Partnership Final Accounts: Tar Et
Partnership Final Accounts: Tar Et
Partnership Final Accounts: Tar Et
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2012
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 17,100
Doubtful Debts A/c
Old Bad Debts 700
Add: New Bad Debts 1,000
Add: New R.D.D. 2,200
Less: Old R.D.D. 1,000 2,900
To Carriage Outward A/c 1,700
To Advertisements A/c 3,500
To Insurance A/c 400
Less: Prepaid 100 300
To Depreciation A/c
Land and Building (10%) 3,000
Furniture (20%) 600 3,600
To Office Expenses A/c 2,300
To Net Profit c/d
Suresh 1,600
Ramesh 1,200 2,800
17,100 17,100
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capitals Land and Building 30,000
Suresh 18,600 Less: Depreciation (10%) 3,000 27,000
Ramesh 26,200 44,800 Furniture 3,000
Sundry Creditors 49,000 Less: Depreciation (20%) 600 2,400
Unpaid Wages 1,000 Debtors 45,000
Less: New Bad Debts 1,000
Less: New R.D.D. (5%) 2,200 41,800
Closing Stock 18,500
Prepaid Insurance 100
Cash at Bank 5,000
94,800 94,800
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2012
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 2,48,700
Doubtful Debts A/c
Old Bad Debts –
Add: New Bad Debts 2,250
Add: New R.D.D. −
Less: Old R.D.D. 200 2,050
To Trade Charges A/c 12,800
To Salaries A/c 18,000
To Carriage Outwards A/c 1,500
To Discount A/c 350
To Insurance A/c 700
To Office Rent A/c 30,000
To Printing & Stationery A/c 600
Add: Outstanding 600 1,200
To Advertising A/c 15,000
Less: Prepaid 10,000 5,000
To Interest on Loan A/c 2,850
To Net Profit c/d
Raju 87,125
Manju 87,125 1,74,250
2,48,700 2,48,700
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Raju Manju Raju Manju
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 4,500 3,500 By Balance b/d 35,000 30,000
By Profit & Loss A/c 87,125 87,125
To Balance c/d 1,17,625 1,13,625
1,22,125 1,17,125 1,22,125 1,17,125
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Solution to Practice Q.5.: In the Books of Firm
Trading Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2007
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Opening Stock A/c 45,000 By Sales A/c 4,50,000
To Purchases A/c 2,25,000 By Closing Stock A/c 35,000
To Carriage A/c 16,800
To Factory Rent A/c 1,500
Add: Outstanding 300 1,800
To Wages A/c 20,000
To Royalty A/c 1,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,75,400
4,85,000 4,85,000
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2007
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 1,75,400
Doubtful Debts A/c By Discount Received A/c 750
Old Bad Debts −
Add: New Bad Debts −
Add: New R.D.D. 1,500
Less: Old R.D.D. 200 1,300
To Insurance A/c 1,050
Less: Prepaid 100 950
To Office Rent A/c 3,000
Add: Outstanding 600 3,600
To Printing and Stationery A/c 600
To Advertising A/c 15,000
To Salaries A/c 18,000
To Depreciation A/c
Plant and Machinery (6%) 4,500
Furniture (10%) 750 5,250
To Interest on Capital A/c
Kamlesh 1,500
Mahajan 1,200 2,700
To Net Profit c/d
Kamlesh 64,375
Mahajan 64,375 1,28,750
1,76,150 1,76,150
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Kamlesh Mahajan Kamlesh Mahajan
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 3,500 2,500 By Balance b/d 25,000 20,000
By Interest on Capital A/c 1,500 1,200
To Balance c/d 87,375 83,075 By Profit & Loss A/c 64,375 64,375
90,875 85,575 90,875 85,575
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2007
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital Plant & Machinery 75,000
Kamlesh 87,375 Less: Depreciation (6%) 4,500 70,500
Mahajan 83,075 1,70,450 Sundry Debtors 60,000
Sundry Creditors 15,000 Less: New R.D.D. (2.5%) 1,500 58,500
Bills Payable 2,000 Bills Receivable 3,000
Outstanding Expenses Furniture 7,500
Factory Rent 300 Less: Depreciation (10%) 750 6,750
Office Rent 600 900 Cash at Bank 14,500
Closing Stock 35,000
Prepaid Insurance 100
1,88,350 1,88,350
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Kumbhar Maroti Kumbhar Maroti
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 1,200 − By Balance b/d 60,000 40,000
By Profit & Loss A/c 42,000 28,000
To Balance c/d 1,00,800 68,000
1,02,000 68,000 1,02,000 68,000
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2005
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital Goodwill 21,000
Kumbhar 1,00,800 Building 50,000
Maroti 68,000 1,68,800 Less: Depreciation (7.5%) 3,750 46,250
Sundry Creditors 20,000 Tools and Equipment 6,000
Bank Overdraft 10,000 Furniture 12,000
Outstanding Expenses: Investments 20,000
Salary and Wages 800 Closing Stock 40,000
Rent 1,200 2,000 Debtors 40,000
Less: Bad Debts 450 39,550
Bills Receivable 6,000
Cash in Hand 10,000
2,00,800 2,00,800
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
To Commission to Guddu A/c 2,540
(2,54,000 × 1%)
To Net Profit c/d
Dubbu 98,443
Guddu 70,317 1,68,760
2,56,000 2,56,000
Partner’s Current Account
Dr. Cr.
