Emanuele Galletto
This is a fanmade, non commercial work. It will always be available for free.
Think of it as an expression of my deep admiration for the Dark Souls series and the
many talented people who worked on it. It is a labor of love.
I have no ties whatsoever with Hidetaka Miyazaki, From Software or Bandai Namco.
Hi, and thank you for checking out my fan- So... what are you supposed to do with this? How
made Dark Souls Tabletop Role Playing does a Dark Souls-themed RPG work?
Game! Well, there are three core elements in every
Now, I know that seeing this book’s page count Dark Souls game:
may make it look a bit intimidating, but don’t
9 Exploration: We’re not just talking
worry - most of it is lists of items and magic
“geographical” exploration of each loca-
(you know, all those shields, weapons, armors,
tion, f inding shortcuts and precious bon-
spells and odd trinkets) from the videogame,
f ires. In Dark Souls, you explore the hidden
not to mention statistics for the most common
history, lore and (often unsettling) past of a
enemies you might encounter during the game.
land twisted by the will and actions of gods
So, don’t let that scare you: 90% of what you
and powerful entities.
need to know in order to play is written on the
You also end up discovering more about
various sheets that come with the game (you can
those few sane people you meet during your
find them in the same folder as this document).
journey, and witnessing the tragic epilogue
You’ll want to print those for your group.
to their stories.
My goal when designing this game was to re-
9 Combat: Most of the creatures you en-
duce bookkeeping whenever possible, and to
make the most out of those materials you will counter will try to hurt you, kill you, or at
have in front of you when playing at the table: least kick you down a hole to steal your stuff.
basically, the more information you can f ind In the end, a large majority of the Dark
by simply looking at those sheets, the less time Souls’ series mechanics revolve around mak-
you’ll have to spend f lipping through this book ing you better at killing things and/or avoid
to search for an answer. getting killed by those same things.
9 Loss of Humanity: As mentioned
above, many of the Non-Player Characters
we encounter in a Dark Souls game will
be driven by a certain duty, mission or de-
sire, but they’ll end up being consumed by
it. Not you, however - not the protagonist.
And this is mostly a gameplay choice: after
all, if you were actually able to go Hollow in
a Dark Souls videogame, that would mean
a permanent death for your character. All
progress lost, go back to the starting screen
and press “new game”.
Exploration and Combat
The whole Dark Souls RPG is built around The whole back-and-forth between exploration
these two concepts: in the game, each of them and combat is something you will get used to
has its own phase. pretty quickly: it resembles many classic JRPG
titles, where you move on a map and sometimes
9 Exploration Phase: When you travel
trigger combat encounters with creatures.
around the world map, go from one loca-
Exploration in the Dark Souls RPG is handled
tion to another, talk to NPCs and search for
through the World Sheet and Location Sheets:
shortcuts and secret passages, you’re in the
the Game Master will use these to design in-
exploration phase.
teresting areas and keep track of the ways they
The exploration phase is pretty freeform:
connect to each other. More information on
it’s basically a conversation between the
this can be found on page 30.
players and the Game Master (GM), with
Combat has its own sheets as well: the Combat
the game rules occasionally helping to solve
Sheet is used to abstractly represent the battle
uncertain situations.
area (you will need some tokens, miniatures or
The players will describe what their charac-
other small objects to indicate the position of
ters do, and the GM will tell them how the
characters and creatures during the conflict),
world, creatures and characters react to it;
while a useful reference sheet contains all the
there will be times in which the outcome
basic mechanics and rules you might need.
of an action will involve dice rolling, but
Combat is explained in greater detail starting
that should not be the default. In fact, it is
on page X.
assumed that the Player Characters are al-
most always going to succeed at what they
do, except when something or someone di-
rectly opposes their action or engages them
in combat.
9 Combat Phase: Whenever characters
or creatures come into conf lict with each
other, the exploration phase ends and a
combat phase begins.
Honestly, a vast majority of the rules in this
book are about combat. It plays a key role in
the videogame, and it is just as important in
this tabletop roleplaying game. On average,
a single session should include two to three
combats (but it’s still possible to have an ex-
ploration-only session, or to have a single
huge battle with a boss, for example).
When combat ends, you go back to a new
exploration phase, and so on.
Loss of Humanity
Like I said before, the Dark Souls videogames by a strong will but completely changed by the
do not allow the player’s character to go com- trauma of death and reshaped by your journey
pletely Hollow: while it is true that Dark Souls throughout this accursed land.
III has a Hollowing statistic and Dark Souls II Or, you might choose to spend your souls to
progressively punishes you by reducing your Hit become more powerful, gritting your teeth and
Points with each death, you’ll never lose your ignoring the growing holes in your memory.
character. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think If you are lucky, you will accomplish your duty
that’s entirely fair and understandable: the before it’s too late.
whole point of Dark Souls is that it can get away
with being so challenging precisely because you But don’t worry! Even if you permanently lose
can try everything an unlimited number of your character due to them going Hollow, you
times. can always make a new one. They will be weak
For this game, I went in a different direction. and overwhelmed at first, but as long as you can
I wanted each defeat to count, and I wanted f ind some strong allies, you will survive.
characters to be tragic f igures such as those we Hopefully.
encounter while playing the videogame: Solaire
of Astora, Lucatiel of Mirrah, Siegmeyer of
Catarina, Big Hat Logan, and many others.
Death in the Dark Souls Roleplaying Game is
more than a temporary setback. It eats away at
your memory, shatters your being and brings
you closer to going Hollow.
The game makes use of a mechanic called
Sparks of Memory: each Player Character will
begin the game with four of these, and they can
never have more than f ive. A Spark of Memo-
ry is something that keeps you human: funny
thing is, they are rarely happy memories. Turns
out pain, anger and regret take deep roots into
our hearts, and the strength of these emotions
can keep us going even when our body is broken
and reforms from the embers of a Bonfire.
When you die, you lose a Spark of Memory: a
piece of your being will be forever lost, and you
will be a step closer to losing yourself.
You will also be able to create new Sparks by
spending souls and defeating powerful enemies:
you will keep darkness at bay, but lost memories
can never be regained. With time, you might
be come an entirely different person, driven
Design Choices, and Why I Made Them
Saying that I’ve encountered no diff iculties 9 Consumables: Keeping track of these re-
when making this game would be a lie. In fact, quired you to constantly erase and add stuff
I chose to create a Dark Souls tabletop RPG to your character sheet, basically destroying
precisely because I knew it was going to be a it! Instead, consumables are equipped just
challenging experience... which I think f its the like rings and have a limited number of
whole Dark Souls theme too! uses, which recharge whenever you have a
And by the way, if you don’t agree with some chance to rest at a Bonfire.
of these design choices, I think it’s perfectly Game Masters should only ever place one
reasonable. This is nothing more, nothing less copy of a consumable item in the game
than my own take on a Dark Souls RPG, and world, obviously; this design choice puts an
you’re free to modify it with your group! emphasis on making the most out of unique
consumables rather than hoarding hun-
9 Items that restore Humanity: This
dreds of copies.
game has no Humanity, Human Eff igies, or
9 Endless Inventory: For obvious rea-
Ember items. The characters’ humanity is
sons, a character sheet isn’t big enough to
represented by their Sparks of Memory; a
contain an endless list of items. Instead,
Spark is lost with each character death, and
each character will be able to carry up to ten
a new Spark can be obtained by defeating a
weapons or shields, up to ten special items,
Boss enemy or by spending fifteen souls at
up to f ive armors and up to nine spells. They
a Bonf ire. You are free to introduce some
can customize their setup by switching be-
kind of consumable item that restores
tween these items during exploration, but
Sparks in your own game, but the tension
everything else will be stored at the Shrine,
between increasing your power and keeping
a location that acts as the “world hub” or
yourself from hollowing would be lost. And
I wanted to have that tension in the game.
This solution is actually pretty similar to
9 Status Effects: Bleed, Curse and Frost
how Demon’s Souls inventory works.
are gone. They were a mess to track during
9 Spell Slots: This game uses a Spell Points
combat, and didn’t add that much (those
system. Spell Points work similarly to Focus
adorable basilisks have a custom ability that
Points in Dark Souls III, but are calculated
is every bit as annoying, don’t worry).
using the character’s Attunement statistic.
Poison and Toxicity have become a single
They are recharged at Bonfires.
damage type, Toxic, which works like any
other damage (Bolt, Crush, Pierce, etc.) 9 Shield Block: Instead of blocking a per-
Clearly, spells and other elements that in- centage of incoming damage, shields add
teracted with these status effects have been a f ixed value to your defense against each
removed or changed. damage type. This is very different from the
Again, you are free to introduce these in way the videogame mechanics work, but it
your game, but trust me, they’re not worth was necessary to speed up combat calcula-
the effort. tions.
9 Armor: Each armor set is represented by 9 Durability: Gone. It was another el-
a single item, specif ically the corresponding ement that didn’t add much to the game,
chest piece. As an example, Ingward’s Crim- except for another layer of bookkeeping.
son Set is represented by the Crimson Robe. Items that break easily, such as Crystal gear,
Once again, this was done for the sake of and other items that can be permanent-
simplicity. ly destroyed, such as the Ring of Sacrifice,
However, unique pieces of headgear (such have their own unique mechanics.
as the Symbol of Avarice or the beloved 9 Attributes and Level: I have kept the
Sack) are listed as Special Items and can be following seven attributes from the game:
equipped to gain their benefits. Attunement, Dexterity, Endurance, Faith,
9 Abstract Locations: It is impossible Intelligence, Strength and Vitality. Each of
to recreate Dark Souls’ complex environ- these can go from a score of ten to a score
ments and interconnected areas in a pen and of f ifty, and your “bonus” (a modifier you
paper game, unless you go to great lengths use during calculations) in each attribute is
and are really good at drawing maps or de- equal to the corresponding tens digit. For
scribing locations. example, a Faith score of 23 will give you a
Since one of my goals with this game was to Faith Bonus of 2.
make it accessible, environments are han- Your total level is equal to the total sum of
dled in an abstract way, both in combat your seven Attribute Bonuses, which means
and during exploration. Location sheets it can go from seven to thirty-five. This
are configured in such a way that the Game simplifies the level numbers and makes it
Master can simply mark important fea- easier to build enemy creatures too.
tures and passageways on them, designing 9 Chapters I and III: Most of what you
the area directly on the sheet. Later, when will f ind in this book (gear, spells, classes,
Player Characters explore the very same items) comes from Dark Souls I and III.
location, they will gradually f ill their own This is because these two games are largely
version of that same sheet. compatible, while Dark Souls II is a bit of
Similarly, battles take place on the Combat a different beast (e.g. hexes, life gems and
Sheet, an abstract battlefield where three complex dual wielding).
Rings represent the combatants’ overall Now, before you even ask that question, I
approach: Forward Ring, Defensive Ring do like Dark Souls II. In fact, I really like it:
or Back Ring. Needless to say, there will be Shulva is my second-favorite Souls location,
options for customizing the Combat Sheet beaten only by the amazing Painted World
so that it better represents the current arena of Ariamis. And hey, you can find the Ex-
the characters are fighting in. plorer among the starting class choices...
and it’s a pretty nice one too!
9 Participant: Anyone taking part in the game, be they a Player or Game Master.
9 Player: A participant that controls a single character in the game world, the Player Character.
Each player is responsible for creating and portraying their own undead Player Character, which
will go adventuring throughout the game world. The game works best with two to four players.
9 Game Master (GM): A participant that controls all the creatures and environments of the
game world. There is only one Game Master. The GM is responsible for creating the locations
that the players will explore, the creatures they will encounter, and the items they will find.
9 Player Character (PC): An undead character controlled by a player.
9 Non Player Character (NPC): A character controlled by the Game Master. Some of
them may be monsters or adversaries: these are classified as Minions (weak), Bosses (powerful
and unique) or Normal (self-explanatory).
9 d6: Short for “six-sided die”. This game only uses this kind of die, but your group should have at
least thirty or forty of these. You can f ind these for a reasonable price online, trust me!
When you are asked to “roll a d6”, you simply roll the die and check its value. Sometimes you
will be asked to roll something like “2d6 + 2”, which means rolling two dice, adding them
together, and adding 2 to the total. A special case is the d66: to roll a d66, you roll two dice one
after the other, using the f irst die as the tens digit and the second die as the units digit. A d66
roll of 5 followed by 4 would give a result of 54, for example.
9 D3: To roll a d3, roll a d6 and divide its result by two, rounding up (a 5 would be a 3).
9 Combat: A phase of the game in which the Player Characters confront enemies in battle.
9 Exploration: Any moment in the game when there is no Combat.
9 Attribute: One of the seven main statistics that define a character, specifically Attunement,
Dexterity, Endurance, Faith, Intelligence, Strength and Vitality. They range from 10 to 50.
Each attribute has a corresponding Attribute Bonus, equal to that attribute’s tens digit (1 to 5).
9 Hit Points: A number measuring a character’s tolerance for damage. If they drop to zero, the
character is slain. “YOU DIED”.
9 Location: A large zone in the game, such as Anor Londo, the Duke’s Archives, or Ash Lake.
9 Area: A smaller zone within a Location, such as the wyvern’s bridge, the swamp in Blighttown,
or the ghost-infested mansion in New Londo. A single Area will include up to one battle and
possibly a Bonfire or other features.
9 Bonfire: Just like in the videogame, Player Characters can use Bonfires to recharge their Estus
flasks, Hit Points, Consumable Items and Spell Points. You can teleport between Bonfires.
Whenever you rest at a Bonfire, Minion and Normal adversaries will reappear. Bosses will not.
9 Shrine: This is your safe haven in this land - think of the Nexus in Demon’s Souls, or Firelink
Shrine in Dark Souls. It hosts a Bonf ire and can store all the gear, spells and items that you are
not carrying on yourself while adventuring.
9 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
9 Glossary .............................................................................................................................. 10
9 Index ...................................................................................................................................... 11
9 Age Creation ..................................................................................................................... 12
9 Character Creation .................................................................................................... 16
9 The Flow of Information ............................................................................................ 28
9 Exploration ...................................................................................................................... 29
9 World Sheet & Location Sheets ........................................................................... 30
9 Death, Souls, and Bonfires .................................................................................... 34
9 Completing Missions .................................................................................................... 36
9 Combat ................................................................................................................................. 37
9 Items ...................................................................................................................................... 44
Common Weapons ............................................................................................................... 46
Uncommon and Unique Weapons .................................................................................. 49
Shields ................................................................................................................................... 59
Armors .................................................................................................................................. 61
Special Items ........................................................................................................................ 66
9 Spells .................................................................................................................................... 71
Miracles ................................................................................................................................ 72
Pyromancies ......................................................................................................................... 76
Sorceries ............................................................................................................................... 79
9 Enemy Creation .............................................................................................................. 84
Enemy Profiles .................................................................................................................. 88
9 Boss Enemies ...................................................................................................................... 108
Age Creation
1. Name this Cursed Land 2. Name its Lords
This might be the f irst step, or the last step, or Each Age has its Lords, powerful entities that
something you do in between: as a group, all transcended mortal nature and have been in-
participants should choose a name for the Land fused with one of the original Souls of the
in which your story will take place. We had Lords, or are gifted with an equally powerful
Lordran, Drangleic and Lothric: however, this soul (such as the one from a Chosen Undead, or
Land will be yours only. a Lord of Cinder).
