Resistance Whitepaper v0.98 PDF
Resistance Whitepaper v0.98 PDF
Resistance Whitepaper v0.98 PDF
Exchange &
Privacy Coin
3.1 A Trustless Exchange Prevents Malicious Attacks 13
3.2 Not All Decentralized Exchanges are Created Equal 13
3.3 Competitive Advantages of the Resistance Anonymous DEX 14
3.4 How Resistance Powers Anonymous Decentralized Trading 15
3.4.1 The Anatomy of an Atomic Swap 15
3.4.2 Atomic Swaps Cut Out the Middleman 16
3.4.3 Making Atomic Swaps User Friendly 17
3.5 What Makes the Resistance Anonymous DEX Unique? 17
4.1 The Privacy Myth 19
4.1.1 Privacy is a Human Right 19
4.1.2 With Privacy Comes Fungibility 19
4.2 The Resistance Privacy-Oriented Blockchain 20
4.3 What is a Zero-Knowledge Proof? 20
4.3.1 Enter the Zero-Knowledge Cave 21
4.3.2 A Brief Introduction to zk-SNARKs 22
4.3.3 Private and Anonymous with One Click 23
4.3.4 Anonymity Assured with Tor 24
4.4 Scalability 25
4.5 What Makes the Resistance Privacy-Oriented Blockchain Unique? 26
5.1 An Introduction to Reward Splitting 28
5.2 Masternodes 29 7.1 Committed to Best Practice 41
5.3 Proof of Work 30 7.2 Private Sale 41
5.3.1 Democratic and Accessible Mining 31 7.3 Public Sale 41
5.3.2 Resistance Desktop Wallet/Miner 32 7.4 Token Allocation 42
5.3.3 Resistance Desktop Prototype 33
5.3.4 Command Line CPU Miner 34 PART EIGHT
5.4 Proof of Research 35 TEAM AND ADVISORS 44
5.4.1 What is BOINC? 35
8.1 The Resistance Team 45
5.4.2 Get Paid to Change the World 36
8.2 Advisors 48
5.4.3 Resistance BOINC Pool 36
5.5 Project Development 36
Decentralized cryptocurrencies are an DUE TO THE CENTRALIZED To enter the mining space, new users
attractive alternative to fiat currencies NATURE OF THESE must make a sizable investment for
for a number of reasons, especially PLATFORMS, IT ONLY marginal returns.
efficiency. The speed and simplicity TAKES ONE SECURITY
of cross-border cryptocurrency BREACH TO EXPOSE AND Resistance is the first anonymous
transactions are astonishing when JEOPARDIZE THE ASSETS DEX built around a privacy-oriented
compared to their fiat counterparts. For OF EVERY USER ON AN blockchain powered by democratically
example, a check written in the US and EXCHANGE [ 2 ]. accessible mining.
then deposited into a UK bank account
can take months to clear. What’s more, when your digital assets The Resistance Anonymous DEX
are placed on a centralized exchange utilizes atomic swaps to enable fast,
Another negative characteristic of fiat platform, you relinquish control of the direct, anonymous trades without the
currencies is the volatility of interest private keys to your own accounts. need for a third party.
rates. Right now, Denmark, Japan, This can make your digital assets
The Resistance privacy-oriented
Sweden, and Switzerland have all inaccessible if the exchange goes offline
blockchain makes fully private
applied negative interest rates so banks as a result of an attack, maintenance
trades possible by using Resistance
in these countries are charging account issue, critical hardware failure, or
coins (RES) as an intermediary and
holders interest on their deposits, network access denial scenario.
validating transactions through
instead of paying it [ 1 ].
zero-knowledge proofs.
Decentralized exchanges (DEX) have
Cryptocurrencies are thriving, yet when begun to challenge the dominance The Resistance CPU-Optimized
it comes to cryptocurrency trading of centralized exchanges in the Miner allows anyone with a laptop
platforms, users currently face many digital currency trading space. But or desktop computer running
hurdles, including usability issues, first-generation DEX’s are slow, macOS, Windows, or Linux to mine
slow transaction speeds, and a lack indirect, only moderately secure, and on the Resistance blockchain.
of privacy, security, anonymity, and offer inadequate support for users
B lock rewards and transaction
freedom. concerned about privacy.
fees are split between
masternodes, project development,
Most cryptocurrency trading takes place Furthermore, massive cryptocurrency
Proof of Work, and Proof of
in centralized exchanges that rely on mining operations utilizing expensive,
Research on whitelisted BOINC
trusted third parties, escrow services, or specialized hardware have made it
projects that are advancing
derivatives, making it almost impossible extremely difficult for the average
scientific research to help humanity.
to trade anonymously. person to compete for block rewards.
Why Resistance?
behalf of senders and recipients. With inherent security weaknesses and
centralized data, it only takes a single undemocratic consolidation of power
security breach, or malicious insider, for [ 8 ].
users to lose everything.
The security of a user’s digital assets is
Perhaps the best-known example paramount to the long-term success of
is the 2014 Mt. Gox hack, when the any cryptocurrency on the market.
CENTRALIZED popular exchange discovered a
EXCHANGES LACK security breach that led to the theft As centralized exchanges cannot be
SECURITY of over 740,000 bitcoins [ 5 ]. In 2016, trusted, many in the cryptocurrency
$72 million worth of bitcoin was stolen community are calling for a new
The biggest issue with centralized from users’ wallets on another popular solution — decentralized exchanges.
exchanges is security. Most of the exchange, Bitfinex [ 6 ]. A year later, the
major exchanges, including Binance, owner of BTC-e, yet another prominent These platforms have been a major
OKEx, and Huobi, operate using a centralized exchange, was arrested for driver in the growth of digital assets
centralized model where a trusted laundering $4 billion in stolen bitcoins but, at times, have allowed issues
[ 7 ]. Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin in security to impact the overall
wants centralized exchanges to “burn perception of how secure digital
in hell,” echoing the frustrations of currency services are.
DECENTRALIZED But at this stage, DEX’s need to mature take days and user interfaces are
EXCHANGES NEED significantly to be able to compete at often crude and difficult to navigate.
REFINEMENT scale with their centralized counterparts. Though there is no single point of
failure, assets are sometimes stored
In theory, the decentralized model Currently, DEX trading is much on the exchange, rather than in users’
should eliminate the threat of a cyber slower than trading on a centralized own wallets, and registration, login,
attack infiltrating and crippling a exchange and lacks the privacy users third-party APIs, or derivatives create
cryptocurrency exchange. expect. Verifying transactions can vulnerabilities [ 9 ].
Existing Blockchains
a new coin [ 12 ]. Additionally, with have hijacked the mining process [ 13 ].
Resistance upholds user privacy, The Resistance Anonymous DEX R esistance coins (RES) are created
anonymity, and equality, brings mining utilizes atomic swaps to enable fast, when blocks are mined through Proof
back to regular people, and allocates direct, risk-free trade of almost any of Work. By harnessing the Resistance
a percentage of block rewards to users cryptocurrency through an easy- privacy-oriented blockchain, users can
committed to changing the world for to-use interface. Users retain full choose to use RES as an intermediary
the better. control of their data, IDs, wallets, coin to add privacy to almost any
and assets at all times. cryptocurrency.
The Resistance Desktop Wallet/
Miner integrates seamlessly with The Resistance privacy-oriented The Resistance CPU-Optimized Miner
the platform’s core components: blockchain enables the Resistance democratizes the mining process.
