Taipei 101: Building Case Study

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Building Case Study


Table of contents

1 Introduction
Tubed Mega Frame
2 High-rise construction of today
Concrete properties
Concrete characteristics for high-rise structures
Self-compacting Concrete
Hardening of concrete
Crack risks due to heat generation
2.1 Construction Equipment
Formwork and scaffolding systems
Pumping system
3 Implementation to the Tubed Mega Frame
Description of case study model
High performance concrete in high-rise structures.
Curing time
Construction equipment
Formwork evaluation
Pumping concrete evaluation

1 Introduction
High-rise buildings and skyscrapers have become a magnificent element in the modern
urban cities during the last century. What really defines a skyscraper is however vague and
precise definitions are missing. According to Peet, there are several definitions relying on
different properties, either focusing on the elevators in the building or on the structural
system. Other institutions as Emporis uses a lower limit of 100 meter architectural height.

Modern skyscrapers, the ones constructed the last decades, have traditionally been built
with either a central core-structure made of concrete or with a tube-in-a-tube structure. One
problem with these kinds of structural system is the low floor space utilization ratios. A
central core consumes a lot of floor space and the utilization ratio for usable floor space, and
thereby the rentable space, is somewhere in the span 60-70% (King, Lundström, Salovaara, &
Severin, 2012). Developing a new and more efficient supporting structure that uses less floor
area would increase the utilization ratio. Designing new high-rise buildings using a more
efficient structural system will also increase the rentable space in the buildings that makes
high-rise buildings more economical.

Tubed Mega Frame

Tyréns AB is developing a new kind of structural system for high-rise buildings, called the
Tubed Mega Frame. The Tubed Mega Frame is based on several large concrete tubes which
are placed at the perimeter of the building, instead of placing the supporting structure in the
centre as often is done in traditional skyscrapers, see Figure 1.1a). Placing the tubes in the
perimeter of the building results in a lever arm from the tubes to the centre, which makes
the structure more stable compared to core-structures. One of the major advantages with
this structural system is the efficiency thanks to its more efficient placing of the supporting
structure. At the same time it will receive a higher utilization ratio of the floor space.
According to preliminary studies, by using this kind of supporting structure it could be
possible to reach a utilization ratio of 80-90%, depending on the actual building.

Figure 1.1a) - Simple floor plan of Figure 1.1b) - Floor plan Taipei 101,
Tubed Mega Frame concept using a central
To stabilize the tubes, they are connected with each other by large perimeter walls at some
floors. These perimeter walls will be placed with around 10 floors spacing. Elevators,
staircases and installations will preferably be able to be placed inside the hollow tubes which
will make a flexible floor plan that could be varied at different floors in the building. Figure
1.1b) shows the floor plan of the Taipei 101, Taiwan, which is built with a central core
structure. This structural system occupies a large area of each floor plan, and since it is
placed in the middle of the building, the flexibility of the floor area is reduced.

2 High-rise construction of today

Concrete characteristics for high-rise structures
Using concrete in high-rise construction sets a lot of demands on the concrete compared
to normal structures. Tall structures have large compressive loads at the lower parts of
the building which demands concrete with a high compression strength. Slender and tall
shapes results in a higher risk of swaying, to prevent swaying a concrete with high
elastic modulus is suitable. The demands on the workability of the concrete are high
since construction works are done at large heights and with heavily reinforced cross-
sections. Self-compacting concrete is today widely used in skyscraper construction to
simplify the casting procedure and increase the flow ability during pumping. The
concrete must not only be high-performing and self-compacting to receive a good result.
It is also important that the concrete properties are kept the same through the whole
construction cycle. Unconsidered variations of the concrete can result in undesirable
differential shrinkage resulting in stresses and a weaker structure. Controlling this is
necessary, which is done by using a reliable concrete plant and testing the concrete

Compressive strength
The compressive strength of the concrete is one of the most crucial factors for the
building of tall structures. The lower part of the structure must be able to take
tremendous loads, both dead loads from the structure above and wind forces. The
vertical bearing systems must not only take the load above but also preferably take the
loads with as small cross-sections as possible to achieve a high ratio of rentable floor
space. Using concrete with high compressive strength makes it possible to reduce the
cross-sections of the bearing structures yet being able to carry the high vertical loads.
Table 3.1 - Compressive strength in some skyscrapers

