The Guide For A Successful Chapter: Oklahoma
The Guide For A Successful Chapter: Oklahoma
The Guide For A Successful Chapter: Oklahoma
Oklahoma DeMolay
4. He should insure that all reports to DeMolay 4. The Chapter Dad should communicate often with the
International or the jurisdiction are forwarded promptly parents of the members so that they are aware of
and timely. He should see that a Scribe is appointed what is expected of their son. He should keep a file of
to handle the day-to-day administration of the Chapter. communications received from DeMolay International
and the jurisdiction and bring their contents to the
5. He should communicate with the sponsoring body on a attention of the chapter members and the Advisory
regular basis so that they are aware of the DeMolay Council.
program and should seek their assistance where
possible. 5. The Chapter Dad should develop the leadership skills
of the Councilors of the Chapter and constantly work
6. He should insure that the Chapter closely follows the with the younger members to develop future
Youth Protection and Risk Management policies of leadership for the Chapter. Find opportunities for
DeMolay International and the jurisdiction. them to exercise their leadership and public speaking
skills at meetings and activities of Masonic, civic, and
7. He should conduct on-going recruitment programs to other youth organizations.
build and supplement the Advisory Council.
There are a multitude of other specific duties that the
8. He should be thoroughly familiar with the DeMolay Chapter Dad finds among his responsibilities.
programs and resources including the awards and Familiarizing yourself with the DeMolay program and
honors system, the Ritual, the Leader’s Resource effectively gathering the support of all adults involved with
Guide and other guides and handbooks provided by the Chapter will aid you tremendously.
DeMolay International and the jurisdiction. He should
be knowledgeable of the Rules and Regulations of Networking with other Chapter Advisors is another way of
DeMolay International and the Policies of the developing your skills as a Chapter Dad.
The Ritual The Membership
Advisor Advisor
There has been a long standing statement of DeMolay that Membership is an important function of all DeMolay
the Ritual is what sets DeMolay apart from all of the other Chapters. Without constant replenishment of members, a
youth organizations and keeps it in a class by itself. Chapter soon will become extinct. It is necessary,
therefore, that a Chapter have a competent and dedicated
DeMolays can be outstanding ritualists despite their young Membership Advisor.
years, because they have the intelligence, the education,
and the inherent ability to do well. It is the job of the Ritual RESPONSIBILITIES
Advisor to turn this potential into action. 1. With the Master Councilor and his Membership
Chairman, lay out definite goals and a program to seek
PRIORITIES AND GOALS new members, including regular prospect parties.
If the Chapter is new or developing a ritual program for this 2. Obtain the names of prospective members, utilize
first time, it is important to set priorities and goals. The every available source such as public school officials,
Chapter should first learn the Opening and Closing church leaders, co-workers, and other leaders in activities
Ceremonies so that they can function as a Chapter. involving teenagers.
During this period, call on other Chapters for assistance in 3. Promote membership contests with interesting
doing the degree work or attend jurisdiction degrees days. incentives.
Once the Chapter has become proficient in the Opening
and Closing Ceremonies then introduce the other degrees 4. Insure that initiations are held frequently enough that
at a pace that will keep their interest and at which they candidates do not have a long wait after turning in their
can be successful. Set goals in conjunction with these applications.
priorities. Set a goal for the Chapter, like entering the ritual 5. Promote the use of the various videos available from
tournament or “By the next term we will be performing the the DeMolay and More Store.
Initiatory Degree”.
Create a timeline so that members and Advisors can see
how the Chapter will progress with its ritual program. All too frequently the membership activities of a Chapter
will stop with a signed application. Many new members
GUIDELINES AND SUGGESTIONS lose interest because they feel neglected, for once
1. The latest edition of the Ritual should be initiated, the attention paid to him by other members is far
followed exactly. less than when they were persuading him to join.
2. All of the degree work should he given from An effective orientation and education program is
memory and to the best of the performers ability. essential to the sustained promotion of chapter growth.
Oklahoma DeMolay and DeMolay International provide
3. Insist on good posture from all officers, whether Member Orientation programs which you should become
sitting or moving. familiar with and use.
4. Use music for degrees. It is the responsibility of the Membership Advisor to insure
5. Appropriate degree robes and costumes should that all new members are made to feel welcome and
be utilized, and this is a project that not only the valuable.
DeMolays but their parents often enter into.
RITUAL PRACTICES Unless another Advisor has been assigned the
It is sometimes very difficult to schedule ritual practices responsibility, the Membership Advisor also serves as the
outside of Chapter Meetings. Personal schedules, many marketing advisor. He should work with the Master
times, do not accommodate extra nights. If this is a Councilor and the Advisory Council to insure that the
problem, set up the schedule so that Chapter meeting Chapter is marketing the organization and publicizing the
nights are ritual practices. You may want to schedule the events of the Chapter. The Membership Advisor should
second meeting of the month as Initiatory Degree practice look over the program plan and identify potential
one month and DeMolay Degree practice the next. Doing marketing opportunities for the Chapter.
this every month, gives you six practices a term.
The Awards The Athletic
Advisor Advisor
Awards and honors play a big role in the DeMolay Many young men join DeMolay for the sports. Why?
organization and is one of the most important as well. It is Sports are popular and for that reason, a DeMolay
human nature to want to receive recognition for Chapter should have a good sports program.
accomplishments of a job well done. DeMolay members RESPONSIBILITIES
are no exception.
The Athletics Advisor should work with the Chapter
RESPONSIBILITIES leadership to make sure the chapter has a regular, varied,
The Awards Advisor should be sure that each member's and fun sports program.
records carry full details on the honors and awards that he Tournaments are held each year in basketball, bowling,
has earned or received. He should also be thoroughly volleyball, and softball.
familiar with the various awards and honors that DeMolay
International and the jurisdiction make available. SUGGESTIONS
A description of the Awards and Honors is provided in the 1. Become familiar with the sports programs of the
Leader’s Resource Guide. jurisdiction and DeMolay International.
2. See that the Chapter enters the sports tournaments
SUGGESTIONS sponsored each year. Some Chapters don’t think they are
1. Keep a database of all members and the awards and a “Sports Chapter” so they don’t enter the tournaments.
honors they have earned. Many times, though, DeMolay sports tournaments are
about more than “sports.” DeMolay tournaments are fun
2. Create a chart of the active members and the and always have a “social” aspect to them. DeMolays
activities they have performed which can be applied make friends from and development friendly rivalries with
toward merit bar achievements. Post the chart at Chapter other Chapters at sports tournaments.
meetings and activities and use it as a way to encourage
more activity. 3. Try to make a practice schedule for the Chapter
sports program. Realize that it might be difficult for all
3. Regularly present merit bars at Chapter meetings so members to attend practices. They have other schedules
that members are recognized as soon as possible and so which may even include participating in school or city
that members are regularly thinking about the merit bar league sports.
program. 4. Insist that Chapter members use good
4. Encourage members to earn membership awards. sportsmanship and rewards those members who set the
5. Encourage members to enroll in the Leadership
Correspondence Course and the Representative DeMolay 5. Offer to work with the Master Councilor in
program. coordinating plans for sports tournaments which could
include transportation, meals, and housing.
6. Work with the Master Councilor in preparing his first 6. Attend meetings regularly and speak often about the
and second letter of the Past Master Councilor’s sports programs so that it is always a part of what the
Meritorious Service Award. Chapter is doing. It is no secret that attendance at
7. If the Chapter has a regular program for awards like Chapter meetings is always greatest near tournament
“DeMolay of the Year/Term” or “Ritualist of the Year”, see dates. Take advantage of this by having a year-round
that members are aware of the awards and that they are sports program.
presented each year or term. If the Chapter does not have 7. Work with Chapter members, especially new ones, so
a system like this, create one. Consider having an that they are able to meet the proficiency requirements of
“Awards Night” or “Awards Banquet” to present Chapter the jurisdiction and DeMolay International.
8. Host a small tournament of your own with the
8. Assist the Advisory Council in making Chapters in the area. This way you can turn this
recommendations for honors like Chevalier, Cross of “tournament” into a practice for the big tournament, plus
Honor, and Legion of Honor. you can scope out the competition!
The Scribe Activities
Advisor Advisors
Since the position of Scribe in a DeMolay Chapter is such Depending on the number of members of the Advisory
a crucial one, Advisory Councils have found it to the Council, any of the following positions could be filled to
Chapter's advantage to designate a Scribe Advisor to effectively round-out the Chapter program. Advisors
assist the young man appointed as the Chapter Scribe. whose schedules don’t allow full-time participation may
find interest in one of these Advisor roles.
Sometimes this special Advisor is called the Financial
Advisor, and he works with both the Scribe and the FUND RAISING ADVISOR
Treasurer. In some Chapters, the offices of Scribe and A chapter requires funds to operate effectively. The Fund-
Treasure are held by the same person. And in some Raising Advisor could assist in the following areas:
cases, there is no DeMolay assigned in either role,
1. Work with the Councilors to create a fund raising
requiring the Advisor to see the tasks completed himself.
plan to accommodate the program of the
2. Aid the Chapter members in planning and
1. He should be thoroughly familiar with the Rules and executing the fund raising plan.
Regulations of DeMolay International, the Policies of 3. Be on the constant look out for ideal fund raising
the jurisdiction, the By-laws of the Chapter, and the opportunities at county fairs, festivals, and
Chapter Administration Handbook. special community events.
