Towards Outcomes-Based Education of Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering
Towards Outcomes-Based Education of Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering
Towards Outcomes-Based Education of Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering
economic evaluation, parametric optimization etc. They need to apply their knowledge
and understanding for selecting an appropriate thermodynamic model, selecting and
defining the models for reaction and separation, placing the recycle and purge streams
appropriately, and writing their own routines if required.
Mathematical programming. At this level, the knowledge of LP and NLP from the first
cycle is upgraded by mixed integer linear and nonlinear programming (MILP and
MINLP), and used for specific applications in chemical process engineering, like the
superstructural approach to process synthesis and design, heat integration and HEN
synthesis, computer-aided molecular design, capital budgeting etc. It is important to
stimulate the students to independent modeling in order to acquire the abilities for
generating their own mathematical optimization models.
Spreadsheets’ specifics. At this stage, the students are well skilled in using spreadsheets,
and it is easy to familiarize them with the specific functions and applications, for
example statistical functions for hypothesis testing, economic functions for detailed
economic evaluations, sensitivity analyses etc.
Specific software. Students need the knowledge and skills to install and run various
software packages for specific applications. They should be able to apply the software
to their own problems arising either from the laboratory experiments, engineering
feasibility studies or industrial problems. The use of free and academic licensed
software is encouraged, for example, statistical programs (SPSS, Teach/Me Data
Analysis), hazards and accident modeling programs (ALOHA), life cycle assessment
programs (SimaPRO, openLCA), software for creative problem solving (TriSolver),
heat integration (SuperTarget) etc. In addition, several computer codes have been
developed at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Maribor for waste
management, water networks, piping systems design etc., that are used for education.
2.3. Third cycle
The third cycle is specific for each student, and is completely research-oriented. PSE-
oriented students, in particular, combine all computer-aided knowledge and skills
acquired during the preceding cycles in order to develop their own program codes and
models for generating the solutions of specific problems. They also develop the
methods and algorithms for solving the models. Highly advanced software is often used
as well as multi-core architectures that require highly qualified students. The third cycle
represents a leap towards creating new knowledge, and using it for advanced
applications within the chemical engineering area.
3. Learning outcomes for Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering
When summarizing those specific computer-based activities identified in the previous
section, the students’ outcomes can be defined, which at the first cycle are concentrated
on knowledge, application, and analysis (Table 1), at the second cycle the focus is on
the synthesis (Table 2), while at the third cycle creation and evaluation should be the
main activities (Table 3).
Through the three Bologna cycles, the types and structures of the computing models
vary from well-defined models, usually with zero degrees of freedom, to more and more
abstract and sophisticated models with many degrees of freedom. The type of modeling
changes from a sequential-modular approach where each unit is calculated in a
sequence, to the equation-oriented approach where all equations are solved
simultaneously. The applied computational methods and algorithms become more and
more demanding. This process requires shifts in students’ thinking from the analytical
Towards Outcomes-Based Education of Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 2371
approach for solving limited isolated problems to the synthesis approach where process
units are combined into flow-sheets and optimized subject to the overall process
performances. This systems approach is characterized by multi-scale modeling
including various time and spatial dimensions of the chemical supply-chains,
simultaneous continuous and discrete decisions, handling uncertain parameters for
generating flexible processes etc.
Table 1: First cycle learning outcomes for computer-aided chemical engineering education
First cycle Students would be able to:
Knowledge Recall major arithmetic operators and operands, precedence of
operators, as well as the relational and logical operators.
Comprehension Recognize major structures in the computer programs: loops, if
statements, sets etc., and predict the output.
Application Sketch a flow chart for designing a program, and develop a source
Use spreadsheets for data storage, manipulation, sorting, filtering,
Compute minimums and maximums of functions, zeros of
polynoms, zeros of nonlinear equations, system of linear
equations, system of nonlinear equations, in order to solve the
problems within unit operations and chemical engineering
Develop computer programs for specific applications: numerical
integration and differentiation, ordinary differential equations.
Analysis Develop linear and nonlinear mathematical optimization process
models. Identify degrees of freedom and optimal values of
variables. Compare various solutions obtained.
Table 2: Second cycle learning outcomes for computer-aided chemical engineering education
Second cycle Students would be able to:
Application Apply simulation software for stationary and dynamic simulations.
Analysis Analyze data and test hypotheses by using spreadsheets or other
programs for statistics, economic analyses, LCA.
Distinguish between sequential-modular and equation-oriented
approaches to process flow sheeting.
Distinguish between hierarchical and superstructural approaches
to process design and synthesis.
Test various programs, compare their characteristics, evaluate
Synthesis their performances, propose the more appropriate ones for
problem solving. Prepare the guidelines for using software.
Generate algorithms for solving problems by combining various
software for achieving specific goals.
Create mixed integer linear and nonlinear programming models
for discrete-continuous decision making during process design and
Compare the solutions obtained by evaluating their efficiencies
Evaluation and sustainability by using software.
Recommend optimal solutions under specific circumstances.
2372 Z.N. Pintarič and Z. Kravanja
Table 3: Third cycle learning outcomes for computer-aided chemical engineering education
Third cycle Students would be able to:
Synthesis/ Develop specific types of optimization problems, e.g. multi-
Creating criteria, multi-period, multi-scale models, including risk and
Develop innovative computing solution methods, algorithms and
Perform global optimizations.
Evaluation Evaluate developed programs, models and algorithms, and
compare the results with other approaches.
Verify and validate computer programs and optimization models.
4. Conclusions
This contribution defined the major learning outcomes relating to the use of computers
during chemical engineering education in a Bologna three cycle degree system. The
outcomes develop gradually from the capabilities for solving individual zero-degrees-
of-freedom numerical problems, through positive-degrees-of-freedom optimization
problems including discrete-continuous decisions, and to creating the advanced models
with specific characteristics, e.g. multi-period, multi-objective and multi-scale
optimization models. Computer-based learning outcomes at the first cycle are mainly
focused on knowledge of programing and the applications of various software for
problem analyses. The second cycle focuses on modeling for process design, analysis
and synthesis, while the third cycle is oriented towards syntheses of process systems,
supply chains and networks, models and programs’ creation and evaluation. In this way,
graduates would be qualified to confidently apply those computational methods and
computer tools appropriate to their degree-level for supporting their work during the
professional career, or even develop their own computer tools for specific applications.
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