Christian Faith.
Toast List
The Queen
The Candidate
(on enthronement)
(No reply essential and limited to one)
Rose Croix Chapters
No. Chapter Venue Founded
30 University Cambridge 1871
3rd Sat. March & Oct, 2nd Sat. May (Enth).
112 Cantabrigia Cambridge 1889
1st Thurs. Feb, April & Oct (Enth).
660 Hereward March 1968
2nd Tues. March, May & Sept (Enth).
822 Wysbech Trinity Wisbech 1976
2nd Wed. Feb (Enth), 3rd Wed. May & Nov.
972 Three Virtues Cambridge 1987
3rd Wed. Jan, 3rd Thurs. May (Enth) & penultimate Wed. Sept.
1076 Octagon in Ely Ely 1995
4th Fri. Feb (Enth), 2nd Thurs. June & 4th Thurs. Sept.
1126 Iceni Newmarket 1999
4th Tues. Jan, 2nd Thurs. May (Enth) & 4th Tues. Sept.
1157 Cambridge and Isle of Ely Cambridge 2003
2nd Mon. May & 1st. Thurs. Nov (Enth).
The Cambridge and Isle of Ely District has 8 Rose Croix Chapters and a total membership of about 350.
University Chapter Sovereign Princes Rose Croix No. 30
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge.
Dr. N.C. Williams, 33°, Inspector General
D.C. Gent, 33°
J.M. How, 32°
T.S. Rawlinson, 30°
W.M. Young, 30°
56 Members
Cantabrigia Chapter Rose Croix No. 112
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge.
51 Members
Hereward Chapter Rose Croix No. 660
Masonic Rooms, City Road, March.
23 Members
Wysbech Trinity Chapter Rose Croix No. 822
Masonic Rooms, The Crescent, Wisbech.
41 Members
Three Virtues Chapter Rose Croix No. 972
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge.
3rd Wednesday January, 3rd Thursday May, 2nd last Wednesday September.
55 Members
The Octagon in Ely Chapter Rose Croix No. 1076
Masonic Rooms, Silver Street, Ely.
30 Members
Iceni Chapter Rose Croix No. 1126
The Masonic Hall, High Street, Newmarket.
32 Members
Cambridge and Isle of Ely Chapter Rose Croix No. 1157
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge.
54 Members
Royal and Select Masters
Grand Master:
M. Ill. Comp. J. Alan Wright
(Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire)
Annual Meeting 2nd Saturday in September
District Grand Master:
Rt. Ill. Comp Peter Donald Miles
Deputy District Grand Master:
Rt. Ill. Comp Richard J.R. Shipp, PGCoun
District Grand Principal Conductor of the Work:
Ill. Comp Geoffrey Spencer, PGCaptGd
District Grand Chaplain ............................................................... I11.Comp. Peter Worby
District Grand Treasurer ................................................................ I11.Comp. Richard Strutt
District Grand Recorder ................................................................ I11.Comp. David Hickinbottom
District Grand Director of Ceremonies .......................................... I11.Comp. Allan Mostyn
District Grand Lecturer ................................................................. I11.Comp. Terry Lewis
Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremonies .......................... I11.Comp. Phil Cuff
District Grand Captain of the Guard .............................................. I11.Comp. Roger Young
District Grand Conductor of the Council ....................................... I11.Comp. Geoff Parrish
Assistant District Grand Director of Ceremonies ......................... I11.Comp. Ken Healey
District Grand Sword Bearer ......................................................... I11.Comp. Ian Atkinson
District Grand Standard Bearer ..................................................... I11.Comp. Tony Brazier
District Grand Assistant Recorder ................................................. I11.Comp. Michael Scanes
District Grand Organist ................................................................. Comp. Robert Scott
District Grand Steward .................................................................. I11.Comp. Graham Butler
District Grand Manciple ................................................................ I11.Comp. Ken Fox
District Grand Manciple ................................................................ I11.Comp. John Holman
District Grand Manciple ................................................................ I11.Comp. Jet Whittle
District Grand Sentinel ................................................................. Comp. Michael Pendred
The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the
Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes
and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
Comprising Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire
Prelate E. Kt. Dr J.A. Elmore , PGtStB(VB)
Chancellor E. Kt. I.A.F. Dupont, PGtHer
1st Constable E. Kt. S.P. Mann
2nd Constable E. Kt. B.J. Ffrench
Registrar E. Kt. S.W. Tamcken
Treasurer E. Kt. M.G. Fisher
Vice Chancellor E. Kt. P.T. Coles, PGtHer
Marshal E. Kt. R.J. Hawes, PGtChamb
Deputy Marshal E. Kt. R.Shaw
Almoner E. Kt. M.D. Speake
First Herald E. Kt. M.C. Brown
Second Herald E. Kt. I.R.V. Mason
Standard B.(B) E. Kt. S.H. Newman
Standard B.(VB) E. Kt. G.J. Parrish
Banner Bearer E. Kt. R.B. Medcalf
Sword Bearer E. Kt. A.K. Mason
Aide-de-Camp (1) E. Kt. K.D. Hill
Aide-de-Camp (2) E. Kt. C.W. Greaves
Warden of Regalia E. Kt. B.V. Hallard
Chamberlain E. Kt. J..R. Kemp
Captain of Guard E. Kt. R.J. Davies
Organist E. Kt. D.E.H. Adams
Guard E. Kt. P.A.Ketteridge
Provincial Vice-Chancellor
P.T. Coles, Ash House, Rickinghall, Diss IP22 1DY
Tel: 01379 898785 e.mail: [email protected]
Preceptories in the Province of East Anglia
Comprising Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire
Tancred Preceptory No. 102.
Masonic Hall, Chequers Square, Bury St. Edmunds
and Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge.
2nd Friday March, 1st Tuesday November, last Tuesday September (Malta).
Registrar – Pine farm, Wilde Street, Beck Row, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP28 8BT
Tel: 01842 862420 Mobile: 07803 003481. E.mail: [email protected]
37 Members
Holy Rood Preceptory No. 179
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge.
1st Friday February (Malta), last Monday April, 2nd Friday November.
D.E. Woolnough, KCT, PProvPrior
P.W. Dawson, PGtA-de-C
Registrar – The Elms, 7 High Street, Ixworth, Bury St Edmunds IP31 2HH
Tel: 01359 230899. [email protected]
37 Members
Hereward the Wake Preceptory, No. 439
Masonic Rooms, City Road, March.
2nd Friday January (Malta), March, June, December.
27 Members
The Isle of Ely Preceptory, No. 677
Masonic Hall, Silver Street, Ely, CB7 4JF
Registrar – 38 Paddock Street, Soham, Ely CB7 5JB. Tel: 01353 723002
32 Members
The Grand College of the
Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
And Order of Holy Wisdom
Grand High Priest
M. Ill. Kt. Pt. Christopher Gavin Maiden
Deputy Grand High Priest and Grand High Prelate
M. Em. Kt. Pt. Ian Paterson Duff
Assistant Grand High Priests
Rt. Ill. Kt. Pt. Michael Arthur Hadfield OBE, JP.
Rt. Ill. Kt. Pt. Dr. Donald John Woodgate
DISTRICT No 7 (East Anglia)
Grand Superintendent and High Prelate
Rt. Em. Kt. Pt. Colin Birkbeck
District Recorder
V. Ill. Kt. Pt. Ian H. Macklin
41 Park Road, Spixworth.
Norwich, Norfolk, NR10 3PJ.
