Fantastic Report On Document1: X'Pert Highscore Report Panalytical

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X'Pert HighScore X'Pert HighScore Report date: 02/24/19

for internal use

PANalytical only

Fantastic report on


Name Function 0.1 0.5 1.0

N.N.-999 Masterking Group Manager (MGM) 
N.N.-998 Product Ontwikkelt Manager (POM) 
N.N.-1 (AS) 
N.N.-2 (DS) 
N.N.-3 (BS) 
T.P. Supervisor All Coding 

Last saved by tayyab ahsan Draft file: Document1 rev: 1

 2019 PANalytical B.V. No. of pages: 1/7
All Rights Reserved
Report X'Pert HighScore

Table of Contents:
TABLE OF CONTENTS: ...................................................................................................................... 2

ANCHOR SCAN PARAMETERS: (BOOKMARK1) .......................................................................... 3

GRAPHICS: (BOOKMARK2) ............................................................................................................... 4

PEAK LIST: (BOOKMARK 3) .............................................................................................................. 5

IDENTIFIED PATTERNS LIST: (BOOKMARK4) ............................................................................ 6

PLOT OF IDENTIFIED PHASES: (BOOKMARK 5) ......................................................................... 6

DOCUMENT HISTORY: (BOOKMARK 6) ........................................................................................ 7

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Report X'Pert HighScore

Anchor Scan Parameters: (Bookmark1)

Dataset Name Sample 3

File name C:\Users\Tayyab\Desktop\New folder\Sample 3.raw
Sample Identification Commander Sample ID
Measurement Date / Time 9/12/2018 11:34:29 AM
Operator Lab Manager
Raw Data Origin BRUKER-binary V3 (.RAW)
Scan Axis Gonio
Start Position [°2Th.] 10.0000
End Position [°2Th.] 70.0000
Step Size [°2Th.] 0.0200
Scan Step Time [s] 77.8000
Scan Type Continuous
Offset [°2Th.] 0.0000
Divergence Slit Type Fixed
Divergence Slit Size [°] 1.0000
Specimen Length [mm] 10.00
Receiving Slit Size [mm] 0.1000
Measurement Temperature [°C] 25.00
Anode Material Cu
K-Alpha1 [Å] 1.54060
K-Alpha2 [Å] 1.54439
K-Beta [Å] 1.39225
K-A2 / K-A1 Ratio 0.50000
Generator Settings 30 mA, 40 kV
Diffractometer Type Unknown
Goniometer Radius [mm] 280.00
Dist. Focus-Diverg. Slit [mm] 91.00
Incident Beam Monochromator No
Spinning No

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Report X'Pert HighScore

Graphics: (Bookmark2)

Sample 3




10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Position [°2Theta]

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Report X'Pert HighScore

Peak List: (Bookmark 3)

Pos. Height FWHM d-spacing Rel. Int. Tip width Matched

[°2Th.] [cts] [°2Th.] [Å] [%] [°2Th.] by
37.3298 554.98 0.9446 2.40891 63.26 1.1336 03-065-
43.3694 877.30 0.9446 2.08643 100.00 1.1336 03-065-
62.9826 366.24 1.1520 1.47463 41.75 1.3824 03-065-

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Report X'Pert HighScore

Identified Patterns List: (Bookmark4)

Visible Ref. Code Score Compound Displaceme Scale Factor Chemical

Name nt [°2Th.] Formula
* 03-065- 38 Nickel 0.000 0.831 Ni O
5745 Oxide

Plot of Identified Phases: (Bookmark 5)

Peak List


40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Position [°2Theta]

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Report X'Pert HighScore

Document History: (Bookmark 6)

Insert Measurement:
- File name = "Sample 3.raw"
- Modification time = "2/16/2019 6:10:38 PM"
- Modification editor = "Tayyab"

Interpolate Step Size:

- Step Size = "Derived"
- Modification time = "3/1/2004"
- Modification editor = "PANalytical"

Search Peaks:
- Minimum significance = "0.99"
- Minimum tip width = "0.90"
- Maximum tip width = "2.00"
- Peak base width = "6.00"
- Method = "Top of smoothed peak"
- Modification time = "2/16/2019 5:36:44 PM"
- Modification editor = "Tayyab"

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