2. He should supervise the Chapter Scribe and Treasurer JOURNALISM ADVISOR OR
in accordance with the Scribe's duties, which are COMMUNICATIONS ADVISOR
outlined in the Chapter Administration Handbook.
Effective communications is vital to a Chapter’s success.
3. He should see that the Chapter maintains a sound The Journalism Advisor’s or Communications Advisor’s
financial condition. role is perfect for the person who likes working with
computers, particularly word processing, database, and
4. He is normally the person designated to record the desktop publishing software.
minutes of the Advisory Council meetings and prepare This Advisor could assist in the following areas:
them for approval at the subsequent meeting.
1. Assist the members in publishing a monthly
chapter newsletter.
5. He should see that all reports are filed promptly and
accurately including the annual Financial Report, 2. Assist the members in creating a web page for
Insurance payment, and the submission of the Form the Chapter.
10, and Form 11, when appropriate. 3. Assist the Scribe or Scribe Advisor in setting up a
database for the Chapter.
6. He should be one the signers on the Chapter bank
The DeMolay program often requires traveling within and
7. He should assist the Chairman with the completion of without the community. Scheduling transportation can
the annual Advisory Council Registration. become a significant effort.
8. He should see that the Chapter has an adequate supply The Transportation Advisor could:
of forms, postage, and necessary office supplies and 1. Use the Chapter Program Plan to determine the
equipment. transportation requirements of each event.
2. Coordinate volunteers to drive members to
The Scribe Advisor’s job is a large one. The use of a
Chapter activities including meetings, visitations
personal computer with database and financial
to other Chapters, sports tournaments,
management software will make the performance of his
conclaves, and conventions.
duties more effective and efficient.
Advisor Resources
All advisors are encouraged to take advantage of the following resources:
Please complete these update questions about personal information changes since the submission of your last Adult
Worker Profile (AWP) or Advisory Council Registration (ACR). Any questions are answered "YES", must be
explained in writing and attached to this form.
YES NO 1. Since your last AWP or ACR, have you had any speeding tickets or moving violations of any kind?
YES NO 2. Since your last AWP or ACR, have you had your license revoked or suspended for any reason?
YES NO 3. Since your last AWP or ACR, were you involved in any motor vehicle accidents that resulted in
personal injury or fatality?
YES NO 4. Since your last AWP or ACR, have you been arrested or received a ticket for driving under the
influence of alcohol or drugs, drunk driving, reckless driving, or careless driving?
YES NO 5. Are there any health limitations or health considerations that would limit your role as a DeMolay
Adult Worker?
YES NO 6. Since your last AWP or ACR, have you used any illegal drugs, or been treated or hospitalized for
drug use?
YES NO 7. Since your last AWP or ACR, have you used alcohol excessively or been treated or hospitalized for
alcohol use?
YES NO 8. Since your last AWP or ACR, have you been charged, arrested, or convicted of any crime?
YES NO 9. Has any adverse action been taken by any YOUTH organization, school, church, or day care center
against you while you were a volunteer or employee of such an organization or entity?
YES NO 10. To the best of your knowledge and belief are there any facts or circumstances involving you or in
your background that would call into question your being entrusted with the supervision, guidance,
and care of young people?
Page 2 on reverse
Read carefully and initial each of the DeMolay service standards listed below
____ I understand that as a DeMolay Adult Worker, I am responsible for being a role model.
____ I understand that I am to follow the Youth Protection and Risk Management rules and procedures at all
____ I understand that I am to report all violations of DeMolay procedure to my Council Chairman or Executive
Officer whether I am personally involved or have observed them.
____ I understand that proper supervision is required for all DeMolay functions.
____ I understand that the use of drugs or alcohol at DeMolay functions will not be tolerated and I will report any
violations of this policy immediately.
____ I further authorize and support DeMolay International to perform whatever procedures necessary to verify
this information and to satisfy itself that I should be trusted to work with young people.
____ I understand that this may include, but not limited to checking my criminal background and the Sex
Offender Registry.
____ I further acknowledge that my service as an Adult Worker is at the complete discretion of the Executive
Officer and that I may be removed at any time with or without cause.
____ I understand that I am governed by the Bylaws and Rules & Regulations of DeMolay International.
THE LINE BELOW MUST BE SIGNED BY YOU (the person who is registering to become an advisor).
By signing this form, I hereby certify that all information on this form is true and correct.
______________________________________________ __________________
Signature Date
**Remember to remit $48.00 with each Advisory Council Registration Form submitted**
The purpose of this DeMolay Adult Worker Profile is to provide information so Office use only:
that the quality and reputation of the volunteers of DeMolay is maintained at the
highest level and to protect the Adult Workers and the Youth of DeMolay. Profile Date: ___________________
DeMolay ID No.: _______________
You are being requested to complete this Profile so that DeMolay may continue to
promote the high ideals and cardinal virtues of DeMolay. Unfortunately, events
have been and are happening in society, which make it necessary for DeMolay to make this request of you.
Every question is appropriate. Please answer each one in the space provided. Please use additional sheets of paper if necessary to
completely answer any question.
If you have questions regarding any aspect of this Profile, please contact your Executive Officer or DeMolay International at:
2. Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Prior addresses, for the last 5 years; length of time at each address: ____________________________________________
7. Have you ever worked as an Adult with any other Youth Group? YES NO
If so, please list and describe: __________________________________________________________________________
22. Have you used any alcohol excessively or been treated or hospitalized for use of alcohol in the last 10 years? YES NO
If YES, list and explain:______________________________________________________________________________
23. Have you ever been charged, arrested or convicted of any of the following?
YES NO a. The possession, use or transfer of alcohol:
YES NO b. The possession, use or transfer of illegal drugs:
YES NO c. Crimes in which the alleged victim or accomplice was a minor:
YES NO d. Activities in which you allegedly physically or sexually abused anyone, male or female, or
allegedly condoned such abuse by others:
YES NO d. Activities in which you allegedly were involved in the creation, possession, use
or transfer of pornographic materials:
If YES, to any of the above, list and explain all charges, arrests, or convictions:__________________________________
24. Has any adverse action been taken by any YOUTH organizations, school, church or day care centeragainst you while you
were an employee or volunteer for such organization or entity? YES NO
If YES, list and explain:______________________________________________________________________________
25. To the best of your knowledge and belief are there any facts or circumstances involving you or in your background that
would call into question you being entrusted with the supervision, guidance and care of young people? YES NO
If YES, list and explain:______________________________________________________________________________
Reference Profile
26. List three people who have known you for at least 5 years who we may contact if we need more information about you.
Only one of these individuals may be a member of your immediate or extended family.
26.a. Name:__________________________________________________Connection:_______________________
Phone Number:(______)____________________________________________________________________
26.b. Name:__________________________________________________Connection:______________________
Phone Number:(______)___________________________________________________________________
26.c. Name:__________________________________________________Connection:______________________
Phone Number:(______)___________________________________________________________________
27. I am aware that one purpose of this form is to obtain my permission to allow a consumer report will be obtained on me in the
course of consideration for employment or volunteer purposes: criminal records, education, employment, or driver licenses may be
obtained. In connection with this request, I authorize all corporations, former employers, educational institutions, law enforcement
agencies, city, state, county, and federal courts, military services, and persons to release information they may have about me to the
person or company with which this form has been filed, of their agent. This releases the aforesaid parties from any liability and
responsibility for collecting the above information.
I release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify DeMolay International, its chapters, advisory councils, and all other DeMolay
bodies and organizations and sponsoring organization and their officers, employees, agents and volunteers from any and all liability to me
in connection with their good faith use on behalf of the order of DeMolay of any information provided as a result of, or in connection with,
this profile, and I similarly release, hold harmless, and agree to indemnify such organizations and individuals from any and all liability to
me in connection with their good faith efforts to gather information about me as a result of, or in connection wit, this profile.
I promise that in my service as a DeMolay Adult Worker, I will bear true allegiance to DeMolay International, and to the
Executive Officer in this Jurisdiction, and I will obey the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of DeMolay International, and the laws of my
city, state, and nation.
In signing of this Profile, I certify that the information provided herein is true, complete and accurate. I promise to immediately
notify the Executive Officer in this jurisdiction of any changes in the information supplied above.
Signature___________________________________________________________ Date_________________________
Sponsor’s Certification
28. Being aware that the person would be associated and working with youths associated with DeMolay, I have
reviewed the information set forth above. Based upon my knowledge, I am not aware of any reason the above person is
inappropriate to serve as a DeMolay adult worker and to assist in DeMolay’s program of affording a constructive, healthy,
and fraternal experience for young men.
