Sample Coop
Sample Coop
Sample Coop
In this regard, management maintains a system of accounting and reporting which provides
for the necessary internal controls to ensure that transactions are properly authorized and
recorded, assets are safeguarded against unauthorized use or disposition and liabilities are
The Board of Directors reviews the financial statements before such statements are
approved and submitted to the members of the Cooperative.
FERNANDO O. VIESCA, JR., the independent auditor and appointed by the Board of
Directors, has examined the financial statements of the Cooperative in accordance with the
Philippine Standards on Auditing and the Standard Audit System for Cooperatives and has
expressed his opinion on the fairness of presentation upon completion of such examination,
in his report to members of the Cooperative.
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance
with Financial Reporting Standards applicable to Cooperatives in the Philippines, taking into consideration Cooperative
laws, rules, regulations and principles. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal
control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatements,
whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that
are reasonable in the circumstances.
Auditor’s Responsibility
My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. I conducted my audit
in accordance with Philippine Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that I comply with ethical requirements and
plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from
material misstatements.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of
material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and
fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances,
but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes
evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made
by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. I believe that the audit evidence
I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion.
In my opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of ATENEO
DE MANILA MULTI-PURPOSE COOPERATIVE, as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, and of its financial
performance, changes in equity, and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with Financial
Reporting Standards applicable to Cooperatives in the Philippines, taking into consideration Cooperative laws, rules,
regulations and principles.
In connection with my examination of the financial statements of the ATENEO DE MANILA MULTI-
PURPOSE COOPERATIVE covering the period ended December 31, 2014 that are herewith submitted to
the Cooperative Development Authority, I hereby represent the following:
1. That said financial statements herewith attached are prepared and presented in conformity with the
financial reporting standards applicable to cooperatives in the Philippines;
2. That in the conduct of my audit, I adhered to the Philippine Standards on Auditing and the Standard
Audit System for Cooperatives (SASC) as required by the Cooperative Development Authority;
3. That I am qualified as provided for in Section 8 of the Code of Professional Ethics for
Public Accountants and Article 81 of R.A. No. 9520 (Cooperative Code of the Philippines);
4. That I am fully aware of my responsibility as an independent auditor for the audit report issued and
attached to the financial statements and the sanctions to be bestowed on me for my
misrepresentations that I may have willingly or unwillingly committed.
5. That I nor any member of my immediate family do not have any direct or indirect financial interest
with the cooperative;
6. That I am not an employee nor an officer of a secondary cooperative or tertiary cooperative of which
this cooperative is a member;
7. That I am not an employee of the Cooperative Development Authority nor have I engaged
an employee of the CDA in the course of audit;
It is however, understood that my accountability is based on matter within the normal coverage of an audit
conducted in accordance with Philippine Standards on Auditing and the Standard Audit Systems for
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net 2.8, 5 838,693.13 578,069.93
Other Non-Current Assets 6 3,636,416.93 3,636,416.93
Total Non-Current Assets 4,475,110.06 4,214,486.86
TOTAL ASSETS 48,333,704.70 44,211,105.44
Retirement Fund Payable 2.10 1,607,022.63 1,576,966.34
Members' Benefit and Other Funds Payable 1,020,257.29 1,020,257.29
Paid-Up Share Capital 2.11 12,138,760.82 12,220,953.65
Donations and Grants (63,246.36) 18,479.64
Statutory Funds 2.13, 9 5,127,833.18 5,002,184.66
Total Equity 17,203,347.64 17,241,617.95
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 48,333,704.70 44,211,105.44
Gross Income on Sales 10 11,799,572.49 12,514,184.23
Interest Income from Loans 2.12.1 5,512,423.61 5,340,935.49
Service Fees 2.12.2 1,369,372.11
Fines, Penalties, Surcharges 2.12.2 22,404.56
Membership Fees 2.12.3 5,600.00 7,100.00
Concession Income 2.12.3 3,699,350.66 4,248,249.02
Rental Income 2.12.3 240,261.10
Income/Interest from Investments/Deposits 2.12.4 14,618.38 5,293.33
Miscellaneous Income 2.12.5 760,664.79 721,882.04
Total Revenues 23,424,267.70 25,052,432.68
Financing Costs 636,852.69 521,116.50
Selling Costs 16,001,918.88 17,292,405.94
Administrative Costs 4,760,869.21 5,676,478.59
Total Expenses 21,399,640.78 23,490,001.03
NET SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR (FOR ALLOCATION) 2.13 2,024,626.92 1,562,431.65
Reserve Fund 202,462.69 156,243.17
Education and Training Fund (Local) 202,462.69 156,243.17
Optional Fund 141,723.88 109,370.22
Community Development & Social Fund 60,738.81 46,872.95
Interest on Capital & Patronage Refunds 1,417,238.85 1,093,702.14
NET SURPLUS (AS ALLOCATED) 2,024,626.92 1,562,431.65
2 Loans Receivable
Time Deposits (MIF) 5,000.00
Paid-Up Share Capital 4,450.00
To correct erroneous recording of O.R. No. 131053, 131078 550.00
dated 12/05/14 received from Chardarello Policarpio, Jebriel
Puno, respectively.
