Wajynrb 1998
Wajynrb 1998
Wajynrb 1998
Those engaged in teacher supervision have always known, in an experiential sense, that the
delivery of personal feedback to teachers about their teaching is a face-threatening event.
Researchers into supervisory discourse have recently begun to monitor these processes and
track the face-oriented constraints in supervisory language. This article explores an instance
of pragmatic ambivalence in supervisory discourse in order to show how the naturally 'slip-
pery' quality of language enables supervisors to transact difficult supervisory messages while
at the same time avoiding face threat to the teacher. But the path is a precarious one and not
without risks.
I. Introduction
2. Indeterminacy of meaning
3. Pragmatic ambivalence
(a) exactly what it says and no more, i.e. a neutral observation of fact;
(b) praise: it is good that you are trying to use suggestions being made on the
course; this shows that you are willing to try out new things;
(c) criticism: I noticed you trying but failing to succeed in using these suggestions;
(d) a combination of praise and criticism: it is good that you are trying to use these
suggestions but you still need to work at it.
It emerges in the unfolding discourse (see below) that the intention is the last, (d);
and it takes a few turns to reach it, during which the student teacher tries to make the
meaning less imprecise and more determinate, initially by being self-critical. The
receiver of the bad news message here interprets the cues to guess the nature of the
bad news, a process which conforms with Schegloff's thesis (1988) about how such
interactions work.
The motivation for pragmatic ambivalence, lying outside the linguistic system, is
strategic (Leech, 1977): it is employed deliberately for a goal-oriented purpose. A
number of explanations are possible, and these are discussed separately below. How-
ever, it may be that more than one motivation for pragmatic ambivalence exists at
any one time and that multiple concurrent motivations co-exist to varying degrees in
various supervisors in various situations to varying degrees of conscious awareness.
A key one is the 'clash of goals' explanation: the need to say something face-
risky but at the same time the need to minimise risk to face. The conflict that super-
visors feel in relation to their roles (helper/assessor) is palpably evident at times of
giving criticism where there is the tension between supporting morale and enabling
better instruction. Going off-record by clothing criticisms ambivalently allows both
goals to be pursued. Bavelas et al. contend that equivocation is a means of "saying
nothing while saying something" (1990b: 57).
Another explanation is the need for an 'out': where the speaker, uncertain of the
terrain he or she is traversing, is apprehensive about the reaction an intended utter-
ance might provoke. Ambivalence enables 'deniability' and therefore ensures an
'out' if this is what turns out to be required (Weisner, 1974): it allows one to
'retract' or 'amend' what turns out not to "meet with hearer acceptance" (McLaugh-
lin, 1984: 144). Especially in cases of supervisors encountering a resistant teacher,
or inexperienced supervisors lacking confidence in the role, or supervisors troubled
by the contradictions of the role, it helps to be able to 'back down' a little. This is
2 The text inside square brackets refers to phatic responses, though not of the nature of a full turn, by
the listener to the speaker.
R. Wajnryb / Journal of Pragmatics 29 (1998) 531-544 535
only feasible if the initial criticism has been expressed ambivalently. Supervisors
quickly leam the wisdom of leaving a path open for retreat.
In one conference, the supervisor felt 3 that the teacher had been quite sceptical of
the points of criticism he had been making; he retreated somewhat up the path of
deniability with
(3) Don't get me wrong, it's not like um it was a great problem.
He was able to do this because the criticism he had voiced earlier had not been
directly explicit. Thus, indirectness served him well by providing him with the
manoeuvrability of "pragmatic space" (Leech, 1977: 23).
In another instance, a supervisor created this pragmatic space through deixis, by
distancing her concems through tense switching. She repeatedly prefaced her nega-
tive comments - or face-threatening acts (FTAs) - with:
The ambivalence derives from the fact that it is never clear whether she meant "I
was worried but am no longer" or "I was worried and continue to be worried". In
the following extract, she makes a startling (albeit unwittingly illuminative) admis-
sion (as italicised):
(5) S: yeah um did you have any particular things in mind that you were trying you
said you were trying to get, get them to tell you what was polite [mm], like
did you have any particular things that you were hoping that they might say?
T: oh just, not really not, just [nod] just general politeness tags [nod] whatever
would come out would be [nod] dealt with, but no particular sort of set words
or phrases [nod]
S: yeah that was just, that was really quite an honest question [mm] because
you know either you did or you didn't um ...
