A Guide To Concrete Practice
A Guide To Concrete Practice
A Guide To Concrete Practice
Preface page 2
CHAPTER 1 Concrete Materials pages 3–5
CHAPTER 2 Concrete Properties pages 6–9
CHAPTER 3 Concrete Testing pages 10–13
CHAPTER 4 Ordering page 14
CHAPTER 5 Proportioning and Mixing pages 15–16
CHAPTER 6 Planning and Site Preparation pages 17–19
CHAPTER 7 Transporting and Placing pages 20–22
CHAPTER 8 Compacting pages 23–25
CHAPTER 9 Finishing pages 26–27
CHAPTER 10 Curing pages 28–30
CHAPTER 11 Joints pages 31–33
CHAPTER 12 Hot and Cold Weather Concreting pages 34–35
CHAPTER 13 Colouring and Surface Finishes pages 36–39
CHAPTER 14 Defects pages 40–43
CHAPTER 15 Removing Stains pages 44–46
CHAPTER 16 Cracking pages 47–49
CHAPTER 17 Reinforced Concrete pages 50–52
CHAPTER 18 Formwork pages 53–54
Communities around the world rely on concrete as a safe, strong and simple
building material. It is used in all types of buildings (from residential to
multi‑storey office blocks) and in infrastructure projects (roads, bridges, etc).
Despite its widespsread use, many people are unaware of the
considerations involved in providing high quality, strong, durable concrete.
Concrete Basics provides a clear, concise explanation of all aspects of
making quality concrete; from the Materials and Properties involved through
Planning, Preparation, Finishing and Curing.
Concrete Basics addresses the needs of unskilled and semi-skilled persons
undertaking general concreting projects including home and handyman
projects. Concrete Basics also assists owner builders in the supervision
of construction. It aims to develop an understanding of technical terms
through clear definition accompanied by simple illustrations. A general
understanding of these terms will help to facilitate communication within
the building industry.
Concrete Basics will help to generate a higher standard of workmanship
on site and facilitate better communication among construction workers,
builders, engineers, building surveyors, architects and anyone interested in
understanding the processes involved in making quality concrete.
This paste acts like glue and holds or bonds the aggregates
together. AGGREGATES
65–80% of mix volume
Six major types of
cement are sold
in Australia:
Type GP (General Purpose Portland cement)
Type GB (General Purpose Blended cement)
Type HE (High Early Strength cement)
Type LH (Low Heat cement)
Type SR (Sulfate Resisting cement)
Type SL (Shrinkage Limited cement)
Each type of cement will produce concrete with different
The most commonly used are Type GP and Type GB.
Blended cements contain portland cement and more
than 5% of either fly ash, ground slag, amorphous silica
(eg silica fume), or a combination of these.
STORAGE Aggregates should be stored where they will remain clean, separated from
other materials and dry. If the aggregates are wet, less water should be used in the mix.
WATER Water is mixed with the cement powder to form a paste which holds the
aggregates together like glue.
Water must be clean, fresh and free from any dirt, unwanted chemicals or
rubbish that may affect concrete.
Many concrete plants now use recycled water.
Always check bore water before use.
Don’t use sea water in reinforced concrete
as it may rust the reinforcing steel.
ADMIXTURES Admixtures are mixed into the concrete to change or alter its properties,
ie the time concrete takes to set and harden, or its workability.
A mix that has too much water will not be cohesive and may allow materials to
separate (segregate).
STRENGTH AND DURABILITY Well made concrete is a naturally strong and durable
material. It is DENSE, reasonably WATERTIGHT (impermeable), able to resist changes in
TEMPERATURE, as well as wear-and-tear from WEATHERING and TRAFFIC.
Strength and Durability are affected by the density of the concrete. Denser concrete is
stronger and more watertight (or less permeable).
Concrete durability INCREASES with strength.
Well made concrete is very important to protect the steel in reinforced concrete.
See CHAPTER 17 Reinforced Concrete
WEATHER Warmer weather will cause concrete to have a higher early strength.
See CHAPTER 12 Hot and Cold Weather Concreting
THE WATER TO CEMENT RATIO Too much water and not enough cement means
concrete will be weaker and less durable.