15 Other Interest Income 1,760.00
Interest Income from Loans 1,760.00
To correct erroneous recording of CV Nos. 120000486,
120000488 dated 12/13/14.
Ateneo de Manila University, Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights, Quezon City
CDA Registration No. 9520-16012560
The Cooperative was exempt from income and sales taxes for five (5) years from
the date of registration as provided in Section 5 of the repealed Presidential Decree
No. 175. It was also exempt from the payment of income and sales taxes for a period
of ten (10) years which reckoned from March 10, 1987, the effectivity of Executive
Order No. 93, as provided in Article 62 (b) of the repealed Republic Act. 6938. It is
likewise exempt from all national, city, provincial, municipal or barangay taxes
of whatever name and nature as its accumulated reserves and undivided net savings
do not exceed ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00) as provided in Article 61 (1) of the
Republic Act No.9520 . It is also exempt from the value-added tax (VAT)
under Section 109, pars. (r), (s), (t) and (u), three percentage (3%) tax under Section
116, and five hundred pesos (P500.00) annual registration fee under Section 236 (B)
all of the Tax Code of 1997.
As provided in the articles of cooperation of the Cooperative, its objectives and
purposes among others are as follows:
a) To encourage thrift and savings mobilization among the members for capital
b) To create funds in order to grant loans for productive and providential
purposes to its members; and
c) To provide goods and services and other requirements of the members.
The Cooperative has been engaged in the operation of canteen business through
concession with the Ateneo de Manila University in Loyola Heights, Quezon City,
to provide foods and drinks of best quality at reasonable prices, and
providing credit/lending services to its members by availing productive and
providential loans at reasonable rate of interest. It is also accepting sub-
concessions not only to augment its revenues but likewise to provide more and
better foods and drinks not only among its members but as well as to other
The Accounting Standards Council (ASC) approved the issuance of the new
and revised accounting standards that are based on the revised International
Accounting Standards (IAS) and the new International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
(IASB). The new standards are effective for the annual periods beginning on or
after January 1, 2005.
The ASC has renamed the Standards that it issues to correspond better with
the issuances of the IASB. These new standards have been renamed
Philippine Accounting Standards (PAS) to correspond to the adopted IAS
while Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS) to correspond to
the adopted IFRS. Previously, Standards issued by the ASC were designated
as Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS).
The following are the Standards that are applicable to the Cooperative:
Allowance for probable losses is the estimated amount of losses from loans
based on the historical loss experience, current economic conditions,
subsequent and possible collections and other risk factors obtained during the
review of the status of existing receivables. It is established
through provisions for probable losses charged to current operations and
reduced by write offs and reversal based on the Cooperative’s standard chart
of accounts. Loans are written off against the allowance for probable
losses when management believes that the collectibility of the principal is
2.7 Inventories
These are income that are not classified under the above criteria.