Dubbu Guddu Dubbu Guddu
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 10,000 7,000 By Balance b/d 10,000 6,000
By Salary A/c 6,000 –
By Commission A/c – 2,540
To Balance c/d 1,04,443 71,857 By Profit and Loss A/c 98,443 70,317
1,14,443 78,857 1,14,443 78,857
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Partners Capital Goodwill 15,000
Dubbu 70,000 Patent & Trade Mark 15,000
Guddu 50,000 1,20,000 Premises 1,60,000
Partner’s Current Furniture 20,000
Dubbu 1,04,443 Provident Fund Investment 71,000
Guddu 71,857 1,76,300 Closing Stock 90,000
Provident Fund 65,000 Debtors 33,000
Add: Interest P.F. Investment 6,000 71,000 Cash in Hand 2,000
Bank Overdraft 12,000
Add: Interest 500 12,500
Outstanding Expenses
Office Rent 12,000
Printing & Stationary 1,200 13,200
Royalties Received in Advance 1,000
Creditors 12,000
4,06,000 4,06,000
1,80,400 1,80,400
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2007
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 61,400
Doubtful Debts A/c By Commission A/c 800
Old Bad Debt –
Add: New Bad Debt –
Add: New R.D.D. 1,500
Less: Old R.D.D. – 1,500
To Depreciation on Plant &
Machinery A/c (10%) 8,000
To General Expenses A/c 1,400
To Electricity & Lighting A/c 6,000
Less: Deposit 1,500 4,500
To Advertisement A/c 3,000
To Interest on Bank Loan A/c 4,000
Add: Interest Payable 2,750 6,750
To Printing & Stationery A/c 4,200
To Discount A/c 800
To Net Profit c/d
Ram 19,230
Shyam 12,820 32,050
62,200 62,200
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Solution to Practice Q.9.: In the Books of Firm
Trading Account for the year ended 31st Mar 2013
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Opening Stock A/c 90,000 By Sales A/c 8,14,000
To Purchases A/c 6,50,000 By Closing Stock A/c 1,10,000
To Wages A/c 35,000
To Carriage Inward A/c 7,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,42,000
9,24,000 9,24,000
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2013
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 1,42,000
Doubtful Debt A/c
Old Bad Debt 3,000
Add: New Bad Debt −
Add: New R.D.D. 7,500
Less: Old R.D.D. − 10,500
To Salaries A/c 28,000
Less: Advance to Workers 2,500 25,500
To Postage and Telegram A/c 4,000
To Insurance A/c 5,000
To Rent A/c 4,000
To Discount A/c 3,000
To Depreciation on Plant &
Machinery A/c (10%) 12,000
To Interest on Partners
Capital A/c
Meena 15,000
Reena 10,000 25,000
1,42,000 1,42,000
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2013
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital Building 4,00,000
Meena 3,36,800 Plant & Machinery 1,20,000
Reena 2,26,200 5,63,000 Less: Depreciation (10%) 12,000 1,08,000
Sundry Creditors 1,80,000 Debtors 1,50,000
Bank Overdraft 20,000 Less: R.D.D. (5%) 7,500 1,42,500
Closing Stock 1,10,000
Advance to Workers 2,500
7,63,000 7,63,000
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2010
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital Land & Building 1,70,000
Abhijeet 1,23,024 Plant 90,000
Sujeet 81,216 2,04,240 Less: Depreciation (10%) 7,500 82,500
Sundry Creditors 81,900 Cash at Bank 6,500
Bank Overdraft 80,000 Sundry Debtor 69,200
Outstanding Expenses 4,600 Less: R.D.D. (5%) 3,460 65,740
Pre-Received Rent 5,000 Furniture 50,000
10% Bank Loan 32,000 Closing Stock 34,000
Add: Interest Payable 1,600 33,600 Prepaid Insurance 600
4,09,340 4,09,340
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2007
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Carriage Outwards A/c 4,600 By Gross Profit b/d 47,800
To Printing and Stationery A/c 3,400
To Insurance A/c 750
Less: Prepaid 200 550
To Salaries A/c 10,000
To Postage and Telegram A/c 700
To Advertisement A/c 1,000
To Bad Debts A/c 250
To Loss by Fire A/c 800
To Depreciation A/c
