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Seismic Analysis and Soil Structure Interaction of Multistoried Building With Different Types of Footing

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 09, September-2015

Seismic Analysis and Soil Structure Interaction of

Multistoried Building with Different Types of
Miss. Anjali B Dr. Raji. M
M.Tech student Associate Professor
Dept of Civil Engineering Dept of Civil Engineering
Saintgits College Of Engineering , Govt.Engg College, Barton Hill
Kottayam Thiruvananthapuram

Abstract:-Seismic Analysis of building is very much important in structure interaction study is very much important to assess
the present scenario. Post earthquake study of the structures the behaviour of soil and structure as a single system.
reveals an idea about the behaviour of the structure to seismic Numerical Analysis of structures helps in analyzing the
forces and their damage. Numerical Analysis is a powerful tool behaviour of structures and gives the designer an idea about
in the analysis of structures which predict the possible
the probable settlement and deflection. A realistic model of
settlements and deflections related to seismic loads so as to
design the structure safely. In addition it is seen that the structure and soil interaction can lead to an optimal and
interaction of soil and foundation plays a major role in the economical structure.
damage/response of structure. Foundation is that part of
structure to transmit loads from structure in to the sub-soil. In The objective of this paper is to study the type of foundation
order to study the effect various type of foundation in the on lateral deflection response of the building and also to
behaviour of building to seismic forces, a thirteen storey study its impact on the settlement of footing. The finite
structure is modeled in ANSYS 16. The structure is resting on element software ANSYS 16 is used to model the soil-
three layers of soil such as sand, clay and stiff clay. Three types structure behaviour and its interaction effects. The
of foundation such as raft, pile and under reamed pile are
consistency in the modeling of the interaction between
considered for the comparison of the study keeping all other
parameters constant. On comparing the values of total lateral structures and soil is maintained throughout the analysis. A
deflection of the building it is found that the structure with raft thirteen storey building is considered for the study and is
foundation shows maximum lateral deflection, than pile analyzed for three different type of foundation such as Raft,
foundation and minimum is with the under reamed pile pile and under reamed pile foundation. Soil and structure is
foundation. The settlement of footing is also observed. The modeled together to obtain the soil structure interaction
settlement obtained under raft foundation concrete is greater effects during the seismic transient. The acceleration record
than that of pile foundation. The soil settlement under pile of Kobe earthquake (1995) of magnitude 6.9 is given as
foundation is slightly higher than that of under reamed pile transient input. The results obtained are presented in this
Key Words: Earthquake, Foundations, Ansys METHODOLOGY

INTRODUCTION ANSYS 16 workbench is used to determine the total

deformation of the building as well as the settlement of the
Designing and modelling of any structure crosses two footing. ANSYS finite element tool helps in simulating every
engineering disciplines. There is the structural engineer who structural aspect very efficiently. The results are made
designs the structure and the geotechnical engineer who is reliable by the wide variety of material models, the quality of
concerned with the geotechnical aspects of the soil. The the element available, and the ability to model every aspect.
strength of building and foundation are the two things to be ANSYS provides Linear static analysis that simply provides
considered while studying the behaviour of the structure. stresses or deformations, Modal analysis that determines
Foundation is that part of structure to transmit loads from vibration characteristics, advanced transient nonlinear
structure in to the sub-soil. Raft foundations are required on phenomena involving dynamic effects and complex
soil of low bearing capacity and are useful in reducing behaviors.
differential settlement.. It is commonly used beneath In this paper a 3-D model of soil structure system is
multistoried building, silo clusters, chimney etc. Pile developed. The different materials are defined in the
foundations are used to transmit loads to deeper layer of soil. engineering data tab by inputting the values of youngs
It is used both on land and underwater for supporting modulus and poisons ratio. The soil and structure is modeled
structures. The under reamed piles are best suited in soils integrally with introducing appropriate interface material.
where considerable ground movements occur due to seasonal Then the model is meshed defining the mesh refinement in
variations, filled up grounds or in soft soil strata. A soil the mesh tool. The maximum lateral deformation of the

IJERTV4IS090690 www.ijert.org 820

(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 09, September-2015

structure and soil settlement beneath the footing is taken from

result tab. Maximum lateral displacement is always obtained
at the top of the building.

An asymmetrical type of building (L- shaped) is modeled for

the study, a G+12 structure is created in the Ansys16
workbench geometry tab. The structure consists of 5 bays in
X-direction and in order to impart asymmetry the number of
bays in Y direction is maintained as 4 and 2 in opposite faces.
The other details of the structure are given in the table -1.

