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Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.

Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

MATLAB as a tool as Analysis and Problem Solving

Competency Development in Chemical Engineering
Degree using MATLAB

María-Fernanda López-Pérez, S.C. Cardona, J. Lora, A. Abad

Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Nuclear. Universitat Politècnica de València

(UPV). Plaça Ferràndiz i Carbonell, s/n 03801 Alcoy, Alicante (Spain).
* Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]; Phone: + 34 966528586

Received: 2016-05-06; Accepted: 2016-08-18

Analysis and solving problems is a Chemical Engineering student capability.
In order to develop this ability, activities that encompass problem-solving by
students may involve problems in real-world settings.
In Chemical Engineering degree, MATLAB is a numerical software package
that helps in the process of designing, evaluating and implementing a strategy
to answer an open-ended question or achieve a desired goal. In this context,
Matlab is software used in process simulation. Several lectures of Escuela
Politécnica Superior d’Alcoi presented an innovation and improvement
educational research project (PIME) in order to used MATLAB, like
coordination teaching tool between some subjects.
The principal purpose of this work is the students improvement using, as has
been mentioned previously, MATLAB in a problem-based learning
methodology. This methodology allows a more effective coordination in the
degree. The present paper presents a real- world problem and the common
elements of most problem-solving contexts and how is designed to function
across all disciplines.

Analysis and solving problems, problem-solving learning, MATLAB,

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 15
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

1. Introduction

Due to the profound change that must take place in learning in the university context, the
most important step is education-based training and evaluation for competencies. The UPV,
in line with the Bologna process has launched a number of strategies for evaluating them,
starting with generic competencies, linked to numerous subjects of university degrees (V.
Yepes, 2014).

The generic competencies that have defined the UPV are:

• Understanding and integration.

• Implementation and practical thinking.

• Analysis and problem solving.

• Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

• Design and project.

• Teamwork and leadership.

• Ethical, environmental and professional responsibility.

• Effective communication.

• Critical thinking.

In the present case, the generic competency to be treated in this work is the competence of
Analysis and Problem solving. According to the UPV, this competition can be defined as
"analyze and solve problems effectively, where significant elements are identified and de-
fined”. Three levels of complexity can be established: first demonstration proficiency,
problem solving using knowledge learned in the classroom or in books. A second level,
which is developing its own criteria in order to solve the problems, using reflection and
experience. And a third, more developed, when the student is able to develop and propose
solutions in unusual and unfamiliar topics (A Villa, 2007). In the Degrees, the required

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 16
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

levels would be the first two, the first level for years 1st and 2nd and the second level of
development would be taken into 3rd 4th. The next level would correspond to Master

The subjects need a coordination following EEES framework (C. Armengol, 2009). This
coordination must be addressed both horizontally and vertically level, focusing on
coordination of content and evaluation of specific and generic subject competencies of the
same course or specialty, and ensure the correct distribution of resources (D. Cazorla, 2010;
JF Morales, 2013). This requires a lot of dedication on the part of academic committees of
Degree and this complex work must be well planned, so that the creation of tools to
facilitate the coordination work will be needed (Y. Garcia, 2013).

In the case of Engineering, the use of mathematical models that describe the behavior of
processes is an important part of the basic knowledge that a student must possess (S.C.
Cardona, 2014). In engineering, the use of mathematical software for student training (J.M.
Gonzalvez, 2013) is necessary and essential. Because the market there are many software
for solving mathematical models, a wide dispersion of software for the same purpose
appears, a student manages different software for each subject to solve problems in various
areas, but actually use the same numerical method (e.g., solving ordinary differential
equations). One consequence of using two or more software for the same purpose during
the degree is that the student doesn’t dominate any of them, because the time is limited.

This lack of teacher coordination in the use of software could cause great uncertainty to
students about the purpose of the mathematical tools and that reduce time for learning the
contents of each subject.

Therefore, the use of the same general purpose mathematical software can be a tool of
coordination and integration of the contents of many of the degree subjects and this tool
could enhance a working method based on problem-examples (Maria-Fernanda Lopez-
Perez, 2012.2013), to strengthen the general competency develop.

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 17
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

A Project for Innovation and Educational Improvement of several teachers has been raised
for real coordination in the Degree of Chemical Engineering, and enhance analysis and
problem solving competency. The purpose of the project entitled "Using MATLAB as a
teaching strategy and horizontal and vertical coordination between subjects Chemical
Engineering Degree" is the use of this software as a teaching tool that serves as a link
between subjects. To improve coordination between the subjects and pose a teaching
methodology based on problem solving is the main objective.

2. Proposed methodology: integration of different teaching methods

In this Project, working method based on problem-examples that reinforce contents that
are important in the application of chemical engineering, using MATLAB as an integration
tool is the main objective.

