Storm Calculation

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The document provides information on Manning's equation and roughness coefficients for different pipe and channel materials.

Manning's equation is used to determine the maximum flow capacity of pipes or open channels.

The type of material, size, surface condition, and other factors affect the roughness coefficient (n) value assigned to a pipe or channel surface.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
material Addnl.
Pipe Material roughness Diameter Area R2/3 AR2/3 Q Vel Qd
n 1.49 / n (inches) (sf) (ft) capacity (ft/s) (cfs)

Lucite 0.008 186.25 1 0.005 0.076 0.00041 -- 1.84 0.010

glass 0.009 165.56 2 0.022 0.120 0.00262 535% 2.92 0.064
pvc, asphalted cmp 0.010 149.00 4 0.087 0.191 0.01665 535% 4.64 0.405
concrete - trowel, smooth 0.012 124.17 6 0.196 0.250 0.04909 195% 6.08 1.194
Welded steel, smooth HDPE 0.012 124.17 8 0.349 0.303 0.106 115% 7.36 2.570
clay drainage tiles 0.012 124.17 10 0.545 0.351 0.192 81% 8.54 4.661
rcp,vcp,cmp-helical 0.013 114.62 12 0.785 0.397 0.312 63% 9.65 7.58
clean uncoated cast iron 0.014 106.43 15 1.227 0.461 0.565 81% 11.20 13.74
brick lined w/mortar, Corrugated
HDPE with smooth liner 0.015 99.33 18 1.767 0.520 0.919 63% 12.64 22.34
riveted steel, rough asphalt 0.016 93.13 21 2.405 0.576 1.386 51% 14.01 33.70
unfinished concrete, poor joints 0.017 87.65 24 3.142 0.630 1.979 43% 15.32 48.12
0.018 82.78 27 3.976 0.681 2.709 37% 16.57 65.88
0.019 78.42 30 4.909 0.731 3.588 32% 17.77 87.25
dirty tuberculated c.i. 0.020 74.50 36 7.069 0.825 5.835 63% 20.07 141.88
0.023 64.78 42 9.621 0.915 8.802 51% 22.24 214.01
cmp -2 2/3 by 1/2" annular correg. 0.024 62.08 48 12.566 1.000 12.566 43% 24.31 305.55
6 by 1" corregations 0.025 59.60 54 15.904 1.082 17.204 37% 26.30 418.30
0.027 55.19 60 19.635 1.160 22.784 32% 28.21 553.99
cmp - 3" by 1" in correg. 0.028 53.21 66 23.758 1.237 29.378 29% 30.07 714.31
0.030 49.67 72 28.274 1.310 37.050 26% 31.86 900.85
9 by 2 1/2 inch structural plate 0.035 42.57 84 38.485 1.452 55.887 51% 35.31 1358.87
0.060 24.83

The Manning's equation determines the maximum gravity flow capacity of a pipe or conveyance. Maximum capacity is a function of a pipe's roughness
(n), size (diameter or surface area), hydraulic radius (area/wetted perimeter) and slope. To use this calculator, enter the constant multiplier from the
list above and choose the pipe's slope. The calculator will perform the remaining calculations.
1.49 / n Slope
114.62 0.045 Vel = col 2 x col 5 x S^.5 = fps Q = col 2 x col 6 x S^.5 = cfs
Vel = Pipe Velocity, Q = Max Pipe Discharge D theor = 16{Qn/S^.5} ^.375 D (inches), Q(cfs), S(ft/ft)
Vel = 1.49/nR2/3 S0.5 ; Q = VA, A = (Pi/4)D2 Hydraulic radius: R = A / wetted perimeter (pi x D) which reduces to D/4 for circular pipe

Applicability - Although the Manning's equation is only applicable where flow is steady and uniform, (and discharge does vary during the
passage of a flood wave), during the specific time around the peak, the flow is essentially steady.

Hint: When comparing pipes of similar material installed at the same slope, it is only necessary to compare the product of each pipe's (Area x Hydraulic
Radius) to compare capacities. Columns 6 and 7 gives the "carrying capacity" when comparing pipes that differ only by size. Cxample #1: A two-inch
pipe can carry 535% more flow than a one-inch pipe (of the same material, installed at same slope) Example #2: If a 15 inch pipe is installed in a
basin that requires an 18 inch pipe, as much as 37% (1-63%) of the drainage basin's flows won't be conveyed by the underdesigned 15" system.
material material
FLOW TYPE roughness FLOW TYPE roughness
n n
PIPE & CHANNEL FLOW - concentrated Channels, Swales…
cmp - completely asphalted 0.010 4" stone lined channel 0.028
pvc, abs plastic 0.010 grass, sod, grouted rip-rap 0.030
smooth concrete 0.011 9" stone lined channel 0.032
hdpe, welded steel 0.012 ungrouted rip-rap 0.035
rcp,vcp,cmp-helical 0.013 channels w/stones & weeds 0.035
concrete - avg. value 0.013 18" stone lined channel 0.036
curb 0.014 very poor natural channel 0.060
concrete - float finish 0.015 Unmaintained brushy channel 0.080
street gutter or paved channel 0.015
brick, riveted steel 0.016 OVERLAND FLOW - thin sheet flow
Smooth surfaces (concrete, asphalt,
unfinished conc. 0.017 bare soil, gravel) 0.011
concrete - poor joints, rough walls 0.017 Fallow 0.05
smooth earth 0.018 Smooth surfaces - very shallow .10 - .15
dirty tuberculated cast iron 0.020 Prairie grass - short .10 - .20
firm gravel 0.023 Lawns .20 - .30
cmp - 2 2/3 by 1/2 in annular correg. 0.024 Pasture .30 - .40
cmp - 6 by 1 in correg. 0.025 Dense Growth/Light underbrush .40 - .50
earth- straight & uniform 0.027 Dense Underbrush 0.8
cmp - 3 by 1 in correg. 0.028

Underdrain pipes for bioretention etc.

4 and 6" single-wall corrugarted plastic .014 - .015
4 and 6" smooth-wall plastic .01 - .011
8" single-wall corrugated plastic .015 - .016 has larger corrugations thus rougher
Drainage Area #1 Contrib. Drainage Area #2 Contrib. Drainage Area #3 Contrib.
Discharge Discharge Discharge
C I A Qi C I A Qi C I A Qi
runoff coeff (in/hr) (acres) (cfs) runoff coeff (in/hr) (acres) (cfs) runoff coeff (in/hr) (acres) (cfs)
0.98 8.5 4 33.32 0.55 6 4.5 14.85 0.55 6 4.5 14.85

Drainage Area #4 Contrib. Drainage Area #5 Contrib. Drainage Area #6 Contrib.

Discharge Discharge Discharge
C I A Qi C I A Qi C I A Qi
runoff coeff (in/hr) (acres) (cfs) runoff coeff (in/hr) (acres) (cfs) runoff coeff (in/hr) (acres) (cfs)
0.55 6 4.5 14.85 0.55 6 4.5 14.85 0.55 6 4.5 14.85

ft2 acres % total C Cw

roofs/drive/patio 3500 0.08 1 0.98 0.98
lawn 0.98 0
trees 0.22 0
businesses 0.7 0
streets 0.98 0
0.08 1.00

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