Ag Day Tab 2019

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A special supplement of The Standard Newspaper, Waukon, IA

March 14,
DAY 2019
Food for Life

National Ag Day is a day to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture.
Every year, producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies
and countless others across America join together to recognize the contributions of agriculture.
Page 2 March 13, 2019


March 14, 2019
Focus on maximizing photosynthesis
by Sara Berges, and combines it with water from
Project Coordinator the soil to transform it to simple
Allamakee Soil and Water sugars. Photosynthesis also
Conservation District (SWCD) creates the carbon compounds
that add structure and fertil-
In order to continue farming ity to our soils. Without it, our
long-term, we have to recog- soils wouldn’t have an organic
nize that our soils are not inert component and would only be
growth mediums that we have weathered rock.
to pump full of fertilizers/her- Over 95% of life on land lives
bicides/pesticides in order to in soil in the form of microbes
grow a crop. Our soils are full and other microorganisms. We
of living organisms that work often don’t think about all the
symbiotically with plants to living things in our soil and take
transfer water and nutrients to for granted all that they can do
the plants and even help pro- for us. Plant roots give off liquid
tect their plant hosts from pests carbon that soil microbes need
and diseases. Dr. Christine for survival. In exchange for
Jones, a well-known soil ecol- this carbon, the microbes uti-
ogist, encourages producers to lize networks of beneficial fun-
maximize photosynthesis to im- gi to bring minerals and trace
prove soils and reduce green- elements back to the plants.
house gas emissions. Unfortunately, many of today’s
Crop and livestock produc- farming practices have greatly
ers rely on photosynthesis. reduced these relationships. Plants are the most powerful tool for capturing carbon in the atmosphere and returning it to the
Photosynthesis is a process soils in which they grow through the process of photosynthesis. Cover crops outside of the growing
that removes carbon dioxide Photosynthesis season aid the premise of the longer there are living plants on the soil, the better the nutrient
(CO2) from the atmosphere Continued on page 9 concentration in the soil, improving its structure and fertility.

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March 13, 2019 Page 3


March 14, 2019
Former Waukon resident becomes voice for
corporation that assists farmers with agronomic decisions
by David M. Johnson about positive results. ing product based on the team
Maria Rose Magner is a research work that has collect-
Not that long ago the suc- former Waukon resident. The ed data, conducted field trials
cess a farmer experienced daughter of Jim Magner and and built models to meet The
would depend on knowledge Rose Magner and a 2003 grad- Climate Corporation’s mis-
gained from years of experi- uate of Waukon High School, sion to assist farmers sustain-
ence, a little luck and a “gut she has generated success in ably increase their productivity
feeling.” As in other profes- the academic ranks. After her with digital tools. It is believed
sions, farming has evolved with graduation from Waukon High that capturing data will build
the times where science has School, she went on to com- models that will unlock poten-
become a positive partner in a plete a Bachelor of Arts degree tial on each field. Magner, as
viable farming operation. With in Journalism and Mass Com- a Science Communications
an eye on profit margin, farm- munication with a minor in In- Manager, assists the organiza-
ers have also used science to ternational Studies from the tion’s experts in soil, genetics,
improve habitat and the envi- University of Iowa followed by agronomy, statistics, satellite
ronment to enhance their po- a Masters of Business Admin- imagery and weather science
sition in the ever-changing de- istration degree with a focus in by communicating their work to
mands on a balance between Marketing Management from audiences like farmers, media,
making money and maintaining the University of Missouri. students, investors and fellow
healthy, natural surroundings. Her accomplishments in the employees.
The business world is es- classroom influenced The Cli- Magner observed that, “Our
tablishing different avenues for mate Corporation to hire her as research is constantly evolving, Maria Magner, a 2003 graduate of Waukon High School, is
farmers to partner with in de- their Science Communications so each week brings new op- now a Science Communications Manager with The Climate
veloping those desired chang- portunities. For example, right Corporation, a digital agriculture company. She is pictured above
Manager. The Climate Corpo-
at the 2018 Farm Progress Show in Boone.
es demanded by society today. ration is the digital agriculture now our field researchers are
A former resident has become company behind FieldView, planning for planting season,
instrumental in that business an application that analyzes to test new models and gath-
climate where business and weather, soil and images to Thanks to all those
science are working with the
agricultural sector to bring
help farmers to improve yields.
FieldView is a digital farm-
Waukon resident
Continued on page 18
involved in American
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Page 4 March 13, 2019


March 14, 2019
Soil Health: Increase diversity with cover crops
by Sara Berges, inputs. We can improve how
Project Coordinator our soils function by trying to
Allamakee Soil and Water mimic nature more. Nature uti-
Conservation District (SWCD) lizes earthworms to till soils and
plant roots to break up compac-
Soil health is the big buzz- tion. Nature uses a variety of
word in conservation agricul- plants and associated microbes
ture at the moment, and for to capture and utilize soil nutri-
good reason. Within the last ents. Natural soils have high
decade it has become more organic matter levels and cap-
widely understood that soils ture and hold water rather than
are full of life. Only living things having substantial amounts of
can have health, so we need runoff and associated erosion.
to focus on the living things in Our soils didn’t get to where
our soils and the benefits they they are overnight, so we can’t
provide. By understanding and expect changes in farming prac-
working to improve soil health, tices to “fix” our soils overnight
we can reduce input costs, im- either. One way to improve soil
prove profitability and create health is to have the soil cov-
resilient soils. ered with living plants for as
The way we have traditional- much of the year as possible.
ly been farming is not a natural Cover crops have become very The health of soils on crop and pasture land is key to the sustainability of those soils and the
process. Nature is filled with popular because they can help process of farming them. Soil conservation efforts have focused more on mimicking the workings
diversity rather than monocul- of nature to achieve higher levels of organic matter and retaining more moisture. Planting small
tures and natural systems cy- Soil Health grain crops or other cover crops to protect the soil between harvest and planting is one means of
cle nutrients without external Continued on page 11 sustaining soil health by returning the soil to a more natural system.