Anonymous DEX and offers All you need to begin mining on the
users the option to conduct fully Resistance blockchain is a laptop or
private transactions by validating desktop computer running macOS,
transactions through zero- Windows, or Linux operating systems.
knowledge proofs.
Block rewards and transaction fees
are split between masternodes, project
development, Proof of Work, and Proof
of Research on whitelisted BOINC
projects. Proof of Research provides
an alternative way for users to receive
block rewards while contributing
computing power to critical scientific
Private, and
The Resistance Anonymous DEX allows including bitcoin, even if that currency place of the original currency, thereby
anyone to quickly and directly trade doesn’t support private transactions adding privacy to the trade. Users can
coins cross-blockchain with any other natively. By harnessing the power also utilize the same trading mechanism
user on a decentralized peer-to-peer of the Resistance privacy-oriented to turn a non-private cryptocurrency
network. This means, for example, that blockchain as an intermediary, users into a private cryptocurrency by
a user can choose to trade bitcoin for can also choose to trade almost any trading with themselves via RES.
zcash using the Resistance Anonymous coin for RES first and then trade that
DEX without anything being recorded RES for any other cryptocurrency, The flexibility of these options means
on the Resistance blockchain or making the procedure entirely private. that the user has complete control over
touching a centralized server. With a click of a button, users can which trades are private and which are
enable this privacy feature and the not. When combined with Resistance
As an added feature, users can add DEX will automatically trade the coin Anonymous DEX atomic swaps, users are
privacy to almost any cryptocurrency, of your choice to RES, then send RES in secured during every stage of a trade.
Centralized exchange users make a user must manually enter peers without entrusting private
deposits to the exchange and rely private keys, which puts that keys or funds to a central party. By
on a third party to authenticate user at risk of malicious phishing retaining control of their private
and authorize transactions. In order and keylogging attacks [ 16 ]. The keys, users have peace of mind
to move coins from a hardware Resistance Anonymous DEX allows knowing no one else has access to
wallet to the centralized exchange, users to trade directly with their their funds [ 17 ].
It’s common practice to use the advantages of such services, they System vulnerabilities are common,
intermediaries, or escrow services, to also have limitations: and data breaches are becoming more
facilitate safe exchanges between frequent.
different cryptocurrencies. The most Custody risks counterpose any
popular solution is to use a centralized notions of transparency, openness, Centralized exchanges charge exorbitant
exchange platform like Binance, Bitrex, and independence from trust- fees, making them inaccessible to many
Kucoin, Cryptopia, or Polinex. Despite based mechanisms. emerging cryptocurrencies.
Decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges exchanges. Most of them are plagued subject to KYC (Know Your Customer)
are still in their infancy. Although the by privacy concerns and security and AML (anti-money laundering)
concept has been discussed for years, weaknesses. As Etherdelta users learned regulations requiring users to provide PII
the arrival of usable decentralized after hackers stole roughly $270,000 in [ 18 ]. Not to mention that, by definition,
exchange platforms such as IDEX, Waves, tokens in late 2017, some decentralized a decentralized exchange is not a true
and OpenLedger is relatively recent. As exchanges still utilize centralized decentralized exchange if it’s based on
with all emerging technologies, there are hosting of software, data, or servers, centralized infrastructure and resources.
factors that have limited the viability and leaving room for a malicious attack. By
privacy of these initial offerings. eliminating these types of entry points, Additionally, first-generation
Resistance offers a more secure trading decentralized exchanges are slow,
There have been significant growing experience. Decentralized exchanges difficult to use, and support only a
pains with first-generation decentralized operated by centralized entities are still limited range of cryptocurrencies [ 19 ].
Competitive Advantages of the Resistance
Anonymous DEX
Resistance is the first anonymous decentralized exchange dedicated to privacy
and security at every stage of a trade. Built with usability at the forefront of its
design, even first-time traders will find the Resistance Anonymous DEX easy to
navigate. There is no registration or login required, no withdrawal limit, and trades
are conducted directly between one computer and another.
Centralized Exchange Decentralized Exchange Resistance Anonymous Dex
Security Centralized data means it only Eliminates the single point of The platform has been built by
takes a single security breach, or failure, but registration, login, a team of cybersecurity experts.
malicious insider, for users to lose and third-party derivatives There is no central entity, making it
everything. create vulnerabilities. very difficult for hackers to attack.
Anonymity To trade anonymously requires a Intercepted traffic can reveal There is no registration process
high-level of technical expertise. the IP addresses of both the and, with Tor enabled, IP addresses
sender and receiver of funds, are masked, allowing everyone
making them a target for hackers. to trade anonymously — if they
While registration requirements choose to do so.
compromise users’ anonymity.
Privacy Do not offer users the opportunity Typically do not offer users the Users have the option to enable RES
to trade privately. opportunity to trade privately. as an intermediary to harness zero-
knowledge proofs for private trading.
Control Transactions are mediated Assets are sometimes stored on Users keep coins in their own
and funds and private keys are the exchange, rather than in wallets — never on the exchange
controlled by a centralized service. users’ own wallets. — and retain full custody of their
private keys, data, and assets.
Accessibility Typically easy to use without User interfaces can be difficult Accessible to everyone, intuitive,
technical know-how, but convenience to navigate even for technically and easy-to-use.
comes at the expense of security savvy users.
and privacy.
Efficiency Often requires a lengthy verification Multi-node verification of each Direct peer-to-peer exchange is
process. Because users are unable transaction on the blockchain enabled by smart contracts (atomic
to transfer coins directly from wallet can take days. swaps) eliminating multiple steps in
to wallet, it can be difficult and the verification process. Trades are
slow to transfer from a wallet to an completed instantly and securely.
exchange and back again.
Liquidity Most support a variety of major, or Typically support a limited Supports 95% of existing
commonly traded, cryptocurrencies number of coins. cryptocurrencies. Users trade
and their third-party derivatives. in coins, not in derivatives or via
escrow services.
How Resistance Powers
Anonymous Decentralized
The Resistance Anonymous DEX is supported by three technological pillars that,
collectively, enable users to trade directly and anonymously.
1 . ATOMIC SWAP: An atomic swap is a 2 . ZERO-KNOWLEDGE PROOFS: 3 . TOR: Users have the option to
smart contract operation that allows A zero-knowledge proof is a method route all network traffic through Tor,
users to exchange one cryptocurrency of authenticating a transaction so they are shielded from network
with another without putting funds in without revealing any identifying surveillance and transactions remain
escrow. Following a strict process that information. Based on Zcash, one anonymous. Tor encrypts data and
holds each party accountable in a trade, of the leading privacy coins and directs traffic through a distributed
atomic swaps can take place directly largest cryptocurrencies in the world, worldwide network of relays, or nodes,
between blockchains, or off-chain, Resistance uses zero-knowledge which conceal sender and recipient IP
without the need for a trusted third proofs to protect the privacy of addresses [ 22 ].
party [ 20 ]. transactions on the Resistance
blockchain. Encrypted transactions
are validated using a Zero-Knowledge
Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of
Knowledge, or zk-SNARK. Rather than
posting sensitive information on the
public blockchain for anyone to see,
zk-SNARKs verify transactions without
revealing identifying information of any
kind [ 21 ].
To understand the power of atomic registered, assets are held in the be exposed and funds stolen at any
swaps, it’s important to know the centralized exchange at all times and point in the identity verification or
shortcomings of existing alternatives. users can only access their funds transaction process, or while simply
In a centralized exchange, users using a designated wallet and private storing assets on the exchange [ 23 ].
must first register and go through key provided by the platform. It is But Resistance eliminates these
a KYC verification procedure. Once possible for sensitive information to problems.