Machinery (10%) 2,780
Furniture (15%) 960 3,740
To Net Profit c/d
Ajay A/c 11,380
Vijay A/c 11,380 22,760
47,800 47,800
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Ajay Vijay Ajay Vijay
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
By Balance b/d 40,000 25,000
To Balance c/d 51,380 36,380 By Profit & Loss A/c 11,380 11,380
51,380 36,380 51,380 36,380
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2007
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital : Investment 3,500
Ajay 51,380 Machinery 26,800
36,380 87,760 Add: Carriage paid for
Vijay 1,000
Bills Payable 6,000 27,800
Creditors 12,000 Less: Depreciation (10%) 2,780 25,020
Bank Overdraft 3,000 Furniture 6,400
Outstanding Salaries 1,700 Less: Depreciation (15%) 960 5,440
Outstanding Wages 2,100 Debtors 25,000
Prepaid Insurance 200
Bills Receivable 4,000
Cash at Bank 6,000
Closing Stock 40,200
Insurance Claim 3,200
1,12,560 1,12,560
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
To Dock Charges A/c 4,200 By Goods destroyed by Fire
A/c 8,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,53,400 By Closing Stock A/c 75,000
4,46,000 4,46,000
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2010
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Salaries A/c 15,600 By Gross Profit b/d 1,53,400
To Conveyance A/c 2,200 By Commission A/c 6,000
To Miscellaneous Expenses A/c 3,200 Add: Commission Receivable 1,600 7,600
To Warehouse Rent A/c 9,000
To Brokerage A/c 3,000
To Insurance A/c 4,800
Less: Prepaid Insurance 800 4,000
To Loss by fire A/c 1,600
To Depreciation A/c
Land and Building (5%) 9,000
Motor Van (5%) 3,000 12,000
To Net Profit c/d
Jitesh 55,200
Pritesh 55,200 1,10,400
1,61,000 1,61,000
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Jitesh Pritesh Jitesh Pritesh
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c (goods) 3,000 − By Balance b/d 2,00,000 1,20,000
By Profit & Loss A/c 55,200 55,200
To Balance c/d 2,52,200 1,75,200
2,55,200 1,75,200 2,55,200 1,75,200
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2010
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital Bills Receivable 40,000
Jitesh 2,52,200 Goodwill 76,000
Pritesh 1,75,200 4,27,400 Land and Building 1,80,000
Bills Payable 50,000 Less: Depreciation (5%) 9,000 1,71,000
Sundry Creditors 60,000 Motor Van 60,000
Less: Depreciation (5%) 3,000 57,000
Shares in Bajaj Ltd. 50,000
Cash in Hand 3,600
Sundry Debtors 56,000
Closing Stock 75,000
Prepaid Insurance 800
Insurance Claim 6,400
Commission Receivable 1,600
5,37,400 5,37,400
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Solution to Practice Q.14.: In the Books of Firm
Trading Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2012
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Opening Stock A/c 35,000 By Sales A/c 1,80,000
To Purchases A/c 85,000 By Goods withdrawn for
Less: Purchase of Furniture 5,000 personal use A/c
Less: Purchase Returns 4,500 75,500 Ram 3,000
To Wages A/c 8,000 Lakhan 1,000 4,000
To Trade Expenses A/c 200 By Closing Stock A/c 24,000
To Gross Profit c/d 89,300
2,08,000 2,08,000
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 Mar, 2012
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 89,300
Doubtful Debts A/c
Old Bad Debts −
Add: New Bad Debts 1,000
Add: New R.D.D. 3,500
Less: Old R.D.D. − 4,500
To Tax & Insurance A/c 2,500
To Rent A/c 3,000
Less: Prepaid 200 2,800
To General Expenses A/c 500
To Warehouse Rent A/c 300
To Depreciatoon on Motor
Lorry A/c (10%) 1,500
To Salary to Ram’s A/c 1,500
To Commission to Lakhan’s
A/c (2% on Sales) 3,600
To Interest on Partners
Capital A/c
Ram 2,500
Lakhan 2,500 5,000
To Net Profit c/d
Ram 33,550
Lakhan 33,550 67,100
89,300 89,300
Partner’s Current Account
Dr. Cr.