Date:____________________________________________ Date:______________________________________________
Signature:______________________________________________ Date:____________________
Chapter Address:
Sponsor #2
Stated Meeting(s):
Life Membership Fee: $
Letters Temp Date:
Suspended Date:
Forfeiture Date:
Chapter Contact Information (Mail to person for 2003)
Last ACR Date:
Institution Date: ID#: _______________
Inactive Date: Name:
Reinstatement Date:
Federal ID#:
Review the enclosed memo with instructions on the 2003 Advisory Council Registration Process:
a) All advisors who were registered for 2002 have an individual, pre-printed “Individual Advisory
Council Registration” which must be completed and return. The fee for these individuals is $10.00
**Remember: Any person answering “Yes” to any question in section 2 of the Advisory Council
Registration Form, must attach an explanation to the form or complete a new Adult Worker Profile**
b) Any advisor registering for 2003 who does not have a pre-printed form must complete an “Adult
Worker Profile” and an “Individual Advisory Council Registration” in order to register for 2003.
The fee for these individuals is $48.00 each.
Discuss the Rules and Regulations affecting Advisory Councils (excerpts are below).
314.7 Duties.
a) The Advisory Council has duties assigned to it by the bylaws, these rules and regulations,
DeMolay International, the Grand Master and the Executive Officer.
b) The Advisory Council governs the activities of a Chapter consistent with these rules and
regulations and as directed by the Executive Officer.
c) An Advisory Council must organize and select a Chairman and a Chapter Advisor. At the
recommendation of the sponsoring body, the Executive Officer may permit a member who is
a Senior DeMolay who is not a Mason to be selected as Chapter Advisor.
d) The Advisory Council shall meet at least monthly and a full record of each meeting shall be
made. Each member of the Council has a vote.
e) At least one member of the Advisory Council, who is a Mason, must be present at all
meetings of the Chapter.
Please indicate which months during the last year that this council held an advisory council meeting.
January March May July September October
February April June August November December
During 2003, the Advisory Council will meet on:(Ex. 2nd Monday) ___________________at (time) __________
During 2003, the Chapter will meet on: (Ex. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays) _____________________ at (time)___________
DeMolay’s Youth Protection Video was last shown at a chapter function on (date) _____________________.
The Youth Protection Video will next be shown on (date) __________________.
This Chapter's copy of the DeMolay Youth Protection Program is kept (Location) ________________________.
Verify the official "Mail To" as listed on page 1. This person will receive all official correspondence for the
chapter such as: Insurance information, awards, membership patents, etc.
Mail to Person ID# _____________ Name _____________________________
Review each of the DeMolay Standards of Service listed below. Discuss how your chapter’s program meets
these standards or the changes necessary to do so.
a) DeMolay Adult Workers are responsible for being a role model for DeMolay members.
b) All persons must follow the Youth Protection and Risk Management rules and procedures at all
c) Members of the Advisory Council are expected to report all violations of DeMolay procedure to the
Council Chairman or Executive Officer.
d) The Advisory Council will provide proper adult supervision for all DeMolay functions.
e) The use of drugs or alcohol at DeMolay functions will not be tolerated and we will report any
violations of this policy immediately to the Chairman of the Advisory Council or Executive Officer.
f) Service as an Adult Worker for DeMolay is at the complete discretion of the Executive Officer, who
may remove any of us at any time with or without cause.
g) We understand that the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of DeMolay International govern the council
and chapter.
Discuss the Chapter's planned activities for 2003 and begin assignment of sufficient adult supervision.
Review the Chapter's membership statistics and age demographics as of August 24, 2001.
a) Is the council pleased with the chapter’s performance in membership over the past year?
b) Are over ½ of the chapter’s members age 12 to 16?
c) Consider the number of majorities (members turning 21) the chapter will lose in the next year.
***Membership Idea***
Schedule degrees to take place each quarter and require the chapter to perform the ceremony
whether there are candidates or not. This may encourage better ritual as well as provide
incentive to members to find candidates to witness the degrees. You will always know when the
next degree will take place and there will never be more the 3 months between them.
Discuss individuals to be nominated for Cross of Honor, Legion of Honor, and Chevalier that will be submitted to
Executive Officer. These nominations are due at a later date and should not delay the 2003 Advisory Council
Registration process.
Legion of Honor
206.1 Legion of Honor.
(a) Active Legion of Honor. DeMolay International may confer the DeMolay Legion of Honor upon a
Senior DeMolay, who has attained the age of twenty-five years as of the first day of the annual
meeting of the year nominated, for outstanding leadership in some field of endeavor, or for success
in fraternal life, including adult service to the Order.
(b) Honorary Legion of Honor. DeMolay International may confer the DeMolay Honorary Legion of
Honor upon a Mason who is not a Senior DeMolay, who has attained the age of thirty years as of the
first day of the annual meeting of the year nominated, and who has performed unusual and
meritorious service in behalf of the Order or who has evidenced a spirit of cooperation and
appreciation for the Order. It shall not be given only for service on an Advisory Council.
(A Form and $50 fee must be submitted with each nomination)
The Chapter will nominate the following individuals for Legion of Honor:
206.3 Chevalier.
(a) Election. DeMolay International may confer the Degree of Chevalier upon a member of the Order or
a Senior DeMolay who has performed unusual and meritorious service in behalf of the Order, who
has attained the age of seventeen years as of the first day of the annual meeting of the year
nominated and has been a member in good standing for at least two years on that date. An
Executive Officer may lower the age eligibility requirement to sixteen.
Cross of Honor
206.2 Cross of Honor.
(a) Election. DeMolay International may confer the DeMolay Cross of Honor upon a present or past
member of an Advisory Council or upon any personal representative of any Executive Officer who
has served at least three years in either or both capacities and whose service has been
conspicuously meritorious.
A Form and $40 fee must be submitted with each nomination)
The Chapter will nominate the following individuals for Cross of Honor:
Yes 6. Did the Council review the chapter’s membership statistics and discuss the areas that need
Yes 7. Did the council discuss the chapter’s program and any needed changes?
Please mail this completed Agenda/Minutes form, Advisory Council Registration Forms, Authorization Forms,
Adult Worker Profiles, all fees, and any Honor Nominations submitted at this time to your Executive Officer.
Oklahoma DeMolay
To find out more about being a
Adult Volunteer Petition
DeMolay advisor, contact the
Oklaho ma DeMolay Associa tion
s te
Home Phone:
Business Phone:
Date of Birth:
Chapter Advisor
Oklahoma DeMolay Association
Awards PO Box 700451, Tulsa, OK 74170
(877) 627-5002 Fax: (877) 627-5002
Email: [email protected]
I have the following talents and/or abilities that I am willing to share with the chapter:
I have the following experience working with youth or past DeMolay Involvement (not a prerequisite):
The Chapter Dad should be young at heart, if not in years. He should possess the knack of being a friend and counselor
to the members in the Chapter.
2. CHAPTER MEETINGS — The Chapter Dad is responsible for seeing that Chapter
meetings are well planned, attended, and executed. He should attend all
Chapter meetings and Advisory Council meetings. He should see that Councilors
Meetings are held 30 minutes prior to each Chapter meeting and the chapter
officers should be present.
3. PROGRAM PLAN — Using the Program Planning Guide, the Chapter Dad works
with the Councilors to establish a well-balanced Program Plan with the Chapter
members. He should keep the Chairman aware of the needs of the program so
that the Chairman can see that the program is adequately supported by the
Advisory Council. The Chapter Dad should see that the Installations of the
Chapter are well planned and executed.
4. COMMUNICATION — The Chapter Dad should communicate often with the
parents of the members so that they are aware of what is expected of their son.
Having a good relationship with parents is essential. He should keep a file of
communications received from DeMolay International and the jurisdiction and
bring their contents to the attention of the chapter members and the Advisory
Council. He should see that the Chapter publishes a regular newsletter (if
another Advisor is not assigned that role) and communicate with the
membership often.
5. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT — The Chapter Dad should develop the leadership
skills of the Councilors of the Chapter and constantly work with the younger
members to develop future leadership for the Chapter. Find opportunities for
them to exercise their leadership and public speaking skills at meetings and
activities of Masonic, civic, and other youth organizations.
There are a multitude of other duties that the Chapter Dad finds among his responsibilities. Familiarizing
yourself with the DeMolay program and effectively gathering the support of all adults involved with the Chapter
will aid you tremendously. Don't try to do all the work yourself, but seek the help and cooperation of other
Advisory Council members and other adults interested in DeMolay.
As the key adult leader of the DeMolay program in your community, it is vital that you be knowledgeable
about all aspects of the program. Make sure you have a copy of all resources available like the Leaders
Resource Guide, and all the other resources mentioned in this and other handbooks. Read the “Hi, Dad!”
book so that you are aware of the history of the organization.
It would be very helpful if you were to complete the Leadership Correspondence Course which will require
you to use all of the essential resources.
Keep in contact with the jurisdiction office and read all correspondence sent to you from the jurisdiction and
DeMolay International so that you keep abreast of changes and new programs. Pass this information along
to all Advisors and Chapter leaders since they may not have received the same information.