Atomic Swaps
Cut Out the
On the Resistance Anonymous DEX, users maintain full control of their data
and assets at all times.
Atomic swaps are a way to facilitate Specifically, an atomic swap uses a 3 . B provides the same secret number
direct, secure, peer-to-peer transfers Hashed Timelock Contract, or HTLC. used to generate the cryptographic
of funds on a decentralized exchange, An HTLC is a smart contract that hash.
eliminating the need for a third-party functions like a “transaction puzzle”
escrow service. Atomic in this context (the hash-lock) with a secret key 4 . If user B provides the valid key in
simply means that a transaction either [ 24 ]. To “solve” the puzzle, a user time, B can retrieve the locked coins.
happens completely or not at all. must provide the secret key within a If B fails to provide the valid key in
specified time frame. time, the transaction is canceled
Atomic swaps rely on cryptographically altogether.
powered smart contract technology Using an atomic swap, if A wishes to
to ensure that each party delivers trade funds with B: HTLCs ensure that the atomic swap
the agreed upon currency within an process is completely trustless. In other
allotted period of time. If one party 1 . Both A and B submit their words, users are never asked to trust a
fails to deliver their end of the swap, transaction to their respective central party to handle the transfer of
the transaction is canceled. This blockchains. their assets and do not run the risk of
removes the risk of one party failing to sending funds without receiving funds
uphold their end of a trade. 2 . A produces a secret number, or key, in return.
that only she knows, which is used
to generate a cryptographic hash
as proof of payment.
Making Atomic Swaps
User Friendly
While atomic swap technology is
relatively new, Resistance is not the
first exchange to utilize it. But, until
recently, performing an atomic
swap between two cryptocurrencies
was a difficult process that was not ANONYMOUS DEX
practical for the average user.
Resistance manually performs
cross-chain atomic swaps between
To complete an atomic swap, users regardless various pairs of cryptocurrencies such
were (and on some decentralized of technical as Bitcoin, Ethereum (including its
exchanges, still are) required to know-how. Users ERC20 tokens), EOS, Stellar,
download the complete blockchain can utilize atomic Litecoin, and Cardano.
ledgers of each currency involved to a swaps to quickly trade
local wallet [ 25 ]. This requires ample between 95% of existing
hard-drive space and can takes days cryptocurrencies directly with
to complete. Resistance makes atomic one another without having
swap trading convenient for all users, to download complete blockchain ledgers.
In summary, the Resistance Anonymous DEX stands out because it is the first fully
secure and anonymous exchange empowering users to trade privately, easily,
and directly. The Resistance Anonymous DEX helps to fulfill the original promise of
cryptocurrency by facilitating trade that is:
Users have the option to route all Users can trade 95% of existing No registration or identity
traffic through Tor. cryptocurrencies directly with one verification process required to get
Users retain control of the use of their another utilizing atomic swaps. started.
personal data, such as IDs, wallets, Users keep coins in their own Limitless trading with no
and assets, at all times. This is in wallet, not on the exchange or in a withdrawal limits.
accordance with an essential GDPR third-party escrow service.
principle: the individual’s right to Trade in coins, not derivatives.
choose if any PII is to be used. Utilizes zk-SNARKs, one of the most
Users have the option to trade efficient forms of zero-knowledge
using RES as an intermediary coin proof, when trading on the
on the Resistance privacy-oriented Resistance blockchain.
blockchain, benefiting from the
enhanced privacy of zero-knowledge
Resistance Blockchain:
PRIVACY IS A HUMAN data, and if we can’t then we don’t dollar was stolen by someone else
RIGHT deserve to serve you.” [ 28 ] before it came into your possession.
The person who was robbed cannot
Privacy is a fundamental right. The Yet, both Facebook and Google are come to you and demand that dollar
right of privacy is not only stated creating advertising profiles of users, back, void its value, or blacklist it. If the
in United Nations Declaration of based on gender, age, education, transaction history of a dollar bill could
Human Rights and all the other major career, interests, search history, app be traced, on the other hand, it could
international human rights instruments, activities, etc. [ 29 ] affect its value and fungibility.
but also protected by the laws in over
100 countries across regions [ 26 ]. A 2015 report from the United Nation’s Bitcoin is not fungible because it does
Office of the High Commissioner not provide users sufficient privacy
But increasingly, governments and for Human Rights says: “Encryption and anonymity. The transaction
private organizations are making and anonymity enable individuals history of every bitcoin is publicly
it more and more difficult for users to exercise their rights to freedom available for anyone to scrutinize.
to operate away from network of opinion and expression in the Centralized exchanges like Coinbase,
surveillance. digital age and, as such, deserve for example, will in some cases block
strong protection.” [ 30 ] Blockchain funds based on your coins’ past
The surveillance-friendly structure technology relies on encryption to transactions [ 31 ]. With zk-SNARKs,
of online technologies is making mask identity. Resistance is upholding it’s possible for RES to have no public
user privacy far easier to invade. But users’ right to privacy by giving them record or history. If users choose
Resistance is different. the option to shield transactions and to send a coin through a private
trades, using encryption to uphold our transaction, its history is essentially
We value user privacy and believe users’ human right to encrypted online erased. As transaction history exists on
in private, anonymous trading. Our activity. the blockchain and is not tied to the coin
commitment to privacy is not only itself, a coin only needs to go through a
for user security. We also believe WITH PRIVACY COMES single encrypted transaction to obscure
that records of financial transactions FUNGIBILITY its entire history and, in turn, achieve
should be kept private too. By fungibility.
shielding transactions and supporting One of the critical differences between
anonymous trades, we protect our coins that aren’t privacy oriented and At Resistance, we believe that privacy
users from third-party interference. fiat currencies is fungibility. Fungibility is a fundamental principle of a
is the property that two units — say a successful monetary system, and if
One of the most prominent examples dollar bill and another dollar bill — are cryptocurrencies are ever going to
of user privacy being exploited both equal and interchangeable. challenge centralized fiat currencies,
in recent years is the Facebook– we need to get it right. That’s why
Cambridge Analytica data scandal In regards to fiat currencies, one we are building on the technology
[ 27 ] Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg dollar is always equal to another developed by one of the leading
said in response to the fallout, “We dollar because there is no record of privacy coins in the marketplace:
have a responsibility to protect your its history. It doesn’t matter if your Zcash.
The Resistance Privacy-
Oriented Blockchain
The Resistance blockchain supports enhanced privacy, anonymity,
and security on the Resistance Anonymous DEX.
The Resistance blockchain is where forgotten is incompatible with any Based on Zcash, one of the
Resistance coins (RES) are mined and public blockchain network that stores leading privacy coins and largest
where RES to RES transactions can personal data on an unalterable cryptocurrencies in the world,
occur. Resistance Anonymous DEX distributed ledger, including Bitcoin and Resistance uses zero-knowledge proofs
users can choose to use RES as an Ethereum. The Resistance blockchain, to shield the identity of users during
intermediary coin, taking advantage of however, is designed to protect data private transactions.
the privacy features integrated into the rights by giving users the option to
Resistance blockchain. remain anonymous. With anonymity There is no registration process to
enabled, users will not need to alter or participate, so no personal data is
The recently enacted GDPR data delete their PII because no PII will be collected, and users’ PII is never stored
protection and privacy laws uphold stored or recorded. on the Resistance blockchain.
a user’s right to access and control
their data, as well as “the right to Using the Resistance blockchain as an
be forgotten,” or to request the intermediary, users can choose to trade
deletion of data. The right to be almost any coin with total privacy.