We Salute The Agriculture Industry

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March 13, 2019 Page 5


March 14, 2019

Fire or ice climate change? What is in the future for farmers?

by David M. Johnson of 3,100 meters showed the that climate change is a natural who today are proposing the 30-year cooling and maybe
Gulf Stream still very warm. phenomenon and believes supposition that the sun has a 300-year ice age. Global recently ran a Great masses of ice have there is no evidence that it is begun a solar minimum and cooling gradually evolved into
Washington Post article that been replaced by moraines of anthropogenic. This side points due to the total lack of sunspot
was sounding the alarm on earth and stones, the report to solar and volcanic activity as activity the last year we are Fire
climate change. The article continued, while at many points culprits in our ever-changing heading for a possible dramatic Continued on page 14
began with: well known glaciers have climate. The argument of
“The Arctic Ocean is warming entirely disappeared.” climate change/global warming
up, icebergs are growing Was this a report on has been debated for two
scarcer and in some places observations of 2019? No, this hundred years. But it has not Proudly Serving the Want a Tour
the seals are finding the water
too hot, according to a report
article was written in 1922.
Over the last century there
always been global warming.
In the 1960s and 1970s there Agricultural Industry! things
to see the many
we offer?
in the Commerce Department
yesterday from Consulafft, at
has been an ongoing back-
and-forth between factions that
was the consensus that Mother
Earth was heading into a global Thanekrss! Give us
Bergen, Norway. believe that climate change cooling phase. At that time there Farm a call!
“Reports from fishermen, is a crisis and those that was an 86 percent scientific
seal hunters and explorers all believe that climate change is consensus that the planet
point to a radical change in cyclical. One side believes that was on a cooling path. There Serving the Gear Box
climate conditions and hitherto increases of carbon dioxide were 285 scientific papers on community Repair,
in the atmosphere are the global cooling published from since 1986. PTO Shaft Re
unheard-of-temperatures in pair
& Other
the Arctic zone. Exploration direct result of anthropogenic the 1960s to 1980 and that the Over 50,000 sq. ft. of
facilities to serve you.
expeditions report that scarcely (man-made) contributions and planet was entering another ice
any ice has been met as
far north as 81 degrees 29
misuse of carbon-based energy
What is interesting is that
with new ideas and quality products to make your job easier.

We Salute the Ag Industry!

minutes. Sounding to a depth The other side firmly believes there are some scientists
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Page 6 March 13, 2019


March 14, 2019
Toxin levels in 2018 corn
compiled by Dr. Charles Iowa Department of Agriculture primarily affects digestion in amounts in these 2018 corn Proper sampling is crucial
R. Hurburgh, professor of and Land Stewardship (IDALS) swine, while zearalenone has samples. to accurate toxin testing.
Agricultural and Biosystems demonstrates the impact of negative effects on reproduction Due to widespread Take multiple sub-samples
Engineering at Iowa State late-season wet weather. Corn in most monogastric animals. occurrence of the two toxins, throughout the grain lot, or
University, Integrated Crop quality and potential food safety Dogs, cats and gilts are most corn users should test the toxin from multiple delivered loads
Management News and Iowa issues are also determined late sensitive to zearalenone. levels of 2018 corn and direct contributing to the lot being
State University Extension and in the growing season. In the 102 samples corn in excess of recommended evaluated, to achieve a total
Outreach collected by IDALS warehouse feeding limits to less sensitive sample weight of approximately
According to data recently inspectors, vomitoxin livestock species. A directory 10 pounds. Submit the entire
The two bushels per acre completed by IDALS, levels of was detectable in all, and of some regional mycotoxin 10 pounds to the laboratory.
Iowa corn yield reduction (in the mycotoxins deoxynivalenol zearalenone was detectable in testing laboratories is located The laboratory will grind the
comparison to the previous (also known as vomitoxin) and 82 samples. All regions of the on the Iowa Grain Quality entire sample, then subsample
2018 report) shown in the zearalenone are elevated in the state were affected, according Initiative website. Producers for the analysis.
February 9 crop report by the 2018 Iowa corn crop. Vomitoxin to IDALS. Those two toxins are also have access to the Iowa
produced by the same fungus State University Veterinary Toxin levels are not likely
and often occur together. Diagnostic Lab; a veterinarian to increase in well-managed
PORTA-POTTY RENTAL & SEPTIC PUMPING Neither vomitoxin nor can submit samples there. storage but expect that this
zearalenone are regulated Ethanol processing issue will be present through
• SEPTIC PUMPING by the Food and Drug concentrates toxins by a the 2019 crop usage. Drying
• TIME OF TRANSFER INSPECTOR Administration (FDA). Because factor of three (relative to and aeration will not reduce

both are capable of causing the originating corn) in dried toxin levels. Cleaning of fines
negative animal health and distiller’s grains (DDGS). may reduce toxin levels, by
production effects, there are Therefore, swine feeders removing susceptible materials
RENTAL OF: guidelines for feeding. The two (broken or lightweight kernels
mixing corn and DDGS from the
• TABLES & CHAIRS other mycotoxins surveyed, same area have an increased and fines). The cleaned grain
• PORTA-POTTIES fumonisin and aflatoxin, were risk of exceeding guidelines, should be retested to verify that
• HAND WASHING STATIONS not present in significant even if the corn itself does not. toxin levels were reduced.

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March 13, 2019 Page 7


March 14, 2019

Analysis of Minnesota and Iowa farms finds

grazing cover crops saves money and improves soil health
A study on eight farms in the years on eight farms in Iowa acre on their cover crop ($61 “While farmers recognize instructional videos featuring
U.S. Midwest shows that cover and Minnesota. These farms for diverse, six-species seed that cover crops improve the cooperating farmers and
crops can pay for themselves rotationally grazed beef and cocktail and application, $12 soil health, many have been leading experts, and a series of
when combined with managed dairy cattle on planted cover in increased management, and hesitant to implement the webinars have been developed.
rotational grazing of cattle. crops, which are non-cash crops $10 for termination). To graze practice because they assume This project collected and
Released by the Pasture such as small grains, brassicas their cover crop, the average it’s too expensive,” said Pete analyzed economic and soil
Project, Practical Farmers of and legumes that are grown cooperator spent $17 per acre Huff, program officer of the health datasets over three
Iowa, the Land Stewardship between the regular cash crop on fencing and water, but grew Pasture Project, an initiative years that compare control
Project and the Sustainable growing seasons. The analysis $140 per acre of forage. The of the Wallace Center at plots (use of cover crops and
Farming Association of showed that grazing the cover cost of cover cropping ($83 Winrock International. “We’re winter grazing in cash crop
Minnesota, the findings show crops provided an inexpensive per acre) against the benefit excited to join our partners in rotations) and treatment (cash
how the practice can save source of forage while building from grazing ($123 per acre) announcing these findings, crop rotations without cover
money by producing valuable soil health. indicates the cost effectiveness which demonstrate that grazing crops or winter grazing) on eight
forage, reducing erosion, of the practice. cover crops as winter forage cooperating farms in Minnesota
improving soil health and Seven of the eight farms had The full findings, as well can help farmers and graziers and Iowa. Trial results indicate
increasing nutrient efficiency. more microbial biomass on their as a new “Grazing Cover offset their expenses and even that the incorporation of diverse
trial plots compared to control Crops How-To Guide”, a video generate income.” cover crops and adaptive
Funded by a United States plots, a sign of improved soil series and other supporting At the start of this project, a livestock grazing can result in
Department of Agricultural biology and a potential boost resources, are available for lack of resources on grazing incremental improvements in
(USDA) Conservation to cash crop production as a viewing and downloading cover crops was identified as soil fertility and biology and can
Innovation Grant, the study result of higher fertility levels. at a barrier to adoption. Through result in significant cost savings
is based on soil and financial The average cooperating resources-2/articles-studies/ this project, a comprehensive from forage production and
data collected over three farm spent about $83 per grazing-cover-crops/. how-to guide, a series of improved soil fertility.