Ram Lakhan Ram Lakhan
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Balance b/d – 2,000 By Balance b/d 5,000 –
To Drawings A/c 3,000 1,000 By Salary A/c 1,500 –
(Goods withdrawn for personal By Commission A/c
use) (2% on Sales) – 3,600
By Interest on Partners Capital A/c 2,500 2,500
To Balance c/d 39,550 36,650 By Profit & Loss A/c 33,550 33,550
42,550 39,650 42,550 39,650
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capitals Furniture & Fixtures 20,000
Ram 25,000 Add: Wrongly included in
Lakhan 25,000 50,000 Purchases 5,000 25,000
Current Motor Lorry 15,000
Ram 39,550 Less: Depreciation (10%) 1,500 13,500
Lakhan 36,650 76,200 Debtors 71,000
Sundry Creditors 20,100 Less: New Bad Debts 1,000
Bills Payable 3,000 70,000
Less: R.D.D. (5%) 3,500 66,500
Bills Receivable 6,100
Closing Stock 24,000
Prepaid Rent 200
Bank 14,000
1,49,300 1,49,300
Profit and Loss Account for the year 31st Mar, 2007
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 44,800
Doubtful Debts A/c By Commission A/c 245
Old Bad Debt 315 By Dividend on Investment
Add: New Bad Debt 200 A/c 825
Add: New R.D.D. 1,000
Less: Old R.D.D. 500 1,015
To Salaries A/c 13,677
To Advertisement A/c 3,000
Less: Prepaid 2,500 500
To Insurance A/c 320
To Depreciation A/c
Furniture (10%) 675
Machinery (5%) 375 1,050
To Interest on Capital A/c
Keshav 1,350
Devidas 1,750 3,100
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
45,870 45,870
1,17,881 1,17,881
1,20,430 1,20,430
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Bank Loan @ (12%) 50,000 Debtors 40,000
Add: Outstanding Interest 2,100 52,100 Less: New Bad Debts 1,000
Creditors 36,000 39,000
Less: R.F.D.C.( 3%) 1,080 34,920 Less: R.D.D. (5%) 1,950
Bills Payable 3,000 37,050
Less: R.F.D.D. (2%) 741 36,309
Stock of Stationery 500
2,45,809 2,45,809
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2012
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 19,000
Doubtful Debts A/c By Reserve for Discount on
Old Bad Debts Creditors A/c
Add: New Bad Debts Old Discount on Creditor 600
Add: New R.D.D. 880 Add: New Discount on
Less: Old R.D.D. 400 480 Creditor –
To Stationery A/c 2,000 Add: New Reserve for
Less: Unused Stationery 400 1,600 Discount on Creditors 420
To Advertisement A/c 2,700 Less: Old Reserve for
Less: Prepaid 2,000 700 Discount on Creditor 200 820
To Rent, Rates & Insurance By Interest Receivable A/c 150
A/c 1,400
To Shop Fittings written off
A/c 3,200
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
To Reserve for Discount on
Debtors A/c
Old Discount on Debtors 400
Add: New Discount on Debtors −
Add: New Reserve for
Discount on Debtors 335
Less: Old Reserve for
Discount on Debtors 300 435
To Net Profit c/d
Ramakant 8103
Maruti Sheth 4052 12,155
19,970 19,970
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Ramakant Maruti Sheth Ramakant Maruti Sheth
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 1,500 1,250 By Balance b/d 25,000 30,000
By Profit & Loss A/c 8,103 4,052
To Balance c/d 31,603 32,802
33,103 34,052 33,103 34,052
Balance Sheet as on 31 Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capitals Leasehold Property 30,000
Ramakant 31,603 Shop Fittings 16,000
Maruti Sheth 32,802 64,405 Less: Written Off 3,200 12,800
Sundry Creditors 12,500 Debtors 17,600
Add: Unrecorded Purchases 1,500 Less: R.D.D. (5%) 880
14,000 16,720