For this, several tasks were developed:

1. Involve Chemical Engineering Degree lectures using single mathematical software in

their subjects in the complex mathematical calculations.

2. Convert the student in an advanced user in MATLAB.

3. Develop a learning methodology based on transversal problems that allows students to

achieve the analysis and problem solving competency.

4. Promote coordination of the contents of different subjects, both horizontally and

vertically in the different courses. The coordination provides greater cohesion to the degree.

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 18
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

3. Discussion of the proposal and results

3.1 Participation of interested lecturers

The next step was to involve different lectures who teach at the Chemical Engineering
Degree to participate in this coordination project using MATLAB. This mathematical soft-
ware would be used in problem solving and also should coordinate the subject contents by
solving a complex problem in order to the competency.

The subjects were a total of eight (Table 1), from the first year to fourth, where the required
level of knowledge and the mathematical complexity increased.

Table 1. Subjects into Coordination project using MATLAB.

Subject Character Year Semester

Maths II Basic formation 1 B

Calculation methods Obligatory 2 A

Chemical Kinetics Obligatory 2 B

Mass transfer Obligatory 2 B

Chemical reactors Obligatory 3 A

Experimental Chemical Engineering II Obligatory 3 A

Analysis and simulation of processes Obligatory 3 B

Biological wastewater treatment Elective 4 B

Therefore, all subjects were adapted for the teachers. The teacher used MATLAB to solve
problems. Because some teachers did not have the sufficient level mathematical software,
several workshops were conducted. Three workshops were supported by the Instituto en
Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) and were taught by a degree of Chemical Engineering,
teacher with high knowledge in MATLAB.

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 19
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

3.2 Students as advanced users in MATLAB.

In some subjects, during the degree, (Experimental Engineering I, II, and III) students have
planned MATLAB workshops. In these workshops, a manual are given to students, with
the most representative MATLAB functions in order to be used in solving the problems of
the course.

These workshops offer the possibility that students learn MATLAB along the degree, which
facilitates students reach educational competencies. Therefore, the basic contents
assimilation in the subjects of the degree is improved. Also, better cohesion in the
development of the title is achieved. Finally, students will learn, along the title, an advanced
level in numerical/symbolic software, which will provide added value the degree;
professional market appreciates this knowledge.

3.3 Analysis and problems solving competency development

All tasks that have been discussed above must be reflected in the contents of the degree
subjects. Chemical engineering examples or problems will increase difficulty while
students advance in their studies to achieve the competencies.

Therefore, for the development of Analysis and problems solving competency, problem-
based learning methodology were used. This type of learning has the highest "learn to solve
problems by solving problems". These problems must be appropriate to the level of the
course, and should career of management statements, should be motivating to the formation
and development of concepts is facilitated.

Students perceived cohesion of content and true coordination when the concepts are related
to real examples along the courses, students could also understand the concepts in a more
effective way, increasing their motivation to the subjects.

First, a complex problem that is resolved in semester B during 4th course was chosen. That
problem was the design of a Sequencing Batch Reactor SBR.

This problem is very complex, since the design of such reactors implies knowing:

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 20
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

 Bacteria that remove contaminants, respiration and kinetics of microorganism


 Kinetic of biodegradable organic matter.

 Oxygen transfer process from the gas phase to the liquid

Therefore, in reactor design the student must possess concepts studied in many of the above
subjects. This subjects and concepts coordination is very difficult.

The problem statement might be:

“In a milk company in ---town, SBR reactor is going to be installed for removing pollutants
that discharged into the wastewater sewer. The discharge flow is 200 L/d and the control
parameters discharge must be below discharge limits. Design the reactor (volume) and
operational parameters”.

As you can see the statement is completely open, so that each teacher can adapt it to your
needs and purposes.

To better understand how the problem arises, we will be developing subject by subject,
what are the problems associated with the design of the SBR and that can be resolved in
each of them, their complexity and how to relate with others.

Remember that for 1st and 2nd course, analysis and problem solving competency include
identify and analyze a problem to generate alternative solutions. For 3rd and 4th course the
level of results required increases, in which the student must use the experience and
judgment to analyze the causes of a problem and build a more efficient and effective

In the first course students will deal with concepts that should have to design the bioreactor.
The subject Math II; as is well known is a discipline that sometimes is a stumbling block
for students. Math is difficult, but also students do not see the useful in the real live. In the
present case, solving systems of differential equations are needed for the development of

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 21
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

SBR reactor design, because it is a batch process where the variables change over time.
One of the thematic units in Math II is ordinary differential equations and their analytically

When the math concepts have been explained, the problem can be presented to the student.
But, this problem should be presented as a real situation, the teacher explain the importance
of wastewater treatment and the used reactors for this purpose. The lectures teach
wastewater problem can be the math lecture or a person familiar with wastewater matter.
Some videos of biological reactor operation could be presented. The video length would
be a maximum of 15 minutes, because the subject can’t be invalidated.