Tel: 01603 891593 [email protected]
District Web-site
This Degree is conferred by invitation and Candidates must be Past Masters of the Craft
and members of the Holy Royal Arch and of the Order of Knights Templar
Tabernacles in the District
Emmaus, No. 51 ................................................................................................................................ Dereham, Norfolk
Meeting: Fourth Friday in April and First Friday in July (Installation)
Recorder: Robin Senter, Tel: 01338 738334 email: [email protected]
Clare, No.74 ............................................................................................................................................. Clare, Suffolk
Meeting: Fourth Thursday in June, and First Tuesday in September (Installation)
Recorder: Brian Fenton, Tel: 01223 425625 email: [email protected]
St. Michael, No.94 ............................................................................................................................ Wroxham, Norfolk
Meeting: First Wednesday in June, and Third Wednesday in July (Installation)
Recorder: Ray Briggs, email: [email protected]
St. Winnold, No. 95 ............................................................................................................ Downham Market, Norfolk
Meeting: Third Friday in March and Fourth Wednesday in June (Installation)
Recorder: Tony Golds, Tel: 01366 500642
Felix of Burgundy, No.132 .............................................................................................................. Southwold, Suffolk
Meeting: First Saturday in April (Installation) and First Saturday in November
Recorder: Chris Bowles, Tel: 01502 740188 email: [email protected]
Cardinal Wolsey, No.169 ..................................................................................................................... Ipswich, Suffolk
Meeting: Second Monday in April and Second Monday in October (Installation)
Recorder: James Fry, Tel :-01449 741171 email: [email protected]
Ronald Thompson, No.247 .............................................................................................................. Wroxham, Norfolk
Meeting: First Wednesday in May and Last Wednesday in August (Installation)
Recorder: Ian Macklin, Tel: 01603 891593 email: [email protected]
Grand Council of the Order of the
Allied Masonic Degrees
Grand Master
M.W. Bro. Thomas Firth Jackson
Deputy Grand Master
R.W. Bro. Clive Robert Manuel
District Grand Prefect
R.W. Bro. Thomas Frederick Auber
Deputy District Grand Prefect:
W. Bro. Ian Herbert Macklin, PGStB
District Grand Secretary
W. Bro. Geoffrey Keer, PGSwdB
10 The Street, Freston, IPSWICH, IP9 1AF
Tel: 01473 780341 e.mail: [email protected]
Councils in the District
No 52 East Anglia Council W. Bro. Peter Worby
Diss 96 Rosebury Road, Norwich NR3 3AB
Tel: 01603 405819 e.mail: [email protected]
No 82 Constable Council W. Bro. Terence C. Lewis
Woodbridge Applecross, Hunston, Bury St Edmunds IP31 3EL
Tel: 01359 250770 e.mail: [email protected]
No 97 Fenland Council W. Bro. David O’Leary
March Two Hoots House, 21 Taverners Drive, Ramsey
Huntingdon PE26 1SF
Tel: 01487 711016 e.mail: [email protected]
No 139 Beeston Regis Council W. Bro. Dr R.A. Scott
Sheringham Red Gables, Warren Road, High Kelling, Holt
NR25 6QU.
Tel: 01263 513225 e.mail: [email protected]
No 157 Cyrus & Darius Council W. Bro. J.A. Fry
Stowmarket 1 Chapel Farm Lane, Hitcham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 7JW
e.mail: [email protected]
No 170 Boadicea Council (Inst. Masters) W. Bro. Geoffrey Keer
Cambridge 10 The Street, Freston, Ipswich, IP9 1AF
Tel: 01473 780341 e.mail: [email protected]
No 209 Icknield Council W. Bro. Brian Heasman
Newmarket 16 Woodlands Way, Wivenhoe CO7 9AP
Tel: 01206 822935 e.mail: [email protected]
No 223 Peregrination Council W. Bro Ian Macklin
Gt Yarmouth 41 Park Road, Spixworth, Norwich NR10 3PJ
Lowestoft Tel: 01603 891593 e.mail: [email protected]
Candidates for this Order must be Royal Arch Masons and
Mark Master Masons who may be admitted by invitation.
The Order confers five Degrees: St Lawrence the Martyr, Knight of Constantinople,
Red Cross of Babylon, Grand Tyler of Solomon and Grand High Priest
Toast List for Allied Masonic Degrees
(GRACE before any Toast)
The Queen
And the rest of the District Grand Officers, Present and Past
The Candidate(s)
On first entry into the Order
The Visitors
Fenland Council, No. 97
Masonic Rooms, City Road, March.
Secretary – Two Hoots House, 21 Taverners Drive, Ramsey PE26 1SF. Tel: 01487 711016
19 Members
Boadicea, No. 170
Masonic Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge
43 Members
Royal Order of Scotland
Provincial Grand Lodge of East Anglia
(Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon and N. Essex)
The Masonic & Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine
& the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre & St. John the Evangelist
The Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign
Graham Leslie Flight, GCC
The Right Illustrious and Eminent Deputy Grand Sovereign
Peter Hawken, MBE, GCC
The Right Illustrious and Venerable Grand Eusebius
Reverend Dr Charles Peter Bernard Blackwell-Smyth, GCC
R. Ill. Kt. Dr. John Anthony Elmore
Deputy Intendant-General
V. Ill. Kt. Richard James Hawes PGPrefect
Annual Meeting; 2nd Saturday, July
OFFICERS 2014-2015
Viceroy ............................................ Ill. Kt. N. Evans, PGWofR
Senior General ................................ Ill. Kt. R. Habbitts, PGVice-Chamb
Junior General ................................. P. Kt. Dr. D.J. Woodgate, Div.Almoner
High Prelate .................................... P. Kt. Revd. P.J. Swindells
Registrar .......................................... Ill. Kt. I.G. Walker, PGChamb
Treasurer ......................................... Ill. Kt. A.W.L. Sleath, PGStB(L)
Recorder .......................................... Ill. Kt. S.H. Newman, PGPrefect
Almoner .......................................... Ill. Kt. A.K. Mason, PGV-Chamb
Marshal ........................................... Ill. Kt. R.J. Earey, PGPrefect
Sword Bearer .................................. P. Kt. C. Birkbeck
Deputy Marshal ............................... P. Kt. A.B.P. Jarvis
Chamberlain .................................... Ill. Kt. T.C. Lewis, PGHerald
Sub-Prelate ...................................... Ill. Kt. J.S. Warne, PGWReg
Standard Bearer (C) ........................ P. Kt. G.A. Keer
Standard Bearer (L) ........................ P. Kt. K. H. Fisher
Prefect ............................................. P. Kt. T.J. Ridley
Warden of Regalia ........................... Em. Kt. E.J. Flack
Assistant Recorder .......................... P. Kt. M.R. Richards
Organist ........................................... Ill. Kt. P.E. Worby, PGHerald
First Herald ..................................... P. Kt. J.D. Edmonds
Second Herald ................................. P. Kt. P.D. Miles
Steward ........................................... P. Kt. D.H. Miller
Steward ........................................... P. Kt. K.A.T. Body
Steward ........................................... P. Kt. P.W.R. Beaumont
Sentinel ........................................... P. Kt. C.A. Barber
Conclaves in the Division
Edmund the Martyr Conclave, No. 222 ................................................................................... Ipswich
Norfolk Conclave, No. 323 ......................................................................................... Great Yarmouth
Breckland Conclave, No. 376 ................................................................................................ Dereham
Corpus Christi Conclave, No. 388 ...................................................................................... Cambridge
Richard Tydeman Conclave, No. 395 .................................................................................. Lowestoft
St. Helena Conclave, No. 418 ........................................................................................... Sheringham
St. Gregory Conclave, No. 427 ............................................................................... Bury St. Edmunds
Past Sovereigns of East Anglia Conclave, No. 454 ............................................................ Southwold
Divisional Recorder: 11 Chaplin Road, East Bergholt, Colchester, CO7 6SR.
Tel: 01206 299435 e.mail: [email protected]
Candidates for this Order must be Christians, Master Masons and Royal Arch Masons.
Corpus Christi Conclave No. 388
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge.
Recorder – 154 Main Street, Witchford, Ely CB6 2HP. Tel: 01353 665185.
33 Members
Order of the Secret Monitor
Grand Supreme Ruler
M. Wy. Bro. Michael William Guest
S.M. Samuels, PProvGSR
H.S. Markham, PGCoun, DepProvGSR
H.V. Beck, PGG, PDepProvGSR
D.S. Enock, PGG, ProvGRecorder
T.S. Rawlinson, PAGDC, PProvGG
34 Members
Provincial Grand Conclave of Suffolk
Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler
R. Wy. Bro. Dr. John A. Elmore
25 Members
The Worshipful Society of Freemasons
Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers & Bricklayers
1st Grand Master Mason
R.W. Bro. N.A. Willows, VII
2nd Grand Master Mason
R.W. Bro J.W. Turner, VII
3rd Grand Master Mason
R.W. Bro. T. Cooke, VII
East Anglian Counties
D.G.M.M. & S.P.M.
R.W. Bro. R.G. Fretten, VII
D.M.M. V°
W. Bro. W. Hall, VI
W. Bro. S.R. Heard, VI
42 Hallowell Down, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex CM3 5FS.
Tel: 01245 325262 e.mail: [email protected]
West Anglian Counties
D.G.M.M. & S.P.M.
R.W. Bro. I.D.L. (Terry) Bany, VII
D.M.M. VI°
W. Bro. E. Long, VI
W. Bro. P. Freedman, VI
53 Old Church Lane, Stanmore HA7 2RG.
Tel: 0208 954 7706 e.mail: [email protected]
East Midland Counties
D.G.M.M. & S.P.M.