The name you choose should be reasonably First of all, you need to determine how many
short and resemble that of some ancient and Lords walk the world during your Age. Roll a
mythological place (while not actually being a die and look at the table below:
name from real-world mythology). You can see
some examples below. Lords
Regardless of the name you choose, the Land
1-4 There are four Lords in this Age.
in which the game takes place will be a ruined,
5 There are five Lords in this Age.
ghastly region infested with Hollows and mon-
sters, where the Four Lords of this Age have 6 There are six Lords in this Age.
gathered. Time and space have been distorted
and twisted, turning the place into a maelstrom
where different locations have converged. Each Lord has a name, one or more details,
Once you all agree on a name, write it on the and two main themes that are associated with
World Sheet. them (such as the Pale Dragon Seath, whose
themes would be Betrayal and Knowledge): the
GM should use the table on the next page to de-
Land Names termine these, or simply come up with them if
1 1-2 Ozira 4 1-2 Beregand they wish. Record these on your World Sheet.
1 3-4 Althen 4 3-4 Iverna Once you have done so, each participant (both
1 5-6 Valica 4 5-6 Alconde players and GM) should come up with some-
2 1-2 Hollant 5 1-2 Landsey thing interesting about each Lord, such as an
event from that creature’s past, a specific min-
2 3-4 Samitra 5 3-4 Uldan
ion at their service, or an ancient enemy bent
2 5-6 Limen 5 5-6 Askera
on destroying them.
3 1-2 Viserna 6 1-2 Cantel The Game Master should take note of these ide-
3 3-4 Colvand 6 3-4 Lomnell as and use them as guidelines when designing
3 5-6 Galamar 6 5-6 Aquita the location in which each of the Lords dwells.
Additionally, this information also represnts all
the Player Characters know about Lords when
the game begins.
Lords: Names, Details and Themes
1 1 Name unknown 1 1 Dark One 1 1 Purity
1 2 Lyra 1 2 Judge 1 2 Deception
1 3 Eilert 1 3 Knight 1 3 Hunger
1 4 Zita 1 4 Sage 1 4 Lust
1 5 Roland 1 5 Sorcerer / Sorceress 1 5 Obsession
1 6 Agnes 1 6 Abyssal 1 6 Fear
2 1 Name unknown 2 1 Keeper 2 1 Knowledge
2 2 Vinsald 2 2 Silent 2 2 Betrayal
2 3 Thea 2 3 Watcher 2 3 Love
2 4 Emyr 2 4 Lost 2 4 Order
2 5 Alenna 2 5 Old One 2 5 Hatred
2 6 Gregor 2 6 Champion 2 6 Darkness
3 1 Name unknown 3 1 King / Queen 3 1 Pride
3 2 Yrena 3 2 Oathbreaker 3 2 Madness
3 3 Asger 3 3 Tyrant 3 3 Decay
3 4 Elianore 3 4 Dragonslayer 3 4 Failure
3 5 Yannic 3 5 Child / Daughter (of...) 3 5 Pyromancy
3 6 Vineth 3 6 Giant 3 6 Tranquility
4 1 Name unknown 4 1 Oathkeeper 4 1 Cruelty
4 2 Cradoc 4 2 Witch / Wizard 4 2 Vengeance
4 3 Elaine 4 3 Usurper 4 3 Duty
4 4 Grifald 4 4 Executioner 4 4 Rebirth
4 5 Yora 4 5 Ravenous 4 5 Leadership
4 6 Colewyn 4 6 Unseen 4 6 Sleep
5 1 Name unknown 5 1 Butcher 5 1 Loyalty
5 2 Melea 5 2 Corrupted 5 2 Masochism
5 3 Iudoc 5 3 Giantslayer 5 3 Prejudice
5 4 Lucine 5 4 Father / Mother (of...) 5 4 Flame
5 5 Urial 5 5 Pale 5 5 Miracles
5 6 Maja 5 6 Demon 5 6 Hope
6 1 Name unknown 6 1 Dragon 6 1 Covetousness
6 2 Torbec 6 2 Twin 6 2 Sorcery
6 3 Berit 6 3 Forgotten 6 3 Isolation
6 4 Dorte 6 4 Lady / Lord 6 4 Despair
6 5 Ellena 6 5 Pygmy 6 5 Chaos
6 6 Malageth 6 6 Old Lady / Old Lord 6 6 Regret
Covenant Names 3. Create Covenants
1 1 Sisterhood 1 1 of Sunlight Covenants are the major players and factions in
1 2 Blades 1 2 of Chaos the Land, each with their agenda and goals.
1 3 Wardens 1 3 of White Use the table on the left to create a number of
1 4 Children 1 4 of the Pit Covenants equal to the number of participants
(both players and GM; four to five starting
1 5 Brotherood 1 5 of Chains
Covenants is a good range). The Game Master
1 6 Guardians 1 6 of Sin
can freely introduce additional Covenants later
2 1 Daughters 2 1 of Blue during play.
2 2 Sentinels 2 2 of Shackles Record these Covenant names on your World
2 3 Way 2 3 of the Old Gods Sheet; the Game Master will be responsible for
2 4 Faithfuls 2 4 of Flame determining their goals, leaders, and relation-
2 5 Spears 2 5 of the Forest ships towards other factions. The only excep-
tion to this is if a player decides to have their
2 6 Watchdogs 2 6 of Dark
character begin play as part of a Covenant, in
3 1 Servants 3 1 of the Grave
which case they will determine these elements
3 2 Hunters 3 2 of the Witch together with the Game Master!
3 3 Keepers 3 3 of Blood
3 4 Pilgrims 3 4 of the Dragon
4. Create a Shrine
3 5 Champions 3 5 of the Cairns
Roll a d66 on the World Sheet, and mark the
3 6 Heirs 3 6 of the Depths
corresponding Location as your Shrine.
4 1 Lost Ones 4 1 of the Painted World
The Game Master will give the Shrine a name,
4 2 Reapers 4 2 of the Asylum describe its appearance, and populate it with
4 3 Slayers 4 3 of the Archives NPCs (one of them must be a Keeper). Your
4 4 Whisperers 4 4 of the Abyss Shrine will always have a Bonfire.
4 5 Claws 4 5 of Giants When the game begins, Player Characters
4 6 Singers 4 6 of Iron will f ind themselves at the Shrine: each player
should describe how they reached this place (if
5 1 Cloaks 5 1 of the Sunken Ruin
the character actually remembers). From now
5 2 Avengers 5 2 of the Great Tower
on, the Shrine is both their safe haven and the
5 3 Masks 5 3 of Steel power keeping them from leaving this Land.
5 4 Seers 5 4 of Want For example, if you rolled a 3 and a 6:
5 5 Widows 5 5 of the Harvest
5 6 Hounds 5 6 of the Wall 35 - 36
land: iverna
unofficial role playing game lords: the oathbreaker (cruelty, sorcery)
world sheet lady lucine (purity, obsession)
yora the forgotten (duty, failure)
Colewyn the usurper (decay, miracles)
claws of the depths
asylum legionnaires
widows of sunlight
eyes of the painted world
11 - 12
13 - 14
15 - 16
npcs, foes, features
23 - 24
21 - 22 shrine
of silence
npcs, foes, features
irvin, silent keeper
npcs, foes, features adelle, weaponsmith
25 - 26
31 - 32
Character Creation
1. Roll Attribute Scores 2. Calculate Attribute Bonuses
When you begin play, you don’t have full con- Each attribute score grants you a correspond-
trol over your undead character’s abilities. They ing Bonus, often abbreviated as “B” preceded by
are what is left of your previous life, after all. At- the first letter of that attribute. As an example,
tributes are often abbreviated using their f irst Faith Bonus is written “FB” and Vitality Bonus
letter: for example, “E” stands for Endurance is written “VB”.
and “I” stands for Intelligence. This value is used when calculating damage
For each of the seven attributes, roll two dice scaling, defenses and other game elements.
and add twelve, generating a number between Your Bonus in a given attribute equals the tens
14 and 24 (average 19). Once you are done, you digit of that attribute score.
can switch any two of your attributes.
Example: Oscar’s attribute Bonuses are:
Example: Rolling 2d6+12 for each attribute, 9 Attunement 16 (AB +1)
Oscar gets the following: 9 Dexterity 17 (DB +1)
9 Attunement 16 (12 + 2 + 2) 9 Endurance 14 (EB +1)
9 Dexterity 17 (12 + 4 + 1) 9 Faith 19 (FB +1)
9 Endurance 14 (12 + 1 + 1) 9 Intelligence 18 (IB +1)
9 Faith 21 (12 + 4 + 5) 9 Strength 23 (SB +2)
9 Intelligence 18 (12 + 4 + 2) 9 Vitality 21 (VB +2)
9 Strength 23 (12 + 6 + 5)
9 Vitality 19 (12 + 6 + 1)
Since Oscar really wants to begin play using 3. Choose Starting Class
the Knight class, which requires a Vitality of Choose one of the fifteen starting classes (see
20 and a Faith of 15, he switches his charac- following pages) for your character. Each class
ter’s Faith and Vitality scores. (well, except for the Deprived of course) has
Oscar’s final attribute scores are as follows: attribute requirements: you can choose a class
9 Attunement 16 only if you are able to qualify for its require-
9 Dexterity 17 ments.
9 Endurance 14 You gain all the equipment and spells granted
by the class you have chosen. Record them on
9 Faith 19
your character sheet.
9 Intelligence 18
Just like in the videogame, your class choice
9 Strength 23 does not limit your progression in any way:
9 Vitality 21 simply pick one you find interesting, you’ll
This way, Oscar qualifies for the requirements have plenty of options to change your character
of the Knight class! during play.
Requires Attunement 20+ and Dexterity 20+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Estoc Thrusting Sword Weapon Damage (6 + DB + SB, Pierce), Guard Break
Sorcerer’s Staff Catalyst Weapon Damage (2, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Target Shield Small Shield Block (Bo 1, Cr 6, Da 2, Fi 3, Ma 3, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0), Parry (1-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Assassin Armor 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 5
Spells Type Req. Casting Number
Spook Sorcery None 1
Effect: Outside battle, you may cast this spell when falling: unless it’s a deadly fall, you take no falling
damage from it. In battle, you may cast this spell to Create an Advantage twice (you do not
have to spend any Stamina Dice beyond the one needed to cast this spell).
Requires Strength 20+ and Vitality 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Battle Axe Axe Weapon Damage (8 + DB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2
Spider Shield Shield Block (Bo 2, Cr 8, Da 4, Fi 4, Ma 5, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 6)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Brigand Armor 4 4 3 4 3 5 5 4
Requires Attunement 15+, Faith 20+ and Strength 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Mace Hammer Weapon Damage (7 + SB + SB, Crush)
Canvas Talisman Talisman Weapon Damage (1 + SB, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB)
East-West Shield Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 5, Da 4, Fi 5, Ma 7, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Holy Robe 5 2 5 4 4 0 1 4
Spells Type Req. Casting Number
Heal Miracle Faith 15+ 5
Effect: You and up to two allies of your choice recover Hit Points equal to your Miracle Effect x3.
No requirements, aside for strong determination... or self-deprecation.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Club Hammer Weapon Damage (6 + SB + SB, Crush), Brutal 2
Plank Shield Small Shield Bash 2, Block (Bo 2, Cr 4, Da 2, Fi 2, Ma 2, Pi 4, Sl 4, To 0)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Loincloth 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
Requires Dexterity 15+ and Vitality 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Dagger Dagger WD (1 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 3
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Traveling Merchant Coat 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 4
Special: When you gain souls, if you are wearing this item, gain one additional soul.
Special Items Type Effect
Magic Stoneplate Ring Ring Increase your Magic Defense by +2.
Pale Pine Resin* Consumable Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end
(2 charges) of the battle, the damage caused by the weapon becomes Magic.
Witching Urn Consumable Perform an attack with WD (4 + IB + IB + IB, Magic), Ranged.
(2 charges) It can be dodged or blocked just like a normal attack.
* Cannot be applied to weapons with Split damage, or to weapons whose damage type is currently modified
by a spell or by a previously applied Bundle or Resin.
Requires Faith 15+, Strength 15+ and Vitality 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Spear Spear / Pike WD (6 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce), Reach
Talisman Talisman Weapon Damage (1, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB)
Kite Shield Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 5, Ma 5, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Herald Armor 0 2 2 2 3 4 4 2
Spells Type Req. Casting Number
Heal Aid Miracle None 4
Effect: You recover Hit Points equal to your Miracle Effect x2.
Requires Dexterity 20+ and Strength 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Shortsword Straight Sword Weapon Damage (5 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce), Guard Break
Short Bow Bow Weapon Damage (4 + DB, Pierce), Ranged, Two-Handed
Large Leather Shield Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 8, Da 4, Fi 5, Ma 5, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Leather Armor 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 4
Requires Faith 15+ and Vitality 20+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Broadsword Straight Sword Weapon Damage (7 + DB + SB + SB, Slash), Guard Break,
Sweep 2
Knight Shield Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 9, Da 4, Fi 4, Ma 5, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Knight Armor 1 4 2 4 2 4 5 2
Requires Dexterity 20+ and Vitality 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Sellsword Twinblade Curved Sword Weapon Damage (6 + DB + DB, Slash),
Parry (3-4, left hand only), Sweep 2
Sellsword Twinblade Curved Sword Weapon Damage (6 + DB + DB, Slash),
Parry (3-4, left hand only), Sweep 2
Wooden Shield Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 5, Da 3, Fi 4, Ma 6, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Sellsword Armor 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 3
Northern Warrior
Requires Strength 20+ and Vitality 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Battle Axe Axe Weapon Damage (8 + DB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2
Round Shield Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 8, Da 4, Fi 5, Ma 6, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Northern Armor 0 4 1 4 1 4 4 3
Requires Attunement 15+, Faith 15+ and Intelligence 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Hand Axe Axe Weapon Damage (7 + DB + SB, Slash)
Pyromancy Flame Flame Weapon Damage (3 + FB + IB, Fire), Pyromancy Effect (FB + IB)
Caduceus Round Shield Small Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 5, Da 2, Fi 4, Ma 6, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 2), Parry (2-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Pyromancer Garb 4 0 5 5 4 0 0 4
Spells Type Req. Casting Number
Fire Ball Pyromancy None 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Requires Attunement 20+ and Intelligence 20+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Dagger Dagger Weapon Damage (1 + DB + DB, Pierce or Slash), Deadly 3
Sorcerer’s Staff Catalyst Weapon Damage (2, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Small Leather Shield Small Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 4, Da 3, Fi 5, Ma 4, Pi 4, Sl 4, To 0), Parry (1-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Sorcerer Coat 4 0 4 4 4 0 0 3
Spells Type Req. Casting Number
Soul Arrow Sorcery None 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery Effect +2. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Requires Dexterity 20+ and Intelligence 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Bandit’s Knife Dagger Weapon Damage (2 + DB + SB, Pierce or Slash), Deadly 5
Target Shield Small Shield Block (Bo 1, Cr 6, Da 2, Fi 3, Ma 3, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0), Parry (1-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Black Leather Armor 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 5
Requires Dexterity 15+ and Intelligence 15+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Scimitar Curved Sword Weapon Damage (5 + DB + DB, Slash),
Parry (3-4, left hand only), Sweep 2
Leather Shield Small Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 5, Da 3, Fi 4, Ma 3, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Wanderer Coat 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 5
Requires Dexterity 20+ and Strength 20+.
Weapons & Shields Type Damage and Qualities
Longsword Straight Sword Weapon Damage (7 + DB + SB, Pierce or Slash), Guard Break
Heater Shield Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 2, Fi 7, Ma 3, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Hard Leather Armor 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 4
4. Roll Sparks of Memory
There’s not much left of who you were before During play, you will lose a Spark every time
your undead awakening. You do have faint your character dies: if you ever lose your last
memories of your homeland and previous life, Spark, you will go Hollow! When this happens,
however, and it’s these f leeting sparks that keep you will have to describe what happens to your
you from going Hollow. If you were to lose character, basing this decision on the last Spark
every single one of them... you lost and its corresponding Emotion.
When you create your character, roll dice on It will be entirely up to you, the player, to de-
the Sparks of Memory table until you have four scribe and portray your character’s tragic fate.
different Sparks.
