Emtp PDF
Emtp PDF
Emtp PDF
EMTP: Modeling and
Simulation Capabilities
We begin this chapter with a list of various digital computer programs currently in use for
computation of electromagnetic transients in power systems [1, 2]. We will then give a brief
history of EMTP and the versions of it currently existing. This is followed by the power system
component-modeling capabilities that are provided by a popular version of EMTP, Microtran.
The chapter concludes with the studies that can be carried out using EMTP and certain useful
special capabilities.
The term EMTP is used in this book for various versions of EMTP including Microtran.
Where it specifically refers to Microtran should be clear from the context. Also, at some places,
the words Microtran and mt are used interchangeably. mt refers to the transients simulation
module of the whole Microtran package.
about the contributions from the UBC Research Group, most of which found their way into
other versions such as BPA EMTP, DCG/EPRI EMTP (and later EMTP-RV) and ATP. Following
are the partial list of contributions:
• TACS of Laurent Dube, Transient Analysis of Control Systems [5]
• Multiphase untransposed transmission line with constant parameters of K. C. Lee [6]
• Frequency-dependent transmission line of J. R. Marti [7]
• Three-phase transformer models of H. W. Dommel and I. I. Dommel [8]
• Synchronous machine model of V. Brandwajn, Type 59 [9]
• Synchronous machine data conversion of H. W. Dommel [10]
• Underground cable models of L. Marti [11]
• New line constants program and improved frequency-dependent line model of J. R. Marti
EMTP with extensions to detailed HVDC controls was developed by Manitoba HVDC
Research Centre, Canada. It is a commercial version and is called EMTDC. TACS model is
not currently available in Microtran version of EMTP.
Caution: Some of the power system software vendors in India also supply their own version
of digital computer program for transients and call it as EMTP. It must be mentioned
here that these programs suffer from unacceptable limitations and the validation methods
used for the results they produce may be questionable.
A note on terminology
Traditionally, the digital computer program for computation of electrical parameters of a
transmission line is called Line Constants Program. With the implementation of frequency
dependence of parameters it is more appropriate to call the program as Line Parameter Evaluation
Program. However, the usage of the name Line Constants Program still continues. In this book we
will use both the terminologies with the realization that they refer to one and the same program.
In this section we provide basic explanation of models provided by Microtran. For specific details
such as input data requirement, etc., the reader should consult Reference 12. The readers who
are not familiar with line modeling, wave propagation and related topics should first go over
the theory behind line modeling presented in Chapter 3.
v = R · i (2.1)
where v and i are the current voltage across and current through the resistance and R is
the value of the resistance.
• Lumped inductance is described by the equation
v = L di/dt (2.2)
where v and i are the current voltage across and current through the inductance and L
is the value of the inductance.
• Lumped capacitance is described by the equation
i = C dv/dt (2.3)
where v and i are the current voltage across and current through the capacitance and C
is the value of the capacitance.
The energy storage elements which are described by differential equations are actually
represented by their “discretized equivalents.” The discretization is done by application of the
trapezoidal rule of numerical integration and is explained in Chapter 10. The R-L combination
can be used to represent a short transmission line (<80 km). Circuits
Single- and multiphase p circuit models are provided in EMTP to allow representation of
transmission lines and transformers when represented as mutually coupled circuits.
The single-phase p model can be used to represent a balanced (transposed) transmission
line, in which case the required data will be the positive sequence parameters, Rpos, Lpos and
Cpos. See Fig. 2.1.
The positive sequence parameters can be computed for a practical tower configuration using a
Line Parameter Evaluation Program (LPEP) or formulas suitable for hand computations. Theory
behind LPEP is covered in Chapter 3 and the detailed explanation in Chapter 5.
The multiphase p enables the user to represent the coupling between branches, for
example, interphase coupling of a three-phase transmission line or two three-phase circuits on
the same tower or two lines in the same right-of-way. The multiphase p model assumes that
the transmission line by design is constructed symmetrically. In this scalars Rpos, Lpos and Cpos
become coupled symmetric matrices [R], [L] and [C] in the phase domain, i.e., in abc coordinates.
Figure 2.2 shows the three-phase p model connected between two three-phase nodes k (k1, k2, k3)
and m (m1, m2, m3).
10 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
We can visualize the above three-phase multi-p as a “matrix connection” diagram shown
in Fig. 2.3.