Maximum Comments Reference

Taipei 101 68,9 MPa Used to fill steel columns (KTRT Joint Venture,
508 meter with concrete 2007)
Burj Khalifa 80 MPa Used in walls up to story (Putzmeister, 2007A)
828 meter 126
Petronas Towers 80 MPa Used in columns and core (Thornton,
452 meter up to story 23 Hungspruke, &
Joseph, 1997)

Shanghai Tower 70 MPa Used in mega columns up (Ding, Chao, Zhao, &
632 meter to story 35 Wu, 2010)
One World Trade 96,5 MPa Used in some shear walls (Rahimian & Eilon,
Center 2012)
526 meter

The compressive strengths of the concrete used in modern skyscrapers often exceed 80
MPa, as could be seen in Table 3.1. Generally higher buildings needs higher compressive
strength but other factors such as structural systems and concrete volumes also influence
these values. The compressive strength is often varied between the stories in skyscrapers, as
the lower floors having higher compressive loads while upper floors are subjected to lower
compressive loads. This results in lower construction costs and a more efficient construction.

When a structure calls for a high elastic modulus it demands a high strength concrete. If, for
example, an elastic modulus of 50 GPa is desired the codes requires the use of a concrete
with a compressive strength of more than 100 MPa. The codes are all empirical and
applicable for most concrete mixes. None of the codes or the formulas take into
consideration what admixtures are used, even though modern admixtures and fillers can
have large impact on the properties. Following the codes may lead to that an unnecessary
high compressive strength is required to achieve the desired elastic modulus. The designers
and the contractor of Taipei 101 developed a project and site specific concrete mixture and
proved its properties and performance. They were thereby not bound to use the relationship
between compressive strength and elastic modulus provided in the ACI code. For some
special shear walls in Taipei 101 a concrete mixture with design strength of 83 MPa (at 56
days) and a modulus of 48 GPa were used

Modified cements and supplementary materials

Although water, cement and aggregates can by themselves form concrete, other
ingredients are often also included in the mixture. These supplementary additives or
admixtures are used to control and enhance the properties of concrete. By substituting
part of the cement with other materials such as bi-products or waste material from
factories it is also possible to attain a more environmental friendly concrete with a
smaller carbon footprint.

Additives can be separated into two major groups, mineral admixtures and chemical
admixtures. The first group consists of filler materials and puzzolanic materials where
fillers are non-hydraulic materials with small grain sizes. Fillers fill the small spaces in
the cement mixture creating a denser and more homogenous mixture. Fillers can also
contribute to the stability of the cement paste and also improve properties such as the
floatability; bleeding and they may also reduce the risk of having cracks. Common types
of fillers are made out of limestone or quartz.
Fly ash
Fly ash, or fuel ash, is a by-product of coal power plants and can replace up to 35% of the
cement in a concrete mixture. Using fly ash reduces the heat of the hydration which
slows down the strength growth and gives longer setting times. Lower heat generation is
good for large pours since it reduces the risk of getting large temperature differences,
and thereby the risk of getting temperature cracks. When a large portion of cement is
replaced by fly ash, studies have shown that a somewhat lower elastic modulus could be
obtained for self-compacting concrete compared to regular concrete. The mentioned
studies were performed on concrete with compressive strength lower than 60 MPa. If
the compressive strength increases, the differences seem to decrease. In many countries
fly ash are today available in abundant amounts from coal-fired power plants.

There are admixtures in a wide range of chemical compositions and their effects on the
concrete vary. Usually these admixtures are added to the concrete mixture at the time of
batching. The amounts used are usually small, but deviation from the recommended
amounts can lead to many undesired consequences on the concrete properties. The
admixtures are sorted into classes depending on their function and effect on the
concrete. The admixtures can have an effect either on the fresh concrete, the hardening
concrete or the hardened concrete; alternatively they affect the concrete through several
of its stages. Common types of admixtures are:

 Set accelerators
 Set retarders
 Strength growth accelerators
 Water reducers
 Separation inhibitors
 Super plasticizers

Table 3.7 - Matrix showing how different additives influence different properties