At this point the teacher will give the bacteria growth differential equation, oxygen and
pollutant variation differential equations. Such processes can be modeled and are ordinary
differential equations which can be solved analytically (Laplace). At the first the teacher
uses only a variable, it can bacteria, for later, offers the students a more complex problem
, which varies not only bacteria variable, but also the substrate and oxygen, then the teacher
presents the complete system of ordinary differential equations (Eq. system 1).

dS1 1 S1
(t)    max 1 XH S1 (0)  S 01
dt Y1 K S1  S1

dX H
(t)   max 1
X H  rO 2 endoH X H (0)  X 0H (Sist. Eq. 1)
dt K S1  S 1
 2

 Kla· C *O  C 1 
1  Y1
 max 1
K S1  S 1
X H  rO 2 endoTOTAL C(0)  C 0

Where S1 is substrate, XH are heterotrophic bacteria and C is oxygen concentration.

All constants numeric value is provided, because the aim objective is the system resolution
and not the physical concepts.

When students solve the problem on the paper manually, the problem should be solved with
MATLAB, with the relevant functions, dsolve or ODE. The teacher has seen a very simple
resolution and a real application of the subject.

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 22
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

The next subject is Calculation Methods in Chemical Engineering (2nd year, semester A),
where equations and systems of ordinary differential equations are solved numerically by
the methods of Euler, Runge-Kutta and multistep. In this point, both subject, Math II and
Calculation Methods are related. The same problem can solve with MATLAB, now
numerically, once students have learned to solve systems manually. It is interesting that
students learn to do with MATLAB and can see the savings in time. In these two subjects
they have learned concepts and have got a way of solving systems with MATLAB. Students
have also seen the usefulness of the concepts learned.

In this moment, students have seen the mathematical part of the SBR reactor design, so that
engineering concepts can be introduced. In order to make a mathematical model, where
there are chemical reactions, the reaction rate has to be studied to obtain a kinetic equation
where relates the reaction rate with operational conditions and composition.

-rA=[K(T)][f(CA,CB,…) (eq. 2)

–rA is reaction rate (mol/l.·h), K is a constant (is Temperature function) and CA, CB, reactive

Calculation of the kinetic constant and the reaction order are described in this subject.
MATLAB is used in this subject to solve these problems, using interpolation as polyfit or
linearizing. Students have experimental data to kinetic equation resolve, e.g. Organic
matter reduction for bacteria action.

There are several models, such as: the first order model Monod. Specific rate constant
(usually expressed by k) is obtained in first order kinetics, while for the model Monod,
three constants have to be evaluated: the affinity constant (Ks), the specific rate (μmax/Y)
and finally, the maximum growth constant (μ). In this part, the teacher would give students
experimental data (substrate concentration versus time), and students could use the
equations presented above to obtained these constants using MATLAB.

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http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 23
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

Limiting SBR operational parameters is oxygen transfer because the most treatments are
aerobic. Therefore, students have to know the chemical reaction mass transfer concepts.
This knowledge is introduced in Mass Transfer subject (2nd year, semester B). Gas
diffusion into a liquid in irreversible reaction models are explained in this subject. The
model describes the diffusion through the film and can be obtained from oxygen matter
conservation equation. The resulting equation has more than one independent variable and
a differential equation in partial derivatives appears. In this part, this subject relates to the
kinetic subject. When teachers, responsible for the two subjects are coordinated, can relate
both subject, giving cohesion to the degree contents; thus students relates concepts that
otherwise notices as separate issues.

Now, this equation have to be solved by numerical method, based on finite differences,
therefore, this part of the problem is also related to Calculation Methods subject, so the
teacher must be coordinated and should teach similar examples. Naturally, the numerical
resolution method is not explained in the subject, but MATLAB is used to solve the
problem. When teacher coordination exists, students have worked with numerical methods
in order to solve similar problems and have the MATLAB codes (remember students have
a MATLAB manual that can be used along the degree). No time is lost mathematical
problem solving. When the coordination does not exist, Students does not relate both
subject, and most of times must remember the concepts again, and starts with a new
MATLAB program. In this step, much time is wasted in mathematical operative methods,
and the problem is not focused on the part of chemical engineering concepts and gas-liquid
diffusion. The student loses time and effort to solve the problem mathematically and
neglects the chemical issue.

In this subject, the teacher should transmit the importance of the oxygen diffusion processes
into a biological reactor, the oxygen concentration profiles in the liquid film for different
times to reach steady state and as the oxygen amount that is transferred per unit of time and
area. Thus, the student can understand the importance of the oxygen that microorganisms
need for their metabolism and catabolism.

