ECN333 Syllabus Summer18
ECN333 Syllabus Summer18
ECN333 Syllabus Summer18
Department of Economics
Required Textbook
Recommended books
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics Summer 2018
Department of Economics
Chapter TOPICS
Appendix 2 of Differential calculus and optimization
chapter 2* techniques
1 Fundamentals of managerial economics 02
3 Quantitative demand analysis 03
13* Risk analysis 04
4 The theory of individual behaviour 05
5 The production process and costs 06
Managing in competitive, monopolistic, and
8 07
monopolistically competitive markets
Note: chapters followed by an asterisk are from the recommended book (Salvatore).
Assessments include:
Two tests: 50% (the lowest grade accounts for 20% of the course
grade, the highest for 30%)
Final Exam (comprehensive exam): 30%
Attendance: 5%
Participation/Attitude in class: 5%
Homework: 10% (from the required e-book)
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics Summer 2018
Department of Economics
Quality Point
Grade Description Percentage Equivalent
A+ Outstanding 4.0 97-100
A Excellent 4.0 93 - 96
A- Very Good 3.7 89 - 92
B+ Good 3.3 85 - 88
B Good 3.0 80 - 84
B- Good 2.7 77 - 79
C+ Satisfactory 2.3 73 - 76
C Satisfactory 2.0 70 - 72
C- Passing 1.7 66 - 69
D+ Passing 1.3 63 - 65
D 1.0 60 - 62
F Failure 0.0 0 - 59
The grade “UW” is assigned by the
instructor when a registered student has
never attended a class or has ceased
UW attending and has not submitted an
official course withdrawal request to the
Office of the Registrar. This grade is
computed as an F grade in the grade-
point average.
There are no make-ups for missed tests, Quizzes or for the final
examination. Failure to sit for a scheduled test and/or final exam will result
in an F on the test/exam.
PS. The instructor reserves the right to change the frequency and dates of
any tests subject to adequate notice period.
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics Summer 2018
Department of Economics
Recommended readings
P. Keat and P. Young, Managerial Economics: Economic Tools for Today’s
Decision Makers, 6th edition, Pearson Hall
Supplementary readings
Hamadeh, M. and Khoueiri, R. (2010) Demand Elasticities for Higher
Education in the United States. International Journal of Business and
Economics Perspectives, Vol. 5 (2) p. 60.
Hamadeh, M. and Khoueiry, R.( 2012) Estimating the Demand for Tourism in
Lebanon. International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives, 7(1),
pp. 117–126.
Lectures slides
Corporate connections
The course draws on corporate issues and addresses skills and techniques
required to be a successful decision maker
International dimensions
The course explores the effects of globalization on demand, competition and
pricing decisions
Social aspects
Ethical behaviour is emphasized in class and during tests throughout the
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics Summer 2018
Department of Economics
Contribution of research
Readings will connect students to research related to different areas of
material covered in class.