Less: Reserve for Discount (3%) 420 13,580 Less: Reserve for Discount (2%) 335 16,385
5% Government Bonds 6,000
Add: Interest Receivable 150 6,150
Stock of Stationery 400
Closing Stock 10,000
Prepaid Rent 250
Prepaid Advertisement 2,000
77,985 77,985
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2012
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 2,60,000
Doubtful Debts A/c By Reserve for Discount on
Old Bad Debts 7,500 Creditors A/c
Add: New Bad Debts 2,000 Old Discount on Creditor −
Add: New R.D.D. 4,400 Add: New Discount on
Less: Old R.D.D. 2,000 11,900 Creditor –
To Reserve for Discount on Add: New Reserve for
Debtors A/c Discount on Creditors 400
Old Discount on Debtors 5,000 Less: Old Reserve for
Add: New Discount on Debtors − Discount on Creditor − 400
Add: New Reserve for Discount
on Debtors 1,672
Less: Old Reserve for Discount
on Debtors − 6,672
To Provident Fund Contribution A/c 5,000
To Salary & Wages A/c 25,000
Less: Drawings 2,000 23,000
To Commission to Kale A/c 10,000
To Depreciation A/c
Furniture (20%) 16,500
Premises (10%) 16,000 32,500
To Net Profit c/d
Gore 91,375
Kale 79,953 1,71,328
2,60,400 2,60,400
Partner’s Current Account
Dr. Cr.
Gore Kale Gore Kale
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Balance b/d 6,000 − By Balance b/d − 10,000
To Drawings A/c 5,000 10,000 By Commission A/c − 10,000
To Drawings A/c − 2,000 By Profit & Loss A/c 91,375 79,953
To Balance c/d 80,375 87,953
91,375 99,953 91,375 99,953
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital A/c Debtors 75,000
Gore 80,000 Add: Unrecorded Sales 15,000
Kale 70,000 1,50,000 90,000
Current A/c Less: Bad debts 2,000
Gore 80,375 88,000
Kale 87,953 1,68,328 Less: R.D.D. (5%) 4,400
Sundry Creditors 20,000 83,600
Less: Reserve for discount Less: Reserve for discount
on Creditors (2%) 400 19,600 on Debtors (2%) 1,672 81,928
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2007
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 2,85,500
Doubtful Debts A/c By Commission A/c 12,000
Old Bad Debts −
Add: New Bad Debts 10,000
Add: New R.D.D. 3,500
Less: Old R.D.D. – 13,500
To Trade Expenses A/c 8,000
To Salaries A/c 72,000
To Insurance A/c 6,000
Less: Prepaid 1,500 4,500
To Postage A/c 3,000
To Commission A/c 8,000
To Advertisement A/c 15,000
To Interest on Loan A/c 9,000
To Depreciation A/c
Plant & Machinery (20%) 40,000
Building (10%) 40,000 80,000
To Net Profit c/d
Ganga’s A/c 42,250
Godawari’s A/c 42,250 84,500
2,97,500 2,97,500
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Ganga Godawari Ganga Godawari
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 8,000 10,000 By Balance b/d 2,50,000 2,50,000
To Drawings A/c (goods) 10,000 − By Profit & Loss A/c 42,250 42,250
To Balance c/d 2,74,250 2,82,250
2,92,250 2,92,250 2,92,250 2,92,250
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2007
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital Plant & Machinery 2,00,000
Ganga 2,74,250 Less: Depreciation (20%) 40,000 1,60,000
Godawari 2,82,250 5,56,500 Furniture 80,000
Creditors 60,000 Building 4,00,000
12% Bank Loan 1,50,000 Less: Depreciation (10%) 40,000 3,60,000
Add: Interest Payable 9,000 1,59,000 Debtors 80,000
Less: Bad Debts 10,000
Less: R.D.D. (5%) 3,500 66,500
Cash in Hand 7,500
Closing Stock 1,00,000
Prepaid Insurance 1,500
7,75,500 7,75,500
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
