Patent Mekanisme Cao Jadi Caoh2
Patent Mekanisme Cao Jadi Caoh2
Patent Mekanisme Cao Jadi Caoh2
(57) Method for producing calcium soaps for animal washing or concentration process. Said high fatty acid
feed. The invention consists of a novel process for pro- content renders the soaps particularly suitable for use as
ducing calcium soaps, comprising the saponification of a component of animal feed. The applicability of said
natural fats and oils with CaO, in which the reaction mass soaps for feed for monogastric animals is improved by
is heated and subjected to reduced pressure. In this way, adding glycerol and/or another emulsifying agent during
calcium soaps with a fatty acid content of more than 80 the soap production process.
% can be obtained without requiring any subsequent
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pared. Achieving calcium soaps with a high fatty acid allowing fats to be supplied in a form that is more suitable
content is beneficial for animal feed in terms of at least for animals, in the form of powder or granules, which is
4 essential characteristics: preferable to supplying fats in liquid form, as is the norm
in the state of the art. Therefore, in the present invention,
i. Formation of micelles that aid the digestion and 5 the resulting glycerol is not separated or eliminated after
assimilation of fats and other fat-soluble active sub- saponification of the fats and/or oils. Optionally, the meth-
stances (vitamins) in the livestock’s feed, thereby od of the invention can also additionally include glycerol
aiding growth, milk production and fattening. and/or emulsifiers that are authorised for animal feed dur-
ii. The addition of the feed itself which facilitates its ing the process, producing soaps of the invention with a
handling, compression, pelletisation, granulation, 10 higher content of these compounds that can be more
storage and preservation. suitable for feed for monogastric animals.
iii. The inclusion of concentrated fat products in feeds
makes the cost of the feed lower than when the prod- DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
ucts that they contain have a low fat concentration.
The higher the fat concentration, the lower its cost 15 [0015] With the known soap production processes
per unit. based directly on the saponification of fats, it is difficult
iv. The inclusion of calcium soaps with a high fatty to produce soaps with a fatty acid content of more than
acid content makes it possible to use a smaller pro- 60%, as has been mentioned above. The present inven-
portion of soaps in the final composition of the feed tion discloses a process for producing soaps from alka-
than in the case of soaps with a lower fatty acid con- 20 line earth metals, specifically calcium soaps, by saponi-
tent or in the case of fatty materials that are not in fying natural fats, with a fatty acid content of more than
soap form, these situations requiring the presence 70% and preferably between 82-86%.
of larger quantities of the component of the compo- [0016] To achieve a concentration of fatty acids of
sition that acts as a source of fatty acids to be as more than 60%, with the known processes for producing
efficient in animal feed, thereby making the formu- 25 soaps, generally sodium soaps, it is necessary to add a
lation more flexible and leaving space in the formula final concentration step to the process. To do this, soap
for other raw materials. produced with a fatty acid concentration of approximately
60% or less is washed and heated under pressure to
[0013] The key criterion for evaluating a fatty material 80-90°C. The soap thus heated and subjected to pres-
is its gross energy content. This value basically depends 30 sure is crushed in a vacuum chamber at approximately
on its gross energy content and its intestinal digestibility, 2 bars of pressure. Once removed from the vacuum
which essentially depends on its capacity for solubilisa- chamber and at atmospheric pressure and room temper-
tion and micelle formation in the intestine. Due to the ature, the soap has lost part of its water content, present-
peculiarities of the digestive system of ruminants (in ing a pasty appearance and the required fatty acid con-
which supplementary fat affects the rumen microorgan- 35 centration (>70%). This final concentration step under
isms, which hydrogenate and saturate the fatty acids re- vacuum conditions is costly and gives the soap that is
leased in the rumen by triglyceride hydrolysis), the ab- produced a sandy texture.
sorption of fats is different than in the case of monogastric [0017] With the process of the present invention said
animals. Therefore, any evaluation of the usefulness of final concentration step is not necessary, as calcium
a fat for animal feed will differ according to whether it is 40 soaps with a high fatty acid content (82-86%) are directly
to be applied to the feed for ruminants or for monogastric obtained after the saponification process.
animals. [0018] The process of the invention consists of mixing
[0014] As well as energy content, another important the natural fats or oils with the calcium oxide, then adding
criterion for evaluating a fatty material is its availability water to said mixture and applying heat in a high pressure
and its relative price in relation to other energy sources. 45 reactor. After reacting the fats and/or oils with the calcium
For these two reasons, there is growing interest in using oxide, the reaction mass is allowed to cool. The calcium
fatty materials produced by processing fats from natural soap thus produced contains glycerol from the saponifi-
sources in animal feed. In this area, the use of so-called cation of the triglycerides. No further washing, concen-
soaps in animal feed has become more widespread, es- tration (e.g. under vacuum conditions), or similar steps
pecially in feed for ruminants; but when used in feed for 50 are necessary. The soap need only be formed using con-
monogastric animals the results are worse than those ventional techniques of extrusion into blocks, pelletisa-
obtained with the use of triglycerides, mainly in complete tion, compression, granulation, etc.
fats, as they lack glycerol, which is considered vital for [0019] One object of the present invention is, therefore,
the formation of micelles, which are necessary for the to protect a new process for producing calcium soaps
good digestibility of fats by said monogastric animals. 55 with a fatty acid content that is higher than 80%. The
The presence of glycerol (glycerine) in soaps means that scope of the invention also covers the embodiment of
they can be used in feed for monogastric animals, reduc- the process of the invention wherein additional quantities
ing the cost in relation to the use of triglycerides and of glycerol and/or another emulsifying agent that is au-
5 EP 1 983 041 A1 6
thorised for animal feed are added prior to the saponifi- unrefined glycerol. The proportion of glycerol that is add-
cation reaction, producing a soap with a lower percent- ed will vary according to the percentage that is to be
age of fatty acids in relation to the total composition but present in the end product and it will also depend whether
with a higher glycerol content and/or with the additional or not another emulsifier is also added, but it generally
presence of another emulsifying agent. 5 ranges between 4% and 12%.
