Sovereign Default On Gpus: Eaton and Gersovitz

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Sovereign Default on GPUs∗

Pablo A. Guerron-Quintana†

April 21, 2016


Solving default models are computationally expensive. This note shows how to
solve the standard sovereign default model with the help of Graphics Processing Units
(GPUs). The solution is at least 4 times faster than the version coded in C++. The
improvement increases substantially with the number of grid points in debt.
Keywords: Sovereign Default, fast computation, parallelization, C/C++/CUDA
JEL classification numbers: F34, F41, F44

1 Introduction
Sovereign default models are highly non-linear models due to its knife-edge decision rules.
As a consequence, fast solution methods such as perturbation are ruled out. The alterna-
tive, value function iteration methods, turns out to be slow and suffers from the curse of
This note shows that solving the sovereign default model using GPUs and CUDA can
speed up significantly the solution. Moreover, it allows the researcher to use fairly populated
grids that would be prohibitively expensive in languages such as Fortran or C++. I proceed in
two steps. First, I discuss how to solve the model using C++ and then CUDA. The first step
is necessarily because an important fraction of the C++ language is embedded into CUDA.
Moreover, the absence of a native matrix object in CUDA (and C++) implies heavy use of
0-indexing vectorization, which is easier to implement in C++. In the following sections, it
is assumed that the reader is familiar with sovereign default models (Eaton and Gersovitz

I thank Juan Rubio-Ramirez for introducing me to parallel computing and guidance and Grey Gordon
for useful comments. The code is available at my website All errors are mine.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, [email protected].

(1981)), their solution methods (Hatchondo et al. (2010)), and parallel programming (Kirk
and Hwu (2013)). This note complements the recent review of computing languages to solve
the neoclassical growth model in Aruoba and Fernandez-Villaverde (2015).

2 Model
Let’s consider the standard sovereign default model (Arellano (2008)).1 There is a central
planner of a small open economy. Every period the planner decides whether to repaid its
obligations (with value Vr ) or default (with value Vd ) to maximize welfare. That is, the
planner makes her default decision based on V (y, b) = maxd∈{0,1} (d Vd (y) + (1 − d) Vr (y, b)).
If the sovereign is in good standing (d = 0), then her problem is

Vr (y, b) = maxb0 U (c) + βEV (y 0 , b0 )

subject to the budget constraint

c + q(y, b0 )b0 ≤ y + b.

Here, q(y, b0 ) is the price of debt issued today and y is an exogenous endowment. In contrast,
if the planner decides to default (or the country is excluded from financial markets), the
country’s value function is

Vd (y) = U ((1 − τ )y) + βE[φV (y 0 , 0) + (1 − φ)Vr (y 0 )].

Here, τ is a default cost (a fraction τ of output is lost) and φ is the exogenous probability
of being readmitted to financial markets next period. For the numerical implementation, we
use the following functional forms and parametrization: U (c) = c1−σ , y = exp(ỹ), where ỹ =
ρỹ− + σy , β = 0.953, σ = 2, ρ = 0.9, σy = 0.025, τ = 0.15, and φ = 0.28. The stochastic
endowment process is discretized using Tauchen’s method. Note that this parametrization is
intended for illustration purposes. The high value of the discount factor implies counterfac-
tually low default rates.
In Gordon and Guerron-Quintana (2016a), we incorporate capital and labor choices to the standard
default model and show that it can account for the business cycles properties of several emerging economies.

3 A Detour
A major difference between C/C++/CUDA and other scientific languages (such as Fortran
and Matlab) is that matrices are not native objects in C. This complication makes trickier
the transition to C-type coding. One alternative is to use third party libraries (such as Ron
Gallant’s SCL or Armadillo) but this comes at the expense of diminishing portability from
C to CUDA. The second alternative is to input the model in vector format. This option is
more time consuming in the short run but will pay off overtime.
Writing mutidimensional arrays in vector format in C requires the use of row-major ordering,
which consists on putting consecutive elements of the rows of an array in a continuous
allocation of memory.2 Let’s consider a conventional 2 × 3 matrix
 
a1,1 a1,2
A =  a2,1 a2,2  .
 

a3,1 a3,2
In row-major indexing, this matrix is transformed into the vector
 
a1,1 (0)
 

 a2,1 
 (1)
 a3,1  (2)
Av =  .
 