Additives Typical Consistency Water- Working Strength growth Compressive Elastic modulus
materials cement ratio time strength
Water reducing Lignossulfonates Improved Reduction of No effect No effect Improved due Improved due to
additives Carbohydrates flowability water content to lower lower water-
by 5% to 30% water-cement cement ratio
Superplasticizers Polycarboxylates Improved Reduction of No effect No effect Improved due Improved due to
Lignossulfonates flowability water content to lower lower water-
Sulfonated water-cement cement ratio
formaldehyde ratio
Retarders Lignin No effect No effect Gives more Some types of No effect No effect
Sugars time before retarders may
Tartaric acids the concrete reduce initial
and salts sets strength growth
Pumping aids Polymers Improvement Some May retard No direct effect Some No direct effect
Hydrated lime of pumping aids the setting pumping aids
pumpability may require a time may reduce
higher water- the strength
cement ratio
Puzzolanic Silica Fume Improved Allows for No effect Faster strength Improvement Improvement
materials flowability lower water- growth
with cement ratios
stability of
Fillers Quartz Improved Allows for No effect Generally no Allows for Allows for
Limestone floatability lower water- direct effect higher improved
and stability cement ratios strength modulus
3.2 Construction Equipment
Historically builders have had very little equipment aiding construction. For very long
time heavy work and lifting has relied of pure muscle power of humans and animals or
sometimes water power. When pulleys were introduced more than 2000 years ago
activities such as lifting were greatly aided. During the 19th century the invention of the
steam engine provided for motorized construction machinery, which further
revolutionized the construction industry. Nowadays most machinery on the
construction site is driven by fuel engines, electrical engines and pneumatic systems.
Today machinery is more or less indispensable and every construction project uses
some kind of machinery aiding the construction. Using the right machinery and
equipment are today key elements to having a fast, successful and cost competitive

Formwork and scaffolding systems

Formworks and false works used during constructions plays an important role in all
types of construction projects both in regard of achieving a good final quality of the
concrete and having a smooth and effective construction.

Advanced formwork systems

Modern formwork systems in high rise-construction are highly sophisticated structures.
These systems do not only functions as formwork but offers total solutions for the
structural construction of high-risers. They often include functions such as scaffolding,
working platforms, weather protection etc. Formwork systems of this type can be made
to continuously or stepwise climb upwards as the construction progresses, either by
having a crane lifting the formwork or by self-climbing. For structures that have the
same or similar layouts over the full height, like bridge pylons and cores of high-rise
buildings, these types of formworks are particularly suitable. These systems are
however compared to normal formworks built in-situ more expensive. Though the
formwork itself may have an initial cost many times larger than traditional formwork,
savings made by being able to use the same formwork for a series of floor can make up
for the initial expense.

Crane-operated climbing formwork

Jump-forms have been used for a long time and prove practical in the way that the
formworks can be used for consecutive concreting casts similar to each other. Once the
formwork has been stripped it can be lifted with the help of a crane and then hooked and
secured at the next level. This saves time, by not needing to completely dismantle and
mantle the formwork at each floor. The formwork is secured to the structure by anchors
casted in the concrete or by a rail that is connected to the structure on which the
formwork can securely be lifted to a consecutive floor.

These systems are relatively cheap since they do not require any built-in climbing
machinery but because of they are lifted by cranes other crane-dependent work may be
interrupted and suspended. This slows down the project progress and may also increase
expenses by having idle workers. The sizes of the formwork modules are limited by the
lifting capacity of available cranes at site. The geometry may also require that many
modules are used for larger structures. Since the modules only can be lifted one at a
time, advancing one level may take some time.
Automatic climbing formwork
In order to unburden the cranes and thereby allowing them to perform other tasks self-
climbing formworks, or automatic climbing systems (ACS), were developed. These
formwork systems have much in common with crane-operated formworks, but hydraulic
systems with powerful jacks are used to push the formwork upwards as the work
progresses. This makes ACS-systems completely independent from cranes. As with crane-
operated formworks, ACS does not only provide the forms for the concrete but also
platforms for efficient and secure work. Usually the forms have several levels of platforms.
Figure 3.6 shows a schematic figure of one manufacturer’s automatic climbing formwork.
At the top there are platforms for work associated with preparing for the next casting
sequence. These provide easy fitting of the reinforcement bars and concreting. The
formwork surface itself stands on, or are hanging in, rails on which the forms can be
retracted back and forth. This enables fast and simple stripping. When the forms are
retracted there is also room for cleaning the surfaces and treatment with anti- adhesive
agents. Below additional platforms can be mounted or suspended which are for post-
treatment of the concrete of previous pours.