1 . Peggy knows the magic word that Peggy enters the cave, but Victor means Peggy, without knowledge of
will open a secret door in a cave. doesn’t know whether she followed the secret word, would only have a 50%
Victor doesn’t. Shaped like a ring, on path A or B. chance of guessing the correct answer.
one side of the cave is the entrance,
and on the other is a locked door 4 . Once Peggy is inside the cave, 8 . If this process is repeated, the
separating two halves of the cave. Victor comes to the entrance and yells probability of Peggy guessing
Anybody entering the cave who the name of the path that he wants correctly is diminished. After 20
doesn’t know the secret word will only Peggy to return on. This decision is attempts, she would only have a one in
be able to make it halfway around. made at random. a million chance of success.
2 . Victor wants to find out if Peggy 5 . If Peggy does know the secret word, 9 . If Peggy appears at the entrance
knows the secret word that will open then all she needs to do, if necessary, to the cave every time Victor decides
the door. Peggy doesn’t want to is say it, open the door, and walk along on which route she should take, he
tell him what the secret word is, but the path Victor requested. can safely assume Peggy is telling the
there is a way to prove she has this truth.
knowledge. 6 . If Peggy were lying and didn’t know
the secret word, she would only be able 10 . This system provides Victor with
3 . Victor and Peggy label the paths to return along the same path she had proof that Peggy is in receipt of the
leading off from the entrance. The taken on the way in. information she claims to know while
left path is labeled A, the right path is supplying Victor with zero-knowledge
labeled B. With Victor waiting outside, 7 . Victor’s random selection of A or B of what this information is.
Resistance uses zk-SNARKs to verify Sender address value numerous times until, beyond
encrypted, private transactions on Receiver address a reasonable doubt, the transaction
the blockchain without revealing any Input value can be verified without revealing any
information about the addresses Output value other information and without any
or values involved. Put simply, a interaction between the prover and
zk-SNARK allows you to verify a This information is all posted on the verifier.
computation without executing it or public blockchain for anyone to see,
even learning what was executed. which significantly reduces privacy. The only way to produce zk-SNARKs is
to have an initial trusted setup of public
Bitcoin and many other In practice, zk-SNARKs allow a prover parameters between the prover and
cryptocurrencies link sensitive to prove that they are in receipt verifier. This one-time setup generates
information to their transactions, of a number that solves a specific a common reference string (CRS)
including: cryptographic puzzle. A zk-SNARK for them to share. During this phase,
is publicly verifiable, so anyone can anonymity is never compromised,
verify the proof. The prover comes even if the setup is targeted by a
up with a number that fits the hash malicious actor.
Resistance utilizes the power of shielded transactions where the private transactions on the Resistance
zk-SNARKs to support private transaction is wholly encrypted on blockchain, please read the Zcash
transactions on the Resistance the blockchain, but can still be proven description here:
blockchain. Based on this technology as valid by the Resistance network.
inherited from Zcash, Resistance For more in-depth information on
gives users the option to send how zk-SNARKs work to facilitate
The Resistance Anonymous DEX is Here’s how a private, anonymous 4 . All the transactions in the block are
built around the Resistance privacy- transaction is executed on the validated using various cryptographic
oriented blockchain in order to give Resistance blockchain: techniques. Nothing is revealed about
users enhanced privacy options. the sender or receiver at any point in
While the Resistance blockchain 1 . A wants to send funds to B. the transaction.
is not used for every trade on the
Resistance Anonymous DEX, the 2 . The transaction is routed through 5 . The new block is added to the
DEX makes it easy to trade through the Tor network for anonymity and blockchain. Any additions to the
the Resistance blockchain using shielded using zk-SNARKs. blockchain are permanent and
RES as an intermediary coin. This irreversible.
intermediary exchange shields users’ 3 . The private transaction is broadcast
identities because RES to RES private to all the computers, or nodes, on 6 . B receives funds from A, and the
transactions are validated on the the network as part of a block. transaction is complete.
Resistance blockchain through zero-
knowledge proofs.
Tor is a global network that facilitates support from Zcash, which in turn a clear, usability-focused alternative:
anonymous internet communication inherits socks5 support from Bitcoin a graphical user interface (GUI) that
and Resistance gives users the option Core. starts Tor automatically once a user
to complete shielded transactions, has read the disclaimer and activated
making the two platforms obvious Technically, configuring Resistance this function.
partners. Core to use a socks5 proxy such as Tor
is as simple as adding the appropriate For legal reasons, users have the
Tor works best with a socks5 proxy. command line options. option to operate on the Resistance
Resistance Core inherits socks5 platform with or without Tor via a
But since using a command line simple on/off switch.
interface requires a certain degree of
technical skill, Resistance also offers If a user enables Tor, the Resistance
Desktop will launch it in the background
before starting Resistance Core.
Users have the option to route all Tried and tested, Tor has been Of course, just as is the case with
network traffic on the Resistance providing internet users with a the Resistance blockchain’s privacy
blockchain through Tor. By channeling guarantee of anonymity since 2002. functions, users have the option to turn
transactions through Tor, we can The technology works by routing off Tor in favor of a single, identifiable
provide Resistance users with a means transactions through multiple IP IP address.
to avoid network surveillance and addresses, so the point of origin is
retain their anonymity at all times. masked [ 22 ].
Resistance has taken steps to advance its scalability by Based on that data, let’s calculate the ATS for both Bitcoin
dramatically increasing the transaction throughput that the and Resistance.
network can offer. This is accomplished in two fundamental
Resistance Privacy-
Oriented Blockchain
The Resistance blockchain has been developed with three key principles in mind:
privacy, anonymity, and scalability. When it comes to conducting private and
anonymous transactions, we take the complexity away from the user. What’s more,
our commitment to scalability means the Resistance blockchain will always meet
market demands.
Unlike most other blockchains, Resistance is Resistance is estimated to be 20 times faster than Bitcoin.
privacy oriented Users wait for shorter intervals for transactions to
zk-SNARKs allow users to make shielded, private complete
transactions More users can participate without any adverse effects
Anonymity on the Resistance blockchain is ensured Scalability continues to be an issue for cryptocurrency
with Tor platforms in general, but Resistance has taken measures
to increase its throughput significantly.
Resistance Consensus:
Mining and Reward
Miners come to a consensus about the halved so that the total supply of important scientific research on our
transaction history while preventing RES is not fully exhausted and mining whitelisted BOINC projects.
double spend and other forms of fraud. remains incentivized.
There are a number of different WITH RESISTANCE, MINERS CLAIM 10% of the block reward is funneled
consensus algorithms out there used A PERCENTAGE OF THE BLOCK back into the open-source Resistance
to update the blockchain securely. REWARD. THE REST IS SPLIT OVER platform to fund its ongoing
Different coins use different validation THREE OTHER AREAS: development.
methods, but the most popular
is Proof of Work, which is used MASTERNODES: 30% of the reward is The Resistance prototype will split
by some of the most well-known allocated to masternodes, or Bonded the block rewards 50/50 between
cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Validator Systems, for the role they Proof of Work and Proof of
Ethereum, and Litecoin [ 35 ]. play in facilitating the smooth running Research. In addition to splitting
of the network. the block reward, Resistance
With Proof of Work, miners compete also splits transaction fees,
to find a solution to a certain PROOF OF WORK: Miners receive which further incentivizes miners,
computational problem in order to 30% of the reward for securing the masternodes, researchers, and
validate a block. Once found, that Resistance blockchain. developers to continue to contribute
block can be added to the blockchain to the future of Resistance, even
and the reward goes to the successful PROOF OF RESEARCH: Another after all RES has been mined.
miner. In the future, the Resistance 30% of the reward goes to users
block reward will be repeatedly who donate computing power to
Unlike regular nodes, masternodes do not participate in mining. Instead, they
perform vital services and, as a result, receive a percentage of the block reward.
