Set B PHC Answer
Set B PHC Answer
Set B PHC Answer
2. A fungal disease which cause a sexually transmitted disease and has a characteristic
curdlike vaginal discharge:
a. Moniliasis c. Chlamydia
b. Trichomoniasis d. Gonorrhea
6. A disease caused by a bacteria thru contact of skin especially wounds with water, moist
soil or vegetation contaminated of urine of infected rats or host:
a. Rabies c. leptospirosis
b. Antrax d. red tide
7. The following are immunizable diseases; which among them causes muscle weakness
and paralysis?
a. Pertusis c. Poliomyelitis
b. Measles d. Tetanus
8. Brgy. Maligaya has a total population of 11,500. Last year it has registered live births of
235. What is its crude birth rate?
a. 14.5 c. 11.66
b. 20.43 d. 26.55
9. Brgy. Calsadahay catchment has a total population of 9, 500. How many infants will be
eligible for DPT immunization?
a. 285 c. 295
b. 350 d. 454
10. Which of the following prenatal routine activities is part of the consultation phase?
a. History taking, urine exam
b. Leopold’s maneuver, Taking FHT
c. Health teachings and explanation of Doctor’s orders
d. Vital signs taking, FHT
13. Whooping cough is a disease caused by bacteria transmitted from one person to another
by direct contact. It is also known as:
a. Bronchitis c. enterobiasis
b. Pertussis d. Tuberculosis
15. We can say that PHC is utilized for health purposes when:
a. People go to the clinic everyday for check-up
b. People go to the clinic and help the health personnel
c. People are involved in identifying their own problems and solved by themselves
d. People are made to attend fund raising activities
16. The legal basis for officially adopting PHC as an approach in providing the basic need of
the community?
a. LOI (949) c. LOI 487
b. EO 119 d. PD 945
17. The front liners in implementing the basic health services in the community?
a. Nurse c. BHW
b. Midwife d. MHO
18. Which of the following diseases is spread by indirect contact and enters the body by
a. Measles c. Typhoid fever
b. Diphtheria d. Poliomyelitis
21. Which of the following diseases do you expect to find skin rashes?
a. Hemorrhagic fever c. Schistosomiasis
b. Filariasis d. Diphtheria
22. Which of the following diseases can be obtained through contaminated food and water?
a. Dysentery c. Leprosy
b. Scurvy d. Night blindness
23. When doing a community health survey, the following information are usually taken:
a. Demographic characteristics of the population
b. Location and types of cases
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
24. The sources of the date that can be used for planning an initial home visit are:
a. Health center personnel
b. Patient’s record
c. Verbalizations of the family members
d. All of the above
37. In home visits you learned that a lot of household members are sick of cough & colds.
You informed them that they can use the following in treating these conditions.
a. Lagundi
b. Akapulko
c. Pansit-pansitan
d. Sambong
38. Another herbal plant which the families can use for swollen gums & toothache is:
a. Herba Buena
b. Tsaang gubat
c. Ampalaya leaves
d. Lagundi
39. Iodine deficiency is common in the barrio. Families must include in their diet available
food such as:
a. Dried dilis, alamang & seaweeds
b. Eggs, poultry & leafy green vegetables
c. Squash & other yellow vegetables
d. Papaya, guyabano & other fruits
43. The management of health problems at the community level is done through the activities
a. Primary health care
b. Secondary health care
c. Tertiary health care
d. All of these
46. When you involve the people in identifying their prevailing problems, motivating them to
solve their problems using local/indigenous resources you are concerned with this
a. Community assembly
b. Primary health care
c. Community health care
d. Community diagnosis
48. Paolo, a newly registered midwife, is rendering service to his community by taking the
blood pressure especially among high risk groups. He is assuming the role of:
a. Counselor
b. Motivator
c. Health care provider
d. Manager
49. Paolo encourages the community to act collectively on their problem. He is assuming the
role of:
a. Model
b. Motivator
c. Counselor
d. Facilitator
50. Joey, 6 weeks old, was given DPT two weeks ago. When will he return for the second
a. After 2 weeks
b. After 4 weeks
c. After 6 weeks
d. He does not need to return to the BHS
51. An approach utilized in the community to provide health services to become accessible,
attainable and sustainable;
a. Primary care
b. health care
c. primary health care
d. health care delivery system
52. A kind of health problems that occurs when there is a gap between actual and
achievable health status;
a. health threat c. health deficit
b. health needs d. foreseeable crisis
53. Which level of health facility is the usual point of entry of a client into the health care
delivery system?
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Intermediate
D. Tertiary
54. An indicator of success in community organizing is when people are able to:
A. Participate in community activities for the solution of a community problem
B. Implement activities for the solution of the community problem
C. Plan activities for the solution of the community problem
D. Identify the health problem as a common concern
57. Civil registries are important sources of data. Which law requires registration of births
within 30 days from the occurrence of the birth?
