SPG Coalition Innovation
SPG Coalition Innovation
SPG Coalition Innovation
Innovation is key to improving environmental, social, and economic sustainability of agriculture and food systems.
• Modern production tools and emerging digital technologies help farmers produce enough to feed a growing
global population while reducing their environmental footprint and building climate resilience.
• Public/private partnerships—especially those that include producers and food systems stakeholders—play
a critical role in developing place-based, scalable solutions.
• Innovative approaches to preventing and reducing food loss and waste are critical to addressing the climate
crisis and improving food security.
• Both the public and private sectors play a critical role in delivering innovations to the marketplace.
Multisectoral partnerships can advance the development and implementation of solutions for meaningful
and lasting benefits.
• With sound science and data to support decision making, farmers, fishers and ranchers can adopt with
confidence production methods that support climate-smart agriculture.
Innovation means applying new processes, introducing new techniques, or establishing successful ideas to
create new value.
Supplemental irrigation.
Across dry regions in West Asia and North Africa,
supplemental irrigation innovation helps farmers use only
the minimum amount of water required to stabilize
rainfed crops and increase yields when rainfall is
insufficient to promote healthy plant growth. The system
locates water sources, fine–tunes when and how much to
irrigate, and promotes best agronomic and diversification
practices for cropping systems. Supplemental irrigation is
responsible for an increase of more than 30 percent for
wheat production in Syria, growing from two to four tons
annually over 10 years. Farmers in Morocco and Turkey
can now plant their crops earlier, doubling water
productivity and yields. In Yemen, supplementary irriga-
tion has helped increase sesame productivity by up to 120
percent. In sub-Saharan Africa, Burkina Faso and Niger
launched supplementary irrigation programs, and the FAO https://www.cgiar.org/innovations/irrigation-for-smallholder-farmers/
Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA) now Photo by ICARDA.