[0020] Another object of the present invention is to pro- [0027] The optional emulsifier may be any of those
tect calcium soaps produced according to the patented present on the European Union’s positive list for use in
process and characterised in that they have a high fatty animal feed. The proportion to be added in each case
acid content. will vary according to criteria such as its emulsifying ca-
[0021] The last object of the present invention is the 10 pacity and its cost.
use in animal feed of calcium soaps with a high fatty acid [0028] The mixture of fats and/or oils + calcium oxide
content and, optionally, with an increased glycerol con- + water + the optional glycerol components and/or emul-
tent and/or the additional presence of an emulsifier that sifying agent is heated to more than 100 °C in a stainless
is authorised for animal feed, particularly when said use steel reactor, said mixture being subjected to a pressure
is in feed for monogastric animals. 15 of 2 bars. The preferred temperature range is 100-150°C
and the preferred pressure range 2 to 4 bars.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0029] Any natural source of fats and/or oils can be
used, whether of animal or plant origin. Said source of
[0022] The fats or oils must be added once they have fat and/or oil may be added as it is, or treated previously,
been heated to a temperature that is slightly above their 20 e.g. to eliminate the unpleasant odour thereof.
melting points, generally between 20 and 50°C. [0030] The above-described process may be carried
[0023] It is necessary to add the same number of moles out in batches, continuously or semi-continuously. The
of calcium oxide as of fatty acids in the natural source of batch process begins with the reagents and ends when
fats or oils to be saponified (Ratio 1:1). calcium soaps are produced beginning again by adding
[0024] The calcium oxide is added to the heated fats 25 new reagents (fats and/or oils together with CaO and
and/or oils and then water is added to said mixture. The water). The continuous process, however, is not inter-
amount of water to add will be at least the stoichiometric rupted, except for periodic maintenance and cleaning of
quantity needed for all the CaO that is added to become the facilities. The fats and/or oils are continually added,
CaOH, and any possible excess above this quantity must together with CaO and the water sequentially, and the
be inversely proportional to the final fatty acid concen- 30 calcium soap rich in fatty acids is obtained without stop-
tration that is to be achieved in the calcium soap. Thus, ping. The semi-continuous process is a mixture of the
a 6% excess of water will result in a fatty acid concen- above. It is a continuous process, but only lasts for a
tration of about 84% in the calcium soaps produced ac- certain number of preprogrammed cycles.
cording to the patented method, having subtracted the [0031] The addition of the reagents, their dosage, and
10% of unreacted glycerol produced during saponifica- 35 the control of the reaction parameters may be automat-
tion, which, as has been mentioned above, is included ically operated, including a computerised means com-
in the final composition of the calcium soap produced prising a program that can be adapted to the aforemen-
rather than being separated or washed as is traditionally tioned types of process (batch, continuous or semi-con-
the case with other processes disclosed in the prior art. tinuous) and to the production requirements.
The presence of glycerol (glycerine) in the final compo- 40 [0032] The liquid calcium soap produced after sapon-
sition of the feed is particularly useful for monogastric ification under the aforementioned reaction conditions is
animals (pigs, chickens, etc.), as it aids the digestibility allowed to cool and is moulded, formed or extruded into
of fats thanks to the formation of micelles in these ani- any form that is commonly used in animal feed: bars,
mals. blocks, fibres, balls, tablets, pills, pellets, etc.
[0025] If additional glycerol and/or another emulsifying 45 [0033] The calcium soap thus produced is used as an
agent that is authorised for animal feed is to be included, ingredient in animal feed, particularly for monogastric an-
said compounds may be added at the same time as the imals, as their digestive systems have greater difficulties
calcium oxide is added, prior to adding the calcium oxide assimilating fats.
or after said addition. It is preferable to add the glycerol [0034] The use of calcium soaps made from fats rather
and/or the emulsifying agent at the same time as the 50 than fatty acids means that glycerol, an essential element
compound that is the source of calcium ions (calcium in the digestion of fats in monogastric animals, is already
oxide) is added. In any case, the glycerol and/or the emul- present in the product and does not need to be added to
sifying agent must be added before adding the water, so the process of producing soaps from fatty acids.
that the glycerol is already present at the time of sapon- [0035] The digestibility of fats in monogastric animals
ification and is evenly distributed and mixed. It is thereby 55 is more difficult when these fats are added to feeds in
possible to achieve a perfect fraction with the oleic frac- the form of free fatty acids than when they are added in
tion in a short time. the form of triglycerides. The addition of emulsifiers to
[0026] The glycerol used in this invention is preferably feeds or to fats and/or oils significantly improves the di-
7 EP 1 983 041 A1 8
gestibility of the fat. Glycerol is described as an emulsi- sifying agent that is authorised for animal feed is car-
fying agent in different studies and is considered as such ried out before the calcium oxide is added.
by the Union European in its list of additives for animal
feed. 7. Process according to claim 4, characterised in that
[0036] Therefore, a calcium soap produced from fats 5 the optional addition of glycerol and/or another emul-
and/or oils and not made from free fatty acids will be of sifying agent that is authorised for animal feed is car-
great use in monogastric animal feed due to the presence ried out after the calcium oxide is added and before
of glycerol from the fat and/or oil that is used. the water is added.
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