Figure 3.6 – Automatic climbing system from Figure 3.7 - Example of high-rise
Peri (Peri, 2014) construction which utilized self-
climbing for erection of the main
structural system (Doka, 2014)
Sliding formworks
Instead of having the formwork climbing one floor at a time, sliding formworks could be
used. Sliding formworks continuously slowly climbs so that the concrete are poured at
the top of the form, meanwhile at the bottom of the form the concrete has achieved such
strength that it can be self-supporting. As an alternative to climbing onto rails and
anchors, the formwork is pulled up by a hydraulic system that climbs on steel rods or
pipes that are casted inside the concrete. Sliding formworks have advantages such that
casting joints are avoided due to the continuous pour. This formwork system also makes
it possible to achieve a fast progress of the erection of the concrete structure. A pour can
last for days and weeks and a steady supply of concrete must assured. As the form
moves continuously, the reinforcement needs to be placed during the same time, as well
as every unique detail, opening or adjustment of the form. This makes sliding formworks
unsuitable for complicated structures and is mostly used for simpler structures, such as
elevator shafts, silos and bridge pylons.

Floor plate formwork

Although modern formwork systems are highly sophisticated there is yet no system that
provides automatic climbing of the floor plate formwork. Due to the obvious fact that the
casted plate prevents the used formwork to climb upwards the plate formwork must in
some way be dismantled and lifted around the casted plate to the next level. There are
numerous manufacturers providing a large amount of different types of floor slab forms.
The concepts of all systems are mainly the same and constitutes of three to four parts.
On top there is the plate, usually made of some plastic sheeted or treated plywood, on
which the reinforcement are placed and the concrete poured. These plates are resting on
some type of temporary joists, usually made out of timber, steel or aluminum. These
beams transfer the loads down into props standing on the previously casted floor plate
below. The system can also constitute of so called drop-heads, which provides for easy
adjustment of heights and fast stripping of the form plates.

Figure 3.9 - Peri’s skytable solution operated by Figure 3.10 – RCS Climbing
crane hoist
Pumping system
The world record in vertical concrete pumping is 606 meter, and was set at the Burj
Khalifa project in Dubai. An issue when constructing a high-rise building is to get
concrete to the highest levels during the construction of such buildings. One way to solve
this is not to use concrete as the supporting structure in the top of the building, and in
these parts use steel instead. Pumping concrete to these heights is a major challenge
since there are many obstacles to overcome. The distance and height give rise to several
issues, the pumping pressure needs to be high, the flowing time of concrete will be long
and also the concrete needs to be cooled during the flowing in the pipe. These issues set
high demands on the equipment that are used for casting, especially the concrete pump
and the pipes.

Required delivery pressure

Deciding which pump that should be used in a specific project will be affected on how
large the pressure has to be to reach the desired volume output pressure.

Concrete pumps
The standard option when pumping concrete is to have one or several pumps at ground
level at site. Large projects, as constructing a skyscraper, usually uses a stationary pump
that is connected to a stationary pipe which runs through one shaft of the building and is
connected to a concrete placing boom at the top. When constructing high-rise buildings,
the pumping height sets especially high demands on the concrete pump as it has to
overcome to perform a reasonable output flow despite the great heights.

Available concrete pumps

There are only a few pumps available on the market today that has the capacity to pump
with the required pressure needed in high-rise construction. Common for all concrete.
At times when there is no need for a very high pressure, e.g. in the beginning of the
construction phase of a skyscraper, the low delivery pressure can be used which makes
it possible to have a higher output flow.

