➢ Restrictions and Boundaries - serve as everyone helps each other to make the
the guidelines for the members of the task easier without expecting in return.
community to behave accordingly, and if ➢ Values traditions and culture - They
not then they will be subject to the spent time on celebrations such as birthday
punishment or sanction embedded in their parties, reunions, festivals, etc
culture. ➢ Longest Christmas celebration - In the
- This shows that there will be an Philippines, Christmas songs started to
awareness of the moral development play in the malls, restaurants, respective
of the members of the community. homes from September and lasted until the
➢ Culture shapes the character and identity second week of January the next year.
of the people in the community through the ➢ Love art and architecture - The gigantic
norms, standards, rules, regulations, and tall buildings everywhere signify
and laws. If the community is traditional or Filipinos creativity in art and architecture.
modern in character then that is the way ➢ Hospitable - The visitors whether
the members of the community will learn foreigners or Filipinos are very much
and experience but of course, not all have welcome for the Filipinos during festivities
good implications. and even no occasions that when they
➢ Role of authorities - a system of arrive at the place, the Filipinos entertain
governance that they have the roles and them wholeheartedly
duties to play in the community and their
moral judgment is important in moral issues WEAKNESSES OF FILIPINO CHARACTER
in the community. ➢ Extreme Personalism - always try to give
- In the family, the parents have the an interpretation of the actions or they take
moral authority over their children things personally. They say thank you with
which is also essential for the moral "but"
development of the members of the ➢ Extreme Family Centeredness - T have
family as the parents are the first who very high family protection whether in good
have authority to their children, who or poor condition and circumstance
have taught and learned from them. (consentidor) (overprotected)
➢ Lack of Discipline - have a rather relaxed
CHARACTERISTICS OF FILIPINO CULTURE attitude, but bad time management (famous
➢ Resilient - Despite the negative experience Filipino time).
of the Filipinos particularly during calamities - They are impatient and unable to
and catastrophes, Filipinos able to manage postpone incentives or rewards. They
and handle a difficult situation lightly want to take shortcuts or the 'palusot'
➢ Take pride in their families - , whether scheme and are careless.
you are part of the immediate family or you ➢ Passivity and Lack of Initiative - They are
belong to the third and fourth generation strong at the beginning, but they have no
you are cherished as a family member. sense of consistency (sometimes no
➢ Religious - There are so many religions in direction at all or no strategy at all)
the Philippines, nowadays, different - Besides, they are too patient without
denominations and yet they value their any plan (matiisin) "Bahala na
beliefs. System'' at least we tried (paconsuelo)
➢ Respectful - Filipinos used po and opo, attitude.
words that are usually at the end of the ➢ Colonial Mentality - They appreciate too
sentences when addressing the elders; much other nationality and foreign products
pagmamano. than native ones (local vs imported)
➢ Help one another - Filipinos are known for - They even lack love and appreciation
their bayanihan or community spirit where for what they have.