Thank you to everyone in

the agriculture industry !

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Page 8 March 13, 2019


March 14, 2019
Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy
Annual Report shows progress being
Dryers engineered for made, identifies funding and additional
FLEXIBILITY, issues for work yet needed to be done
Electric Motor Shop
Iowa State University, the conservation practices across progress updates on point
Iowa Department of Agriculture the state, and are working to source and non-point source
Postville, IA • (563) 864-7351 and Land Stewardship (IDALS) build on this success going efforts to reduce nitrogen and
and the Iowa Department of forward.” phosphorus loads leaving
Natural Resources (DNR) “The Nutrient Reduction the state. The report follows
has announced that the Iowa Strategy is a very important the “logic model” framework
“Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful, Nutrient Reduction Strategy and critical effort working to that identifies measurable
and most noble employment of man.” Annual Progress Report is now enhance water quality, and indicators of desirable change
- George Washington available to the public at www. to see positive changes and that can be quantified, and results is gratifying,” said Bruce represents a progression
documents. Trautman, Acting Director of the toward the goals of achieving a
“We are committed to robust Iowa DNR. “We are continually 45 percent reduction in nitrogen
measuring and reporting committed to improving and and phosphorus loads.
around each of the steps protecting water quality, and The framework recognizes
necessary to reach our water with partnerships developed that in order to affect change
quality goals,” said Mike Naig, through the strategy, we are in water quality, there is a
Agronomy Center, 615 Old Hwy. 9, Waukon, IA Iowa Secretary of Agriculture. making great strides, but we need for increased inputs,
“This report shows progress in still have work to do to meet the
Are you looking to bring the next generation into the family farm each of the areas measured. goals.” Nutrient Reduction
or need additional income for your farming operation? We are encouraged by the The annual report provides Continued on page 13
Waukon Feed Ranch has FULL AND PART-TIME POSITIONS in agriculture. efforts of the public and
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March 13, 2019 Page 9


March 14, 2019
Continued from page 2

In the last 150 years, many half the year. Bare soils have
of the world’s agricultural soils no photosynthesis and are
have lost 30-75% of their car- therefore net carbon sources,
bon, which not only has re- giving off more carbon than
leased CO2 into the atmo- they capture. If you can see the
sphere, but has also reduced soil, you know it’s losing carbon
the productive potential of the and nitrogen. Cover crops and
soils. This not only impacts our winter small grain crops can
crop yields, but also the nutrient help fill this gap.
density in our crops. The levels 2) Microbes are important.
of nutrients in our food have de- Mycorrhizal fungi are one of
creased so much that we have the most important groups of
to eat more food to obtain the soil-building microbes. The
same amount of nutrients as extensive fungal networks al-
we would have from the same low plants to access water and
foods in 1940. nutrients from different parts of
Are the nutrients missing the soil profile and help protect
from our soils or are the plants their host plants from pests and
unable to uptake the nutrients? diseases, all in exchange for
The nutrients are mostly there, liquid carbon. These fungi also
just not in plant available forms. produce the glues (glomalin)
To make these nutrients avail- that help give soil structure and
able, a diverse array of soil mi- protect against erosion. Tillage
crobes is necessary, most of and chemicals (fungicides) de-
which are dependent on receiv- stroy these beneficial fungi.
ing carbon from plants. 3) Diversity is vital. The
Unfortunately, many of the
Photosynthesis Ryegrass is a popular cover crop being used to help maintain and replenish soil nutrients. Pictured
herbicides, pesticides, insec- above, this ryegrass cover crop stand was interseeded with corn in this particular field.
Continued on page 10
ticides and fungicides used
today have adverse effects on

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these microbes. Consumers
are starting to become more
aware of the links between food
quality and farming practices
and may be drivers in affecting
change. WAUKON, IA
Soils can function as a car-
bon source, giving CO2 off to
the atmosphere, or as carbon
sinks, removing CO2 from the
atmosphere. Plants play a key
role in converting atmospheric
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the need for inorganic fertiliz-
ers. As soil carbon levels de-
crease, the opposite happens.
Currently, many soils are a
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they lose more carbon than
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Page 10 March 13, 2019


