Marben ASN.1 Tools: CDR Converter Installation Guide For UNIX Platform
Marben ASN.1 Tools: CDR Converter Installation Guide For UNIX Platform
Marben ASN.1 Tools: CDR Converter Installation Guide For UNIX Platform
ASN.1 Tools
ASN.1 Tools
CDR Converter
Installation Guide for UNIX Platform
- Confidential -
MARBEN ASN.1 Tools - ii - CDR Converter - Installation Guide for UNIX
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1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 PRESENTATION ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT ............................................................................. 1
1.3 INTENDED AUDIENCE ............................................................................................. 1
1.4 HOW TO READ THIS DOCUMENT ......................................................................... 1
1.5 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 2
1.5.1 Marben Products documentation .......................................................................... 2
1.5.2 Other documentation ............................................................................................ 2
1.6 GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................. 3
3. SAMPLES .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 SAMPLE FOR GENERATING OUTPUT IN XML FORMAT .................................. 7
3.1.1 Using the sample .................................................................................................. 7
3.2 SAMPLE WITH DEFAULT MAPPING OPTIONS ................................................... 8
3.2.1 Using the sample .................................................................................................. 8
3.3 SAMPLE WITH CUSTOMIZED MAPPING OPTIONS ............................................ 9
3.3.1 Using the sample .................................................................................................. 9
ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One), a powerful technology defined to exchange data between
heterogeneous systems, is widely used in various telecommunication applications and other emerging
technologies, where efficient data communication is required.
CDR (Call Detail Record) gathers accounting data from the various switches of the telephone network
and is used by the billing system or any other applications of the telecom carrier information system.
CDRs are often described in ASN.1 but applications dealing with the CDRs can need them in other
formats, in particular in XML and Comma Separated Value (CSV) files.
The MARBEN CDR Converter is a standalone tool that allows to easily convert ASN.1 encoded values
to a XML or CSV format, without developing any line of source code. The XML format is a structured
format, widely-used and very easy to parse. The CSV format is a common format for storage of data,
supported in many applications. Especially, it is suitable for most database loader utilities.
The MARBEN CDR Converter is compliant with ASN.1:2008 for the description of the CDR.
ASN.1 - Abstract Syntax Notation One
The Abstract Syntax Notation One is used to describe information as data types (see [X.680],
[X.681], [X.682], [X.683]).
BCD – Binary Coded Data
4-bit encoding for numbers 0-9 (see
BER - Basic Encoding Rules
ASN.1 encoding rules, as specified by [X.690].
CDR – Call Detail Record
A record generated by a telephone network equipment containing details of a call that passed
through it.
CSV – Comma Separated Value
A text file format which uses a delimiter specific character, as comma or semi-colon, to separate
values (see [RFC-4180]).
DER - Distinguished Encoding Rules
ASN.1 encoding rules, as specified by [X.690].
PDU – Protocol Data Unit
An ASN.1 message is composed of One or Several PDU. One PDU contains several values.
PER - Packed Encoding Rules
ASN.1 encoding rules, as specified by [X.691].
TBCD – Telephony Binary Coded Data
Extension of BCD, adding additional characters (see
XER – XML Encoding Rules
ASN.1 encoding rules, as specified by [X.693].
XML - Extended Markup Language
Structured data format, as specified in the XML 1.0 W3C Recommendations [W3C-XML].
Note The Java Runtime environment can be freely downloaded from
c. Define the CDRASNC_DIR environment variable with the location of the
<installation_directory>/Compiler directory.
For instance, assuming that the delivery has been installed in
/opt/marben/asn1tools/CDRConverter_VXX and that your shell is either sh or ksh, enter
the following command:
export CDRASNC_DIR=/opt/marben/asn1tools/CDRConverter_VXX/Compiler
d. Add the ASN.1 compiler path to the $PATH environment variable.
For instance, assuming that your shell is either sh or ksh, enter the following command:
e. Add the Java Runtime Environment path to the $PATH environment variable.