 a1,2 
 (3)

 a2,2 
 (4)
a3,2 (5)
Next to the vector is the (0-based ) indexes used to reference each of the elements in the
matrix. Clearly, there is a unique mapping between the index and the matrix objects. Let’s
consider a bit more complicated example, i.e. a 3-D matrix:

a1,1,1 a2,1,1
a1,2,1 a2,2,1
a1,3,1 a2,3,1
a1,1,2 a2,1,2
a1,2,2 a2,2,2
a1,3,2 a2,3,2

Its row-major ordering version is

Fortran, Matlab, and Julia use colum-major ordering

 
a1,1,1 (0)
 

 a2,1,1 
 (1)

 a3,1,1 
 (2)
 

 a1,2,1 
 (3)

 a2,2,1 
 (4)
 
 a3,2,1  (5)
Av =  

 a1,1,2 
 (6)
 

 a2,1,2 
 (7)

 a3,1,2 
 (8)
 

 a1,2,2 
 (9)

 a2,2,2 
 (10)
a3,2,2 (11)
Once again, there is a unique link between each cell in the matrix and its vector equivalent.
In general, let’s consider a matrix of T dimensions with each of its elements represented by
the t-tuple (n1 , n2 , n3 , · · · , nt ). The number of elements in each dimension is Nτ for τ =
{1, 2, · · · , T }. That is, the number of elements in the first dimension is N1 and so on. Then
the 0-based index for the element with t-tuple (n1 , n2 , n3 , · · · , nt ) is

indx = nt + Nt (nt−1 + Nt−1 (nt−2 + Nt−2 (nt−3 + Nt−3 (· · · + N2 n1 ))))

Since we are using 0-based indexing, nτ must reside in the interval {0, 1, · · · , Nτ − 1}. As
an example, let’s element a2,3,2 whose location in matrix A is (1, 2, 1). Its 0-based index is
1 + 2 × (2 + 3 × 1) = 11.
The individual addresses of the t-tuple are recovered with these sequential steps
1. nt = N1 ×N2 ···×Nτ −1

(indx − nt ×(N1 ×N2 ···×Nτ −1 ))

2. nt−1 = N1 ×N2 ···×Nτ −2

indx − nt ×(N1 ×N2 ×···×Nτ −1 ) − nt−1 ×(N1 ×N2 ···×Nτ −2 )

3. nt−2 = N1 ×N2 ×···×Nτ −3


4. n1 = indx − nt × (N1 × N2 × · · · × Nτ −1 ) · · · − n2 × N1 .

Correctly recovering these indexes is crucial for the execution of the model in the GPU.
In C language, a division between integers returns an integer rounded towards zero. Hence,

the previous steps return the correct integer indexes. With this indexing system in hand, it
is straightforward to implement the value-function-iteration approach to the default model.

4 Sovereign meets C++

Solving the model via value function iteration requires that for each grid in the state space of
endowments and bonds (Y × B) the sovereign solves her maximization problem. Let Ny and
Nb be the grids of points containing the feasible sets of endowment and debt. The solution
proceeds sequentially by first computing the value of defaulting, Vd (y), the value of good
standing, Vr (y, b), and then the decision to default or not, V (y, b) = maxd∈{0,1} (d Vd (y) +
(1 − d) Vr (y, b)). The resulting pseudocode is3

1 Initialization;
2 Define maxind = Ny × Nb ;
3 while error > tol and iter < maxiter do
4 Ṽ = V ;
5 for index = 0; index < maxind; index++ do
6 Recover indexes: ib = index/Ny and iy = index − ib × Ny ;
7 Compute value of default and repayment
Vd (iy ) = U ((1 − τ )y(iy ) + βE[φV (y 0 , 0) + (1 − φ)Vd (y 0 )|y(iy )] ;
8 Vr (y(iy ), b(ib )) = maxb0 U (c) + βE[V (y 0 , b0 )|y(iy ), b(ib )] subject to budget
constraint 2 ;
9 if Vr (y(iy ), b(ib )) > Vd (y(iy )) then
10 Repay: V (y(iy ), b(ib )) = Vr (y(iy ), b(ib ))
11 else
12 Default: V (y(iy ), b(ib )) = Vd (y(iy ))
13 end
14 Update debt price q(y(iy ), b(ib )) = 1−prob(def

15 end
16 error = max(abs(Ṽ , V )) ;
17 Update value function: V = δ V + (1 − δ)Ṽ ;
18 iter++;
19 end
Algorithm 1: Pseudocode Default Model in C++
The pseudocode may look familiar to implementations using Fortran or Matlab. The main difference is
the indexing starting in 0 rather than the more usual 1.