March 14, 2019
Continued from page 9
greater the diversity of plants, (N) and phosphorus (P) reduc- prairies were grazed by many
the greater the diversity of as- es the amount of carbon that different species. Grazing can
sociated microbes, making the plants provide to the soil micro- be one way to recuperate costs p
soils healthier and more re- bial communities. Without this of planting cover crops and can t
silient. Diversity is the natural food source, there are fewer provide benefits to the soil as s
system. Monocultures require microbes in the soil. Fewer mi- well. However, it is important h
fertilizers, fungicides, pesti- crobes not only affects nutrient that less than 50% of the green p
cides and other chemical inputs transfer, but also impacts soil leaf area be grazed at any one f
to attempt to control the natural structure. time. This concept applies to I
system. Studies have shown Only 10-40% of applied N is pastures as well. If pastures a
that plant production is often taken up by plants, the remain- are grazed short, root growth is c
higher in diverse communi- der being lost. Nitrogen does inhibited and it takes longer for e
ties. This is true for field crops, not only come from applied fer- the plant to recover and sub- e
pastures, CRP plantings and tilizer or legumes. Nitrogen-fix- stantially reduces photosyn- c
gardens. The mycorrhizal net- ing microbes can provide much thetic capacity.
works of these different plants of the N for crops. It is import- In order to make our agricul- W
link together to improve plant ant to wean off nitrogen fertiliz- tural systems more resilient and (
and soil health. Cover crops er slowly to allow time for the profitable, we should find ways c
can help add diversity but con- bacteria to re-establish. to reduce our dependence on c
sider multi-species rather than At least 80% of applied chemical inputs and work with c
single-species to get the most phosphorus binds to other el- rather than against natural sys- i
benefit. ements and converts to a form tems. We need to understand b
4) Limit chemical use. It be- that is not plant available in the the importance of photosynthe- a
comes increasingly expensive absence of microbial activity. sis in improving our soils and u
to rely on synthetic fertilizer There is likely an abundance of work to increase microbial life p
inputs rather than improving phosphorus in the soil that can in the soil. Through that under-
the health of our soils and al- be accessed with mycorrhizal standing, we can change our d
lowing natural systems to work. fungi and P-scavenging plants. soils from being carbon sourc- b
Applying high rates of nitrogen 5) Integrate animals. Native es back to carbon sinks. s
Studies have shown that plant production is greater in the more a
natural system of a diversity of plant life, such as multi-species
cover crops used in fields between the fall harvest season and
the following spring planting season. The network of microbes f
associated with more diverse plant cultures works together to
improve both plant and soil health by improving the soil nutrient p
content and the resiliency of the soil. o

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Email: [email protected] R 563-568-3654

794 HWY. 9, WAUKON IA 52172
March 13, 2019 Page 11


March 14, 2019
In traditional farming practices, most crop
Soil Health soils are bare for nearly half the year,
Continued from page 4 not allowing for any photosynthesis and
resulting in those soils being a net carbon
protect our soils during the win- source, where they give off more carbon
ter/spring fallow and there are into the atmosphere than they capture and
several cost-share sources to return to the soil through that photosynthesis
help fund them. Most producers process. Cover crops and winter small
grain crops similar to those pictured in the
plant cereal rye as a cover crop
surrounding photos can help to turn those
following cash crop harvest. otherwise bare soils between the fall harvest
If possible, it is encouraged to and the following spring planting into carbon
add some diversity to the cover sink soils with greater benefit.
crop mix, especially if the cov-
er crop can get planted earli-
er, such as after small grain or
corn silage harvest.
The Allamakee SoIl and
Water Conservation District
(SWCD) currently has spe-
cial EQIP funding to provide
cost-share for diversifying a
corn-soybean rotation by add-
ing a small grain crop. It must
be managed and harvested
as a grain crop and cannot be
used as a nurse crop for hay
Small grain crops have re-
duced nutrient needs, help
break up pest cycles, improve
soil fertility and structure, and
spread out fieldwork. Another
benefit of small grains is that
their early harvest date pro-
vides ample time to seed a di-
verse cover crop, adding further
diversity to the system. There is
also specific cost-share avail-
able for this diverse cover crop

Does Your Farm Operation Have

following a small grain.
While cover crops have been
planted on increasing numbers

Large Dairy or Confinement Buildings?

of acres in the county, there is
still hesitancy to plant cover
crops on fields that have ma-
nure application. It can be dif-
ficult to get the timing right for
cover crop seeding and manure We’re Pretty Sure We Can Help You!
However, several local pro-
ducers have been able to make
this system work. It’s important
to get the cover crop seeded as
early as possible, even if ma-
nure application won’t occur for
a while. Some producers have
injected manure into a growing
cover crop with minimal dam-
age to the cover crop. Others
have surface applied manure
to the growing cover crop and
it has grown up through the
manure. One producer even
mixed cover crop seed into his
manure tanker and injected it Lansing • Waukon • Decorah • West Union
Soil Health
Continued on page 12 563-538-4207
Page 12 March 13, 2019


March 14, 2019
Soil Health The use of
cover crops and
Continued from page 11
small grain crops
with the manure. There is also between harvest
special cost-share available and planting
for producers who plant cover seasons has
crops on acres that receive ma- become a more
nure application. natural means
of improving soil
Contact Sara Berges at the
health and yield.
Allamakee SWCD/NRCS office Small grain crops
if you have questions or would have reduced
like to apply for cost-share. The nutrient needs,
Allamakee SWCD office is lo- help break up
cated at 635 Ninth Street NW pest cycles, im-
in Waukon and is open Mon- prove soil fertility
day-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and structure,
The office phone number is and spread
563-568-2246, ext. 3. out fieldwork.
Another benefit
of small grains

is that their early
harvest date
provides ample
YEARLY time to seed a
diverse cover
Local Mailed $42.00 further diversity
Office/Window Pickup $33.00 to the system
Out of area rates available to provide even
call 563-568-3431 for greater advan-
more information. tages.

Adam & Jessie

Kurth, Owner • High Efficiency Furnaces
& Air Conditioners

Our Ag Team is
• Geothermal
• Radiant Floor
• Kitchen & Bathroom

Ready to Work 101 1st Ave. NW,

Waukon, IA
With You!

We’re Proud to Serve

Our Area Farmers!

We salute all who work in the

Amy McCormick Agricultural Industry!
Agricultural Lender
NMLS ID# 1638186
[email protected]
Greg Rea
Agricultural Lender
NMLS ID# 1780717
RW Pladsen Inc.
[email protected] WAUKON, IA • 563-568-6357
March 13, 2019 Page 13