Dash initially developed the concept of masternodes, but since then, many different
cryptocurrencies and exchanges have begun using the system for a range of tasks.
Setting up a masternode isn’t maintaining the currency’s voting to deter individuals who set out to
difficult, but it can be costly. To own system [ 37 ]. On the Resistance falsify transactions.
and operate a Dash masternode, platform, masternodes will play a
for example, you will need a stake pivotal role in ensuring the security Masternodes stabilize the Resistance
of 1,000 DASH [ 36 ]. However, there and fluidity of our decentralized network, and the more of them there
are some platforms that facilitate exchange. are, the more stable it becomes.
shares in individual masternodes so That’s why they receive such a large
everybody can take advantage of the Masternodes will speed up the portion of the block reward as an
significant rewards becoming part of a Resistance network. Each masternode incentive.
masternode network affords. will host a full copy of the Resistance
blockchain and help achieve
In the case of Dash, masternodes consensus quickly and efficiently.
fulfill many tasks including aiding Furthermore, masternodes enhance
faster, more private transactions, and security on the blockchain by helping
Resistance masternodes provide While the reasons for these roles may choose to join mining pools rather
additional benefits to the network and not seem evident at first, they are than mine Resistance directly. When
receive 30% of every block reward. critical to both the security and speed users start mining in pools rather than
Resistance masternodes fulfill two key of the Resistance network. on their own full nodes, the number of
roles: full nodes on the network decreases.
It is crucial that many Resistance users This pushes the network towards
1 . Incentivizing people to run full run full nodes that contain the entire centralization, which is a threat to
nodes on the Resistance network current Resistance blockchain. As blockchains that solely rely on Proof
2 . Incentivizing users to hold on to Resistance grows and mining becomes of Work.
their RES more competitive, many users will
It is also essential that the Resistance is laying the foundation for future 30% of the total block reward is
cryptocurrency maintains a stable and improvements to the network. Further dedicated to these dividends. As
accurate value, and that it isn’t used down the line, when ownership of this rewards program operates on a
by wealthy individuals to “pump and Resistance has been decentralized fixed percentage, and the number of
dump” the Resistance coin supply. and handed over to the Resistance masternodes will fluctuate, expected
“Pumping and dumping” is the process Foundation, the community can use rewards will vary according to the
by which perpetrators acquire a the masternode framework to add current total number of masternodes
large number of coins at a low price, support for additional functionality, in operation.
artificially increase the value of that such as governance (voting), real-time
coin to create hype, and, in turn, drive double spend protection, and platform You can calculate payments for
up prices. development. a standard day running a
masternode with the following
When other potential buyers see these MASTERNODE REWARD PROGRAM formula:
huge price spikes, they are encouraged (n/t)*r*b*a
to purchase coins. At that point, the To run a masternode, a Resistance
perpetrators “dump” their coins for a node must hold a minimum of 100,000 Where:
huge profit and the price tumbles. RES in their Resistance wallet where n is the number of masternodes an
they also have the full node of the operator controls
To help mitigate this issue, and to Resistance blockchain, although this t is the total number of masternodes
control the stability of the coin, number could fluctuate in response r is the current block reward
Resistance masternodes are to RES coin price and changes to (currently 100 RES)
required to hold a certain number block reward policy. When active, b is blocks in an average day
of RES at all times to maintain nodes provide services to clients on a is the average masternode
masternode status. This helps the Resistance network and, in return, payment (30% of the average block
motivate users to hold on to their coins are paid in the form of a dividend. amount)
instead of trading or selling them. By Masternodes are paid from the same
supporting masternodes, Resistance pool of money and approximately
Proof of Work
Mining should be for everyone, but are making it so difficult for regular of miners could form a mining monopoly
today, that simply isn’t the case. As we users to obtain block rewards. Some and use their power to influence technical
mentioned earlier in this whitepaper, a mining pools, such as Bitmain’s AntPool, decision-making and control the market.
single company, Bitmain, now controls use ASICs designed for high-efficiency What’s more, the technical know-how
over 40% of Bitcoin mining operations mining to increase profits on block needed to start a mining operation is
[ 38 ]. But this level of inequality isn’t rewards, giving an unfair advantage to usually way above that of many first-
unique to Bitcoin and affects most miners with more hashing power [ 39 ]. timer’s. But Resistance is challenging the
cryptocurrency mining operations. In fact, most hashing algorithms give norm, using a CPU-optimized hashing
users with superior computing power algorithm and easy-to-operate interface
It’s not just massive mining farms that this advantage. This means a small set to make mining more accessible.
Democratic and
Accessible Mining
Democratic mining on the Resistance blockchain is guaranteed by its CPU-optimized
hashing algorithm with rewards distributed over Proof of Work, Proof of Research,
masternodes, and project development.
CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs can all be algorithm based on scrypt and the In comparison:
converted into ASICs and used to mine newer yescrypt [ 40 ]. CPU-optimized, SHA-256 ASIC = ~1000x potential
a particular coin. Today, Resistance is it favors the standard CPUs you’ll gains over GPU
CPU-optimized and working towards find in regular laptop and desktop
becoming practically ASIC-resistant. computers. The algorithm combines Equihash ASIC = ~100x potential gains
computationally expensive and over GPU
Resistance is democratizing the mining sequential memory-hard hashing
process with an easy-to-use Desktop in a way that slows down GPUs to We believe that every user should
Wallet/Miner utilizing the yespower CPU-like speeds, and limits potential have an equal opportunity to obtain
algorithm. Our unique hashing advantages for FPGAs and ASICs. If block rewards in an arena where
algorithm was developed by the someone did decide to build an ASIC standard CPUs can compete with
world-renowned cyber security expert for Resistance, the gains in efficiency GPUs, FPGAs, and specialized ASICs.
Alexander Peslyak, who also helped would be orders of magnitude smaller This is why Resistance is committed
develop the hashing algorithms for than an ASIC built for coins that are to becoming practically ASIC-
Zcash. Specifically designed for Proof not GPU or CPU-optimized. resistant.
of Work use, yespower is a hashing
There are many Proof of Work parameters for advantages over other have with Bitcoin and Litecoin. FPGAs,
schemes and they vary in different CPU-optimized cryptocurrencies, such on the other hand, might not pose
ways, including their bias for and as Monero’s CryptoNight, which we a significant threat to CPUs as large
against different types of hardware. will do for the Mainnet. Unfortunately, FPGAs are even more “overpriced”
being GPU-unfriendly also means that than large CPUs. In addition to the
Resistance uses the yespower hashing future FPGA and ASIC implementations competition from specialized ASICs,
algorithm, which has been designed could lead to competition with CPUs CPU production costs are another
to be CPU-friendly yet GPU-unfriendly, as Resistance increases its market critical factor to consider. The cost
and offers less benefits to FPGA/ASICs. value. ASICs are likely to win in the long of producing a CPU is only a fraction
Using yespower allows us to tweak our run, but not to the extent that they of its list price and an even smaller
percentage of the cost to build a full to the, say, 100,000x we’d have without Combined, these factors will reduce the
computer system. trying. However, similar improvement incentive to create and purchase ASICs,
factors are not low enough to achieve result in suitable ASICs resembling
Custom-built ASICs could amortize a long-term practical ASIC resistance for high-end/many-core CPUs and RAM,
great deal of expense by packing more cryptocurrencies. and reduce their effect on the network.