Table 1 : Details of the structure

Sl.No Details Value
Figure 1: Acceleration time history [ Kobe earthquake]
1 Floor height 3.5m
A thirteen storey building is considered for the study and is
analyzed for three different type of foundation. At first the
2 Span 3m
structure is modeled with raft foundation 80mm thick. Then
3 Beam size 0.4 0.6m the foundation is changed to pile foundation by giving piles
of diameter 80cm and length 10m. The pile diameter and
4 Column size 0.6 0.4m spacing are determined as per the Indian standard
specifications. Then the structure foundation system is again
5 Mat foundation 800mm thick modeled using under reamed pile foundation. The 50cm
diameter pile of length 8m is given a under reamed shear bulb
6 Soil volume 100 100 70 m of 120cm at the end The deflection and soil settlement are
noted. The modulus of elasticity is found out by using
5000(fck)1/2. For M25 grade concrete E= 2.5e10Pa. Fig 2 and
3 shows the soil structure system and the corresponding mesh
The soil is modeled as non linear element with a volume of model respectively. 42817 nodes and 17429 elements are
100 100 70 m. The horizontal boundary (H) was placed created for raft foundation structure.60705 nodes and 41410
at 5 times the foundation length (5L) and the vertical elements are created for pile foundation structure. 70075
boundary (V) is placed at 3 times the foundation length nodes and 52291 elements are created for under reamed pile
(3L).The structure is supported on three layers of soil such as structure.
stiff clays, clay and silty sand and the engineering properties
of the soil are shown in Table.2

Table 2 : Soil properties.

E=205e6 N/m2
Silty sand poissons ratio = 0.35
(6m thick) Density = 20e3 N/m3

E=16.5e6 N/m2
Clay poissons ratio = 0.45
(18m thick) Density = 16.4e3 N/m3

E=60e6 N/m2
Stiff clay poissons ratio = 0.39
Density = 19e3 N/m3
Figure 2: Model of the structure with raft foundation

Kobe earthquake of Japan (1995) is used here for the

transient analysis. Measuring 6.8 on the moment magnitude
scale, it was the worst earthquake to hit the country in the
20th century with peak ground acceleration of 0.833g..The
acceleration time history for the Kobe earthquake is shown in

IJERTV4IS090690 www.ijert.org 821

(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 09, September-2015

Figure 6: Model of the structure with under reamed pile foundation(hiding

top two layer of soil)
Figure 3: Mesh model of the structure with raft foundation

Figure 7: Mesh model of structure with under reamed pile footing

Figure 4: Model of the structure with pile foundation(hiding 1st layer of soil) RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

The deformation versus time graph and soil settlement versus

time graph is obtained for the three different foundation are
given below. (In the graphs only positive side of deflection is
shown for clarity)

Figure 5: Mesh model of structure with pile foundation

Figure 8: total lateral deformation Vs time graph for structure with raft

IJERTV4IS090690 www.ijert.org 822

(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 09, September-2015

Figure 9 : Soil settlement Vs time graph for structure with raft foundation.
Figure 12:total deformation Vs time graph for structure with under reamed
pile foundation

Figure 10:total deformation Vs time graph for structure with pile foundation

Figure 13 : Soil settlement Vs time graph for structure with under reamed
pile foundation

Table 3 : comparison between various types of footing

Raft Pile
G+12 structure reamed pile
foundation foundation

Maximum lateral
70.957 38.646 31.387

48.532 30.672 29.926

Figure 11 : Soil settlement Vs time graph for structure with pile foundation

IJERTV4IS090690 www.ijert.org 823

(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 09, September-2015


In order to find out the seismic response and soil structure

interaction of a multistoried building with varying type of
foundation three different analysis have been carried out.
G+12 storey structure is taken for the study with raft, pile and
under reamed pile foundation systems. Three separate
analysis is carried out for the same structure and same layered
soil system. Three layers of soil with sand , clay and stiff clay
is taken for the analysis. On analyzing the result it is found
out that the deformation is higher for raft foundation and is
about 70.9mm. When the raft is changed to pile foundation
the deflection reduces considerably to 38.6mm. Thus
deflection reduces to one half when raft footing is changed to
pile footing. When the under reamed piles are provided
instead of pile foundation the deflection again reduces to
31.387mm. The soil settlement under the raft foundation is
remarkably higher than that of the pile and under reamed pile
footing. But the soil settlement is only slightly more in case
of pile foundation when compared to under reamed pile
foundation. Thus out of the three foundation system under
reamed pile foundation is found to be more effective when a
seismic force is acted upon a structure.


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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)

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