March 14, 2019
Nutrient Reduction
Continued from page 8
measured as funding, staff
and resources. Inputs affect
“But, it is also important to
recognize the scale of change
76 research projects led
by scientists at the state’s
change in outreach efforts
and human behavior. With
required to meet nutrient
reduction goals, and the need
three Regents universities.
The research evaluates the
your farm
changes in human attitudes
and behavior, changes on the
for increased levels of practice
adoption and implementation
performance of current and
emerging nutrient management
like you
land may occur, measured as
conservation practice adoption
throughout the state.”
Highlights from the report
practices and helps
provide recommendations on
to protect
and wastewater treatment
facility upgrades. Finally,
include the following: implementing the practices and
developing new practices.
your family”
these physical changes on Inputs - funding, staff and • Of the 154 municipal
the land may affect change in resources wastewater plants and Scott Houg, Agent
For insurance protection on
water quality, which ultimately • $512 million in private industrial facilities required to 111 Rossville Road
Waukon, IA 52172 your home, outbuildings,
can be measured through and public sector funding for assess their nutrient removal Bus: 563-568-3046
equipment and livestock,
both empirical water quality Nutrient Reduction Strategy capacity, 125 have been issued [email protected]
contact me today.
monitoring and through efforts identified during the new permits and 82 of those
Like a good neighbor,
modeled estimates of nutrient 2018 reporting period. have submitted feasibility
State Farm is there®.
loads in Iowa surface water. • Long-term funding is now studies on potential technology CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7
in place that will provide an improvements to reduce
“The report highlights the additional $270 million for nutrient loss.
increase in activities in the conservation practices and • The Conservation
five years since the release of wastewater treatment upgrades Infrastructure Initiative
the Iowa Nutrient Reduction over the next 12 years. engaged a broad cross-section
Strategy, which is encouraging,” • Since 2013, the Iowa of leaders within and outside
said Matt Helmers, Director of Nutrient Research Center of the agriculture industry to
the Iowa Nutrient Research at Iowa State University address barriers, innovative
Center at Iowa State University. has funded $8.7 million for
Nutrient Reduction
Continued on page 17 P098092 State Farm Fire and Casualty Company • Bloomington, IL

We are all proud

to support the
farm families in
Allamakee County! We Are Proud to Serve
Our Farming Families!
Your hard work and
dedication is appreciated.
Hacker, Nelson
& Co., P.C., CPAs Your job takes dedication, skillful
19 1st Ave. NW, Waukon, IA
563-568-4567 management and a lot of hard work.
Thank You!
Rural Broadband
Internet Where You Live.

We are dedicated to providing quality service.

Waukon Veterinary
Large & Small Animals
605 Rossville Rd., Waukon IA • 563-568-2487
• Ryan B. Hammell, DVM • Kaitlin Marg, DVM

800.864.1611 • Monica Wagner, DVM

• Dale, Carrie, Joan, Stefanie & Samantha
Page 14 March 13, 2019


March 14, 2019
Continued from page 5
We Are Proud to Support the Ag Industry!

Sommer Pumper
global warming where many possibilities? If it is global the present Congress have
of the same scientists that warming, then it has been stepped forward to address the

Septic Service
believed in global cooling are predicted that temperatures will UN IPCC report by introducing
LLC now on the bandwagon of be hot and the succeeding years a “Green New Deal” resolution.
global warming. will see not just dry weather Senator Ed Markey (D-MA)
Septic & Holding Tank Pumping • 24 Hour Service Today, we have individuals but drought. If it is global and Representative Alexandria
Certified Time of Transfer from Barack Obama to Al Gore cooling, then you will witness Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) issued
Inspector to NASA’s James Hansen shorter growing seasons and their Green New Deal to much
declaring that the science is a disruption in tactics and fanfare from both opponents
CELL: 563-568-9004 settled and that we are heading strategy by farmers trying to and supporters. The resolution
Joel Sommer, Owner
for a crisis of epic proportions. meet this phenomenon. And to consists of a preamble, which
There is the strong belief make the waters even murkier, contains two crises, a climate
that man, with his misuse of our government leaders in crisis and an economic crisis of
fossil fuels, is destroying the Washington are proposing wage stagnation and growing
UPGRADE TO climate with carbon dioxide a dramatic shift on how the inequality. After the preamble
HIGH EFFICIENCY. literally pouring into the average citizen has been the resolution has five goals, 14
IT PAYS!!! atmosphere and causing a
green-house effect. There has
coping in making their lives
comfortable and stable.
projects and 15 requirements.
According to, the
Efficiency been an avalanche of media, The United Nations goals of the Green New Deal
government, entertainment and Intergovernmental Panel on consist of achieving net-zero
LLC Available For academic support for drastic Climate Change (IPCC) has greenhouse gas emissions,
Agriculture & Commercial action to remedy the purported issued a warning where the creating jobs, providing for a
Bob Larkin • (563) 568-3915
UTILITY REBATES evidence supporting a global earth has only 12 years to make just transition, securing clean air

BULBS, BALLASTS, FIXTURES warming scenario. things right climate-wise before and water, and decarbonizing
• Low Prices • Free Delivery up to So, how is the farming it becomes too late to correct electricity, transportation and
community going to be affected the ongoing trends by business industry. This ambitious plan
by all of the weather and climate and government. Members of will demand a restoration of
the ecosystems, upgrading
We support From our legendary meats to our farm-fresh
buildings or completely
rebuilding new structures to
our area produce and dairy, Fareway is dedicated to replace energy inefficient
farmers! providing you and your family with fresh items. buildings. Restructured
buildings will have their heating,
Thanks for ventilation and cooling (HVAC)
your business! units removed to decarbonize
with electric heat pumps

REISER IMPLEMENT GROCERY 563-568-5017 • MEAT 563-568-5018

installed to replace these units.
The entire electric grid
740 9th St. NW, WAUKON • 563-568-4526 777 11TH AVE. SW, WAUKON, IOWA
will also be upgraded
and changed to meet the
necessary requirements.
33 3col
colxx x5.75”
col 5.75”
With the numerous proposed

THANK YOU FARM FAMILIES! Celebrating America’s

Celebrating America’s Farmers
Farmers projects and requirements
and the banning of carbon-
based automobiles (to be
replaced with either electric
automobiles or mass transit),
there will be a reduction of
urban pollution, urban noise
and the urban island effect.
Rural communities will be hurt
by decarbonization but there
are plans for education, training
and transition assistance.
A proposed schedule of
They’re thehumble
dawnand andbattle
clothesononour ourbacks
and goals to be implemented was
food ourtables.
included within the New Green
Deal proposal information and
they include:
Agent Photo Here Agent Photo Here


Agent Photo
Photo Here
Here Agent
Agent Photo
Photo Here

• 100% clean and renewable

Any Type of Auction - Call Auctioneers: KathyVanRuler
Kathy VanRuler
Wade Bucknell
14-1st Ave
NE Fire
Mike Monroe, Ph. 563-864-7346, Postville Box
Box 129
129129 Waukon
Continued on page 15
Waukon (563)
(563) 568-4125
& Glen Monroe, Waukon Waukon
(563) 568-4125
(563) 568-4125