R.W. Bro. Philip M. Collins, VII
D.M.M. V°
R.W. Bro. R.N. Bedells, VII
R.W. Bro. W. Young, VII
81 London Road, Raunds, Northants NN9 6EH.
Tel: 01933 625151 e.mail: [email protected]
The Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon
Most Worthy Grand Master:
The Masonic Order of Athelstan
In England & Wales and its Provinces Overseas
Membership of this Order is by invitation and mandatory requirements are to have current
subscribing membership of both Craft and Royal Arch Chapter Masonry.
Court of Ælfred No. 2
Consecrated 22nd October, 2005
The Masonic Hall, 115 High Street, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 9AE
4th Saturday March 1st Saturday September (Installation)
24 Members
Court of Unity at Witesie No. 84
Consecrated 26th May, 2012
The Masonic Hall, Woolpack Lane, Whittlesey PE7 1BS
2nd Friday March, 1st Friday June (Installation) & November.
34 Members
The Grand Charity was established by the United Grand Lodge of England and started operation on
1 January 1981. It took over from the Board of Benevolence the functions of relieving individual petitioners
and making donations to Masonic and non-Masonic charities. In April 2002, The Grand Charity assumed
responsibility for payments previously made by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI) for the
purposes of providing relief to Masons and their dependants.
The Grand Charity also operates under the title The Freemasons’ Grand Charity. It is governed by its
members (i.e. members of the Grand Lodge and all other Master Masons who are subscribing members of
London and Provincial Lodges) and its affairs are directed by a Council of twenty-seven members.
The twenty-eighth annual Festival for The Grand Charity was held on Saturday, 14 September 2013, at Keele
Hall, Staffordshire, under the Presidency of RW Bro Alexander I. Stewart, TD, Provincial Grand Master for
Staffordshire. A total of £1,675,000 was announced.
The twenty-ninth annual Festival for The Grand Charity was held on Saturday, 28 June 2014, at The Leas
Cliff Hall, Folkestone, under the Presidency of RW Bro Geoffrey G. Dearing, Provincial Grand Master for
East Kent. A total of £3.65 million was announced.
The thirtieth annual Festival for The Grand Charity will be held on Friday, 15 May 2015, at the Selwyn
Samuel Centre, Llanelli, under the Presidency of RW Bro Stephen D. Hookey, Provincial Grand Master for
West Wales. Donations may be passed to the Province direct, or to The Freemasons’ Grand Charity, in the
latter case making it clear that they are for the 2015 Festival. For further details about the 2015 Festival,
Ryland L. James
Cartref, Bethlehem Road, St Clears, Carmarthen SA33 4AN
Tel: 01994 230966 (H) or 07773 346878 (M) Email: [email protected]
FUTURE FESTIVALS 2016 — Norfolk • 2017 — Sussex
The Grand Charity operates the Relief Chest Scheme, which exists to enable Masonic organisations to
manage their charitable donations more efficiently. It does this through the central administration of
charitable funds donated by individual Lodges, Chapters and other Masonic bodies.
In 2013, £5.6 million was donated via the Relief Chest Scheme to Masonic and non-Masonic charitable
causes. There are currently over 4,500 Chest holders and this number is steadily growing all the time. Every
month many charities and individuals benefit from payments made through Relief Chests at the request of
the Chest holders (i.e. Lodges, Chapters, etc.). Every month the Relief Chest team reclaims thousands of
pounds in Gift Aid, every penny of which the Chest holders can use to request further support for the
charities and people they care about.
The Relief Chest Scheme is provided at no charge to the Chest holders and is available to all recognised
Masonic organisations throughout England and Wales. Further information about the Scheme and its many
benefits can be found at or by contacting the Relief Chest team on 020 7395 9246.
The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
(Registered Charity No. 207360)
Grand President:
Grand Master
James Newman
Chief Executive: David Innes
Offices: 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ
Telephone: 020 7596 2400 Fax: 020 7404 0724
Email: [email protected]
The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI) seek Advice and Support Team
to offer high quality care, support and assistance to older The Advice and Support Team is a team of professional
Freemasons and their dependants. We are committed to advisers bringing together the skills and experience of the
ensuring the individual’s right to dignity, respect, choice RMBI Care Advice Team and the RMTGB Welfare Team.
and control over their own lives is upheld and maintained. They deliver support on behalf of the four central Masonic
The RMBI has been helping older Freemasons and their charities, providing a free, independent and confidential
dependants for over 160 years. We continuously strive to service, offering advice, guidance and support on a range
improve the services we offer to the Fraternity and our of issues that affect individuals. The Team is very
staff are happy to answer any enquiry you may have. knowledgeable about health and welfare rights and
Care Homes benefits.
The RMBI is a major provider of high quality services for Loans for Home Improvements
older people throughout England and Wales, with As a consequence of a generous gift by the late W. Bro.
accommodation for over 1,000 older Freemasons and their Lt. Col. V.C. Donaldson, FRICS, PJGD, a substantial fund
dependants in our Homes. Many of the RMBI’s 17 Homes exists to lend money to Annuitants or recipients of grants
are registered for both residential and nursing care and all from the Grand Charity who are owner-occupiers, in order
can offer places to people with dementia following an to make adjustments for disability or frailty, and enable
assessment of their needs. A number of our Homes include them to remain in their own homes. The borrower,
dementia support units. however, pays neither capital nor the interest during his or
The RMBI also offers sheltered accommodation for those her lifetime unless the property is sold. The loan can
people who prefer to live more independently, but with the include the cost of redeeming a current small mortgage,
back up of the Home’s facilities and staff in an emergency. thus removing from the Annuitant the burden of monthly
Sheltered accommodations is available to purchase on a payments of interest. Full details are available on request.
leasehold basis at Harewood Court. Holidays
The RMBI can also offer short-stay breaks, including A limited number of two-week holidays are available to
respite care. These are helpful for both those living alone, Annuitants and recipients of the Grand Charity’s Masonic
and for families that need a little respite from the demands Relief Grant each year at four UK locations. A winter
of caring for an older relative. holiday in Malta is also available for those who would
Applications for admission (permanent or temporary) or benefit from some sunshine.
for further details about a specific Home should be The Masonic Foundation for the Aged and the Sick
addressed to the relevant Home Manager, who will be The Foundation has now closed but is still active on the
more than happy to deal with any enquiries. Alternatively, Charity Commission website. All funds donated to the
general enquiries should be made to the Care Operations Foundation come directly to the RMBI and are then
Department at Great Queen Street. distributed equally between the RMBI and Masonic
Cost to the RMBI Samaritan Fund (MSF).
Fee income from residents, who are able to contribute Guest Speaker
financially, and Local Authority contributions, where The RMBI is always delighted to be asked to provide a
appropriate, offset the cost of running the Homes. speaker on its aims, achievements and needs, for Lodge or
However, the RMBI needs to raise around £5 million other meetings, as well as supplying professional display
every year to support all its charitable activities. This boards for open days or other events. Freemasons who
means that the RMBI is increasingly dependent on wish to learn more about fundraising activities, or take
donations from the Craft and other Orders, as well as the advantage of support services, are invited to contact the
valuable income it receives via the Festival System. RMBI’s head office.
Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys
(Registered Charity Number 285836)
Grand President:
Mike Woodcock, DLitt, CIntMC, JP
Chief Executive:
Les Hutchinson, MBA, BA (Hons), MCMI
Offices: 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ.
Telephone: 020 7405 2644, e.mail: [email protected],
Mission Statement: To relieve poverty and advance the education of a Masonic family and, when funds
permit, support other children in need.
Our core Petition support is available to children and c. Eligibility
young people of Masonic families, including
To qualify for support a child must have suffered a distress
grandchildren and step-children, who have experienced
which has resulted in financial hardship. This distress
distress – a significant and often tragic event which has
could be:
led to financial hardship.
· Death of one or both parents
a. Financial grants
· Absence of one or both parents
Our tailored packages of financial grants provide · Disability of one or both parents
appropriate levels of support for each family and may · Financial distress (e.g unemployment or bankruptcy
include: · Severe disability
· Maintenance allowances Candidates must also have connection to a Freemason
· Undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships under the United Grand Lodge of England. This
· Computer equipment ‘qualifying Freemason’ could be the child’s:
· Educational visits
· Father
· School travel
· Step-father
· School uniforms
· Legal guardian
· Course fees
· Grandfather
· School fee bursaries
· Musical instruments and lessons A child may also qualify for support if they can
· Sports equipment and coaching demonstrate that they have received significant financial
support from any other Freemason such as a relative, a
Families with particularly low incomes may also receive godfather or an unrelated Freemason.