You do so by rolling a d66: the first die is used Naturally, there will be ways for your charac-
to determine the core Emotion of the memo- ter to regain some of their lost humanity: by
ry, and the second die is used to determine the defeating a Boss enemy or by spending fifteen
Spark itself. souls when resting at a Bonfire, a Player Char-
Sparks are not especially detailed, and this is by acter can create a new Spark of Memory, one
design: when you roll one, you can choose to that involves their recent adventures. When you
keep it as a blurred memory of a past moment, do so, you will have to tie that Spark to an Emo-
or tell the other players more about it. In the tion: it can be one of the six Emotions from the
end, it’s up to you and the way you want to por- table on the right (Anger, Calm, Despair, Fear,
tray your character within the game. Need, or Regret) or an Emotion of your choice
Give each of your Sparks a title you think would that you consider appropriate.
sound appropriate and record them on your A Player Character can never have more than
character sheet. f ive Sparks, however: the mind of an undead is
If any of the Sparks you roll during character a feeble thing indeed, and only the strongest
creation match those of one or more other emotions survive within it.
characters in the group, this means your paths
might have crossed in the past, either before
or after you became undead, or that you have
something in common. You should discuss these
events together, using them to form bonds be-
tween characters and add depth to them.
This way, it will be even more tragic when some
of you lose the sparks you share, and suddenly
grow cold and distant...
Sparks of Memory
1 Anger 1 The chaos and fury of a battlefield. Your burning hatred for the enemy.
1 Anger 2 Your heart beats faster, your steps grow quick. Tonight, you’ll have your vengeance!
1 Anger 3 Cursed insects, crawling everywhere! You won’t suffer a single one of them to live!
1 Anger 4 Dumb idiots. It’s here, somewhere, you know it. If only they stopped complaining!
1 Anger 5 How can the Gods tolerate this? Must you act on their behalf?
1 Anger 6 Perhaps you could help. Perhaps you shouldn’t. Would they do the same for you?
2 Calm 1 The damp chill of a dark cathedral. Sleepy chants and whispered prayers.
2 Calm 2 A beautiful view of a mountain lake, surrounded by forests. The Sun’s warmth.
2 Calm 3 Snow falling around you. Complete silence, save for the muffled toll of a distant bell.
2 Calm 4 The ocean, seemingly endless. Cawing birds and a cool, salty breeze.
2 Calm 5 Roiling fog, a swarm of misty soldiers enveloping the hills.
2 Calm 6 A graveyard. Dark, wet soil and mossy stones painted orange by a bleeding twilight.
3 Despair 1 Why? Why should what you love most belong to another? This is unbearable.
3 Despair 2 You remember that towering shadow. You remember the unspeakable things it did to you.
3 Despair 3 No one. No one is left now, only a barren ruin where a proud fortress once stood.
3 Despair 4 You must leave and never return. This mistake was yours alone, and no one else should pay.
3 Despair 5 Surrounded! They are everywhere. The screams, the flames, the gurgling noises!
3 Despair 6 You are powerless as they feast upon your body. Death comes as a sweet release.
4 Fear 1 The master’s whip, drawing a maze of pain over your flesh. You must stay silent!
4 Fear 2 Countless horrors, crawling up from the cursed earth.
4 Fear 3 Needles and tools, cutting your flesh open. They say it’s for your own good.
4 Fear 4 Your hands shake as it gets near. The twisted body, the gaping maw. Those eyes!
4 Fear 5 The rough-edged runes, the esoteric tomes... Witchcraft!
4 Fear 6 They can never know. What you did... They could never forgive.
5 Need 1 How long has it been? The hunger never leaves you. You would eat anything. Anything.
5 Need 2 Only a little longer. If only you could stay with them another day, no! Another hour!
5 Need 3 Scattered grimoires and hasty notes. A frantic research.
5 Need 4 You remember gazing outside, longing for freedom. If only you weren’t trapped here...
5 Need 5 A bit more, and you’ll be okay. For a while. You earned this. It’s yours, and no one else’s!
5 Need 6 The burning desire is driving you mad. You crave their lips, their hands, their flesh!
6 Regret 1 Where could they be? No, NO! You promised, you said they’d be safe with you!
6 Regret 2 Their soulless gaze haunts your sleep. How could you kill someone you loved so dearly?
6 Regret 3 You know it. You know it’s YOUR fault they died. Why, why did you lie?
6 Regret 4 They said it was forbidden. But you still went there. If only you had known...
6 Regret 5 You hid and stood silent while it happened. You never said nothing. You worthless coward.
6 Regret 6 If only you had waited. But no, you had to act. And it all fell to pieces.
5. Covenant 7. Choose your Mission
You may have your Undead begin play aff iliated While your Sparks of Memory represent your
with a Covenant. This might influence the way tenuous bond with humanity, your Mission is
some NPCs react to your character. what actually keeps you going, a precise focus
If you begin play as part of a Covenant, you get that prevents your mind from shattering.
to create its leader and goals together with the Your Mission could be summarized as “why did
Game Master. you come to this land in the first place?”
Avoid choosing a Covenant that would make For instance, in Dark Souls the character Solaire
you an enemy of another Player Character. of Astora wants to “find his own Sun” and Big
You can of course choose not to belong to any Hat Logan is searching for the Royal Archives;
covenant at the start of play, which means NPC in Dark Souls II, Lucatiel of Mirrah has come
reactions to you will mostly be neutral. to Drangleic in the hope of finding a cure for
the Undead Curse; and in Dark Souls III, Sieg-
ward of Catarina wants to end the life of his old
6. Choose your Homeland friend, Yhorm the Giant.
Regardless of how much you actually remember When you decide your character’s Mission, it
when it comes to your life previous to undeath, should be something arduous and desperate,
you do recall your place of birth. such as reversing undeath, killing one or more
Choose a Homeland for your character: it Lords, seeking an ancient and powerful magic,
might be one of the places mentioned within or rekindling the Flame. You should base your
the Dark Souls series, such as Astora, Berenike choice on your Class, your Sparks of Memory,
or Mirrah, or an entirely new region. If you do and the world elements established during Age
create a new Homeland for your character, tell Creation. If possible, avoid having a Mission
the other players a bit about its culture, history that is directly opposed to that of another Play-
and heraldry. That is, if your undead actually er Character: you guys are supposed to be work-
remembers those things. ing together.
The Game Master will make good use of your
Homeland Names characters’ Missions: they will help shape the
1 1-2 Astora 4 1-2 Melfia setting and create covenants, factions, rivals
1 3-4 Carim 4 3-4 Drangleic and obstacles that actively oppose you. The GM
will also place your target or destination within
1 5-6 Catarina 4 5-6 Forossa
one of the later areas of the world map, giving
2 1-2 Mirrah 5 1-2 Balder
you a reason to explore every corner of this ac-
2 3-4 Carthus 5 3-4 Jugo cursed land!
2 5-6 Courland 5 5-6 Thorolund When and if you actually manage to complete
3 1-2 Vinheim 6 1-2 Zena your Mission, your fate will vary depending
3 3-4 Farron 6 3-4 Great Swamp on your Sparks of Memory: the sudden lack of
3 5-6 The East 6 5-6 Painted World drive and sense of accomplishment might even
be your end.
8. Choose your Sin 9. Derived Statistics
Regardless of who they are or where they come Calculate Maximum HP, Stamina, Spell Points,
from, Dark Souls characters have their hands and any derived statistics present on the sheet
stained with sin. Ingward the Sealer sacrif iced (the sheet itself explains how to do this). Make
an entire city in order to stop the Abyss from sure to have recorded all of your items’ profiles!
spreading, Petrus of Thorolund betrayed his
companions, and it is likely that Siegmeyer of
Catarina abandoned his family in his self ish
10. Choose a Name
search for adventure. When choosing a name for your character,
You must choose a Sin for your character: this you should really consider their homeland and
represents a past misdeed that they will pay for their overall themes (references to mythology
one day or another, something or someone are more than welcome). Below you can find
they are running from. a list of names that I thought sounded very
That’s the most important rule when you de- “Souls-appropriate”. And, for the love of Gwyn,
cide on a Sin for your character: it must be don’t use any of the actual NPC names.
something that can come to haunt you even in
undeath, even in this distant land. You should Character Names
obviously also take your Class, Sparks of Memo- female male neutral
ry and Mission into account. Adney Almund Adel
At the beginning of each game session (but Alexa Barton Ancel
not the f irst session), the GM will randomly Annabel Braden Ashe
Brigitte Byrne Blaine
choose one among the Player Characters. You
Camilla Carrol Bryde
can use any method you want, as long as every- Cerena Errik Casslyn
one agrees on its fairness and the outcome is Clarita Falbert Clemence
public. The chosen character’s Sin will then be Edith Griffin Dava
Eva Harald Eylor
triggered, and a special Boss enemy related to
Fionne Harkel Fenis
that Sin will appear at some point during that Greta Howe Flores
session (the GM decides when and where, but it Hilda Irwin Fraan
will appear, usually doing their best to prevent Jeanna Joel Grey
Lea Kurt Lamond
the characters from achieving their goals).
Lorena Liam Lansel
A Sin Boss can be battled only once per session; Lucille Lewis Lene
if not defeated it will disappear, only to return Lyle Marcus Morgan
as soon as the character’s Sin is triggered again: Katrin Mauris Ori
Marian Mikail Orlan
this makes sure that the creature will appear
Melida Niklas Ravi
only if the corresponding Player Character is Nydea Quinn Raynell
participating in the session. Ophelia Redwald Roche
Once a character’s Sin Boss has been defeated, Ramia Simon Tenes
Ryla Thorley Toris
that Sin will never trigger again.
Selene Tristan Vike
Needless to say, the GM’s job is to design Sin Serica Valbert Vosca
Bosses around the Player Characters’ misdeeds, Valea Vance Zere
creating true incarnations of their Sin. Xenia Xavier Yortha
Here’s Clemence of Courland, Oscar’s character:
name: clemence
unofficial role playing game homeland: courland
character sheet starting class: knight
Sparks of Memory
1 anger hand of the gods (1,5)
2 despair heir of a disgraced bloodline (3,3)
3 anger battle against the undead (1,1)
4 regret killing of a loved one (6,2)
9 When you die, lose a randomly determined Spark. When you lose your last Spark, you go Hollow: the character is forever lost.
9 You can create a new Spark of Memory by spending 15 souls at a Bonfire or by defeating a Boss. You can never have more than five Sparks.
9 Keep track of which items you are wielding by checking their l. You can only wield two of these items (or one item, if two-handed).
9 You must wield a Staff to cast Sorceries, a Talisman to cast Miracles, and a Flame to cast Pyromancies. They count as weapons.
9 If two-handing a melee weapon, add SB to damage. If wielding two melee weapons of the same type, you can perform Paired Attacks.
9 You can have up to six equipped (mark their l). Only four may be Rings, and only one may be a Headgear. Consumables recharge at Bonfires.
LEVEL Collected Souls:
9 Your Bonus in each attribute is equal to the tens digit. Attributes range from 10 (+1 Bonus) to 50 (+5 Bonus).
9 9 Raising an attribute score by one point requires an amount of Souls equal to your current level.
9 Your level is equal to the total sum of your seven attribute bonuses.
Attunement Dexterity Endurance Faith Intelligence Strength Vitality
1 6 w 1 7
w 1 4w 1 9 w 1 8 w 2 3 w 2w1
l l l l Estus: You carry four Estus Flasks. Drinking one restores 15 HP. Resting at a Bonfire refills all your Estus.
Armors & Defenses bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
l + + + + + + + +
l + + + + + + + +
l + + + + + + + +
l l mir l pyr l sor requires: casting number:
9 You can only cast spells you have attuned (up to your AB). You attune spells when resting at Bonfires. Keep track of them by checking their l.
The Flow of Information
Information is a huge part of any roleplaying Here’s a summary of what each participant can
game. Examples of information are a charac- know or establish about the game world:
ter’s motivation, the effects of a spell, or the
9 Players have authority over the actions,
position of a secret door; it’s no surprise that
goals, emotions and decisions of their own
players and GM will often ask each other ques-
character. They can also freely establish facts
tions like “What does he do?”, “Do I see any-
concerning their homeland, their starting
thing moving inside the water?” or “Ok, where
Covenant and the “world outside”. It is not
did you guys want to go next?”. This is good: a
uncommon for Player Characters to come
roleplaying game works best when everyone is
from different ages of history, which makes
on the same page and understands the current
for interesting situations in which the same
event could be seen and interpreted through
In fact, if your group went through the pro-
radically different perspectives. This works
cess of Age and Player Character creation, a
thanks to the whole concept of time and
fair amount of shared information has already
space being warped (usually around the lo-
been established: the name and nature of each
cation of the First Flame).
Lord, the characters’ memories and missions,
Players (and their characters) are also as-
their equipment... part of this information is
sumed to know whatever information had
established by the rules (such as gear and spell
been established during Age Creation;
effects), some was introduced by the GM (the
everything else they will have to learn
Shrine and its Keeper, for example) and some
through exploration and interaction, visit-
was established by the players (as is the case with
ing places and speaking to NPCs.
each PC’s memories, missions, or sin).
9 The Game Master has authority over
When you are playing the game, the f low of everything that lies within the Land in
information between the participants general- which the game takes place, including what
ly takes place just like a conversation: particu- happened to people from the outside world
larly during exploration, players will want to who came here before or after the PCs.
observe their surroundings and examine what Part of the GM’s job is precisely to inform
they find. the players through exploration and com-
For the game to run as smoothly as possible, it’s bat: similarly to what happens in the Dark
important to point out that the players and the Souls videogames, every location, item,
GM have the ability to establish certain aspects character and creature should tell its own
of the game world during play. You could say story. Given that players will establish facts
that each participant has authority over differ- about the outside world, a smart GM will
ent aspects of the play experience; however, even take those elements and use them when
if this authority gives them f inal say on some- crafting sections of the game world.
thing, it shouldn’t discourage negotiation and
mutual agreement.
World Sheet & Location Sheets
The World sheet and Location sheets are your 9 The Location Sheet represent a major
group’s most important tools when it comes section of the world, such as New Londo,
to exploration. There’s no “right way” to f ill Catacombs of Carthus, Undead Burg or
them, but they basically represent a f lowchart Blighttown. Each location can contain up
version of the game world. to eight Areas, which can be connected in
any way you want. Areas range from rooms
9 The World Sheet can contain up to
to courtyards to halls; each can include up to
eighteen Locations: you can connect them
one combat encounter. At least one of these
however you want, but each can connect to
areas must contain a bonfire.
a maximum of four other locations.
