PHYSICS Revision P1

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P1- The Earth in the Universe

The Earth

When it was first formed, Earth was completely molten (hot liquid). Scientists estimate Earth is 4500
million years old as it has to be older than its oldest rocks. The oldest rocks found on Earth are
about 4000 million years old.

Studying rocks tells us more about the Earth’s structure and how it has changed as a result of the
following processes:

Erosion- the Earth’s surface is made of rock layers, one on top of the other. The oldest is at the
bottom. The layers are compacted sediment, produced by weathering and erosion. Erosion changes
the surface over time.

Craters- the Moon’s surface is covered with impact craters from meteors. Meteors also hit Earth but
craters have been erased by erosion.

Mountain formation- if new mountains weren’t formed the Earth’s surface would have been eroded
down to sea level.

Folding- some rocks looks as if they have been folding in half. This required huge force over a long

Further evidence of the Earth’s age can be found by studying: fossils of plants and animals in
sedimentary rock layers which show how life’s changed and the radioactivity of rocks. A rock’s
radioactivity decreases over time and radioactive dating measures radiation levels to find out a
rock’s age.

The Structure of the Earth

THIN ROCKY CRUST: thickness varies between 10km and 100km, oceanic crust lies beneath the
oceans and continental crust forms continents.

THE MANTLE: Extends almost halfway to the centre, has a higher density and different composition
than rock in the crust and is very hot but under pressure.

THE CORE: Over half of the Earth’s radius, made of nickel and iron and has a liquid outer part and
solid inner part and the decay of radioactive elements inside the Earth releases energy, keeping the
interior hot.
Continental drift

Continental drift theory was produced by Wegener. He saw that the continents had jigsaw fit, with
mountain ranges and rock patterns matching up.

There were also fossils of the same animals on different continents. He said that different
continents had separated and drifted apart. Wegener also claimed that when two continents
collided they forced each other upwards to make mountains.

Geologists didn’t except Wegener’s theory because…

He wasn’t a geologist so was seen as an outsider. The supporting evidence was limited. It could be
explained more simply e.g. a bridge connecting continents had eroded over time. The movement of
the continents wasn’t detectable.

Evidence from seafloor spreading finally convinced the scientific community that Wegener was
correct. Through this peer review process it became an accepted theory.

Tectonic Plates

The Earth’s crust is cracked into several large pieces called tectonic plates. The plates float on the
Earth’s mantle as they’re less dense and can move apart, move towards, or slide past each other.

The lines where plates meet are called plate boundaries. Volcanoes, earthquakes and mountain
formation normally occur at these plate boundaries.

Earthquakes near coastlines or at sea can often result in a tsunami (a tidal wave).


A geohazard is a natural hazard, e.g. floods and hurricanes. Some have warning signs which give
authorities time to evacuate the area, use sandbags, etc.

However, others strike without warning so precautionary measure need to be taken.

For example: Buildings in earthquake zones are designed to withstand tremors. Authorities will
often refuse planning permission in areas prone to flooding.
Seafloor spreading

The mantle is fairly solid just below the Earth’s crust. Further down it is liquid.

Convection currents in the mantle cause magma to rise. The currents move the solid part of the
mantle and the tectonic plates.

Where the plates are moving apart, magma reaches the surface and hardens, forming new areas
of oceanic crust (seafloor) and pushing the existing floor outwards.

Plate Tectonics

New crust is continuously forming at the crest of an oceanic ridge and old rock is pushed out.
This causes seafloors to spread by approximately 10cm a year.

Earth has a magnetic field. It changes polarity every million years. Combined with the
seafloor spreading, this produces rock stripes of alternating polarity. Geologists can see how
quickly crust is forming by the width of the stripes. This occurs at constructive plate
boundaries where plates are moving apart.

When oceanic and continental plates collide, the denser oceanic plate is forced under the
continental plate. This is subduction. The oceanic plate melts and molten rock can rise to
form volcanoes. This occurs at destructive plate boundaries.

Mountain ranges form along colliding plate boundaries as sedimentary rock is forced up by the
pressure created in a collision.

Earthquakes occur most frequently at plate boundaries. The plates slide past each other or
collide. Pressure builds up as plates push on each other. Eventually, stored energy is released
and waves of energy spread from the epicentre.

Plate movement is crucial in the rock cycle. Old rock is destroyed through subduction.
Igneous rock is formed when magma reaches the surface. Plate collisions can produce high
temperatures and pressure, causing the rock to fold. Sedimentary rock becomes metamorphic
The Solar System

The Solar System was formed about 5000 million years ago.

The Solar System started as dust and gas clouds, pulled together by gravity. This created intense
heat. Nuclear fusion began and the Sun (a star) was born. The remaining dust and gas formed
smaller masses which were attracted to the Sun.