To Net Profit c/d
Sachin 78,210
Shrimant 26,070 1,04,280
1,41,780 1,41,780
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Sachin Shrimant Sachin Shrimant
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 2,500 1,800 By Balance b/d 40,000 20,000
To Drawings A/c [goods] 3,000 – By Interest on Capital A/c 4,000 2,000
To Interest on Drawings A/c 250 180 By Profit & Loss A/c 78,210 26,070
To Balance c/d 1,16,460 46,090
1,22,210 48,070 1,22,210 48,070
Balance Sheet as on 31 Mar, 2007
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital A/c Prepaid Insurance 400
Sachin 1,16,460 Debtors 48,200
Shrimant 46,090 1,62,550 Cash at Bank 1,01,300
Bills Payable 3,000 P.F. Investment 12,000
Creditors 21,500 Prepaid Advertisement 3,150
Outstanding Salaries 300 Closing Stock 37,500
Provident Fund 12,000
Interest On P.F. Investment 1,200
Mr. Patil’s Loan 2,000
2,02,550 2,02,550
71,000 71,000
1,63,600 1,63,600
1,90,600 1,90,600
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2007
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 50,500
Doubtful Debts A/c By Commissions A/c 2,400
Old Bad Debts 500 By Interest on Investment A/c 3,600
Add: New Bad Debts 225
Add: New R.D.D. –
Less: Old R.D.D. – 725
To Depreciation A/c
Land and Building (7.5%) 1,875
To Salaries and Wages A/c 4,600
Add: Outstanding 400 5,000
To Office Expenses A/c 4,300
To Legal Expenses A/c 1,500
To Commissions A/c 1,500
To Loss by Fire A/c 5,000
To Net Profit c/d
Jagan 21,960
Magan 14,640 36,600
56,500 56,500
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2012
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Reserve for Bad & By Gross Profit b/d 52,400
Doubtful Debts A/c By R.D.D. A/c 1,800
Old Bad Debts 1,000 By Interest on Investment A/c 700
Add: New Bad Debts − Add: Interest Receivable 300 1,000
Add: New R.D.D. – By Profit on Sale of Furniture
Less: Old R.D.D. 2,800 − A/c 100
To Salaries A/c 18,000
To Insurance A/c 3,500
To Rent & Taxes A/c 2,000
To Advertisement A/c 400
To Loss by fire A/c 2,000
To Depreciation on Building
A/c (10%) 4,400
To Commission to Manager A/c 5,000
To Net Profit c/d
Arun 10,000
Varun 6,000
Tarun 4,000 20,000
55,300 55,300
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Arun Varun Tarun Arun Varun Tarun
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` ` ` `
By Balance b/d 50,000 30,000 20,000
To Balance c/d 60,000 36,000 24,000 By Profit & Loss A/c 10,000 6,000 4,000
60,000 36,000 24,000 60,000 36,000 24,000
Balance Sheet as on 31 Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital A/c Debtors 60,000
Arun 60,000 Less: Bad debts 1,000 59,000
Varun 36,000 Furniture 17,000
Tarun 24,000 1,20,000 Less: Furniture sold 1,900 15,100
Creditors 35,000 Buildings 44,000
Add: Bill Dishonoured 3,000 38,000 Less: Depreciation (10%) 4,400 39,600
Bills Payable 14,000 10% Investment 10,000
Less: Bill Dishonoured 3,000 11,000 Add: Interest Receivable 300 10,300
Commission Payable to Cash in hand 17,000
Manager 5,000 Bills Receivable 16,000
Closing Stock 9,000
Insurance Claim 8,000
1,74,000 1,74,000
[Note: The old reserve for doubtful debts (R.D.D.) as per Trial Balance = ` 2,800 is higher than the actual
expense for the year. Therefore, the excess amount of R.D.D. will be shown on the credit side of the Profit & Loss
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Dhrashti Srushti Dhrashti Srushti