5 Sovereign meets CUDA
The biggest challenge to migrate the code to CUDA is the presence of the ”for loop” in the
C++ pseudocode. A second obstacle comes from computing the optimal debt choice and
default decision (line 9 in algorithm 1). Hence, most of the task ahead is to split the loop
into pieces that can be sent separately to the GPU. For the sake of clarity, I skip the space
consuming (but important) initialization of host and device vectors as well as the relevant
pointers. The reader can consult the companion code for details.
A first step toward using CUDA was taken in the C++ solution. Note that the solution
already uses arrays with 0-indexing order. Next, we need to make the code modular to send
requests to the GPU. One alternative is to code the entire for-loop (lines 5 to 15 in Algo-
rithm 1) into a single device module. In this way, the entire solution runs at once in the GPU.
This option, however, can be very onerous because large vectors (containing value functions,
prices, decision to default, and their values in the past iteration) must reside simultaneously
in the device’s global memory. Alternatively, we can split the solution into three blocks: 1)
compute value of default Vd , 2) compute value of repayment Vr , and compute the decision to
default, and 3) compute errors. Then send each of these blocks as separate requests to the
GPU. This is precisely what Algorithm 2 does.

1 Initialization;
2 Define maxind = Ny × Nb ;
3 while error > tol and iter < maxiter do
4 Ṽ = V ;
5 thrust::for each(begin,end,compute value default(.));
6 thrust::for each(begin,end,findmax(.));
7 error = thrust::transform reduce(
make zip iterator(make tuple(valueold.begin(), value.begin())),
make zip iterator(make tuple(valueold.end(), value.end())), myMinus(), 0.0,
maximum<double>()) ;
8 iter++;
9 Update value function: V = δ V + (1 − δ)Ṽ ;
10 end
Algorithm 2: Pseudocode Default Model in CUDA

There are several features in Algorithm 2 worth discussing. First, the code uses heavily
Thrust, which is “a C++ template library for CUDA.” Thrust has the advantage of hiding
onerous and complex lower level programming tasks such as memory management. As a


300 12s 3s
500 36s 4s
1000 2m38s 14s
5000 NA 4m26s

Table 1: Computing Times

consequence, programming using Thrust achieves a greater level of abstraction than using
CUDA alone. Indeed, the simplicity of Algorithm 2 illustrates the power of combining CUDA
and Thrust. Second, the command for each in line 5 instructs the GPU to compute the value
of defaulting for each of the elements in our grid (begin,end). This value of defaulting is
implemented in the structure compute value default (see list 1 in the appendix). Third, the
heavy lifting is done by the for each command in line 6 (list 2). Among other things, this step
computes for each grip point the value of repayment, the decision to default, and updates
the price of debt. Fourth, the directive transform reduce uses the functor myMinus (see list
3 in the appendix) to compute the value function error in the most recent iteration. Finally,
it is worth emphasizing that the algorithm is highly scalable. Indeed, the same algorithm
has been successfully applied to the bastly more complicated default model in Gordon and
Guerron-Quintana (2016b)
In Algorithms 1 and 2, δ is a relaxation parameter to improve convergence. For a grid
with 300 points for debt and 21 points for endowment and a tolerance on the value function
errors of 1e − 6, it takes 12 seconds for C++ (using the GNU g++ compiler version 5.2.0)
to solve the model in an iMac 3.5 GHz Intel i7 with 16 GB of RAM. Solving the model
compiled with the CUDA compiler (version 7.5.19) using a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 card
in the same iMac takes around 3 seconds. This is a speedup of 4 times relative to the C++
version. The superior performance of CUDA is even clearer as we increase the size of the
debt grid (Table 1). Even with the very fine grid using 5,000 points for debt, CUDA requires
only 4 and a half minutes.

E. Aldrich,J. Fernandez-Villaverde, R. Gallant, and J. Rubio-Ramirez. Tapping the super-
computer under your desk. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35386–393, 2011.

C. Arellano. Default risk and income fluctuations in emerging economies. American Eco-
nomic Review, 98(3):690–712, 2008.

B. Aruoba and J. Fernandez-Villaverde. A comparison of programming languages. Journal

of Economic Dynamics and Control, 58265–273, 2015.