Smaller masses in our Solar System are:

Planets: nine large masses that orbit the Sun.

Moons: small masses that orbit planets.

Asteroids: small, rocky masses that orbit the Sun.

Comets: small, icy masses that orbit the Sun.

Planets, moons and asteroids all move in elliptical orbits. Comets move in highly elliptical orbits.
Earth takes one year to make a complete orbit.

The Sun

The Sun is only 500 million years older than Earth.

The Sun’s energy comes from nuclear fusion. Hydrogen atoms fuse together to produce an atom
with a larger mass, a new chemical element. Trapped energy in hydrogen atoms is released.

All the chemical elements larger than helium were formed by nuclear fusion in earlier stars.

It is the nuclei of hydrogen atoms that fuse together during nuclear fusion.
The Universe

The Universe is much older than the Sun, approximately 14000 million years old.

The Speed of Light

Light travels at very high but finite (limited) speeds. If the distance is great enough, light speed can
be measured.

The speed of light is 300 000km/s (around 1 million times faster than sound). Light from Earth
takes just over 1 second to reach the Moon (approximately 384 400km).

Sunlight takes 8 minutes to reach Earth. When we look at the Sun we see it as it was 8 minutes

Vast space distances are measured in light years. One light year is the distance light travels in one
year (approximately 9500 billion km).

The nearest galaxy to the Milky Way is 2.2 million light years away.

Measuring Distances in Space

Distances are measured in two ways. Relative brightness-the dimmer a star, the further away it is.
However, brightness can vary so a star’s distance is never certain. Parallax-if you hold a finger at
arm’s length and close each eye in turn, your finger appears to move. The closer your finger, the
more it seems to move. Parallax uses this idea to work out distance. Stars in the near distance
appear to move against the background of distant stars. The closer they are, the more they appear
to move. The further the star, the less accurate the measurement is.

Distant stars

Radiation from stars tells us what we know about them. Types of radiation that stars produce
include visible light, ultraviolet and infrared. Light pollution is when electric lights on Earth make it
difficult to see the stars. The Hubble Space Telescope orbits at a height of 600km, so it’s not affected
by this.

The Life Cycle of a Star

All stars consist of hydrogen and have a finite life. When a star’s hydrogen supply eventually runs
out, it swells and becomes colder. It then forms a red giant or a red super giant, depending on it’s
Other Galaxies

If a source of light is moving away from us, the wavelengths of light are longer than if the source is

Wavelengths of light from nearby galaxies are longer than scientists expect. This means the galaxies
are moving away from us.

Observations made by Edwin Hubble showed that almost all galaxies are moving away from us
and the further away they are, the faster they are moving away. He developed this into Hubble’s
Law which states:

The speed at which a galaxy is moving away is proportional to its distance.

If all the galaxies are moving away from us, this must mean that space is expanding.

The Beginning and The End

The Big Bang Theory says that the Universe began with a huge explosion 14000 million years ago.

The future of the Universe depends on the amount of mass. Measuring the amount of mass is
difficult so its fate is hard to predict. If there isn’t enough mass the Universe will keep expanding.

If there’s too much mass, gravity will pull everything back together and the Universe will collapse.


In 1996, a Mars meteorite appeared to contain an ancient alien fossil. Different explanations were
offered but the debate still rages on.

If there are other life forms in the Universe they are likely to be on other planets or moons.
Astronomers have detected some stars with orbiting planets. There’s no confirmed evidence of
alien life. Many scientists think that with the vast numbers of stars and galaxies, it’s unlikely that
only Earth has life.

What killed the Dinosaurs?

Evidence shows that dinosaurs became extinct around 65 million years ago. One explanation is that
an asteroid hit Earth.

The facts:

Fossils show that dinosaurs gradually died out. The chances of a large asteroid hitting Earth are very
small. If an asteroid did hit Earth, everything in the impact zone would be destroyed. Large
asteroids have hit Earth in the past. The Chicxulub crater in Mexico provides evidence of this.
Scientists estimate the energy of this asteroid on impact was 10000 times greater than all the
world’s nuclear weapons combined. A layer of iridium ( a metallic element common in asteroids) is
found all over Earth.
The explanations:

The layer of iridium could be the result of an asteroid collision. A big asteroid would have caused
firestorms, shockwaves and possibly climate change. Dinosaurs couldn’t have survived. The collision
could have released sulphur and caused strong acid rain for weeks. Dust could have blocked the Sun
and caused plants to die, affecting the whole food chain.

Scientific explanation

A good scientific explanation will provide some reasons for all of the data. Many explain some facts,
but not all of them.

Facts and explanations could be used to evaluate whether an asteroid could destroy the human

Unlike the dinosaurs, human have the technology to detect asteroids, but that doesn’t mean we
would be able to stop it, or survive an impact.

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