Member of IA and WI Auctioneer Association Disclosure

Disclosure Here
FB03 (9-16)
FB03 (9-16)
March 13, 2019 Page 15


March 14, 2019
Continued from page 14
electricity by 2035 and a dollars. they foresee as the end of their
possible phase-out of nuclear Supporters of the Green profession as they know it. Stop In & See
energy along with carbon-
based power plants.
New Deal believe that the
increasing uptake of key soil
So, what do our elected
leaders think and what are
carbon-beneficial conservation they witnessing as to what 2019 Ram
• Zero net emissions from practices to 70 percent of U.S. measures are being introduced Trucks!
energy by 2050 cropland could result in an and or suggested at the
increase soil carbon sink of over legislative level in Des Moines “Proudly
• 100% net-zero building 27 million metric tons of carbon and in Washington? Serving
energy standards by 2030 dioxide equivalent per year by Representative Anne Northeast
2050; this represents half of the Osmundson (Iowa House Iowa for
• 100% zero emission current agricultural emissions. District 56) when asked for a 93 Years.”
passenger vehicles by 2030 International calculating in comment replied: “I have heard
with a fast phase-out of internal global emissions as published a little of the New Green Deal
combustion engines by the journal Nature Climate Initiative and what I’ve heard
Change estimates that 38.2 sounds completely unrealistic.

Sweeney Homes
• 100% fossil free billion tons of carbon dioxide is If some of the ideas that have
transportation by 2050 released into the atmosphere been floated by its proponents
by man. would be enacted, it would
• 50% cut in methane leakage It is not hard to imagine that be a disaster for Iowans and Waukon, IA
by 2025 including a dramatic the farming industry and way of our economy. It would end
decrease in the number of life will do a 180-degree about agriculture as we know it, which
cattle found on the farm and on face as all past acceptable is one of the biggest drivers of
ranches. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez farming practices will either the state’s economy.”
has publicly shown her disdain
for “factory farms” and believes
much of the problem of cattle
be tweaked or all together
abandoned. A number of
farmers are alarmed by what
Continued on page 16
Ideal for... Grain & Hay
and methane release is directly Storage, Equipment Storage,
correlated with factory farms.
Cattle Feeding & Dairy
Methane is a greenhouse gas Stop In & Visit With Us About SIZES VARY
that is 28-36 times more potent
than carbon dioxide and is
Your Spring Planting Needs! 26’ TO 132’
the second largest industrial Early pay • Liquid & Dry Fertilizer
source of climate pollution from &
discounts rams • Custom Application COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION,
the gas and oil industry. booking pble! • Dekalb & Asgrow Seeds

Sweeney Homes
With the discussion earlier on
Locally 560 Rossville Rd.
how farmers will be affected by Owned & Waukon
climate change and proposed Operated email: [email protected] 563-419-1255
legislation, there are a number New Albin, IA • 563-544-4242 • 888-544-8526
of goals and requirements
within the Green New Deal. The

Thanks Farmers! Proud to Serve the

bill plans to expand sustainable
farming and soil practices to
30% of agricultural land by

Ag Community
2030 and 70% by 2050. The
proponents of the plan have For All Your Pressure Washing Needs
stated that a thriving agricultural
sector relies upon healthy soil. Contact Capco Products We can help you with your projects!
Healthy soil supports carbon We service & repair all American
sequestration, flood protection, made pressure washers
• Farm Drainage • Septic Systems
reduced erosion, and pest and & Terraces • Trenching
plant disease control.
40+ Years of
• Dozer & Backhoe • Outdoor Plumbing
They continue by pointing
Sales & Servic
e Excavation • Trucking
out that beyond the field, the
excess use of pesticides and
(Demolition & • Rock Delivery
New Construction)
fertilizers affect soil and water
quality, leading to such effects
as deadly hypoxia and harmful
algae blooms in the Gulf of
Mexico and the Chesapeake
Bay. It also diminishes property
values and recreational uses
Capco Products
of nearby waters, costing the 800-634-4785 420 Big Foot Rd., Monona, IA
United States at least 2.2 billion
NASCAR Cars & Trucks!
Page 16 March 13, 2019
Lites & Small Trees
Tractor Radios, Sentry Safes,
Step Ladders, March 14, 2019
Bird Feeders,
Oster Animal Clippers,
Booster Cables, Continued from page 15
Tool Boxes, Drill Press,
Thank You Farmers
Bunn and West Bend
Coffee Makers,
She observed that the
climate change legislation
world today. It’s been a priority
since I was elected in the Iowa
number of different venues and
that has to be disconcerting
is a predominately federal State House, where I was for the guy or gal tending to
Chicago Cutlery Knives, issue and is not aware of any an advocate for job creating business on the farm. With
Electric Knives, Can Openers and legislation at the State Capitol. energy industries like solar struggles with the weather,

GIFT CERTIFICATES! Osmundson has witnessed
that the State is always looking
and wind, and one that I am
continuing to focus on through
the high cost of operations, a
volatile market, and a future
Winter Clothing
Cooper, Sweatshirts
Licensed in IA & MN
John Sweeney, and
Bonnie Sweeney, Broker Associates/Agents
for ways to protect its natural
resources and the environment.
my work on the Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee in
that displays more troubles
down the road, a large number
Snow Boots,
Steve Evanson, Agent She points to the major water Congress. There, I’m focused of farmers are uneasy about the
Gloves and Stocking Caps, Carhartt, Key,
Wrangler, Wigwam & Five Brothers quality bill last session that will on making sure we repair direction their occupation might
pump millions of dollars into and rebuild our infrastructure be headed. The majority of
Snow Shovels, Ice Scrapers, Ice Melt projects across the state. She
stated that she is a supporter of
in a way that reduces its
carbon footprint, makes our
farmers are good stewards and
will continue to do a positive job
The store where the quality is higher than the price. the balance between protecting communities more resilient to if given the opportunity.
our resources and not harming severe weather, and creates What is happening on
our ag community. good-paying jobs building a the national scene and in
salute Congresswoman Abby smarter transportation system. I Washington gives no comfort
the Ag Finkenauer (IA-District 1) was look forward to enacting tangible to these citizens of the land.
Industry asked to reply to the ongoing policies that will keep Iowa at The debate over fire or ice
AND & are
controversial legislative the forefront of innovation, and deals is more than a climate
proposal in Washington. Her make our communities, our change issue but will possibly
proud to
SUPPLY STORE be a part
statement to this writer is
as follows: “Climate change
environment and our economy
more resilient.”
change the course of how our
land is tilled and how our food
WAUKON, IA • 563-568-4577 is real and one of the most The Green New Deal has is grown. The next couple of
of it!
significant issues facing our tremendous support from a years should be interesting.
Sweeney Auction Service
Jeff L. Sweeney, Auctioneer - 568-2464