The water to cement ratio (W/C) is the weight of the water divided by the weight of
Water 20 litres
W/C = eg = 0.5 Note: 1 litre of water weighs 1 kilogram
Cement 40 kg
SAMPLING The first step is to take a test sample from the large batch of concrete. This
should be done as soon as discharge of the concrete commences. The sample should be
representative of the concrete supplied.
The SAMPLE is taken in one of two ways:
For purposes of accepting or rejecting the load: Sampling after 0.2 m3 of the load
has been discharged.
For routine quality checks: Sampling from three places in the load as it is discharged.
THE SLUMP TEST The slump test is done to make sure a concrete mix is consistent
and workable. The measured slump must be within a set range, or tolerance, from the
specified slump.
Standard slump cone
(100 mm top diameter x 200 mm bottom
diameter x 300 mm high)
Small scoop
Bullet-nosed rod
(600 mm long x 16 mm diameter)
Slump plate (500 mm x 500 mm)
1 Clean the cone. Dampen with water and place on the slump plate.
The slump plate should be clean, firm, level and non-absorbent.
2 Collect a sample. See Sampling
3 Stand firmly on the footpieces and fill 1/3 the volume of the
cone with the sample. Compact the concrete by 'rodding' 25 times.
Rodding Rodding means to push a steel rod in and out of the concrete
to compact it into the slump cone. Always rod in a definite pattern, working
from outside into the middle.
4 Now fill to 2 /3 and again rod 25 times, just into the top
of the first layer.
5 Fill to overflowing, rodding again this time just into the top
of the second layer. Top up the cone until it overflows.
6 Level off the surface with the steel rod using a rolling
action. Clean any concrete from around the base and
top of the cone, push down on the handles and
step off the footpieces.
7 Carefully lift the cone straight up making sure
not to move the sample.
8 Turn the cone upside down and place
the rod across the upturned cone.
THE COMPRESSION TEST The compression test shows the compressive strength of
hardened concrete. The testing is done in a laboratory off-site. The only work done on site
is to make a concrete cylinder for the test.
The strength is measured in Megapascals (MPa) and is commonly specified as a
characteristic strength of concrete measured at 28 days after mixing. The compressive
strength is a measure of the concrete’s ability to resist loads which tend to crush it.
(100 mm diameter x 200 mm high
or 150 mm diameter x 300 mm high –
the small cylinders are normally used for
most testing due to their lighter weight)
Small scoop
Bullet-nosed rod
(600 mm long x 16 mm diameter)
Steel float
Steel plate
1 Clean the cylinder mould and coat the inside lightly with form oil,
then place on a clean, level and firm surface, eg the steel plate.
2 Collect a sample. See Sampling
3 Fill 1/2 the volume of the mould with concrete then compact by
rodding 25 times. Cylinders may also be compacted by vibrating
using a vibrating table.
4 Fill the cone to overflowing and rod 25 times into the top of the first layer,
then top up the mould until overflowing.
5 Level off the top with the steel float and clean any
concrete from around the mould.
CHAPTER 4 Ordering
WHEN ORDERING PRE-MIXED concrete you will need to tell the supplier:
Name and address for delivery
The use of the concrete (ie driveway, housing slab, commercial)
The amount you need in cubic metres
The Class of the concrete. There are two classes that concrete can be supplied as:
Normal Class and Special Class.
NORMAL CLASS CONCRETE has a strength grade of N20, N25, N32, N40
and N50 with the corresponding characteristic strength of 20, 25, 32, 40 and
50 MPa at 28 days. The slump at the point of delivery should be 20–120
mm and the maximum size of coarse aggregate should be 10, 14 or 20 mm.
Normal class concrete is suitable for most purposes. For most domestic
applications such as driveways and paths grade N20 and N25 are the
common grades ordered.
SPECIAL CLASS CONCRETE is specified when you have additional or
alternative requirements to those for normal class concrete, eg lightweight
aggregate, colour pigments, a non-standard strength grade. Special class
concrete will not always be available from every concrete supplier.
The slump in millimetres (mm).
See slump test in CHAPTER 3 Concrete Testing
Too much fine aggregate gives a sticky mix.
Too much coarse aggregate
gives a harsh or boney mix.