11 - 12
13 - 14
overgrown 15 - 16
npcs, foes, features
skeletons? npcs, foes, features
sewer rats, slimes, npcs, foes, features
23 - 24
21 - 22 valmor’s
high gate
shrine OF npcs, foes, features
npcs, foes, features
marcus the smith
Lucine, sunkeeper
25 - 26
grave of 31 - 32
Here’s an example of a full Location Sheet:
fa 2 undead hounds
ll easy to fall
hall of collapsed
ruined mosaics n bonfire waterway
area notes area notes
probably a 3 basilisks
sorcerer’s hideout
n bonfire n bonfire
Areas and Locations: Name, Descriptor and Themes (1)
1 1 Cove 1 1 Ashen 1 1 Poison
1 2 Lake 1 2 Silent 1 2 Water
1 3 Halls 1 3 Secluded 1 3 Decay
1 4 Shore 1 4 Overgrown 1 4 Glory
1 5 Mansion 1 5 Crumbling 1 5 Fire
1 6 Prison 1 6 Of Bones 1 6 Military
2 1 Necropolis 2 1 Painted 2 1 Devotion
2 2 Path 2 2 Sunken 2 2 Torture
2 3 Graveyard 2 3 Of Chains 2 3 Knowledge
2 4 Keep 2 4 Far 2 4 Corpses
2 5 Palace 2 5 Holy 2 5 Eternity
2 6 Woods 2 6 Frozen 2 6 Fear
3 1 Swamp 3 1 Smouldering 3 1 Tranquility
3 2 Fortress 3 2 Forgotten 3 2 Illusions
3 3 Sanctuary 3 3 Of Tears 3 3 Darkness
3 4 Crypt 3 4 Fading 3 4 Sorcery
3 5 Burg 3 5 Untended 3 5 Mourning
3 6 Hive 3 6 Iron 3 6 Pleasure
4 1 Basin 4 1 Festering 4 1 Corruption
4 2 Bridge 4 2 Of Storms 4 2 Betrayal
4 3 Forest 4 3 Abyssal 4 3 Revelation
4 4 Village 4 4 Of Summer 4 4 Height
4 5 Temple 4 5 Deep 4 5 Pyromancy
4 6 Aqueduct 4 6 Howling 4 6 Torment
5 1 Crossroads 5 1 Of Salt 5 1 Fog
5 2 Tower 5 2 Tainted 5 2 Loyalty
5 3 Cathedral 5 3 Of Mists 5 3 Hunt
5 4 Valley 5 4 Crystal 5 4 Bigotry
5 5 Throne 5 5 Royal 5 5 Mud
5 6 Shrine 5 6 Of Winter 5 6 Ambition
6 1 Peak 6 1 Hidden 6 1 Blood
6 2 Catacombs 6 2 Ancient 6 2 Science
6 3 Waterway 6 3 Profaned 6 3 Sand
6 4 Archive 6 4 Undead 6 4 Moonlight
6 5 Belfry 6 5 Of Want 6 5 Miracles
6 6 Garden 6 6 Archdragon’s 6 6 Time
Areas and Locations: Name, Descriptor and Themes (2)
1 1 River 1 1 Whispering 1 1 Madness
1 2 City 1 2 Of Sacrifice 1 2 Creation
1 3 Castle 1 3 Demon’s 1 3 Seclusion
1 4 Ruins 1 4 Great 1 4 Hatred
1 5 Maze 1 5 Lost 1 5 Gluttony
1 6 Asylum 1 6 Broken 1 6 Riddles
2 1 Tomb 2 1 Ephemeral 2 1 Necromancy
2 2 Copse 2 2 Nameless 2 2 Anger
2 3 Pit 2 3 Of Idols 2 3 Golems
2 4 Road 2 4 Upper 2 4 Imprisonment
2 5 Tunnels 2 5 Of Heroes 2 5 Fungi
2 6 Altar 2 6 Giant’s 2 6 Rituals
3 1 Cave 3 1 Shaded 3 1 Chants
3 2 Retreat 3 2 Blessed 3 2 Frost
3 3 Fork Road 3 3 Of Cages 3 3 Hopelessness
3 4 Lair 3 4 Witch’s 3 4 Chasms
3 5 Passage 3 5 Of Sands 3 5 Dreams
3 6 Mine 3 6 Unseen 3 6 Spores
4 1 High Wall 4 1 Dying 4 1 Thorns and Vines
4 2 Chambers 4 2 Of Dusk 4 2 Ash
4 3 Gate 4 3 Hangman’s 4 3 Memories
4 4 Cellar 4 4 Of Embers 4 4 Lightning
4 5 Gulch 4 5 Warlord’s 4 5 Executions
4 6 Hearth 4 6 Of Autumn 4 6 Sunlight
5 1 Warrens 5 1 Poisoned 5 1 Insects
5 2 Outer Wall 5 2 Of Night 5 2 Traps
5 3 Dungeon 5 3 Lower 5 3 Religion
5 4 Church 5 4 Everlasting 5 4 Flesh
5 5 Threshold 5 5 Blackened 5 5 Rebirth
5 6 Grotto 5 6 Of Dust 5 6 Webs
6 1 Sewers 6 1 Withered 6 1 Moving Passageways
6 2 Lighthouse 6 2 Of Drakes 6 2 Curses
6 3 Garrison 6 3 Pale 6 3 Oblivion
6 4 Cliffs 6 4 Of Spring 6 4 Mirrors
6 5 Pyramid 6 5 Consumed 6 5 Eggs
6 6 Fields 6 6 Fungal 6 6 Humanity
Death, Souls, and Bonfires
Optional Rule: Bound by Death Souls
This is an optional rule for handling PC death, When a Player Character dies, if they had any
and can be used only if all the participants agree amount of souls with them, that amount is
to it. Whenever a PC is slain, if you are using halved (round down; 25 souls will become 12, for
this rule, all PCs in the group are immediately example). Note that it is not possible to recov-
teleported to the last visited Bonfire. er these souls the way you do in the Dark Souls
The PC who died is the only one that will lose videogame: you don’t lose all of them (yay!), but
a Spark because of this, but the game world will the loss is permanent (oh no!).
“reset” (enemies will appear, wounded creatures
will regain their Hit Points, and so on). On the other hand, whenever a Non Player
This option makes sure no player has to sit there Character dies, each Player Character present
doing nothing while its companions looks for in the area will gain the amount of souls that
a Bonfire; still, it can become a bit frustrating if creature awards (see page 87). These souls are not
the group keeps being “bounced back” by ene- “split” between the PCs; each PC will gain the
mies tht cause heavy single-target damage. full amount.
Completing Missions
Combat is the most memorable element of the 9 Forward combatants are aggressive and
Dark Souls videogame series, and a key por- somewhat reckless. They can only use me-
tion of this tabletop adaptation. lee weapons and are easier to hit, but the
In this game, combat is divided into a series of amount of damage caused by their weapon
Rounds and takes place on a special sheet, the attacks is increased. Additionally, a charac-
combat sheet, where combatants will be rep- ter must be in this Ring to perform a parry.
resented by tokens or miniatures (depending 9 Defensive combatants are more balanced
on what is available to your group). This sheet, in their approach: they can use melee and
which is shown below, is composed of three ranged weapons.
Rings: Forward, Defensive and Back. Each Ring 9 Back combatants keep themselves out of
is further divided into an Ally half (belonging reach and can only use ranged weapons, but
to the Player Characters) and an Enemy half they can also only be hit by ranged weapons.
(belonging to the GM’s characters). In order for the Back Ring to be available
These combat Rings are not supposed to repre- to a combatant, one or more of their allies
sent a character’s position in space, but rather must be in the Forward and/or Defensive
their approach to battle and ability to defend Ring: if there is no one to shield them from
themselves (measured by an increasingly high the enemy, Back combatants are immedi-
Ring Number: 1, 3 or 5). ately moved into the Defensive Ring.
unofficial role playing game
combat sheet
Turn Order
Melee, Ranged
Melee, Ranged
Melee, Ranged
Can Hit with:
Enemy Defensive Ring
Melee, Ranged
Melee, Ranged
Melee, Ranged
Can Hit with:
(+3 damage)
Turn Order
Setting up Combat Combat Overview
When combat begins, players and GM will The flowchart on the right summarizes the
place tokens or miniatures representing the main steps of a combat encounter.
combatants they control on the combat sheet. The different actions available to both Player
Given how combat encounters require some Characters and enemies during combat will
thought and strategy, the Game Master should be detailed in the following pages, but here’s a
probably avoid building f ights with a large quick list of what they are.
number of enemies (these could easily get out of
9 Attack allows you to harm enemies using
hand). The best combats involve four to eight
the weapon you are wielding. The weapons
enemies, with a good combination of melee
you can attack with vary depending on the
fighters and ranged attackers or spellcasters.
Ring you are currently in; your target might
“Simple” adversaries with a limited amount of
block, dodge or parry your attack.
combat choices are great when you need a battle
9 Paired Attack is a variant of the attack
to include a large number of creatures; on the
other hand, bosses and solitary enemies should action, available when you are wielding two
possess a wide array of options in order to make melee weapons of the same type (such as two
for an interesting fight. You can find more greatswords), one in each hand.
about how to create adversaries on page 84. 9 Strong Attack is another variant of the
attack action, allowing for a brutal hit but
While the abstract combat sheet seemingly requiring more Stamina.
transforms any battlefield into a simplified 9 Cast a Spell allows you to use a miracle,
and empty arena, the GM is encouraged to in- pyromancy or sorcery, as long as you have
troduce some twists based on the context and that spell attuned and are wielding a proper
surroundings. You can f ind more about this on talisman, hand or staff. Spells also require
page 42. you to spend a Spell Point.
9 Create an Advantage can be used to
modify one Stamina Die among yours or
those of an ally. Stamina Dice are a precious
resource and are spent to perform actions.
9 Maneuver allows you to move to anoth-
er Ring among those available to you, or to
f lee the battle.
9 Use Gear is a flexible action that allows
you to drink an Estus Flask or activate one
of your Consumable special items or switch
any of your weapons, shields, armors and/or
special items to change your setup for the
f ight.
1 Players place the tokens or miniatures representing their characters on the combat sheet.
Then, the GM places the tokens or miniatures representing enemies on the combat sheet.
Remember: a combatant may stay in the Back Ring only if at least one of their allies is in
the corresponding Forward or Defensive Ring. Otherwise, they are immediately moved into
the Defensive Ring.
2 Combatants may switch their weapons, shields, armor and/or special items, choosing their
initial setup from the equipment they are currently carrying. They will be able to change
their setup later during combat if the need arises!
3 The f irst Round of combat begins; each combatant rolls a number of dice equal to their
Stamina (forming their pool of Stamina Dice for the Round) and places these dice next to
the token or miniature representing their character on the Combat Sheet, so that everyone
can see them. Characters wearing Heavy armor or wielding Heavy weapons (and creatures
which possess the Slow and Powerful ability) must then turn all Stamina Dice showing 1 or 2
to the side showing 3.
4 Each Round of combat is divided into 6 Turns. The GM will call these Turns, starting from
Turn 1 and ending with Turn 6.
On each Turn, combatants may spend Stamina Dice showing a number that is equal to or
lower than the current Turn number (e.g. dice showing a 1, 2 or 3 during turn 3) to perform
actions. During a given Turn, Boss enemies spend their dice before Player Characters, and
Player Characters spend their dice before non-Boss enemies.
Note that combatants of the same “priority” (e.g. two PCs or two Boss enemies) may alter-
nate their actions, such as character A performing a Maneuver, character B using Create an
Advantage to modify one of character A’s dice, then character A performing an Attack.
5 After Turn 6 is completed, the Round ends. Combatants discard any unspent Stamina Dice.
Combatants may switch their weapons, shields, armor and/or special items, choosing their
setup from the equipment they are currently carrying and preparing for the following Round.
Then, unless combat has ended, a new Round begins (return to step 3): combatants roll their
new Stamina Dice pools and so on.
6 Combat in Dark Souls typically ends when one side has annihilated the other, such as a
Boss monster wiping out the Player Characters’ group. It is also possible for combat to end
with one side f leeing or surrendering, or with some kind of negotiation with a hostile NPC.
When combat ends, gameplay returns to exploration.
Combat Actions
Here you can f ind a detailed explanation of the depending on the action). Keep in mind that,
actions available to characters during combat. unless otherwise specified, any Stamina Dice
All combat actions require whoever performs you spend must be showing a value equal to or
them to spend Stamina Dice (one or more dice, lower than the current Turn number.
Paired Attack (must be wielding two melee weapons of the same type)
When you perform the Attack action, if you are wielding two melee weapons of the same type
(such as two straight swords, or two curved greatswords), one in each hand, you may perform a
Paired Attack instead. You attack with only one of the weapons you are wielding, but the Damage
Margin is doubled for the purpose of calculating total damage (aside from this, the Paired Attack
is identical to a normal Attack). You cannot combine this with a Strong Attack (see below).
Cast a Spell (must have the spell attuned, and must be wielding the
appropriate flame, staff or talisman)
You may spend a Stamina Die and a Spell Point to cast a spell among those you have attuned.
You must be wielding the appropriate Flame, Staff or Talisman, and the value on the die you
spend must be greater than or equal to the spell’s Casting Number. Some spells may be dodged or
blocked (in the same way an Attack is dodged or blocked), and some require you to spend more
than one Spell Point. To learn more about spells, see page 71.
You may spend a Stamina Die to move into a different Ring. The value on the Stamina die you
spend must be greater than or equal to your destination’s Ring Number (e.g. if you want to move
to the Back Ring, you must spend a die showing 5 or 6). Remember: you can enter the Back Ring
only if there are one or more allies in the Forward and/or Defensive Rings.
You can also perform this action to f lee the battle, but this can only be done during Turn 6. If you
flee a battle, you cannot rejoin your allies until its end.
Use Gear
You may spend a Stamina Die to do any one of the following: drink an Estus Flask, or use one
of your Consumable special items, or switch any of your weapons, shields, armors and/or special
items (this includes changing your grip on a weapon, one-handing or two-handing it).
Running Through Making Combat Better
It is not uncommon to see people playing Dark Combat as it has been presented in the previous
Souls run through a previously explored area to pages can feel rather... barren. While the game
gather whatever they need and ignore any ene- allows for a huge variety of equipment and ad-
mies standing in their way. If Player Characters versaries (as you can see just by flipping though
want to do the same in this game, they can! the coming sections of this book), things can
When PCs approach an Area they have already get old pretty quickly (especially since fights are
explored which contains one or more hostile going to be pretty common).
creatures, they can choose to run through it and But don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to
reach another Area connected to it. To do so, make combat more interesting, and I have in-
each Player Character rolls a number of dice cluded a list of ideas right here. I encourage you,
equal to their Stamina; then, the Game Master GM, to mix and match these special combat
rolls a number of dice equal to the combined features with some of your own creation: and
Stamina of all hostile creatures in the Area. even if you end up killing a PC, they’ll be back
Each Player Character whose total is lower than in no time - albeit a bit closer to Hollowing.
the enemies’ loses an amount of Hit Points However, there are two things I have to tell
equal to the difference. you: first of all, if you introduce special features
during a battle, you should inform your players
about their presence. And secondly, you should
Example: Ludwig and Sitra are running
avoid using these features in your first combats.
through the Windswept Hall, guarded by two
Try to keep them simple, so that you and your
Storm Wyverns and a Chainbreaker Soldier.
players may develop some familiarity with the
Ludwig’s Stamina is 4, and he rolls four dice
rules before experimenting!
(6, 2, 4, 4 for a total of 16).
Sitra’s Stamina is 3, and she rolls three dice (5, 9 Limiting the Rings
3, 5 for a total of 13). If the battle takes place in a particularly
The Storm Wyverns have Stamina 3 each and cramped space, you might rule that the Back
the Chainbreaker Soldier has Stamina 2, for a Ring is not available; similarly, a battle on
total of eight dice rolled by the GM (6, 2, 4, 3, a narrow bridge or inside a corridor might
6, 5, 1, 2 for a dangerous 30). cause the Forward and Defensive Ring to be
Comparing the totals, Ludwig will lose 14 Hit restricted to one or two combatants at most.
Points and Sitra will lose 17 Hit Points. Both This option can severely hinder a character’s
of them survive and manage to traverse the effectiveness and put them at a major disad-
Windswept Hall. vantage: use it with caution.
9 Environmental Modifiers
However, keep in mind that running through The environment might alter some spells
an area prevents the character from gathering and effects: heavy rain might increase Bolt
any items or meaningfully interact with any damage by 5 and decrease Fire damage by
of its features (with the exception of Bonf ires; 5, and a battle within a corrupted temple
you can run through an area in order to quickly might increase Dark damage by 10.
reach its Bonfire). This option can force combatants to change
their strategy and make an otherwise minor
adversary suddenly dangerous.