cores and chips into a system without
using it as an opportunity for market We intend to address the inherent If ASICs eventually become suitable for
segmentation, as most high-profile advantage of ASICs over CPUs in two efficient general-purpose computation,
CPU manufacturers do. ways: it would be a net win for users of
computer systems in general, and
They can also avoid much of the 1 . We will proceed with further a point where we’d stop revising
overhead of additional hardware research and experimentation in an yespower to discourage such ASICs.
components like disk controllers, and attempt to improve yespower to make
avoid many supply chain markups more use of RAM while resisting DoS We would have provided enough
that impact the price of a complete attacks on the network. This will be demand for many-core CPUs and/
computer. achieved using a novel method to or large FPGAs so that it’s no longer
early-reject invalid proofs. If successful, a niche market, forcing their prices to
There’s a lot of talk about ASIC this will bring us closer to meeting drop. Similarly, the demand for gaming/
resistance in the cryptocurrency Zcash’s original, but unachieved, goal mining GPUs keeps them several times
world. However, this ultimately comes of making the amount of RAM you cheaper than comparably fast high-end
down to minimizing the advantages of have dictate how much mining work GPUs aimed at the scientific high-
specialized ASIC hardware. your hardware can complete. performance computing market.
Resistance Desktop
The Resistance CPU-Optimized Miner laptop or desktop computer running with ease. The Resistance Desktop
is integrated with the platform’s macOS or Windows. With a clear Wallet/Miner is convenient and
easy-to-use wallet. All that you need and straightforward interface, our multi-purpose. Users can manage
to begin mining on the Resistance miner allows users that are new to and mine our CPU-optimized coins
CPU-optimized blockchain is a the Proof of Work system to mine from the same place.
Resistance Desktop
The Resistance desktop prototype has One of these features is built-in Tor optimized for mining on the yespower
already been released and is available support. By navigating to the Settings algorithm and is lightning fast.
for users to begin testing. tab and toggling the Tor button, you
can choose whether or not to enable While this process may sound
The prototype has a number of key this feature. complicated, it’s in fact very
features that make it extremely straightforward. All that you need to do
easy for Windows and macOS users When you toggle the button, a is navigate to the Settings pane in the
to get started with the Resistance local Tor proxy service is started Desktop Wallet/Miner and toggle the
Desktop Wallet/Miner including: on your machine. The Resistance miner switch to begin the mining process.
daemon then restarts using the
1 . A modern and intuitive graphical `-proxy=` flag. The miner will run automatically in the
interface background and, after you successfully
2 . Built-in Tor support From then on, the Resistance daemon mine a block and 100 blocks confirm
3 . A built-in Resistance miner communicates exclusively with the Tor your mined block, you will have access
4 . Transparent (“r”) and private (“z”) proxy on port 9050. This ensures that to the freshly minted block reward.
addresses all traffic sent to and from your local You can then use this coin to make
node has a masked IP that other users transactions with other people.
The prototype is automatically can’t see, thus shielding your identity.
connected to our testnet, so all you Please be aware that Tor is not legal in Mining has never been easier.
need to do is run the application all jurisdictions and you should check
to begin mining and creating your relevant laws to ensure you can One of the most important features
transactions. legally use this feature. of Resistance is the user’s ability to
choose between sending transparent
Enabling non-technical users to easily Another crucial feature is the built-in and private transactions. There are
join and participate in the Resistance Resistance miner. Mining is the two types of addresses supported by
platform is at the forefront of the process of compiling all of the current Resistance: transparent ‘r’ addresses
Resistance vision. transactions being broadcast on the and private ‘z’ addresses. You have the
network into a block and competing choice to send and receive to and from
Our Resistance Desktop Wallet/Miner with others to be the first to generate a either an ‘r’ address or a ‘z’ address
is straightforward to set up. Just valid yespower Proof of Work for it. depending on the level of privacy you
download the application from our want. The following table describes
website and run it on your computer. If you are the winning miner, you will different options for sending funds.
You’ll find a clean, easy-to-use, modern receive a portion of the block reward
interface with many features that can (50% in the prototype, and 30% on
be toggled with just the flip of a switch. the Mainnet). The Resistance miner is
From Address Type The Resistance prototype makes this Next enter the address you would like
To Address Type extremely easy. You have the option to send the funds from, and you can
Privacy Level in the Own Addresses tab to generate send them immediately.
multiple ‘r’ addresses and ‘z’
‘r’ address addresses. You can generate as many While those are currently the main
‘r’ address addresses as you want. When people features of the prototype, the project
Transparent (No Privacy) want to send you coins, give them an is growing every day. Be sure to check
‘r’ address for transparency or a ‘z’ back regularly for new releases so that
‘r’ address address for privacy. you can utilize the most up-to-date
‘z’ address features.
Partially Shielded (Some Privacy) When you want to send coins to
someone else, first obtain their
‘z’ address address (‘r’ for transparent and ‘z’
‘r’ address for private). Then, in the Send Cash
Partially Shielded (Some Privacy) pane, click the Private switch for
private transactions and disable it for
‘z’ address transparent transactions depending
‘z’ address on the receiver’s address type.
Fully Shielded (Total Privacy)
Command Line
CPU Miner
Users more familiar with cryptocurrency mining can install our Command Line
CPU Miner, which is compatible with Linux as well as macOS and Windows. Aimed
at advanced users, the Resistance Command Line CPU Miner offers the following
benefits over the more user-friendly Resistance Desktop Wallet/Miner.
Faster if you become familiar with Less memory than a Graphical User
its commands Interface
Compatible with Linux as well as Less CPU processing power
macOS and Windows
Proof of Research
Reward splitting is a crucial Resistance pool (respool). The more power to perform complex calculations
characteristic of the Resistance computational power an individual — tasks that would take the individual
consensus. As well as Proof of Work uses, the greater percentage of the institutions hosting projects on BOINC
and masternodes, users can allocate reward they will receive. a considerable amount of time, cost a
computing power to Proof of Research vast amount of money, and involve a
for block rewards. WHAT IS BOINC? lot of human resources.
With this option, instead of BOINC is one of the world’s largest and BOINC harnesses the processing power
participating in mining, users may most powerful distributed computer of the 760,000 plus computers on the
contribute computer time to our networks. This open-source platform platform’s international volunteer
whitelisted BOINC projects. By doing for grid computing hosts a wide network to get these tasks done quickly
so, users are effectively getting paid range of scientific research projects and for free. Resistance rewards users
to make a positive contribution to covering astrophysics, medicine, for contributing computing power to
humanity. climate change, humanitarian causes, our whitelisted BOINC projects, which
and more, and invites volunteers to focus on a series of causes including
The percentage of the block reward donate computer processing power cancer and Alzheimer’s research,
allocated to Proof of Research will to help them achieve their goals [ 41 ]. nanotechnology for clean water,
be split between members of the Volunteers contribute computing molecular biology, and solar power.
Resistance empowers its users to wallet uses a P2SH address that is wallet funds may be distributed hourly.
change the world for the better currently signed by one trusted user,
and make money in the process. but may later be expanded to require If an attacker or malicious insider
By contributing compute resources the signatures of multiple trusted were to compromise the Resistance
to BOINC projects, Resistance users to help increase security via research wallet, they would only be
researchers receive a sizeable portion decentralization. able to steal the rewards accrued since
(50% in the prototype and 30% in the the last payout.