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 7,225 5,000 By Balance b/d 90,000 75,000
To Profit & Loss A/c 19,625 19,625
To Balance c/d 63,150 50,375
90,000 75,000 90,000 75,000
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capitals Loose Tools 12,500
Dhrashti 63,150 Patents 12,500
Srushti 50,375 1,13,525 Machinery 50,000
Bills Payable 30,500 Less: Sale 4,000 46,000
Less: Dishonoured 2,000 28,500 Bills Receivable 12,500
Sundry Creditors 58,250 Less: Dishonoured 3,000 9,500
Add: Bills Payable Sundry Debtors 60,000
Dishonoured 2,000 60,250 Add: Bills Receivable
dishonoured 3,000 63,000
Cash in Hand and Bank 38,775
Closing Stock 20,000
2,02,275 2,02,275
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
To Net Profit c/d
Motilal 27,000
Maniklal 27,000 54,000
69,000 69,000
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Motilal Maniklal Motilal Maniklal
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
By Balance b/d 24,000 14,000
To Balance c/d 51,000 41,000 By Profit and Loss A/c 27,000 27,000
51,000 41,000 51,000 41,000
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
To Capital Machinery 30,000
Motilal 51,000 Add: Installation Charges 2,000 32,000
Maniklal 41,000 92,000 Debtors 40,000
Bills Payable 12,000 Add: Unrecorded Sales 20,000 60,000
Creditors 40,000 Cash 6,000
Outstanding Expenses Closing Stock 50,000
Salaries 1,800
Printing and Stationery 500
Electricity Expenses 1,700 4,000
1,48,000 1,48,000
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2010
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Salaries A/c 13,000 By Gross Profit b/d 1,96,000
Add: Outstanding 3,000 16,000 By Interest on Drawings A/c
To Audit Fees A/c 8,500 Anand 180
Add: Outstanding 3,500 12,000 Pramod 120 300
To Bad Debts A/c 6,400
To Interest A/c 4,000
To Interest on Capital A/c
Anand 8,100
Pramod 5,400 13,500
To Depreciation A/c
Loose Tools (10%) 1,700
Motor Van (7.5%) 6,600
Machinery (12.5%) 7,500 15,800
To Net Profit c/d
Anand’s A/c 77,160
Pramod’s A/c 51,440 1,28,600
1,96,300 1,96,300
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Solution to Practice Q.30.: In the books of firm
Trading Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2012
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Opening Stock A/c 40,500 By Sales A/c 3,00,000
To Purchase A/c 1,80,000 Add: Unrecorded Sales 3,000 3,03,000
Add: Unrecorded Purchases 5,000 1,85,000 By Closing Stock A/c 41,000
To Wages & Salaries A/c 19,500
Less: Wages paid for making
Furniture 5,000 14,500
To Works Manager’s salary
A/c 3,600
To Gross Profit c/d 1,00,400
3,44,000 3,44,000
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2012
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Sundry Expense A/c 3,800 By Gross Profit b/d 1,00,400
To Rent A/c 22,000 By Commission A/c 12,500
Add: Outstanding 2,000 24,000 By Interest Receivable on
To Printing & Stationery A/c 1,700 Debenture A/c 1,000
To Insurance A/c 2,000 By Interest on Drawings A/c
Less: Prepaid 500 1,500 Samir 450
To Provident Fund Karan 250 700
Contribution A/c 1,250
To Advertisement A/c 4,800
Less: Prepaid 3,200 1,600
To Bad debts A/c 2,500
To Interest on Capital A/c
Samir 12,000
Karan 10,200 22,200
To Salary to Samir A/c 6,000
To Commission to Karan A/c 1,004
To Net Profit c/d
Samir 24,523
Karan 24,523 49,046
1,14,600 1,14,600
Partner’s Current Account
Dr. Cr.