Combat Objectives
9 Traps and Hazards While this roleplaying game is focused around
You might introduce environmental dan- combat and a friendly competition between the
gers, mechanisms and contraptions that GM and the players (because yes, the GM’s job
make the battlefield come to life and en- during combat is to try to kill you), it is still also
sure its deadliness. A good idea is to tie a game of imagination and improvisation.
these threats to a specific timer: a poisonous If your players think about an atypical way to
fog might inf lict 10 Toxic damage to each hurt or hinder an enemy, you might agree and
combatant at the end of each Round, and a set it as a Combat Objective.
flame-breathing trap might inf lict 20 Fire A Combat Objective requires a number of
damage to each combatant in the Defensive actions to be completed: said actions are per-
Rings at the beginning of every Turn 4. formed just like any combat action, but only
When you come up with a trap or hazard, on Turn 6 of each Round. Once the Objective is
it is even better if the Player Characters can completed, its effects take place.
use it against the enemy! Here are some examples:
9 Explosives
9 Collapsing the ceiling by breaking
An attack or effect causing Fire damage
the columns supporting it might require 6
and targeting a Ring containing explosives
actions and inflict 20 Crush damage to all
might trigger a powerful detonation, in-
combatants in the Forward and Defensive
flicting heavy Fire damage (possibly 20 or
Rings (allies and enemies).
30) to all combatants in that Ring (allies and
9 Disabling a trap or machine by stop-
enemies, isn’t that fun?). This can normally
occur only once per group of explosives. ping its mechanism might require 2 actions
(provided the mechanism is accessible).
9 Reinforcements
9 Pulling a lever to lift a portcullis or
Some enemies might be able to call upon
reinforcements from nearby Areas, or to unlock a door might require one action,
summon additional adversaries turning an but could later be countered by an enemy
initially simple battle into a desperate chal- returning the lever to its initial position by
lenge. Not unlike Traps and Hazards above, performing an action of their own.
these events should be tied to a timer or re-
quire an action from the enemy, so that the As the GM, you might also want to incorpo-
Player Characters may anticipate the danger rate Combat Objectives into a fight to make it
and act accordingly. more “gimmicky” (think of the Bed of Chaos
9 Pits or Seath’s breakable crystal). Don’t overdo this,
however, as sometimes players simply want an
If the battle takes place on the brink of a
interesting and powerful enemy that can be
chasm, you might rule that combatants
fought “normally”.
who are hit by a Strong Attack and do not
Dodge, Parry or Block it automatically fall
to their death. I know, it’s brutal, but it
wouldn’t be Dark Souls without some dead-
ly falls, right?
Item Qualities
Many items described in this pages possess one 9 Ranged: This weapon can only attack from
or more of the following qualities: the Back and Defensive Rings, but can tar-
9 Bash X: This is typically found on shields. get any enemy Ring. Weapons that possess
this quality are commonly called “ranged
While wielding this item, add X damage to
weapons” and the rest are commonly called
your melee attacks against enemies that are
“melee weapons”.
standing in the Forward Ring.
9 Reach: If you perform a Strong Attack
9 Block (...): This is typically found on
with this weapon, you can target enemies
shields. This item can be used to Block at-
in the Back Ring. This quality is typically
tacks. When you do so, add the listed Block
found on spears and long melee weapons,
values to your Defenses against the attack.
but can also be used to represent unusual
9 Brutal X: When you perform a Strong
abilities, such as a shockwave or flame burst
Attack with this weapon, add X to damage. emanating from a draconic sword.
9 Deadly X: Add X to damage caused by 9 Requires (...): The item requires you to
this weapon against targets that have no have certain attribute scores to use it, such
Stamina Dice left or during a counterattack as S 25+ or D 30+. If you cannot fulfill these
(after a successful Parry). This is a common requirements, you cannot wear nor wield it.
quality for daggers.
9 Split (...): This weapon combines several
9 (Spell type) Effect: This item allows
damage types (such as Fire + Pierce). Targets
you to cast the corresponding spells (Mira- subtract all corresponding Defenses from
cles, Piromancies or Sorceries) and sets your the attack, adding them together.
Effect with them (see page X). Usually found
9 Sweep X: When you perform a Strong At-
on pyromancy flames, staves and talismans.
tack with this weapon you may have it target
9 Guard Break: When you perform a
up to X enemies instead of just one, but all
Strong Attack with this weapon, the target targets must be within the same Ring. The
cannot Block (but can still Parry). attacks are resolved separately (you choose
9 Heavy: When you roll Stamina Dice while the order). If any of these attacks is parried
wearing or wielding this item, turn all dice or reduced to zero damage by a block, all
showing 1 or 2 to the side showing 3. This is subsequent attacks will be negated.
a quality found on particularly cumbersome 9 Two-Handed: This item always requires
or weighty armor and shields. you to wield it with both hands, preventing
9 Parry (X-Y): The item can be used to you from wielding other items. This quality
parry melee attacks, but only during Turns is only found on bows and greatbows.
X to Y (such as a shield with Parry 2-4 al- 9 Weapon Damage: This quality simply
lowing you to parry during Turns 2, 3 and describes how to calculate damage caused by
4). This quality is typically found on shields, the weapon. If it is a melee weapon and you
but some weapons can be used this way when are wielding it with both hands instead of
held in the left hand (as is the case with par- one, add your SB to the total damage.
rying daggers and scimitars).
Common Weapons (divided by Type)
Axes Damage and Qualities
Battle Axe WD (8 + DB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2
Brigand Axe WD (8 + DB + SB), Brutal 3
Hand Axe WD (7 + DB + SB, Slash)
Thrall Axe WD (6 + DB + SB, Slash), Deadly 1
Bows Damage and Qualities
Composite Bow WD (3 + SB + DB, Pierce), Ranged, Two-Handed
Longbow WD (5 + DB, Pierce), Brutal 2, Ranged, Two-Handed
Short Bow WD (4 + DB, Pierce), Ranged, Two-Handed
Crossbows Damage and Qualities
Special: Despite them being Ranged weapons, crossbows can be used to attack from the Forward Ring.
Arbalest WD (6, Pierce), Brutal 2, Ranged, Requires S 25+
Heavy Crossbow WD (5, Pierce), Brutal 2, Ranged
Light Crossbow WD (5, Pierce), Ranged
Sniper Crossbow WD (7, Pierce), Ranged, Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Curved Swords Damage and Qualities
Falchion WD (7 + DB + SB, Slash), Sweep 2
Follower Sabre WD (7 + DB + SB, Slash), Brutal 3
Scimitar WD (5 + DB + DB, Slash), Parry (3-4, left hand only), Sweep 2
Sellsword Twinblade WD (6 + DB + DB, Slash), Parry (3-4, left hand only), Sweep 2
Shotel WD (6 + DB + DB), Guard Break, Sweep 2
Daggers Damage and Qualities
Bandit’s Knife WD (2 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 5
Brigand Twindagger WD (1 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 4, Requires D 25+
Dagger WD (1 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 3
Harpe WD (1 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 2
Mail Breaker WD (3 + DB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break
Parrying Dagger WD (1 + DB + DB, Pierce), Deadly 3, Parry (1-4, left hand only)
Fists / Claws Damage and Qualities
Caestus WD (5 + DB + SB, Crush), Parry (2-4, left hand only)
Claw WD (5 + DB + DB, Slash), Deadly 2, Parry (3-4, left hand only)
Flames Damage and Qualities
Pyromancy Flame WD (3 + FB + IB, Fire), Pyromancy Effect (FB + IB)
Greataxes Damage and Qualities
Greataxe WD (14 + SB, Slash), Brutal 3, Heavy, Requires S 35+
Great Machete WD (12 + SB, Slash), Brutal 2, Heavy, Requires S 30+
Great Hammers Damage and Qualities
Great Club WD (11 + SB + SB, Crush), Brutal 4, Heavy, Requires S 30+
Great Mace WD (13 + SB, Crush), Brutal 2, Heavy, Requires S 35+
Great Wooden Hammer WD (6 + SB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires S 25+
Large Club WD (10 + SB + SB, Crush), Brutal 2, Heavy, Requires S 25+
Pickaxe WD (10 + SB + SB, Pierce), Requires S 25+
Spiked Mace WD (10 + SB + SB, Crush / Pierce), Heavy, Sweep 3, Requires S 25+
Greatswords Damage and Qualities
Bastard Sword WD (9 + DB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2, Sweep 3, Requires S 20+
Claymore WD (9 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Sweep 3, Req. D 20+ and S 20+
Flamberge WD (11 + DB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2, Sweep 2, Req. D 20+ and S 20+
Halberds Damage and Qualities
Glaive WD (10 + SB, Slash), Sweep 3, Requires S 25+
Halberd WD (8 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Reach, Sweep 2, Requires S 20+
Lucerne WD (8 + DB + SB, Pierce), Guard Break, Sweep 3, Requires D 20+ and S 20+
Red Hilted Halberd WD (9 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Sweep 3, Requires D 20+ and S 20+
Hammers Damage and Qualities
Blacksmith Hammer WD (6 + SB + SB, Crush), Guard Break
Club WD (6 + SB + SB, Crush), Brutal 2
Mace WD (7 + SB + SB, Crush)
Morning Star WD (8 + SB, Crush), Brutal 3
Reinforced Club WD (6 + SB + SB, Crush), Brutal 3
Warpick WD (7 + SB, Pierce), Guard Break
Reapers Damage and Qualities
Great Scythe WD (6 + DB + DB, Slash), Deadly 2, Sweep 2
Spears / Pikes Damage and Qualities
Follower Javelin WD (6 + SB + SB, Pierce), Reach
Four - Pronged Plow WD (6 + DB + SB, Pierce), Brutal 2, Reach
Greatlance WD (8 + DB + SB, Pierce), Brutal 5, Heavy, Reach, Requires D 20+ and S 25+
Partizan WD (6 + DB + SB, Pierce), Reach, Sweep 2, Requires S 20+
Special: If using the Sweep quality, the damage becomes Slash.
Pike WD (6 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce), Brutal 2, Reach, Requires D 20+ and S 25+
Spear WD (6 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce), Reach
Winged Spear WD (5 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce), Guard Break, Reach, Requires D 20+
Staves Damage and Qualities
Court Sorcerer’s Staff WD (2, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB + IB)
Sorcerer’s Staff WD (2, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Straight Swords Damage and Qualities
Broadsword WD (7 + DB + SB + SB, Slash), Guard Break, Sweep 2
Broken Straight Sword WD (3 + DB + SB, Slash).
Longsword WD (7 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break
Shortsword WD (5 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce), Guard Break
Talismans Damage and Qualities
Canvas Talisman WD (1, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB)
Cleric’s Sacred Chime WD (1 + SB, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB + FB), Requires F 20+
Special: When wielding it, regain HP equal to FB when you cast a Miracle.
Priest’s Chime WD (1, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB)
Special: When wielding it, regain HP equal to FB when you cast a Miracle.
Saint’s Talisman WD (1 + SB, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB +FB)
Talisman WD (1 + SB, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB)
Thrusting Swords Damage and Qualities
Estoc WD (6 + DB + SB, Pierce), Guard Break
Rapier WD (5 + DB + DB, Pierce), Guard Break
Ultra Greatswords Damage and Qualities
Greatsword WD (11 + DB + SB, Slash), Guard Break, Heavy, Sweep 3, Requires S 30+
Zweihander WD (10 + DB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2, Heavy, Sweep 3, Requires S 25+
Whips Damage and Qualities
Special: All whips cannot be parried, but cannot be used in a counterattack. They cause no damage against
any target with a corresponding Defense of 6 or more (take the target’s attribute Bonus into account).
Whip WD (5 + DB + DB, Slash), Reach, Requires D 20+
Uncommon and Unique Weapons (divided by Type)
Axes Damage and Qualities
Butcher’s Knife WD (6 + SB + SB + SB, Slash), Requires S 30+
Special: When you attack with this, recover HP equal to Damage Margin.
Dragonslayer’s Axe WD (16 + SB), Split (Bolt + Slash), Brutal 3, Requires S 25+
Eleonora WD (11 + SB, Slash), Requires S 25+
Special: When an ally (you included) in your Ring attacks, if you are wielding
this weapon, they recover 2 HP.
Gargoyle Tail Axe WD (6 + DB + DB + SB, Slash), Requires D 20+ and S 20+
Special: While wielding this, gain +1 Defense against Toxic.
Golem Axe WD (11 + SB + SB, Slash), Reach, Sweep 2, Requires S 35+
Man Serpent Hatchet WD (8 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break
Millwood Battle Axe WD (9 + SB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2, Requires S 20+
Winged Knight Twinaxe WD (8 + DB + SB, Slash), Sweep 2, Requires S 30+
Bows Damage and Qualities
Black Bow of Pharis WD (2 + DB + DB, Pierce), Ranged, Sweep 3, Two-Handed
Darkmoon Longbow WD (3 + IB + IB), Split (Magic + Pierce) Brutal 2, Ranged, Two-Handed
Dragonrider Bow WD (7 + DB, Pierce), Guard Break, Ranged, Two-Handed
White Birch Bow WD (4 + DB, Pierce), Deadly 2, Ranged, Two-Handed
Crossbows Damage and Qualities
Special: Despite them being Ranged weapons, crossbows can be used to attack from the Forward Ring.
Avelyn WD (6, Pierce), Deadly 2, Ranged
Knight’s Crossbow WD (7), Split (Bolt + Pierce), Ranged
Repeating Crossbow WD (7, Pierce), Ranged, Requires D 25+, Sweep 2
Curved Greatswords Damage and Qualities
Carthus Curved Greatsword WD (8 + DB + DB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2, Sweep 3, Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Exile Greatsword WD (10 + DB + SB, Slash), Sweep 3, Requires S 30+
Gravelord Sword WD (22), Split (Pierce / Slash + Toxic), Sweep 2, Requires D 20+ and S 25+
Harald Curved Greatsword WD (10 + DB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2, Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Murakumo WD (9 + DB + DB + SB, Slash), Sweep 3, Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Old Wolf Curved Sword WD (10 + DB + SB, Slash), Sweep 2, Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Special: When you attack with this, recover HP equal to Damage Margin.
Server WD (10 + DB + DB, Slash), Sweep 2, Requires D 20+ and S 25+
Special: When you attack with this, recover HP equal to Damage Margin.
Curved Swords Damage and Qualities
Carthus Curved Sword WD (7 + DB + SB, Slash), Deadly 2, Sweep 2, Requires D 25+
Carthus Shotel WD (6 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Sweep 2, Requires D 25+
Crescent Moon Sword WD (11 + DB + DB + IB), Split (Magic + Slash), Reach
Special: If using the Reach quality, damage becomes (6+ IB, Magic).
Dancer’s Enchanted Sword WD (15 + DB + FB + IB + SB), Split (Fire + Magic + Slash), Sweep 2, Req. D 25+
Demon’s Scar WD (6 + FB + IB, Fire), Pyromancy Effect (FB + IB), Sweep 2
Special: This weapon also counts as a Flame for casting Pyromancies.
Gold Tracer WD (6 + DB + DB + DB, Slash), Sweep 2, Requires D 30+
Special: Can be used to perform Paired Attacks with the Dark Silver Tracer.
Jagged Ghost Blade WD (11, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 4, Special: Can damage incorporeal entities.
Painting Guardian’s Curved S. WD (4 + DB + DB, Slash), Sweep 3, Requires D 25+
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword WD (8 + DB + SB, Slash), Reach
Queelag’s Furysword WD (16 + DB + DB), Split (Fire + Slash), Requires D 20+
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword WD (10 + DB + DB), Split (Slash + Toxic), Sweep 2
Storm Curved Sword WD (7 + DB + DB + SB, Slash), Sweep 3
Warden Twinblade WD (5 + DB + SB, Slash), Parry (3 to 4, left hand only), Sweep 2
Daggers Damage and Qualities
Aquamarine Dagger WD (9 + DB + IB), Split (Magic + Slash), Requires I 20+
Corvian Greatknife WD (5, Pierce or Slash), Deadly 3, Reach
Dark Silver Tracer WD (3 + DB + DB + DB + DB), Split (Pierce / Slash + Toxic), Requires D 30+
Special: Can be used to perform Paired Attacks with the Gold Tracer.