Each of the matrices is symmetrical and has the form as shown below for [R]
æR11 symmetric
[R] = R21 R22 ÷ (2.4)
R31 R32 R33 ø
The differential equations describing the p section are given by
[vk] – [vm] = [R] [ikm] + [L]
1 dvk
[ik] = [ikm] + [C ]
2 dt
1 dvk
[im] = [C ] – [ikm]
2 dt
The interpretations of the elements are as follows:
Rii + j w Lii = self impedance of branch i (impedance of loop formed by branch i and ground
EMTP: Modeling and Simulation Capabilities 11
Rik + j w Lik = mutual impedance between branches i and k; Rik mutual resistance introduced
by the presence of ground and it expresses a phase shift between induced voltage
and inducing current. Rik π 0 with nonzero earth resistivity. [See Section 3.5. for
mutual impedance in the presence of ground.]
Cii = sum of all capacitances connected to the nodes at both ends of branch i;
Cik = negative value of capacitance from branch i to branch k
[vk] = [vk1 vk2 º]; [ik] = [ik1 ik2 º]; [ikm] = [ik1, m1 ik2, m2 º], [imk] is similar to [ikm]
Note that for a three-phase line the suffixes 1, 2 and 3 correspond to phases-a, b and c.
The impedance ([R] + jw [L]) and capacitance matrix elements for a three-phase line model
can be obtained from the corresponding sequence quantities from the following relationships:
Z11 = Z22 = Z33 = (Zzero + 2 Zpos )
Z12 = Z13 = Z23 = (Zzero + Zpos )
C11 = C22 = C33 = (Czero + 2 Cpos )
C12 = C13 = C23 = (Czero + Cpos )
where Zzero is the zero sequence impedance and Zpos is the positive sequence impedance which
is equal to negative sequence impedance for a static element. The derivation of the relationships
given in Eq. (2.6) is given in Chapter 3.
For computation of parameters of multiphase transmission lines or two lines in the same
right-of-way we resort to Line Constants Program, mtLine which is included in the Microtran
For steady-state computations such as power flow or for EMTP steady-state solution, the
nominal p representation can be used. The validity of the nominal p model depends on the type
of branch element, overhead line or underground cable, and length. The guidelines are given
below [13]:
• For overhead lines, the length up to which nominal p representation is valid is given by
ℓ < 10000/f where f is the frequency, which works out to 200 km for 50 Hz and 170
km for 60 Hz.
• For underground cables, the length up to which nominal π representation is valid is given
by ℓ < 3000/f which works out to 60 km for 50 Hz and 50 km for 60 Hz.
Hence, lines with medium length (80 km to 200 km) can be represented by nominal p. For
longer lines, we should go in for equivalent p model or cascaded nominal p models.
For time-domain (transient) solution, a number of p sections have to be cascaded and the
number depends on the length of the line and maximum frequency that has to be “captured”
in the simulation [14]. The number of p sections n, can be estimated as follows:
n = (2.7)
4.44 f max
12 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
For example, if the lowest mode (ground mode or zero sequence mode) velocity is 2,59,000
km/second and if we are interested in capturing phenomena up to 3000 Hz, then the length
of the p section cannot exceed 19 km (approximately). Hence, to represent a 300 km line, we
require about 16 nominal p sections of 19 km each.
The p model can be used for steady state or frequency scan solutions and is not accurate
for time-domain (transient) solutions. The p model can give rise to spurious oscillations. For
transient solution, frequency-dependent distributed-parameter transmission line models should be
used. The following results from EMTP simulation [14], (Fig. 2.4) give an idea of inaccuracies
incurred by representing transmission lines in terms of p sections:
Fig. 2.4 Comparative response of a transmission line with p sections (8 and 32) and a model
with a constant parameter distributed parameter line.
4. You cannot model three ideal transformers in delta/delta connection because two of them
are sufficient to define all three line-to-line voltage transformations between phases A to
B, B to C, and C to A.
Fig. 2.7 Common tower configurations: (a) “flat” configuration and (b) triangular configuration.
[Reproduced (Fig. 2.7 (a)) from Reference 16 with permission.]
Fig. 2.8 Variation of zero sequence parameters with frequency from Reference 17.
[Redrawn from Reference 17 with permission.]
Fig. 2.9 Variation of positive sequence parameters with frequency from Reference 17.
[Redrawn from Reference 17 with permission.]
In Fig. 2.10, Rtotal = R¢ x length of the line. The lumped resistance model is accurate as long
as Rtotal is small compared to the surge impedance √(L¢/C ¢ ). This is generally true for the line
18 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
mode. For the ground return mode, even with frequency dependence of line parameters taken
into account, lumped resistance model is normally used [12].
Distortionless Line Model
A distortionless line preserves the wave shape of voltage and current from the point of origin
of the wave (sending end) to the destination (receiving end).
