Digital Currency Stocks Bonds: The Most Popular Cryptocurrency Terms and Phrases Cryptocurrency
Digital Currency Stocks Bonds: The Most Popular Cryptocurrency Terms and Phrases Cryptocurrency
Digital Currency Stocks Bonds: The Most Popular Cryptocurrency Terms and Phrases Cryptocurrency
CRYPTOCURRENCY TERMS AND PHRASES highs before rising to a new all-time high.
CRYPTOCURRENCY "Bears" believe that an asset, for example a digital
Due diligence is important when looking into any asset currency, will decline in value. Another way of putting
class. However, doing one's homework may be even this is that if a trader thinks a cryptocurrency will
more important when it comes to digital currency, as depreciate, their sentiment surrounding the digital
this asset class has been around for far less time than asset is "bearish." In many situations, traders will
more traditional assets (like stocks and bonds) and make use of this expectation by taking a short position
comes with substantial uncertainty. on an asset, meaning that they will make a wager that
will pay off should the asset in question fall in value.
Are you prepared to get to know cryptocurrency Blocks
trading terms and some basic cryptocurrency terms Many digital currencies make use of blocks, which
no human being can live without? contain transactions that have been confirmed and
then combined together.
Conducting the proper research on cryptocurrencies
may require a would-be investor to explore many BLOCKCHAIN
areas. One area in particular that could prove helpful The blockchain, which is a distributed ledger system,
is simply learning the basic industry terminology. consists of a series of blocks. These blocks contain
Certain lingo is highly unique to digital currency, verified transactions. The blockchain was designed to
making it unlikely that traders would have picked it up be not only decentralised, but also immutable,
when studying other asset classes like stocks, bonds meaning that entries could not be erased once placed
and commodities. on this distributed ledger. The idea of the blockchain
was first introduced when the bitcoin white paper was
This article will explore the more popular terms and released in late 2008.[3]
phrases relevant to cryptocurrencies, providing a
strong foundation for those interested in exploring BULL/BULLISH
this innovative asset class. If a trader believes that an asset will rise in value, he
or she is a "bull." When an investor has this optimistic
ADDRESS expectation of an asset's future bull, this frame of
In digital currency, an address is basically a destination mind is described as "bullish."
where a user sends and receives digital currency. In a
way, it is similar to a bank account.[1] These CONSENSUS
addressses usually include a long series of letters and The network for a digital currency reaches consensus
numbers. when the network's nodes agree that a transaction
took place. This agreement is crucial if the varying
ALTCOIN network participants (nodes) are to have the same
An altcoin is a digital currency other than bitcoin. information. In other words, consensus is crucial to
There were more than 1,000 altcoins listed on data distributed ledger systems.
source CoinMarketCap at the time of this
writing. Another way of describing the term "altcoin" CRYPTOCURRENCY
is referring to it as an alternative protocol asset, A cryptocurrency is merely a currency that relies on
meaning that it follows a protocol (set of rules) that's cryptography. Bitcoin, for example, leverages
different than that of bitcoin. cryptography in order to verify transactions.
In crypto, arbitrage refers to taking advantage of the Cryptography is basically the process of encoding and
price difference between two different exchanges. If decoding information so that would-be observers are
bitcoin is selling for £8,950 on one exchange and unable to understand the information being sent.
£9,000 on another, a trader can buy the digital
currency on the first exchange and sell it on the DDoS ATTACK
second for a modest profit. A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack takes
place when multiple parties work together to
ATH overwhelm a system by inundating it with either
"ATH" is an abbreviation of "all-time high." This term requests for information or malicious data. Basically,
can be quite helpful to know for tracking the digital the nefarious parties involved in such an attack want
currency markets. These assets are so volatile, so to prevent a resource, such as a server, from being
keeping their ATH in mind can prove valuable. A able to provide some specific service, such as serving a
web page.
participants may spread misleading or inaccurate
Some digital currency exchanges have suffered DDoS information in order to cause an asset's price to
attacks from nefarious parties looking to cripple these decline. A trader may want an asset's price to fall so
marketplaces and hopefully take advantage of this they can either short it successfully or buy in at a
vulnerability to steal cryptocurrency. While efforts to lower price and increase their chance of generating a
steal digital assets may not work, an exchange's users gain.
could become unhappy simply because they cannot
make trades through the marketplace. HARD FORK
A hard fork is a type of fork that creates a permanent
DISTRIBUTED LEDGER change to a digital currency's protocol, or
A distributed ledger is a system of recording rules.[7] When one of these forks takes place, it
information that is simply distributed, or spread results in a whole new blockchain, which will not
across, many different devices. The blockchain, for accept any blocks mined using the old rules.
example, is a distributed ledger that was originally
created to keep track of all bitcoin transactions. The old chain can survive, however, leading to a
scenario where both the old and the new blockchains
ESCROW can continue.
Escrow refers to a third-party holding financial
resources on the behalf of other parties. A third-party HODL
would hold funds in escrow when the other entities Cryptocurrency investors developed the term "HODL,"
involved in a transaction may not trust each other. which stands for "hold on for dear life." The acronym
originally came from a misspelling of the word
FIAT CURRENCIES "hold."[9] Digital currencies can be highly volatile, so
Fiat currencies are currencies that have value because when they start experiencing significant price
they are minted by a central bank. Fiat means "by fluctuations, some market participants state that they
decree," and these currencies have value because should simply "HODL."
some central authority has decreed that they have
monetary value. Examples of fiat currencies include INITIAL COIN OFFERING
the British pound, euro and Japanese yen. An initial coin offering (ICO) represents the first time
that an organisation offers digital tokens to the public
EXCHANGES in an effort to raise money. Companies frequently
Exchanges are basically just marketplaces where hold these offerings so they can finance projects.
traders can make digital currency transactions. If a These digital token sales have often been likened
person wants to buy bitcoin, going to an exchange is to initial public offerings (IPOs), where companies sell
the fastest way to accomplish this objective. more traditional assets such as stocks and bonds in
order to raise money.
The term "FOMO" stands for the phrase "fear of KYC
missing out." This occurs when investors start buying KYC stands for "know your customer." Many
up a particular asset based on their expectations that jurisdictions have KYC regulations, which have come
it will rise in value. Market participants can easily flock to affect startups holding ICOs. These regulations
to an asset should that asset experience sharp gains. require companies holding these digital token sales to
verify the identity of their investors.
Getting caught up in FOMO can be dangerous. More
specifically, buying up an asset because it has recently LONG/LONG POSITION
enjoyed some notable upside can cause one to fall Going long, also known as taking a long position,
victim to market manipulation. means making a wager that an asset will rise in value.
If a trader purchases a digital currency like bitcoin, for
Fork example, they are making a bet that the
A fork is a change in a digital currency's rules or cryptocurrency will appreciate.
protocol. Developers update a cryptocurrency's
protocol from time to time. A fork can be either a hard While simply buying digital currency is one example of
fork or a soft fork. A hard fork is a change to a digital taking a long position, there are other methods
currency's protocol that makes blocks created using available. For instance, traders can leverage options
the old protocol incompatible with the new chain. and futures.
A backdoor refers to any method that can Balancer is a non-custodial portfolio manager and
circumnavigate regular authentication and automated market maker (AMM) built on Ethereum
authorization procedures to gain root or high-level that pools up to eight different tokens for users to
access to a system, computer, application, or network. trade. These Balancer pools are self-balancing
Backdoors are commonly installed through remote file weighted portfolios with specific parameters. The
inclusion (RFI), which identifies a weak component in Balancer protocol allows all Ethereum accounts to add
an application or a network. This type of channel tokens to existing public pools or create their own
allows direct control over an infected device to private pools.
manipulate data, deploy more malware, or create a
zombie network of infected computers for criminal BAL TOKEN
activity. The BAL token is the governance token for the
Balancer protocol. BAL tokens are earned by liquidity
BACKTESTING providers who supply tokens to Balancer pools. BAL
Backtesting is the simulation of a trading strategy holders can propose and vote on changes to the
based on historical data.Traders use backtesting to protocol.
prove that their trading system works based on
historical results. In trading and investing, past BANCOR NETWORK TOKEN (BNT)
performance does not guarantee future results, which The Bancor Network Token (BNT) is the default
means a strategy that performs well in backtesting reserve currency that powers the Bancor protocol.
may not perform as well going forward. The Bancor network is a decentralized exchange
platform that uses pools of tokens called liquidity
BAITING pools to facilitate peer-to-peer trading. Bancor
Baiting is a form of social engineering that exploits liquidity pools must hold BNT, which acts as the
victims with false promises of financial gain. Malicious intermediary token for every trade. For example: in
actors, bots, or online ads 'bait' victims with quick order to trade DAI for ETH on Bancor, the protocol
payouts and riches in exchange, while the process to first exchanges DAI for BNT, then exchanges BNT for
obtain it involves providing personal information or ETH. As liquidity on the Bancor network increases, so
downloading software infected with malware. does the value of BNT.
On the Tezos network, Bakers are nodes with the Bandwidth is the amount of data capacity available for
responsibility of producing new blocks, and are transactional throughput on a network. It is normally
measured by the number of megabytes or gigabytes Behavior-Based Detection Methods
per second. If a network's bandwidth limit is reached,
the flow of data will become inadequate to handle the Behavior-based detection methods are used by
volume, and connections will slow down. advanced malware protection programs to identify
suspicious activity. The protection programs analyze
BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS (BIS) and review code for potentially harmful behavior,
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an networks attacks, and the installation of rootkits and
international financial institution based in Basel, malware.
Switzerland that is owned by numerous global and
central banking stakeholders. Its purpose is to guide BENCHMARK INDEXES
international monetary policy and administer financial A benchmark index refers to a preeminent index
cooperation, alongside serving as a bank for central security used as measurie against which to track
banks and other international organizations. performance of the wider market. Common
benchmark indexes include the S&P 500, Nasdaq
BANKING AS A SERVICE (BAAS) Composite, and Russell 3000.
Banking as a Service (BaaS) is a type of software
platform that provides financial services. BaaS
provides infrastructure for legacy banking systems to BID-ASK SPREAD
connect and share data with third party financial A bid-ask spread is the difference between the bid
service providers to create new products. BaaS can be (buy) and ask (sell) price of a particular asset on an
thought of as the ‘middleware’ between legacy exchange. The bid price can be though of as
financial institutions and fintech startups. representing demand, while the ask price represents
supply. A large bid-ask spread is a sign of poor liquidity
BASE CURRENCY in a market.
A base currency is the currency against which an
exchange rate is quoted. It is the first currency BIP 32
referenced in a currency pair. In the BTC/ USD Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 32 (BIP 32) established
currency pair, which references the price of BTC in the standard for hierarchical-deterministic (HD)
terms of USD, the base currency would be BTC and wallets, a technical improvement over earlier wallets
the quoted currency would be USD. that on random key pairs. BIP 32 allowed for the
creation of a hierarchical tree-like wallet structure
BASIC ATTENTION TOKEN (BAT) with more advanced cryptographic security
The Basic Attention Token (BAT) was created to mechanisms. HD wallets are defined by a master key
provide a more effective, fair, and transparent pair at the top of the hierarchy that “determines” all
mechanism for connecting and rewarding internet the private key and key pair access codes below it in
users, advertisers, and publishers. In this digital the access hierarchy.
advertising system, users are rewarded with BATs for
their attention, publishers receive BATs based on user BIP 38 Password
attention, and advertisers achieve higher ROI and A Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 38 (BIP 38) password
better targeting. BAT was created by the same team enables walletholders to encrypt Bitcoin private keys
behind the Brave Browser and is integrated into the to offer an extra layer of protection. An encrypted
Brave Browser. private key requires that a user hold both the private
key and the password in order to access wallet funds.
BEACON CHAIN This makes private key management a critically
The Beacon Chain is the first stage of the launch of important step, which is commonly done on paper
Ethereum 2.0, an upgrade to the Ethereum network. wallets and other analog devices for security
The Beacon Chain introduces the Proof-of-Stake purposes.
consensus mechanism to the network and allows ETH
holders to stake their ETH and become validators in BIP 39
Ethereum 2.0. The Beacon Chain was designed to be Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39 (BIP 39) allows for
the primary mechanism for coordinating data, users, the generation of a human-readable 12-24 word
and assets across the upgraded Ethereum network. It recovery phrase for hierarchical-deterministic (HD)
was launched on December 1, 2020. wallets. With the recovery phrase, users can
regenerate an HD wallet that has become lost or
BEAR MARKET damaged. Because they hold such access, BIP39-
A bear market occurs when the market experiences enabled recovery phrases should be kept secret and
price declines, typically when prices fall 20% or more stored securely.
from recent highs. A bear market is the opposite of a
bull market.
BIP 44 while the term "bitcoin" with a lower case B denotes
Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 44 (BIP 44) improves the network's native cryptocurrency.
on BIP 32’s HD wallet structure by creating a specific
hierarchy that allows for multiple accounts to be held
on the same wallet. BIP 44 allowed two or more BITCOINTALK
separate accounts on the same wallet to hold the Bitcointalk is an internet message forum that was
same cryptocurrencies in different amounts. The launched by pseudonymous Bitcoin creator Satoshi
separate accounts could be used for different Nakamoto in 2009 to host discussions about Bitcoin,
purposes and coexist in a way similar to checking, blockchain, and cryptocurrency. It became the
business, and savings accounts at legacy banks. meetingpoint for the embryonic blockchain industry,
and was the site of the first bitcoin purchase: 10,000
BITCOIN BTC in exchange for two pizzas. Bitcointalk is still in
Bitcoin is a blockchain network with a native operation today, fostering discussion and community
cryptocurrency (bitcoin). It is the first blockchain and between 450,000+ developers, investors, miners,
cryptocurrency, hence its dominant presence within programmers, and enthusiasts.
the broader crypto ecosystem. Bitcoin was established
in 2009 and pioneered Proof of Work, a technology BITLICENSE
for reaching consensus on a decentralized network. The BitLicense is a business license for virtual currency
activity that crypto enterprises must obtain before
BITCOIN (BTC) operating in the state of New York. BitLicenses are
Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency that can be directly issued by the New York Department of Financial
transmitted between users on the Bitcoin network. It Services (NYDFS), and primarily regulate the
is spelled with a lowercase B, as compared to the commercial receipt, storage, and transfer of digital
Bitcoin network, which is denoted with an upper case assets. Only 25 have been granted as of 2020, while
B. recipients include Circle, Coinbase, Robinhood, and
Square. Businesses chartered under New York banking
BITCOIN CASH (BCH) law such as Gemini are not required to hold
Bitcoin Cash is a hard fork of the Bitcoin Network that BitLicenses.
serves as an electronic cash payment system. Its
cryptocurrency, BCH, was designed to be a more BLOCK
practical cryptocurrency for everyday transactions On a blockchain, a block is the data record of all
than BTC. Bitcoin Cash's increased block size transaction information made during a specific
encourages use as a payment system rather than as a timeframe on its network. Blocks are added
store of value. sequentially to a network's chain of data, which in
turn make up the public ledger known as blockchain.
BITCOINER For example: A Bitcoin block contains information
A Bitcoiner is holder of bitcoin and an active about the date, time, and amount of transactions, as
proponent of the Bitcoin network. Bitcoiners typically well as signature information regarding the origin and
believe that bitcoin is the most important and destination of the transfer. Blocks must be confirmed
significant digital asset available. by the network via a process of consensus before a
chain can continue transacting and creating new
The Bitcoin genesis block was the first block mined on
the Bitcoin blockchain. It was mined on January 3, BLOCKCHAIN
2009. A blockchain is a public ledger of transactions that is
maintained and verified by a decentralized, peer-to-
BITCOIN IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL (BIP) peer network of computers that adhere to a
A Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) is a code consensus mechanism to confirm data. Each
change introduced to improve the Bitcoin protocol. A computer in a blockchain network maintains its own
BIP can be submitted by anyone to be evaluated and copy of the shared record, making it nearly impossible
reviewed. Significant BIPs include BIP 32, BIP 39, and for a single computer to alter any past transactions or
BIP 44. for malicious actors to overwhelm the network.
Sufficiently decentralized blockchains do not rely on
BITCOIN NETWORK centralized authorities or intermediaries to transact
The Bitcoin network is a peer-to-peer, decentralized globally, securely, verifiably, and quickly, making
network that allows users to send units of value to technology like cryptocurrency possible.
each other without any intermediary or bank. The
term “Bitcoin” with a capital B denotes the network,
BLOCKCHAIN TRANSMISSION PROTOCOL (BTP) the incentive structure that keeps blockchain
The Blockchain Transmission Protocol (BTP) is ICON networks operating in a decentralized fashion. In
network’s proprietary interoperability framework. It Proof-of-Work blockchains like Bitcoin, block
allows independent blockchain networks to connect validation and block rewards are the remit of miners.
and exchange data. BTP facilitates the transfer of In newer models like Ethereum’s upcoming Proof of
information and tokenized assets between ICON and Stake, the block reward is paid to the collateral staking
external blockchain systems. validator nodes.
requires the storing and locking of the collateralized command line — especially for software development
assets within a blockchain protocol. and other technical processes.
Collateralized Debt Position (CDP)
On the Maker platform, a collateralized debt position Commodities are raw materials that are fungible or
(CDP) is created when a borrower provides interchangeable for like-goods. Commodities range
cryptocurrency as collateral in order to mint or from agricultural goods like wheat and sugar to hard
borrow the DAI stablecoin. The value of the collateral metals like gold, copper, and silicon. Gold is
in a CDP must always remain above a certain considered a highly fungible commodity because it
minimum requirement or else risk liquidation. In the can be easily exchanged regardless of the source or
event of liquidation, the collateral in the CDP is sold in producer.
order to repay a portion of the DAI debt. The
collateral in the CDP can be returned when the DAI is COMMODITY-BACKED STABLECOIN
repaid by the borrower. Commodity-backed stablecoins are pegged to the
value of underlying commodity assets like gold, silver,
COLLATERALIZED MORTGAGE OBLIGATIONS (CMOS) or real estate. Holders of these stablecoins have a
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) are claim to their underlying assets. The most popular
complex debt instruments that consist of many commodity-backed stablecoins are backed by gold.
mortgages bundled together and are sold as a single For example, each PAX Gold (PAXG) token is pegged
investment. CMOs are organized according to their on a 1:1 ratio to one troy ounce (t oz) of a 400-ounce
risk profiles. They are similar to collateralized debt London Good Delivery gold bar.
obligations (CDOs) and are believed to be a
contributing factor in the 2007-2009 global financial COMMUNITY NODE
crisis. Within the blockchain ecosystem,
Community Nodes responsible for sending, verifying,
COLLATORS and receiving transactions, as well as reading data on
Collators are full nodes on the Polkadot Network that the protocol. Community Nodes can accessed for use
are present both on parachains and the main Relay by any member of the community.