A third explanation for ambivalence is the desire by the supervisor to elicit rather
than impose: to have the criticism come from the teacher rather than from them-
selves. Supervisors tend to feel that gentle, leading questions (which often are prag-
matically ambivalent) can steer the student teacher toward the point of self-aware-
ness, which, they argue, is more effective than when it is other-imposed. This is
consistent with research that shows that suggestive supervision is preferred over
directive supervision (Pajak and Glickman, 1984). Thus the following examples:
appropriate. This judgement had been formed in the staffroom and was confirmed
when he watched her lesson, which he felt reflected her current stage of cross-cul-
tural adjustment. Overlaid on this impression was his sense that she herself was
unaware of what he privately called her 'culture shock'. Furthermore, he was sensi-
tive to the fact that she saw herself as successful and competent, and not in need of
induction or supervision. He was also aware that teachers w i t h some experience
behind them tend to be less willing to accept criticism than students or neophytes
(Cervi, 1991). The fact that she was new to Australia, to the school, and to this type
of client did not shake her apparent confidence in herself and her teaching. Thus,
over and above the usual reticence that accompanies the delivery of criticism, was
his awareness of how these additional elements might impact on the conference. It is
little wonder, then, that, cautiously, he poised his language on the indeterminate bor-
der of innocent inquiry and critical remark. He asked her:
The teacher's reaction to this indicates that she has chosen to interpret the illocu-
tionary force as innocent inquiry - an open, information-seeking question carrying
no negative judgement:
(11) No, I don't think so, well not in the sense that I'm really I'm still not always
On interview, the supervisor stated that he had expressed himself ambivalently out
of fear of offending her and then having to deal with the resultant unpleasantness. He
recognised that the topic (cross-cultural difficulty) was a delicate one and that he had
to tread warily in this terrain. His guarded approach was born of his assessment of
how she might react to this topic.
That his assessment was absolutely correct emerged on interview with the teacher.
She admitted that the question (even put to her ambivalently) raised shackles: "I
didn't like it, I thought it was irrelevant". It turned out that his choice of strategy -
extreme indirectness - was well-founded. On interview, the teacher said that had the
supervisor expressed himself "more baldly", she would have "taken offence" and
reacted verbally. Indignantly, she said: "I would have said 'you don't know what
you're talking about!' ". It was clear she was offended at the very notion that she
needed time to make necessary cultural adjustments.
It emerged during the separate interviews that a great deal was happening in the
invisible pragmatic space afforded by the ambivalence of the remark. Indeed, it
seems that the interaction is happening on two concurrent levels of operation: the
utterance level and the computing-of-intention level. The participants, at any given
moment, are engaged in a surface-level interaction; but because of the indeterminacy
afforded by pragmatic ambivalence, they are also aware of a juggling of illocution-
4 Thisquestion, unpacked, means: "Are you still making the adjustment from having Latin American
538 R. Wajnryb / Journal of Pragmatics 29 (1998) 531-544
ary options happening between the lines or behind the scenes or at any case at a level
that is not readily able to be pinned down. The conversation has a certain 'bi-partite'
quality. Certainly, as Nofsinger shows (1983), interlocutors orient themselves to
utterances as symbolic acts - part of a goal-oriented tactical plan which goes beyond
the utterance itself and takes into account stretches of talk.
In asking the question "are you still adjusting to teaching Latin American stu-
dents?" the supervisor clearly has to prepare himself for a number of possible
responses, some of which are outlined here:
(a) She might interpret it as an open question, in which case he can leave it at that
for the moment, content that he has 'planted the seed', confident that he can
return to the topic and raise the matter at a later time.
(b) She may react to it as an open question, as in (a); but at the same time recognise
the ambivalence as a signal of his wish to be negatively polite in respect to a
FFA. This is probably Gibbs' "authorised inference" (1987: 580) - "a speaker's
intention to produce an effect in the listener by means of the hearer's recognition
of that intention" (Gibbs, 1987: 580); what Grice (1968) called 'm-intention'.
(c) She might react to it as a negative criticism, in which case he can either pursue
the matter and support his case by presenting evidence; or he can retreat through
denial, saying that she has misinterpreted him and clarifying his supposed non-
critical intentions.
(d) She might challenge him to own up to his illocutionary force, with a question
such as "what do you mean by saying that?" to which he has a number of
options (see (c) above).
(e) She might react verbally to the remark as if it were an 'innocent' question, while
actually knowing/sensing that something else is intended; in this case she might
'play innocent' until the supervisor goes more public (perhaps with an IFID); or
she may wait until such time as she feels ready to respond to the criticism; and
all the while that she is considering these options, she knows that he probably
knows that she is doing so, as well the fact that she knows that he knows this)
While these thought processes are happening, the conversation continues at a rel-
atively innocent level. The supervisor, gaining heart from the fact that his first tenta-
tive foray into this difficult terrain has been successful (i.e. yielded no locutionary
defensiveness), moves out of the ambivalence slightly, by adjusting his indirectness
up one notch on the gradient and trying out a strategy of implicit indirectness, which
requires the hearer to recover speaker meaning inferentially, using cues both within
the utterance and within the context:
(12) I just imagined that for example that vocabulary activity with a (Spanish-speak-
ing) class I can see them all jumping around and having a lot of fun.
5 In fact, she responded according to (e). Note that (b) differs from (e) in being compliant and defer-
ential whereas (e) is a response in which the listener is simmering with emotion just beneath the calm,
surface, on-line response.
R. Wajnryb / Journal of Pragmatics 29 (1998) 531-544 539
(13) Well it depends, well they work together much more readily I think that's the
thing, they work together.