Staged pumps
If pumping has to be done for long distances or to high levels, it is possible to use staged
pumps. This means that several pumps are used to pump the distance i.e. the first pump
is pumping concrete to a second pump, which thereafter could pump the concrete to
next pump or pump it into the formwork for casting. By using this method the obstacle
of pumping pressure could be reduced since the required pumping pressure is divided
into smaller parts.
4 Implementation to the Tubed Mega
Description of case study model
The case study model used in this is based on a prototype model provided by Tyréns.
The prototype building is 800 meter high and has 160 floors, where each story is 4,5
meter high. The floor area varies along the height of the building, where the base plate is
60 m times 60 m, i.e. 3600 m2. From the base up to story 40 the building is tapering. In
between story 40 and 140 the building dimensions are 42 m times 42 m, i.e. 1800 m2.
Above story 140 the building is tapering up to a height of 720 meters, where the
buildings highest usable floor plan is..

The tapering of the building is done in several dimensions. The tubes are tapering both
in thickness and in dimensions up to the height of 180 meter and at the height above
630 meter. In between these stories, the thicknesses of the tubes are stepwise
decreased. The wall thicknesses of the tubes vary from 1750 mm in the bottom to 200
mm in the top of the building.

At certain stories there are perimeter walls that are connecting the tubes with each
other. These perimeter walls make the building much stiffer since they connect the
tubes well with each other. The dimensions of the perimeter walls vary depending on
where in the building they are. There are around 8 stories between the perimeter walls,
which can be seen in Figure 4.1a). Every second perimeter wall is a large one, varying
between 3 and 5 stories in height, and every second perimeter wall is a small one, one
story high. The thicknesses of the perimeter walls are the same as the thicknesses of the
tube walls at the corresponding story. Floor plans which are occupied by perimeter
walls will be used to set up installations and machinery for elevators etc.

The main elevator shafts and stairs are supposed to be put in the vertical tubes, which
will therefore not occupy the usable floor space. Secondary elevators and staircases will
also be necessary and these will be placed outside the tubes but in the scope of this
thesis they have been omitted. The façade will be made out of prefabricated aluminum
glass panels.

Internal columns will be used to support the floor plates and will be made out of steel.
These steel columns will be shaped as a cylinder and approximately be 300 mm in
diameter. The loads from these columns will be transferred to the tubes at outrigger
floors, why the internal columns only will carry load from at most around 20 floors.
Figure 4.1b) – Drawing of floor 40
with the internal steel columns

Figure 4.1a) – Elevation drawing of the Figure 4.1c) – Drawing of floor 49 with
prototype building perimeter walls connecting the tubes
4.1 Concrete
High performance concrete in high-rise structures
To develop the high performance concrete mix recipes required for tall
skyscrapers is difficult. There are many parameters governing the
performance of the concrete and it is hard to theoretically predict how the
parameters affect the properties of the concrete all together. Therefore,
developing new concrete recipes requires extensive laboratory testing. Since
site conditions, such as temperature and amount of moisture in the air vary, it
is important to perform field tests to really determine the concrete’s
performance at site. In the scope of this thesis no laboratory testing is
performed, why the concrete used for the prototype building is based on an
existing high performance self-compacting concrete recipe that has been used
and has known properties.

4.2 Construction equipment

Formwork evaluation
The formwork decisions play an important role for the construction and affect
the speed of progress. The choice of formwork is the single most important
decision determining the speed and duration of the construction for in-situ
cast concrete structures. In the case of high-rise construction the construction
sequence becomes highly repetitive with many similar floor plans. This makes
the total duration of the construction highly dependable on what time it takes
to construct one floor. For the construction of one floor the formwork for
vertical members, such as the tubes, and the floor plate is usually separated.

Formwork of the vertical tubes

Theoretically crane operated forms could be used, but an automatic climbing
systems becomes, even though its larger initial cost, the best alternative due
to the time and cost savings achieved for each cycle. Slip forms are seldom
used for normal skyscrapers with cores due to complicated and varying
geometries. For the Tubed Mega Frame it would however be possible to use
slip forms. The tubes have a fairly simple geometry with basically one
opening each floor for elevator doors, though not represented in model. This
makes the tubes resemble bridge pylons for which slip forms are more
frequently used. By using a slip form and having a more continuous pour, a
more homogenous concrete with less casting joints could be achieved. A
negative aspect of using sliding formwork is however the steady flow of large
concrete volumes that is required, especially if all tubes rise together. Having
a continuous pour would also mean casting the concrete both night and day.
This may be problematic in regions with large temperature variances, and
could result in troubles with varying setting and hardening times. The tubes
could theoretically be erected faster than using a climbing formwork, but
there is no need to erect the tubes faster than the floor plates. The connection
with the floor plates at each floor would also be more challenging to construct
when the form constantly rises.