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 24
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

In these two years (1st and 2nd year) basics concepts in the reactor design with chemical
reactor, kinetics and mass transfer have been taught, with mathematical resolution using
MATLAB. A basic MATLAB program is made as templates in order to students solve
similar problems.

In the third year, the problem is focused on SBR reactor design and simulation process.
The reactor design problem is continued in Chemical reactor subject (3rd year, semester
A). In this subject, the concept of reactor size calculation is introduced from a kinetic
equation. When the kinetic constants and reaction order is known, the reactor size can be
calculated. The teacher provides experimental data and students have to calculate the time
using interpolations and integers. These calculations are very simple with MATLAB, and
have seen in Math I. Students only focuses on reactor design concepts In the SBR example,
student calculates the decay time of the substrate and after SBR volume.

This subject is taught in the same time that Experimental Chemical Engineering II (3er
year, semester A), and the two first class sessions are dedicated to second MATLAB
workshop. Students learn new concepts, MATLAB functions, and new methods for using
in the subject problem solving. In this subject, the concepts studied in Chemical Reactors
subject is design a biological reactor with experimental data. Students make experiments
to determine COD variation (Chemical oxygen demand) in an aerobic reactor. In this way,
students become familiar with a real process in a laboratory scale reactor. But at this point,
two subjects are being offered at the same time (semester A) and the laboratory practice
may make before theoretical session. This is a problem that should be studied. In the
laboratory practice and Chemical Reactors subject, the same MATLAB tools and functions
are used.

Besides, transfer mass laboratory experimental are made in Experimental Engineering

laboratory practices, where oxygen transfer gas-liquid coefficients are calculated through
MATLAB parameter fit. It is very important that students see a connection between all
subjects and a relationship with their professional life in the future.

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 25
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

In 3th year, semester B, students are faced with the subject Analysis and Simulation Process
(3rd year, semester B). Bioprocess Technology also is offer in this semester, and student is
introduced in biochemistry process, microorganisms kinetic (Monod) that knows from
Chemical kinetic subject.

In Analysis and Simulation Process, students work with appropriate mathematical model
to a hybrid respirometer. Although this example is not a SBR reactor, the respirometer is a
biological reactor works in batch. Six nonlinear ordinary differential equations describe
this model, and are coupled together. Oxygen, biomass and substrate concentration are
model dependent variables and the time is the independent variable. An additional
difficulty in this mathematical model is how the substrate injection in the aerated reactor is
modeled. This injection is usually done in the pulse form, and can be repeated over time.

When the mathematical model is raised and the biokinetic parameters are known, the
biological system can be studied through variable data or operation conditions

 Change recirculation flow between tanks

 Change oxygen transfer rate

 Change substrate amount in the injection, time injection

The results of the simulation allow a success in experimental design, because this
experiments last long and a make a prediction of the system behavior is very interested.

MATLAB is naturally the software used to solve the problems but SIMULINK help
(MATLAB environment) in the simulation problems. In this semester, the mathematical
operations are more difficult than other years and thus students’ knowledge about the
MATLAB has been incorporating during all the previous years. Thereby, students only
spend time in problem solving. The teacher saves re-explain the mathematical calculations.

And finally, students arrives to Biological Treatments subject (4th year, semester B). In the
4th year, semester A, Chemical Engineering Degree has a problem, because there is not

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 26
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

any subject related with the SBR reactor. This weakness in the coordination should be
remedied because students quickly forget the mathematical functions, subjects…

In Biological Treatment subject, SBR concept and biological wastewater treatments are
learned. The mathematical models are more complete than previous (9 differential
equations). The model adds all previously knowledge acquired (kinetic constants, matter
transfer processes, simulation concepts…). The biological meaning is given in this subject.

Now, student is able to solve the SBR problem, is able to designs a SBR reactor and is able
to optimizes the operational parameters. Student is able to use company data provided, and
is able to look for the information he needs. The main aim, General competency, is reached:
Student uses the experience and criteria to analyze a problem causes and build an effective

4. Conclusions

In this paper we have presented a methodology of problem-based learning for the Chemical
Engineering degree to enhance General competency, “Analysis and Problem Solving”.
Several Subjects have been coordinate using MATLAB as a link. The first step is to start
with a problem that can be developed throughout the subjects of the degree. The main
objective is more and more subjects are incorporated and develop a common project all of

López-Pérez et al. (2016)

http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 27
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

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http://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/MUSE/ Mult. J. Edu. Soc & Tec. Sci. Vol. 3 Nº 2 (2016): 15-29 | 28
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2016.4623
Social and Technological Sciences EISSN: 2341-2593

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