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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Student’s Name: ___________________________Grade and Section: __________

Teacher: _________________________________Date Submitted:_____________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency
Forms logical conclusions
B. Objective
Writes sample logical conclusions of a research study.


Logical Conclusions
● shows the readers the value of completely developed argument or thesis
● not a summary of work but a listing of major outcomes derived from the study
● does not state what has been done in the study instead it brings out the
outcome of the results and discussion in terms of statements
● the answer to the main problem of the study

It is a part of the study that contains insight drawn from findings in each
sub-problem and summarizes the principal features of the study.
Judgment - It is the process of forming an opinion or evaluation
by discerning and comparing. It is a proposition stating something believed or
Hypothesis – It is an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument
Context- It is the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can
throw light on its meaning
Purpose - It means something set up as an object or ends to be attained
Analysis- It is a detailed examination of anything complex in order to
understand its nature or to determine its essential features. It is a thorough

Drawing logical conclusions is the process of evaluating information and

making appropriate judgments. This is the final step in the scientific process and, quite
possibly, the most important one as well. During this step, you carefully examine your
experimental results to determine what exactly they mean. Completing a research

RO_Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion _Q2_LP 11 1

project is a very satisfying feeling. And you should feel good! You put a lot of work into
formulating your hypothesis, designing your experiment, and analyzing your data. But
quite possibly the most important step still remains: explaining what it all means. As
they stand right now, your results are like a bunch of characters in a book without a
story. The components are there, but they need to be given some context and purpose.
This final step is so critical because it allows you as the researcher to bring it
all together. This is the time to explain not only what your data mean for your
experiment but also what they mean for future scientific studies and the benefits they
provide for the scientific field. The last step also allows you to describe what you
learned from the experiment and any possible issues in either the experimental design
or analysis.
Conclusions represent inferences drawn from the findings of the study. The
number of conclusions coincides with the number of specific findings. It should not
contain any number or measurements. if there are tested hypothesis in the study, the
rejection or acceptance of hypotheses are placed under conclusions. Since the
conclusion is the final result. It should give the final impression and it should
summarize the learning from the study. It leaves the reader in no doubt that you have
answered the questions posed in your paper. It is a wrapped-up of the entire project
and its completeness.
In the CONCLUSION to your report, you do a number of important things:
1. Summarize the main points you made in your introduction and review of the
2. Review (very briefly) the research methods and/or design you employed.
3. Repeat (in abbreviated form) your findings.
4. Discuss the broader implications of those findings.
5. Mention the limitations of your research (due to its scope or its weaknesses)
6. Offer suggestions for future research related to yours.

This is an example of a conclusion report:

Title: School Attendance and Academic Performance of the 4P’s

Beneficiaries of the Senior High School in Pamplona National High School SY

1. The researchers utilized the available related literature relevant to the study.
2. Descriptive, Evaluative, and Correlational Research Design were used. Criterion-
referenced is a style of test which uses test scores to generate a statement about
the behavior that can be expected of a person with the score
3. (1) The researchers found out that most of the 4P’s beneficiaries attend the 52 days
of school attendance in the 1st grading. (2) 97.5 percent of the respondents passed
the 1st Grading period. (3) 2.46 percent of the respondents got a failing grade.

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4. (1) The researchers therefore conclude that 237 or 97% of the 4P’s beneficiaries
passed the 1st quarter and 6 or 2.46% failed. (2) The researchers therefore
conclude that the more the student is present or attending his/her class regularly
the more that his/her grades get higher. (3) The researchers therefore conclude that
majority of the 4P’s recipients attend their class regularly.
5. The limitation of the study is to have a thorough knowledge on how the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program affects the School Attendance of the students along
with their Academic Performance
6. The researchers suggest a future research study about the academic performances
of the Junior High School 4Ps beneficiaries.

These are some information that will help you understand the ways to end your
research with your conclusions.

After learning the means to form findings from a given research problem,
you are now ready to form logical conclusions on a given research study.

A well-written conclusion provides you with important opportunities to

demonstrate to the reader your understanding of the research problem. According to
Bunton (2005), these will include the following:

1. Present the last word on the issues or gaps raised in your paper. Just as the
introduction gives a first impression to your reader, the conclusion offers a chance
to leave a lasting impression. You can do this by highlighting key points in your
analysis or results or by noting important or unexpected implications applied to
2. Summarize your thought and convey the larger significance of your study.
The conclusion is an opportunity to concisely answer the “So What?” question by
placing the study within the context of past research about the topic you’ve
3. Identify how a gap in the literature has been addressed. The conclusion can
be where you describe how a previously identified gap in the literature has been
filled by your research.
4. Demonstrate the importance of your ideas. The conclusion offers you the
opportunity to elaborate on the impact and significance of your findings.
5. Introduce possible new or expanded ways of thinking about the research
problem. This does not refer to introducing new information but to offer new
insights and creative approaches for framing or contextualizing the research
problem based on the results of your study.