The 800 meter prototype building bares a lot of resemblance to traditional

skyscrapers in the sense of the very repetitive floor cycles. However, the large
concrete tubes at the perimeter of the building results in another
configuration of the vertical formwork system compared to a traditional core.
Whereas for a central core the vertical formwork are located altogether and
the formwork consist of one unit, so that one floor cycle could consist of only
one lift. In the case of the Tubed Mega Frame, each vertical tube will require
one separate form which adds up to eight climbing forms in total. These could
be joined in pairs or be completely independent, allowing them to rise
individually and not be restrained by delays in other tubes. Figure 4.5 shows
the proposed configuration of the automatic climbing formwork where
completely individual forms are used for the tubes. This is also the
configuration that is used for the floor cycle scheduling for the prototype
building. Although the forms of the tubes could be maneuvered individually,
every pair of tubes at each side of the building shares the same resources.
This means that a certain number of crews may first work and cast one tube
and thereafter move over to do the second one. This reduces the number of
workers required yet keeping the floor cycles short. At every change in
geometry, both in the change in thickness of the vertical tubes as well as
changes in the overall geometry of the building, there will be extra work
reconstructing the formwork.

Figure 4.5 - Proposed formwork configuration for prototype building

Formwork of the floor plate

For the floor plate there is mainly two formwork systems that can fulfill the
desire for fast erection and early stripping; large table forms, or smaller
decks. The table forms are many times attractive, and preferable, since they
each cover a large area and can, if configured well, give a very fast placing and
moving of the forms. For the prototype building several issues with these
types of large table forms arise. As are described in the literature review in
section these forms are handled with cranes and are rolled out and
lifted through the façade. Normally this works well, but with the Tubed Mega
Frame system a large part of the perimeter of the floor plate is blocked by the
tubes, it becomes complicated to get the forms out when stripped. All the
secondary steel columns supporting the floor plates would also be
problematic and prevent the movement of large forms. As the prototype
building is very tall, large table forms are also unsuitable due to high wind

The most appropriate formwork to use for the floor plate would be smaller
decks that are more adoptable to the surrounding structure. These deck
plates should preferably use a pre-shoring technology, and one example of a
suitable formwork system is Peri’s skydeck. When the form plates are
stripped, the props are left to still support the slab above until it’s fully self-
supporting. What numbers of shoring levels to use should be calculated with
regard to the strength growth of the concrete in the plates. Three to four
levels will be used in this project, to be able to support the floor plate for a
longer time. One set of deck plates may suffice for the prototype building but
to speed up the construction two sets of levels are used. This would mean a
larger investment or renting cost for the plate formwork but allows for earlier
erection of the floor plate for the next level. Two levels of deck plates prevent
the curing time to be a critical activity in the project scheduling. The
movement of the decks and props between the floors will be done with an
externally climbing hoist. The hoist, as can be seen in Figure 4.6, will climb on
the façade, following the progress of the construction, providing lifting
between the top most floors.

Figure 4.6 – Climbing hoist for prototype building

In addition to all the concrete formwork another climbing system of

protective panels will follow the construction. The protection panel will not
be attached on the tubes, but instead connected to the edges of the floor
plates around the whole building. This panel will protect the top floors from
wind and provide a safe working environment, as it is preventing workers
and material from falling. Secure working environment benefits productivity,
since workers tends to be more careful when they feel insecure which then
slows down work.
Connections between vertical tubes and floor plates
One issue with the construction is how to make the connections between the
tubes and the floor plates. To receive a stiff joint the floor plates must be fixed
with the tubes. How to construct the connection must be carefully studied.
One problem is how to have reinforcement through-going the formwork
when the floor plate and the tubes are casted separately. Possible solutions
could be to cast brackets on the tubes where the floor plates can rest and be
fixed on. Alternatively so-called rebend connection boxes, such as CoMax-
boxes can be used. Rebend connection boxes have integrated re-bars where a
part of the reinforcement is casted into the concrete, and the other part is
protected in a box close to the formwork surface during the pour. After
stripping of the form the free part of the reinforcement that was protected is
easily bent to position and could be casted into the attaching concrete
structure, in this case the floor plate. Figure
4.7 shows an example of a rebend connection box, both when the re-bars are
protected in the box and when they are bent into position. Since the concrete
of the tubes and the floor plates are of different concrete strengths
differential shrinkage etc. may create undesired stresses, which is important
to consider.