The mandatory order of distribution of the net surplus of the Cooperative is set
forth in Article 86, Act No. 9520, as follows:
This year, the Cooperative has allocated 10% for the reserve fund, 10% for
the education and training fund, 7% for optional fund/land and building fund,
3% for the community development fund while the remaining goes to interest
on share capital and patronage refunds.
2014 2013
Revolving Fund 600,208.84 259,364.08
Cash on Hand 108,512.23 100,000.00
Petty Cash Fund 5,605.55 18,671.62
Cash in Banks 6,529,376.52 803,183.64
Tota Cash 7,243,703.14 1,181,219.34
2014 2013
Subcon Deposits Payable 380,000.00 340,000.00
Accrued Expenses 302,304.20 300,805.65
Other Current Liabilities 8,046.92 8,618.17
Total 690,351.12 649,423.82
Counter Sales 14,399,357.21 15,879,135.33
Retail Sales 11,322,124.93 13,821,993.54
Catering Sales 6,794,663.03 6,170,583.43
Employees Charge Sales 262,670.29 283,177.70
Total Sales 32,778,815.46 36,154,890.00
Merchandise Inventory , Beginning 871,696.25 964,114.14
Add: Purchases 21,104,792.90 23,548,287.88
Total Merchandise Available for Sale 21,976,489.15 24,512,402.02
Less: Merchandise Inventory, Ending 997,246.18 871,696.25
Cost of Sales 20,979,242.97 23,640,705.77
GROSS INCOME ON SALES 11,799,572.49 12,514,184.23
2014 2013
Financing Costs:
Interest Expense on Deposits 636,852.69 521,116.50
Total Financing Costs 636,852.69 521,116.50
Selling Costs:
Salaries and Wages 7,808,017.89 8,684,756.97
SSS, ECC, Philhealth, Pag-ibig Contributions 405,644.70 475,970.30
Employees' Benefits 1,589,352.38 1,387,742.14
Retirement Benefit Expense 443,124.07 462,807.66
Kitchen and Canteen Wares 186,775.00 533,679.00
Laundry 61,300.00 62,500.00
Fuel 818,884.13 689,091.60
Ice and Refrigeration 244,309.40 295,731.50
Spoilage Breakage and Losses 599,642.28 545,185.03
Canteen Supplies 855,248.35 1,205,333.25
Concession Fees 2,320,756.34 2,459,479.43
Rentals 132,718.30 109,440.39
Repairs and Maintenance 204,793.05 262,346.65
Depreciation 63,858.28 114,534.24
Travel and Transportation 138,475.00 -
Representation 107,166.32 -
Advertising and Promotion 2,981.39 -
Miscellaneous Expenses 18,872.00 3,807.78
Total Selling Costs 16,001,918.88 17,292,405.94
Administrative Costs:
Salaries and Wages 861,065.10 970,442.46
SSS, ECC, Philhealth, Pag-ibig Contributions 53,831.80 83,229.60
Employees' Benefits 65,458.93 102,864.37
Retirement Benefit Expense 52,023.60 106,122.25
Officers' Honorarium and Allowances 575,232.20 693,200.00
Representation 86,006.87 233,405.13
Meetings and Conferences 72,108.37 111,424.48
Office Supplies 183,667.50 263,808.00
Travel and Transportation 66,809.00 247,976.90
Power, Light and Water 2,199,179.20 1,818,479.71
Professional Fees 29,822.22 61,111.17
Taxes, Fees and Charges 5,740.00 13,796.18
Communication 115,532.54 100,825.58
Advertising and Promotion 7,281.99 16,536.90
Insurance 10,513.96 20,856.51
Litigation Expense - 48,400.00
Depreciation 77,007.52 100,199.00
Garbage Fees 68,640.00 68,640.00
General Assembly Expense 224,370.41 600,154.35
Social and Community Service Expense 3,000.00 -
Miscellaneous Expenses 3,578.00 15,006.00
Total Administrative Costs 4,760,869.21 5,676,478.59
Total Expenses 21,399,640.78 23,490,001.03