It is also helpful to always be aware of events and programs that are offered in your community. The
Chapter should be involved in community events and projects as much as possible so a good knowledge of
community affairs is important. Community calendars are normally available from Chambers of Commerce
and Visitors Centers.
The following is a list of resources that the Chapter Dad should have and refer to on a regular basis:
The following is a list of resources that the Chapter Advisor should review and be knowledgeable of.
The following is a list of videos available from the DeMolay and More Store that the Chapter Advisor may find
helpful in managing the Chapter program.
2. PLAN AHEAD — Make it a habit, when working with the Councilors, to look two
and three months ahead in your planning process. It is really never “too early” to
start planning, most of the time it’s “too late.”
3. THINK SUCCESS - One of the most difficult decisions for Chapter Dads to make is
when to step in and do things for the members and when to let them do things on
their own. Review the activities on the Program Plan and decide which activities
must be planned and executed well. These activities would include the Installation,
fund raisers that are important to overall plan, activities that involve families,
prospective members and Masonic groups. These are the events that you should
make certain are successful. The activities that are not on this list (that should be),
which might include events like movies nights, or pizza parties, are the events that
you might decide to use as “experiments” for the chapter leaders.
The Chapter Dad should communicate often with the members and their parents on a regular basis. He should keep the
Advisory Council informed, at all times, of what is happening in the Chapter, and he should network with other advisors
to share ideas and promote assistance among the Chapters.
CHAPTER NEWSLETTER — If the Chapter does not have an Advisor assigned this role, it is the duty of the Chapter Dad to
see that the Chapter publishes a regular newsletter so that members and families are aware of what is happening in the
DeMolay program.
PARENT MEETINGS — The Chapter Dad should consider having periodic meetings with the parents to make them aware
of upcoming program and address any questions or concerns they may have.
CORRESPONDENCE — The Chapter Dad will receive a considerable amount of correspondence from the jurisdiction and
DeMolay International. Sometimes, this correspondence is only sent to the Chapter Dad so it is his duty to bring their
contents to the attention of the chapter members and the Advisory Council.
NETWORKING — The Chapter Dad should make it a point to meet the Chapter Advisors in his division or the surrounding
area. Attend the Installations of those Chapters. Meet and speak with the other Advisors often to share ideas and
develop ways to assist and work with each other.
It is the responsibility of the entire Advisory Council, but particularly the Chapter Dad, to educate and counsel the
Chapter councilors in effective leadership skills. The following are suggestions to meet this goal.
1. Assign projects to the Councilors that require delegation, time and resource management.
2. Make sure that the leaders understand the purpose and goal of the project.
3. Identify the tools required to complete the job successfully, (i.e. budget, timeline, resources, etc.)
4. Monitor the progress by asking questions. Be sure to ask questions that require more than a yes or
no answer - this will help ensure that both parties are still on track with the overall purpose of the
5. Give guidance where needed - DO NOT use negative criticism. The goal is to develop leaders not
destroy self-esteem. If it appears that something could have been done differently to be more
efficient or effective, return to step 4 and ask questions that will require them to explore different
alternatives and allow them to broaden their thoughts.
6. When the project is complete ask them to prepare a report which should include such items as :
Was the goal met?
Was the timeline met?
What would you do differently in future projects?
What would you do the same?
Do you feel good about the project? Why or why not?
7. See that they have opportunities to exercise and display their skills in the community. Schedule them
to speak at Masonic and service club meetings. Have them assist in community projects and
encourage their participation in school leadership.
The Chapter Dad should constantly be looking at the membership of the Chapter for future leaders. Choose young men
who demonstrate leadership potential and eagerness and who will benefit the Chapter program. See that they are
chosen as project leaders and committee chairmen. Spend time with them on projects and develop their confidence.
Discuss the possibility of their becoming a Councilor with their parents. If they are interested in running for a Councilor
position, help them complete the Letter of Intent and see that it is submitted to the Advisory Council on time. Talk with
them before the elections and prepare them for the possibilities of losing and winning. If they lose an election, spend
time with them after the election. Be a good listener, and let them know that you have confidence in their leadership.
When the time is right, help them prepare for the next election.
Chapter Administration
Oklahoma DeMolay
Chapter Administration Handbook
Table of Contents
Forward ......................................................... ii
Duties of the Scribe ................................................ 1
Form 10 Reporting ............................................... 2
Form 11 Reporting ................................................ 3
Record Keeping ......................................................... 4-5
Communications ......................................................... 6
Finances ....................................................... 7
Ideas for an Effective Scribe .................................... 8
Important Addresses and Contacts.............................. 8
Supplies and Resources ............................................. 9
Form 10 ......................................................……10
Form 11 .....................................................…….11
Application for Membership......................………….12
Attendance Register.........................................……13
Certificate of Insurance Request.........................… 14
Financial Report ...........................................…... 15-16
Medical Release Form......................................….. 17
Minute Form ............................….................. 18-19
New Member Letter................................................ 20
Parent Letter .................................................. 21
Supply Order Form ................................................ 22
Visitation Report Form............................................ 23-24
o lay
a De ODAY”
“T O
If the Chapter does not have a Scribe, the Advisory Council and
Chapter leadership should designate someone or a team of
people to insure the proper administration of the Chapter.
Duties of the Scribe
1. He shall record all the transactions of the Chapter. This includes minutes of all
Chapter meetings and installations.
2. He shall read and maintain all communications sent to the Chapter, such as
installation invitations, activity flyers, newsletters, etc.
3. He shall collect all fees and pay the same immediately to the Treasurer and take
his receipt. (In some Chapters, the Scribe and Treasurer positions are filled by
the same person.)
4. He shall see that all members receiving the Initiatory Degree and DeMolay
Degree are reported to DeMolay International in a proper and timely
5. He shall make report of all status changes in the membership of the Chapter
including address changes, transfers, and affiliations.
6. He shall see that all members proving their proficiency in performing the
obligations of the Order are properly reported.
7. He shall give notices of meetings as provided by the Rules & Regulations and
the Chapter By-laws.
8. He shall perform all duties appropriate to his office, and those assigned to him
by the Rules and Regulations, the By-laws of the Chapter, DeMolay
International, the Executive Officer of the jurisdiction, or the Advisory
Council of the Chapter.
9. At the expiration of his term of office he shall deliver all books, papers, money
and other property to his successor or such other persons and at such time as
the Advisory Council may direct.
New Member Reporting
FORM 10 REPORTING Steps in Completing a Form 10
One of the most important duties of a Scribe is the
proper reporting of new Chapter initiates to DeMolay 1. Print or type all necessary information on
International. In Oklahoma, all candidates receiving the the Form 10, following the instructions on the
Initiatory Degree are to be reported on the standard reverse side of the form.
Form 10. For each new initiate listed on the Form 10, the
proper membership fee is to be attached. The 2. Attach a Chapter check for the amount of
membership fee is listed on the Form 10. the membership fee. Make the check
payable to DeMolay International.
When DeMolay International receives the Form 10,
a Form 10 will be automatically generated and forwarded 3. Make a copy of the report for your Chapter
to Oklahoma DeMolay. The Scribe does not send a Form records.
10 to Oklahoma DeMolay to report a new member or the
conferral of a Initiatory or DeMolay Degree. 4. Mail the Form 10 and appropriate fees to:
Form 11 Reporting
It is important that Oklahoma DeMolay, state and district officers, and other
Chapters are able to contact your Chapter leaders on a regular basis. Therefore,
it is important that a record of their current addresses and phone numbers be on
file for your Chapter.
It is the Scribe’s duty to see that a Form 11 is completed and sent to Oklahoma
DeMolay immediately following the installation of your Chapter officers, and
whenever changes in Chapter leadership may take place.
It is necessary to report the full name, address, and telephone number of the
Councilors, Chapter Dad, Chairman of the Advisory Council, Parents Club
President, Sweetheart, and Senior Miss. Also indicate whether these leaders
have completed the L.C.C., R.D., or attended D.L.C., if applicable.
List the meeting place and night of the Chapter, the name of the sponsoring body,
and the date of the next installation of the Chapter.
Mail or fax, the Form 11 to Oklahoma DeMolay. No fee is required with this form.
Keep a copy for Chapter records.
This information will help Oklahoma DeMolay send out important information to the
chapter officers such as: New Programs, Membership statistics, and Updates.
This form must be submitted to Oklahoma DeMolay within Ten (10)
days following the installation of Officers.
Master Councilor
Name: R.D. L.C.C #
Address: D.L.C.
Senior Councilor
Name: R.D. L.C.C #
Address: D.L.C.
Junior Councilor
Name: R.D. L.C.C #
Address: D.L.C.
Name: R.D. L.C.C #
Address: D.L.C.
Chapter Dad
Name: L.C.C #
Ritual Advisor
Name: L.C.C #
Name: L.C.C #
Chapter Information
Chapter Meeting Nights: Next Installation Date
Sponsoring Body:
Record Keeping
It is the Scribe’s responsibility to keep a complete The Scribe is responsible for maintaining an
and accurate record of the business meetings of the adequate supply of membership applications and
Chapter. They should be in typewritten form. The make them available to the members. Membership
minutes should include all essential matters brought applications are available for no charge through the
before the Chapter, such as names of officers DeMolay and More Store. The Scribe is also
presiding, reports of committees, motions carried or responsible for receiving completed applications from
lost, candidates' names presented, names of the members and reading them at the meeting of the
candidates elected or rejected, candidates receiving Chapter. The Scribe should keep the applications on
degrees, bills approved for payment and all other file in the Chapter records.
information which is of value.