RO_Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion _Q2_LP 11 3

In writing the conclusion of your paper, the following general rules are
a. State your conclusion clearly in simple language. State how your findings differ
or support those others and why.
b. Do not simply reiterate your results or the discussion of your results. Provide
a synthesis of arguments presented in the paper to show how these converge
to address the research problem and the overall objectives of your study.
c. Indicate opportunities for future research if you haven’t already done so in the
discussion section of your paper. Highlighting the need for further research
provides the reader with evidence that you have an in-depth awareness of the
research problem.

Consider the following points to help ensure your conclusion is appropriate:

1. If the argument or purpose of your paper is complex, you may need to
summarize the argument for your reader.
2. If prior to your conclusion, you have not yet explained the significance of your
findings or if you are proceeding inductively, use the end of your paper to
describe your main points and explain their significance.
3. Move from detailed to a general level of consideration that returns the topic to
the context provided by the introduction or within a new context that emerges
from the data.
Essentially, the conclusion contains insights drawn from the findings of each
problem. These insights answer the questions presented at the beginning of the
research paper. However, the conclusion to be drawn should not come from the
indirect implications of the study. It should be limited within the information actually
yielded by the conducted investigations.

● The following are the conclusions of a research conducted to Le Thanh Hien

High School students in Vietnam on speaking anxiety.

Findings Conclusions
1. The students were not given enough 1.Students spoke very little or not at
time to prepare for a speaking task all
before the task was performed.
2. When the students were asked to 2.Students could not think of
work in groups, not all of them were anything to say
eager to contribute their opinions in
English. Some of them participated
actively but the others spoke very
little or not at all.

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3. They tended to use Vietnamese 3.Students used Vietnamese instead
when they discussed in groups. of English when they discussed in
groups or in pairs.
4. While the students were making 4.Students’ participation was low or
performances, the other students in uneven.
class did not listen attentively. They
even chatted with the people next to
them when their classmates were
5. The students looked very nervous 5.Students did not have motivation
when they spoke in front of the class. to express themselves.
Sometimes, they did not know what
to say then kept silent.

A. Practice Tasks
Task 1. Below is a research title and the findings with one given conclusion.
Try to give the possible other conclusions on the given findings of the
research study. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Title: NEGOSYO, TRABAHO, KOLEHIYO: Senior High School students of
Pamplona National High School SY 2018 – 2019

1. Many grade12 students have a plan to pursue college rather than be employed or
enter the world of Entrepreneurship.
2. The most common leading factor that affects the students plan after graduation in
Senior High School is their personal choice.
3. There was high percentage of students who are satisfied of their plan after
graduation in Senior High School.

1. It is concluded that Grade 12 students believed that college education can give
them employment opportunities.
3. _________________________________________________________________

Task 2. Below is a research title with findings. Try to express your ideas on
possible conclusions with the title and stated findings of the study.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Title: Chasing Death: Factors Influencing a Person to Commit Suicide in
Pamplona, Camarines Sur.

RO_Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion _Q2_LP 11 5

1. Majority of the suicide victims in Pamplona Camarines Sur are male who are
mentally unstable in their respective lives.
2. Most of suicide victims are male adults with experiences on various problems
in life.
3. Most of the suicide victims are single who are involved in romantic

1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________

Task 3. Below is the table showing a research study title with

corresponding findings. Try to complete the table by writing your
sample conclusions Copy the details and write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.


The Effects of Modern 1. Based on the data gathered, most of the students of
Technology on the Grade 12 are using the modern technology inside the
Performance of Senior school rather than at home.
High School Students in 2. General Academic Strand (Divine) students enjoy
Pamplona National High using technology and it benefits them a lot in terms of
School S/Y 2018-2019 finding information in doing their task in school and
they know that it can affect their health by using it not
3. Automotive Strand also enjoy using technology but the
difference is they like to socialize with other people
and doing outdoor activities.

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B. Assessment
Below is an example of a research study with the corresponding findings and
conclusions. Write your own title, findings and conclusions on a separate sheet
of paper.


Emotions and Stress: 1. The most frequent cause of the emotional 1. Most of the Senior High School
Coping Mechanisms of problems and stress of the Senior High students are experiencing
the Senior High School School students are the school emotional problems and stress
Students in Pamplona requirements. due to the school requirements.
National High School 2. There are students who perceived that their 2. There are students who are
stresses have good impact on them. They taking their stress in a positive
take the stressors in a positive way by way and make it their motivation
making it a motivation which proves that to strive harder and to cope with
Eustress (a positive form of stress having it.
a beneficial effect on health, motivation, 3. Emotional problems and stress
performance and emotional well-being) may be the cause of the
exist. student’s inattentiveness during
3. Students that are exposed to emotional class hours and may lead to
problems and stress are more likely to health-related problems.
experience health related problems such
as headache and being sluggish and they
became inattentive on the discussion.


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.