Chain. Their main purpose is to maintain parachains
(which are sovereign blockchains or specialized COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES (C-REPS)
shards) by collecting parachain transactions and On the ICON Network, Community Representatives (C-
producing state transition proofs (essentially machine- Reps) represent one of the two main types of Peer
driven progress reports) for validators on the Relay nodes (the other being P-Reps) that are responsible
Chain. Collators can access all state transition for maintaining network security and consensus. C-
information necessary for authoring new blocks and Reps represent the community interests of enterprise
executing transactions — much like how miners and governmental constituents like hospitals,
provide value in a Proof-of-Work system. Collators are government entities, financial markets, and corporate
also used to send and receive messages from other entities.
parachains, facilitating communication through Cross-
Chain Message Passing (XCMP). COMPLIANCE
Compliance is the process of ensuring financial
COMBOLIST enterprises meet certain regulatory guidelines
A combolist is a text file which lists out usernames and introduced by government bodies, such as the
passwords in a machine-readable format. The file is Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the U.S.
used as an input for an account-checker tool that can These guidelines seek to protect investors, ensure
automate authentication requests to a website, online consumer confidence, facilitate the transparency,
service provider, or API. Combolists are often created efficiency, and fairness of markets while reduce
following an online data breach and packaged and financial crime and system risk.
sold by hackers to other malicious actors.
COMMAND LINE INTERFACE (CLI) Composability is a design feature that accomodates
A Command Line Interface (CLI) is a system that for infrastructural elements of a system to be easily
utilizes lines of text to process commands for a integrated with and utilized by other systems and
specialized computer program. The interface used to third parties. Composable systems are often
execute command line instructions is called a compared to “Lego blocks” because they are built of
command-line-processor or command-line- various parts that can be fit together to create new
interpreter. Most applications utilize menu-driven or platforms.
graphical user interfaces but some still use a
COMPOUND some benefits of distributed systems for use cases like
Compound is a decentralized lending and borrowing enterprise and government.
platform for digital assets on Ethereum. Borrowers on
Compound are required to provide a minimum CONSTANT PRODUCT FORMULA
amount of collateral to access a loan, while interest A constant product formula is an algorithm used to
rates are determined by crowdsourced token supply. determine the price of tokens on an automated
Tokens locked in the Compound protocol market maker (AMM) platform. The formula
automatically earn interest as they are lent out to maintains that tokens in a liquidity pool must remain
borrowers. at a fixed relative value. The most well-known formula
is x * y = k, pioneered by the Uniswap protocol, which
COMP TOKEN maintains that a pair of tokens in a liquidity pool must
COMP is the governance token of the Compound remain at equal total values. By fixing the relative
protocol, a decentralized, blockchain-based protocol value of the tokens, the formula is able to
that allows you to lend and borrow crypto. A automatically determine pricing.
predetermined amount of COMP is distributed to all
lenders and borrowers on the Compound protocol CONTINUOUS ORDER BOOK
every day. Anyone who owns at least 1% of the total A continuous order book is a listing of parties
COMP supply can submit and vote on proposals to interested in buying or selling an asset on a market.
change the protocol. The list specifies the quantities and prices each buyer
or seller is willing to accept for an exchange. A
COMPUTATIONAL BACKLOG matching engine is concurrently used to pair the
Computational backlog (or debt) is defined as a set of buyers and sellers, while the order book is updated in
calculations that must be completed to bring a real time.
backlog on the EOSIO blockchain up to date.
Computational backlog occurs when a computer CONTRACT SEPARATION
system or a blockchain network accumulates too Contract separation is a key design logic that
much computational debt. This is a highly undesirable underpins the Gemini dollar (GUSD) smart contract.
situation for a blockchain, because it can result in Instead of a single unifying smart contract, Gemini
deteriorating system performance, including dollar contracts are separated into multiple layers,
significant transaction time delays. Computational each with a specific function. Contact separation
backlog must be managed efficiently to maintain the increases the security and robustness of smart
long-term health of the network. To help prevent contracts within GUSD’s protocol.
computational backlog from happening, EOSIO block
producers publish the network's available capacity for COORDINATOR
computation, state, and bandwidth. A coordinator is a centralized master node on the
IOTA DAG network that curates and approves all
CONCEALMENT transactions. Because IOTA relies on centralized
Concealment is a category of malware that attacks master nodes, the network is not considered to be
computer systems by evading detection. Common fully decentralized. IOTA’s roadmap has a plan called
types of concealment malware include Trojans, “Coordicide”, which attempts to minimize the role of
backdoors, and rootkits. the coordinator while still providing a secure network.
Cryptokitties is a blockchain game created by Axiom cTokens are the lending tokens native to the
Zen in 2017. The game allows players to purchase, Compound DeFi platform. When users deposit a
sell, and breed digital collectible cats that are ERC721 cryptocurrency using the Compound protocol, they
tokens, also called non-fungible tokens (NFTs). receive cTokens which represent the initial deposit
plus accrued interest. For example, lending DAI to
CRYPTOLOCKER RANSOMWARE Compound gives the lender cDAI, which automatically
CryptoLocker Ransomware is a type of ransomware earns interest for the cDAI holder. At any time, cDAI
that first appeared around 2013. It infiltrated can be returned to Compound in exchange for the
computers through spam emails, which included an original DAI plus the accumulated interest.
infected ZIP file as attachment, in its first wave of
attacks. Attackers used encryption algorithms to CURRENCY CRISIS
encrypt infected files and systems, which then spread A currency crisis is a type of financial crisis
to other devices through network drives. A second characterized by a nation's fiat currency losing its
version of CryptoLocker was spread through the peer- value. A currency crisis arises when investors become
to-peer botnet Gameover ZeuS, which used a botnet leery of holding a country's assets. For example, when
to send spam or fake emails that would lure victims investors lost confidence in the Icelandic financial
into executing exploit kits. sector, the country faced a currency crisis when the
value of Icelandic currency fell by 60% between the
CRYPTOMINING end of 2007 and the end of 2008.
Cryptocurrency mining is the process of solving
equations in a Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism CURVE (CRV)
to verify transactions and add new blocks to the Curve is a DeFi cryptocurrency exchange optimized for
blockchain. Computers that support a blockchain low slippage and low fee swaps between assets
network are called nodes, and the process by which pegged to the same value. Curve is an automated
they solve complex equations is called mining. Miners market maker (AMM) that relies on liquidity pools and
are those who operate these computers. For their rewarding those who fund the pools, and deals only in
efforts, they are compensated with a mining reward, stablecoins. CRV is the governance token of Curve,
typically in the blockchain’s native cryptocurrency. and is also used to pay liquidity providers.
DECENTRALIZED EXCHANGE (DEX) Blockchains are an example of a decentralized system:
A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a financial services the data ledger of a blockchain is distributed amongst
platform or apparatus for buying, trading, and selling all the decentralized network participants (nodes),
digital assets. on a DEX, users transact directly and which must achieve consensus on the content of the
peer-to-peer on the blockchain without a centralized data for the network to function. Without a single
intermediary. DEXs do not serve as custodians of point of authority, decentralized systems like
users' funds, and are often democratically managed blockchains also lack a single point of failure, which
with decentralized governance organization. Without means that a single damaged node cannot
a central authority charging fees for services, DEXs incapacitate the blockchain as a whole.
tend to be cheaper than their centralized Decentralized Storage Network (DSN)
counterparts. A Decentralized Storage Network (DSN) is a network
that provides peer-to-peer access to users with the
DECENTRALIZED FINANCE (DEFI) capacity to rent out their available hardware storage
Decentralized finance (DeFi) is a major growth sector space. With the help of end-to-end encryption
in blockchain that offers peer-to-peer financial techniques, clients privately transmit files peer-to-
services and technologies built on Ethereum. DeFi peer via DSNs that provide cryptographic proofs for
exchanges, loans, investments, and tokens are security. The Filecoin protocol is an example of a
significantly more transparent, permissionless, blockchain-based decentralized storage network, one
trustless, and interoperable than traditional financial that reduces the risk of data failures that can occur
services, and trend towards decentralized governance with a single centralized point of failure. On DSN
organizational methods that foster equitable platforms, smart contracts are used to formalize
stakeholder ownership. Platform composabiltiy in terms between providers and users.
DeFi has resulted in unlocking value through Delegated Proof of Contribution (DPoC)
interoperability with innovations like yield farming Delegated Proof of Contribution (DPoC) is a unique
and liquidity tokens. economic governance protocol implemented on the
ICON Network that leverages the ICON Incentives
DECENTRALIZED GOVERNANCE Scoring System (IISS). DPoC is a variant of Delegated
For blockchain networks and dApps, decentralized Proof of Stake (PoS) in that stakers delegate votes
governance refers to the processes through which the towards block validation privileges, but DPoC sees ICX
disintermediated, equitable management of a holders delegating tokens towards individuals who
platform is executed. It involves different have exercised positive participation on the network
methodologies for voting on platform tech, strategy, rather than for particular nodes. The elected entity
updates, and rules. Blockchain governance is typically then validates blocks on a delegate's behalf, and earns
conducted using two distinct systems: on-chain token rewards accordingly.
governance and off-chain governance. On-chain Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)
governance relies upon blockchain-based systems, Much like the more widespread Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
typically using automatic cryptographic algorithms system, Delegated Proof of Stake (or DPoS)
through the network’s computational architecture incentivizes users to confirm network data and ensure
and underlying consensus mechanism. Off-chain system security by staking collateral. However, the
governance refers to decision making that is not distinctive characteristic of DPos is its voting and
codified on the blockchain, often on online forums or delegation structure. In contrast to PoS, where nodes
face-to-face. are usually awarded the ability to process new blocks
based solely on the total amount each node stakes,
DECENTRALIZED IDENTIFIER (DID) the DPoS system allows users to delegate their own
A decentralized identifier (DID) is a form of digital stake to a node of their choosing — known as a
identification that enables the holder to prove identity delegate — and vote for the nodes to earn block
without the need for a centralized registry, identity validation access. Elected validators receive block
provider, or certificate authority. DIDs are an rewards after verifying the transactions in a block, and
emergent development, and therefore have yet to be those rewards are then shared with users who
thoroughly vetted. The establishment of a DID delegated them as validators.
standard is a crucial step towards the broad
application of true Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI). DELEGATION
Delegation refers to the contribution of some amount
DECENTRALIZED NETWORK of a cryptocurrency or token to another user for
A decentralized system is a conglomerate of participation in a network staking mechanism on
connected, but separate entities that communicate Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) blockchain protocols.
with one another without a central authority or It is useful for users who want to earn staking rewards
server. They stand in contrast to centralized systems, and participate in a network, but do not have a large
which feature a central point of governance. enough stake to meet the minimum requirements on
their own. DPoS intend to achieve a higher degree of are hot wallets, meaning they are connected to the
equitability and democratization through delegation internet — unless the computing device is turned off
mechanisms or the wallet is installed on an offline secondary
computer. Most desktop wallets offer password
DENIAL-OF-SERVICE (DOS) ATTACK protection and can generate a recovery phrase as a
A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is a type of digital backup to regenerate keys.
attack on a network that attempts to incapacitate a
system by overwhelming it with repeated requests. It DETERMINISTIC MODULE
is a malicious effort to disrupt normal traffic to a A deterministic module is a section of independent
website or other internet property to temporariy electronic circuits built into a circuit board that
crash the underlying network and make it non- provides functions on a computer system that do not
functional. feature any degree of randomness. A deterministic
module will thus always produce the same output
DEPTH LIMITED SEARCH (DLS) ALGORITHM. from a given starting condition or initial state. A
The Depth Limit Search (DLS) is a specialized blockchain-based computerized system is typically
consensus algorithm used within the Cosmos Network deterministic in nature.
blockchain. It is designed to solve the specific
technical problem of the infinite path challenge as it DIGITAL ASSET
relates to uninformed search algorithms. While the Digital asset is the catch-all term for assets that exist
DLS algorithm is very memory efficient, it suffers from digitally. The term covers a wide variety of assets,
a lack of completeness. including cryptocurrencies, utility tokens, security
tokens, digital stocks, and digital collectables. All
DERIVATIVES cryptocurrencies are digital assets, while not all digital
A derivative is a financial contract that derives its assets are cryptocurrencies.
value from underlying traits of an asset, index, or
interest rate. Futures and options contracts are DIGITAL CURRENCY ELECTRONIC PAYMENT (DCEP)
examples of derivatives. There are a variety of Digital Currency Electronic Payment, or DCEP, is
blockchain-enabled cryptocurrency derivatives, China’s central bank digital currency (CBDC) initiative.
including synthetic cryptocurrencies and bitcoin Underway since 2014, DCEP is intended to replace
futures, which represent agreements to trade bitcoin physical cash with a digital edition of China's RMB that
at a future date at a predetermined price. can be exchanged between digital wallets without
involving a bank. In contrast to decentralized
blockchains, the Chinese government will maintain
centralized authority over the platform and currency,
DESHIELDING TRANSACTIONS which has undergone a number of large-scale public
Deshielding transactions are a type of transaction trials.
used on the Zcash blockchain that are sent from a
private, anonymous sender to a public, transparent DIGITAL DOLLAR
receiver wallet. Deshielding transactions employ zk- The 'digital dollar' is the commonly used reference of
SNARK cryptographic proof technology to maintain a potential United States central bank digital currency
data privacy, despite the differing settings of sender (CBDC). United States government agencies are
and recipient. researching the potential benefits and risks associated
with creating a CBDC, but no clear path forward has
DESIGN AXIOMS (DAS) yet been indicated.
Design axiom (DA) is the term given to the critical
elements of the blockchain's technical DIGITAL IDENTITY
architecture. The technical whitepaper The NEO network establishes a digital identity for
notes six design axioms critical to the overall success each asset and user on its network. An active
of the project: state-of-the-art security architecture; a participant in the network undergoes a thorough
scalable; a fast network with high transaction identification process linking them to a traceable, real-
throughput; decentralization; upgradeability; data world identity that is compliant with regulatory
privacy; and an inclusive network design. requirements. The network creates this digital identity
through a combination of facial recognition, biometric
DESKTOP WALLET data, voice recognition, and other multi-level
A desktop wallet is a software wallet for verification mechanisms. This mechanism helps create
cryptocurrency and digital assets that is downloaded accountability and trust in the NEO network as a
directly onto a computing device. Desktop walets are whole.
almost always non-custodial in nature, which means
users control their own private keys. Desktop wallets
DIGITAL SIGNATURE of systems against a target. In a DDoS attack,
A digital signature in cryptocurrency is the process of perpetrators use traffic from many different sources
using a private key to digitally sign a transaction. to flood a connected machine or service with requests
Through public-key cryptography, a digital signature in an effort to overwhelm its network and make it
authenticates the sender and recipient of a unavailable for use. Because multiple traffic sources
transaction. It allows anyone with the sender’s public are more difficult to identify, DDoS attacks are
key to verify the digital signature or the authenticity of significantly more challenging to combat than DoS
the message, transaction, or data. attacks.
no new XNs can be created and existing XN operators hackers to gain unauthorized access to information, or
are considered long-term supporters of the project. meddle with networks and transactions. In modern
Ecosystem Expansion Project (EEP) cryptography, encryption generally entails the
An Ecosystem Expansion Project (EEP) is an ICON- conversion of what is known as “plaintext” into
related project or activity that contributes to the “ciphertext." Encryption is a means of encoding
overall growth and expansion of the ICON ecosystem. information so that only authorized parties can
EEPs play a role in determining the ICON Network’s understand it.
governance system, along with P-Reps and their
Decentralized Application Booster Program (DBP). All ENHANCED DUE DILIGENCE (EDD)
ICONists can propose and execute EEPs and receive Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) is a Know Your
rewards when other ICONists delegate a certain Customer (KYC) process that provides a greater level
amount of stake to those who proposed EEPs. of scrutiny of potential business partnerships and
EIP-1559 highlights risks that cannot be detected via Customer
EIP-1599 is an Ethereum Improvement Proposal Due Diligence (CDD) alone. It is designed for use with
designed to make network transactions more efficient customers who are deemed high-risk via the KYC
by using a hybrid system of base fees and tips. In the process. Relevant risk factors can include large
proposal, a base fee is defined as an algorithmically transaction amounts, high customer net worth,
determined price that all Ethereum users would pay geographical location, political exposure, and more.
to complete transactions. Tips are defined as optional
fees that users could include to speed up their Enjin (ENJ)
transactions. If implemented, EIP-1559 could greatly Enjin is a platform that enables developers to create
reduce transaction costs and improve the overall and manage games on the blockchain. Enjin hopes to
Ethereum user experience. leverage blockchain technology to reduce the high
Electronic Retailing (E-tailing) fees and fraud common with the transfer of virtual
E-tailing is the sale of goods and services through the goods. ENJ is an ERC-20 token used to pay for digital
internet. There are numerous types of e-tailing goods and services on the Enjin platform.
including business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-
consumer (B2C) sales of products and services. E- ENTERPRISE ADOPTION
tailing requires companies to tailor their business Enterprise adoption refers to the ability for a specific
models to capture internet sales, which can include service or type of technology to be used by a large
building out new distribution channels and new corporation, company, government, NGO, or specific
technical infrastructure. industry. Enterprise adoption of any technology
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) generally means that it is being used widely to solve
The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) multiple problems for different use cases in the real-
is the cryptographic signature algorithm used by world. It is the hope of the blockchain community that
Bitcoin and several other highly regarded blockchain technology will eventually achieve
cryptocurrencies, wallets, and exchanges. Through the enterprise adoption.
use of private keys, public keys, and cryptographic
signatures, the algorithm guarantees that only the EOS
holders of private keys can send bitcoin transactions. The EOS Network is a smart contract and
The tBTC system also uses ECDSA cryptography to decentralized application (dApp) development
create tokenized bitcoin. platform. Unlike many other blockchain networks,
EOS does not charge direct transactional fees for
EMAIL SPOOFING operations. Instead, users wishing to transact or run a
Email spoofing is the act of creating and sending email dApp must obtain sufficient network capacity by
messages with a forged sender address, typically with holding EOS coins. EOS is the native coin on the EOS
the intent to compromise the recipient. The most network, used for voting and accessing network
common ways this is accomplished include copying an capacity.
organization’s defining content, such as specific
phrases, fonts, logos, or color schemes used by the EOS 1.0 AND EOS 2.0
legitimate website or service provider in order to EOS 1.0 was the first full version of the EOS blockchain
make the fraudulent message look authentic. Since network released on June 1st, 2018. After several
most core email protocols do not have any upgrades it was replaced by the more advanced EOS
authentication mechanisms, email spoofing continues 2.0 which launched on January 10th, 2020. EOS 2.0
to be a widely used form of online fraud. was designed to enhance performance and security,
as well as provide new developer tools to make it
ENCRYPTION easier to build on the platform.