A sample application is on page 12.
A sample Minute Form is provided on page 18-19.
Loose Leaf Scribe’s Minute Books and refills can be NEW MEMBER VISITATION FORMS
purchased from the DeMolay and More Store. The Scribe is responsible for maintaining an
adequate supply of Visitation Forms for the Chapter’s
ATTENDANCE REGISTER use when visiting a new applicant. These forms are
It is important to keep track of attendance at all available from Northern California DeMolay. The
regular, stated, and special meetings of the Chapter, Scribe is also responsible for seeing that the
including installations. Visitation Form is collected and provided to the
Master Councilor during the Chapter meeting.
If another officer, such as the Sentinel, has not been
assigned the duty, the Scribe should make sure that A sample visitation form is on page 23-24.
the Attendance Register is placed outside of the door
to the chapter room before each meeting.
Loose Leaf Attendance Registers and refills can be
purchased from the DeMolay and More Store.
The Scribe should have a current completed Medical
Release and Consent Form for each member of the
The Scribe should have a supply of obligation cards
Chapter. The form contains important medical
on hand at all times. These cards are issued to a
authorization, health information, and contact
member after he has passed his examination on the
information that is essential in the event of an
obligations after receiving the degrees.
accident or injury. These forms should be completed
The cards can be ordered for a nominal cost from the by prospects, girls, and other non-members under 21
DeMolay and More Store. years old.
Members should be reminded they cannot vote in It is recommended that the Chapter have two copies
elections or on new members, or participate in most of each form, one for Chapter files and one for a book
jurisdiction activities and competitions unless they that can be taken to every activity.
have a valid obligation card. Some chapters may not
require an obligation card to vote for councilors or A sample form is on page 17.
new members.
Transfers under other situations is acceptable only if
Chapter Bylaws, in accordance with the Rules and approved by all Advisory Councils involved and the
Regulations, should be kept by the Scribe with the Executive Officer. This approval must be obtained in
other valuable papers of the Chapter. An accurate writing prior to any action being taken on the
record of any changes or additions should also be application.
Dual memberships, called “affiliations” are handled
The Rules and Regulations specify that the Scribe is much like transfers. Once the Chapter votes to
responsible for keeping an accurate inventory of all affiliate a member, the affiliation must be reported
Chapter property. The Scribe should make an to the Executive Officer.
inventory at least once each year and make a report
to the Advisory Council. Likewise, an inventory Dual membership is acceptable in the same
should be made at the conclusion of a Scribe's term situations as a transfer plus following situations:
of office, and the new Scribe should check to be sure
the property has not been worn out or lost. A member is temporarily (estimated for at least six
months or for at least three months a year) closer to
CHAPTER SEAL another chapter by at least 10 miles than he is to his
home chapter. (i.e., attending college or regularly
Every Chapter Should have a seal for use on spending summers with another parent or relative.)
documents issued, and it is kept by the Scribe. The
seal should bear the name and location of the Affiliation or dual membership under other situations
Chapter and the date of institution. Seals may be is acceptable only if approved by all Advisory
ordered from the DeMolay and More Store. Councils involved and the Executive Officer. This
approval must be obtained in writing prior to any
TRANSFERS OF MEMBERSHIP action being taken on the application.
2. The member's home chapter has ceased to In the event of death, suspension, re-instatement, or
function as a chapter (i.e., hold regular expulsion of a member, the Scribe must report such
meetings). action to the Executive Officer.
The Scribe should keep all communications received by the Chapter and read them at
the Chapter meetings. Communications should then be filed accordingly. This
correspondence includes letters, invitations, newsletters, and flyers.
The Scribe should send notices to all members and Advisors reminding them of stated
and special meetings. This notice can be a letter, postcard, e-mail, or a combination of
It is recommended that a letter be sent to the parents of the new members. Sample
new member and parent letters are provided on pages 20-21.
If there is not another member already assigned, the Scribe should prepare a monthly
newsletter or bulletin to be mailed to all Chapter members and Advisors advising them
of upcoming events and important dates. One copy of the newsletter should also be
sent to Oklahoma DeMolay
Using a personal computer and a data base software program, the Scribe can make
effective use of the chapter roster for mailings and publications. They roster from
DeMolay International does not contain offices, and phone numbers, so the Scribe will
want to supplement the mailing list with this information.
Temple Rent
Ideas for an Effective Scribe
Create a Membership Packet and make it available to the members. The packet could be an
envelop containing a membership application, DeMolay brochures and pamphlets, a chapter roster,
calendar, newsletter, etc. In most Chapters when a members ask the Scribe for an application, that
is all they get. Having these packets will not only impress your members, but make it easier for them
to recruit new members.
Contact Information
Oklahoma DeMolay publishes a Roster each year containing important addresses and phone numbers,
Chapter contacts and meetings nights, and directions to all Chapter meeting places. The Scribe should
maintain a current copy of the Roster.
DeMolay International
10200 Executive Hills Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64153-1367
(816) 891-8333 voice (816) 891-9062 fax (800) DEMOLAY DeMolay & More Store
[email protected] e-mail web site
Chapter Dad
Supplies and Resources
The Scribe must maintain a adequate supply The Scribe may also want to keep a supply of
of the following resources at all times: the following resources:
___ Bound Account Book
___ Form 10’s
___ Blank Financial Reports*
___ Form 11’s*
___ Notary Seals
___ Scribe’s Minute Book
___ Certificate Folder for Blank Certificates
___ Loose Leaf Minute Forms
___ Merit Bar Record Books
___ Attendance Register
___ L.C.C. Applications
___ Loose Leaf Attendance Register Forms
___ Representative DeMolay Applications*
___ Receipt Books
___ Pink Honor Key Request Forms*
___ Membership Applications
___ P.M.C.-M.S.A. Applications*
___ New Members Visitation Forms
___ Membership Recruitment Brochures
___ Obligation Cards
___ Program Planning Guide
___ Medical Release and Consent Forms*
___ Membership Planning Guide
___ Chapter Seal
___ Risk Management Guide
___ Chapter Letterhead and Envelopes
___ Installation Planning Guide*
___ Postage Stamps*
___ Mothers’ and Parents’ Club Guide
___ Current Statutes of DeMolay International
___ Youth Protection Video and Booklets
___ Leader’s Resource Guide
___ Hi, Dad!
___ Current DeMolay and More Store Catalog
___ Life and Times of Jacques DeMolay
___ Supply Order Forms*
___ Return Address Stamp
___ DeMolay Cards and Envelopes
Supplies and resources can be ordered from Northern California DeMolay by submitting a Supply Order Form by
regular or electronic mail. A sample Supply Order Form is provided on page 22.
Most supplies can be purchased from the DeMolay and More Store (except those with an *) .
Oklahoma DeMolay
Program Planning
Elements of a Program Plan
Pages 1
The Calendar
Pages 2-5
The Budget
Pages 6-9
and Project Leaders
Pages 10-11
Program Planning
Master Check List
Pages 12-14
There are three elements of a
Program Plan: The Calendar,
The Budget, and a List of
Committees and Project
♦ The Calendar
1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
2 6 6
3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12
9 13 13
10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19
Chapter, including dates of
jurisdictional and divisional
4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11
10 8 12
11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18
17 15 19
activities. It is presented on a
printed calendar.
1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
3 7 4
4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 14 11
11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17
17 21 18
Sick Committee
Order of DeMolay
Committee & Project Leaders
auditing Committee
♦ Committee List and
Gene Timm, Chairman
Ron Howard
David Burd
Bill Lake, Chairman
Tim Shoe
Hector Chavez Project Leaders
Membership Committee Finance Committee
Tony Davis, Chairman Ron Till, Chairman
Phil Blackstone Harry Crumb
Troy Red Bill herring
Entertainment Committee
A list of all standing committees and
Terry Smith, Chairman
Phil Blackstone
Tim Shoe
project leaders of activities and
Troy Red - Winter Carnival
Project Leaders programs.
Harry Crumb - Patriots Day
Ron Till - Pancake Breakfast
GeneTimm - Chapter of the year Contest
Bill Herring - DeMolay Week
There are three types of events to include in the term
calendar: meetings, Chapter activities, and activities of
other Chapters, the Division, and Jurisdiction.
♦ Meetings
Begin planning the Calendar by
Chapter Meetings
Advisory Council Meetings
Councilor’s Meetings
Ritual Practices
Any other meeting that has a regular schedule.
♦ Chapter Activities
Always remembering that Members Support
What They Help Create, lead the Chapter in a
process of selecting activities for the term.