A. PD 651
B. Act 3573
C. RA 3753
D. RA 3375
58. Which is not a good methodology use in a community assessment and data gathering?
a. gathering of rumors and hearsay to get the “pulse” of the community
b. use of questionnaires
c. research and interview
d. participant observation
59. The pathognomonic sign of measles is Koplik’s spot. You may see Koplik’s spot by
inspecting the:
a. Nasal Mucosa
b. Buccal mucosa
c. Skin on the abdomen
d. Skin on the antecubital surface
62. Which of the following system of the human body is affected when one is sick with AIDS?
a. immune b. digestive
c. respiratory d. circulatory
64. Freedom of choice in one of the policies of the Family Planning Program of the
Philippines. Which of the following illustrates this principle?
A. Information dissemination about the need for family planning
B. Support of research and development in family planning methods
C. Adequate information for couples regarding the different methods
D. Encouragement of couples to take family planning as a joint responsibility
67. Which of the following signs will indicate that a young child is suffering from severe
A. Dyspnea
B. Wheezing
C. Fast breathing
D. Chest indrawing
68. Using IMCI guidelines, you classify a child as having severe pneumonia. What is the best
management for the child?
A. Prescribe antibiotic
B. Refer him urgently to the hospital
C. Instruct the mother to increase fluid intake
D. Instruct the mother to continue breastfeeding
69. To prevent xerophthalmia, young children are given Retinol capsule every 6 months.
What is the dose given to preschoolers?
A. 10, 000 IU
B. 20, 000 IU
C. 100, 000 IU
D. 200, 000 IU
70. Food fortification is one of the strategies to prevent micronutrient deficiency conditions.
RA 8976 mandates fortification of certain food items. Which of the following is among
these food items?
A. Sugar
B. Bread
C. Margarine
D. Filled milk
71. Which of the following signs indicates the need for sputum examination for AFB?
A. Hematemesis
B. Fever for 1 week
C. Cough for 3 weeks
D. Chest pain for 1 week
72. What is the most effective way of controlling schistosomiasis in an endemic area?
A. Use of molluscicides
B. Building of foot bridges
C. Proper use of sanitary toilets
D. Use of protective footwear, such as rubber boots
74. For immunization of pregnant women, which tetanus toxoid is given as early as possible
during pregnancy?
a. TT3
b. TT4
c. TT1
d. TT2
75. When residents obtain water from an artesian well in the neighborhood, the level of this
approved type of water facility is:
A. I
76. The best record used for comprehensive assessment of pregnant women for prenatal
a. target client list
b. municipal form 102
c. FHSIS form E2
77. Based on the characteristics of mucus, a woman in her reproductive years is fertile when:
a. mucus is thick and dry
b. mucus is clear and watery
c. there is no mucus on dry days
d. mucus is clear, slippery, wet and stretchy
78. Which of the following is NOT considered a natural family planning method
a. basal body temperature
b. cervical mucus
c. symptho- thermal
d. hormonal
79. Bonding between a mother and her newborn child is best achieved through:
a. adequate prenatal care
b. breastfeeding
c. sense of hearing
d. nutrition
80. To determine the population covered for immunization, the nurse/ midwife should:
a. coordinate with barangay chairman
b. do house to house campaign
c. calculate eligible population
d. maintain cold chain
84. Which of the following may transfer the etiologic agent of tuberculosis to man:
a. cat b. cow
c. carabao d. goat
85. In consideration of the steps in applying the bag technique, which side of the paper lining
of the CHN bag is considered clean to make a non-contaminated work area?
a. The lower lip
b. The outer surface
c. The upper lip
d. The inside surface
87. Which of the following is not a member of the health team assigned in a municipality?
a. Municipal Health Officer
b. Public Health Dentist
c. Brgy. Captain
d. Public Health Nurse
88. The primary level in referral system comprise of the following EXCEPT;
a. Provincial Hospital
b. Training Hospital
c. The Brgy.
d. Rural Health Unit
90. Diseases that could have been prevented with a healthy lifestyle.
a. Heart Diseases, filariasis
b. Diabetes mellitus, heart disease
c. Diabetes mellitus, schistosomiasis
d. Cancer, leprosy
92. The Field Health Services and information System (FHSIS) is the recording and
reporting system in public health) care in the Philippines. The monthly field health
service activity report is a form used in which of the components of the FHSIS?
A. Tally report
B. Output report
C. Target/client list
D. Individual health record
93. Inadequate intake by the pregnant woman of which vitamin may cause neural tube
A. Niacin
B. Riboflavin
C. Folic Acid
D. Thiamine
96. Which can be given to a patient with hyperemesis gravidarum to relieve the signs &
a. Have the patient eat crackers before rising from the bed in the morning
b. Offer water with meals
c. Let the patient choose what she feels like eating
d. Let the patient stay on bed until the feelings of nausea subsides.
98. Tuberculosis is a re- emerging communicable disease. Which is not true about PTB?
a. DOTS is done during maintenance phase
b. Symptomatic are subjected to sputum examination
c. Resistance to the drugs is a problem
d. Smear (-) maybe positive on X-ray