Encryption refers to technical processes that secure
data and systems, and make it more difficult for
EOSIO CONTRACT DEVELOPMENT TOOLKIT The ERC-1155 standard allows for a single smart
(EOSIO.CDT) contract to manage multiple token types, including
The EOSIO Contract Development Toolkit (EOS.CDT) is fungible, semi-fungible, and non-fungible tokens. It is
a specialized WASM ToolChain and set of tools purported as the new multi-token standard. Other
designed to build, create, modify, and utilize smart token standards like ERC-20 and ERC-721 require a
contracts within the EOSIO ecosystem. separate contract to be deployed for each token type
or collection, which results in excessive and redundant
The EOSIO RPC application programming interface ERC-20
(API) is a type of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API The ERC-20 standard outlines the common set of
used to connect to the EOSIO blockchain. A RPC criteria and technical specifications an Ethereum
occurs when a computer utilizes a program that token must follow to function optimally and
makes a procedure execute by utilizing a distinct interoperably on the Ethereum blockchain. It enables
address space on another shared network or the creation of tokenized assets that can be bought,
computer. This is done by coding and the use of a sold, and exchanged alongside cryptocurrencies like
local procedure call without the developer giving bitcoin (BTC) and ether (ETH). The ERC-20 standard
details for the remote interaction via location utilizes smart contracts to issue tokens that can be
transparency. exchanged on the Ethereum network as well as used
interoperably between Ethereum-based dApps. It is
EOSIO SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KITS (SDK’S) the most commonly used Ethereum token standard,
EOSIO software development kits (SDKs) provide tools and has been used to create many notable digital
to make application development easier on EOS. assets.
These SDKs are built for both Java (Android) and Swift
(iOS) programming languages. They allow software ERC-721
developers to create EOS-specific applications that ERC-721 is a technical standard for the
can be built for the Android and iOS operating implementation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the
systems. Ethereum blockchain outining provide rules that all
NFTs must follow. NFTs that adhere to the ERC-721
EOS Virtual Machine (EOS VM) standard are interoperable with each other and the
The EOS Virtual Machine (EOS VM) is a high- wider Ethereum ecosystem. The ERC-721 standard
performance blockchain Web Assembly interpreter produces provably rare assets, and is widely used for
used by the EOS blockchain. It is an engine that uses digital collectibles, games, art, and luxury items.
three different interpreters to make it possible to
compile, debug, and optimize smart contracts. Its ESCROW
main purpose is to improve the functionality and An escrow is a contractual arrangement in which an
performance of smart contracts. intermediary receives and disburses funds or assets
on behalf of the primary transacting parties based on
EPOCH predetermined conditions agreed to by the
An epoch is a division of time on the Cardano transacting parties. Traditionally, the intermediary is a
blockchain protocol. Cardano makes use of a trusted third-party arbitrator, but with the advent of
proprietary Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm blockchain technology, this escrow service can now be
called Ouroboros Praos, which divides the blockchain automated using algorithmically-enforced rules based
into time-frames called epochs that last approximately on smart contracts. The automation of escrow holds
5 days. Epochs are in turn subdivided into smaller massive potential implications across a broad range of
increments called slots that last about 20 seconds. industries.
There are currently a total of 432,000 slots (5 days) in
each epoch. In a specific slot, zero or more block E-SIGNATURE
producing nodes may be selected to be the slot An e-signature, or electronic signature, is a signature
leader. Typically, one node is nominated every 20 executed an electronic document or form. Electronic
seconds, totalling over 20,000 slot leaders per epoch. signatures are legally valid in most jurisdictions to
When randomly selected for the role, slot leaders replace handwritten signatures.
produce blocks, of which one will be added to the
blockchain, while other block candidates will be ETHER (ETH)
discarded. Ether (ETH) is the native cryptocurrency of the
Ethereum blockchain, and plays an integral role in the
ERC-1155 Ethereum ecosystem. Transactions on the Ethereum
ERC-1155 is an Ethereum-based token standard that blockchain are paid for in micropayments of ETH
incorporates non-fungible token (NFT) technology. referred to as gas, while ether also facilitates
interactions with and between smart contracts
throughout the Ethereum platform and ecosystem. EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK (ECB)
The European Central Bank (ECB) is the main central
ETHEREUM bank for the Eurozone, which is the monetary union of
Ethereum launched in 2015 as a decentralized, 19 European Union (EU) member states that employ
blockchain-based global supercomputer to serve as the use of the Euro (€) as the region’s main currency.
the foundation for an ecosystem of interoperable, The ECB is one of the most important central banks in
decentralized applications (dApps) powered by token the world, and serves as one of the seven institutions
economies and automated smart contracts. Assets that comprise the infrastructure of the EU. The main
and applications designed on Ethereum are built with purpose of the ECB is to maintain price stability,
self-executing smart contracts that remove the need regulatory certainty, fair monetary policy, and a
for a central authority or intermediary. The network is healthy European financial system related to banking,
fueled by its native cryptocurrency ether (ETH), which investment, insurance, securities, and the EUs
is used to pay transaction fees on the network. Open- financial sector as a whole. The ECB is responsible for
source, programmable, private, and censorship the authorization of Euro issuance in EU member
resistant, Ethereum forms the backbone of a states.
decentralized internet, which has already spawned
significant innovation like Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), EXCHANGE
stablecoins, and decentralized finance (DeFi) Cryptocurrency exchanges are platforms upon which
applications. digital assets can be bought, sold, and traded for fiat
currency or other digital assets. While they share
ETHEREUM 2.0 many similarities to stock exchanges in legacy finance,
Ethereum 2.0 refers to a significant set of updates to the development of decentralized exchanges (DEXs)
the Ethereum blockchain intended to vastly improve removes centralized market makers and
its scalability and broader utility. The multi-phased clearinghouses in favor of peer-to-peer exchanges.
package of upgrades is officially called Serenity. It Cryptocurrency exchanges have evolved significantly
features a switch from a Proof-of-Work (PoW) from the earliest, unregulated iterations to provide
consensus algorithm that relies on computational more robust security, accessibility, and legal
mining to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm compliance in accordance with the jurisdictions in
that relies on validator staking to keep the network in which they operate.
motion. In utilizing Proof of Stake and implementing
the innovation of partitioned shard chains, Ethereum EXCHANGE COIN/EXCHANGE TOKEN
2.0 is expected to be much more efficient than its Exchange coins are digital assets launched on a crypto
prior iteration, achieving the transactional scale exchange via an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), a
required to be the global supercomputer. fundraising method for crypto companies that's
similar to an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). There are two
ETHEREUM TRANSACTION different types of exchange coins: those launched by
Ethereum transactions are code or a set of commands the exchange itself as the native token of the
that execute in a single Ethereum block. They cange platform, and those launched by other crypto
from simple token transfers to complex zero companies using the token launch infrastrucure and
knowledge proofs and smart contracts. Transactions services of the exchange. Exchange coins can either be
are permanently recorded onto the data state of the tokens (digital assets enabled by an existing
Ethereum blockchain at the cessation of every block. blockchain) or cryptocurrencies (digital assets that run
on their own blockchain).
The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a EXCHANGE TRADED FUND (ETF)
development interface accessible through a web An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a financial product
browser. The EVM enables developers to deploy that is tied to the price of other financial instruments.
dApps more effectively by providing a suite of This structure gives investors a way to gain exposure
development kits, application templates, and other to an asset or a bundle of assets without buying or
tools. The EVM improves accessibility by eliminating owning the asset(s) directly. ETFs can be composed of
the need for developers to purchase costly hardware, all kinds of assets including stocks, commodities, and
and allowing developers to launch a dApp regardless bonds. A digital asset ETF, for example, would allow
of the underlying coding language. The EVM is a investors to invest in the underlying digital asset
primary driver of the trend that decentralized without needing to manage the asset itself or interact
applications (dApps) exist almost exclusively on the with a cryptocurrency exchange.
Ethereum blockchain thus far.
EXCHANGE-TRADED PRODUCT (ETP) Fair launch refers to the equitable and transparent
An exchange-traded product (ETP) is a type of security initial distribution of coins in a blockchain project. Fair
that tracks an underlying security, index, or financial launches stand in contrast to a token distribution in
instrument asset, and can be purchased on an which a small group of founders and early investors
exchange. ETPs trade on the National Stock Exchange receive special or early access to the tokens. They are
(NSE) during the day. The first crypto ETPs went to seen as an effective way to promote decentralization
market in 2019. and engagement in the crypto community.
The hash rate is the unit of measure for the Horizontal scalability is a means of increasing the
computing power of a Proof-of-Work consensus transactional capacity of a blockchain network by
mechanism. The hash rate is valued in terahashes per adding more nodes to the network or optimizing
second (TH/s), and increases or decreases according systems, rather than altering the protocol via code.
the the number of miners operating on the network.
HASKELL A hostage byte attack is a theoretical vulnerability in
Haskell is a programming language suitable for a the STORJ network in which malicious storage nodes
variety of applications in financial services and extort payment from users by refusing to transfer
hardware design. Cardano is programmed in Haskell. pieces of data.
ICX claim future utility in the products they are sold to
ICX, or the ICON Exchange Token, is the native asset of fund. Despite this, ICO-launched tokens may still be
the ICON blockchain. The token is minted each time a considered securities, and are subject to jurisdictional
block is created, and serves various purposes. As a regulation.
governance token, ICX holders can vote on changes to
the ICON blockchain. The ICX token is used as a INITIAL EXCHANGE OFFERING (IEO)
reward for nodes that maintain the network, to pay An IEO or Initial Exchange Offering is a token
for fees and smart contract usage, and as a medium of distribution event that is specifically conducted on a
exchange in the wider ICON ecosystem. cryptocurrency exchange platform. Similar to Initial
Coin Offerings (ICOs), IEOs are a fundraising method
IMMUTABILITY for many blockchain and crypto oriented companies,
Immutability is the characteristic of data becoming but IEO's entail some aspect of the security,
irreversibly codified in the shared data ledger of a compliance, and communications managed by the
blockchain network after transaction execution. Most exchange. IEO participants are able to purchase
non-blockchain computer networks are mutable, tokens directly with exchange wallets, which removes
meaning that the information inside them can be some of the technical knowledge required to
modified, censored, or controlled by a central party. participate in ICOs.
Immutability allows a blockchain network to ensure
the overall trust and integrity of data for a dApp, INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING (IPO)
platform, or cryptocurrency. An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a sale of shares of a
private company to the public — particularly
IMPERMANENT LOSS institutional and retail investors. This process, which
Impermanent loss occurs when the value of tokens takes place on a stock exchange, transforms the
held in an algorithmically balanced liquidity pool lose private company into a publicly-traded company by
value relative to like assets in the open market due to selling securities that represent an fraction of
price volatility. The loss is 'impermanent' because the ownership. Companies that intend to conduct an IPO
original value of the tokens can be restored if the must adhere to rules and regulations as set out by the
liquidity pool restores balance. US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
In the context of the blockchain industry, An issuer is a legal entity, such as a corporation or
interoperability refers to the ability of different government that sells securities to investors to fund
blockchain protocols to interact and exchange value its operations.
with each other.
INTERPLANETARY FILE SYSTEM (IPFS) Java is a popular general purpose programming
The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a network for language often utilized for client-server web
storing files and transferring verifiable data peer-to- applications.
peer. Developed by Protocol Labs, the IPFS is
complementary to Filecoin, which is a blockchain JAVASCRIPT (JS)
designed to incentivize persistent data storage. Both JavaScript (JS) is a popular programming language that
protocols, while complementary, can be used is used to create a variety of web applications.
separately. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON) is a data interchange format and
IN-THE-MONEY/ OUT-OF-THE-MONEY open standard file format that utilizes human-
In the money' refers to an option that has a market readable text to transmit and store data.
price that is higher than its 'strike' price, which is the
set price at which the option owner can buy or sell the KEEP NETWORK (KEEP)
security or commodity that underlies the option. 'Out Keep Network provides a privacy layer for public
of the money' refers to an option that has a market blockchains that enables users and apps to privately
price lower than the strike price. transfer and store data in off-chain containers called
'keeps.' KEEP is the network's native token.
INTRINSIC VALUE Participants can earn fees denominated in KEEP for
In finance, intrinsic value refers to an estimation of participating in the maintenance of keep containers.
the value of an asset or company that has been
calculated through financial modeling. The intrinsic KEEP TOKEN
value of an asset is not always the same as its market KEEP is the native token of the Keep Network, a
value. protocol that allows public blockchain users and apps
to privately transfer and store data in off-chain order. High latency presents an undesirable delay
containers called 'keeps.' Users can stake KEEP tokens between actions, while low latency incurs minimal lag
to be randomly selected to earn fees by performing that often amounting to just milliseconds. High
services on the network such as encryption or data latency can signifcantly and negatively affect trading
storage. strategies, particularly for dynamic assets, as market
Keosd prices may fluctuate in the time elapsed between
Keosd is a key manager daemon used within the placement and execution.
EOSIO blockchain system for storing private keys and
signing digital messages. LAYER-TWO SOLUTION
Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) Layer-two solutions are protocols that integrate into
The Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum as separate,
facilitates the exchange of data between secondary layers built to increase transaction
cryptographic key management servers and clients. It throughput and reduce transaction costs. Examples of
plays a key connective role in the function of crypto layer-two solutions include Bitcoin's Lightning
wallets an other decentralized products. KMIP was Network and Ethereum's Plasma.
established by the Organization for the Advancement
of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), a LEADER
nonprofit consortium focused on the development On the Solana network, a leader is the transaction
and adoption of open, global information-sharing validator that adds entries to the blockchain ledger.
standards. To ensure equitability and decentralization, a 'leader
schedule' determines which validator becomes a
KEYS leader at a given time.
A cryptographic key is a string of bits that is used by
an encryption algorithm to convert encrypted LEAKWARE OR DOXWARE
ciphertext into plaintext and vice versa as part of a Doxware is a type of ransomware that first infects a
paired key access mechanism. Keys are usually computer, then threatens to leak sensitive or
randomly generated and, unlike a password, are not proprietary information held on the machine unless a
intended to be memorized by users. ransom is paid.
In blockchain network architecture, Proof Proof of Stake (PoS) is emerging as one of the most
of Goods and Services Delivered is a status that is widely used blockchain consensus mechanisms in
cryptographically verified to prove that a payment existence today. PoS networks incentivize participants
was sent and recieved correctly between via its Visa to stake native tokens in a a network of validator
card and mobile wallet products into merchant nodes. Upon the close of a transaction block, validator
accounts. This mechanism is used by payment nodes are eligible to be randomly chosen to validate
merchants and customers to confirm the legitimacy of block data, thus generating the subsequent block, and
the payment process and ensure transparency. earning native tokens as reward. A robust nodal
Proof of History (PoH) network offers increased network security, resiliency,
Proof of History (PoH) is a consensus methodology on and computational power. Proof-of-Stake systems
the Solana blockchain that incorporates the also generally enabe validator nodes to contribute
measurement of time into a blockchain ledger with democratically in decentralized platform governance
the intent of scaling and streamlining transactional through voting on key updates and decisions. While
throughput. While most blockchains operate without still a recent innovation, PoS networks are already
a timestamp, PoH functions like a decentralized clock proving faster and more scalable than Proof-of-Work
that enables nodes on the Solana network to process blockchains, in addition to being more energy
transactions without devoting processing power to efficient.
solving for discrepancies in minuscule differentiations Proof of Storage (PoStorage)
in time and order. Proof of Storage (PoStorage) is a consensus algorithm
Proof of Importance (PoI) used by the Filecoin network to prove that network
Proof of Importance is an innovative consensus participants are indeed providing the specified
algorithm developed by the NEM blockchain protocol amount of storage that they claim to be. This storage
and is a variation of Proof of Stake. The system allows space is verified by the network through zk-SNARK
a wide pool of users to participate in the addition of cryptographic proof technology.
new blocks in exchange for receiving tokenized Proof of Work (PoW)
rewards. The rewards are determined in proportion to Proof of Work (PoW) is a blockchain consensus
a score that quantifies the user's contribution to the mechanism first popularized by the Bitcoin blockchain
network. Additionally, PoI encourages healthy activity network. Proof-of-Work systems rely on a process of
of the ecosystem by preventing users from hoarding mining to maintain the network. Miners provide
the XEM asset. computer hardware that competes to solve the
Proof of Replication (PoRep) complex cryptographic puzzles required to confirm
Proof of Replication is one of the consensus data transacted on the network, and are rewarded for
mechanisms used by the Filecoin network. Specifically, doing so with the network's underlying cryptographic
it is a process through which a storage miner proves token for doing so. Proof-of-Work blockchain systems
to the blockchain protocol that it has created a are decentralized and secure as compared to other
distinct copy of a specific piece of data on the network consensus methodologies, but typically
network’s behalf. This process is verified by the struggle to achieve the network scalability needed for
network through zk-SNARK cryptographic proof widespread global enterprise adoption. Proof of Work
technology. is also criticized for its high energy intensivity.