Christmas or Summer holiday grants to enable them to
spend some quality time together. Support towards The ‘qualifying Freemason’ does not have to be an active
independent school fees is only considered in a very Freemason; deceased, lapsed or former Freemasons can
limited number of cases for which there are exceptional qualify a child for support – our interest is the child’s
circumstances. welfare. The only requirement is that the Freemason must
have been initiated before the distress occurred.
b. Welfare support
In all cases, applications are subject to a financial
Our Welfare and Case Adviser teams provide practical assessment to ensure there is a need for our support
support and guidance and remain in regular contact with
families in order to assess changing circumstances and Whatever the circumstances, our staff are always willing
needs. Members of these teams use their experience in to discuss potential cases and to give advice on how to
areas such as counselling, family therapy and educational apply.
and careers’ guidance to ensure that families can assess
other relevant services and receive state benefits to which
they are entitled.
Masonic Samaritan Fund
(Registered Charity No. 1130424 )
Grand President:
Grand Master
President and Chairman of the Board of Management:
Brig. William E. Shackell, CBE
Richard Douglas
Offices: 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ.
Telephone: 020 7404 1550. e-mail: [email protected]
Website: Facebook: Twitter: @MS_Fund
About us: The Masonic Samaritan Fund (MSF) provides a visiting brother to speak with you directly, if you wish
health and care grants to fund private treatment, care and further privacy.
support. Since the Fund began, it has transformed the
Applications must be completed by a Lodge Almoner or
health, independence and mobility of over 9,500 people.
Visiting Brother who will verify your information without
In Cambridge, 55 grants have been given at a total cost of
the need to complete lengthy forms or send us your
Health and care grants are available to fund:
A bit more about us: We also fund medical research
• Medical treatment or surgery projects. We aim to improve the treatment for many of the
• Dental treatment illnesses and disabilities that affect Masonic families and
• Mobility aids and equipment the wider community.
• Home adaptations due to a medical or mobility reason
National charities that have recently benefited from our
• Respite care
medical research grants include:
• Counselling
• Initial consultation or assessment • Papworth Heart Hospital Charity (£100,000)
• Breakthrough Breast Cancer (£94,000)
No application form is required to access counselling or to • Cure Parkinson’s Trust (£144,000)
fund an initial consultation or assessment. Simply get in
touch to immediately receive a funding decision. For more news about the medical research we support
For further information about our work, please visit Stay in touch: You can sign up for regular emails about
our activities and, stories from the people and research
Eligibility Criteria: You can make an application if you
projects we support by subscribing at:
are a:
• Freemason
Twice a year, we publish our 12 page newsletter called
• Wife or partner of a Freemason
MSF News (formerly called InNeed). This will arrive on
• Widow or surviving partner of a Freemason your doorstep with Freemasonry Today. Look out for your
• Child of a Freemason still in full-time education copy in June and December or find all previous copies at:
• Someone physically or financially dependent upon a
We are always delighted to provide further details about
With the exception of counselling and consultation grants, our work, either in person or via our printed material. We
you must have sought treatment, care or support via the will be happy to arrange appropriate speakers at any
NHS or Local Authority before making an application. Lodge meeting. Printed publicity material is also available
You can apply when: for general reference or in support of specific events.
• A consultant or specialist practitioner has diagnosed Constitution: The Masonic Samaritan Fund is a
the need for treatment, care or support. charitable company limited by guarantee (6876310) and a
• You face a wait of over 12 weeks on the NHS or registered charity (1130424). Its affairs are directed and
Local Authority waiting list (8 weeks for cancer and controlled by a Board of Trustees who are nominated by
cardiac treatment) Provincial and Metropolitan Lodges.
• You cannot easily afford to pay for private healthcare
Under the terms of its governing document each
Applying for a grant: You can see if you’re eligible to Provincial Grand Lodge appoints two Members (six
apply for a health and care grant online by using our appointed by the Metropolitan Grand Lodge) to the MSF.
Eligibility Calculator. Simply tell us your Masonic The members are appointed annually and may serve for up
connection, the type of grant you require and your to five years.
household finances. The Eligibility Calculator will tell
you straight away if you’re able to make an application.
We always encourage you to call our friendly Grants Team
with any questions before making an application. You can
also approach your Lodge Almoner, or we can arrange for
Association of Friends of Cornwallis Court
(Registered Charity No. 288283)
Hospital Road, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3NH
CORNWALLIS COURT has been open since 1981 and provides a home for some 74 residents all
of whom are Freemasons, their wives, widows or female dependants, who need the first class care
and attention provided by the staff of the Court. Geoffrey Dicker House provides further
accommodation for up to 10 elderly mentally frail residents.
The Association of Friends is as old, in fact older, than the Home itself, it is a Registered Charity,
and has as its Object to relieve and assist by all charitable means the Residents of Cornwallis Court.
A Management Committee, which includes seven Trustees, representing Lodges in the Provinces of
Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk conduct the business of the Association.
Raising funds to provide assistance, help organise social events, providing transport for the
Residents and encouraging Lodges and individual brethren to visit the court and support the fund
raising activities fulfils the Object of the Association.
Since the Association was inaugurated it has received magnificent support from Brethren and all
Masonic Orders in its catchment area, which have made generous donations to the funds. However,
individual membership of the “Friends” is less than one tenth of the total number of Brethren in the
Over 150 Craft Lodges and other Masonic Orders are now Affiliated members of the Association.
The cost is covered by an annual subscription for each Lodge member, which is agreed at the
Annual General Meeting of the Association, and as such is a legitimate charge on the Lodge Charity
Individual Brethren can become Life Members by making a one-off payment of £25.00,
which if donated under the Gift Aid scheme increases the amount by nearly 30%.
Membership application forms are available from:
The Province of Cambridgeshire
Charity for Care and Relief
(formerly Provincial Grand Lodge of Cambridgeshire Benevolent Fund)
Board of Trustees
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master
V.W. Bro. W.C.M. Dastur, PGSwdB
Ex officio Trustees:
W. Bro. P.B. Kilby, PPJGW, ProvGSec
W. Bro D.M. Blair, ProvGTreas
The Secretary:
W. Bro. A.K. Mason, PAGDC, ProvGAlm
154 Main Street, Witchford, Ely CB6 2HP. Tel: 01353 665185
Assistant Secretary:
W Bro G.A. Turner, PProvGSwdB – Tel: 01353 658735
24 Clover End, Witchford, Ely, CB6 2XD
Co-opted Members
W. Bro. P.J. Sutton, PAGDC, W. Bro. J.R. Sheriff, PAGDC
Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 March 2014
The Charity is constituted by Deed of Trust and is a Registered Charity, number 275991. The objects of the Charity are
to dispense funds for the benefit of poor and distressed masons of the Province of Cambridgeshire, Masonic Charities,
and for other charitable institutions, societies or objects.
The Trustees who served during the year were:
W C M Dastur – Chairman D A D Smith P J Sutton
A K Mason – Secretary R H Smith
D M Blair – Treasurer J R Sherriff
The Chairman, Treasurer and J R Sherriff are Trustees by virtue of their office in the Province of Cambridgeshire whilst
the Provincial Grand Master appoints the secretary (annually) and three other members (for three years). The Trustees
may also co-opt Trustees from time to time. The Trustees met four times in the year to consider grants and review
operational, financial and investment performance. None of the Trustees received any remuneration or other payment
from the Charity in the year.
Total incoming resources, comprising grants and investment income, for the year were £33,501 (2013 - £32,093).
Specific grants received from Masonic Charities amounted to £12,380 whilst total grants made during the year
amounted to £40,772 (2013 - £93,214), details of which are shown in note 3 to the accounts. Within this total the
Trustees were delighted to be able to make a donation of £5,000 to support the Royal Arch Appeal on behalf of the
Royal College of Surgeons as well as provide smaller grants for a number of Masonic and Non Masonic initiatives.
The Charity’s total funds at the end of the year stood at £496,461 (2013 - £486,275) of which £3,450 (2013 - £8,155)
was held for restricted purposes. During the year, there was a further solid performance from the investment portfolio
reflecting market trends and an increasing confidence in the economic climate in the UK. The investments of the
Charity are professionally managed by Rathbones. Their performance is monitored by the investment sub-committee
who, in turn, report to the Trustees. The investment committee has continued to implement and revise, where
appropriate, the investment strategy formulated in 2004 whilst endeavouring to establish the right balance of
investments from cash deposits to equity investments. The policy, nevertheless, remains one for a balanced portfolio of
investments with a low to medium level of risk.
In the last year, the Trustees have undertaken a further review of the major operational and financial risks facing the
charity, evaluated the systems and policies in place to mitigate these and continued to monitor them as they intend to do
for the foreseeable future.