Truck Mixing The materials are normally added to the trucks at batching plants and
mixed for the required time and speed at the plant. The truck's drum continues to rotate to
agitate the concrete during transportation to the site.
Site Mixing When site mixing, begin by loading a MEASURED AMOUNT of coarse
aggregate into the mixer drum. Add the sand before the cement, both in measured amounts.
Mix materials together until there is no visible sand in the mix.
Add enough water to get a workable mix.
Be careful not to overload the mixer. Too much concrete in the mixer means
each batch takes longer to be properly mixed, which causes
costly delays in the long run or it will not mix at all.
Always check how much the mixer holds so you know
how much concrete can be produced at one time.
Avoid delays between batches to get maximum
Small quantities of concrete may be mixed
by hand with a shovel. Mixing should be
done on a clean board, or plate, or in a
wheelbarrow. Mix the materials together until
they are even. Then dish the material and add water.
Use only enough water to get an even, workable mix.
Finish mixing.
THE FINISHED LEVEL Once the thickness of concrete has been established, work out
where the concrete will finish. Concrete cannot finish too high against steps or the external
house wall and should not cover any part of weepholes in the wall. The finished level
determines how much digging or excavation must be done. Pavements must slope away
from buildings and boundaries.
Formwork gives
concrete its shape,
Formwork should be
properly braced so it
is strong. It should not
flex or move.
SERVICES Plumbing,
heating or electrical
services often run
through a slab. These
must be in place before
any concrete is placed.
PLACEMENT Ensure all planning and site preparation takes into account how concrete
will be placed – allowing room for trucks, ramps for wheelbarrows, space for a pump, etc.
JOINTS The position, type and number of joints should be planned well before the
concrete is placed.
See CHAPTER 11 Joints
SEGREGATION Segregation is when the coarse and fine aggregate, and cement paste,
become separated. Segregation may occur when the concrete is mixed, transported,
placed or compacted.
Segregation makes the concrete:
and will leave A POOR SURFACE FINISH.
To avoid segregation:
Check the concrete is not 'too wet' or 'too dry'.
Make sure the concrete is properly mixed. It is important that the concrete is mixed at the
correct speed in a transit mixer for at least two minutes immediately prior to discharge. The
concrete should be placed as soon as possible. When transporting the mix, load carefully.
If placing concrete straight from a truck, place vertically and never let the concrete fall
more than one-and-a-half metres.
Always place new concrete into the face of concrete already in place.
When compacting with a poker vibrator be sure to use it carefully.
See CHAPTER 8 Compacting
Never spread concrete sideways with a poker
vibrator as this may cause segregation of the mix.
Always be sure to vibrate concrete evenly.
CHAPTER 8 Compacting
WHY COMPACT Properly compacted concrete is more dense, strong and durable.
Off-form finishes will also be better.
Screeding Screeding levels and compacts thin concrete slabs and the top layers of
thicker slabs. A screed board will not compact the concrete very well. Mechanical vibration
or hand rodding is required to provide adequate compaction.
The Mechanical Screed A double-beam mechanical screed compacts the concrete TWICE.
The first beam levels the concrete roughly and compacts it.
The second beam levels and compacts the concrete further.
The screed is pulled along the top of the forms by two
Always keep a small amount, or surcharge, of concrete,
in front of both beams of the screed to avoid hollows
forming in the surface. If a hollow develops, the
screed will not compact the concrete.
The mechanical screed compacts the
concrete as it vibrates.
Put the poker into the concrete QUICKLY. Take the
poker out very SLOWLY otherwise a hole, or weak
spot, may be left in the concrete.
Make sure there are enough workers so some can compact while others continue to place.
HOW LONG TO COMPACT For concrete of average workability (ie slump of 80 mm)
with a poker size between 25–75 mm, concrete should usually be vibrated for between
5 and 15 seconds.
It is worse to UNDER-VIBRATE than to OVER-VIBRATE concrete.
CHAPTER 9 Finishing
INITIAL FINISHING Concrete is first screeded to the level of the formwork, then
bullfloated and left to set.
In some cases screeding leaves a good enough finish, especially if floor coverings
are to be used over the concrete.
Water then appears on the surface of the concrete. This water is called bleed water.