Figure 4.7 – Rebend connection

box, The back part is casted
into the concrete and the right
part resides protected in the
box. Once the form is stripped
the box can be opened and the
re-bars bend into position
(Ancon, 2014) Configuration of pumping equipment

To have an effective concrete casting procedure, what kind of and what
number of pumping equipment that should be used have to be detailed
investigated and determined. This is made by studying similar projects that
already have been performed, and also by controlling some key factors.

One pumping system consists of a concrete pump, a pipe line and a concrete
placer. How many of these pumping systems that will be used will be
determined by the concrete volumes, pumping capacity and the working
range of concrete placers. As a safety measure, an additional pumping system
should be available, at least one extra pipe line to prevent having
interruptions during casting if there is any failure of a pump line. The
magnitude of the concrete volumes will probably not be the parameter that
affects the number of pumps required the most. Most likely it will be the
concrete placers that affect the number of equipment, since their working
range will have to cover the whole construction area.

The concrete placers are located at the top of the building and have a limited
working range. One of the largest concrete placers that Putzmeister has
available is the MX43/47Z (Putzmeister, 2014). The MX43/47Z has a
maximum working range of a radius of 42 meters. To make sure that the
mega tubes will be able to be constructed some floors above the floor plate,
the actual working range is accounted to be 20 meters below the concrete
placer. Shown in the diagram, at this level the working range is reduced to 30
meters. As shown in Figure 4.9a), there will be a need for having three
concrete placers at the bottom floors in the prototype building, to reach over
the whole floor plate. As the building is rising upwards, the tapering will
eventually result in that fewer concrete placers are needed. At the straight
part of the building, from level 40 and upwards, it will only be a need of two
concrete placers, as shown in Figure 4.9b). The small parts of the floor plate in
the figures that are not covered by the working range circles will be covered
thanks to the self-compacting concrete, which has the ability to spread out up
to 10 meters horizontally by its own self-weight.

Figure 4.9a) - Concrete placer range, illustrated by the three circles, at story 0
Figure 4.9b) - Concrete placer range, illustrated by the two circles, at story 40
The overall configuration will consist of three concrete pumps, three pipe
lines and three concrete placers for the lowest 40 stories. Since there only is
need of two concrete placers from story 41 and above, the third concrete
placer can be dismantled once the 40th story is reached and the other two
remain in use. The third pump and pipe line can however still be left at the
construction site to be used as a back-up pumping system, if some issues will
arise of the standard ones.

The pipes used in this project could vary, but it is important to choose
pipelines that can handle the high pressure that will arise in the pipes with
regard to the high heights. Since the concrete placers will be placed in the
hollow tubes and then climb upwards in a similar manner as the climbing
formwork, it will be suitable to place the pipelines in the same tubes. Then the
pipeline may follow straight after the concrete placer. Having the pipelines in
the tubes will also prevent the sunlight from heating the pipeline and thereby
the pouring concrete. This will reduce the risk of hardening of the concrete
during casting. The concrete placer may not need to climb upwards for every
floor, instead with two or three floors per interval. When the concrete placer
is climbing upwards, the pipes will have to be extended with the same length
as the concrete placer has been climbed.
Figure 4.16 – Construction of vertical tubes viewed from a newly casted floor plate

Figure 4.17 – Overview of the protection panel, the ACS-formwork for each
tube and the RCS climbing hoist

Figure 4.18 – Formworks have started to climb to the next level. Ongoing reinforcement
installation in the tubes (marked green), and reinforcement installed in one tube. Three
tubes casted, installation of reinforcement under progress. Casting of tubes on hold while the
floor plate is cast. Tubes and floor plate finished, steel columns are placed

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