Teaching Loads and Assignments of Public School Teachers: Deped Memorandum No. 291

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Schools Division Superintendents

Heads of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

1. The DepEd NCR Regional Office had conducted the inventory of PSI-POP Number of Teachers in the sixteen (16) divisions of the Region last school year.
The common observations were: some teachers were not given full teaching loads and daily time allotments per subject were not strictly followed.

2. In this connection, the Schools Divisions are advised to adopt the following guidelines for teaching loads in all public elementary and secondary schools:

a. DepEd Memorandum No. 291, s. 2008 provides that:

1) Public school teachers shall render at most six (6) hours of actual teaching a day, except when undertaking academic activities that require
presence outside the school premises;

2) School heads shall assign teaching loads to public school teachers to fully utilize the six (6) hour actual classroom teaching, i.e., six teaching loads at
one hour per teaching load, with due regard for possible teaching intervals;

All advisorship and/or special assignments for the entire school year combined shall be considered as one teaching load;

b. Special assignments are hereby enumerated together with the corresponding teaching load that may be given to the teachers:

c. A teacher with six (6) hours of actual classroom teaching and/or equivalent teaching related activities and duties shall render the remaining two (2) hours
of work within or outside the school premises to comply with the eight-hour workday by engaging in the following teaching- related activities and duties;

 preparation of lesson plans, action/work plans, instructional materials, evaluation/assessment tools/rubrics;

 preparation and checking of exercises; recording of academic performance results and classroom accomplishments;
 conduct of research;
 attendance to seminars, workshops and similar programs;
 counseling, mentoring, coaching of students including home visits;
 consultations and conferences with parents;
 performance of coordination activities and duly recognized community social services;
 participation in the maintenance and improvement of school facilities and equipment; and
 other activities identified in the specific guidelines under paragraph 4 below.

d. Schools with 2 shift classes should give additional homework to students to make up for reduction of time allotment.

e. As per DepEd Order No. 9, s„ 2005, national, regional or division athletic meets or academic and non-academic competitions, including practices for said
meets and competitions shall be allowed on condition that these are held after class hours and days. The specific day and time should be reflected in School
Form 7 (SF7).
f. The Master Teachers should observe the statement of duties and responsibilities indicated in CSC Form No. 1 (Position Description Form}. They should
NOT be designated as Assistant to the Principal regardless of school population. Furthermore, they should be classroom teachers with additional load as
remedial/intervention/enhancement teacher, mentor or continuous improvement coordinator.

g. Classes in Grades I, 2 and 3 MUST be self-contained (one teacher assigned in each section). Only Grades 4-6 will be allowed to utilize
departmentalized/team teaching. Observance of this policy shall be strictly followed.

3. In the exigency of the service, the principal may deviate from assigning teachers in ancillary services and instead assign teachers to actual teaching duties
as the need arises.

4. The Schools Division Superintendents are enjoined to monitor the implementation and compliance of the DepEd issuances on teaching loads and related
matters to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of educational services.

5. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum, is desired.

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