Proof of Service Prospectus
The DASH blockchain features a masternode system A prospectus, as it relates to finance, is a formal
referred to as Proof of Service (PoSe) on account of disclosure document that describes an investment
the critical services that masternodes provide to the offering to potential buyers. It typically provides
DASH network. Proof of Service is the mechanism on investors with details about a specific stock, mutual
the DASH blockchain network used to determine if a fund, bond, or another type of investment describing
stake-bearing masternode is providing the correct the company’s business model, financial statements, a
services in good faith to users who have contributed list of material properties, and other important
tokens to it. information. A prospectus is generally distributed by
Proof of Spacetime (PoSpacetime) underwriters and brokerages to potential buyers who
Proof of Spacetime (PoSpacetime) is a consensus may purchase a security through an Initial Public
mechanism utilized by the Filecoin network. It allows Offering (IPO).
the blockchain to prove its capacity, and in doing so, it Protobuf
can cryptographically verify that the entire file is being Protocol Buffers, or Protobuf, is a Google-based
stored in an unaltered fashion for an agreed-upon methodology developed for serializing structured
time frame. Proof of Spacetime is made up of two data. The system allows interface description
distinct subsets: 1.) Window Proof of Spacetime language to describe the structure of different data
(WindowPoSpacetime) and 2.) Winning Proof of types. This ensures that different distributed database
Spacetime (WinningPoSpacetime). networks — such as blockchain systems — are able to
Proof of Stake incorporate the use of more software programming
languages to be more adaptable as their capabilities Reps and 78 secondary P-Reps). P-Rep standings are
expand. always changing and are determined by the voting
Provenance power of staked ICX by global ICON Network
Provenance is the historical record of ownership of community members (known as ICONists).
any tangible or intangible asset. Open public Pump and Dump (P&D)
blockchain systems employ an optimal structure for A pump and dump is a scheme that occurs when a
tracking the provenance of assets because of their trader or investment firm buys a large amount of an
permissionless, immutable, and censorship resistant asset — sometimes illegally — and later promotes, or
features. “pumps” up the underlying company with misleading
Public Address information to draw unsuspecting investors to buy in,
A public address is a shortened version of a user’s thus further increasing its value. Shortly afterwards,
public cryptographic key. Public addresses are used to the trader or investment firm “dumps” by selling the
receive transactions through a blockchain network asset at a much higher price, which results in losses to
protocol and are commonly used in place of a public investors who bought in at a later time. In crypto
key. markets, this often occurs when a whale buys a large
Public and Private Keys quantity of a specific crypto asset with a large sum of
Public-key cryptography (asymmetric cryptography) is money to drastically increase the price before selling
a specialized cryptographic system that utilizes pairs after a substantial profit.
of long alphanumeric keys that work together in a Put Option
pair: public keys, which can be distributed to others, A put option contract (the opposite of a call option) is
and private keys, which are known only by their a specialized contract that is sometimes used in
owner. Public keys are used to store cryptocurrencies derivatives trading. It gives an investor the right, but
on the blockchain. They are also used to send not the obligation, to sell an underlying security (or
cryptocurrencies in conjunction with the use of the cryptocurrency, or other type of asset) at a specified
public key's corresponding private key. The generation price within a defined time period. When the option
of these keys is made possible by the usage of contract expires, the investor can choose to sell the
cryptographic algorithms based on mathematical underlying security or let the option contract’s value
problems to produce a one-way function. depreciate to zero. Put options can sometimes be
Public-Key Cryptography used in combination with call options to form unique
Public-key cryptography (asymmetric cryptography) is trading strategies.
a specialized cryptographic system that utilizes pairs
of long alphanumeric keys that work together in a Q
pair: public keys, which can be distributed to others, Qtum
and private keys, which are known only by their Qtum is public Proof-of-Stake blockchain protocol
owner. Public keys are used to store cryptocurrencies based on Bitcoin’s code but modified to allow smart
on the blockchain. They are also used to send contracts to run on top of its UTXO (Unspent
cryptocurrencies in conjunction with the use of the Transaction Output) model. With Qtum Neutron, the
public key's corresponding private key. The generation blockchain is able to connect to several Virtual
of these keys is made possible by the usage of Machines (VMs) simultaneously. This allows Qtum to
cryptographic algorithms based on mathematical make use of the Ethereum VM and its own state-of-
problems to produce a one-way function. the-art x86 VM while leveraging the capabilities of its
Public-Key Infrastructure 1,000-node blockchain network.
Public-key infrastructure (PKI) is a set of policies, Qualitative Analysis
procedures, and hardware-software combinations Qualitative analysis uses subjective judgment to
needed to authenticate users and devices online. In analyze an enterprise’s value or potential long-term
practice, this involves one or more trusted parties growth based on non-quantifiable information such as
digitally signing a digital document or decentralized management expertise, research and development,
ledger in order to certify that a particular industry cycles, and other complex data. Qualitative
cryptographic key belongs to a particular user or analysis is the opposite of quantitative analysis, which
device. PKIs play a pivotal role in creating, managing, focuses primarily on numerical data reporting and
distributing, using, and storing digital certificates, and balance sheets. Both metrics are important to
managing public-key encryption. evaluate in order to gain a better perspective on a
Public Representative Nodes (P-Reps) potential investment opportunity.
Public Representative Nodes (P-Reps) are the most Quick Response Code (QR Code)
powerful nodes that exist within the ICON Network. P- A quick response code (QR code) is a type of matrix
Reps are responsible for network validation and the barcode that uses a machine-readable optical label
creation of blocks and other important processes. (typically scanned with a mobile phone) containing
There are 100 P-Reps that are responsible for the sensitive information about the item it is attached to.
governance of the ICON Network (with 22 main P- QR codes often contain data for a tracker, locator, or
identifier that points to a mobile application or powerful tool for bad actors targeting users that could
website. QR codes use four standardized encoding potentially lose their all-important data. Ransomware
methods (byte/binary, alphanumeric, numeric, kanji) attacks can pose a heightened threat to
to store data. cryptocurrency users because demands are often
Quorum (Governance) sought in bitcoin or other digital currencies to avoid
A quorum is defined as the minimum number of unwanted detection.
members required to conduct business within a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)
specific group. As it pertains to blockchain technology, Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) is typically a
quorum biasing denotes that if many voters software-based program developed by malicious
participate, the vote is more legitimate than if, in turn, online cybersecurity experts that is sold to less
very few participate. This mechanism can be used to knowledgeable cybercriminals in order to attack
determine the fairness of specific proposed unsuspecting users with the goal of stealing sensitive
blockchain-based governance parameters, such as the data. Hackers often advertise their “service” on online
minimum amount of participating tokens required for marketplaces within the dark web and ask to be paid
a vote to be valid. Typically, if a vote fails to reach the in cryptocurrency for their products and services.
quorum, then it is automatically cancelled. Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
A real estate investment trust (REIT) is defined as a
R company that owns, operates, or finances income-
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) generating real estate. REITs are generally modeled
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) uses after mutual funds and pool the capital of numerous
electromagnetic fields to identify and track tags which investors together, so a purchaser is not required to
are attached to objects. A RFID tag is made up of a individually own property to potentially receive
very small radio transponder as well as a radio financial rewards.
transmitter and receiver. RFID tags can be triggered Reciprocally Analogous Virtual Machine (VM)
with an electromagnetic pulse from a nearby RFID A reciprocally analogous Virtual Machine (VM) is a
device reader to transmit digital data often underlying type of VM that is designed to communicate in a
an inventory number back to the reader. This beneficial manner with another VM or
specialized number can be utilized to monitor blockchain/computer system. A VM is a cloud-based
products that have RFID tags attached to them, so the imitation of a computer system that is based on
items can be authenticated, tracked, and located at different types of computer architecture to provide
any time (in this case through the VeChainThor the functionality of a physical computer system. VM’s
blockchain platform). may be made to emulate types of specialized
Random-Access Memory (RAM) hardware, software, or a combination of the two.
Random-access memory (RAM) is a type of computer Additionally, some VM’s are built to mimic different
memory that can be read or changed in any order to computer architectures and software applications
store specific working data and machine code. RAM and/or operating systems written for another type of
can be read or written in nearly the same amount of computer or architecture.
time regardless of the physical location of the data Recovery Phrase
within the memory. A recovery phrase, also referred to as a “seed phrase”
Random Beacon (Keep Network) or “recovery seed phrase," is a 12, 18, or 24-word
A Random Beacon is a specialized blockchain-based code that is used as a backup access mechanism when
random number generator used by the Keep Network a user loses acess to a cryptocurrency wallet or
blockchain protocol to help employ its associated private key. The seed phrase matches
containerization private data model. The Random information stored inside the a corresponding wallet
Beacon uses threshold signatures with digital that can unlock the private key needed to regain
signature relays to randomly select groups of KEEP access.
token holders to be network transaction signers. Recovery Shares
Signers are responsible for creating new bitcoin key Recovery shares are a security mechanism that allow a
pairs that are used to create tBTC tokens. user to designate how many shares are created, and
Randomness is an integral component in creating what percentage are required to regenerate a wallet
secure and hack-resistant technical blockchain and its pubic and private keys. For example, a user
architecture. could potentially designate a 5-of-7 share threshold to
Ransomware determine the number of recovery shares needed to
Ransomware is a type of malware or malicious open their wallet. Compared to a solitary recovery
software that blocks access to a user’s computer phrase, the recovery shares mechanism makes theft
system or threatens to leak sensitive or personal data. more difficult and simplifies the wallet regeneration
The goal of most ransomware attacks is to extort a process.
ransom payment in exchange for restoring access to Recurring Buy
sensitive encrypted data. Ransomware has become a
A recurring buy is a practice whereby an investor sets Relay Chain
aside a specific sum of capital to buy a target asset at The Relay Chain is the main protocol and most
recurring intervals. This process occurs when an powerful component of the Polkadot network. It is
investor leverages a stockbroker or exchange to set a responsible for maintaining network consensus with
specific time to purchase an asset or multiple assets the help of the hybrid GRANDPA and BABE Nominated
on a recurring basis. Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) consensus mechanism. The
Regulation T (Reg T) Relay Chain utilizes validators, parachains, collators,
Regulation T, sometimes referred to as Reg T, is a set fishermen, and nominators to ensure the network
of rules that was first implemented by the Federal works correctly at all times and is used as a main
Reserve Board in 1974 to reduce risk in securities control center to interact with external blockchains
transactions. Regulation T enables securities dealers through bridges and internal Polkadot-based
to extend credit to their clients, while its main blockchain protocols (parachains). The Relay Chain
functionality is to control the margin requirements also utilizes the DOT asset to allow various nodes in
and stocks bought on margin by investors. According the ecosystem to work correctly and for other uses.
to Reg T, traders are able to receive up to 50% of a Relayer (0x)
trade’s value via margin from their broker. This Relayers are 0x decentralized exchange (DEX) users
mechanism was put into place to control leverage who host off-chain order books, list buy and sell
trading risk and limit the total buying power of orders, and charge transaction fees. Relayers do not
investors. act as a trusted intermediary on the 0x platform, nor
Regulatory Compliance do they execute trades, however, their main purpose
Regulatory compliance is the process of making sure is to host order books externally to the 0x platform.
specific enterprises meet certain guidelines Relayers help traders find counter-parties (other
introduced by government bodies — such as the participants that transact within the network) and
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the US. cryptographically move orders between them.
These guidelines seek to protect investors, ensure Remittance
consumer confidence, facilitate the transparency, A remittance is a payment from one place to another,
efficiency, and fairness of markets, and reduce and in most cases involves an individual transferring
financial crime and system risk. Financial services capital to an overseas contact. Typically, these
organizations are further subject to regulations payments are made via an online service provider,
governing customer communications, advertising, cryptocurrency wallet, or other tech-enabled financial
management of client assets, customer understanding conduit, and completing a cross-border money transer
and suitability, conflicts of interest, customer dealings, using a blockchain-based transfer mechanism is
capital regulations, and more. oftentimes quicker and more cost-effective than
Rehypothecation sending a remittance through the traditional banking
Rehypothecation is a process that occurs when banks, system. With the advent of blockchain technology and
brokers, exchanges, and other financial service mobile cryptocurrency wallets, individuals can now
providers use client assets for their own purposes to transfer substantial amounts of capital essentially
benefit both sides. For example, several blockchain anywhere in the world within seconds while incurring
enterprises use a portion of their clients' minimal fees.
cryptocurrency holdings as collateral to be lent to Remittance Network
institutional investors. In exchange, users receive A remittance network is a fintech service provider that
incentivized rewards for holding their assets on the allows enables remittance payments to be sent both
platform. Companies in the blockchain industry that domestically and abroad. Examples of large-scale
make use of this process include Binance, Huobi, remittance service providers include PayPal, Western, Celsius Network, and BlockFi. Union, and Revolut. As a third-party processor and
Relative Strength Index (RSI) validator of remittance payments, remittance
The relative strength index (RSI), in technical analysis, networks act as a financial intermediary between
is a momentum indicator that’s used to measure the customers and their contacts and often charge
impact of recent price changes to calculate substantial service fees. Blockchain-enabled payment
overbought or oversold conditions of a specific stock, networks have been designed in part to help alleviate
cryptocurrency or any type of investment asset. The current cost and efficiency issues inherent in
RSI is displayed as an oscillator, or line graph that traditional remittance networks and avoid the need
moves up and down, and is measured between the 0 for third-party validators.
and 100. In the investment industry it is commonly Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
accepted that an RSI rating over 70 is overbought or A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is when a computer
overvalued, while an RSI rating under 30 is oversold or utilizes a computer program that causes a procedure
undervalued. The RSI investment metric like all to execute via a distinct address space on another
technical indicators should only be used as one data shared network or computer. This is done through
point to better analyze current market conditions. coding and by using a local procedure call where the
software engineer leverages a location transparency typically buy securities or other assets for their own
so they don’t have to provide details on the remote personal use and generally trade (or hold long-term)
interaction. in much smaller increments compared to institutional
Ren (REN) investors.
The Ren Network is a decentralized protocol of virtual Retrieval Miners
devices called Ren dark nodes that provide network Retrieval miners, along with storage miners, are the
interoperability in order to enable cross-chain lending, two key components that make up Filecoin’s
exchanges, and other services between different DeFi decentralized market structure. The Filecoin network
protocols. To make this a reality, Ren makes use of a benefits three main groups of users: (1) Retrieval
multi-party computation algorithm as a consensus Miners who receive tokens by serving data, (2)
protocol while using the Ren Virtual Machine (RenVM) Storage Miners, who receive tokens by providing
to directly enhance liquidity on the Ethereum storage, and (3) clients who pay to store and retrieve
Network. This functionality enables the platform to data. The retrieval market is built off-chain, and is
lock assets on-chain and mint them individually. The powered by retrieval miners who help transmit data
Ren Network utilizes its own native token (REN), back and forth.
which primarily functions as a payment token to place Return on Assets (ROA)
orders within the network. Return on Assets (ROA) is an indicator that is used to
Repair Miners determine how profitable a company is relative to its
Repair miners are a proposed (as of June 6th, 2020) total assets. This metric allows companies and other
type of mining node within the Filecoin network that organizations to determine how efficiently their assets
is presently in development. Repair miners, once are being leveraged to generate earnings. ROA is
enabled, will be able to facilitate self healing of the displayed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing
Filecoin protocol. At this time, the network is fully the enterprise’s net income by its total asset amount.
functional without the full implementation of repair The higher the ROA, the higher the relevant
miners and other types of miners that will be added in organization's asset efficiency. ROA is often used to
the future. compare similar companies or to benchmark a
Replace by Fee company's current operations against its past
Replace by Fee (RBF) is a Bitcoin protocol tool performance. The ROA indicator also takes into
developed by famous blockchain developer Peter account a company’s debt level unlike other common
Todd that allows one version of an unconfirmed metrics such as Return on Equity (ROE).
transaction to be replaced with another transaction RingCT (Confidential Transactions)
that pays a higher transaction fee. Via RBF, Ring Confidential Transactions (RingCTs) are a
unconfirmed transaction are stored in the mempool, mechanism used within the Monero blockchain
which is where valid transactions wait to be confirmed platform which allows the amount in a transaction to
by the Bitcoin network. From there, these stored be hidden, similar to now the system’s ring signature
transactions can then be replaced with another mechanism obfuscates the details of sending and
transaction if the sender of that transaction offers to receiving addresses. RingCTs drastically improve the
pay a higher transaction fee. As a resut, while RBF can unlinkability and untraceability of transactions within
help reduce network congestion and help prioritize the Monero network by allowing for ring outputs of
transactions in accordance with senders' willingness various transaction sizes, without compromising the
to pay, the mechanism is somewhat controversial anonymity of the transaction. This function was added
because it alters the immutability of the involved to Monero in January of 2017 and made mandatory
transactions. on the network in September 2017.
Reporting Ring Signature
Reporting as it relates to institutional investment is a A ring signature is a mechanism that is used to conceal
process by which analysis tools are used to create the details of a digital signature in order to hide the
reports and compile other data to monitor different specific details of the relevant network transaction.
aspects of a portfolio’s profitability. Reporting This unique digital signature format can be used by
mechanisms can be used for long-term and short-term any member of a group of users that is in possession
(trading) analysis. Specialized reporting tools allow of the correct cryptographic keys. Therefore, it is
institutional investment firms to analyze profit and nearly impossible to determine which group
loss (P&L) data, execution data, position size, entry member’s keys were used to produce the signature,
type, exposure, and much more. which essentially allows the sender of a transaction to
Retail Investor remain anonymous and untraceable. The name 'ring
A retail investor is a non-professional investor that signature' is denoted by the ring-like structure of the
buys and sells securities, mutual funds, signature algorithm, and Monero was the first
cryptocurrencies, or other investment assets through blockchain network protocol to implement ring
a traditional or online brokerage firm, exchange, or signatures in 2015.
other type of investment account. Retail investors Ripple Gateway
Ripple Gateways are businesses that allow their utilized for many different situations in software
customers to deposit their funds in exchange for development.