Excess bleed water can be removed by dragging an ordinary garden hose across
the surface of the concrete.
Never try to dry up the bleed water using stone dust or cement as this will weaken
the concrete surface in the long run.
Once the bleed water dries up and concrete can support a person’s weight, with
only a slight marking to the surface, the final finishing can begin.
FINAL FINISHING This involves floating, trowelling, edging, jointing or patterning the
concrete. Special finishes such as brooming, colouring or patterned finishes can be
applied to the surface.
See CHAPTER 13 Colouring and Surface Finishes
CHAPTER 10 Curing
Precautions When curing leave the formwork in place to help reduce moisture loss. In
hot weather (above 30°C), or during high winds and low humidity, concrete can dry out
quickly. In these conditions take extra care with curing.
See CHAPTER 12 Hot and Cold Weather Concreting
HOW LONG TO CURE Concrete keeps getting HARDER AND STRONGER over TIME.
Household concrete jobs MUST be cured for at least 3 DAYS.
For better strength and durability, cure concrete for 7 DAYS.
The LONGER concrete is cured, the closer it will be to its best possible strength and
CHAPTER 11 Joints
WHAT ARE JOINTS? Joints are PLANNED BREAKS in concrete which allow it to move
and thus prevent random cracking.
Control Joints Wet-formed (tooled) joints are provided by the use of a grooving tool to
create a plane of weakness to control where shrinkage cracks will occur and to conceal
them. To be effective the joint must be tooled to a minimum depth of 1/4 to 1/3 the
depth of the concrete, eg for 100 mm thick concrete – joint depth should be a minimum
of 25 mm to 35 mm.
Control joints may be made while concrete is hardening by slicing it with a thin piece of
metal. The edges of the joints should be finished with a grooving or edging tool.
See CHAPTER 9 Finishing
A tooled or sawn joint may be sealed with a flexible material to minimise water entry and
to prevent stones, etc entering which may later cause spalling of the concrete edges.
The position and number of control joints must be carefully planned. Control joints in an
unreinforced concrete slab should divide it into roughly square areas. If rectangular, the
ratio of the sides should not exceed 1 : 1.5.
Control joints in unreinforced concrete should be spaced at about 20 to 25 times the
thickness of the slab, eg in a 100-mm slab the joint spacing should be 3 m maximum.
In steel-reinforced slabs the joint spacing is controlled by the area of steel. The more
steel there is, the further apart the joints can be.
Workability In hot and/or windy weather a concrete mix may stiffen rapidly and not be
A 'set-retarding' admixture may be added to the concrete during mixing to extend the
working time.
See CHAPTER 2 Concrete Properties
In hot and/or windy weather, if concrete stiffens quickly,
a cold unbonded joint may form between concrete
already in place and the new concrete.
If there is a chance of this happening you may
need to make a construction joint.
See CHAPTER 11 Joints
To reduce the risk of concrete drying out
and cracking use one or more of the following:
Use SHADE to keep all materials out of direct
sun and keep the aggregates MOIST.
DAMPEN subgrade and formwork, but
don’t leave excess water lying around.
IN COLD WEATHER Frozen or very cold water will also slow down the setting time which
can cause costly delays. Concrete should not be allowed to freeze in the first 24 hours.
To stop concrete freezing use one or more of the following:
Keep all MATERIALS warm.
Use WARM WATER in the mix.
CONCRETE GRADE In order to minimise problems arising when using any form of
coloured concrete for domestic paving, a minimum grade of 25 MPa concrete should be
used. Other forms of decorative concrete, or in commercial work, will normally require a
higher grade of concrete.
CURING Adequate curing is a very important step in colouring concrete. The concrete
surface must stay evenly moist or the colour will be uneven. Poorly cured concrete can
even affect a painted concrete surface.
See CHAPTER 10 Curing
Shake the other 1/3 of the dry colouring material onto the
concrete at right angles to the first application (if possible)
and again, after it has dampened up, spread evenly with
a float. The two applications help to give a more uniform
colour and thickness.
Re-tool any edges and joints.
See CHAPTER 11 Joints
After a while the surface must be re-floated.
Full Depth Colour The colour is added to the concrete during mixing so all the concrete
is coloured, then the concrete is compacted and finished as for normal concrete.