Distortionless line models are seldom used in EMTP simulations because wave propagation
in power transmission lines is not distortionless. It can be shown that if the line is distortionless,
the following condition is satisfied:
R¢ G¢
= (2.11)
L¢ C¢
For overhead power lines G ¢ is very small and its value for distortionless line model is
artificially increased to make the line distortionless. This naturally increases the shunt loss. To
make the total line loss constant, the series resistance is correspondingly reduced. This then
implies that
R¢ G ¢ 1 R input
= = (2.12)
L¢ C ¢ 2 L¢
where R input is the input value of line series resistance per unit length. The input value of the line
series resistance per unit length is automatically halved by EMTP and the halved value is taken
as the series resistance. The reciprocal of the remaining half is taken as the shunt conductance.
It can be easily seen that the attenuation constant a for the distortionless is given by
¢ C¢
a = (2.13)
2 L¢
The corresponding decrement factor is e– al with l = length of line. The proof of Eq. (2.13)
is given in the Appendix to this chapter.
Lumped resistance or distortionless?
Following points will serve as guidelines for the user:
1. The lumped-resistance model (at three points) is accurate as long as the line total resistance
is small compared to the surge impedance.
2. The lumped-resistance model is the preferred model for constant-parameter line
3. Distortionless line models are seldom used, except for positive and negative sequence
line modes, but even there the lumped resistance line model is normally more accurate.
Note: ac steady-state solutions at one or more frequencies can be performed by EMTP. These
are mainly done for the following purposes:
1. To provide initial values for subsequent transient solutions, tmax > 0, where tmax is the
maximum time for transient solution.
20 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
1 æVm
Ikm = Vk – + I mk ÷ A(w) (2.19)
In the time domain, Eq. (2.19) corresponds to the following expression in
1 t max
ikm (t) = vk (t) – [vm (t – u) + ZC imk (t – u)] a(u) du (2.20)
ZC t min
Note that we now have two travel times, tmin and tmax, in the case of frequency-dependent
parameter line.
The essence of the J. Marti’s method is as follows:
1. Approximate A(w) and ZC (w) by rational functions in the frequency domain. The function
A(w) is of the form
( s + z1 ) ( s + z2 ) ( s + zn )
Aapprox (s) = e– stmin k (2.21)
( s + p1 ) ( s + p2 ) ( s + pm )
2. Expand that portion A(w) that does not include the exponential term as partial fractions.
3. The inverse Fourier transform after step 2 yields
aapprox (t) = k1 e – p1 ( t – tmin ) + k2 e – p2 ( t – tmin ) + km e – pm ( t – tmin ) for t ≥ tmin
= 0 otherwise
4. Use the expression given in step 3 in place of a (u) in Eq. (2.20) and evaluate the integral.
This step gives the past history term for propagation.
5. The partial fraction expansion of ZC is interpreted as a set of series connected R-C networks
and a resistance between node k and ground. Integrate the capacitance equations using
trapezoidal rule to yield an equivalent resistance and a past history term one step behind.
6. Combine the past history terms from steps 4 and 5 and place it on the right-hand side [i]
and include equivalent conductance (reciprocal of equivalent resistance) in the conductance
matrix [G] to solve the set of equations
[G] [v] = [i] (2.22)
Refer to Chapter 8 for more details on the formation and solution of Eq. (2.22).
For modeling frequency dependence, the data for coefficients of partial fraction expansion
of the characteristic admittance and propagation function for each line mode, and the current
modal transformation matrix should be supplied by the user. This can be obtained from the
module fdData which produces this data in the form of a file that can be directly read by the
transients simulation module, mt. The modal transformation matrix will be computed at optional
user-specified frequency (or a default frequency) by fdData and it will be real and constant.
EMTP: Modeling and Simulation Capabilities 21
In the frequency-dependent line model the line losses are continuously distributed. However,
in the case of overhead transmission lines in power systems, lumped versus distributed modeling
of the line losses is not normally a major factor determining the accuracy of the simulation
results. Summary of data requirements for line modeling
The basic data requirements for the various models are given below. For exact format of the
input and other details the reader should consult Reference 12 which gives many illustrative
examples for various line models.
1. Balanced constant parameter lumped resistance or distortionless line model:
• Number of phases of the transmission line (maximum = 50).
• For a double-circuit three-phase line, this number would be 6.
• Resistance in ohms per unit length (R ¢) whose value can be zero plus
• One of the following data options (a), (b) or (c) for distributed-parameter lines
Option (a): nonzero values of:
• Inductance in millihenries per unit length (L¢ ) or inductive reactance in ohms/
unit length (wL¢)
• Capacitance in microfarads per unit length (C ¢ ) or susceptance in microsiemens/
unit length (wC ¢ )
• Surge impedance (ZC) in ohms
Option (b): surge impedance and wave speed
Option (c): surge impedance and travel time (t) which must be larger than the step
width used for numerical integration (trapezoidal rule)
• Line length
(a) The per unit length resistance and data given as options must be specified for ground
and line modes (zero and positive sequence parameters for a three-phase line).