Ripple IOUs, thereby providing an entry point into the Rust
Ripple network. Ripple Gateways allow their Rust is a multi-paradigm programming language
customers to transfer both traditional and designed to prioritize safety and performance. Rust is
cryptocurrency funds across the network, and are also syntactically similar to C++ and has gained increased
used to transfer customer-owned Ripple IOUs to use across multiple enterprise industry applications.
another address or withdrawal their funds by Microsoft is experimenting with Rust and has used the
redeeming their Ripple IOUs. Each Ripple Gateway is language to develop a range of security-oriented
designed with specific features which ensure the software components. Graydon Hoare at Mozilla
security of the underlying organization's network and Research initially created the language back in 2010
the capital their institutional clients deploy within the and Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and
network. founder of Brave Browser/Basic Attention Token, was
Risk Management System (RMS) one of the early contributors to Rust's development.
Caspian’s Risk Management System (RMS) is used to Ryuk Ransomware
monitor trading and investment decisions to help Ryuk ransomware attacks are a type of ransomware
ensure greater profitability (by taking into attack in which a malicious actor aims to render a
considerations specific risk-based parameters). RMS target device/network's essential files inaccessible to
can also be used to generate detailed risk metrics that its legitimate users so that the attacker can levy a
allow traders to see the overall market more clearly. ransom against the target. Once the essential files are
This functionality allows users to make better trading corrupted, encrypted, or otherwise compromised, the
and investment decisions. victim is typically unable to regain access to these files
Roll-Up on their own and are pressured to pay the demanded
Roll-ups are an off-chain aggregation of transactions ransom amount, which is oftentimes hundreds of
inside an Ethereum smart contract. Roll-ups are used thousands of dollars per attack. Ryuk attacks are
to combine and process smart contract transactions relatively common and these attacks regularly account
off-chain before settling the final state on-chain. This for tens of millions of dollars' worth of damages each
is done to lower transaction fees given that the rising year.
popularity of decentralized finance (DeFi) offerings on
Ethereum has caused gas fees to increase S
substantially. Roll-ups are considered a throughput Safety Module (Aave)
solution, not a scaling solution, as they usually require Within the Aave economic framework, the Safety
additional hardware to settle transactions on-chain. Module is a specialized security feature designed to
Rootkit mitigate the potential effects of an unexpected drop-
A Rootkit is a specific type of Trojan malware designed off in liquidity, which might otherwise substantially
to gain unauthorized root or administrative access to reduce the AAVE token’s overall value. The Safety
a target device or network. Many rootkits are Module is built using the Balancer liquidity pool and
specifically designed to subvert security software and allows for AAVE and ETH tokens to be staked at a 4:1
contain a variety of tools that enable hackers to steal ratio in order to earn rewards and vote on protocol
personal information, damage, or completely hijack changes. If necessary, up to 30% of the AAVE tokens
an infected device. As a result, rootkits are notoriously staked in the Safety Module can be sold in order to
difficult to detect and remove, and in some cases the provide liquidity to Aave.
only way to remove a rootkit from a device is to Sandboxes
reinstall the device's entire operating system. Within a cybersecurity context, a sandbox is a security
Roth IRA mechanism that is designed to mitigate the potential
A Roth IRA is a U.S. individual retirement account that impact of system failures and/or software
offers tax-free growth on funds vested in the account vulnerabilities by allowing programs to run
and tax-free withdrawals from the account after the independently of and separately from the
account holder meets certain criteria. More device/network's primary operating system.
specifically, Roth IRA account holders that are at least Sandboxes are often used to test out new
59.5 years old or older and have had their account implementations and code bases or audit untested
open for at least five years are eligible to withdrawal programs to ensure that they behave as planned prior
the funds within their account any time they want to deployment. Sandboxes are also commonly
without paying federal taxes. deployed while testing the performance and features
Ruby of a Virtual Machine (VM).
Ruby is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose Satellite (Storj)
computer programming language designed by Satellites are an essential part of Storj’s decentralized
Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto. Ruby supports a diverse data storage network framework which audits Storj
range of other programming languages and can be storage nodes to ensure that they are storing their
assigned data and acting in an honest manner. Scareware is a type of malware that utilizes social
Satellites receive payments for securing the network engineering to invoke fear, anxiety, and/or shock in a
and periodically distribute payments to storage nodes target in order to persuade to purchase unwanted
for providing data storage. Additionally, Satellites also software. Scareware commonly takes the form of
store the metadata of the network's segmented files, rogue security software, ransomware, or some other
which enables client to receive their files upon type of software that misleads a user into thinking
request. that their device has been infected with a virus. If a
Satoshi Nakamoto user is sufficiently convinced by the scarware's urgent
Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonymous individual or and dire warnings, they may be compelled to
group responsible for creating the Bitcoin protocol. purchase additional software to eliminate the alleged
Satoshi Nakamoto famously published the Bitcoin "threat". Oftentimes this program a user downloads
whitepaper in October 2008 and mined the first to fix the purposed issue is actually a malignant virus
'genesis' block on the Bitcoin network in January 2009. or a useless, resource-draining subscription-based
In April 2011, Satoshi Nakamoto posted on an online service.
forum saying that he had “moved on to other things” SCORE (Smart Contract on Reliable Environment)
and disappeared completely from the blockchain SCORE (Smart Contract on Reliable Environment) is
community. Since then, the true identity of Nakamoto ICON’s framework for composing, amending, and
has remained unknown, although there are a variety initializing smart contracts on the ICON network. In
of unproven theories which claim to have unraveled ICON 1.0, smart contracts were written in Python. In
the mystery of this individual/group. the upcoming release of ICON 2.0, SCORE will be
Satoshis adapted to utilize JavaScript. This should lead to
Named after the pseudonymous individual or group increased performance and better integration with
that created Bitcoin, Satoshis, or “sats,” are the ICON’s Virtual Machine. This should also improve
smallest divisible unit of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. integration and development capabilities for software
Like all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin are fully divisible and developers.
there are 100 million satoshis in one Bitcoin token Screen-Locking Ransomware
(BTC). Many crypto enthusiasts track the price Screen-locking ransomware is a type of software that
fluctuations of their respective cryptocurrencies in blocks a target user's access to their device's
terms of sats rather than fiat currencies, which operating system. This type of ransomware typically
reflects their skepticism/rejection of the traditional works by locking the user’s device and displaying a
financial system. message prompting the user to pay a specific ransom
Scalability unlock their device, or run the risk of forever losing
Within the context of blockchain technology, the contents of their device.
scalability is the capacity of a blockchain network to Scrypt
increase the transactional finality speed and Scrypt is the hash function that converts an input of
throughput needed to improve processing times for letters and numbers into an encrypted output that is
transactions that are being sent and received via used by the cryptocurrency Litecoin. It differs from
network protocol. The higher a network's scalability, the SHA-256 hash function that is used by Bitcoin, but
the more efficiently it can send transactions and it also functions within a similar Proof-of-Work (PoW)
process different types of data. Scalability is one of consensus mechanism. The Scrypt hash function was
the three main characteristics of a mature blockchain originally designed to limit mining to only CPUs and
network, with the other two being decentralization GPUs, although scrypt-capable ASICs have since been
and security. developed.
Scalp Trader Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) & Transport Layer Security
A scalp trader, or scalper, is a type of investor that (TLS) Certificates
typically enters and exits financial positions very A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate is a
quickly—usually within the span of minutes or technological standard used to enable a secure
second— with the goal of generating consistent connection between a Web server and client on the
profits from incremental movements in an asset’s internet. SSL certificates are installed on a Web server
price. To acomplish this, scalpers often use high- and scramble transmitted data through encryption
leveraged trading positions in a derivatives trading algorithms in order to prevent malicious actors from
environment. Scalpers are often employed by large being able to access data as it moves from one system
institutional investment firms, equipped with a suite to another. Transport Layer Security (TLS) Certificates
of tools to help automate many of their trading represent a recent, updated version of SSL with
decisions, and allocated a significant amount of further enhanced security.
investment capital in order to make their trades Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
worthwhile. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is
Scareware a large independent body of the U.S. federal
government that is responsible for proposing
securities rules, enforcing federal securities laws, and Bitcoin network. This is accomplished by "segregating"
regulating the U.S. investment industry. The SEC is the transaction into two segments by removing the
responsible for protecting investors, maintaining fair unlocking signature's "witness" data from the original
and smooth functioning of U.S. securities markets, portion and appending it as a separate structure at
and facilitating capital formation. the end of the block.
Security Token Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO)
Security tokens are a tokenized stake in the ownership A self-regulatory organization (SRO) is an entity that
of any asset that has value, such as a business or a has the power to independently create and enforce
piece of real estate, which is recorded in a blockchain accepted professional regulations and standards
ledger. Within the context of corporate ownership, without the need for external oversight or
security tokens are analagous to corporate stocks, or intervention.
fractions/multiples of a stock, and therefore represent Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)
an equity stake in a company, along with whatever Self-sovereign Identity (SSI) is a general concept that
future returns a partial ownership of that business describes a user's ability to own their own identifying
entails, such as dividend payouts. As a result, security data without the need for third-party assignment or
tokens offer a more flexible yet secure way of validation. While there are multiple technical
transferring, exchanging, and storing value. approaches to actualizing SSI from a practical
Security Token Offering (STO) standpoint, none have yet to emerge as a broadly
Security Token Offerings (STOs) are a method of recognized global standard.
distributing security tokens and exist somewhere Sell-Off
between Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Initial Public A sell-off is a sudden, high-volume sale of a security or
Offerings (IPOs). To better understand this, it's other asset which typically reduces the price of the
important to note that security tokens are equity relevant asset, at least in the short term. While there
tokens that represent an equity stake in a company or are a variety of reasons for why a sell-off may occur, in
asset, in addition to whatever future returns are most instances sell-offs take place as a result of
associated with partial ownership of that entity, such widespread market panic, either due to negative news
as dividend payouts. STOs are generally considered or a black swan event, or coordinated market
superior to ICOs due to the fact that STOs offer instant manipulation initiated by institutional investors or
settlement times, clearer regulatory guidelines, higher "whales".
liquidity, and a lower barrier to entry in many Separate Account
instances, among other benefits. Since enterprises A separate account is an investment portfolio owned
that create registered securities must adhere to by an investor that is managed by an investment
specific compliance and regulatory requirements, firm—typically a registered investment advisor (RIA).
STOs avoid a lot of the market ambiguity which Separate accounts provide their owners with real-time
ultimately turned many investors off to ICOs, while visibility into all their holdings and transactions as
continuing to offer a straightforward, investor-friendly they occur, as opposed to retroactively, as is the case
method of issuing, trading, and storing tokenized with mutual funds. While most separate accounts are
equity shares. opened through a financial advisor or investment
Seed Phrase brokerage, they can also be managed through an
A seed phrase, also referred to as a “recovery phrase' insurance company or bank. Separate accounts are
is a 12, 18, or 24-word code that is used as a backup also commonly referred to as separately managed
access mechanism when a user loses acess to a accounts (SMAs) or individually managed accounts.
cryptocurrency wallet or associated private key. The Sequencer
seed phrase matches information stored inside the a As part of the optimistic roll-up layer two scaling
corresponding wallet that can unlock the private key solution proposed for the Ethereum network,
needed to regain access. sequencers — or aggregators — process transactions
Segregated Witness off-chain before sending them on-chain to be
Segregated Witness (SegWit) is the name of a soft fork finalized. While sequencers are financially rewarded
that was carried out on the Bitcoin network which for their role in optimistic roll-up models, they must
changed the transaction format of the protocol. put up a bond — known as a fraud proof — as
Segwit separates signature data from transaction data collateral to disincentivize malicious action. Executed
within the blockchain to increase the total amount of at scale, this methodology could save both capital and
data within a specific block. By rearranging the data offers a boon to Ethereum throughput capacity.
contained in each block more efficiently, more space Serenity
is freed up which allows for the inclusion of additional Serenity is the multi-phased Ethereum upgrade
data. SegWit is capable of increasing Bitcoin's block currently underway that is transitioning the Ethereum
size limit from 1MB to 2MB and was designed to blockchain from a Proof-of-Work consensus
mitigate the blockchain size limitation issues that mechanism to Proof of Stake, while segmenting the
periodically slow down transaction speeds on the network into specialized shard chains that are
optimized for scale. Both updgrades are Shard chains are created by partitioning a blockchain
groundbreaking technological endeavors that will into smaller, more manageable pieces. This process
increase speed, efficiency, and network scalability on decreases the workoad on validator nodes, which are
Ethereum. Because of the complexity required in only required to store and manage one shard instead
launching Ethereum 2.0, Serenity is designed to of the entire blockchain system. Alongside other
launch in a total of four phases over the next five to optimizations, shard chains are expected to
10 years. Phase 0 was successfully deployed in drasticallly increase netwoek throughput and speed as
December 2020 with the launch of a beacon chain. opposed to monolithic consensus mechanisms. The
Settlement Ethereum 2.0 blockchain will be separated into 64
Settlement is the process of determining when a shards that will operate as smaller blockchains tied to
transaction is completely confirmed, or settled, by all a main Beacon Chain. Ethereum 1.0 is intended to
interested parties. Until settlement provides make up just one of those shards.
confirmation of a completed exchange, the Sharding
transaction remains pending and unresolved. The Sharding is a mechanism that is used to partition a
speed of settlement finality has major economic blockchain network orother type of computer
repercussions for businesses. Longer settlement times network or database. Its purpose it to distribute the
may lead to costly and time-consuming delays, and network's computational and storage workload across
add up throughout a marketplace to significantly slow a broader set of devices, or nodes, in order to increase
the process of conducting business throughout many the throughput and transaction speed of the entire
industries. Shorter settlement times speed up system. Each node only maintains information related
business operations, save money, and remove to its specific shard or partition, and since each node
uncertainty. is only responsible for processing a fraction of the
Settlement Agent Node overall network's transactional load, the network's
On the blockchain, Settlement Agents are overall processing capabilities and resilience can be
network nodes that take the role of enabling vastly improved. As a result, the increased transaction
settlement between the platform's native CRO token speeds made possible through sharding have allowed
and other stable cryptocurrencies like stablecoins. many blockchain-based networks to be exponentially
Settlement agents are relied on by buyers and sellers faster, more secure, and better suited for widespread
to exchange tokens and accurately settle a enterprise use.
transaction. Settlement Nodes are eligible to earn a Shards
profit from charging a .5% fee for payouts made in Sharding is a mechanism that is used to partition a
fiat. blockchain network, or any other type of computer
Settlement Finality network or database. Its purpose it to spread out the
Settlement finality is the process whereby a computational and storage workload across a larger
transaction is absolute and confirmed by a blockchain set of computers to increase the throughput and
network protocol. Before settlement finality is transaction speed of the entire system. Sharding
achieved, the transaction remains pending and may works by increasing the overall capability of the
not be considered completed. Rapid and broad network so that each node isn't responsible for
settlement finality is necessary to achieve high processing the entire network's transactional load.
throughpot scalability on a blockchain, the Instead, each node only maintains information related
achievement of which remains pivotal to the to its specific shard or partition. Increased transaction
widespread applicability of decentralized tech for speeds through sharding allow blockchain-based
global enterprise use. networks to be exponentially faster and better suited
SHA-256 for widespread enterprise use.
SHA-256 is a member of the SHA-2 cryptographic hash Sharing Economy
function family that was designed by the National The sharing economy is a socioeconomic system built
Security Agency (NSA) and later made famous for around the concept of mutually sharing resources
being a foundational aspect of the Bitcoin blockchain within a network to benefit all its members. This
network. SHA-256 is a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) process is typically enabled through peer-to-peer
that to secures data by utilizing a cryptographic (P2P) networks which allow for the purchase and/or
mathematical operation to generate a unique 256-bit, exchange of goods and services in a way that differs
64-character random sequence of letters and substantially from traditional company-to-customer
numbers (called a hash) out of an input. These business models. In recent years, the sharing economy
functions are generally designed to serve as a one- model has given rise to a variety of innovative
way function that is virtually impossible to reverse business models, ranging from ride-sharing to
once a piece of underlying data has been amended decentralized content platforms. Open public
into its hash value. blockchain networks help realize the potential of the
Shard Chain sharing economy by virtue of their decentralized,
transparent, and censorship-resistant nature.
Shielded Transaction user data and a broad range of user access
Shielded transactions are a unique transaction type credentials. Attackers executing a SIM swap attack will
that conceals specific data about a transaction, such oftentimes deploy a variety of social engineering
as the amount being transferred or the involved techniques, such as calling a cellphone provider and
account addresses, in a way which is still verifiable on impersonating the victim, with the goal of obtaining
the blockchain. While different blockchain projects sensitive personal information about the victim. If
deploy different methods to enable the use of successful, the attacker will typically use the
shielded transactions, many of these methods involve information they acquired to request a new SIM card,
zk-SNARK cryptography to obfuscate transaction data which will allow them to gain control over the victim’s
prior to the transaction being recorded in a phone number and whatever potentially sensitive
blockchain. data is linked to that number.
Shielding Transactions Slippage
Shielding transactions take place on the Zcash Within a financial context, slippage refers to the
protocol when data is sent from a public sender to a difference between the expected price of a trade
private receiver. Zcash employs the usage of zk-SNARK relative to the actual price at which the trade is
cryptographic proof technology to keep sheild the executed. Slippage generally occurs when an investor
data and keep it private, immutable, and secure, buys or sells an asset on a platform with poor liquidity
despite the differing privacy requirements of the and low trading volume. If there is a large gap
transactors. between the bid-ask price on an exchange's order
Sidechain book, the asset purchaser may end up paying more for
A sidechain is an external secondary blockchain an asset or receive less of the asset than expected
protocol that is connected to a primary blockchain once the trade has been executed.
network (mainchain). Sidechains are typically Slot
designed to allow for the transfer of data and value The Cardano blockchain utilizes a protocol called the
between themselves and the mainchain, and Ouroboros Praos protocol. This unique consensus
oftentimes use a different consensus mechanism than mechanism functions by breaking down time into
the mainchain. As a result, sidechains can allow for a epochs that last approximately 5 days, which are then
higher degree of flexibility and scalability, given that broken down into 432,000 slots. Nodes are selected at
systems with a significant sidechain interoperability random to be slot leader, which in turn are selected to
component are often designed to cater to a broader produce blocks.
range of enterprise and individual users. Smart Contract
Signature-Based Security Programs Smart contracts are computer programs that run
Signature-based security programs are a type of within a blockchain protocol that automatically
security software that identifies malware using well- execute based on preset conditions. They execute a
known, pre-recorded digital signatures or identifiers. predefined set of terms automatically in a trackable
These programs identify malware by cross-referencing and irreversible manner without the need for a third
a supicious program's digital signatures with the party. Smart contracts are written in various types of
digital signatures of existing malware software which computer programming languages, or even in a
have been stored in a database specifically designed combination of languages. Smart contracts are
to archive and help identify a wide array of designed to solve real-world problems utilizing
documented malwares. computerized systems, and are currently being
Signature (Cryptographic) developed for nearly any industry imaginable.