Mainnet) of every block reward and At least once a day, the entire
transaction fee that occurs on the balance of the Research wallet is Resistance users can start helping
Resistance blockchain. automatically distributed among all of the world and accruing these rewards
the research pools that are registered immediately by joining a Resistance
Every time a new block is mined on with Resistance. By distributing the pool (such as In
the Resistance blockchain, 30% of the wallet’s funds frequently, the wallet’s the future, Resistance researchers will
block reward and transaction fee is value will remain low, making it a much have the option to create and register
sent to a dedicated research wallet. less appealing target for hackers or their own pools with the Resistance
This wallet accrues balance as more other malicious actors. As Resistance platform, giving them more flexibility in
and more blocks are mined. The becomes more valuable, the research how they conduct their research.
Get Paid to Change
the World
STEP ONE: Desktop Wallet/Miner, if they haven’t PROJECT DEVELOPMENT
INSTALL BOINC CLIENT already. A wallet address is needed
It’s straightforward to get started with during the registration process for Once the block reward has been split
Proof of Research for Resistance. The joining respool, so this step is vital. between masternodes, Proof of Work,
first thing that a user needs to do is Once the wallet is installed, users need and Proof of Research, the remaining
install the correct BOINC client on the to synchronize with the blockchain. 10% is set aside for project development.
computer, or computers, that they Users can only receive Resistance Key areas to consider are:
intend to use for BOINC research. For block rewards via Proof of Research
some projects, users will be required to through a pool. At this stage, respool Marketing Software
install VirtualBox too. The installation is the only option, but moving forward, Governance Development
process for Linux, macOS, and we anticipate that users will start Legal
RESISTANCE BOINC POOL then uses this data to calculate user complete, it sends the project back
contribution parameters, or magnitude. for validation. When the results are
The pool wallet receives rewards That magnitude is used for calculating validated, the BOINC project adds score
from new blocks. Then pool software user rewards. New users register, then points to that user account. There are
calculates reward amounts before attach the BOINC manager to the pool two scores: total and recent average
distributing them between contributors as an account manager. The pool then credit (RAC). The pool utilizes recent
to whitelisted BOINC projects according sends a key that allows the user to average credit, which is calculated
to their contribution to the pool securely attach the host to a BOINC using an exponentially weighted moving
account. Each BOINC project has an account without full access to the average.
internal scoring system, and each user pool’s BOINC account. Using the key,
score is publicly available via its RPC the host attaches to the pool account For detailed descriptions and
interface. The pool collects data from in the BOINC project, receives tasks, instructional videos visit
whitelisted projects, normalizes them, and crunches them. When a task is
2018 Q2: Closed First Financing Round: Completed seed financing in Silicon Valley, California
2018 Q3: Testnet Alpha: First version of the testnet for the CPU-optimized
coin released
2019 Q1: Fiat Gateways: Ability to buy cryptocurrencies with credit cards on
the Resistance Anonymous DEX
2019 Q2: TOP 50 Market Cap: Our primary goal is to make Resistance a
TOP 10 cryptocurrency by market cap
42% 23%
Private Sale/VC Public Sale
8% 6.5%
Strategic Partners Reserve
The parameters listed below are FINANCIAL Assuming pre-mine of 60 million RES,
relevant to the Resistance prototype. our prototype’s controlled supply
Some of them, such as difficulty Total supply: curve results in a supply of 100 million
adjustment rate and block reward 126 million RES (about 80% of total) by 3 million
halving interval, are subject to blocks (approx. 6 years), 113 million
independent changes. Pre-mine: RES (about 90% of total) shortly after
Up to 60 million tokens for the ICO 5 million blocks (approx. 10 years),
If we make changes to other (ERC20 tokens converted into RES 120 million RES (about 95% of total)
parameters, like block interval, we’ll coins once mainnet is released), at around 8 million blocks (approx. 15
ensure that adjustments are made to team, founders, advisors, marketing, years), 125 million RES (just over 99%
achieve a level of performance and reserves, airdrop, strategic partners, of total) shortly after 13 million blocks
controlled supply curve similar to those exchange listing, contributors (approx. 25 years), and the total supply
we illustrate here. potentially reached after 65 million
Public mining block reward: blocks (approx. 125 years).
Team and
The Resistance core team includes for creating the hashing algorithm
the founder and core developer yescrypt, and the newly released
behind the Linux operating system yespower CPU-optimized hashing
Whonix, as well as the founder of algorithm, which is used by
Openwall, who is also responsible Resistance.
Highly regarded Software Engineer Well-known and respected operating Highly competent ICO Analyst and
responsible for deploying strategic system and network security expert, Founder of the groundbreaking
software solutions for industry-leading Founder and CTO of Openwall, author anonymity-focused desktop operating
organizations including Microsoft. of the widely-used hashing algorithm system Whonix, a Debian GNU/Linux-
yescrypt and the newly released based Linux distribution that provides
CPU-optimized hashing algorithm privacy, security, and anonymity to
yespower, and former Zcash advisor. users.
LinkedIn LinkedIn
An expert in blockchain development A talented Project Manager, Brilliant Full Stack Developer
and decentralized exchanges with Researcher, Junior Venture Analyst, specializing in the development of
experience from institutions such as and well-established international software system architecture for large-
LQDEX, Luxcore, and Binary Studio. Research Analyst for leading scale government operations and
blockchain research projects. private, international organizations.
LinkedIn LinkedIn
LinkedIn LinkedIn
Highly trained and well-qualified A sought-after Content Writer Security-focused Social Media
Journalist, Editor, and Copywriter and Strategist with experience professional and MSc in Industrial
with experience producing content creating publications for enterprise Engineering and Management
for internationally distributed BBC clients including Adobe and developing with experience in Search Engine
magazines, news websites, and high-level social media Optimization for innovative technology
multiple technology start-ups. strategies. organizations.
Well-known Blockchain Developer, entrepreneur, and Cryptographic mastermind with 35 years of experience in
influencer with a background in computer science, telecom, the sector, Vice President of Crypto Systems Research at
and data analysis. Founder of Ivan on Tech YouTube channel DarkMatter, former IBM researcher, key contributor to the
(180k subs), (200k monthly readers), and Ivan Linux Foundation Hyperledger Project, and inventor of the
on Tech Academy (10,000 active students). LinkedIn Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). LinkedIn
Han is Founder and CEO of which helps clients Co-founder of Stockholm Blockchain Group and BLOXPO
set up and manage companies in crypto-friendly jurisdictions with a background in Business Development and
including Singapore, Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, and Entrepreneurship. A familiar face helping both Swedish and
Switzerland, etc. LinkedIn international blockchain companies grow. LinkedIn
Blockchain entrepreneur and an early adopter of Bitcoin, CEO Dynamic Information Security and Privacy Officer, Consultant,
of Stockholm Blockchain Group, and Co-Founder of BLOXPO. and GDPR expert with an intricate knowledge of international
Runs one of the largest online learning communities for data protection legislation. LinkedIn
blockchain and cryptocurrencies. LinkedIn
Cybersecurity Researcher at the major multi-national bank President of EyeOnID, a publicly-traded company that
Santander, Trainer at Black Hat Conference, Certified Ethical provides proactive identity protection services through a
Hacker, and accomplished security expert. LinkedIn variety of state-of-the-art products and solutions. LinkedIn
Lead Blockchain Developer at Nasdaq creating new Senior Site Reliability Engineer at cybersecurity giant Carbon
blockchain-based solutions for one of the largest stock Black, accomplished Backend Developer, and fluent in
exchanges in the world. LinkedIn multiple programming languages and tools. LinkedIn
Legal Disclaimer,
Glossary of Terms,
End Notes
Legal Disclaimer
When using the available privacy Please note, this document is provided RES tokens do not provide any rights
options of the Resistance platform, for your information only and on dividend or interest. The RES token is
users may request access, alteration, under no circumstance should it be final and nonrefundable. The RES token
and/or deletion of PII, in accordance considered an attempt by Resistance is not a share and does not have a
with GDPR. to promote or sell stocks or securities particular value outside the Resistance
on its platform or any other related or platform or another affiliate platform.