A successful program has a good balance of the
following activities:
Social/Fun Activities
Fund Raisers
Obligatory Observances
Civic Service and Charitable Projects
Sports Events
Masonic Service Projects
♦ Jurisdiction Activities
Attending activities of other Chapters, Districts, and the
Jurisdiction can be a lot of fun for your Chapter.
♦ Brainstorm Activities
Brainstorming can be a lot of fun and if you follow a
few simple guidelines, everyone will be able to
participate and you’ll get a lot of great ideas!
4 Social/Fun Activities
2 Fund Raising Activities
1 Masonic Service Project
1 Civic/Charitable Project
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Be very carefull when selecting dates for
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Steps to selecting the right dates:
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1. Place all of your Chapter Meeting dates,
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Councilor’s Meetings, Ritual Practices, and
Degrees on the calendar first.
2. Place all Jurisdictional dates available.
3. Place Obligatory observance as close as
possible to the suggested date.
4. Avoid all major community activities:
Once you have selected
county fair, graduation, major holidays.
all the dates, place them
on a calendar as shown 5. Consider the weather, season, availability of
above. sites, transportation, and other details of the
activity that could affect the date.
1. Schedule all Meetings
Chapter Meetings
Advisory Council Meetings
Councilor’s Meetings
Ritual Practices
♦ Operating Expenses
Begin creating your budget by listing all of the operating
expenses of the Chapter which should include:
♦ Membership Fees
Temple Rent
Interest on Accounts
A Master Councilor can not do everything himself
during a term. Appoint committees and
committee chairmen to take on programs of the
♦ Standing Committees
There are five standing committees outlined in the Statutes
of DeMolay International. Each committee should have a
Chairman and at least one other member and an Advisor.
The Master Councilor is a member of all committees:
Entertainment Committee
Finance Committee
Auditing Committee
Membership Committee
Sick Committee
♦ Other Committees
You may want to appoint other committees for the
term as well. Each committee should have at least a
Chairman and an Advisor. These committees could
Meet with the project leaders soon after the installation to make
sure that they are aware of the goals of the activity.
1. Appoint Standing
Entertainment Committee
Finance Committee
Auditing Committee
Membership Committee
Sick Committee
Fund Raising Committee
2. Appoint Other
Before you put your Program Plan in final form, go through the check
list and mark off all of the items that have been completed.
If there are items on the check list that you have not completed, add
them in if they are necessary.
You will be expected to present the Program Plan to the Advisory Council at
least one month before the Installation Date.
You should get the Chapter’s input on the Program before then so that you are
confident that the plan you are presenting is the “Chapter’s” Program Plan.
It would be helpful to show the Program Plan to a Chapter Advisor and perhaps a
few other Advisors to get their input before the Advisory Council meeting that
you present the Program Plan.
1. Calendar
Operating Expenses
Temple Rent
Chapter Activities
Interest on Accounts
David A. Smith
Master Councilor
Scott R. Meadows
Senior Councilor
Brian J. King
Junior Councilor
Meeting Nights
Councilor’s Meetings
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Councilor’s Chapter
Meeting Meeting
2:00 PM 7:30 PM
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Advisory Winter
Council Carnival and
Meeting Dance
7:00 PM 5:00 - MID
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
7:30 PM
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
York Rite Workshop
Shawnee, OK
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Meeting 1 2 3 4 5 6
2:00 PM Patriot’s Day
Dinner 6:00
7:30 PM
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Advisory Valentines
Council Dance
Meeting Midwest
7:00 PM City
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
7:30 PM
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
8:00 AM
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Meeting 1 2 3 4 5 6
2:00 PM
7:30 PM
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
7:00 PM
14 15 Chapter 16 17 18 19 20
Meeting Volunteer Clean Chapter
Church 7:30 PM Visit to Family
Day Central Anniversay
Service DeMolay City Hall Picnic
Red Cross Park Celebration
7:00 AM Degree 4:00 PM 11:00 AM
Center 4:00 PM 7:00 PM
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
7:00 PM
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Education Marshall
Councilor’s Chapter Day at Ritual
Meeting Meeting Rose State Tournament
2:00 PM 7:30 PM College
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Advisory Dance
Council 8:00 PM
7:00 PM
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
7:30 PM
25 26 27 28 29 30
7:00 PM
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2 3 Nomination 4 5 6 7 8
of Officers
Councilor’s Chapter
Meeting Meeting
2:00 PM 7:30 PM
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Advisory Water Ski
Council Party, Lake
Meeting hefner
7:00 PM
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ritual Chapter
Practice Meeting
for Conclave 7:30 PM
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5
7:00 AM
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
of Officers High School
Councilor’s Graduation
Meeting Chapter
2:00 PM Meeting
7:30 PM
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Chapter of Officers
Meeting 8:00 PM
7:30 PM Practice
4:00 PM
27 28 29 30
Frank S. Land Chapter
Order of deMolay
Term Budget
Entertainment Committee
Project Leaders
The Minutes of the previous meeting(s) were read (corrected) and adopted.
Since the last Treasurers report, the Chapter has received $____________ from all sources,
and spent $____________, leaving a balance of $___________ on _______________, 20_____.
All communications received by the Chapter were then read and included: _____________
The report of the Committee on Petitions for membership was presented. The MC gave
the reports on investigation of: ____________________________________________________
Petitions were read for the second time for: _________________________________________
A Ballot was then taken for the degree of DeMolay on the Petitions of __________________
The Petitions of __________________________________________________________________
were elected (rejected and referred to the Advisory Council for further consideration).
Petitions for the Degrees of the Order of DeMolay were presented from ________________
and were read by the MC who will refer them to a committee for proper investigation.
The MC then declared the Chapter open for unfinished business, which included:
(include names of candidates receiving degrees and Brothers passing proficiency
examinations. Degree teams optional.)_____________________________________________
The MC then declared the Chapter open for new business which included:______________
Reports and announcements for the good of the Order were made regarding ___________
No further business appearing, the receipts of session were reported and the Minutes
were read and approved as read (corrected). The MC then closed the Chapter in regular
form at _______ p.m. (a.m.)
_______________________ _______________________
Scribe Master Councilor
An Organization for Young Men
Your Life Membership Fee of: ____________________ must accompany this application.
s t Su r vey
be r Int ere
To help the Councilors plan the Chapter’s activities for the coming year, please fill out the form below. Show you inter-
ests in each area by putting a check mark in front of the items that interest you in each category. You may include any
additional comments or ideas in the space provided.
Oklahoma DeMolay
“Building Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today”
State Headquarters
P.O. Box 700451
Tulsa, OK 74170
Toll Free: 1-877-627-5002
Phone (918) 627-5002
Fax (918) 627-5002
E-mail: [email protected]
i ng th
e Progr
Oklahoma DeMolay
“Building Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today”
State Headquarters
P.O. Box 700451
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74170
Be sure to collect all Medical Release Forms for each member and candidate
attending workshop.
Registration includes Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and Sunday ban-
quet meals.
Form 10’s must be filled out for all new members and a check made payable to
DeMolay International for $25.00.
Jeans & tennis shoes are okay to wear with Workshop T-shirt for Saturday's
classes and Friday night activities after the initiation.
Shirt, tie, and coat are required for Friday’s initiation, Saturday’s talent show,
dance and on Sunday for the awards banquet.
Room assignments are made for chapter members and chapter advisors. Do
not change rooms. Roster of who is in what room must be turned in on Friday
Saturday after the dance, the chapters meet for pizza that has to be purchased
by the chapter, usually paid in cash. (you might consider adding $5.00 per per-
son for your workshop Registration to cover pizza. If necessary, also collect
$5.00 per person for sweetheart registration.)
Chapter advisors meet Sunday morning while members are moving out of hotel
rooms prior to the banquet. Plan on other advisors or parents to coordinate this
while you are in the meeting.
Inspection of each room must be made and any damage needs to be reported
to Workshop Director.
Prepare members for ritual by meeting qualifications by the required date and
practice, practice, practice.
Make sure the members who are signed up for ritual parts and /or sporting
events actually are prepared to complete and not drop out at the last minute.
Read letter in Conclave Registration packet to know what clothes, linens, etc. to
At check-in, you will be given a block of rooms and you decide where members
and advisors go. Turn this list in to the front desk by the end of the first day.
Name tags are to be worn at all times and keys and meal cards should be kept
on “OSU Orange shoe laces”.
Room inspections need to be made prior to and after moving into dorm rooms.
Report any damage to the room to the front desk before your members move
their stuff in the room.
Attention needs to be taken to the posted schedule for ritual parts and sporting
events. If your members are not going to perform, and/or coaches involved.
After the dance on Saturday, chapters meet in the dorm lobby for pizza pur-
chased by each chapter (bring cash to pay to the pizza vendor). It is easier to
collect for pizza by charging $5.00 per person and include the fee in the regis-
tration paid to chapter.
Remember to have chapter members escort the sweetheart around, when al-
lowed by sweetheart chaperones, carry luggage, and treat them like “queens”
for the weekend.