Ghost Blade WD (7, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 4, Special: Can damage incorporeal entities.
Handmaid’s Dagger WD (4, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 1
Special: When you attack with this, recover one Spell Point.
Murky Hand Scythe WD (5 + DB + SB), Deadly 2, Split (Dark + Slash)
Priscilla’s Dagger WD (4 + DB + DB + DB), Split (Dark + Slash), Requires D 25+
Special: You can always perform Paired Attacks with this weapon.
Rotten Ghru Dagger WD (5 + DB + DB), Split (Pierce + Toxic), Deadly 1
Scholar’s Candlestick WD (2 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Requires F 20+
Special: While wielding this, add +2 to damage from your Sorceries.
Tailbone Short Sword WD (5, Pierce / Slash), Brutal 2, Reach
Fists / Claws Damage and Qualities
Crow Talons WD (5 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Sweep 2
Dark Hand WD (18 + DB + FB + IB + SB), Split (Crush + Dark),
Block (all Defenses 6, left hand only)
Special: When you kill an enemy with this, gain 10 Souls.
This weapon can only attack non-Hollow humanoids.
Demon’s Fist WD (14 + SB), Split (Crush + Fire), Sweep 2, Requires S 25+
Dragon Bone Fist WD (5 + SB + SB + SB, Crush), Guard Break, Requires S 25+
Manikin Claws WD (5 + DB + DB, Slash), Deadly, Parry (3-4, left hand only), Reach
Flames Damage and Qualities
Pyromancer’s Parting Flame WD (4 + FB + IB, Fire), Pyromancy Effect (2 + FB + IB), Req. F 25+ and I 25+
Special: When you kill an enemy, if wielding this, you may spend one Spell
Point to regain one Estus Flask.
Greataxes Damage and Qualities
Black Knight Greataxe WD (17 + DB + SB + SB, Slash), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires D 25+ and S 40+
Special: This weapon causes +5 damage against Demons.
Demon’s Greataxe WD (19 + FB + IB + SB + SB), Split (Fire + Slash), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires S 35+
Dragon King Greataxe WD (30, Slash), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires S 40+
Dragonslayer Greataxe WD (23 + FB + SB), Split (Bolt + Slash), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires S 40+
Earth Seeker WD (11 + FB + SB + SB, Slash), Heavy, Sweep 3, Requires F 20+ and S 30+
Stone Greataxe WD (15 + SB + SB + SB, Slash), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires S 35+
Yhorm’s Great Machete WD (13 + SB + SB, Slash), Brutal 2, Heavy, Reach, Requires S 40+
Greatbows Damage and Qualities
Dragonslayer Greatbow WD (8 + DB + SB, Pierce), Brutal 4, Ranged, Two-Handed, Requires S 20+
Special: If you attack with this on Turn 6, you may target one enemy for each
Ring (Forward, Defensive, Back). Resolve each attack separately.
Gough’s Greatbow WD (4 + DB + SB + SB, Pierce), Brutal 4, Ranged, Two-Handed,
Requires D 25+ and S 30+
Special: If you attack with this on Turn 6, you may target one enemy for each
Ring (Forward, Defensive, Back). Resolve each attack separately.
Millwood Greatbow WD (10 + SB + SB, Pierce), Sweep 3, Ranged, Two-Handed, Requires S 30+
Onislayer Greatbow WD (7 + DB + DB, Pierce), Brutal 4, Ranged, Two-Handed, Requires D 20+
Special: If you attack with this on Turn 6, you may target one enemy for each
Ring (Forward, Defensive, Back). Resolve each attack separately.
Great Hammers Damage and Qualities
Demon’s Great Hammer WD (9 + SB + SB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Requires S 35+
Dragon Tooth WD (14 + SB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Requires S 35+
Special: While wielding this, gain +2 Defense against Fire and Magic.
Gargoyle Flame Hammer WD (8 + SB, Crush), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires S 25+
Special: If using Sweep quality, damage becomes (6 + FB + IB, Fire).
Grant WD (18 + FB + FB + SB + SB), Split (Crush + Magic), Heavy, Sweep 3,
Requires F 30+ and S 40+
Ledo’s Great Hammer WD (13 + SB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Sweep 4, Requires S 40+
Morne’s Great Hammer WD (16 + FB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Sweep 3, Requires F 30+ and S 40+
Old King’s Great Hammer WD (20 + FB + IB + SB), Split (Crush + Fire), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires S 35+
Quakestone Hammer WD (14 + SB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Sweep 3, Requires S 45+
Smough’s Great Hammer WD (16 + SB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires S 35+
Vordt’s Great Hammer WD (13 + SB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Requires F 30+
Greatswords Damage and Qualities
Black Knight Sword WD (13 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Sweep 2, Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Special: This weapon causes +5 damage against Demons.
Crystal Greatsword WD (16 + DB + SB, Slash), Sweep 2, Requires S 25+
Special: If you die while wielding this, it is permanently destroyed.
Drakeblood Greatsword WD (18 + DB + SB), Split (Bolt + Magic + Pierce / Slash), Sweep 2,
Requires D 20+ and S 25+
Executioner’s Greatsword WD (9 + SB + SB, Crush), Guard Break, Sweep 2, Requires S 25+
Special: When an enemy dies, recover 6 HP.
Firelink Greatsword WD (16 + DB + SB), Split (Fire + Slash), Reach, Sweep 3, Requires S 25+
Gael’s Greatsword WD (10 + DB + SB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Reach, Sweep 3, Req. D 20+ and S 25+
Great Lord Greatsword WD (14 + DB + SB, Slash), Sweep 3, Requires S 25+
Greatsword of Judgement WD (15 + DB + SB), Split (Magic + Slash), Reach, Sweep 2, Req. D 20+ and S 25+
Special: If using the Reach quality, damage becomes (4 + IB, Magic).
Hollowslayer Greatsword WD (10 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Sweep 2, Req. D 25+
Special: This weapon causes +5 damage against Hollows.
Man-Serpent Greatsword WD (11 + SB + SB, Slash), Sweep 2, Requires S 25+
Moonlight Greatsword WD (15 + IB + IB), Split (Magic + Slash), Reach, Sweep 2, Req. I 30+ and S 20+
Special: If using the Reach quality, damage becomes (9 + IB + IB, Magic).
Obsidian Greatsword WD (20, Slash), Sweep 2, Requires D 20+ and S 25+
Special: When you attack with this weapon, you may increase its Sweep 2 to
Sweep 3. If you do, the damage becomes (15, Fire).
Onyx Blade WD (15 + FB + IB), Split (Dark + Pierce / Slash), Sweep 2, Req. F 20+ and I 20+
Special: When performing a Strong Attack with this weapon, you may in-
crease damage by 6. If you do, Split becomes (Dark + Fire + Pierce / Slash).
Stone Greatsword WD (15 + DB + SB), Split (Magic + Slash), Reach, Sweep 2, Requires S 35+
Special: When performing a Strong Attack with this weapon, you may spend
a Spell Point. If you do, all enemies that are currently in the Forward Ring
will not be able to dodge until the end of the current Round.
Storm Ruler WD (10 + DB + SB, Slash), Sweep 2
Special: This weapon causes +10 damage against Giants.
Twin Princes’ Greatsword WD (16 + DB + FB + IB + SB), Split (Fire + Slash), Reach, Sweep 2,
Requires D 20+ and S 25+
Special: If using the Reach quality, damage becomes (12, Crush / Fire).
Wolf Knight’s Greatsword WD (9 + DB + SB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Lunge, Sweep 3, Req. D 25+ and S 30+
Special: This weapon causes +5 damage against Abyssal creatures.
Wolnir’s Holy Sword WD (11 + FB + SB, Slash), Sweep 3
Special: This weapon’s Sweep can target enemies that are in different Rings.
Halberds Damage and Qualities
Black Knight Glaive WD (11 + DB + SB, Slash), Reach, Sweep 3, Requires D 25+ and S 30+
Special: This weapon causes +5 damage against Demons.
Crescent Axe WD (18 + DB + FB + SB), Split (Magic + Slash), Sweep 2, Req. D 20+ and F 20+
Crucifix of the Mad King WD (15 + FB + SB), Split (Crush + Dark), Sweep 2, Requires F 20+ and S 25+
Special:When you attack with this weapon, you may spend 1 Spell Point.
If you do, roll a d6 and apply the corresponding effect:
1-2: Each combatant (ally or foe, including you) suffers 12 Dark damage.
3-4: The next time you suffer damage in this battle, suffer no damage instead.
5-6: Each enemy in the Forward Ring suffers 8 Crush damage.
Gargoyle’s Halberd WD (7 + DB + SB, Slash), Reach, Requires S 20+
Giant’s Halberd WD (20 + DB + SB), Split (Bolt + Slash), Heavy, Reach, Sweep 2, Req. S 35+
Gundyr’s Halberd WD (10 + SB + SB, Slash), Reach, Sweep 2, Requires D 20+ and S 30+
Immolation Tinder WD (14 + DB + SB), Split (Fire + Pierce), Reach, Sorcery Effect (IB + IB),
Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Special: This weapon also counts as a Staff for casting Sorceries.
Lifehunt Scythe WD (12 + DB + DB, Slash), Deadly 4, Sweep 2, Requires D 20+ and S 20+
Splitleaf Greatsword WD (9 + SB + SB, Slash), Sweep 3, Requires D 20+ and S 30+
Special: Gains Block (Cr 8, Pi 8, Sl 8) against physical projectile attacks.
Titanite Catch Pole WD (14 + DB + IB + SB), Split (Magic + Slash), Reach, Sweep 2, Requires S 20+
Winged Knight Halberd WD (9 + SB, Slash), Heavy, Sweep 3, Requires D 20+ and S 30+
Hammers Damage and Qualities
Blacksmith Giant Hammer WD (20 + SB), Split (Bolt + Crush), Requires S 20+
Drang Hammers WD (7 + SB + SB, Crush), Guard Break, Sweep 2
Hammer of Vamos WD (6 + SB + SB, Crush), Requires S 20+
Heysel Pick WD (12 + SB), Split (Magic + Pierce), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB), Requires I 25+
Special: This weapon also counts as a Staff for casting Sorceries.
Katanas Damage and Qualities
Black Blade WD (8 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Reach,
Parry (2-4, two-handed only), Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Bloodlust WD (6 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Requires D 30+
Special: Instead of spending a Stamina Die for Strong Attacks, you may lose
HP equal to current Turn. Add that number as if it was the value on the die.
Chaos Blade WD (6 + DB + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 2,
Parry (2-4, two-handed only), Requires D 20+ and S 20+
Special: When you attack with this, lose one HP.
Darkdrift WD (9 + DB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Reach, Requires D 35+
Frayed Blade WD (10 + DB + DB), Split (Dark + Pierce / Slash)
Parry (2-4, two-handed only), Requires D 40+
Iaito WD (7 + DB, Slash), Brutal 2, Requires D 20+
Onikiri WD (6 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Requires D 30+
Special: If wielding Ubadachi, both weapons gain Lunge and Sweep 2.
Ubadachi WD(6 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Requires D 30+
Special: If wielding Onikiri, both weapons gain Lunge and Sweep 2.
Uchigatana WD (7 + DB, Pierce / Slash), Parry (2-4, two-handed only), Requires D 20+
Washing Pole WD (8 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Reach,
Parry (2-4, two-handed only), Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Reapers Damage and Qualities
Friede’s Great Scythe WD (14 + DB + DB + IB + IB), Split (Magic + Slash), Requires D 20+
Special: If your other hand is empty, you can perform Paired Attacks
with this weapon.
Great Corvian Scythe WD (5 + DB + SB + SB, Slash), Deadly 3, Sweep 2
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe WD (6 + DB + DB + DB, Slash), Sweep 2, Requires D 25+
Spears / Pikes Damage and Qualities
Arstor’s Spear WD (9 + DB + DB + SB), Split (Pierce + Toxic), Guard Break,
Reach, Requires D 25+
Special: When an enemy dies, recover 6 HP.
Channeler’s Trident WD (13 + DB + IB + IB), Split (Magic + Pierce), Reach,
Requires D 20+ and I 25+ and S 20+
Special: When you perform a Strong Attack with this weapon, your allies
gain +2 to weapon damage until the end of the current Round.
Demon’s Spear WD (18 + DB + SB), Split (Bolt + Pierce), Reach
Dragonslayer Spear WD (14 + DB + DB + FB + SB), Split (Bolt + Pierce),
Reach, Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Dragonslayer Swordspear WD (11 + DB + DB + FB + SB), Split (Bolt + Pierce / Slash), Brutal 4, Reach,
Requires D 25+ and F 25+ and S 20+
Drang Twinspear WD (6 + DB + SB, Crush / Pierce), Reach, Requires D 25+ and S 20+
Gargoyle Flame Spear WD (15 + DB), Split (Fire + Pierce), Reach, Requires D 25+ and S 20+
Golden Ritual Spear WD (10 + DB), Split (Magic + Pierce), Reach, Sorcery Effect (FB + FB),
Requires FB 20+ and IB 25+
Special: This weapon also counts as a Staff for casting Sorceries.
Lothric Knight Long Spear WD (7 + DB + SB, Pierce), Reach, Requires D 25+ and S 20+
Lothric War Banner WD (6 + DB + SB, Pierce), Requires D 20+ and S 20+
Special: While wielding this, allies in your Ring (including you)
gain +1 to any damage they cause.
Moonlight Butterfly Horn WD (6 + IB + IB, Magic), Reach, Requires I 20+
Ringed Knight Spear WD (9 + DB + SB), Split (Fire + Pierce), Reach, Requires D 20+ and S 20+
Rotten Ghru Spear WD (12 + DB + SB), Split (Pierce + Toxic), Reach
Saint Bident WD (5 + FB + FB + SB, Pierce), Reach, Requires F 20+
Silver Knight Spear WD (11 + DB + DB, Pierce), Reach, Requires D 25+ and S 20+
Soldering Iron WD (9 + DB + SB), Split (Fire + Pierce), Reach
Special: A target that loses HP from this weapon will not be able to regain
HP until the end of the current Round.
Tailbone Spear WD (7 + DB, Pierce), Brutal 4, Reach, Requires D 25+
Yorshka’s Spear WD (6 + DB + FB + SB, Crush / Pierce), Reach, Req. D 20+ and F 20+ and S 25+
Special: A target that loses HP from this weapon will also lose 1 Spell Point.
Staves Damage and Qualities
Archdeacon’s Great Staff WD (4 + SB, Crush), Sorcery Effect (FB + FB + FB)
Beatrice’s Staff WD (2, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB + IB)
Demon’s Catalyst WD (16 + DB + IB + SB), Split (Pierce + Fire), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Heretic’s Staff WD (2 + SB, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Izalith Staff WD (8 + DB + SB, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB), Requires I 20+
Special: While wielding this, add FB to Dark damage from your Sorceries.
Logan’s Staff WD (2, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB + IB + IB), Requires I 30+
Man-Grub’s Staff WD (5 + SB, Crush), Sorcery Effect (equal to 6 minus your total Sparks of
Memory), Requires I 20+
Manus Catalyst WD (15 + SB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Sorcery Effect (IB + IB + IB), Req. S 20+
Special: While wielding this, all spells cost you one extra Spell Point.
Mendicant’s Staff WD (2 + SB, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Special: When you kill an enemy, if you wield this, gain 2 Souls.