Still moving cautiously, but gaining confidence from the teacher's concession -
which itself forces some complicity - that there is some difference between the two
types of students, he continues, again with implicit indirectness:
(14) ... whereas our sort of classes need to be wanned up [mm] I think that you
know to me that while it was a very well constructed and interesting um way of
presenting the vocabulary I didn't see it as warmer [no, no?] and I don't I did-
n't see that as warming up in any way [no] and I think that our students really,
particularly in that first lesson of the day and particularly with the lower levels,
they really need wanning up you know.
All the while, the teacher is listening and producing phatic acknowledgment c u e s 6
that encourage him to continue. This cautious progress - stepping warily and gin-
gerly from pragmatic ambivalence toward gradually increasing explicitness - is a
recurring pattern in the data on which this research is based.
6 Evidence of phatic material came from listening to the tapes on which the tapescripts are based.
During these interviews, the tapescripts were used but the tapes were available as a back-up in the event
that either T or S denied having said anything that appears on the transcript. However this did not
happen. Initial direct use of tapes was avoided as it was considered potentially more threatening to the
540 R. Wajnryb / Journal of Pragmatics 29 (1998) 531-544
are entertaining thoughts of illocutionary forces other than the ones to which they
appear to be responding in their surface utterances.
However, there is a second imperative. As well as the pressure to follow the con-
versation, participants are also driven onward by their own goal-oriented need,
which may or may not be in harmony with the locutionary level, socially-driven
goal. In an instance, such as the one analysed here, where there is a discordance
between the two imperatives, the attendance to the social imperative is still predom-
inant. It carries the conversation forward (Weisner, 1974); and therefore gives the
participants time to consider their own next move. Also, by keeping the wheels of
the conversation oiled, it fuels hope that the individual's own goals may yet be met,
something that would not happen if the communication broke down prematurely. So,
even while the social imperative and the goal-driven imperative may be essentially
discordant, the strategy for addressing both is the same - maintaining (at least for the
moment) flow and amicability at the locutionary level. The pragmatic space in which
these imperatives jostle and compete is beautifully afforded by the slipperiness of
pragmatic ambivalence.
Success in communication, therefore, is a two-way street; and the onus has much
to do with how the hearer handles their 'side'. The more indirect the speaker's lan-
guage, the more work is required of the hearer; and the less assured the speaker may
be of end product success. There are, in fact, two risks. The first has to do with the
intended perlocutionary effect (reduced offence through a softened FTA), which ulti-
mately is "in the hands (or ears) of the hearer" (Fraser and Nolen, 1981: 96). Of this
risk, Fraser writes:
"To mitigateis to bring about a consequentpsychologicaleffectwithinthe hearer,and successin doing
this is problematicat best ... ultimatelyit is up to the hearer to determinewhetheror not an unwelcome
effecthas been softened."(Fraser, 1980: 349)
The second risk is whether the trade-off in face has in fact worked; or whether the
one goal has succeeded at the cost of the other - in other words, how 'intact' is the
message? As M~iseide shows in his analysis of doctor-patient interaction, "delivered
messages require a receiver in order to have any communicative function" (1981:
161). Pocock, similarly, cites communicative constraints: "all verbalised action is
mediated.... In performing a verbalised act of power, I enter upon a polity of shared
power" (1973: 33).
Blum-Kulka (1987) would argue that a third risk lies in a point on the gradient of
indirectness where 'indirect' becomes 'impolite'. She defines politeness as "the
interactional balance achieved between two needs: the need for pragmatic clarity
and the need to avoid coerciveness" (1987: 131). Thus, an overly indirect speaker
may impose on the hearer by the sheer weight of the cognitive burden involved in
the inferencing of indirectness.
Fairhurst et al. (1984) may argue that there is a further risk. Because people in
authority positions have difficulty asking purely informational questions (Goody,
1978), subordinates may interpret apparently fact-finding questions as blame-loaded,
thus prompting defensiveness which itself may curb or distort the flow of informa-
tion (Gibb, 1969).
That the process is fraught with peril is supported by evidence from experimental
social psychology, which contributes to our understanding of how~ people interpret
each other in face-to-face interaction. For example, Swann and Read (1981) investi-
gated the influences of people's self-conceptions on how they solicit and respond to
feedback during social interaction. The findings suggest that there is a systematic
tendency for people to solicit self-verifying feedback. The conclusion is that within
interaction people operate as "active agents, who, after fashioning images of them-
selves, behave in ways that tend to bring their social environments into harmony
with these images" (1981: 1127). A later study (Swann, 1987) investigated the
negotiation of identity that happens at the point of interaction; and uncovered a set
of "self-verification strategies" (1987: 1039) by which people process feedback in
ways that make the responses seem more supportive than in fact they are.
Such evidence suggests that teacher-supervisees are not passive recipients of
imposed messages, but rather co-constructors of their own social reality. It is part of
the contention of this research that lack of supervisory explicitness runs the danger
of fuelling mis-conceptions: it leaves interpretation relatively open to chance, and by
542 R. Wajnryb / Journal of Pragmatics 29 (1998) 531-544
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loss of clarity. Being direct is not only clearer; it is also frequently more humane." (Pajak and Seyfarth,
1983: 22-23)
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