To achieve the required colour, the pigment additives should
generally be in the range of 3–7% by weight of the cement.
Higher quantities may affect the strength and durability of the
concrete. Check manufacturer details for colour selection.
See CHAPTER 2 Concrete Properties
Each batch must be accurately proportioned, thoroughly mixed
and well floated to give an even colour.
See CHAPTER 9 Finishing
The colour of the cement powder may effect the shade of the
final colour, ie a dark grey cement may affect light colours.
Stamped A number of DIFFERENT PATTERNS can be stamped into the surface of setting
concrete. This includes cobblestone, slate, tile, brick tile and timber finishes.
The concrete is placed and compacted normally, and floated once. A dry shake colour may
also be used.
The pattern moulds or pads/mats are then placed carefully on the concrete surface. When
mats are used a release agent will be needed to allow the mat to be removed. At least two
moulds are needed to step from one to another giving continuous and matching pattern.
Step onto the moulds, pressing them into the concrete surface to the desired depth; up to
6–10 mm for cobblestones and less for other patterns. Deep patterns may be a hazard for
When using pads, the grooves may be rounded by laying a sheet of plastic across the
concrete surface before stamping. The surface may then be broomed to give a non-slip
finish. Use small handstamps for the edges and any difficult to reach areas.
Stencilled Brick, tile or stone appearances can be obtained by floating a paper template
into the concrete surface before applying a dry shake. The template forms the 'joint' lines
in the pattern.
Broomed To give a skid-resistant surface a
broom can simply be drawn across the surface of
concrete. The broom can be drawn in straight or
's' shape lines. The depth of the texturing will
depend on the stiffness of the broom's bristles
and the pressure applied.
The concrete can be made as normal, and the course aggregate exposed. This is done by
waiting until the surface is firm, but not dry, then brushing, washing or brooming away any
cement paste until the aggregates are exposed. The concrete is then cured.
A surface retardant can be used to aid the process.
Alternatively, there are two ways to get an exposed aggregate finish by adding special
aggregates to the surface immediately after the concrete has been placed.
Place, compact and level the concrete to
about 10 mm below the top of the forms.
Spread selected aggregates over the
concrete in a layer and press them into
the concrete until completely covered.
Place, compact and level the concrete to about 5 mm below the top of the forms.
Mix a 'Topping Coat' – a mix of aggregates and
cement paste in the ratio 2:1. Use only enough
water to make the mix workable.
See CHAPTER 2 Concrete Properties
Spread the topping over the concrete, level,
tamp down and finish with a trowel.
FOR BOTH METHODS leave the concrete until the cement paste on the surface is firm,
but not dry, then brush or, with a fine mist spray, wash away some of the cement paste
covering the aggregates.
In both cases extra cleaning can be done with a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid. The
solution should be 1 part acid to 20 parts water (adding the acid to the water). Wet the
concrete first and rinse off thoroughly afterwards. Observe safety procedures.
See CHAPTER 15 Removing Stains
To see what an aggregate finish will look like, do a test area first. Different colours of
cement can be used to get a better effect. For instance a white or off-white cement may be
used with a light stone where a grey cement may create a clash of colours.
Polished Polished concrete is a finish used on the interior and exterior of dwellings.
A variety of finishes can be achieved by using different techniques or products. The
different finishes can be achieved by using liquid polishes, latex coatings, chemical sealers,
grinding to expose the aggregates, colouring, staining and using special aggregates to
achieve other desired effects.
For further details refer to Polished Concrete Floors – Briefing 05
CHAPTER 14 Defects
Variations in colour across the surface of concrete.
May appear as patches of light and dark.
Uneven or variable compaction and curing conditions.
See CHAPTER 8 Compacting and CHAPTER 10 Curing
Addition of excess water.
Segregation of materials (in coloured concrete).
Variable colour dosage.
Repair Many colour variations from workmanship will be permanent. To hide the variation
a SURFACE COATING can be applied.
Rectification of colour variation from stains is a very difficult operation and may need
repeated gentle treatments with a weak acid.
See CHAPTER 15 Removing Stains
A network of fine cracks across the surface of concrete.