(b) Mixing of loss-handling methods (lumped resistance or distortionless) among different
modes is allowed for a multiphase line.
(c) Constant parameter does not imply that the parameters are at power frequency. In
fact the parameters, especially zero sequence, are to be specified at a much higher
frequency for more accurate simulation. The frequency to be specified depends on the
user judgment. A typical value would be around 1.2 kHz. The program mtLine/fdData
can be used to produce these values. In fact fdData produces a file that can be
directly read by the transients module mt. In this case, mt uses 0αβ transformation to
diagonalize the impedance matrix. The reader should refer to the reference manuals
for mtLine and fdData, Reference 15 for more details.
2. Unbalanced constant parameter lumped resistance or distortionless line model:
Data for case 1 plus
• Number of phases plus
22 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
2.4.2 Switches
Any switch operation in a power system initiates transients between pre- and post-operation
steady states. The Microtran provides models for
• time-controlled and
• voltage-dependent switches.
• The switch closes after the time step closest to closing time, Tclose as soon as the absolute
value of the voltage across the switch becomes greater than the breakdown voltage.
• There is another parameter to be specified by the user, Tdelay, delay time which determines
how long the switch remains closed (to simulate persistence of the arc). The switch will
open thereafter depending on conditions on current margin explained for time-controlled
• The sequence “closing, time-delay, opening” repeats itself after the first and subsequent
openings, as indicated in the sketch below (Fig. 2.11).
Fig. 2.11 The repeating sequence “closing, time-delay, opening”, points A, B and C correspond
to zero switch currents with current margin = 0.
[Redrawn from Reference 12 with permission.]
• The data requirements for the voltage-dependent switch are: closing time, breakdown
voltage, time-delay, the node from which time-dependent breakdown voltage has to be
picked up and current margin.
The readers are urged to go through many illustrative examples in Reference 12 which give
the input data for switches in the format required by Microtran.
2.4.3 Nonlinear Elements
By nonlinear elements we mean resistive and inductive elements that do not have a linear
voltage-current relationship. For example, if an input to a circuit element is a sinusoidal and
the output is also a sinusoidal wave of same frequency then the element is linear. It is nonlinear
otherwise. Microtran provides two methods of handling nonlinear elements:
• Piecewise linear approximation method
• Compensation method Piecewise linear method (piecewise linear models) Piecewise linear resistance
Surge arresters are also included in this category provided the characteristics of arrester disks
(silicon carbide or metal oxide) can be represented as a piecewise linear slope. The piecewise
linear characteristic to idealize a given voltage-current characteristic can exhibit two or more
than two slopes.
EMTP: Modeling and Simulation Capabilities 25
Fig. 2.12 (a) v–i characteristic, (b): element representation; k and m are the nodes between which
the element is connected and m is the internal node created by Microtran.
[Redrawn from Reference 12 with permission.]
As we can see that we have to specify two resistance values and two saturation voltages.
The first resistance value (60 W) and saturation voltage (150 volts) is input similar to the
two-slope case. The second of resistance (Rx) is computed as follows:
1 1 1
+ =
60 Rx 10
which gives Rx = 12 W. The saturation voltage (vSATURATION2) is read off from the graph.
The corresponding EMTP representation is shown in Fig. 2.15.
Fig. 2.15 EMTP representation of piecewise linear resistance characteristic shown in Fig. 2.14.
The piecewise linear resistance is connected between nodes 1 and 2.
[Redrawn from Reference 12 with permission.]
Similar representation can be obtained for piecewise linear resistance for more number of
slopes. In general, the parallel resistance (Rx – i) that will give the correct i th slope (Rslope - i ) is
given by
1 1 1
+ = (2.23)
Rslope – (i – 1) Rx – i Rslope – i
It is obvious that if there are n slopes in the piecewise linear characteristic then the total
number of resistors in the EMTP representation would be n and the number of parallel resistors
and corresponding saturation voltages will be n – 1.
Surge Arrester with Characteristic that has More than Two Slopes
The parallel resistance connection method can also be used to realize the surge arrester v – i
characteristic but the following restrictions apply:
1. The characteristic cannot contain a linear slope through the origin. This implies that the
characteristic shown in Fig. 2.14 is allowed and that shown in Fig. 2.16 is not allowed.
28 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
Fig. 2.18 Simulation of two-slope of characteristic shown in Fig. 2.17 within EMTP.