• LCC # - Please indicate the number of the last Leadership Correspon- • FMA – Check this box if the member has been 1st Line Signer on at
dence Course the member has completed. (Courses begin with #1 and least 5 petitions ( Medal is sent automatically from DeMolay Int’l)
conclude with #5)
• Blue Honor Key – Check this box if the member has been 1st Line
• PMC-MSA – Check this box if the member has obtained the PMC- Signer on at least 10 petitions ( Medal is sent automatically from De-
MSA Award Molay Int’l)
• O…..No merit bar has been obtained in this category CS Civic Service Mem Membership
• 1…..A White Merit Bar has been obtained in this category. Conv Convention Merit Merit
• 2…..A Red Merit Bar has been obtained in this category. FA Fine Arts Rel Religion
Member Name RD LCC # PMC-MSA Ath. Atd. CS Conv FA Inst. Jour. LCC MA MS Mem Merit Rel Sch. Visit. Rit. #1 Pin FMA BHK
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NAME: ______________________________
CHAPTER: ___________________________
The following outline is the DeMolay International scale for earning
points. Points are awarded each time a part is performed. DATE: _______________________________
Senior Deacon 20 Junior Inquisitor 25 This guide is intended to aid each DeMolay in preparing and
Junior Councilor 20 Orator 25 submitting requests for Merit Bars. Merit Bars are awards that
Chaplain 10 Senior Inquisitor 10 recognize DeMolays for achievement in some phase of Chapter activity.
They are awarded on the recommendation of the Awards Advisor. The
Preceptors 15 Guy of Auvergne 5 Advisory Council makes the final decision about whether an individual
Senior Steward 5 Senior Guard 5 has met the requirements for each bar. For more information, consult
the DeMolay Leader's Resource Guide, contact a member of your
Junior Steward 5 Marshal 5
Advisory Council or contact your Executive Officer.
Lord Constable 5
Presentation of Merit Bars and Awards will be made during Public
Ceremony Of Light 30 Installation's whenever possible. Be sure to submit this form by the
deadline designated by your chapter’s Awards Advisor.
Athletic For participating in a Chapter's athletic program for a year, with a minimum of six game competitions in one or more sports.
Attendance For perfect attendance at regular meetings for one year in a member's Chapter or, if away from home, for the same number of meetings at
another Chapter. Make-up meetings counted toward the Attendance Bar may not be used to fulfill the requirements for the Visitation Bar.
Civic Service For 10 hours of service on behalf of the Chapter, without financial remuneration to the individual or the Chapter, in three different civic
service projects.
Conclave For attending three state, jurisdiction or provincial conclaves as a participant or visitor.
Correspondence For successful completion of each lesson of the five-part Leadership Correspondence Course. This bar is automatically sent to the
Course individual member on completion of the course.
Fine Arts For membership in a DeMolay musical group, with a minimum of six performances, or for participating in a minimum of two Chapter
theatrical performances.
Fund-Raising For working on at least three different fund-raising projects for the Chapter, for a total of 20 hours, without direct financial remuneration to
Installing For participating in six Chapter installation ceremonies as a member of the installing team.
Journalism For serving as a Chapter newspaper staff member for one year, during which a minimum of six issues were published and forwarded to the
Service & Leadership Center.
Masonic For bringing 10 different Master Masons in good standing to a DeMolay Chapter meeting. The awardee must list each Mason and have the
Attendance list confirmed by both the Master Councilor and the Chapter Advisor. In order for the visits to count toward the award, which is limited to
one bar a year, the visiting Masons may not be an Advisor of any Chapter.
Masonic Service For participating in three different Chapter Masonic service projects, for a minimum of 10 hours without payment to either the individual or
Membership For being the first-line signer on three membership applications of individuals who subsequently are inducted into the Chapter.
Merit For contributing 20 hours of service to DeMolay in an area not covered by another bar without payment to the individual or the Chapter.
Priory For being a member in good standing of a Priory for a minimum of one year and for attending two-thirds of the Priory functions. The
Priory must have held a minimum of six activities other than regular meetings. The bar may be ordered by Priory Advisors.
Religion For not missing a regular weekly religious service for one full year.
Ritual For sustained and UNUSUALLY HIGH-QUALITY WORK in the performance of DeMolay Ritual parts with a minimum of 125 points earned
according to the DeMolay International point scale. Points usually are based on the number of lines in a part. Points are awarded each
time that part is given (see chart). Contact the Executive Officer for more information on Jurisdictional guidelines. Because memorization
may not assure impressive delivery, the applicant may be denied the bar because of poor delivery. This action would need to be approved
by the Awards and /or Ritual Advisor.
Scholastics For maintaining a "B" grade point average (or equivalent) for one full year of school.
Visitation For six visitations at regular Chapter meetings of Chapters other than one's own, or for a total traveled distance of 150 miles one way.
Annual Chapter Financial Report
Oklahoma DeMolay
Due by March 31, 2003
Signature of Advisory Council Chairman Date
List any accounts not listed on the front page.
Submit this form by the due date listed at the top of the front page to:
Oklahoma DeMolay
P.O. Box 700451
Tulsa, OK 74170
Chapter Order of DeMolay
________________________________, Oklahoma
The Stated (Special) meeting of ___________________________ Chapter, Order of DeMolay was opened at
______ p.m. on the Initiatory Degree and ______ p.m. on the DeMolay Degree on _____________________,
200__. Brother ______________________ was in the East, Brother __________________ in the West, and
Brother ________________________ in the South.
Members of the Advisory Council present were: Chairman _____________________, Chapter Advisor
____________________, and Dads _________________________________________________________.
The minutes of the previous meeting(s) were: read (or/and) corrected; and adopted.
Since the last Treasurer’s Report, the The Chapter has received $________ from all sources, and spent
$__________, leaving a balance of $_________ on ________________, 199___.
Bills against the Chapter totaling $______________ were read and included:
It was moved by Brother ______________ and seconded by Brother ______________ to pay the bills if found
correct. The motion passed (was defeated.)
All communications received by the Chapter were read and included: ___________________________________
Applications for Membership were received from:
The Master Councilor appointed a Visitation Committee to visit the applicants and prepare a report for the next
The Master Councilor gave Reports of Committees on Applications for Membership of the following whose peti-
tions were read for a second time: _____________________________________________________________
A ballot was taken on the following applicants: (indicate whether the ballot was elected, rejected, held over to
the next meeting.)
The Master Councilor called for reports from Committees:
The Master Councilor declared the Chapter open for unfinished business which included:
The Master Councilor declared the Chapter open for new business which included:
No further business appearing, the Master Councilor closed the Chapter according to the Ritual at ______ p.m.
Master Councilor
Dear Jim:
Congratulations! At the last meeting of Richmond Chapter Order of DeMolay, you were
elected to membership in DeMolay - one of the premiere youth organizations in the world!
We have scheduled your initiation ceremony for Monday, June 21, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. The
ceremony will take place at the Richmond Masonic Center, 2001 Main Street, Richmond.
Please invite your parents to join you for your initiation ceremony. The ceremony should last
until about 9:30 p.m. Refreshment will be served afterwards.
When you arrive, you and your parents will be provided with an orientation explaining more
about DeMolay and what is involved in the initiation ceremony.
Since this is an important occasion, the dress code for the evening is business attire: dress
pants, dress shirt, tie, and dress shoes. Some of our members wear dress coats or suits if
the own them.
If you need a ride to the ceremony, please call our Master Councilor, Brother Alan Smith, at
(510) 555-5555. He will be glad to help you with transportation.
DeMolay is a great organization and we are glad that you are going to be a part of it!
Brian Jones
Chapter Scribe.
At the last meeting of Richmond Chapter Order of DeMolay, your son was elected to
membership in DeMolay - one of the premiere youth organizations in the world!
We have scheduled his initiation ceremony for Monday, June 21, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. The
ceremony will take place at the Richmond Masonic Center, 2001 Main Street, Richmond.
We always encourage the parents to attend the initiation ceremony. The ceremony
should last until about 9:30 p.m. Refreshment will be served afterwards. We hope you
can attend.
When you arrive, you and your son will be provided with an orientation explaining more
about DeMolay and what is involved in the initiation ceremony.
Since this is an important occasion, the dress code for the evening is business attire:
dress pants, dress shirt, tie, and dress shoes. Some of our members wear dress coats or
suits if the own them.
If your son needs a ride to the ceremony, please call our Master Councilor, Brother Alan
Smith, at (510) 555-5555. He will be glad to help you with transportation.
DeMolay is a great organization and we are glad that your son is going to be a part of it!
Brian Jones
Chapter Scribe.
ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________
I have applied for membership in DeMolay International, and I procliam that I possess a belief in a supreme
being, and that I know of no moral reason that would keep me from becoming a member of this organization
that teaches clean living and respect for all people.
As the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the applicant, I approve of my son (or ward) becoming a member of
DeMolay International.
What activities do you take part in at school and outside school? (clubs, youth groups, sports teams, etc.)
What kind of social, athletic, civic, and charitable projects do you like to participate in? (walk-a-thons, blood drives,
park clean-ups, sports tournaments, telethons, etc.)
6. The Visitation Report Form should be given to the Initiatory Degree: _________________________
Master Councilor at the next meeting of the Chapter.