For instance, assuming that the Java Runtime Environment is available in /opt/jre/bin and
that your shell is either sh or ksh, enter the following command:
export PATH=/opt/jre/bin:$PATH
Step 3. Install the license file
The CDR Converter is copy protected using a key based on the host-id of the computer on which
it is to be used. In this delivery, the CDR Converter is supplied with a temporary key. In order to
obtain a permanent key, refer to the chapter [5.2].
a. Check that the license file named license.dat is well installed under
$CDRASNC_DIR/license and $CDRCONVERT_DIR/license directories.
b. Check the compiler and converter versions. To achieve this, execute the commands:
cdrconvert –version
cdrasnc -version
The directory Sample contains the following sub-directories:
cdr_xml: a sample for generating output in xml format,
cdr_defaultMapping: a sample without mapping options,
cdr_customMapping: a sample with customized mapping options,
tools: the tools (file comparison, automatic mapping option adding) used to run the samples.
1. Convert the BER file 2. Convert the BER file 3. Convert the BER file 4. Convert the BER file
sample2.ber using sample3.ber using sample3.ber using sample3.ber using
the Mapping file the Mapping file the Mapping file the Mapping file
cdrSample2_mappi cdrSample3_mappi cdrSample3_mappin cdrSample4_mappin
ng.txt and check the ngSize.txt and check gAllInACell.txt and gXmlMap.txt and
result. the result. check the result. check the result.
Step 1. Conversion of the BER encoded file src/cdrSample2.ber without mapping options
The CDR Converter uses the Information table test/cdrSample2_table.dat and the Mapping file
The CDR Converter decodes the file src/cdrSample2.ber and generates the CVS file
The generated file test/cdrSample2Size.csv is compared with the reference result file
This step is implemented by the target convNoopt in the file build.xml, and is run with:
ant convNoopt
Step 2. Conversion of the BER encoded file src/cdrSample3.ber using the mapping option size
The CDR Converter uses the Information table test/cdrSample2_table.dat and the Mapping file
test/cdrSample3_mappingSize.txt .
The CDR Converter decodes the file src/cdrSample3.ber and generates the CVS file
The generated file test/cdrSample3size.csv is compared with the reference result file
This step is implemented by the target convSize in the file build.xml, and is run with:
ant convSize
Step 3. Conversion of the BER encoded file src/cdrSample3.ber using the mapping option
The CDR Converter uses the Information table test/cdrSample2_table.dat and the Mapping file
The CDR Converter decodes the file src/cdrSample3.ber and generates the CVS file
The generated file test/cdrSample3AllInACell.csv is compared with the reference result file
This step is implemented by the target convAllInACell in the file build.xml, and is run with:
ant convAllInACell
Step 4. Conversion of the BER encoded file src/cdrSample3.ber using the mapping options ASCII,
TBCD and TBCD-1 with the XML output format.
The CDR Converter uses the Information table test/cdrSample2_table.dat and the Mapping file
The CDR Converter decodes the file src/cdrSample3.ber and generates the XML file test/
The generated file test/cdrSampleXmlMap.xml is compared with the reference result file src/
This step is implemented by the target convXmlMap in the file build.xml, and is run with:
ant convXmlMap
Figure 5: General overview of the CDR Converter delivery
The CDR Converter is copy protected using a key based on the host-id of the host computer on which
it is used.
First of all, you must check you have a license file. Have a look at the
<installation_directory>/Compiler/license and <installation_directory>/Converter/license directory.
It must contain a file with the name license.dat.
You must then verify your expiration date. You have to edit the license.dat file. On the first line, you
will see either permanent, if you have a permanent key or a date that is the expiration date. If this date
is too old, contact the MARBEN support ([email protected]).
You can also check your host-id. The license.dat permanent file contains a number that is based on the
host-id of your machine. If the license request failure persists, it perhaps means that you are not
running the converter on the machine for which you requested the permanent license key (See [5.2]).
To get more help to deal with license, contact the MARBEN support at support@marben-
ASN.1 Tools