A cryptographic signature is a mathematical Smart Home
mechanism that is used to verify the authenticity of a A smart home is a tech-enabled home setup in which
digital message or digital document within a digital various functions such as heating, lighting, and
network. Cryptographic signatures are commonly appliance configurations are automated or remotely
used for financial transactions, digital contract managed via network-connected device such as a
management, software distribution, and a broad array mobile phone or tablet. Smart home setups usually
of other use cases that prioritize the accurate involve the use of both hardware and software
detection and prevention of forgery and data- solutions to improve occupants' convenience and
tampering. In regards to blockchain technology, efficiency, and are one of the most widely recognized
cryptographic signatures are typically used to prove applications of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. For
that the correct private key was used to initiate and instance, an occupant's sleep tracker wearable may be
send a transaction through a complex authentication synced to a room's temperature control system, which
process that involves the use of both a private and will then automatically adjust the room's temperature
public key. in accordance with the occupant's sleep patterns and
SIM Swap Attack personal preferences.
A SIM swap attack is an attack that involves taking Smart Order Router (SOR)
control of a victim’s SIM card, which stores private
Smart order routing (SOR) is an automated online Security Number or Credit Card details, or losing
trading method which detects and executes the best access to one's devices.
available trading opportunity throughout a given Social Engineering
range of financial markets and trading venues. In Social engineering is a broad term that encapsulates a
essence, when implementing SOR an investor feeds a wide array of techniques that exploit psychological
pre-established set of conditions to a set of bots or factors – such as fear, trust, panic, lack of information,
algorithms which then scan multiple markets using and confusion – to compromise a target. Rather than
their given criteria in order to find the optimal directly hacking a system or identifying technical
environment to execute a given order. Investors weakness in a target's devices or digital accounts,
typically program the algorithms used to run SOR to social engineering focuses on the manipulation of
differentiate various trading venues in accordance individuals to perform acts which may not be in their
with common parameters such as latency levels, fee best interest, such as divulging sensitive data or
structures, and available liquidity, as well as more inadvertently transferring funds to a malicious actor.
complex parameters specific to that investor's unique Social engineering tactics can also be used to gain
trading strategy. As a result, running SOR requires access to networks and devices, in which case a
robust API integrations across different platforms in malicious actor can wrest control away from the
order to effectively utilize this data-intensive, legitimate owner to install malware in the system.
multiplatform trading strategy. Soft Fork
Smart Pools (Balancer) A soft fork is a software update of a blockchain
On the Balancer platform, Smart Pools are liquidity network that is backward compatible, meaning that a
pools with adjustable parameters that can be piece of software which has undergone a soft fork
managed via a smart contract. These pools can be remains interoperable with its older legacy system.
made of two-to-eight different token constants, and This means that nodes can continue to communicate
can be customized with configurable weights in order with nodes that have not upgraded. By contrast, if a
to represent the desired ratio of each token within a blockchain undergoes a hard fork, only new blocks
given pool. In addition to customizing token mix and generated afterwards are recognized as valid. As a
weight, Smart Pool managers can also change swap result, soft forks generally entail less drastic protocol
fees, select/restrict liquidity providers, set max changes than hard forks.
deposit value limits, and start/stop trading tied to Software Development Kit (SDK)
their pool. These variable parameters allow for a A software development kit (SDK) is a specialized suite
hitherto unprecedented level of flexibility for liquidity of software development tools created in order to
providers on Balancer. enable software engineers create digital applications
Smart Token and perform other useful functions. Most SDKs
Smart tokens are cryptocurrencies that can be include common software development tools such as
programmed with a near-infinite range of parameters. compilers, debuggers, and software frameworks,
The purpose of a smart token depends on the specific which make it easier for developers to design and
parameters it was programmed with, with some smart build new software. There are a wide array of
tokens used to help reduce liquidity risk, improve available SDKs catering to different platforms and use
security measures, or shape consumer behavior. For cases within the blockchain development scene and
instance, a smart token can be programmed to beyond.
dynamically adjust its value in accordance with a Software Wallet
Constant Reserve Rate (CRR) pegged to a different A software wallet is a digital wallet which stores a
base currency, programmed to work only with certain user's public and/or private keys, thereby securing the
vendors or when purchasing certain items, or user's digital assets. Since software wallets are
designed to expire after a set amount of time. The essentially computer programs, they are typically
Bancor Network's Bancor token, released in June locally stored in a user's desktop or mobile phone and
2017, is widely recognized as the world's first smart are remotely connected to the internet. Software
token. wallets are oftentimes more convenient than
Smishing hardware wallets, but are also generally more
Smishing is a variant of a phishing attack which susceptible to hacks. Common types of software
involves the use of misleading SMS or text messages wallets include desktop wallets and mobile wallets.
to misdirect a target into sharing sensitive information When using a software wallet it is important for users
or access. The text messages involved in a smishing to keep devices and software up to date in order to
attack often contain malicious links or a fradulent minimize the risk of a cybersecurity breach.
customer support or authoritative phone intended for Solana (SOL)
the target to click on or call. If a target responds to Solana is a smart contract-enabled blockchain that
this call to action (CTA), it will typically go on to trigger aims to natively solve many of the scaling and
some form of compromising activity, resulting in the throughput issues faced by other layer-1 blockchain
divulging of sensitive information such as one's Social networks. SOL is the native token of the Solana
network, and is burned to pay for fees on the Solana A stablecoin is a digital currency created with the
network. Solana's users can also stake SOL in order to intent of holding a stable value. The value of most
become a blockchain node, and the platform intends existing stablecoins is tied directly to a predetermined
to enable SOL to be used in Solana platform fiat currency or tangible commodity, like Gemini dollar
governance in the future. (GUSD), which is pegged 1:1 to the US dollar.
Solidity However, stablecoins can also achieve price-stability
Solidity is the software development programming through collateralization against other
language designed specifically for Ethereum’s cryptocurrencies or algorithmic token supply
blockchain framework. Solidity is an object-oriented management. Since stablecoins do not fluctuate
programming language designed for building smart significantly in price, they are designed to be used
contracts that work in unison with the Ethereum rather than an as an investment.
Virtual Machine (EVM) and the Ethereum network. Stake (eos.system)
Solvency On the EOS system, when software developers deploy
Solvency is the ability of an organization to meet its and interact with smart contracts through introduced
financial obligations from a regulatory and compliance actions, they are backed up via other types of
standpoint. For GUSD, this means that the amount of resources: RAM, CPU and NET. Developers are able to
USD maintained in a holding account is equivalent to stake NET and CPU, and purchase RAM with EOS
or greater than the tokens in circulation. This solvency coins.
measure affirms that the Gemini Dollar tokens Staking
maintain their value for both the short term and the Staking is the process through which a blockchain
long term. network user 'stakes' or locks their cryptocurrency
Spear Phishing assets on a network as part of the consensus
Spear Phishing is a variant of phishing which targets a mechanism, thus ensuring the security and
specific individual, organization or business. As is the functionality of the chain. Staked assets are usually
case with most phishing attacks, spear phishing held in a validator node or crypto wallet, and in order
typically entails the use of misleading emails or other to encourage staking most projects reward the
forms of electronic communications. Attackers may holders of staked tokens with annualized financial
tailor these fraudulent communications with the returns, which are typically paid out on a regular basis.
target's position within an organization in mind, or Staking is a core feature of Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
include other contextual information to more blockchain protocols, and each blockchain project
effectively mislead the victim. As a result, spear which incorporates a staking feature has its own
phishing requires more background research on a policies for staking requirements and withdrawal
target than most other forms of phishing attacks. restrictions.
Speculative Investment Staking Pool
A speculative investment entails a considerable On a Proof-of-Stake network, staking pools allow
degree of risk of financial loss, both in terms of multiple cryptocurrency stakeholders to combine
principal and potential unrealized gains. However, tokens in a collective pool in order to secure the
speculative investments are usually those with a high benefits held by a larger, collectivized network stake.
potential upside, making them attractive By combining computational resources, the individual
opportunitties for investors with a high tolerance for stakeholders who choose to participate in a staking
risk. Many blockchain skeptics consider pool aggregate their staking power to more effectively
cryptocurrencies a speculative investment, while verify and validate new blocks, which consequently
more traditional speculative investments include increases their chances of earning a portion of the
investment in early-stage startups, trading options, resulting block rewards.
and certain commodities. Stalling Delay
Spot Market A stalling delay is a coded, time-based technique that
The spot market is a public financial market in which certain types of malware use to bypass a network's
the trade of financial instruments or commodities are cybersecurity defenses. After infecting a target
immediately settled and delivered. While the delivery system, malware with a stalling delay mechanism
of physical goods purchased may be slightly delayed typically executes a series of useless, innocuous CPU
due to real-world logistical considerations or business cycles in order to delay the execution of its actual
protocols. However, spot market purchases are malicious code until the target network is no longer
settled at the price fixed at the point of purchase on alert. If the malware successfully bypasses the
rather than the price at the time of distribution. This security's defenses, it can then go on to execute its
contrasts with futures markets, in which delivery is malicious code with full effect.
due at a later date, and prices may fluctuate in Standard Deviation
accordance to market movements which occur after Standard deviation is a measure of how far each
an exchange has been made. observed value in a data set is from the mean value.
Stablecoin This measurement indicates how spread out the data
is within a data set, and how far specific data is from obligations, and in return earn additional FIL by
the general norm. Within the context of investing, storing data for clients on the network. Due to the
standard deviation can be used to compute a current design constraints imposed by Filecoin's Proof-of-
rate of return on an investment relative to its Replication (PoRep) and Proof-of-Spacetime
historical mean in order to determine the (PoSpacetime) mechanisms, storage mining requires
investment's historical volatility. In general, volatile fairly powerful hardware to meet the network's
investments a characterized by a high standard storage and algorithmic proof requirements.
deviation, while more stable investments usually have Storage Node (STORJ)
low standard deviations. The Storj network utilizes storage nodes to provide
State Machine Replication (SMR) bandwidth to the network and store clients' data in a
State Machine Replication (SMR) is a general secure, decentralized format. Anyone individual or
approach in distributed computing for building fault- entity with a stable internet connection and excess
tolerant systems. This is achieved through the hard drive space and bandwidth can set up a storage
replication of servers (states or state machines) and node. Each month, node operators are compensated
organization of client exchanges with server replicas. via STORJ tokens valued in USD based on current
SMR accomplishes this by deploying copies of a web market rates.
service across a set of servers rather than just one. Store of Value
This approach can potentially increase a system's A store of value is an asset that is expected to
performance and capacity since the replicas provide maintain its value/purchasing power over time and
more resources to the service, while achieving can be reliably retrieved and exchanged at a later
operational fault tolerance through the elimination of date. Assets that have historically been considered
a single point of failure. reliable stores of value include fiat, real estate, and
Status Network Token (SNT) rare metals such as gold and silver. With blockchain
The Status Network Token is the native ERC-20 utility technology growing increasingly mainstream, an
token of Status Network, an open-source messaging increasing number of people now also consider
platform. SNT plays a key role in Status' decentralized certain cryptocurrency tokens, particularly Bitcoin
platform governance, as any Status community (BTC), as effective stores of value.
stakeholder can use SNT to vote on network Storj
proposals. With each vote the SNT committed is Storj is a blockchain-enabled data storage network
cloned into a separate decision token that is counted. that allows users to access remote, decentralized data
As a result, while the amount of SNT tokens a user storage and retrieval services, or offer storage services
holds at that time of the vote represents that user's by using excess hard drive space and bandwidth.
voting power for that decision, it does not cost any While users' files are not stored on the blockchain,
SNT to participate. Storj uses hashing, Proof of Work (PoW), key pair
Stellar (XLM) cryptography, and other blockchain features to offer
Stellar is an open-source, decentralized payment data storage services and rates which are similar to,
protocol that enables seamless, cross-border and in some cases superior to, what is offered by
transactions between all forms of currency. The larger centralized cloud storage services.
project's native token, Stellar Lumens (XLM), is used STRIDE
to pay the network's transaction fees, prevent STRIDE is a threat modeling methodology used by
network spam, and provide liquidity via the Stellar and other enterprises in order to identify
Distributed Exchange (SDEX). and deter potential cybersecurity threats. The word
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) 'STRIDE' is an acronym that stands for "Spoofing,
Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are used in inventory Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure,
management to classify a distinct type of item for Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege." Each of
sale. Different SKU classifications include color, size, these concepts is a common cybersecurity threat
packing material, manufacturer, description, and category, and security experts typically use STRIDE as
warranty terms. SKUs are used by brands, a conceptual framework in order to methodically
manufacturers, warehouse staff, and retailers to explore various ways in which a system must be
identify items as the move through a supply chain, protected to avoid being compromised.
and to provide data points for enterprise Strike Price
management systems. A strike price is the price at which an investor can
Storage Miners exercise the right to buy or sell an underlying security
The Filecoin protocol relies on storage miners to in an options contract. The value of the strike price is
furnish its marketplace of decentralized cloud storage. set by financial exchanges, and may be a function of
Storage miners are essentially nodes that solve the underlying security's spot price, which is the
cryptographic proofs in order to verify storage across market price of the security on the day the option is
time. These nodes must use Filecoin tokens (FIL) as taken out. For example, suppose an investor
collateral to ensure that they uphold their contractual purchases a $2 monthly call option to purchase
Bitcoin at $1,000. As a result, the strike price of this same financial effect as the ownership of that asset.
contract is $1,000, meaning the investor can choose Because the value of a synthetic asset is a function of
to exercise their option to purchase the another asset, synthetic assets are considered
cryptocurrency at this price before the month is up derivatives, and synthetic assets have been created to
and the contract expires. mimic a broad range of securities, commodities, and
Substrate assets in global financial markets, the cryptocurrency
Substrate is a blockchain integration platform and sector, and beyond. Synthetic assets typically allow
application development framework that was traders to take a position in an asset without actually
designed by Parity Technologies, the creator of needing to expend the capital to directly buy or sell
blockchain interoperability pioneer Polkadot. The that asset, which has led to the global proliferation of
purpose of Substrate is to help simplify the process of derivative markets for trading synthetic assets.
building dApps or independent blockchains that run Synthetix (SNX)
on the Polkadot network. Substrate accomplishes this Synthetix is a token trading platform built on
by offering a fully adaptable blockchain design Ethereum that allows users to exchange tokenized
framework that features software development in representations and derivatives of cryptocurrencies,
numerous languages, forkless upgradability, light- stocks, currencies, precious metals, and other assets
client architecture, and multifaceted development in the form of ERC-20 tokens. This is accomplished
tools. As a result, Substrate is one of the most through Synthetix' dual-token model, whereby users
powerful components of the Polkadot ecosystem. stake the platform's main token, Synthetix Network
However, blockchains on the Polkadot network do not Tokens (SNX), as collateral in order to create new
need to be built with Substrate. synthetic assets. These 'Synths' are designed to track a
Swing Trader metric, usually price, of a real-world asset, thereby
Swing trading is a market trading strategy that allowing users to invest in the asset without actually
attempts to capture short- to medium-term gains holding it, much like derivatives. Synthetix preceded
based off of fluctuations in the value of stocks, Universal Market Access (UMA), which is also built on
commodities, and/or currencies over a few days or Ethereum and was launched to achieve a similar
weeks. In order to be effective, swing traders must purpose.
actively monitor their positions and time trades
meticulously. Their risk/reward ratio sits on the T
spectrum between that of day traders and trend T-Addresses
traders. In most cases, swing traders typically rely on On the Zcash blockchain, t-addresses are public
charted technical indicators to identify viable trading addresses that offer similar transparency levels as a
opportunities, although technical analysis is regarded standard Bitcoin (BTC) address. By contrast, z-
by many as an imperfect science. addresses are fully private addressess that utilize zero-
Switcheo knowledge proof systems to shield address
Switcheo is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange transactions and balances. Zcash's dual-address setup
on the NEO blockchain with a product focus on was designed in order to empower users to decide
transparency and convenience that allows for the whether to opt for anonymized or publicy viewable
cross-chain swapping and trading of EOS, Ethereum, transactions, while transactions can be sent freely
and NEO coins. The project’s native token, Switcheo across the different address types.
Token (SWTH), is a NEP-5 standard digital currency Tailgating (or Piggybacking)
that can be used on the Switcheo network for trading Tailgating attacks, also known as 'piggybacking', is a
discounts, as well as for access to several exclusive form of rudimentary data breach that typically entails
offerings and services. SWTH was upgraded in an unauthorized individual following an authorized
October 2020 under a revised monetary policy smart individual into a secured building or area. In most
contract. instances, the perpetrator of a tailgating attack is
Symmetric Encryption attempting to access sensitive information or carry
Symmetric encryption is a form of encryption which out some other malicious act once on the premises.
uses the same key to both encrypt and decrypt While this attack is low-tech and seemingly
electronic information. Both entities communicating straightforward, it is nonetheless a widespread
via symmetric encryption must have identical copies security breach with potentially catastrophic
of this key, which should be kept secret and not consequences.
shared with anyone in order to preserve the security Tardigrade (STORJ)
of their interactions. By contrast, asymmetric Storj approaches its decentralized data storage
encryption utilizes two keys—a public key to encrypt ecosystem by bifurcating its product into the supply
information, and a private key to decrypt information. and demand sides of the market. Tardigrade is a
Synthetic Asset division powered by Storj Labs which focuses on the
A synthetic asset is a financial instrument that derives demand side of the business. In order to make it as
its value from another asset, thereby achieving the easy as possible for anyone to buy decentralized
storage on Storj, Tardigrade was formed to handle all Testnet
issues relating to the platform's customers, A testnet is a sandbox or testing environment for a
developers, and partnerships. Storj itself, on the other blockchain network typically made available for
hand, is tasked with managing the platform's storage development purposes prior to a mainnet launch.
node operators, tokenomics, and community. Testnets are commonly used to ensure that the
tBTC blockchain system is adequately secure and functional
tBTC is a decentralized and trustless system for in accordance with its intended design. Once the
wrapping Bitcoin on the Ethereum network developed testnet has been audited and pressure-tested,
by the Cross-Chain Group. Each tBTC token is an ERC- developers often fix bugs or add new features to the
20 token redeemable for bitcoin (BTC) at a 1:1 ratio, project's mainnet prior to launch. Testnets are
with a total supply that is also pegged to the total generally not meant to be directly converted into
supply of BTC. tBTC allows users to deposit and mint mainnets, so they are usually unable to broadcast or
Bitcoin tokens on the Ethereum network without a verify network transactions in the same way that a
middleman, thereby enabling users to incorporate mainnet system is able.