Content ------------------------------------------------------15
Organization of the Content --------------------------- 15
Presentation of Ideas ------------------------------------ 10
Completeness of Presentation ------------------------ 10
Total -----------------------------------------------------------50 points

RO_Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion _Q2_LP 11 7

A. Practice Tasks
1. It is concluded that Grade 12 students believed that college education can give
them employment opportunities.
2. It can be concluded that personal choice of the Grade12 students matters a lot
in their plans after graduation.
3. It is concluded that Grade 12 students manifest satisfaction on their plan after
graduation in Senior High School.

Task 2

Title: Chasing Death: Factors Influencing a Person to Commit Suicide in Pamplona,

Camarines Sur.

1. Majority of the suicide victims in Pamplona Camarines Sur are male who are
mentally unstable in their respective lives.
2. Most of suicide victims are male adults with experiences on various problems
in life.
3. Most of the suicide victims are single who are involved in romantic
1. It can be concluded that male suicide victims in Pamplona, Camarines
Sur experienced and suffered lack of mental stability which resulted to
committing suicide.
2. It is concluded that male adults who are suicide victims are exhausted
with their problems in life.
3. It is concluded that single suicide victims are experiencing love concerns
specifically their break up with their romantic partners.
The Effects of Modern 1. Based on the data gathered, most of the 1. The parents are providing their
Technology on the students of Grade 12 are using the modern children the needed technology to
Performance of Senior technology inside the school rather than at help them in school activities like
High School Students in home. for research.
Pamplona National High 2. General Academic Strand (Divine) students 2. GAS Divine students
School S/Y 2018-2019 enjoy using technology and it benefits them a responsibly utilize the technology
lot in terms of finding information in doing their compare to TVL students.

RO_Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion _Q2_LP 11 8

task in school and they know that it can affect 3. The Automotive students used
their health by using it not responsibly. the technology not for academic
3. Automotive Strand also enjoy using purposes rather for enjoyment
technology but the difference is they like to reasons.
socialize with other people and doing outdoor

B. Assessment
Title: Road Operation: Its Effects to the Residents of Poblacion, Pamplona,
Camarines Sur
1. The researchers found out that most of the affected residents are located along
the main road. Most of them have one or less commonly damaged properties
by the road operation which were stores.
2. The researchers found out that there are positive effects that the Road
Widening brings to the residents including safety, cconvenient travel, additional
lanes, obstruction removal, minimized accidents, and increase of investment.
3. The researchers found out that there are several negative impacts that the
Road Widening brings toward the residents such as damage of properties,
causes relocation issues, disturbances and problem which leads to financial
instability. and such.

1. The residents were directly affected but accepted the effects of the
road widening specifically in their location.
2. The residents appreciated the comfort of the project of road
widening as to the safety of the residents and the traveler.
3. The residents as the respondents were aware of the damages
brought by the road widening and supported the objective of the


RO_Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion _Q2_LP 11 9

NEGOSYO, TRABAHO, KOLEHIYO: Senior High School students of Pamplona
National High School S/Y 2018 – 2019, Pamplona NHS, Poblacion,
Pamplona, Camarines Sur, Jeber Imperial, 2019
Chasing Death: Factors Influencing a Person to Commit Suicide in Pamplona,
Camarines Sur, Pamplona NHS, Poblacion, Pamplona, Camarines Sur,
Angelica Pado, April 2020
The Effects of Modern Technology on the Performance of Senior High School
Students in Pamplona National High School S/Y 2018-2019, Pamplona NHS,
Poblacion, Pamplona, Camarines Sur, Monica Ecat, 2019
Emotions and Stress: Coping Mechanisms of the Senior High School Students in
Pamplona National High School, Pamplona NHS, Poblacion, Pamplona,
Camarines Sur, Ariane Jugueta, 2020
Cristobal, Jr. Amadeo P., Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. (2017. Enhanced
Teacher’s Manual Practical Research 1 for Senior High School Quezon
City: C & E Publishing Inc.
Faltado III, Ruben E., Bombita, Medardo B., Boholano, Helen B., Pogoy, Angeline M.
(2016). Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research for Senior High School
(Applied Subject). Metro Manila: LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC.p. 119-120
Cristobal, Jr. Amadeo P., Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. (2017). Practical
Research 1 for Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc. p.
Factors Affecting Students’ Speaking Performance at Le Thanh Hien High School” by
Nguyen Hoang Tuan and Tran Ngoc Mai retrieved from Asian Journal of
Educational Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2015
Road Operation: Its effects to the Residents of Poblacion, Jay Ann Delos Angeles,
2019, Pamplona National High School, Camarines Sur

RO_Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion _Q2_LP 11 10

Prepared by:
Master Teacher I, Pamplona NHS, SDO Cam. Sur

Quality Assured by:

GEMMA A. REALO, Principal II
Don Mariano C. Veneracion NHS, SDO Cam. Sur


Homobono H. Gonzalez NHS, SDO Cam. Sur


Visita de Salog NHS, SDO Cam. Sur


SDO Camarines Sur


SDO Masbate City

Layout Artist:
Fundado ES, SDO Cam. Sur

RO_Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion _Q2_LP 11 11

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