10.7 LIMITATION OF associated company’s platform. The purchase and use of RES tokens
LIABILITY must not be done speculatively.
RES tokens should not be considered
Unless otherwise required by law, an investment and, although the The RES token could be affected by
the owners of and/or contributors to Resistance team will, to the best of emerging technology, like quantum
this Whitepaper and the Resistance its ability, proceed with the project computing. These technological
platform shall not be liable for loss of as described within this Whitepaper, breakthroughs could result in security
data, loss of profits, loss of use, or any certain unforeseen circumstances breaches and/or theft. All funds
damages, forfeitures, and violations might cause the project to change, generated during Pre-ICO and ICO are
connected with the information or end altogether. RES tokens can at in no way insured against such, or any
contained in this Whitepaper or on the no time be considered an official, or other, technological developments or
Resistance platform. legally binding, investment of any form. any other threat.
Purchasing RES tokens is done so at
10.8 TOKEN SALE your own risk. If the Resistance crowdsale is canceled,
any funds collected will be returned to
Regulators are judiciously examining Acquiring and storing RES tokens the wallets of the respective investors.
companies and procedures associated carries various risks, including that
with cryptocurrencies, so it’s possible Resistance may be unable to launch its
that future supervisory measures, operations and develop the platform.
inquiries, or actions may affect how the Latest Amendment
Resistance platform generates funds Before acquiring RES tokens, you This disclaimer was amended for the
and limit its ability to grow. Anyone should carefully consider the risks, last time on July 30, 2018.
Anonymity: The ability to operate Block: Each block contains a collection Command Line Interface (CLI): A CLI
without revealing users’ identities. of transactions. Once validated, blocks is a text-based interface that facilitates
are added to the blockchain. interactions with applications and
ASIC: An Application-Specific Integrated [See Blockchain] operating systems.
Circuit (ASIC) is an integrated circuit
customized for a specific use, such as Blockchain: A decentralized ledger CPU: A computer’s central processing
mining cryptocurrency blocks. Unlike upon which every transaction is unit (CPU) performs all of its basic,
CPUs, ASICs are not designed to permanently recorded. The blockchain everyday operations and calculations.
perform general computational tasks. cannot be undone or altered.
CPU-Optimized: A mining protocol
ASIC-Resistant: A mining protocol that BOINC: The Berkeley Open that favors the CPUs found in standard
is not biased toward ASIC chips. Some Infrastructure for Network Computing laptop and desktop computers.
algorithms, like yespower, offer minimal (BOINC) is an open-source software [See CPU]
advantage to ASICs and, combined with platform for grid computing that
stated intent to tweak the algorithm utilizes computing power donated by Cryptocurrency: A digital asset that
as needed to maintain this property volunteers. functions as a medium of exchange
in anticipation of or response to new using complex cryptography to secure
developments, reduce the incentive to monetary transactions, regulate the
create ASICs and, more importantly, creation of new units, and validate the
reduce their effect on the network. legitimacy of transfers.
[See ASIC] Centralized: When a small percentage
of parties are in control of a particular Cryptography: The use of sophisticated
Atomic Swap: Technology that allows service. mathematics to secure information.
users to exchange one cryptocurrency
with another cryptocurrency without Coin: Cryptocurrencies are virtual
putting funds in escrow. The atomic currencies. Cryptocurrency units are
swap also follows a strict protocol to often referred to as coins. The words
ensure that each party is held cryptocurrency and coin are often used
accountable for their side of the trade. interchangeably. [See Cryptocurrency]
Desktop Wallet/Miner: An all-in-one is a specialized circuit initially designed
desktop wallet that integrates mining to create and alter images at speed.
and trading platforms. They are more efficient than standard
CPUs at processing large amounts, Ledger: A list of transactions and
Distributed: A network of peers who and certain types, of data. They can balances.
interact without the need for a central often perform tasks in parallel that
server. traditional CPUs cannot.
currencies in some cases. cryptographic proof by a deadline or
forfeit the payment, returning it to the
Node: A participant in a blockchain
network. Each node retains a copy of
Fiat Currency: Physical money, paper the complete blockchain.
or coins, made legal tender by a
government. Initial Coin Offering (ICO): The
process of raising funds for a new
FPGA: A field-programmable gate cryptocurrency venture. Investors
array (FPGA) is a customizable receive tokens in return for their Open-Source: Software that is freely
integrated circuit. FPGAs are chips that investments. distributed and publicly modifiable.
can be reprogrammed for specific
tasks, like mining.
on its own or in context with other dividing a reward earned for validating
information, such as name, account a new block on the blockchain between
numbers, social security number, multiple parties.
biometric records, and more. Wallet: A software / web-based
program or a hardware device
Privacy: The ability to shield used to store and provide access to
information that users don’t want in the cryptocurrency assets.
public domain. Scalability: The capacity of a
blockchain network to process Wallet Address: A string of
Private Address: An address that is not transactions for mainstream uses. alphanumeric characters that uniquely
visible to the public. Cryptocurrency The current processing capacity identifies an address that can send and
addresses are used to track the of the Bitcoin blockchain is seven receive cryptocurrency funds.
balance of a user’s wallet, creating a transactions per second, which has
record of transactions. With private led to increasing transaction fees and
addresses, transactions are shielded, longer processing times.
so users retain their privacy.
Smart Contract: A computer yespower: A CPU-optimized hash
Proof of Research: A mechanism protocol that facilitates, verifies, function used in the mining process to
to ensure that a user has donated and/or enforces the rules and secure transactions.
computational time to one or more penalties of an agreement without the
research projects. use of third parties. Used to enable
irreversible transactions of anything
Proof of Work: A mechanism to secure of value.
the blockchain. Miners compete to Zero-Knowledge Proof: A way for
solve complex calculations to validate party A to prove to party B they know
transactions and add new blocks to the the value of X without revealing any
blockchain. other information except that they
Token: Allocated to investors and other know the value of X.
Protocol: The rules that govern how relevant parties during an ICO. Once
nodes on a blockchain communicate. the conditions of the ICO are Zcash: A privacy-oriented
met and trading starts, tokens become cryptocurrency that allows users to
Public Address: An address that is functional units of currency. undertake private transactions by
visible to the public. Cryptocurrency implementing zk-SNARKs.
addresses are used to track the Tor: Open source software that
transactions between parties on a enables users to communicate zk-SNARK: A form of zero-knowledge
blockchain. anonymously by routing traffic proof used to ensure private
through an overlay network. transactions on the Resistance
Transaction Fee: A fee paid to the
first miner to successfully validate a
new block on the blockchain.
1 . Wikipedia. “List of countries by central bank interest rates.” 10 . Bitcoin. “Protect your privacy.” Accessed July 19, 2018,
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