[Redrawn from Reference 12 with permission.]
The parallel connection of inductances shown in Fig. 2.18 is special in the sense that the
flux in Lp is always calculated by integrating vk – vm (rather than vk – vm). The flux yp = y1
always, independent of the switch position [17]. This is because the parallel connection is just
to realize the slope L2 and in reality there is only one element.
How faithfully the simulation “tracks” the two-slope characteristic depends on the value
of step size of numerical integration, Dt. In some situations, there can be fictitious overshoots
when the slope changes from L1 to L2 and undershoots when slope changes from L2 to L1. This
is illustrated in Fig. 2.19.
y(0) is computed using this inductance. EMTP considers only fundamental frequency
sources in the network while performing the steady-state solution for initialization purposes.
If the initial flux |y(0)| ≥ ysaturation, then a warning message given below is issued:
2. The two-slope characteristic does not exhibit any hysteresis. Approximate simulation of
hysteresis in EMTP is possible. Consult Chapter 6 of Reference 17 for more details.
Data requirements
The initial flux yresidual, L1, L2, switch resistance Rswitch and ysaturation.
For piecewise linear inductance with more than two slopes, more parallel inductances are
switched in and out and their values have to be computed and given as input. Refer [12] for
more details and illustrative examples. Power electronic devices
Microtran version of EMTP provides models for diodes, thyristors, triacs (anti-parallel thyristors)
and gate turn off devices. Functionally, these are voltage-controlled switches, turning ON when
the anode to cathode voltage is positive and OFF as soon as the current through the device
crosses zero from a positive to a negative value with possible additional delay and current
margin. Refer [12] for more details.
Network is first solved without the nonlinear element to obtain the Thevenin equivalent at
node k. Then,
• As shown graphically in Fig. 2.22, the solution for the current through the nonlinear
element is obtained.
• The complete solution for the linear part including the “loading” effect of the nonlinear
element is found by superimposing the linear part solution with effect of the nonlinear
element as a current source i.
There are some important points to be noted regarding
• Number and location of the nonlinear elements
• Artificial disconnection of nonlinearities using “stub lines”
• Singularity check in case nonlinear element is the only branch element in the network
• Treatment of nonlinearities in the ac steady-state solution
These will be addressed in Chapter 8.
Following branch elements can be solved the using compensation method. The element
characteristic is specified point-by-point. If an analytical expression is available for the
characteristic, compute the dependent variable values at sufficiently closely-spaced independent
variable values and give that as the input to EMTP. Nonlinear resistance and simple surge arrester
Figure 2.23 shows a typical discretized characteristic of a nonlinear resistor.
34 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
of the voltage across the time-varying resistance becomes greater than or equal to vSTART as
illustrated in Fig. 2.24. Before the characteristic becomes effective, the time-varying resistance
R(t) is taken to be infinite.
Fig. 2.24 Typical point-by-point characteristic, R(t) and illustration of when the R(t)
characteristic becomes effective.
[Redrawn from Reference 12 with permission.]
Data requirements
Time-varying resistance R(t) point-by-point as a piecewise linear characteristic (linear
interpolation will be used between points), magnitude of vSTART. Note that if vSTART is specified
as zero, the time-varying characteristic becomes effective at the beginning of transient study.
[See Reference 12 for more details.] Nonlinear inductance
Here, the inductance depends on the current through it. This implies that the flux linkage (y)-
current (i) characteristic is not linear. Microtran requires y – i characteristic to be specified
point-by-point. Normally, the data is not readily available. For example, if we want to model
transformer core nonlinearity, the characteristic available will be a point-by-point description
of RMS voltage (VRMS) as a function of RMS current (IRMS). The Microtran package contains
a utility that converts VRMS – IRMS characteristic to y – i characteristic.
[See Reference 12 and related documents for more details.]
Data requirements
Steady-state values of current (iSTEADY) through and flux linkage (ySTEADY) of the nonlinear
inductance and point-by-point values of current (i) and flux linkage (y).
The values specified for iSTEADY and ySTEADY decide how the nonlinear inductance is to be
treated in ac steady-state solution if the transient study is to start from an internally computed ac
steady state. The automatic steady-state solution is indicated to EMTP by specifying a negative
starting value (TSTART) for the source data. The source description is given later in this chapter.
Following are the interpretations of the values of iSTEADY and ySTEADY within EMTP.
• iSTEADY > 0 and ySTEADY > 0: The nonlinear inductance will be represented in the steady-
state solution by the inductance of the linear region computed from iSTEADY and ySTEADY.
This is the normal case.