For All Kinds Of Sales


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March 13, 2019 Page 17


March 14, 2019
Nutrient Reduction
Continued from page 13
market-based solutions, and sediment and phosphorus towards evaluating progress We Support Our Area Farmers!
Tri-State Hay Auctions
new revenue streams to loads to Iowa streams. using an updated baseline
improve water quality. that is consistent with the Gulf
Water quality monitoring of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force
Human - outreach efforts and estimates and follows the direction of the Sweeney Investment Property
• Partners reported 511 • Iowa has an extensive water Iowa Legislature. The baseline EVERY FRIDAY 12:30 PM
outreach events focused on quality monitoring system in looks at the 1980-1996 time SELLING ALL CLASSES OF HAY & STRAW
Sale Conducted by Frank Lonning Auction Service
water quality were held in 92 place, including 32 more real- period. In future reports, the
counties. time nitrate sensors deployed baseline period will be used 8th Ave. NW, Waukon, IA
• Partners reported 45,800 by the University of Iowa’s to measure progress towards For More Info or to Consign Call 563-568-7375
participants attended an Hydroscience and Engineering water quality goals identified
outreach event. - IIHR than in 2016. by the Iowa Nutrient Reduction
• At least 88 percent of Iowa’s Strategy.
Land - conservation land drains to a location with The annual report was
practice adoption water quality sensors installed compiled by the College of
Thank you area farmers
• Statewide estimates and maintained mainly by the Agriculture and Life Sciences for all of your hard work!
indicate 760,000 acres of Iowa Department of Natural at Iowa State University
cover crops were planted in
2017, including 330,000 acres
enrolled in government cost
Resources, Hydroscience and
Engineering - IIHR, and the
U.S. Geological Survey.
with support from the Iowa
Department of Agriculture and
Land Stewardship and the
Rainbow Quarry LLC
share programs. • Surface water samples Iowa Department of Natural Call for your rock product needs! Delivery Available!
• 1.8 million acres of land were are collected regularly at 302 Resources. A draft of the report 800 Volney Rd., Monona, IA (by Rossville)
enrolled in the Conservation locations, plus 582 edge-of- was shared with the Iowa
Reserve Program (CRP), about field sites by the Iowa Soybean Water Resources Coordinating Dan Cell: 563-380-9195 • Office 563-535-7606
200,000 acres more than in Association and Agriculture’s Council in November and their
2011. Clean Water Alliance. feedback was incorporated into
• Statewide mapping of six The annual report works the recently finalized report.
types of conservation practices
was completed. An analysis
of the results shows the value
of this public and private COMMUNITY FOR MORE THAN 100 YEARS. IOWA Waukon, Iowa

Market Sales
investment in conservation
would be $6.2 billion in today’s
dollars. Additional analysis EVERY THURSDAY 9:30 A.M.
is underway to quantify the
water quality impact of these
Feeder Sales
practices in terms of reduced 563-544-4214 or 1-888-689-1898
118 Main St. NE
Gary Whittle, Mgr. 563-379-3767 • Dan Treangen 608-434-4045 • Lyle Mohwinkle 563-380-4954 • Devin Ryan 563-794-0875
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Page 18 March 13, 2019


March 14, 2019
Waukon resident
Continued from page 3

COMPLETE ELECTRICAL er data from field plots; we are

testing a variety of inputs to
SERVICES determine the optimal rate for
• Agricultural • Industrial • Residential things like seed, fungicide and
Aerial Truck, Backhoe/Trenching, New or Remodel
nitrogen, so farmers get a re-
Serving Northeast Iowa turn on their investment while

reducing environmental im-
Magner’s successful ability
ELECTRIC SERVICE to project The Climate Corpora-
Cell 563-380-2547 • 563-535-3002 tion’s objectives can be attribut-
ed to not only her academic
achievements but to her back-
ground in growing up in rural
Allamakee County and all the
attributes that are part of the
area’s landscape. From helping
Thank you to everyone in the family members on the farm,
agriculture community for being active in 4-H and Farm
Bureau, Magner has garnered
your hard work! Waukon High School 2003 graduate Maria Magner most recently an understanding of what it is
began a career as a Science Communications Manager for to be part of farming and what
The Climate Corporation, a digital agriculture company behind farming asks of those individu-
FieldView, an application that analyzes weather, soil and images als who wish to be part of it.
to help farmers improve yields. She is pictured above taking Along with being a news pro-
photos of a research field in July 2018 as part of her work duties. ducer for KWWL-TV in Water-
loo after graduating from the

University of Iowa, to being a
member of ChickTech helping
Backhoe, Trenching & to foster and recruit diversity
Excavating, Septic Systems, in the tech industry, Magner’s
Water Lines & Electric diverse portfolio has propelled
NotOnsite & Offsite
responsible for accidents.
CLERK: SweeneyAvailable
Auction Service
Time of Transfer Septic Certified her to good things at The Cli-
JODI L. SWEENEY Phone 563-568-2377 mate Corporation. She has a
Sweeney or 563-568-2480 healthy balance with a rural up-

SERVI A Family
bringing, the college degrees
Auction Service TRENCHING
for 53 years.
necessary for her desired
563-568-2464 • WAUKON, IA
Website: goals, and employment in orga-
Email: [email protected]
nizations and businesses that
Tom Kerndt • 205 9th St. NW, Waukon, IA were positive in development
for future success.
Her previous development in
marketing experience in tech-
For service in a HURRY, call us, Thank you area farm families for nology and agriculture enables

you’ll quickly see why we’re No. 1 your hard work and dedication. her to daily design a presen-
tation, edit a journal article or

