HIV - Aids Lecture DR Nabil.1
HIV - Aids Lecture DR Nabil.1
HIV - Aids Lecture DR Nabil.1
Syndrome (AIDS)
Objectives of the lecture
• By the end of this presentation we should be
able to:
• Understand the causing agent, pathogenesis
and transmission routes of HIV/AIDS
• The history of the problem and where are we
now from its control
• HIV Epidemiological picture, globally and its
burden locally
HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Pasteur Institute - new virus in patient with symptoms preceding AIDS
named it lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV)
Women can catch it too
Blood test made available to blood banks
WHO makes global map of AIDS cases (17,000 deaths)
AZT starts
Benghazi children hospital 420 children injected with HIV virus.
Antiviral drugs appear to be working – but cost too much
Romanian AIDS orphans(3000 children infected with HIV).
• HIV gradually eliminates T Cells (helper T-
cells)Th1 & Th2 cells
• Th1&2 helping Cytotoxic T-cells and antibody
producing B-cells
• HIV has a surface protein gp120 which binds to
CD4+ receptor on Th1 & Th2
• Immune system keeps producing T-cells,
however, without treatment and after some
years, the body can’t keep up with the rate of cell
death and AIDS begins.
Healthy CD4 cell counts from 500 to 1,800 / of
Window period:
• period from acquiring the infection until the
appearance of antibodies (6 weeks to 3 Months)
• During this period, patient may test negative by ELISA
but positive by PCR
• Patient is highly infectious during this period
due to high viral load.
Immune suppression may take 8-15 years to develop
• Acute HIV syndrome:
Flu like illness, Headache, fever, myalgias, atypical
meningitis, acute encephalitis, lymphadenopathy (1-2
HIV burden in Libya
Three major health services related incidents:
• 1986 ( 24 hemophiliacs infected through
contaminated factor VIII).
• 1996 (Banning the sale of needles and
syringes in private pharmacies).
• 1998 (Benghazi children hospital infection)
Concentrated HIV epidemic
• If in general population prevalence less than 1%
(and prevalence in any of high risk groups is more
than 5%.
• Libyan Sero-prevalence 0.13% in 2004