EMTP: Modeling and Simulation Capabilities 35
iSTEADY = 0 and ySTEADY = 0: These values indicate that the user is not interested in ac
steady-state solution (TSTART ≥ 0) or the nonlinear inductance is to be ignored in the
steady-state solution.
iSTEADY = 0 and ySTEADY > 0: This implies that the nonlinear inductance is not conducting
during steady-state solution but it has a nonzero initial flux linkage. The nonzero initial
flux linkage will be automatically computed by the program from the voltage across the
nonlinear inductance.
iSTEADY > 0 and ySTEADY = 0: This case implies that there is a short circuit in steady state
and is not permitted. EMTP will terminate execution with error message. Groups of metal-oxide surge arresters and other nonlinear elements
This branch type was in the earlier versions (for example, Reference 16) used for gapless metal-
oxide surge arresters with nonlinear characteristics i(v) of the form
i = sign v (2.25)
Currently, Microtran offers this branch type along with the group that includes time-varying
resistances, as well as nonlinear resistances and nonlinear inductances. The nonlinear resistance
and inductance element characteristics are required in the piecewise linear form. The subroutine
CONNEC, in which each group of nonlinear elements is solved, can also be modified by the
user for user-developed models which require multiphase network connections.
In contrast to the nonlinear elements of Sections to, the nonlinear
elements of this type can be connected to the network without requiring separation by travel
time. [See Reference 12 for more details.]
Fig. 2.27 (b) Representation of voltage source with zero internal resistance between two nodes.
[Redrawn from Reference 12 with permission.]
which gives
i(t) = [sin(wt + j) – sin j] (2.27)
(ii) If the case starts from linear ac steady state then,
i(t) = [cos(wt + j) – 90° (2.28)
38 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
The current source i(t) between nodes k and m is then represented as explained next.
(d) Current source between two nodes
The current source between two nodes is represented as two current sources one at
each node as shown in Fig. 2.28.
Here, the current source between nodes A and B is represented as two current sources
one out of node A and the other into node B.
(e) Voltage and current source at the same node
If voltage and current sources are specified at the same node, the voltage sources
override, and the current sources are ignored. Current sources do not influence the
network in this case because they are directly short-circuited through the voltage
2. The source functions specified by the user must observe consistency in units, for example,
if the voltage sources are specified as volts V (or kilovolts) then current sources should
be amperes (or kiloamperes).
3. All built-in source functions have “start” and “stop” time parameters. Depending on the
source type, these parameters have certain restrictions and default values. These built-in
source functions are zero between 0 ≤ t ≤ TSTART and for t ≥ TSTOP. These two parameters
enable the user to specify a composite source function synthesized from the recipe of
built-in functions as illustrated in Fig. 2.29.
Fig. 2.29 A composite source function synthesized from two built-in source functions.
[Redrawn from Reference 12 with permission.]
40 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
Fig. 2.30 Step function implementation in Microtran (a) zero initial conditions;
(b) nonzero initial conditions.
[Redrawn from Reference 12 with permission.]
Fig. 2.32 Triangular ramp function implementation in Microtran: (a) general case;
(b) special case.
[Redrawn from Reference 12 with permission.]
Function description for the general case:
a (t) = 0 for 0 ≤ t ≤ TSTART
= (t – TSTART) for TSTART < t ≤ TSTART + T0
T0 ÷ø
æAMAX – A1
= – (t – TSTART + T0 ) + AMAX for t > TSTART + T0
T1 – T0 ÷ø
In this case also TSTART < 0 has no meaning and is set to zero by the program.
4. Sinusoidal Function
See Fig. 2.33 for illustration.
Function description: A general sinusoidal function should include a initial phase angle
with respect to a chosen reference. In Microtran, the initial phase angle can be provided
in terms of degrees or seconds. The latter case would imply that the initial phase angle is
w × initial phase angle in seconds. Here, w = 2pf where f = frequency of the sinusoidal
EMTP: Modeling and Simulation Capabilities 43
It was later realized that the double-exponential surge function of Eq. (2.33) is not adequate
to represent short surges such as 8/20 ms. Also the maximum slope da/dt occurs as per the
measurements close to the peak value whereas, for the double-exponential it occurs at t = 0.
In order to accommodate the above and other requirements, Microtran provides a variety
of surge functions which can be categorized as follows:
Single- and Double-exponential Surge Function: The double-exponential surge function is
defined by Eq. (2.33) and restricted to be nonzero between TSTART and TSTOP as shown below:
a (t) = AMAX (e–at – e–bt) TSTART ≤ T ≤ TSTOP (2.33)
Table 2.2
T1 / T2 (μs) 1/ (μs) 1/β (μs) AMAX to produce max {a(t)} = 1.0
(i) The first four entries correspond to lightning impulse and the last one to switching impulse.