The Trustees consider they have complied with the duty in Section 4 of Part 1 of the 2006 Charities Act which requires
them to have due regard to guidance published by the Charity Commission, including public benefit guidance. In
addition to using its own funds, during the year, the Trustees dealt with 51 cases where the assistance of one of the four
central masonic charities was needed. 30 of these were successfully resolved and over £115,000 was distributed to
beneficiaries whilst work continues on a further 6 cases.
It is the Charity’s policy to hold reserves for two purposes – firstly to provide sufficient income from its investments to
meet its principal objectives; and secondly to have funds available at short notice for unforeseen emergency grants. The
Trustees believe that the current reserves within the General Fund of £493,011 place the Charity in a strong position to
be able to carry out its objects as well as continuing to develop the respite care initiative, originally started in 2005.
Statement of trustees’ responsibilities
Law applicable to charities in England and Wales requires the trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial
year, which give a true and fair view of the Charity’s financial activities during the year and of its financial position at
the end of the year. In preparing those financial statements, the trustees are required to:
(a) select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently
(b) make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent
(c) state whether applicable accounting standards and statements of recommended practice have been followed,
subject to any departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements
(d) prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Charity
will continue in operation
The trustees are responsible for keeping accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the
financial position of the Charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act
1993. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the
prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
W C M Dastur – Chairman 19th May 2014
On behalf of the Trustees
Independent Examiners’ Report to the Trustees of the Province of Cambridgeshire Charity
for Care and Relief
We report on the accounts of the Charity for the year ended 31 st March 2014 as set out on pages 150
to 153.
Respective responsibilities of Trustees and Examiners
The charity’s trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The charity’s trustees
consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144 of the Charities Act 2011 (the
Charities Act), and that an independent examination is needed.
It is our responsibility to:
· examine the accounts under section 145 of the Charities Act;
· to follow the procedures laid down in the General Directions given by the Charity
Commission (under section 145 (5)(b) of the Charities Act); and
· to state whether particular matters have come to our attention.
Basis of Independent Examiners’ statement
Our examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity
Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the Charity and a
comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any
unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from the Trustees concerning
any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required
in an audit and, consequently no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present a “true and
fair” view and the report is limited to those matters set out in the statement below.
Independent Examiners’ statement
In connection with our examination, no matter has come to our attention:
1. which gives us reasonable cause to believe that, in any material respect, the requirements
(a) to keep accounting records in accordance with section 130 of the Charities Act; and
(b) to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with the
accounting requirements of the Charities Act have not been met; or
2. to which, in our opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding
of the accounts to be reached.
Province of Cambridgeshire
Statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31st March 2014
Charitable activities
Grants made 3 23,687 17,085 40,772 93,214
Total funds brought forward 478,120 8, 155 486,275 505,955
Charity for Care and Relief
Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014
2014 2013
£ £
Fixed assets:
Investments 5 462,609 446,598
Current assets:
Debtors 6 210 433
Cash and bank Deposits 7 35,082 40,131
35,292 40,564
The financial statements were approved by the Trustees on 19 th May, 2014 and signed on their
behalf by:–
W C M Dastur – Chairman
D M Blair – Treasurer
1. Accounting Policies
(a) The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the inclusion of
investments at mid-market value, and in accordance with the requirements of the Statement of Recommended
Practice “Accounting and Reporting by Charities” (Charities SORP 2005) and Financial Reporting Standards
for Smaller Entities (effective from 2005)
(b) The accounts are prepared on an accruals basis.
(c) Legacies are included when the charity has legal entitlement and the amount can be determined with reasonable
certainty. All other income is accounted for when receivable, generally when received by the Charity.
(d) All grants and donations payable are accounted for in the financial year in which approved.
(e) Investments are stated at mid-market value at the balance sheet date. The Statement of Financial Activities
includes the net gains and losses arising on revaluations and disposals throughout the year.
2. Investment Income
2014 2103
£ £
3. Grants Made
Unrestricted Restricted
Funds Funds Total 2014 Total 2013
£ £ £ £
Masonic grants:
Brethren and dependants 7,214 17,085 24,299 13,199
2013 Royal Arch Appeal 5,000 5,000
Friends of Cornwallis Court 2,500 2,500
Bournemouth Lodges Holiday Scheme 1,700 1,700
Cambs Masonic Bowls Association 523 523
Masonic Fishing Charity 250 250
Cambridgeshire Festival - 75,000
17,187 17,085 34,272 88,199
Non-Masonic grants:
Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust 1,400 1,400
Granta School 1,000 1,000
Help Me Hear 500 500
FACET 500 500
Arthur Rank Hospice 500 500
Cambridgeshire Police Shrievalty Trust 500 500
Cambridge Young Carers 450 450
Bedazzle Project 400 400
The Way Project 250 250
Newmarket Open Door 250 250
Guide Association Cambridgeshire East 250 250
Cogwheel Trust 250 250
Centre 33 250 250
As listed in 2013 - - - 5,015
6,500 - 6,500 5,015
4. Taxation
As a registered charity the Charity is exempt from taxation on its income and gains where they are applied for
charitable purposes.
5. Investments
2014 2013
£ £
6. Other Debtors
2014 2103
£ £
Rules of the Charity
1. The Charity was established by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cambridgeshire ('Provincial
Grand Lodge') as a Charitable Trust by a deed dated 23rd January 1932 and these rules
provide guidance for the implementation of the provisions of the deed.
2. The Charity (registered charity number 275991R) and its property and funds shall be
administered and managed on behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge by a Board of trustees under
the name of the Province of Cambridgeshire Charity for Care and Relief ('the Charity').
3. The trustees of the Charity shall be:
3.1 The following officers ex-officio:
(a) The Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Cambridgeshire who shall be the Chairman.
(b) The Provincial Grand Secretary.
(c) The Provincial Grand Treasurer who shall be the Treasurer of the Charity.
3.2 The Secretary shall be appointed annually by the Provincial Grand Master.
3.3 Three brethren appointed by the Provincial Grand Master for Cambridgeshire, each to serve
for a period not exceeding three years, one appointed brother to retire each year, but to be
eligible for re-appointment.
3.4 Such other persons as the trustees shall from time to time co-opt.
4. The Board of trustees shall appoint not less than two of their number as custodian trustees to
hold all moneys and investments on behalf of the Charity and in default of such appointment
the Provincial Grand Secretary and Provincial Grand Treasurer for the time being shall be
the custodian trustees.
5. The Board of trustees shall hold the moneys and investments and all other property of the
Charity for the following objects namely the disposal of capital and income for the benefits
5.1 Poor and distressed masons of the Province of Cambridgeshire and their dependants.
5.2 Masonic Charities.
5.3 Other charitable institutions, societies and objects if registered with the Charity Commission,
save that no donation in any year to any such institution, society or object shall exceed the
sum of £5,000 or such other sum as Provincial Grand Lodge shall by formal resolution
6. The Board of trustees shall at least once in every year call a meeting of the Almoners of
every Lodge under the jurisdiction of Provincial Grand Lodge (but if there shall be no
Almoner in any Lodge such brother as the Master of the Lodge shall nominate) so as to
consult with them on the operation of the Charity and to present the annual Report and
Accounts of the Charity.
7. The Treasurer shall collect all money due to the Charity and shall make all necessary
disbursements therefrom. He shall maintain accounts at a bank or other financial institution
approved by the trustees. The accounts shall be in the name of the Charity and all
withdrawals from the accounts may be made under such signatures (being not less than two)
as the trustees shall decide.
8. The Charity shall have power to receive all sums entrusted to the Province of
Cambridgeshire by Lodges outside the Province for the relief of poor and distressed masons
and their dependants living within the Province of Cambridgeshire.
9. The accounts shall have been examined by two Independent Examiners (as defined by the
Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations) who shall be elected by the Provincial Grand
10. These rules may be amended only by formal resolution of Provincial Grand Lodge. No
amendment may be made to Clause 5 hereof unless it appears that the objects can no longer
provide a suitable and effective method of using the Charity, and no amendment shall be
made which has the effect of the charity ceasing to be a charity at law.
11. The Board of trustees shall have the following additional powers:
11.1 To raise funds and invite and receive contributions provided that in raising funds the Board
of trustees shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activity, and shall conform
to any relevant statutory regulations.
11.2 To appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the Board of trustees may think fit
including a Pastoral Care and a Petitions advisory committee.
11.3 To permit any investments comprised in the Charity to be held in the name of any clearing
bank, any trust corporation, or any stock-broking company which is a member of the stock
exchange (or any subsidiary of such a stock-broking company), as nominee for the trustees
and to pay such nominee such reasonable and proper remuneration for acting as such.