Repair Repair may not be necessary because crazing will not weaken concrete. If the
appearance is unacceptable, a surface coating of a paint or other overlay sealer can be
applied to hide the cracks.
See CHAPTER 13 Colouring and Surface Finishes
A fine powder on the concrete surface which comes off on your fingers.
Finishing before the bleed water has dried.
Finishing during the rain.
See CHAPTER 9 Finishing
Not curing properly, or the surface is drying too quickly.
See CHAPTER 10 Curing
Concrete of too low a grade for the end use (eg subject to severe abrasion).
Let any bleed water dry up before trowelling or, in cold conditions, remove the water.
Cure correctly.
See CHAPTER 10 Curing
Protect concrete from drying out too quickly in hot or windy conditions.
For harsh conditions use a stronger concrete.
Do not add excess water before placing.
Repair Where surface dusting is minimal, the application of a surface hardener can be
beneficial. If the surface is showing significant wear, it is essential to remove all loose
material by grinding or scraping the surface to a sound base and then applying a suitable
topping, if required.
The surface has bits washed away or many small dents.
Repair If the concrete has not hardened and damage is minimal the surface can be
refloated and re-trowelled taking care not to work excess water into the surface.
See CHAPTER 9 Finishing
If the concrete has hardened it may be possible to grind or scrape off the damaged
surface layer and, if required, apply a topping layer of new concrete or a repair compound.
This may not always be possible and should be done only on expert advice.
When the slab edges and joints chip or break leaving an elongated cavity.
Edges of joints break because of heavy loads or impact with hard objects. As concrete
expands and contracts the weak edges may crack and break.
Entry of hard objects, such as stones, into joints may
cause spalling when the concrete expands.
Poor compaction of concrete at joints.
Design the joints carefully.
Keep heavy loads away from the joints and edges until the concrete has hardened.
Ensure proper compaction.
Keep joints free from rubbish.
For small spalled areas: scrape, chip or grind away the weak areas until you reach sound
concrete, making sure you brush any loose material off the slab. Then refill the area
with new concrete or repair mortar (after applying a bonding agent to the old concrete if
necessary). Compact, finish and cure the new patch carefully. Care should be taken that
all joints are maintained and not filled.
For large spalled areas: seek expert advice
A white crystalline deposit sometimes found on the
surface of concrete.
Water with dissolved mineral salts collect on the
concrete surface, as water evaporates salt deposits
are left on the surface.
Prevention Use clean, salt-free water and washed sands. Avoid excessive bleeding.
Repair Remove efflorescence by dry brushing and washing with clean water. Do not use
a wire brush. If this fails to remove the deposit, wash with a dilute solution of hydrochloric
Coarse, stony surface with air voids.
Blisters are hollow, low-profile
bumps on the concrete surface
filled with either air or bleed water.
Prevention After placing, screeding and floating leave the concrete as long as possible
before trowelling.
If blisters are forming, delay trowelling as long as possible and take steps to reduce
evaporation by using an evaporative retarder.
Repair Grind off the weakened layer to an even finish, or remove blisters and apply
a repair mortar or epoxy coating.
Staining resulting from metal objects placed on the concrete can usually be removed by
using a special cleaning chemical available from most hardware stores. For stubborn
stains, a weak solution (1:25) of hydrochloric acid may be successful. Prior to applying
the acid solution, wet the concrete and always wash down the surface with clean water
afterwards. Be careful where the run off goes as it may create problems on other concrete
surfaces or gardens. A poultice method may also be used.
For stains resulting from rusting of the embedded steel
reinforcement, seek professional advice.
New spillages should be soaked up immediately
to prevent spreading.
If the paint is water-based, scrub the area with an
abrasive cleaning powder and rinse with water.
If the paint is oil-based, allow it to dry and then
scrape off as much paint as possible and apply a
paint stripper. After 20–30 minutes scrub gently
to loosen the paint film and rinse with water.
To remove timber stains, scrub vigorously with a
domestic chlorine bleach then rinse the surface.
Stubborn stains may need to be repeatedly
covered in a cloth soaked in bleach. Scrub
between bleach treatments and rinse the surface.
When using any chemicals (epecially acids) mentioned in this
chapter always wear protective clothing, gloves and shoes.
Protective goggles and face masks may also be necessary.