The first column of the last entry is Tcr /T2.
(ii) For the first four entries, T1= virtual front time, typically 1.2 ms ± 30%, T2 = virtual time
to half, typically 50 ms ± 20%.
(iii) For the fifth entry, Tcr = time to crest, typically 250 ms ± 20%, T2 = virtual time to half,
typically 2500 ms ± 60%.
Fig. 2.35 Rectifier and inverter characteristics with voltage and current measured at the
rectifier end. Vdc ≈ VRECTIFIER = – VINVERTER.
• Rectifier characteristic can be moved horizontally by varying current order (IORDER) which
is the set point for link current. The measured link current is maintained at IORDER by
varying ignition angle (also known as firing angle) a. See Fig. 2.36 for illustration of
• Inverter characteristic can be raised or lowered by changing the transformer tap position
at the inverter end. A change in transformer tap causes a change in inverter extinction
angle g. The constant extinction angle regulator at the inverter brings back g to the original
• The direct current which changes due to voltage change (due to tap change) is quickly
restored by constant current regulator at the rectifier by adjusting a.
• The rectifier tap changer acts to bring a within the desired range (typically, amin= 10° to
amax= 20°).
46 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
From the current controller model of Fig. 2.37 and the transfer function given by Eq. (2.35)
we can derive the following differential equation for ea:
dea d ( I BIAS – i ) d 2 ea
(T1 + T3) = K ( I BIAS – i ) + KT2 – T1 T3 – ea (2.37)
dt dt dt 2
EMTP: Modeling and Simulation Capabilities 47
The limiter on the transfer function indicates that it is a limiter without windup. Hence,
if the converter operates at the maximum limit ea max (or at the minimum limit ea min), either in
initial steady state or later during the transient simulation, it will back off the limit as soon as
the derivative dea/dt becomes negative (or positive) in Eq. (2.37). The second derivative of ea
is zero at the limit.
Computation of steady-state dc initial conditions
To compute the initial steady-state conditions, the user should specify, among other things,
initial dc voltage measured at some point in the link (could be one end) and dc current. We
will explain why dc current is required to be specified later.
With the specified value of Vdc (0), actually a very low frequency ac solution is performed
with Vdc = Vdc (0) cos 2p flow t with flow= 0.001 Hz. This trick produces results sufficiently close
to actual dc solution. The ac steady-state solution is explained in Chapter 8.
Initial steady-state dc current, Idc(0), is required to compute the dc voltage source between
two nodes where, one node is not ground. Actually, the steady-state module calculates the initial
condition i(0) for the dc current from the specified dc voltages Vdc(0) but its value is not readily
available in the program where it is first needed for representation of dc voltage source between
two nodes.
With the specified Idc(0), for the representation of the converter station, the voltage source
is computed from
Vdc (0) = Vsource – Requiv Idc (0) (2.38)
and then converted to current source in parallel with Requiv as given below:
Isource = Vsource / Requiv (2.39)
Requiv is the resistance of the link from the converter station to the point where the initial
dc quantities specified are measured. See Fig. 2.39.
The set point IBIAS of the current controller is automatically computed within the program as
ea (0)
IBIAS = i (0) + (2.40)
which is obtained by setting the derivatives of ea to zero in Eq. (2.37).
EMTP: Modeling and Simulation Capabilities 49
• Special types of power flow problems that involve untransposed lines single-circuit,
double-circuit, single-phase distribution lines connected to three-phase substations, etc.
[1]. Such cases cannot be solved with classical power flow programs, which assume that
the power system is completely “balanced” all voltages and currents symmetrical, and
represented by the single-phase positive sequence network only.
• Special types of short-circuit problems that require the phase shift delta-wye transformers
to be taken into account, simulation of simultaneous faults.
This chapter begins with a list of computer programs available for simulation of electrical
transients in power systems and traces the history of EMTP development for approximately
past fifty years. It also provides the modeling capabilities of various EMTP versions in general
and Microtran in particular. The simulation capabilities and power system studies that can be
carried out using EMTP form the concluding part of this chapter.
1. Hermann W. Dommel, Introduction to the Use of MicroTran and other EMTP Versions,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, B. C., Canada, (WWW: http://www.ece.ubc.ca), 1988. Microtran is a registered
trademark of Microtran Power System Analysis Corporation, Canada.
2. Hermann W. Dommel, “Past, Present and the Future of Electric Power Systems from
my Perspective,” Zagreb, April 20, 2007.