J. Eaton and M. Gersovitz. Debt with potential repudiation: Theoretical and empirical
analysis. The Review of Economic Studies, 48(2):289–309, 1981.

G. Gordon and P. Guerron-Quintana. Dynamics of investment, debt, and default. Working

Paper, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 2016a

G. Gordon and P. Guerron-Quintana. Regional default and migration. Working Paper,

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 2016b

J. Hatchondo, L. Martinez, and H. Sapriza. Quantitative properties of sovereign default

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D. Kirk and W. Hwu. Programming Massively Parellel Processors. Morgan Kaufmann, MA.
Second Edition, 2013.

6 Appendix
Description of structures used in Algorithm 2. The full version is available in the companion

Listing 1: Compute value of default

struct c o m p u t e _ v a l u e _ d e f a u l t {

__host__ __device__
com pute _v a l u e _ d e f a u l t () { P = P_ptr ; Y = Y_ptr ; vbad = vbad_ptr ;
wdef = wdef_ptr ; value = value_ptr ;}

__host__ __device__
void operator () ( int index ) {
int i_b = index /( ny ) ;
int i_y = index - ny * i_b ;
double sumdef , consdef ;

sumdef = 0.0;
consdef = pow ( exp ( Y [ i_y ]) *(1 - ppi ) , (1 - rrisk ) ) / (1 - rrisk ) ;
for ( int ttx = 0; ttx < ny ; ttx ++) sumdef += P [ i_y + ny * ttx ] *
((1 - ttheta ) * vbad [ ttx ]+ ttheta * value [ ttx + ny *( nb -1) ]) ;
def [ i_y ] = consdef + bbeta * sumdef ;

Listing 2: Compute whether to default or not

struct findmax {

__host__ __device__
findmax () { B = B_ptr ; Y = Y_ptr ; qrB = qrB_ptr ; Y = Y_ptr ;
EV = EV_ptr ; value = value_ptr ; wdef = wdef_ptr ;
decision = decision_ptr ; vbad = vbad_ptr ; P = P_ptr ,
qprupd = qprupd_ptr ;};

__host__ __device__
void operator () ( int index ) {
int i_b = index / ( ny ) ;
int i_y = index - i_b * ny ;
double vlar = 0.0 , vfirst = 0.0 , sumdef = 0.0 , sumbad = 0.0 ;
double budget , consdef ;
int left_ind = 0 ;
int right_ind = nb ;
int largest = left_ind , first = left_ind ;

budget = B [ i_b ] + exp ( Y [ i_y ]) ;

while ( first < right_ind ) {

( budget > qrB [ i_y + ny * largest ]) ? vlar =

pow ( budget - qrB [ i_y + ny * largest ] , (1 - rrisk ) ) / (1 - rrisk ) +
bbeta * EV [ i_y + ny * largest ] : vlar = -10000000.0;
( budget > qrB [ i_y + ny * first ]) ? vfirst = pow ( budget - qrB [ i_y + ny *
first ] , (1 - rrisk ) ) / (1 - rrisk ) + bbeta * EV [ i_y + ny * first ] :
vfirst = -10000000.0;

if ( vlar < vfirst )
largest = first ;
first ++;

if ( vlar > wdef [ i_y ]) {

value [ index ] = vlar ;
decision [ index ] = 0 ;
else {
value [ index ] = wdef [ i_y ] ;
decision [ index ] = 1 ;}

// Update prob of default

sumdef = 0.0;
for ( int dfx = 0; dfx < ny ; dfx ++) sumdef += P [ i_y + ny * dfx ] *
decision [ dfx + ny * i_b ];
// Update debt price
qprupd [ index ] = (1.0 - sumdef ) / (1 + rstar ) ;

sumbad = 0.0 ;
consdef = pow ( exp ( Y [ i_y ]) *(1 - ppi ) ,(1 - rrisk ) ) /(1 - rrisk ) ;
for ( int ttx = 0; ttx < ny ; ttx ++) sumbad += P [ i_y + ny * ttx ]*((1 -
ttheta ) * vbad [ ttx ]+ ttheta * value [ ttx + ny *( nb -1) ]) ;
vbad [ index ] = consdef + sumbad * bbeta ;

Listing 3: Compute difference between two vectors

struct myMinus {
template < typename Tuple >
__host__ __device__
double operator () ( Tuple t )
return abs ( get <0 >( t ) -get <1 >( t ) ) ;


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