Murky Longstaff WD (6 + DB + SB), Split (Dark + Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Special: While wielding this, add FB to Dark damage from your Sorceries.
Oolacile Staff WD (2, Crush / Toxic), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Oolacile Ivory Staff WD (2, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Preacher’s Right Arm WD (6, Crush), Lunge, Sorcery Effect (IB + IB + IB), Requires I 20+
Special: If using Lunge quality, damage becomes (6 + IB, Pierce).
Sage’s Crystal Staff WD (4, Crush), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Special: While wielding this, you may increase the damage dealt by any
Sorcery you cast by 4, if you pay an additional Spell Point.
Storyteller’s Staff WD (2, Crush) or (6 + IB, Toxic), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Tin Banishment Staff WD (10 + DB, Pierce), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB + IB)
Tin Crystallization Staff WD (20, Pierce), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB + IB), Requires I 35+
Special: While wielding this, all spells cost you one extra Spell Point.
Tin Darkmoon Staff WD (2, Crush), Sorcery Effect (FB + FB + FB), Requires F 20+
Witchtree Branch WD (2, Crush), Sorcery Effect (2 + IB), Requires I 20+
Special: While wielding this, reduce Casting Number of any spell you cast
(Miracles, Pyromancies and Sorceries) by 1, to a minumum of 1.
Straight Swords Damage and Qualities
Anri’s Straight Sword WD (7 + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break.
Special: This weapon causes +1 damage for each Spark of Memory you have.
Astora Straight Sword WD (8 + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Requires F 20+
Balder Straight Sword WD (8 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Requires D 20+
Barbed Straight Sword WD (7 + DB + SB, Pierce), Deadly 2, Guard Break
Cleric’s Candlestick WD (10 + DB + SB), Split (Magic + Pierce), Sorcery Effect (IB + IB)
Special: This weapon also counts as a Staff for casting Sorceries.
Crystal Straight Sword WD (12 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Requires S 20+
Special: If you die while wielding this, it is permanently destroyed.
Dark Sword WD (7 + DB + SB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Brutal 2, Requires D 20+ and S 20+
Drake Sword (15, Slash), Reach, Requires S 20+
Special: While wielding this, gain +2 Defense against Fire and Magic.
Gotthard Twinsword WD (6 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Sweep 2
Irithyll Straight Sword WD (8 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break
Lothric’s Holy Sword WD (6 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Reach, Requires D 20+, F 20+ and S 20+
Lothric Knight Sword WD (6 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 1, Guard Break
Morion Blade WD (9 + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Requires D 20+
Special: This weapon causes +3 damage if you have 10 HP or less.
Ringed Knight Straight Sword WD (8 + DB + SB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Requires D 20+ and S 20+
Special: If you perform a Strong Attack with this, the damage is Fire.
Silver Knight Straight Sword WD (10 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Requires D 25+ and S 20+
Sunlight Straight Sword WD (7 + FB + FB, Pierce / Slash), Requires F 20+
Special: While wielding this, allies in your Ring (including you) gain +1 to
any damage they cause and +1 to all their Defenses.
Valorheart Blade WD (8 + DB + SB, Crush / Pierce / Slash), Guard Break
Special:If wielding Valorheart Shield, you can perform Paired Attacks.
Talismans Damage and Qualities
Caitha’s Chime WD (3, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB)
Special: While wielding this, add IB to Dark damage from your Miracles.
Special: While wielding this, regain HP equal to IB when you cast a Miracle.
Crystal Chime WD (3, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + IB), Sorcery Effect (FB + IB),
Requires F 25+ and I 25+.
Special: While wielding this, regain HP equal to IB when you cast a Miracle.
Darkmoon Talisman WD (2, Crush), Miracle Effect (1 + FB + FB + FB), Requires F 25+
Ivory Talisman WD (2, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB + FB)
Sacred Chime of Filianore WD (3, Crush), Miracle Effect (2 + FB), Requires F 25+
Special: While wielding this, you and up to three allies regain 4 HP whenever
you cast a Miracle.
Saint-Tree Bellvine WD (1, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB), Requires F 20+
Special: While wielding this, regain HP equal to FB when you cast a Miracle.
Special: While wielding this, reduce Casting Number of any spell you cast
(Miracles, Pyromancies and Sorceries) by 1, to a minumum of 1.
Sunless Talisman WD (3, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB), Requires F 30+
Special: While wielding this, add IB to Dark damage from your Miracles.
Sunlight Talisman WD (1 + SB, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + FB), Requires F 20+
Special: While wielding this, gain +1 to all your Defenses.
Thorolund Talisman WD (2, Crush), Miracle Effect (2 + FB)
Velka’s Talisman WD (2, Crush), Miracle Effect (IB + IB + IB), Requires I 20+
White Hair Talisman WD (3, Crush), Miracle Effect (FB + IB),
Pyromancy Effect (FB + IB), Requires I 20+ and F 25+
Yorshka’s Chime WD (1 + SB, Crush), Miracle Effect (2 + FB + FB + FB), Requires F 35+
Special: While wielding this, regain HP equal to FB when you cast a Miracle.
Thrusting Swords Damage and Qualities
Crow Quills WD (5 + DB + DB, Pierce / Slash), Deadly 3, Reach, Requires D 20+
Special: If using the Reach quality, damage is always Pierce.
Crystal Sage Rapier WD (9 + IB), Split (Magic + Pierce), Guard Break, Requires D 20+
Irithyll Rapier WD (7 + DB + SB, Pierce), Guard Break
Ricard’s Rapier WD (5 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce), Guard Break, Requires D 25+
Velka’s Rapier WD (10 + DB + IB + IB), Split (Magic + Pierce / Slash), Req. D 20+ and I 20+
Special: You can always perform Paired Attacks with this weapon.
Ultra Greatswords Damage and Qualities
Astora Greatsword WD (9 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Sweep 2,
Requires D 25+ and S 20+
Black Knight Greatsword WD (14 + DB + SB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Heavy, Sweep 2,
Requires D 25+ and S 35+
Special: This weapon causes +5 damage against Demons.
Cathedral Knight Greatsword WD (10 + SB + SB, Crush / Pierce), Guard Break, Heavy, Sweep 2, Req. S 30+
Demon Great Machete WD (13 + SB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Heavy, Sweep 2, Requires S 35+
Dragon Greatsword WD (25, Slash), Heavy, Reach, Sweep 3, Requires S 35+
Special: While wielding this, gain +2 Defense against Fire and Magic.
Farron Greatsword WD (10 + DB + DB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Sweep 2, Requires D 25+ and S 25+
Special: If your other hand is empty, this weapon gains Parry (2-4).
Fume Ultra Greatsword WD (11 + SB + SB + SB, Crush), Heavy, Sweep 3, Req. S 45+
Lorian’s Greatsword WD (18 + DB + FB + IB + SB), Split (Fire + Crush / Pierce), Reach, Req. S 30+
Lothric Knight Greatsword WD (17 + DB + SB), Split (Bolt + Pierce / Slash), Guard Break, Heavy,
Sweep 2, Requires D 25+ and S 30+
Profaned Greatsword WD (12 + DB + SB + SB, Pierce / Slash), Heavy, Reach, Sweep 2, Requires S 25+
Special: If using the Reach quality, damage becomes Fire.
Ringed Knight Paired WD (15 + SB + SB), Split (Fire + Pierce / Slash), Heavy, Reach,
Greatsword Sweep 2, Requires D 20+ and S 40+
Special: If using the Reach quality, damage becomes (1 + FB + IB, Fire).
Whips Damage and Qualities
Special: All whips cannot be parried, but cannot be used in a counterattack. They cause no damage against
any target with a corresponding Defense of 6 or more (take the target’s attribute Bonus into account).
Guardian Tail WD (12 + DB + DB), Split (Pierce + Toxic), Reach, Requires S 25+
Notched Whip WD (5 + DB, Pierce / Slash), Reach, Requires D 25+
Rose of Ariandel WD (3 + FB + FB + SB + SB, Pierce), Requires F 25+
Spotted Whip WD (10 + DB), Split (Slash + Toxic), Reach, Requires D 25+
Witch’s Locks WD (3 + DB, Fire / Slash), Reach, Requires D 20+
Special: If dealing Fire damage, add FB + FB + IB + IB (not DB).
Shields (divided by Type)
Special: Shields with the Parry quality lose it if wielded in the right hand.
Greatshields Bonus to Defenses and Qualities
Ancient Dragon Greatshield Block (Bo 4, Cr 7, Da 4, Fi 4, Ma 4, Pi 7, Sl 7, To 0), Requires S 20+
Black Iron Greatshield Bash 2, Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 6, Fi 8, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 30+
Bonewheel Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 6, Fi 5, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 30+
Special: If wielding this two-handed, you can attack with it as if it were a me-
lee weapon with Weapon Damage (11 + SB, Crush / Pierce) and Guard Break.
Cathedral Knight Greatshield Bash 2, Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 8, Fi 6, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 30+
Cleansing Greatshield Bash 2, Block (Bo 7, Cr 8, Da 8, Fi 8, Ma 8, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Requires S 30+
Curse Ward Greatshield Block (Bo 6, Cr 9, Da 7, Fi 6, Ma 7, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 30+
Dragonhead Greatshield Bash 3, Block (Bo 3, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 9, Ma 5, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 35+
Dragonslayer Greatshield Bash 3, Block (Bo 9, Cr 9, Da 7, Fi 7, Ma 7, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 40+
Eagle Shield Bash 2, Block (Bo 7, Cr 8, Da 5, Fi 4, Ma 5, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Requires S 20+
Giant Door Shield Block (Bo 8, Cr 9, Da 7, Fi 4, Ma 7, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Heavy, Requires S 40+
Special: If wielding this shield with both hands, you can attack with it as if it
were a melee weapon with Weapon Damage (10 + SB + SB, Crush).
Havel’s Greatshield Block (Bo 8, Cr 9, Da 8, Fi 8, Ma 8, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Heavy, Requires S 40+
Lothric Knight Greatshield Bash 3, Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 6, Fi 6, Ma 8, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 35+
Moaning Shield Block (Bo 7, Cr 9, Da 6, Fi 6, Ma 8, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 40+
Special: While wielding this, Forward enemies can only attack you.
Giant Shield Bash 2, Block (Bo 7, Cr 9, Da 6, Fi 7, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 35+
Greatshield of Glory Bash 2, Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 6, Fi 6, Ma 7, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 40+
Stone Greatshield Bash 2, Block (Bo 7, Cr 9, Da 7, Fi 7, Ma 7, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 40+
Twin Dragon Greatshield Bash 2, Block (Bo 6, Cr 8, Da 5, Fi 6, Ma 5, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Requires S 20+
Wolf Knight’s Greatshield Block (Bo 6, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 6, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 30+
Yhorm’s Greatshield Bash 3, Block (Bo 6, Cr 9, Da 7, Fi 7, Ma 7, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 40+
Small Shields Bonus to Defenses and Qualities
Buckler Block (Bo 1, Cr 4, Da 2, Fi 3, Ma 3, Pi 4, Sl 4, To 0), Parry (1-4)
Caduceus Round Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 5, Da 2, Fi 4, Ma 6, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 2), Parry (2-4)
Cracked Round Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 4, Da 3, Fi 1, Ma 3, Pi 4, Sl 4, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Crimson Parma Block (Bo 3, Cr 5, Da 3, Fi 4, Ma 6, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Crystal Ring Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 7, Da 5, Fi 7, Ma 9, Pi 7, Sl 7, To 0)
Special: You can attack with this shield as if it were a weapon with
Weapon Damage (10, Magic) and Ranged.
Dragonhead Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 7, Da 5, Fi 9, Ma 6, Pi 7, Sl 7, To 0)
Special: You can attack with this shield as if it were a melee weapon
with Weapon Damage (11, Fire) and Sweep 2.
Eastern Iron Shield Block (Bo 2, Cr 8, Da 2, Fi 4, Ma 4, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0)
Effigy Shield Block (Bo 9, Cr 6, Da 4, Fi 7, Ma 4, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Elkhorn Round Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 5, Da 2, Fi 3, Ma 6, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Ghru Rotshield Bash 3, Block (Bo 3, Cr 6, Da 3, Fi 3, Ma 5, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0)
Golden Falcon Shield Block (Bo 2, Cr 5, Da 3, Fi 3, Ma 4, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Hawkwood’s Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 5, Da 5, Fi 5, Ma 3, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Iron Round Shield Block (Bo 1, Cr 6, Da 3, Fi 3, Ma 4, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Leather Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 5, Da 3, Fi 4, Ma 3, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Llewellyn Block (Bo 4, Cr 6, Da 6, Fi 6, Ma 6, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Plank Shield Bash 2, Block (Bo 2, Cr 4, Da 2, Fi 2, Ma 2, Pi 4, Sl 4, To 0)
Red and White Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 5, Da 3, Fi 4, Ma 5, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Sacred Bloom Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 5, Da 4, Fi 4, Ma 8, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0)
Special: This shield can be used to parry spells. When parrying spells, this
shield gains Parry (2-4). You can only parry spells that can be blocked.
Small Leather Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 4, Da 3, Fi 5, Ma 4, Pi 4, Sl 4, To 0), Parry (1-4)
Target Shield Block (Bo 1, Cr 6, Da 2, Fi 3, Ma 3, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0), Parry (1-4)
Valorheart Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 6, Da 3, Fi 3, Ma 4, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0)
Special: If wielding Valorheart Blade, this gains Bash 2.
Warrior’s Round Shield Bash 1, Block (Bo 4, Cr 6, Da 3, Fi 4, Ma 6, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0)
Standard Shields Bonus to Defenses and Qualities
Balder Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 2, Fi 6, Ma 2, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Black Knight Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 6, Fi 8, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 25+
Bloodshield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 3, Fi 7, Ma 3, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 4), Parry (3-4)
Blue Wooden Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 5, Da 3, Fi 5, Ma 7, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Caduceus Kite Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 3, Fi 7, Ma 3, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Carthus Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 6, Da 5, Fi 2, Ma 4, Pi 6, Sl 6, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Crest Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 9, Da 8, Fi 5, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Crystal Shield Bash +3, Block (Bo 8, Cr 9, Da 6, Fi 8, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 9)
Special: If you die while wielding this, it is permanently destroyed.
Dragon Crest Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 8, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Gargoyle’s Shield Block (Bo 7, Cr 8, Da 4, Fi 7, Ma 4, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Golden Wing Crest Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 4, Fi 5, Ma 7, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 20+
Special: This shield can be used to parry spells. When parrying spells, this
shield gains Parry (2-4). You can only parry spells that can be blocked.
Grass Crest Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 8, Da 3, Fi 3, Ma 4, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Special: After rolling Stamina Dice, turn one die to a side of your choice.
East-West Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 5, Da 4, Fi 5, Ma 7, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Heater Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 2, Fi 7, Ma 3, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Hollow Soldier Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 3, Fi 6, Ma 3, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Kite Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 5, Ma 5, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Knight Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 9, Da 4, Fi 4, Ma 5, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Large Leather Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 8, Da 4, Fi 5, Ma 5, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Large Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 8, Da 4, Fi 5, Ma 5, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Lothric Knight Shield Block (Bo 8, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 5, Ma 5, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4), Req. S 25+
Pierce Shield Bash 3, Block (Bo 3, Cr 9, Da 4, Fi 5, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0)
Pontiff Knight Shield Block (Bo 6, Cr 7, Da 7, Fi 6, Ma 7, Pi 7, Sl 7, To 0)
Porcine Shield Bash 2, Block (Bo 2, Cr 7, Da 3, Fi 3, Ma 4, Pi 7, Sl 7, To 0)
Round Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 8, Da 4, Fi 5, Ma 6, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Sanctus Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 8, Da 4, Fi 7, Ma 4, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0), Requires F 25+
Special: While wielding this, regain 2 HP at the end of each Round.