Anand Pramod Anand Pramod
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 18,000 10,000 By Balance b/d 2,00,000 1,70,000
To Interest of Drawings A/c 450 250 By Interest on Capital A/c 12,000 10,200
By Profit and Loss A/c 24,523 24,523
By Salary A/c 6,000 –
To Balance c/d 2,24,073 1,95,477 By Commission A/c – 1,004
2,42,523 2,05,727 2,42,523 2,05,727
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
Balance Sheet as on 31st Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital A/c: Debtors 88,000
Samir 2,24,073 Add: Unrecorded Sales 3,000 91,000
Varun 1,95,477 4,19,550 Furniture 80,000
Creditors 87,000 Add: Wages paid for making
Add: Unrecorded Purchases 5,000 92,000 new Furniture 5,000 85,000
Outstanding Rent 2,000 Land & Building 2,50,000
Provident Fund 35,000 10% Debenture 40,000
Interest on Provident Fund Add: Interest Receivable 1,000 41,000
Investment 2,500 Prepaid Insurance 500
Prepaid Advertisement 3,200
Provident Fund Investment 38,000
Cash in hand 1,350
Closing Stock 41,000
5,51,050 5,51,050
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st Mar, 2010
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Salaries and Wages A/c 26,000 By Gross Profit b/d 28,400
To Carriage Outward A/c 1,800 By Dividend Received A/c 1,500
To Insurance Premium A/c 2,200
To Postage and Telegram A/c 1,750
Less: Unused Postage Stamps 250 1,500
To Advertisements A/c 3,000
To Bad Debts A/c 1,000
Add: New Bad Debts 2,000 3,000
To Printing and Stationery A/c 2,400
To Interest on Bank Loan A/c 3,000
To Loss by theft A/c 8,000
To Depreciation A/c By Net Loss c/d
Leashold Premises 4,000 Sanjay 16,000
Plant and Machinery (10%) 7,000 11,000 Vijay 16,000 32,000
61,900 61,900
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Chapter 02: Partnership Final Accounts
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Sanjay Vijay Sanjay Vijay
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Profit and Loss A/c 16,000 16,000 By Balance b/d 45,000 45,000
To Balance c/d 29,000 29,000
45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000
Balance Sheet as on 31 Mar, 2010
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capital : Leashold Premises 80,000
Sanjay 29,000 Less: Written off 4,000 76,000
Vijay 29,000 58,000 Plant and Machinery 70,000
Sundry Creditors 72,700 Less: Depreciation (10%) 7,000 63,000
Bills Payable 40,000 Sundry Debtors 45,800
Outstanding Audit Fees 4,400 Less: New Bad Debts 2,000 43,800
10% Bank Loan 60,000 Cash in Hand 1,850
Add: Outstanding Interest 3,000 63,000 Stock of Postage Stamps 250
Closing Stock 25,000
Bills Receivable 28,200
2,38,100 2,38,100
Target Publications Pvt. Ltd. Std. XII (Commerce): Book-Keeping & Accountancy
To Sundry Expenses A/c 1,500
To Salaries A/c 46,000
To Travelling Expenses A/c 6,000
To Advertisement A/c 10,000
Less Prepaid 8,750
Add: Goods distributed as
Free Samples 5,000 6,250
To Rates and Insurance A/c 13,800
To Discount A/c 4,000
To Interest on Bank Loan 3,300
Add: Outstanding 3,400 6,700
To Depreciation A/c
Buildings (10%) 18,000
Machinery (15%) 15,000
Furniture 20,000 53,000
To Interest on Loan from A A/c 2,500
To Loss by Fire A/c 5,000
To Net Profit c/d
A 54,771
B 41,079 95,850
2,51,000 2,51,000
Partner’s Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Particulars
` ` ` `
To Drawings A/c 10,000 10,000 By Balance b/d 1,20,000 90,000
By Goods withdrawn A/c 10,000 – By Profit & Loss A/c 54,771 41,079
To Balance c/d 1,54,771 1,21,079
1,74,771 1,31,079 1,74,771 1,31,079
Balance Sheet as on 31 Mar, 2012
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
` ` ` `
Capitals Buildings 1,80,000
A 1,54,771 Less: Depreciation (10%) 18,000 1,62,000
B 1,21,079 2,75,850 Machinery 1,00,000
Sundry Creditors 35,000 Less: Depreciation (15%) 15,000 85,000
Bills Payable 45,000 Furniture 60,000
10% Loan from A 50,000 Less: Depreciation 20,000 40,000
Add: Interest Payable 2,500 52,500 Debtors 45,000
10% Bank Loan 67,000 Less: Bad Debts 5,000
Add: Outstanding Interest 3,400 70,400 40,000
Less: R.D.D. (0.5% of Gross
Credit Sales) 2,000 38,000
Bills Receivable 50,000
Closing Stock 80,000
Prepaid Rent
Prepaid Advertisement 8,750
Cash in Hand 15,000
4,78,750 4,78,750