Bitcoin into the decentralized finance ecosystem. Tezos (XTZ)
TBTC Deposit Token (TDT) Tezos is a Proof-of-Stake blockchain platform that
The TBTC Deposit Token (TDT) is a non-fungible token provides a decentralized, global computer on which
used in the tBTC mechanism as the medium of developers can build decentralized applications
exchange between tBTC and BTC tokens as the (DApps). XTZ is the native token of the Tezos network,
wrapping takes place. New TDT is minted whenever a used for paying transaction fees on the network,
user requests a deposit to convert BTC to tBTC, and staking, and earning rewards.
burned whenever tBTC is exchanged for tBTC. The DAO
Technical Indicators The DAO was a decentralized autonomous
A technical indicator is a specific mathematical organization that was launched in 2016 on the
heuristic or pattern-based signal based on the historic Ethereum blockchain. The DAO was designed to be an
price, volume, and/or open interest of a security or investor-directed cryptocurrency venture capital fund,
contract. Technical indicators are commonly used by but after raising $150 million worth of ETH through an
traders to predict future price movements, and initial token sale, the project was hacked, resulting in
constitute a fundamental component of technical the loss of millions of dollars' worth of ether. The
analysis. incident hack is notable in the crypto space as it led to
Technical Resistance Level a schism within the Ethereum community that
Within the context of technical analysis, a resistance resulted in a hard fork of Ethereum into Ethereum
level is a specific price point at which a stock or other (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC).
security has exhibited difficulty maintaining or The Gold Standard
surpassing in the past. As a result, once the price of a Money linked to the value of physical commodities
security reaches or nears an established resistance like gold and silver utilizes the gold standard. The gold
level once again, price movement can often stall or standard formed the basis of the international
reverse. Different traders use different forms of currency market until the 20th century. But in 1971,
technical analysis and different time frames to the system came to an end when the U.S. halted the
determine specific resistance levels. In many cases, direct conversion of US dollars into gold.
commonly recognized technical indicators that Third-Party Storage
suggest that a stock has neared its resistance level can Third-party storage refers to a physical or digital
trigger a self-fulfilling prophecy whereby traders storage solution provided and managed by an outside
attempt to front-run the market by selling the security entity such as a bank, centralized cryptocurrency
in anticipation of a trend reversal. exchange, or Amazon Web Services.
Tendermint Core BFT Consensus Timestamp
Tendermint Core BFT Consensus is a language- A timestamp is a digital record or log used to identify
agnostic consensus method designed by the the moment in time that a transaction occurred.
Tendermint team to be a more scalable, secure, and Timestamps recorded onto a blockchain's ledger are
decentralized version of the PBFT, SMR and DLS immutable and unique to the specific transaction the
algorithms. As a result, Tendermint Core supports timestamp is recording.
state machines written in any programming language, Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP)
enables fast finality rates, and can tolerate up to a Time-weighted average price (TWAP) is a trading
third of its constituent nodes failing abritrarily before algorithm that is based on the weighted average price
the network's performance is significantly affected. of a financial asset over a specified time frame. High-
This consensus engine was used to construct volume traders often use a financial asset's TWAP to
numerous noteworthy blockchains, including the spread a large order across numerous smaller orders blockchain platform and the protocol for valued at the TWAP price. This is done in order to
Binance DEX.
avoid abrupty increasing the value of the financial decentralized "Darknode" instead of a centralized
asset due to a sudden, single high-volume order. authority. By locking an asset up in a Darknode until a
Timing-Based Evasion user wishes to redeem it, Ren users are able to
Timing-based evasion is a tactic some variants of complete this asset converstion process in a trustless
malware use to avoid detection within a target yet secure fashion.
system. Malware coded with a timing-based evasion Tokenomics
tactic will only execute its malicious code at certain Tokenomics, a portmanteau of “token” and
moments, like when detection levels are deemed low “economics,” refers to the underlying attributes of a
or in response to pre-defined actions taken by the cryptocurrency token that incentivize users to adopt
system user, like exiting a program or pressing a the token’s project ecosystem. Among cryptocurrency
certain key. investors, the term is commonly referred to in terms
Token of how the token is utilized within the project
Within the context of blockchain technology, a token ecosystem, or how the token will follow a monetary
generally refers to a unit of value for a programmable policy as the project develops. Therefore, the term
asset that is managed by a smart contract and an tokenomics encapsulates a variety of processes and
underlying distributed ledger. Tokens are the primary concepts, some of which are hard-coded into a
means of transfering and storing value on a blockchain blockchain's protocol, and others which are more
network—most often Ethereum. Tokens can also be speculative in nature.
designed to be either fungible or non-fungible, ToolChain
depending on a network's specific needs. And while A ToolChain is a set of software programming tools
many tokens are primarily used for simple designed to simplify complex software development
transactions, an increasing number of blockchain tasks, or to help create specific types of software
projects are designing tokens encoded with a variety programs and applications. This general term should
of wide-ranging use cases, primarily in regards to on- not be confused with Vechain's ToolChain, which is a
chain governance and network maintenance. Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) offering tailored for
Tokenization enterprise use.
Tokenization is the act of converting the value of a Total Value Locked
tangible or intangible asset into a token. The token Total Value Locked (TVL) refers to the aggregate value
itself is a piece of code made up of a distinctive asset of all the assets locked in the smart contracts of a
reference, unique properties, and/or specific legal particular decentralized blockchain protocol.
rights in accordance with the smart contract through Traceability
which the token was generated. Once tokenized, an Traceability refers to the degree to which a third party
asset can be freely transferred, exchanged, or stored is able to track the details of a transaction, such as the
away in accordance with whatever digital platform(s) transaction amount or the identities of the involved
or marketplace(s) the asset's token was designed to parties. Blockchain-based project approach traceabilty
be compatible with. Through tokenization, nearly any in different ways. For example, non-fungible tokens
asset can be seamlessly integrated into the rapidly following the ERC-721 standard are created to
expanding ecosystem of blockchain networks and maximize traceability, while projects like Monero have
digital finance writ large. designed systems that obfuscate user accounts and
Tokenization Standard transactions from external viewers in an attempt to
Tokenization standard refers to the specific technical remain completely untraceable.
architecture of a network's blockchain protocol, which Trading Bots
in turn determines the nature of the tokens that are Trading bots are applications that execute trades
compatible with that network. In the years since automatically within pre-configured parameters and
blockchain technology was first introduced, several environments. Trading bots are widely used by
token standards have gained prominence, with ERC- quantitative traders, market speculators, and other
20 tokens on theEthereum network leading the pack financial market participants. The specific parameters
in terms of ubiquity and adoption. Tokenization each trading bot is set to can be configured in
standards can also be spun off to create new accordance with its operator's personal trading
standards which exist within the same token standard strategy and proclivities.
family. For instance, security tokens (ERC-1400) and Trading Volume
NFTs (ERC-721) are two distinct tokenization Within the context of capital markets, trading volume
standards based on Ethereum. refers to the amount of a security traded over a given
Tokenized Representation time frame. Trading volume is typically reported as
Tokenized representation takes place when a digital the number of shares that changed hands during a
asset is locked up with a custodian, who then mints a given trading session or other period of time. The
one-to-one representation of that token on another trading volume for every openly tradeable asset is
chain. Within the context of the Ren Virtual Machine, constantly changing, and the direction and magnitude
the custodian involved in this process is a
of these shifts are important variables which most The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
investors factor into their analysis. (TCP/IP) is an organized suite of communication
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) protocols that is used to connect network devices
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) is a system used by over the internet and transmit data through these
institutional investors to study price trends in order to connections. The Internet as we know it was largely
determine favorable trading windows. This metric is designed and built upon TCP/IP, although this set of
calculated in accordance with a specified time period protocols can also be similarly used as a
and with respect to various benchmarks. communications protocol within a private computer
Transaction Fee network.
Transaction fees are the fees charged to execute a Trapdoor Function
transaction on a blockchain, and are typically charged Within the field of cryprography, a trapdoor function,
to the sender. Transaction fees are required to pay for also known as a "one-way function", is an algorithmic
the computational power a network must exert to puzzle that is simple to compute in one direction, but
broadcast and send a transaction. Transaction fees, extremely difficult to solve when taking the inverse
which can be paid out through various mechanisms to approach. This unique feature makes trapdoor
entities that furnish a blockchain network’s functions an invaluable design component that is
transactional capacity, are a key aspect of incentive embedded into a broad range of encrypted messages
models for most networks, including Bitcoin and the and cryptographic transactions.
current iteration of Ethereum (1.0), upon which the TRC-20 Token
fee is called “gas.” Transaction fees are charged every TRC-20 is a smart contract standard for creating
time a person participating in the network sends a tokens using the TRON Virtual Machine. TRC-20
cryptocurrency or specific type of data from one tokens are fully compatible with Ethereum’s ERC-20
recipient to another. Transaction fees vary with each standard.
blockchain and often fluctuate according to the total Treasury Bills (T-Bills)
transaction volume currently taking place on a Treasury bills (T-bills) are a short-term financial
network. instrument issued by the U.S. government. These
Transaction ID fixed-income securities generally have a maturity
A transaction ID, or transaction hash, is an immutable period lasting four weeks up to a year. Due to their
record of a digital transaction that’s been recorded short duration, T-bills do not compensate investors via
onto a blockchain ledger. Users are able to look up regular interest payments. Instead, T-bills are sold at a
any past transactions using its corresponding discount to their face value at the point of purchase,
transaction ID, typically with the help of a blockchain and investors recieve the full face value amount once
explorer. In some instances, a cryptocurrency the T-bill reaches maturity.
recipient may request the transaction ID from the Treasury Bonds (T-Bonds)
alleged sender in order to verify that the transaction's Treasury bonds (T-bonds) are securities that the U.S.
origination point. government typically issues as a debt instrument to
Transaction Settlement Time fund various government operations and
A transaction's settlement time refers to the elapsed commitments. These securities typically have
time between when a transaction is initiated and maturities of more than 20-30 years, and pay a fixed
when assets are deposited in the recipient's account return every six months. Generally speaking, the
after all relevant financial institutions and/or longer the maturity period of a T-bond, the higher its
algorithmic protocols confirm the transaction as valid. annual yield. Once a T-bond has been sold by the
The length of settlement times vary widely depending government in a initial auction, it can be freely traded
on the structure of the different networks and in the secondary markets.
organizations that process the transaction. Tribute to Talk
Transactions Per Second Tribute to Talk is a feature that blockchain-enabled
Transactions per second (TPS) refers to the number of messaging platform Status created in order to prevent
data transactions that a computer network can exact malicious activity and spam from cluttering its
within a second. The TPS measurement used for network. Status users can set a Tribute-to-Talk
sending data on a blockchain network is often an requirement, which is the minimum amount of Status
indicator of the protocol’s overall network speed and Network Token (SNT) a non-whitelisted user needs to
scalability, and measures how quickly a specific stake in order to send them a message. If the message
platform can send data like cryptocurrency recipient responds to the sender's message, the
transactions and the execution of smart contract sender's staked SNT is sent to the recipient. If the
functions. Highly scalable networks with high sender's message is ignored or rejected, the sender's
transaction speeds are a requirement for the staked SNT is returned to them and they will be
widespread adoption of blockchain technology. unable to attempt to contact the recipient for a period
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol of time.
(TCP/IP) Trojan
Within the context of cybersecurity, a Trojan describes TRONZ is a smart contract privacy protocol that was
any type of malware which disguises its true intent in introduced with TRON 4.0 in July 2020. TRONZ is built
order to gain unauthorized access to a target device or upon the zk-SNARK methodology, the core privacy
network. In most cases, trojans are designed to look technology of Zcash (ZEC). TRONZA gives users more
like an innocuous program or are discretely attached flexible transaction privacy settings, which can be
to another piece of software a target is likely to install. adjusted in accordance to the user's situational needs.
Once a trojan has infiltrated its target it is free to Troy Ounce
execute its malicious code, which in most cases will The troy ounce is the global standard for measuring
damage, steal from, or otherwise disrupt the target the weight and implied purity of precious metals. One
device or network. troy ounce is equal to approximately 31.1 grams, in
Trojan Bankers contrast to the standard ounce which is 28.35 grams,
A Banker Trojan is a specific type of Trojan malware and this unit of measure is commonly abbreviated as
that is designed to gain unauthorized access to either “t oz” or “oz t”.
confidential information or assets stored in online Trust Company
banking systems. A Trust Company is a legal entity that acts as a
Trojan Downloader fiduciary, agent, or trustee on behalf of an individual
A Trojan Downloader is a specific type of Trojan or organization. These companies are typically
malware that lays dormant inside an infected device charged with holding assets that it does not own on
until an Internet connection becomes available. From behalf of a client, and responsibly managing those
there, the trojan downloader will connect to a remote assets until they are required by law to be transferred
server or website and download additional unwanted to a specified beneficiary party. Since trust companies
programs onto the infected device. are fiduciaries, they have a legally binding
Trojan-Ransom Malware responsibility to act on behalf of their clients' financial
Ransomware Trojans are a specific type of Trojan interests.
malware designed to extort a victim after Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
compromising the victim's device. In most cases, A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is an isolated
ransomware trojans will demand a payment in environment within a device's main processor that
exchange for undoing the damage the Trojan has allows for the secure and private execution of code
inflicted to the victim's device. However, some forms without the risk of interference from the rest of the
of ransomware trojans may demand other forms of device or system. Only properly authorized code can
payment, like sensitive information or performing be executed within a TEE, which utilize use both
specific acts. hardware and software to protect data and code from
TRON the external environment. Furthermore, the different
Tron is a blockchain project dedicated to building the trusted applications within a TEE are protected from
infrastructure for a decentralized Internet. While the each other via software and cryptographic solutions,
project initially started as a decentralized and these trusted applications have full access to the
entertainment platform with distributed storage device's main processor and memory. TEEs are
technology, the project's ambitions have grown to generally used to improve the overall security of a
closely resemble those of Ethereum. The Tron device or network and ensure that certain core
network's native token, TRONix (TRX), is used as a processes can operate with full reliability and integrity
payment method across Tron's evolving service without the risk of being compromised.
ecosystem. Trustless
TRONix (TRX) When a system is trustless within a peer-to-peer (P2P)
TRONix (TRX) is the native token of the Tron blockchain network, it means that all participants in
blockchain protocol. While the token was initially used the network do not need to know or rely upon
only to pay content creators for digital content on the verification from one another or a third party. This
Tron platform, TRX has evolved into a more broadly means that the system is run autonomously by the
accepted payment method across Tron's evolving underlying technical architecture and consensus
service ecosystem. mechanism of the blockchain protocol itself.
TRON Virtual Machine (TVM) Transacting on a shared, trustless network is not
The TRON Virtual Machine (TVM) is a Turing complete beholden to a central organization to ensure trust,
virtual machine that provides a feature-rich and user- and is a key value proposition of blockchain
friendly environment for developers to build and test technology. A number of innovations underlay the
decentralized applications (dApps) and other web trustless nature of blockchain networks, including
services within the Tron ecosystem. TVM is Tron's immutability, decentralization, transparency,
equivalent of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), censorship resistance, and neutrality.
and all software projects created through TVM are Turnkey Solution
fully compatible with EVM. A turnkey is a product or service that can be sold to
TRONZ any applicable buyer as a complete, ready-for-use
product without the need for user customization. specific measurement unit to a good or service, the
Turnkey solutions therefore differ from a built-to- monetary value of that offering can be clearly
order products, which are designed in accordance to a understood in abstract terms without the need to
customer’s unique specifications. resort to bartering. The need for units of account to
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) optimize market transactions is one of the three
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of fundamental functions of money, the other two being
security for user accounts. In its most common form, usability as a store of value and a medium of
2FA requires a user to further verify identity after exchange.
entering the account password. This additional UNI Token
verification is typically achieved by inputting a UNI token (UNI) is the native governance token of the
randomized code generated through a secondary Uniswap Protocol, a decentralized cryprocurrency
device or program. As a result, 2FA mitigates a variety exchange (DEX). The token was initally released on
of cybersecurity risks stemming from both device September 2020, when Uniswap airdropped 400
hacks and human error. tokens into each unique cryptocurrency address that
had ever interacted with Uniswap Protocol prior to
U September 1, 2020. This first round distribution
UMA Improvement Proposal (UMIP) reached ~50,000 Ethereum addresses, immediately
UMA Improvement Proposal (UMIP) refers to the making UNI one of the most widely distributed tokens
document used to propose changes to the UMA within the cryptocurrency space. In total, 60% of UNI's
ecosystem. UMA token holders can use UMIPs to genesis supply is intended to go to the community,
propose and approve new financial contract while the remaining 40% have been allocated to
templates, new price identifiers, and other Uniswap team members, investors, and advisors.
governance changes to UMA's data verification Universal Market Access (UMA)
mechanism. Universal Market Access (UMA) is a specialized
UMA Token protocol built on Ethereum that allows users to create
The UMA token is the native governance token of the custom synthetic cryptocurrency tokens. Synthetic
UMA network. UMA users are able to use UMA tokens tokens are collateralized by another asset, while
to vote on how to resolve price disputes that occur on reflecting that asset's price in real time. Essentially any
the network as part of its data verification type of asset, both physical and digital, can be
mechanism, and make changes to the mechanism via tokenized via UMA and integrated into the rapidly
the UMA Improvement Proposal (UMIP) governance evolving ecosystem of blockchain-enabled
process. decentralized finance (DeFi).