11.4 To delegate to any one or more of the trustees the transactions of any business or the
performance of any act required to be transacted or performed in the execution of the trusts
of the Charity, and which is within the professional or business competence of such trustee
or trustees, provided that the trustees shall exercise reasonable supervision over any trustee
or trustees acting on their behalf under this provision and shall ensure that all their acts and
proceedings are fully and promptly reported to them.
11.5 To do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.
12. The trustees shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1992 (or any
statutory modification thereto), including:
12.1 The keeping of accounting records, preparation and auditing of annual statements of account
and transmission of copies thereof to the Charity Commissioners.
12.2 The preparation of an annual report and annual return and the transmission thereof to the
Charity Commissioners.
13. The Charity may only be dissolved by the formal resolution of Provincial Grand Lodge and
in the event of such dissolution the assets of the Charity remaining after payment of all
liabilities shall be transferred to such charitable organisation or organisations as Provincial
Grand Lodge shall by formal resolution direct.
The Province of Cambridgeshire
Masonic Benevolent Association
Officers at 31st December, 2014
Trustees’ Annual Review
for the Year Ended 31st December 2013
The Royal Arch Bi-Centenary Appeal for the Royal College of Surgeons was the major fund raising
activity which occupied CMBA in 2013. The Officers’ co-opted E Comp Alan Jones, the Royal
Arch Provincial Grand Charity Steward, who was able to give regular updates on the progress of the
Appeal. Individual Chapters [and indeed Lodges] went about the task with the enthusiasm for which
Cambridgeshire Masons are known, and with every CMBA Meeting we received increasingly
positive reports as the totals raised continued to increase.
The culmination came with a splendid banquet held at the Millennium Grandstand at Newmarket
Racecourse on September 14th. Representatives of the RCS were present and the meal and
entertainment were first-rate. When all the income streams were added, the Province raised £50,000
for this most worthy cause, by common consent a remarkable achievement for one of the smaller
Once again, it proved that we can all rise to the challenge and put our masonic principles into
practice, even when the wider financial climate remains unfavourable.
On November 8th, Typhoon Haiyan [or Yolanda] struck the Philippines with winds recorded of up to
190mph causing widespread damage especially in the Eastern coastal areas. Homes and businesses
were destroyed and infrastructure ruined. The CMBA was authorised by the Provincial Grand Master
to send a contribution to the relief effort via the Grand Charity and £7,500 was remitted at once,
leaving individual Lodges to make additional arrangements if they wished to do so.
Speed is of the essence when faced with natural disasters such as this so that temporary
accommodation, food and water can be made available to the survivors in the vital hours and days
following the tragedy. Many other Provinces followed suit showing that Masons are not found
wanting in responding swiftly and efficiently.
The Provincial Grand Master nominated LifeLites as the Province’s charity for the year. It is a small
organisation doing remarkable work. Its byline is ‘Giving kids with limited life unlimited
possibilities’. It concentrates on providing technology to children in hospices so that although their
quality of life may be limited by their illnesses, they can broaden their horizons by means of
computers and other appropriate technology. LifeLites was original set up under the auspices of the
Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys, but is now an independent charity. Cambridgeshire
Masons have long given monies to the Milton Children’s Hospice and it seemed a perfect fit that
those at Milton should benefit from the excellent work done by this charity. Simone Enefer-Doy, the
Chief Executive, gave a very valuable presentation to a CMBA Meeting at Bateman Street in
September and – without exception – those attending found that the objects of the charity were both
heartening and worthwhile.
The President, Chairman and all the Officers are most grateful for the support they have received
from Lodges, Chapters and individual Masons. Our task in raising money so that relief can be
faithfully applied will never be over, but it would be much harder were it not for the encouragement
of very many people. Thank you.
N.A. McKittrick, Secretary to the Trustees
Province of Cambridgeshire
Statement of Financial Activies for the year
ended 31 st December 2013
Unrestricted Restricted Total
Funds Funds 2013 2012
Incoming Resources:- £ £ £ £
Deeds of Covenant (RPPs) excluding Gift Aid - 31,630 31,630 35,402
Donations and fundraising events excluding Gift Aid - 6,211 6,211 148,045
Donations from other Provinces - - - 1,000
Gift Aid envelopes excluding Gift Aid - 19,471 19,471 12,225
Gift Aid tax reclaimed on envelopes, RPPs & donations - 12,670 12,670 10,806
CMBA "50/50" Club Receipts - 7,920 7,920 7,110
Other Donations and Collections - 38,166 38,166 14,060
- 116,068 116,068 228,648
Transfer between Funds (248) 248 - -
Interest Received 362 - 362 1,089
Total Income 114 116,316 116,430 229,737
Masters' List - 50,767 50,767 209,869
Province of Cambridgeshire Masonic Building Fund - 3,960 3,960 1,837
Direct Charitable Expenditure - 57,629 57,629 14,060
CMBA "50/50" Club Prizes - 3,960 3,960 3,555
Administration Expenses 680 - 680 2,527
Total Expenditure 680 116,316 116,996 231,848
Masonic Benevolent Association
Balance Sheet as at 31 st December 2013
2013 2012
Current Assets £ £ £ £
Debtors - Recoverable Income Tax 1,140 1,565
C.O.I.F. Charities Deposit Account 35,240 35,069
Funds held in Grand Charity Relief Chest E0109 53,291 12,908
Bank Current Accounts 14,221 6,162
103,892 55,704
Current Liabilities:- Pay able within one Year
Unrestricted Income Fund
Management Fund £ 10,204 £ 10,770
Province of Cambridgeshire
Funds Raised in 2013
Lodges £ Chapters £
88 Scientific 4,123 88 Py thagoras 1,536
441 Lodge of Three Grand Principles 5,598 441 Fidelity 379
809 Lodge of United Good Fellowship 6,590 809 Etheldreda 383
859 Isaac Newton University 1,835 859 Euclid 3,224
1492 Alma Mater 4,873 2107 St Etheldreda 1,288
2107 Etheldreda 3,291 2727 Caldwell 482
2727 St Audrey 5,460 3201 St Wendreda 850
3201 Caldwell 872 3532 Cantabrigia 470
3532 Cantabrigia 2,971 5810 Ky naston 392
4087 St Andrew 6,123 7333 Probity 261
4334 Gray 1,482 7429 Cam bridgeshire First Principals 3,123
4520 Old Ley sian 589 8374 Meridian 773
5810 Ky naston 3,832
6125 Gild of Holy Trinity 4,523 Total by Chapters £13,161
6179 Granta 1,293
6704 Stone Cross 1,689
7288 Gild of St Mary 5,520
7333 Thirkill 4,324 Others
7429 Cam bridgeshire Installed Masters 1,372 Cantabrigia Chapter Rose Croix 200
7774 St Ovin 5,696 Octagon/Iceni Chapter Rose Croix 250
7959 Virtute et Fide 3,313 Cam bridge & Isle of Ely Chapter Rose Croix 1,200
8374 St Wendred 1,801 Provincial Alm s Collection 1,824
8590 Nourse 3,631 Joy Masters 100
8655 Descensus Aquarum 4,129 OSM 100
9511 The Porta 1,109 Miscellaneous 5,325
9687 Cam bridgeshire Meridian 995 Cam bridge University Charitable Trust 1,000
9804 Logistica 2,001
Total others £9,999
9858 Fenland Meridian 161
Masonic Benevolent Association
Donations made in the year
£ £
Masters’ List 50,767
RA 2013 – B icentenary Appeal 30,976
Other Charities
Headway Cambridgeshire 44 Newmarket Open Door 250
Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust 1,945 Roy al British Legion 706
MSF 1,047 Parkinsons Disease Society 500
East Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust 793 Arthur Rank Hospice 250
The Salvation Arm y 821 The Way Proj ect 91
RMTGB 1,295 Provincial Building Fund 3,960
East Anglia Air Am bulance 3,266 Mark Master Masons’ Festival 1,000
NSPCC 204 Cam bridge Comm unity Fund 210
Cancer Research UK 400 JHighfields School 500
Assoc Friends of Cornwallis Court 834 Little Miracles (Soham) 600
Alzheim er’s Society 200 Methodist Home for the Aged 600
The Orm iston Trust 200 Viva Youth Group 500
St Johns Am bulance 325 Tom my ’s Charity 500
Philippines Ty phoon Haly an 7,972 St Nicholas Hospice 600
British Heart Foundation 1,000
Many Lodges have also donated monies to other Charities and worthy causes but these have not
been paid through the CMBA and therefore are not included in this table.