Working with farmers

Ask about our We carry facilitate a panel for employees

in & out of the field

complete line of animal to share research with one an-
feed products from other. Her position as Science
We do Communications Manager
• On-the-spot tire repair or replacement BIG GAIN, custom offers her the opportunity for
• Liquid-Filling for tires
• Free inspection and evaluation program A.D.M. & KENT mixes!
clear and honest communica-
tion to help farmers build trust
• Complete line of quality
Good Year Tires
LP Servicing
the Tri-State
in the products offered by The
Climate Corporation. It also il-
lustrated to employees how
their work fits into the compa-
Kent 365 Mineral ADE Wyffels & ny’s mission and highlights the

BUY 9 get 1 FREE Dairyland

Seed Dealer
opportunities of digital agricul-
How is organized informa-
In the Month of March!
tion shared with farmers? The

WAUKON TIRE CENTER WELCH Feed, Seed & LP Gas Climate Corporation analyzes

Highway 76 N. Waukon • (563) 568-4581

2121 Four Corners Rd. NE, Waukon, IA Waukon resident
563-568-6232 or 888-935-2457 Continued on page 19
March 13, 2019 Page 19


March 14, 2019
Waukon resident
Continued from page 18 Maria Magner’s education
satellite imagery, weather data, and work have included global
While collecting data and assist in conserving resources.
experiences, such as this
soil type and historical yield to building agronomic models is The Climate Corporation will 2016 venture picking coffee
make recommendations for not unique to The Climate Cor- collaborate with academic and beans in Nicaragua.
nitrogen application, planting poration, Magner says they are industry partners, like Iowa
population and other important positioned to help farmers in a State University, to drive inno-
agronomic decisions. Data is significant way. They have ac- vation. They not only will en-
also collected from the com- cess to more than a decade of hance the yields of each farmer
pany’s FieldView Drive device, seed genetics and work with they work with but are partici-
which connects to compatible farmers on millions of acres pants in ensuring environmen-
farming equipment. Through in the United States. Before tal sustainability. They conduct-
Bluetooth technology, the de- a new feature is deployed, it ed irrigation research to identify
vice enables farmers to collect goes through rigorous internal optimal water usage and devel-
and store real-time planting and on-farm testing to ensure oped a project to monitor water
and harvesting data. the process is designed with quality and downstream nitrate
All data collected on a farm the desired innovation and ac- loss.
is owned by the farmer, and curacy. Magner stated that her com-
the farmer can decide to share Magner feels that farm man- pany is building partnerships
it with an advisor or partner. agement is critical in devel- with steward-based organiza-
The Climate Corporation re- oping accurate models and tions for habitat restoration,
searchers use a combination of effective recommendations. and their app for smaller farm-
many farm data sets when they Her company’s disease risk ers, FarmRise, is a resource
analyze the interdependence research takes into account till- in developing countries. They
that drives yields. The use of age type, crop rotation and en- are expanding pre-commercial
crop performance data from re- vironmental risk. They will know tests for Seed Advisor, a new
al-world growing conditions en- how some areas of a field will predictive seed selection and
ables the researchers to build respond to nitrogen better than placement technology. Added
science-driven models for each others, making it beneficial to
individual farm. apply at different rates which Waukon resident
Continued on page 20
We salute the Agricultural Industry during
National Agriculture Day.

Brodahl Proud Sponsor of

Veterinary Service
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Large & Small Animal Medicine • Small Animal Boarding
460 11th Ave. SW, Waukon, IA • Office (563) 568-2175

Contact us to discuss an agronomic Joel Thorson – Dorchester, Iowa

plan specifically built for your farm. 507-251-7452
[email protected]
Powered by

Evan Bottorff – Lansing, Iowa

563-568-7920 [email protected]
Page 20 March 13, 2019


March 14, 2019
Waukon resident
Continued from page 19
to this is similar research in dis-
ease and fertilizer applications.
Magner enjoys being part of
a company that is national; The
Climate Corporation is head-
quartered in San Francisco, CA
with offices in St. Louis, MO,
Chicago, IL and Seattle, WA
with several research farm fa-
40 MPH cilities. What her company has
DURABILITY MEETS SPEED to offer may also be accessed
in other parts of the world, so
40 MPH their product is international.
A side-by-side should do more than take you places. That’s why the all-new Kubota RTV-XG850 Sidekick is designed for
both hard work and long weekends. Do it all with 40 mph travel speeds, major versatility and all the comfort you need.
Experience what it feels like to cross over to MORE with a Kubota Sidekick.
Maria and her husband, Dr.
$ 0 Down, 0% Financing A.P.R.
500 Rory Deol, are able to reside in
for 48 Months
OR Kubota RTV-XG850 Sidekick is designed for
the Midwest, living in St. Lou-
A side-by-side should do more than take you places. That’s why the all-new
Instant Rebate
both hard work and long weekends. Do it all with *40 mph travel speeds, major versatility and all the comfort you need.**
Experience what it feels like to cross over to MORE with a Kubota Sidekick.

is, MO and enjoying what Mid-

$ 0 Down, 0% Financing A.P.R.
500 dle America has to offer while
for 48 Months
Instant e see ** still being able to be part of a

Tractor &
our newly
remodeled venture that appeals to and
parts &

excites her. She exemplifies a
showroom !
small town rural America native Roots in agriculture for Waukon native Maria Magner were
who grows up and ventures out planted early in her life. She is pictured above at a very young
727 E. Main, Waukon • 563-568-3509
*$0 Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 48 months on purchases of select new Kubota RTV-XG850 Sidekick equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available
to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Example: 48 monthly payments of $20.83 per $1,000 financed. **Customer instant
where she is able to contribute age on a tractor with her brother, Kerry Magner, and her father,
Jim Magner, during some fieldwork time in 1986. Magner is
rebates of $500 are available on qualifying cash or standard rate finance purchases of new Kubota RTV-XG850 equipment from participating dealers’ stock inventory. Rebate is • email:[email protected]
not available with 0% A.P.R. or other promotional financing. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 3/31/19. See us or go to for more information. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2019

to the people she has grown up

with and who have influenced now a Science Communications Manager for The Climate
Corporation, a digital agriculture company.
*$0 Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 48 months on purchases of select new Kubota RTV-XG850 Sidekick equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available

her to accomplish good things.

to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Example: 48 monthly payments of $20.83 per $1,000 financed. **Customer instant
rebates of $500 are available on qualifying cash or standard rate finance purchases of new Kubota RTV-XG850 equipment from participating dealers’ stock inventory. Rebate is
not available with 0% A.P.R. or other promotional financing. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 3/31/19. See us or go to for more information. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2019

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