3. D.J. Mader, “History of the Development Coordination Group,” EMTP REVIEW, Vol. 1,
No.1, University of Wisconsin, Madison, July 1987.
4. Can/Am EMTP News, Vol. 88-1, Editor: Thomas Grebe, USA.
5. L. Dubé and H.W. Dommel, “Simulation of control systems in an electromagnetic transients
program with TACS,” Proc. IEEE PICA Conf., pp. 266–271, May 1977.
6. K.C. Lee, Lightning Surge Propagation in Overhead Lines and Bus-Ducts and Cables,
Ph.D. Thesis, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, July 1980.
7. J.R. Marti, “Accurate modelling of frequency-dependent transmission lines in
electromagnetic transients simulations,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., Vol. PAS-101,
pp. 147-157, Jan. 1982.
8. V. Brandwajn, H.W. Dommel, and 1.1. Dommel, “Matrix representation of three-phase
N-winding transformers for steady state and transient studies,” IEEE Trans.,Vol. PAS-101,
pp. 1369-1378, June 1982.
9. V. Brandwajn, Synchronous Generator Models for Simulation of Electromagnetic Transients,
Ph.D. Thesis, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, July 1977.
10. H.W. Dommel, “Data conversion of synchronous machine parameters,” EMTP
NEWSLETTER, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1980.
11. L. Marti, “Simulation of transients in underground cables with frequency-dependent modal
transformation matrices,” IEEE Trans. Vol. 3, pp. 1039-1110, July 1988.
12. Microtran Power System Analysis Corporation, MicroTran Reference Manual, Transients
Analysis Program for Power and Power Electronic Circuits, Last revision January 2002,
13. P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw-Hill, 1994, USA.
52 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
14. J.C. Das, Transients in Electrical Systems Analysis, Recognition, and Mitigation, McGraw-
Hill Companies, New York 2010, p. 81.
15. Microtran Power System Analysis Corporation, MtLine & fdData Reference Manual;
Overhead line parameter and model generation support programs for Microtran
simulations, Published September 1992 Last revision, February 2005, Canada.
16. H.W. Dommel and I.I. Dommel, Transients Program User’s Manual, Copyright 1976,
Latest revision Aug. 1, 1978, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
V6T 1W5. Last revision January 2002, Canada.
17. Hermann W. Dommel, EMTP THEORY BOOK, Second Edition, Microtran Power System
Analysis Corporation, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 1992 Last update:
April 1996.
18. J.R. Marti and J. Lin, “Suppression of numerical oscillations in the EMTP,” IEEE Trans.
Power Systems, Vol. 4, pp. 739–747, May 1989.
19. J. Lin and J. R. Marti, “Implementation of the CDA procedure in the EMTP,” IEEE Trans.
Power Systems, Vol. 5, pp. 394–402, May 1990.
20. Allan Greenwood, Electrical Transients in Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
21. J.W. Ballance and S. Goldberg, “Subsynchronous Resonance in Series Compensated
Transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Power App. and Syst., Vol. PAS-92, pp.1649–1658,
Sep./Oct. 1973.
22. EMTP DCG/EPRI, EMTP REVIEW, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 1990, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, USA.
23. J.M. Prousalidis et al., On Studying Ship Electric Propulsion Motor Driving Schemes,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., National Technical University of Athens,
Iroon Politechniou 9, 15780, Zografou, Greece.
24. E.W. Kimbark, Electrical Transmission of Power and Signals, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, USA, 1949.
A.1 Line of Low Attenuation and Low Distortion-Proof of Eq. (2.13) [24]
If the line is distortionless, the following condition is satisfied:
R¢ G¢
= (2.11)
L¢ C¢
For a low distortion and low attenuation,
R ¢ << wL ¢ and G ¢ << wC ¢ (A.1.1)
The series impedance per unit length is given by (see Fig. A.1.1)
Z ¢ = (A.1.2)
R ¢ 2 + w 2 L¢ 2 e j cot
wL ¢
54 Computational Electromagnetic Transients
p 1 æG ¢ R¢
– + ÷
j 2 2 wC ¢ wL ¢ ø
= w L¢C ¢ e
1 æG ¢ R¢
j = + ÷
2 wC ¢ wL ¢ ø
The attenuation constant is given by
a = Re {g } = w L¢C ¢ cos – j÷
2 ø
Expanding the cosine in the above equation and using approximations for line of low
attenuation and distortion we get
1 æG ¢ R¢
a = w L¢C ¢ + ÷
2 wC ¢ wL ¢ ø
G¢ L¢ R¢ C¢
a = + (A.1.8)
2 C¢ 2 L¢
Dropping the first term in comparison with the second and setting R ¢ = R input /2 we get
Eq. (2.13).