Unbanked Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)
The 'unbanked' refers to individuals without access to A Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) is the amount
the traditional banking system and modern-day of cryptocurrency that remains after a transaction is
financial services. Most individuals who are executed. Each UTXO represents a chain of ownership,
considered 'unbanked' lack a stable internet which is represented as a chain of digital signatures in
connection and/or reside in an underserved which a transaction originator signs a message
community or developing country. As a result, these transferring ownership of their UTXO to the recipient's
individuals are effectively excluded from participating public key. As a result, UTXOs are responsible for
in the global economy. It is a primary goal of sectors beginning and ending each cryptocurrency
like finTech, DeFi, and blockchain to support the transaction.
unbanked by achieving equitable financial inclusion U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
globally. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network is a
Uniswap (UNI) division of the U.S. Department of the Treasury that is
Uniswap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that uses tasked with gathering and assessing information
liquidity pools (LPs) to make markets without the about financial transactions. The goal of the U.S.
need for order books or central facilitators. Uniswap is Financial Crimes Enforcement Network is to prevent
underpinned by smart contracts that facilitate token and solve financial crimes.
swaps and provide the incentive structure for liquidity Utility Token
providers to participate in the system. As one of the A utility token is a tokenized digital asset designed to
first automated market makers (AMMs) to go live on grant its holder access to the products or services of a
the Ethereum network, Uniswap has made significant blockchain protocol. As a result, utility tokens are
strides in proving that AMMs can be an effective tool intended to be used within the blockchain's network,
for trading digital assets in a decentralized and rather than serve as an investment. However, given
permissionless way. that most utility tokens fluctuate in value in
Unit of Account accordance with its network's perceived popularity
A unit of account is a standard unit of measurement and adoption, many traders and crypto enthusiasts
of the value of a good or service. By attributing a
nonetheless purchase certain utility tokens as Evaluation function could only have been produced by
speculative investments. someone who had the associated secret key - all
without that secret key ever having to be revealed
V VRFs have a wide range of use cases across various
Validator cryptographic schemes, protocols, and systems.
Within the context of blockchain technology, a Vertical Scalability
validator is an entity responsible for verifying and Vertical scalability refers to a network or device's
approving transactions submitted by users and/or ability to increase its existing hardware or software
blockchain clients. Each blockchain protocol has its capacities by adding supplementary resources. The
own parameters for what constitutes an acceptable most common forms of vertical scalability entail
validator and how these validators operate. Most adding more RAM or processing power to a device.
decentralized blockchain networks rely on some form However, vertical scalability can be accomplished in a
of validator node to process on-chain transactions in a variety of ways, depending on the configuration of the
permissionless and distributed manner. network/device and the nature of the intended
Value Investing upgrade.
Value investing is an investment strategy that involves Vesting
identifying stocks and other securities that appear to Within the context of blockchain technology, vesting
be trading for less than their intrinsic value. Value is the process of releasing tokens that have been set
investors typically conduct thorough due diligence on aside for a specified period of time. These tokens are
the securities they are interested in tracking and typically designated for a blockchain project's team,
adhere to longer investment holding periods. As a partners, and other contributors who are actively
result, these investors tend to ignore price helping develop the project. Funds that have been set
movements that do not appear to correspond with a aside for this purpose are usually locked a certain
company's long-term fundamentals, such as sudden period of time by smart contracts, which effectively
reactions to wider industry news or short-term market seal off access to the tokens until pre-set conditions
events are met.
VeChain Improvement Proposals (VIPs) VeThor (VTHO)
VeChain Improvement Proposals (VIPs) are the design VeThor (VTHO) coins are used to power the Vechain
documents VeChain ecosystem participants and network. New VTHO coins are continuously generated
community members use to propose changes to for VET coin holders each time a new block is created.
VeChain's protocol and development trajectory. There A new block is typically added to Vechain's ledger
are four main types of VIPs: application, interface, once every 10 seconds, and each VET generates
information, and core. Once a VIP is proposed, the 0.00000005 VTHO per new block, which translates to
VIP's author is responsible for building consensus approximately 0.000432 VTHO generated per VET per
within the community and documenting dissenting day. VET holders can increase the VTHO generation
opinions. rate of their VET coins by placing their coins in
VeChain Token (VET) different nodes, which are tiered in accordance with
VeChain Token (VET) is the native governance and their staking requirements. VeChain’s economic
utility token that underpins the VeChainThor model is designed to prevent transaction fees from
blockchain network and overall VeChain ecosystem. fluctuating in relation to the price of VET, thus
VET holders can contribute to the security and ensuring transaction fee consistency and
consensus of the network by holding VET within predictability.
different nodes within the VeChainThor blockchain Virtual Commodities Association (VCA)
(AM’s, XN’s, EN’s). Founded in 2018, the Virtual Commodities Association
Verifiable Random Function (VRF) (VCA) is a non-profit organization working towards the
A Verifiable Random Function is a cryptographic goal of establishing an industry-sponsored, self-
primitive that was conceived of in 1999 and has many regulatory organization for the U.S. virtual currency
useful applications including deterministic industry. The organization began as a committee to
precommitments and having output that is resistant explore ways of ensuring consumer protection and
to preimage attacks. In implementation a VRF consists market integrity in virtual commodity marketplaces,
of three related algorithms that do the following: and has since evolved into a more formalized
Key Generation: A mathematical function that when organization spread across six committees and
given a random input produces a verification key / overseen by a Board of Directors.
secret key pair Virtual Machine (VM)
Evaluation: This function takes a message and the A Virtual Machine (VM) is a cloud-based emulation of
generated secret key to produce a pseudorandom a computer system that provides the functionality of a
output, and an associated proof physical computer system. VMs may be made to
Verification: This function uses the verification key emulate types of specialized hardware, software, or a
and other values to guarantee that the output of the combination of the two, and provide the framework
for data transactions and transactional execution on more cost-efficient collaborative transactions,
blockchain networks. The most well-known VM in the establish a more automated, frictionless payment
blockchain industry is the Ethereum Virtual Machine framework within CoinJoins, and potentially enable
(EVM). Wasabi Wallet to more seamlessly integrate with
Vishing other technologies.
Vishing is a variant of phishing attack that relies on Wallet
fraudulent phone calls or voice messages to mislead a A cryptocurrency wallet is a device or service that
target into divulging personal information, like stores users' public and private keys, allowing them to
account passwords or credit card details. In most interact with various blockchains and to send and
instances, a malicious actor using vishing will pretend receive crypto assets. Wallets can be digital (software)
to be from a reputable company or a trusted or physical (hardware), hot (connected to the
authority, and their message will often either involve internet) or cold (disconnected from the internet),
the offer of a "free prize" or a fictional crisis that the custodial (a trusted third party has control of a user’s
target must tend to immediately. private keys) or non-custodial (only the user controls
Vitalik Buterin their private keys).
Vitalik Buterin is a Russian-Canadian programmer and WannaCry Ransomware
writer most famously known for co-founding WannaCry (also referred to as WCry, WanaCrypt0r,
Ethereum. In 2013, Buterin published a whitepaper and Wana Decrypt0r 2.0.) was a ransomware worm
proposing Ethereum as a world computer capable of deployed in 2017 that targeted vulnerabilities in the
hosting a wide range of decentralized applications Windows operating system, encrypted files on
(dApps). In contrat to Bitcoin (BTC) — which is more infected devices' hard drives, and demanded a ransom
geared towards payments and serving as store of payment in Bitcoin (BTC) in order to decrypt the files.
value — Ethereum was intended to serve as a “Swiss- The malware rapidly spread through multiple
army knife protocol,” with more flexible and wide- computer networks and impacted users in over 150
ranging applications. Buterin went on to collaborate countries, resulting in billions of dollars worth of
with several other co-founders to develop Ethereum, damages and ransom payments.
which was launched in 2015. To date, Buterin is Watchdog Organization
regarded by many crypto enthusiasts as the de facto A watchdog organization is an entity, often non-profit,
figurehead of Ethereum. that monitors the activities of a government or
Volatility industry with the goal of ensuring that the
Within a marketplace context, volatility refers to the government or industry does not behave illegally or
degree of variation an asset's trading prices undergo unethically. Watchdogs alert the public when they
relative to its mean price over a certain period of have uncovered such behavior.
time. The more volatile the price of an asset is, the Watcher
greater the frequency and number of its price Within the OMG Network, a watcher is a computer
changes. This volatility is usually measured using that monitors the network for unusual and malicious
standard deviations of logarithmic returns. Many activity and ensures that data submitted to the
investors track an asset's volatility in order to identity Ethereum blockchain for finalization is correct. OMG
and capitalize on trading opportunities based on Network’s network of watchers is decentralized and
perceived price trends. However, excessive and any OMG Network user can operate a watcher.
unpredictable price volatility often deters investors Web 3.0
who have a lower risk tolerance. The term Web 3.0 refers to a vision of the third
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) generation of computing, which anticipates that
In technical analysis, volume weighted average price technologies like blockchain will decentralize the
(VWAP) is a benchmark that calculates the average internet and disintermediate web 2.0 companies like
price at which a security has traded throughout the Facebook, enable the online exchange of value, and
day, based on both volume and price. By allow users to own their data.
automatically averaging the intraday closing prices of Web3 Foundation
a security ove time, VWAP is able to serve as a guide The Web3 Foundation is a Switzerland-based
for identifying various support and resistance levels. foundation dedicated to the advancement of Web3
This makes VWAP an important intraday indicator for technologies. Web3 is envisioned as the next era in
traders who rely on technical indicators to more computing which will be focused on the
effectively time when to enter and exit their positions. decentralization of the web, the online exchange of
value, and users owning their data. Founded by Gavin
W Wood, the former CTO and co-founder of Ethereum,
WabiSabi Web3 publishes research on cryptography and other
WabiSabi is an anonymous credential scheme that will blockchain-related fields and provides grants for
be introduced in the Wasabi Wallet 2.0 upgrade of web3-focused startups and blockchain projects. The
CoinJoin. WabiSabi is designed help facilitate faster, Polkadot blockchain is one such project.
Web Application verifying data on the Filecoin network under the
A web application is is an application software or Proof-of-Spacetime (PoSpacetime) consensus
program that runs on a web server rather than a algorithm. Via WindowPoSpacetime, commitments
device's operating system. Web applications are made by storage miners are audited in 24-hour period
accessible through a web browser with an internet increments, which results in a zk-SNARK-compressed
connection and play a central role in defining online proof being published to the Filecoin blockchain.
user experiences. Withdrawal Allowlists
Web Application Firewall (WAF) Withdrawal allowlists are an optional layer of security
A web application firewall (WAF) is a specific type of in cryptocurrency exchange accounts which allow
application firewall that filters, monitors, and blocks users to establish a list of approved cryptocurrency
HTTP traffic to and from a specified web service. A addresses and to restrict withdrawals to those
WAF sits between external users and web applications addresses only.
and plays a crucial role in securing business-critical Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAX)
web applications and web servers from application- The Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAX) is a blockchain-
layer attacks. WAFs different from network firewalls, based marketplace for physical and virtual items,
which provide a barrier between external and internal including non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and video games.
network traffic and are therefore designed to protect World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
a secured local-area network (LAN) from unauthorized The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an
access. international standards organization for the World
WebAssembly (WASM) Wide Web. W3C has over 400 members which
WebAssembly (WASM) is a format for computer collectively develop web standards in tandem with the
programs which allows for high-performance public and W3C's full-time staff. Additionally, W3C
applications in web browsers. builds software, educational tools, and other services
Web of Trust to facilitate an open forum for discussion about the
Within the Status Network, the Web of Trust is an internet.
decentralized reputation system in which users Wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC)
deposit tokens against usernames to indicate that Wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC) is an ERC-20 token which
they trust the user. represents Bitcoin (BTC) at a 1:1 ratio. wBTC was
Web Socket jointly created by Bitgo, Kyber Network, and Ren, and
WebSocket is a computer communications protocol was intended to bring more liquidity to the Ethereum
which enables two-way, interactive communication ecosystem, particularly to decentralized finance (DeFi)
between a web browser or other client and a server. applications.
Web Wallet Wrapped Nexus Mutual (wNXM)
A web wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that is Wrapped Nexus Mutual (wNXM) is a one-to-one ERC-
accessed via a web browser. Many web wallets are 20 representation of the Nexus Mutual token (NXM),
custodial services run by cryptocurrency exchanges. which is the native token of the Nexus Mutual
Web wallets are considered 'hot wallets' because they platform, a decentralized alternative to insurance.
are connected to the internet. While NXM can only be held by members of Nexus
Whale Mutual, wNXM can be owned by anyone with an
In the context of the blockchain industry, a whale is an Ethereum address.
investor who possesses a large enough quantity of a
cryptocurrency to influence its price. X
Whitelabel Product x86 (QTUM)
A whitelabel product is a product or service which is x86 is Qtum’s virtual machine which was developed in
produced by one entity but rebranded by another Intel's x86 machine language. x86 allows developers
entity to make it appear as if they had made it. to write smart contracts in a variety of languages
Whitepaper including C, C++, Rust, and Python. Qtum previously
A whitepaper is a document produced by blockchain utilized the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and the
projects which outlines the purpose of the technology Solidity programming language.
they propose to create or have created, and describes XBT
how the technology will be implemented, typically in XBT is an alternative ticker symbol for BTC used by
technical terms. Whitepapers are often released when some exchanges. Its format is derived from a currency
projects are in their early stages and are seeking code standard created by the International
funding, though they may be updated as the projects Organization for Standardization (ISO) which
progress. stipulates that supranational currency codes should
Window Proof of Spacetime (WindowPoSpacetime) begin with 'X'.
Within the Filecoin network, Window Proof of XEM
Spacetime (WindowPoSpacetime) is a specialized type XEM is the native token of the NEM blockchain and is
of cryptographic proof which plays a central role in used for payments on the network. Additionally, users
most hold XEM to participate in NEM's consensus and yaLINK, a derivative of Aave's aLINK, which is itself
process. NEM utilizes a Proof-of-Importance (POI) a derivative of the LINK token.
algorithm for consensus, which determines who may yVaults
produce a block through a calculation of a user's yVaults are a feature of the Yearn.Finance protocol
relative importance to the network. Users' relative which automate the process of yield farming. Users
importance score is based on the number XEM tokens deposit tokens into a yVault, then Yearn borrows
they hold, in addition to the number of transactions stablecoins against the user's asset. The stablecoins
that have been made to and from the user's NEM are then used for yield farming in various protocols,
wallet. Users with high importance scores are more with the vault shifting strategies as opportunities
likely to produce blocks. change. As gains are realized on the stablecoins, Yearn
XRP converts the gains back into the user's original asset
XRP is the native coin of the Ripple Ledger Network. It and the user's rewards are paid in that asset. Each
is designed to be a medium of exchange and value yVault has a different annual percentage yield (APY).
transfer, and is intended to be used as a low cost
bridge between fiat currencies for a broad range of Z-Addresses
global transactions. z-addresses are 'shielded,' or privacy enhanced Zcash
XYM addresses. Transactions between z-addresses do not
XYM is the native cryptocurrency of the Symbol reveal the parties' addresses, the transaction amount,
blockchain and is due to be launched in January 2021. or the contents of the transaction's memo field on the
XYM will be used to pay for transactions on the blockchain. z-addresses utilize zero-knowledge proofs
network. In order to obtain XYM, qualifying XEM to achieve these features. z-addresses are
holders—holders of the native token of the NEM interoperable with transparent z-cash addresses,
blockchain, which was created by the same team and which reveal the transacting parties' addresses,
preceeded Symbol—can claim an equivalent number transaction amount, and the contents of the
of XYM once the new token has been released. transaction's memo field. Users can therefore send
transactions from private address to private address
Y (two z-addresses), from transparent address (t-
Yearn.Finance address) to private address (z-address), or from
Yearn.Finance is a decentralized community focused private address (z-address) to transparent address (t-
on creating a suite of automated, decentralized address).
finance (DeFi) products on Ethereum. Referring to Zcash (ZEC)
themselves as a ‘collective of contributors,’ the Yearn Zcash is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency project
community is an experiment in decentralization, which aims to provide efficient, private transactions
crowd-sourced investing, and product development. for its users via its shielded addresses feature. The
Yearn Improvement Proposal (YIP) Zcash protocol utilizes its native token, ZEC, to
Yearn Improvement Proposals (YIPs) are proposals to facilitate these transactions.
change the Yearn protocol. Proposals are submitted Zero-Knowledge Proof
by Yearn.Finance community members and voted on Zero-Knowledge Proofs are a cryptographic method
by YFI token holders. that provides users with a higher degree of privacy
YFI Token when engaging in digital transactions. In essence,
YFI is the governance token of the Yearn.Finance zero-knowledge proofs enable one party to prove to
protocol.YFI holders can submit, discuss, and vote on another party that they know a specific value, without
proposals to change the protocol via the Yearn conveying any other information apart from the fact
Improvement Proposal (YIP) process. The total supply that they know that value. In short, these proofs allow
of YFI is 30,000, though more tokens can be minted if for information to be accurately verified without
approved through the governance process. sharing any details about the underlying information
Yield Farming and the identities of the transaction participants.
Yield farming is the practice of staking or locking up Zero Knowledge Proof Roll-Up (ZKR)
cryptocurrencies in order to generate rewards. Many Roll-ups bundle and process smart contract
decentralized finance (DeFi) projects rely on yield transactions off of the main chain on sidechains
farming to incentivize users to contribute to the before sending them back to the main chain for
network's liquidity and stability, since these projects finalization. A Zero-Knowledge proof Rollup (ZKR) is a
do not rely on a centralized market facilitator. type of roll-up which bundles transactions,
yTokens compresses them, and then attaches a zero-
yTokens are cryptocurrency derivatives tokens which knowledge proof to attest to the state of the
are awarded to Yearn.Finance liquidity providers (LPs) sidechain before sending the transactions back to the
when they deposit assets into the protocol. Examples main chain. While ZKRs are trustless, they require
of yTokens include yCRV, a derivative of Curve (CRV) specialized hardware.
Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of
Knowledge (zk-SNARK) is a type of cryptographic proof
used to ensure privacy on blockchain-based
distributed ledger systems. It works by proving that
one party is in possession of specific data without
actually revealing the data to the network by using a
secret key before the transaction is broadcasted. zk-
SNARKS became prominent with Zcash, Monero, and
other privacy-based blockchain protocols.