Report for the Year Ended 31st December 2013
In submitting the 128th Annual Report of the Association, we report that our Membership of
Regular Subscribers under Gift Aid at 31st December, 2013 was as set out in the following
Name and Number of Lodge Regular Subscribers under Gift Aid Membership of Lodge
9 10 11 12 13 13
88 Scientific 31 22 19 19 20 65
441 Lodge of Three Grand Principles 32 23 28 22 25 66
809 Lodge of United Good Fellowship 45 40 33 33 28 93
859 Isaac Newton University 20 16 16 14 2 215
1492 Alma Mater 27 28 25 21 17 63
2107 Etheldreda 26 26 22 18 15 67
2727 St Audrey 25 21 16 11 7 74
3201 Caldwell 4 6 6 3 3 54
3532 Cantabrigia 33 20 19 18 19 49
4087 St Andrew 18 17 15 10 13 73
4334 Gray 12 4 12 11 10 45
4520 Old Ley sian 13 12 8 5 7 32
5810 Ky naston 30 22 22 19 12 58
6125 Gild of Holy Trinity 47 43 32 28 35 80
6179 Granta 19 16 16 10 9 48
6704 Stone Cross 17 21 15 12 18 53
7288 Gild of St Mary 27 30 31 27 23 70
7333 Thirkill 30 28 21 19 20 62
7774 St Ovin 12 16 14 10 10 63
7959 Virtute et Fide 22 20 16 12 10 54
8374 St Wendred 27 19 13 14 9 45
8590 Nourse 35 36 36 10 6 60
8655 Descensus Aquarum 17 12 10 7 4 44
9511 The Porta 10 12 13 9 7 54
9687 Cambridgeshire Meridian 11 9 6 - 6 51
9804 Logistica 6 5 1 - 2 30
9858 Fenland Meridian - - - - 2 39
Rules of the Association
1. The Charitable Association (registered charity number 1056195) and its property and funds
shall be administered and managed on behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge of
Cambridgeshire ('Provincial Grand Lodge') by trustees under the name of Province of
Cambridgeshire Masonic Benevolent Association ('the Association').
2. The trustees of the Association shall be:
2.1. The following officers ex officio:
(a) The Provincial Grand Master for Cambridgeshire who shall be the President;
(b) The Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Cambridgeshire who shall be the Vice
(c) The Provincial Grand Secretary.
(d) The Provincial Grand Treasurer.
2.2. The Chairman who shall be appointed annually by the Provincial Grand Master for
Cambridgeshire at the annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.
2.3. The Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary, who shall be elected at
the annual meeting of the Association by the members present.
2.4. Such other persons as the trustees shall from time to time co-opt.
3. The trustees shall appoint not less than two of their number as custodian trustees to hold all
investments on behalf of the Association, and in default of such appointment the Secretary
and Treasurer for the time being of the Association shall be the custodian trustees.
4. The Association's objects are to raise funds for and to promote and support Masonic
Charities and such other charities as Provincial Grand Lodge may from time to time decide.
5. Every subscribing member of any Lodge within the Province of Cambridgeshire shall be a
member of the Association.
6. The Treasurer shall collect all money due to the Association and shall make all necessary
disbursements there-from. He shall maintain accounts at a bank or other financial institution
approved by the trustees. The accounts shall be in the name of the Association and all
withdrawals from the accounts may be made under such signatures (being not less than two),
as the trustees may decide.
7. Twenty-one days notice shall be given of the annual meeting of the Association to be held on
a date fixed by the President and at which the annual report and the accounts of the
Association to 31st December of the previous year, and the report of the Provincial Auditors
(acting as Independent Examiners) thereon, shall be presented. Ten members shall form a
quorum. Special meetings of the Association, of which 21 days prior notice shall be given,
shall be summoned by the Secretary at the request of the President or Vice President or 25
members of the Association.
8. The rules may be amended only by a vote of two thirds of the members present at an annual
meeting or a special meeting. No amendment may be made to Clause 4 hereof unless it
appears that the objects can no longer provide a suitable and effective method of using the
Association, and no amendment shall be made which has the effect of the charity ceasing to
be a charity at law.
9. The trustees shall have full power to make regulations for the management of the
Association and the conduct of its business, including the calling of meetings and custody of
deeds or documents, and shall have the following additional powers:
9.1. To raise funds and invite and receive contributions provided that in raising funds the trustees
shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activity, and shall conform to any
relevant statutory regulations.
9.2. To appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the trustees may think fit.
9.3. To permit any investments comprised in the Association to be held in the name of any
clearing bank, any trust corporation, or any stockbroking company which is a member of the
stock exchange (or any subsidiary of such a stockbroking company), as nominee for the
trustees and to pay such nominee such reasonable and proper remuneration for acting as
9.4. To delegate to any one or more of the trustees the transaction of any business or the
performance of any act required to be transacted or performed in the execution of the trusts
of the Association, and which is within the professional or business competence of such
trustee or trustees, provided that the trustees shall exercise reasonable supervision over any
trustee or trustees acting on their behalf under this provision and shall ensure that all their
acts and proceedings are fully and promptly reported to them.
9.5. To do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.
10. The trustees shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1992, (or any
statutory modification thereto) including:
10.1. The keeping of accounting records, preparation and examination of annual statements of
accounts and transmission of copies thereof to the Charity Commissioners.
10.2. The preparation of an annual report and Annual Return and the transmission thereof to the
Charity Commissioners.
11. The Trustees shall hold meetings throughout the year as necessary. At these meetings three
Trustees shall form a quorum.
12. The Association may only be dissolved by the formal resolution of Provincial Grand Lodge
and in the event of such dissolution the assets of the Association remaining after payment of
all liabilities shall be transferred to such charitable organisation or organisations as
Provincial Grand Lodge shall by formal resolution direct.
Masonic Widows’ Friendship Club
Chairman W. Bro. J.M. How Treasurer W. Bro. G.A. Turner
Vice President W. Bro. T. Whitford Social Secretary Mrs. V. Smith
Hon Secretary W. Bro. A.K. Mason Asst Secretary Mrs. D.C. Mason
Provincial Grand Almoner Committee W. Bro. R.H. Smith,
154 Main Street, Witchford, Mrs. J. Ding,
Ely, Cambs. CB6 2HP Mrs. M. Turner
Telephone 01353 665185
The Club is open to all Masonic Widows of Freemasons in the Province of Cambridgeshire and
other Masonic Widows who reside within the Province.
Five Meetings will be held during the year, in April (AGM), June, August, October and December.
There is no cost for Membership.
Details of Events can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary and from Lodge Almoners.
I GIVE AND BEQUEATH to the Trustees of the Province of Cambridgeshire Masonic Benevolent
Association (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Association’) the sum of £ be applied at
the discretion of the Trustees of the Association. I direct that the said sum be paid free of all duties
as soon after my decease as may be possible and that the receipt of the Treasurer or the Secretary
for the time being of the Association shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors/Trustees for the
payment of the same.
Or alternatively
I GIVE AND BEQUEATH to the Trustees of the Province of Cambridgeshire Masonic Benevolent
Association (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Association’) the sum of £................. to be applied at the
discretion of the Trustees of the Association AND I DESIRE if possible (without imposing any legal
obligation so to do) that the monies be used …................... (see note) …................. I direct that the
said sum be paid free of all duties as soon after my decease as may be possible and that the receipt
of the Treasurer or the Secretary for the time being of the Association shall be sufficient discharge
to my Executors/Trustees for the payment of the same.
The purposes specified by the Testator must be exclusively charitable. The Trustees of the
Association have no power under its Constitution to apply funds other than for charitable purposes.
The City and University of Cambridge
Masonic Charitable Trust
Board of Trustees:
From Isaac Newton University Lodge:
W. Bros. R.G. Bethel, P. Cartwright,
R.A. Lewin, J.M. Whitehead (Secretary)
From Cambridge Masonic Hall Ltd (The City Lodges):
V.W. Bro A.T. Pearce Higgins (Chairman),
W. Bros. J.W. Brady, B.C. Moore, A.R. Whitmore
This registered charity receives income equally from the ‘partners’ of Freemasons’ Hall, Cambridge
(I.N.U.L. & C.M.H. Ltd) and donates it to other charities, Masonic or non-Masonic, giving priority
in the second category to those based in the Cambridge area.
Suggestions for donations from members of user Lodges are welcome and should be made to the
Secretary, c/o Freemasons' Hall, Cambridge.
Independent Examiner’s Report to the Trustees of the City and University of Cambridge
Masonic Charitable Trust
I report on the accounts of the Trust for the year ended 31 December 2013.
Respective Responsibilities of Trustee and Examiner
As the charity’s trustees you are responsible for the preparation of the accounts; you consider that
the audit requirement of the section 43(2) of the Charities Act 1993 (the Act) does not apply for this
period and that an independent examination is needed. It is my responsibility:
to examine the accounts (under section 43(3)(a) of the Act);
to follow the procedures laid down in the General Directions given by the Charity
Commissioners (under section 43(7)(b) of the Act); and to state whether particular matters
have come to my attention.