Form 9 Submitted: _______________________
2) In the event of injury or illness to the above named minor, I the undersigned Parent or Guardian,
hereby authorize any adult DeMolay Advisor in attendance to secure, and any physician in attendance to
provide, such emergency medical treatment as shall be deemed necessary by those present; including but
not limited to hospitalization, injections, anesthesia, surgery, x-ray, blood, and medications. I understand
that every reasonable effort shall be made to contact me prior to medical treatment.
3) The above named minor is subject to the following medical problems, and/or is receiving treatment
under the supervision of proper medical authorities as follows: (state on the line below, if NONE state
4) Neither DeMolay International, nor the jurisdiction of Oklahoma, Order of DeMolay, maintains any
medical insurance for its members. I understand that we will be responsible for any and all costs of
medical treatment incurred by on behalf of
My family health insurance carrier and policy numbers are as follows:
5) I, the undersigned Parent or Guardian, AND the undersigned Youth (legal minor), do hereby agree
that we will abide the Statutes, rules, regulations, and edicts of the DeMolay International, and its duly
authorized representatives. We agree that if, in the opinion of any DeMolay Advisor, either of us should
be removed or asked to leave any DeMolay activity for violation of the same, that the undersigned Parent
or Legal Guardian will immediately take the necessary action to cause the transportation of violator from
the activity site at the expense of the undersigned Parent or Legal Guardian.
6) We hereby agree to release and hold harmless DeMolay International, Order of DeMolay, the Grand
Master of DeMolay International, and its members together with the Executive Officer, staff members,
and Advisors of Oklahoma jurisdiction, Order of DeMolay, from any and all claims or cause of action
which the undersigned has or may have. This specifically includes all activities which arrive out of the
attendance at any DeMolay approved event including transportation to and from said event.
City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________
9) If youth’s address is different than Parent or Legal Guardian, please state on lines below. (If SAME,
write SAME.)
________________________________________ _______________________________________
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Signature of Youth (legal minor)
A division of…
Oklahoma DeMolay Association
P.O. Box 700451
Tulsa, OK 74170
...and you’re wondering whether it is the right thing for him to do.
Any parent who is concerned for the overall growth, development, and the general well-being of their
son; and who may not already be acquainted with what DeMolay is all about, naturally has plenty of questions.
Since its founding, well over a million young men have become members of DeMolay. Many have
gone on to become household names in their chosen profession. DeMolay provided them with skills otherwise
unattainable for young men....leadership. However, as each of these young men began his association with
DeMolay, there in the background was a concerned parent or guardian asking questions.
This booklet was prepared to give you answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about
DeMolay. A few minutes to review the information provided here will give you an overview of the history,
values, operation, sponsorship and activities of a chapter of DeMolay.
The questions answered here are generally arranged in categories. However, the answer to a question in
one category might contain information that would generally fall into a different category. In those cases, to save
reading time, the information will only be presented once.
You may have questions other than those answered here. They may be questions of general nature, or
questions specifically related to the chapter your son is considering joining. Whatever your questions, please feel
free to call Oklahoma DeMolay TOLL FREE at (877) 627-5002. We can also put you in contact with a local
We appreciate your willingness to learn more about how this character-building and leadership
development organization has supplemented the growth of thousands of boys into positive, productive men and
quality citizens in their communities.
Members may move through the ranks and obtain higher offices, much like business positions. Each position
carries more and more responsibilities. If he participates, here are just a few things that a young man will
learn in DeMolay that will provide him with excelled leadership skills. These experiences will give him a
head start on his classmates in the race for scholarships and jobs.
Public Speaking
Appearance and image maintenance
How to plan and execute events such as banquets and dances
How to run a business meeting (Parliamentary Procedure)
How to prepare agendas
How to assign, utilize, and execute committees
I may think young people need these skills, but do the members want to learn them?
Few young people are mature enough to desire this type of training without some type of fun. When
DeMolays tell their friends about it, they discuss the fun aspects. DeMolays have a great deal of fun and all
the while they are learning to act with good character and they learn leadership skills. In order for fun to be
had, members learn that they must plan it. Chapters routinely have dances, attend ball games, hold fund
raisers (such as spaghetti dinners), and play organized sports or just pick-up games. Planning these things
appears to be fun, but they are learning as well.
How much time does it take to be a DeMolay?
The young man is invited to all events and can spend as much or as little time as he desires. Most
chapters have two meetings per month to plan their activities. In addition to the meetings are whatever
events they are holding during the month. An example of one month’s worth of events follow. There is no
requirement to attend functions; however, we hope that the parents will enforce a six-month trial period.
Usually after six months the young man is familiar with DeMolay to truly see the enjoyment and benefits.
Monday 4th
7:00-9:00 p.m. Chapter Meeting
Friday 8th
8:00 p.m. all night Sleepover
Thursday 14th
7:00 p.m. Basketball practice
Monday 18th
7:00-8:30 p.m. Chapter Meeting
Bowling following the meeting
Saturday 23rd 11:00 a.m. Fundraiser Car Wash
Thursday 28th Civic Service Project
(Between school hours - Monitor cross walks for grade school)
A comment on DeMolay:
“I feel a great sense of obligation and gratitude toward DeMolay for the important part it played in
shaping my life. Its precepts have been invaluable in making decisions, in facing dilemmas and crises,
in holding on to one’s faith and ideals, and in meeting those tests which are best born when shared
with others in a bond of confidence.”
Walt Disney
Can you stop being a member if you don’t like it?
Yes, you can stop participating. A member will remain on our membership roll until they
turn 21. Being on this roll entitles all members to participate in the DeMolay program if they desire.
Merit Bars – By participating in aspects of the programs, members can earn recognition of
achievements. One recognition item is the merit bars. Merit Bars are linked together to form a type
of medal which lists the accomplishments of the member. The Bars are awarded in 16 categories
with 5 levels per category. The categories are as follows:
Athletics Attendance Civic Service Convention
Fine Arts Installation Journalism LCC
Masonic Attendance Masonic Service Membership Merit
Religion Scholastics Visitation Ritual
Leadership Correspondence Course – A series of 5 courses which analyze the history and
organization of DeMolay. The member uses various reference material to answer the questions.
Parents, advisors, and family members are all welcome to take part in the Course.
Representative DeMolay – The first step to leadership development is learning the skill of self
evaluation. The Representative DeMolay (R.D.) Award is a self evaluation test completed by the
young man. The test causes the member to analyze his own progress in areas of his life, such as
scholastics, religion, current events, etc.
Membership Awards
#1 Pin – Awarded for being the sponsor of 1 new DeMolay member.
Founder’s Membership Award – Awarded for being the sponsor of 5 new DeMolay members.
Blue Honor Key – Awarded for being the sponsor of 10 new members.
Leadership Training Camps – A week-long leadership Camp for DeMolay members. Teaches
Chapter management, life skills, career skills, all in a brotherhood and moral atmosphere.
Is DeMolay a religious organization?
No. Among the requirements for membership in DeMolay is the belief in a
Supreme Being, but not one of a particular doctrine, sect, or denomination. A young man’s
religious convictions are his own. DeMolay’s members include those that follow Christians,
Jews, Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, Moslems, and other religious groups.
DeMolay does not involve itself in religious discussions. It merely recognizes the
importance of a faith in the lives of young men. Through the virtue of Reverence for Sacred
Things seeks to remind our members to rely upon and use their own faith in life.
A DeMolay’s Ethics
A DeMolay serves God.
A DeMolay honors all womanhood.
A DeMolay loves and honors his parents.
A DeMolay is honest.
A DeMolay is loyal to ideals and friends.
A DeMolay is courteous.
A DeMolay is at all times a gentleman.
A DeMolay is a patriot in peace as well as war.
A DeMolay is clean in mind and body.
A DeMolay upholds the public schools.
A DeMolay is a good citizen.
A DeMolay preserves our high standard.
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• The presence and/or use of alcohol or and illegal or controlled drug is prohibited at DeMolay
functions. The only exception is prescriptions from a licensed medical doctor.
• The possession of any type of weapon is prohibited.
• Aggressive, disruptive, or destructive behavior has no place at a DeMolay function.
• When attending a DeMolay functions or going on a DeMolay-related outing, he should not try to be
“Mr. Independent.” At any DeMolay function, he is responsible to the advisors in attendance.
While there are specific rules governing specific situations in chapters, these provide a general
The DeMolay Emblem was created with symbolism in mind. Since this sym-
bolism would only mean something to the members, Oklahoma uses a varia-
tion of the emblem for the public. This emblem is shown here.
The emblem has remained unchanged since the 1940’s. Every part of it has
symbolic significance to a member.
The Pearls and Rubies in the Crown are to honor the founder, Frank S.
Land and the nine young men whose ties of friendship drew them together in
the formation of DeMolay.
The Crossed Swords denote justice, fortitude, and mercy. They symbolize
the unceasing warfare of DeMolay against arrogance, despotism, and intoler-
The Stars surrounding the Crescent are a symbol of hope for the future of our
members as they assume the important responsibilities of citizenship.
Revised January 2003