Don’t breathe in fumes from any of these chemicals.
If chemicals come in contact with skin or eyes, wash the area
with plenty of cold water, and seek medical advice.
Always read the safety directions on the label of any
chemical container prior to starting work.
CHAPTER 16 Cracking
Two types of cracks occur in concrete:
PRE-HARDENING CRACKS Cracks that happen BEFORE concrete hardens,
while it is still workable.
HARDENED CONCRETE CRACKS Cracks which occcur AFTER concrete hardens.
PRE-HARDENING CRACKS Pre-hardening cracks are cracks which form during placing,
compaction and finishing caused by movement of concrete before it is dry.
There are three types of pre-hardening cracks:
Pre-hardening cracks, if they are detected early, can be easily
rectified by re-compacting, re-trowelling or re-floating the
concrete surface.
Revibrate the concrete.
Re-trowel the surface.
Look for cracks as the concrete is setting.
At this stage they can easily be fixed.
Dampen the subgrade and forms and protect concrete from the wind.
Keep all materials cool on hot days.Place, compact and
cure as quickly as possible on hot days so concrete
won’t dry out.
Once the concrete has been compacted,
screeded and floated, apply a uniform spray
film of EVAPORATIVE RETARDER (eg Aliphatic
Alcohol) to prevent rapid loss of surface moisture,
then continue with finishing.
Try to place at the cooler times of the day.
Formwork Movement
If formwork is not strong enough it may bend or bulge. Formwork movement may happen
at any time during placement and compaction.
Thermal Shock
Applying cold water (for curing) over concrete on a hot day can
result in cracks from the sudden contraction.
Prevention Use warm water or other curing method.
Normal Concrete: Reinforced Concrete:
HIGH compressive strength VERY HIGH compressive strength
VERY LOW tensile strength VERY HIGH tensile strength
VERY LOW shear strength VERY HIGH shear strength
The position of reinforcement will be shown in the plans. Reinforcement must be fixed in the
right position to best resist compressive, tensile and shear forces and help control cracking.
The reinforcement in trenches and slabs rests on BAR
CHAIRS and must be securely fixed to the bar chairs
so it won’t move when concrete is placed around it.
Concrete Reinforcement Bond To help control the width of cracks, or their location
(at joints), there must be a strong bond between concrete and reinforcement. This allows
the tensile forces (which concrete has a very low ability to resist) to be transferred to
the reinforcement.
To help achieve a strong bond:
The reinforcement should be CLEAN (free from
flakey rust, dirt or grease).
The concrete should be PROPERLY COMPACTED
around the reinforcement.
Reinforcing bars and mesh should be located so that there
is enough room between the bars to place and compact the concrete.
To improve the transfer of tensile forces to the steel, the reinforcement is often anchored by:
LAPPING the bars.
Types of Reinforcement Two types of steel reinforcement used are mesh sheets or
individual bars.
Bars are normally deformed, while mesh may be made from either smooth or deformed
bars. Typical bar diameters are 12, 16, 20 and 24 mm.
Typical mesh sizes are SL42, 52, 62, 72 and 82. The SL stands for Square mesh Low
Ductility and the numbers also have meanings. For example, for SL42 the 4 is the nominal
wire size (mm) and the 2 refers to the wire spacing (200 mm).
CHAPTER 18 Formwork
Be sure that formwork is placed so it can be removed. If formwork is placed in awkward
positions or tight corners it may be difficult to remove when the concrete has hardened.
It is helpful if formwork is:
SIMPLE to build,
EASY to handle, and
Formwork sections should be of simple design, not too big and of standard sizes if they
are to be re-used.
Formwork is normally made from steel or timber. Timber formwork is easier to make while
steel formwork will allow a greater number of re-uses.
Formwork can be made on site or bought from formwork suppliers. Special forms made
from various materials can be purchased for forming waffle slabs, circular columns and
other special profiles.
Formwork may be left in place to help curing.
See CHAPTER 10 Curing
Removal time will vary according to the weather,
In cold weather, concrete will take longer to gain strength than in warm weather, removal
times will therefore be longer.
In mild conditions (around 20°C) 7 days is long enough to leave the forms in place, unless
the concrete is suspended when other considerations apply.