Basis of the Independent Examiner’s Report
My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity
Commissioners. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and
a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any
unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as trustees
concerning such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be
required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the
Independent Examiner’s Report
In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:
1. which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements:
-to keep accounting records in accordance with section 41 of the Act; and
-to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with the
accounting requirements of the Act
have not been met; or
2. to which in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of
the accounts to be reached.
P J Sutton FCA
Incoming Resources £ £
Grant 35,000 35,000
Investm ent incom e 18 17
Total incoming resources available for charitable application 35,018 35,017
Resources Expended
Charitable grants m ade 2 35,460 27,865
Adm inistration 20 25
Total resources expended 35,480 27,890
Current Assets £ £
Cam bridge Building Society - Com m unity Account 37,070 37,532
(b) Grants and other income are allocated to the accounting period in which they are received.
2. G rants Made
Alzheim ers Support Group 1,000 MAGPAS 1,000
ACT Pink Rose 1,000 Marie Curie 1,500
Arthur Rank Hospice 3,000 My elom a Research 1,000
CAM Foundation 3,000 Papworth Trust (OWL) 1,000
Cam Fed 1,000 Parkinsons Support 1,000
MindinCambs 2,000 Prostate Research (Addenb's) 1,000
CAMSight 3,000 Red Hen Proj ect 1,000
CAMTad 1,000 CAMMS (hot m eals) 1,000
Crossroads 1,500 Lifelites 1,000
E.A. Air Ambulance 1,500 Medicins sans Frontiers 1,000
Headway 1,500 Crisis at Christm as 500
Kings Hedges School 1,000 Lodge Charities 3,210
The Province of Cambridgeshire Masonic Building Fund
Chairman ............................................... W. Bro. Graham Kent
Treasurer ................................................ W. Bro. Sean Tirrell
Secretary ................................................ W. Bro. J.R. Sherriff
Head of Evaluation Committee .............. W. Bro. J.R. Sherriff
Two major projects were completed during the year; one at Ely and one at March.
Following a structural examination of the beams supporting the kitchen area, which is located over
a cellar, severe decay was identified, requiring urgent attention. The kitchen also was subject to a
hygiene/ health and safety inspection.
Subsequently, a works programme was established and a total refurbishment of the cellar and
kitchen was completed during the summer months. In addition, a “disabled” ramp was installed,
toilets for the disabled and emergency lighting in the stairways. A loop system was also installed in
the Temple. Total cost was £53,000; the whole being provided by the membership.
The general condition of the Centre at March has, over many years, deteriorated to a point where, in
the interests of the membership and the future of the Centre as a whole, a total refurbishment
programme was urgently needed.
A programme was agreed consisting of two separate phases; Phase 1 being a total refurbishment of
the Dining/Bar and Lobby areas.
This was completed during the summer of 2013 with a complete roof replacement, lighting, heating
and flooring; the result being vastly improved facilities for the pleasure and enjoyment of the
membership. The total cost of £28,995.20 was solely funded by the membership. Phase 2, which
will involve the Temple area, is planned for 2015.
Application for Charitable Status
On the 1st October 2013, the Head of the Evaluation Committee together with the Chairman,
escorted a solicitor and architect to each and every Provincial Centre, gathering relevant
information and material for presentation to the Charity Commission in a bid for The Fund to be
granted Charitable Status.
Donations to the Fund
In the Annual Report for 2008/2009, mention was made that The Fund was in receipt of a most
generous donation of £10,000 from an anonymous donor. In August 2013, a further £10,000
donation was received from the same donor who wished to remain anonymous. On behalf of The
Fund, I offered sincere thanks for such a most generous gift. (Chairman).
The Fund continues to receive donations from the 50/50 Club of approximately £4,000 p.a.
Membership of the 50/50 Club has sadly decreased from 136 to 130 since last year. Your Lodge
Charity Steward would be pleased to advise how to apply for membership.
Graham Kent.
W.Bro. R.L.F. LUFF
3 Dennis Wilson Court, Porson Road, Cambridge, CB2 2ES Tel: 01223 570942
Members of the Association are entitled to represent their Lodges in competing for the Rushmore
Cup, presented by the Masters of the Lodges in the Province in 1932 to commemorate the
Provincial Grand Mastership of the late R.W. Bro. Frederick Margetson Rushmore, JP, the Frank
Matthews Trophy for triples, presented by the late W. Bro. F.N. Matthews, and the C.H. Hutchinson
Cup for pairs, presented by R.W. Bro. C.H. Hutchinson.
Competition Winners
July 2014 – Kynaston 5810
September 2013 – Kynaston 5810
Province of Cambridgeshire
Masonic Golf Association
R.W. Bro. C.H. Hutchinson, PProvGM
W. Bro. J.L.G. Miller, PJGD
W. Bro. C. Overland, PAGDC
W. Bro. P.J. Sutton, PAGDC
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer:
W. Bro. Peter Corley
3 Oxford Gardens, Whittlesey, Peterborough PE7 1LF.
Tel: 01733 351370
e.mail: [email protected]
Members of the Association are entitled to represent their Lodges in the following competitions;
Inter-Lodge Texas Scramble 2013
Cancelled due to insufficient entries
Province of Cambridgeshire
Masonic Shooting Association
W.Bro. M.R. French
“Woodville”, Wisbech Road, March PE15 0BA
Tel: 01354 655099
Bro. K.A. Ellis
Tel: 01945 410878 e.mail: [email protected]
The inaugural meeting of the Association was held on 2nd March 1998. The Association serves to
promote all forms of shooting in the Province but Clay Pigeon and Game shooting predominately.
The inter-Lodge Provincial Shooting Cup for teams of three is held annually. Further events will be
held in the future.
Province of Cambridgeshire
Masonic Library and Museum
Chairman: W. Bro. S.C. Kerr Secretary: W. Bro. S.P. Mann
Librarian: W. Bro. J.P. West Curator: W. Bro. J.A.J. Curtis
Committee: W. Bros. J. Lambert, J.M. How and Bro. J.H. Williamson
The Museum and Library are based in Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge. The Library
consists of over 1,500 items including video and audio tapes as well as books, magazines,
pamphlets and manuscripts. Items may be borrowed, on signature, at any time that the Hall is open.
Exhibitions of Masonic interest are held there from time to time and can be made available to other
Masonic centres.
The Library is now well catalogued and also has Reference Sheets, giving lists of books and
pamphlets etc. on various general topics. Also a CD of Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter Records (not
for removal). These are intended to help any Brother who wishes to conduct his own research into
Masonic topics. Members of the Committee are also prepared to give personal assistance.
The Curator of the Library and Museum would welcome donations, or offers of long-term loan, of
books and artefacts for display.
The Brethren who are interested in the artefacts of Masonry and who wish to serve on this
committee, please make contact with the Chairman or Secretary.
Cambridge Masonic Hall Limited
Company Chairman: W. Bro. J.W. Brady
Company Secretary: W. Bro. P.J. Brindle
Honorary Treasurer: Bro. J.H. Parry
The Cambridge Freemasons' Club
Freemasons' Hall, Bateman Street, Cambridge CB2 1NA.
W. Bro. G.J. Parrish
Vice Presidents:
W. Bro. J.M. Whitehead W. Bro. J.W. Brady
W. Bro. J.L.G. Miller W. Bro. A.K. Mason
W. Bro. J.M. How W. Bro. F.D. Northrop
W. Bro. B.F. Muir W. Bro. P.E. Cruickshank
Hon. Secretary:
W. Bro I.C. Bissett
18 Earith Road, Willingham, Cambridge CB24 5LS. Tel: 01954 201636
e.mail: [email protected]
W. Bro. I.R. Alexander W. Bro. J. Haggarty
W. Bro. I.C. Bissett W. Bro. G.J. Parrish
W. Bro. R.J. Cook W. Bro. K. Robinson
W. Bro. R.J. Curtis W. Bro. J.A.J. Curtis
W. Bro. D.C. Gates
All Freemasons who are subscribing members of the Craft or other Degrees meeting at Freemasons'
Hall are automatically members of the Club and are entitled to use its facilities and to participate in
all its activities.
The Club will be closed on Christmas Day, Good Friday, Bank Holidays and on such other
occasions as the committee may decide, notice of which will be posted on the notice board.
'Club Events' will be held from time to time, the dates and details of which will be placed on the
notice board adjacent to the bar, and at
Family and friends are welcome at 'Club Events' and may be introduced to the Club premises on
other occasions subject to the Rules of the Club.
September October November December
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31
### ### ### ### 0
January February March April May June
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30