Shield of Want Block (Bo 4, Cr 9, Da 6, Fi 6, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 25+
Special: When you gain Souls, gain +2 Souls.
Silver Eagle Kite Shield Block (Bo 3, Cr 9, Da 4, Fi 4, Ma 4, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0)
Silver Knight Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 5, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4), Requires S 20+
Spiked Shield Bash 3, Block (Bo 3, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 5, Ma 4, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0)
Spider Shield Block (Bo 2, Cr 8, Da 4, Fi 4, Ma 5, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 6)
Spirit Tree Crest Shield Block (Bo 8, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 5, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Stone Parma Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 5, Fi 5, Ma 5, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Requires S 20+
Sunlight Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 9, Da 4, Fi 4, Ma 5, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Sunset Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 2, Fi 5, Ma 6, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Tower Kite Shield Block (Bo 5, Cr 9, Da 3, Fi 7, Ma 3, Pi 9, Sl 9, To 0), Parry (3-4)
Wargod Wooden Shield Block (Bo 6, Cr 8, Da 6, Fi 6, Ma 4, Pi 8, Sl 8, To 0)
Wooden Shield Block (Bo 4, Cr 5, Da 3, Fi 4, Ma 6, Pi 5, Sl 5, To 0), Parry (2-4)
Armor bolt crush dark fire magic pierce slash toxic
Alva Armor 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 2
Antiquated Dress 4 0 5 5 4 0 0 2
Antiquated Plain Garb 4 0 4 4 4 0 0 3
Archdeacon Holy Garb 4 1 5 4 4 0 0 3
Armor of the Glorious 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 2
Armor of the Sun 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 1
Armor of Thorns 2 2 1 2 2 4 5 1
Special: When an enemy attacks you, if you are wearing this, that enemy loses 2 HP.
Assassin Armor 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 5
Balder Armor 1 4 1 2 1 4 4 2
Black Cleric Robe 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2
Black Dress 3 2 4 4 3 1 3 5
Black Hand Armor 3 2 3 4 4 3 4 5
Black Iron Armor* 4 4 4 6 4 5 5 4
Black Knight Armor* 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 3
Black Leather Armor 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 5
Black Witch Garb 5 0 5 5 5 0 0 3
Brass Armor 1 3 3 3 5 4 4 2
Brigand Armor 4 4 3 4 3 5 5 4
Catarina Armor* 6 5 5 4 4 7 7 4
Cathedral Knight Armor* 5 7 4 5 5 7 6 5
Chain Armor 0 1 3 1 2 3 5 2
Chester’s Long Coat 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 3
Clandestine Coat 5 0 5 4 5 0 0 2
Cleric Blue Robe 5 2 5 4 4 0 1 5
Cornyx’s Garb 4 0 5 5 5 0 0 3
Crimson Robe 2 4 4 2 4 3 3 2
Crystalline Armor 0 4 2 1 2 4 5 0
Special: If you die while wearing this armor, it is permanently destroyed.
Dancer’s Armor 3 2 3 1 2 4 4 2
Dark Armor 0 3 3 2 3 4 4 2
Deacon Robe 4 0 5 4 4 0 0 3
Deserter Armor 0 3 3 2 1 4 4 3
Desert Pyromancer Garb 4 0 4 4 3 0 0 5
Dingy Robe 4 2 4 3 3 2 3 2
Dragonscale Armor 1 4 3 5 3 4 5 3
Dragonslayer Armor 5 4 3 5 4 5 5 3
Drakeblood Armor 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 3
Drang Armor 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 5
Eastern Armor 1 2 1 4 1 4 5 2
Elite Knight Armor 1 3 2 3 3 4 4 2
Embraced Armor of Favor 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 3
Executioner Armor* 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 4
Exile Armor* 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 6
Evangelist Armor 3 4 1 4 3 4 4 3
Fallen Knight Armor 3 4 3 4 2 4 3 1
Faraam Armor 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4
Fire Keeper Robe 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 4
Firelink Armor 1 2 1 1 3 3 4 2
Fire Witch Armor 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 2
Follower Armor 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 4
Giant Armor** 3 6 3 4 3 7 8 2
Gold-Hemmed Black Cl. 2 2 3 6 3 2 2 6
Golem Armor** 2 8 4 4 4 8 9 4
Gough’s Armor* 2 5 3 4 3 5 5 1
Grave Warden Robe 3 0 0 3 3 0 2 5
Guardian Armor** 4 7 5 4 5 7 8 2
Gundyr’s Armor* 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 5
Harald Legion Armor* 4 6 5 4 4 7 7 5
Hard Leather Armor 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 4
Havel’s Armor** 4 7 5 6 5 7 7 6
Herald Armor 0 2 2 2 3 4 4 2
Hollow Soldier Armor 0 2 0 0 0 2 3 2
Hollow Thief’s Leather Ar. 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2
Holy Robe 5 2 5 4 4 0 1 4
Iron Dragonslayer Armor* 5 4 5 4 3 7 6 4
Jailer Robe 4 0 5 5 5 1 2 2
Karla’s Coat 5 0 5 5 5 0 0 2
Knight Armor 1 4 2 4 2 4 5 2
Lapp’s Armor* 4 6 4 4 4 7 7 5
Leather Armor 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 4
Leonhard’s Garb 3 3 2 4 4 3 3 4
Loincloth 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
Lord’s Blade Robe 2 3 2 4 2 4 4 3
Lorian’s Armor* 3 3 5 3 5 5 5 3
Lothric Knight Armor* 3 4 3 5 4 5 5 3
Maiden Robe 5 0 5 4 5 0 0 3
Master’s Attire 2 0 3 2 3 0 0 5
Millwood Knight Armor* 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4
Mirrah Chain Mail 2 3 3 4 4 3 5 2
Mirrah Vest 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 5
Moonlight Robe 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 2
Morne’s Armor* 5 4 2 5 5 5 5 3
Nameless Knight Armor 2 3 2 4 2 4 4 2
Northern Armor 0 4 1 4 1 4 4 3
Ordained Dress 4 0 4 4 5 0 2 4
Outrider Knight Armor 3 3 1 3 3 4 4 3
Painting Guardian Gown 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 6
Paladin Armor* 2 5 3 4 3 5 6 2
Pale Shade Robe 4 0 4 4 5 0 0 5
Pontiff Knight Armor 4 1 5 3 4 2 3 2
Pyromancer Garb 4 0 5 5 4 0 0 4
Ringed Knight Armor 4 4 3 5 4 5 6 2
Robe of Prayer 5 0 5 5 5 0 0 5
Robe of the Great Lord 5 3 4 5 4 3 3 2
Ruin Armor 4 5 3 4 4 5 6 5
Sage Robe 3 4 2 2 2 3 3 4
Scholar’s Robe 4 0 4 4 5 1 0 3
Sellsword Armor 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 3
Shadow Garb 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 3
Shira’s Armor 4 3 2 4 4 3 2 5
Silver Knight Armor* 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4
Slave Knight Armor 1 3 2 2 1 3 4 2
Smough’s Armor** 5 8 5 5 5 7 8 5
Sorcerer Coat 4 0 4 4 4 0 0 3
Steel Armor 1 4 2 2 2 4 5 1
Stone Armor** 5 7 4 5 4 7 8 1
Sunless Armor 1 3 4 3 4 4 4 1
Sunset Armor 2 4 3 4 3 5 5 5
Traveling Merchant Coat 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 4
Special: When you gain souls, if wearing this armor, gain one additional soul.
Undead Legion Armor 5 3 3 5 4 3 1 4
Vilhelm’s Armor 1 3 4 4 3 5 4 2
Wanderer Coat 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 5
Witch Cloak 2 3 4 2 4 3 3 3
Winged Knight Armor* 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5
Wolf Knight Armor 1 3 3 4 2 4 4 2
Worker Garb 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 5
Xanthous Attire 3 1 4 1 4 3 3 3
* Heavy, requires Endurance 30+ to wear. ** Heavy, requires Endurance 40+ to wear.
Special Items
Remember, you can only have six special items equipped at any given time. Only four of these may be Rings,
and only one of these may be a Headgear piece. You can only carry a single copy of a certain item - you cannot
carry two Hidden Blessings, for example, nor can you carry two Cloranthy Rings.
Consumable items have a listed number of charges: whenever you activate a consumable item, it loses one
charge. If down to zero charges, the item can no longer be used; however, resting at a Bonf ire completely
recharges all of the consumables you are carrying (just like Estus Flasks).
Pine Items All Bundles and Resins cannot be applied to weapons with Split damage, or to weapons whose
damage type is currently modified by a spell or by a previously applied Bundle or Resin.
Pine Bundle, Charcoal 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the
end of the current Round, the damage caused by the weapon
becomes Fire and is increased by +3.
Pine Resin, Charcoal 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end
of the battle, the damage caused by the weapon becomes Fire.
Pine Bundle, Gold 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the
end of the current Round, the damage caused by the weapon
becomes Bolt and is increased by +3.
Pine Resin, Gold 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end
of the battle, the damage caused by the weapon becomes Bolt.
Pine Bundle, Human 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the
end of the current Round, the damage caused by the weapon
becomes Dark and is increased by +3.
Pine Resin, Human 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end
of the battle, the damage caused by the weapon becomes Dark.
Pine Bundle, Pale 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the
end of the current Round, the damage caused by the weapon
becomes Magic and is increased by +3.
Pine Resin, Pale 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end
of the battle, the damage caused by the weapon becomes Magic.
Pine Bundle, Rotten 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the
end of the current Round, the damage caused by the weapon
becomes Toxic and is increased by +3.
Pine Resin, Rotten 2 Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end
of the battle, the damage caused by the weapon becomes Toxic.
Quivers Ammunition from quivers can be spent whenever you attack with a bow, crossbow or great-
bow (no need for the Use Gear action). Ammunition that changes the damage type cannot
be applied to weapons with Split damage. Performing normal attack with a bow, crossbow
or greatbow does not require any of these special ammunitions.
Only one type of ammunition can be applied to a single attack.
Quiver, Dark 5 All damage caused by the attack becomes Dark.
Quiver, Dragonslayer 5 All damage caused by the attack becomes Bolt.
Quiver, Feather 5 If the attack targets an enemy in the Back Ring, the Ring
Number for the attack is considered to be 4 (not 5).
Quiver, Fire 5 All damage caused by the attack becomes Fire.
Quiver, Moonlight 5 All damage caused by the attack becomes Magic.
Quiver, Poison 5 All damage caused by the attack becomes Toxic.
Quiver, Splintering 5 Damage caused by the attack increases by +2.
Throwing Knife 4 Perform an attack with WD (4 + DB + DB + DB + SB, Pierce),
Ranged. It can be dodged or blocked just like a normal attack.
Throwing Knife, Poison 4 Perform an attack with WD (6 + DB + SB, Toxic), Ranged.
It can be dodged or blocked just like a normal attack.
Urn, Hexing 2 Perform an attack with WD (6 + FB + IB, Dark), Ranged.
It can be dodged or blocked just like a normal attack.
Urn, Lightning 2 Perform an attack with WD (4 + FB + FB + FB, Bolt), Ranged.
It can be dodged or blocked just like a normal attack.
Urn, Witching 2 Perform an attack with WD (4 + IB + IB + IB, Magic), Ranged.
It can be dodged or blocked just like a normal attack.
Headgear Effect
Blindfold Mask Dark damage caused by your spells is increased by +2.
When you take Dark damage, it is increased by +2.
Bloated Head Increase your Toxic Defense by +2.
Bloated Sorcerer Head Increase your Dark, Magic and Toxic Defenses by +1.
Crown of the Dark Sun Damage caused by your spells is increased by +1.
Crown of Dusk Magic damage caused by your spells is increased by +2.
When you take Magic damage, it is increased by +2.
Fang Boar Helm Increase your Crush, Pierce and Slash Defenses by +1.
Gargoyle Helm Increase your Bolt, Fire and Magic Defenses by +1.
Mask of the Child After rolling Stamina Dice, turn one die to a side of your choice.
Mask of the Father You may ignore the Heavy quality of items you wield or wear.
Mask of the Mother Increase your Maximum Hit Points by 5.
Royal Helm Increases all your Defenses by +2.
Sack Increase your Crush and Toxic Defenses by +1.
Sunlight Maggot Shines with bright light, just like a torch.
Symbol of Avarice Whenever you gain souls, gain +3 souls and lose 5 Hit Points.
Rings Effect
Aldrich’s Ruby When you perform a counterattack after a Parry, recover 8 Hit Points.
Aldrich’s Sapphire When you perform a counterattack after a Parry, recover 1 Spell Point.
Ashen Estus Ring When you drink an Estus Flask, you may regain only half the normal amount
of Hit Points (rounded down). If you do, regain 2 Spell Points.
Bloodbite Ring Whenever you are about to lose Hit Points, lose one fewer Hit Point (min. 1).
Calamity Ring Whenever you would suffer damage, you suffer twice that amount of damage.
Carthus Bloodring When you Dodge, you may spend two dice and add them together in order to
match the current Turn. When you take damage, it is increased by +1.
Carthus Milkring Increase your Dexterity Score by 3. When you Dodge, roll the Stamina Die: if
it comes up a 6, add it back to your Stamina Dice pool.
Cloranthy Ring After rolling Stamina Dice, turn one die to a side of your choice.
Clutch Ring, Dark Any Dark damage you cause is increased by +1.
When you take Crush, Pierce or Slash damage, it is increased by +1.
Clutch Ring, Fire Any Fire damage you cause is increased by +1.
When you take Crush, Pierce or Slash damage, it is increased by +1.
Clutch Ring, Lightning Any Bolt damage you cause is increased by +1.
When you take Crush, Pierce or Slash damage, it is increased by +1.
Clutch Ring, Magic Any Magic damage you cause is increased by +1.
When you take Crush, Pierce or Slash damage, it is increased by +1.
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring Whenever you gain souls, gain +2 souls.
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring Whenever you gain souls, gain +1 soul.
Darkmoon Ring You can attune two additional spells.
Dark Wood Ring When you Dodge, if you are not wearing or wielding Heavy items, you may
also move to a different Ring.
Deep Ring You can attune an additional spell.
Dragoncrest Ring, Bellowing Damage from your sorceries is increased by +2.
Dragoncrest Ring, Slumbering You produce no sounds.
Dragoncrest Ring, Young Damage from your sorceries is increased by +1.
Dragonscale Ring Ignore the Deadly quality of weapons used against you.
Dusk Crown Ring Spells never cost you more than one Spell Point.
Your Maximum Hit Points are reduced by 5.
Estus Ring Your Estus Flasks restore +5 Hit Points.
Flynn’s Ring As long as you do not wield or wear any Heavy items, your
melee attacks cause +1 damage.
Great Swamp Ring Damage from your pyromancies is increased by +1.
Havel’s Ring You may ignore the Heavy quality of items you wield or wear.
Hawk Ring When you attack a target in the Back Ring with a Ranged weapon, the Ring
Number is considered to be 4 (not 5).
Hornet Ring Melee weapons you are wielding gain Deadly 1. If a melee weapon already has
the Deadly quality, increase it by 1.
Horsehoof Ring Your attacks with the Kick weapon cause +3 damage.
Hunter’s Ring Increase your Dexterity score by 5.
Knight’s Ring Increase your Strength score by 5.
Knight Slayer’s Ring Melee weapons you are wielding gain the Guard Break quality.
Leo Ring When making a counterattack after a parry, deal +2 damage.
Life Ring Increase your Maximum Hit Points by 4.
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring Any spell you cast that lasts one or two Rounds has its duration
increased by an additional Round.
Lloyd’s Shield Ring As long as your Hit Points are full, any damage you suffer is reduced by 2.
Lloyd’s Sword Ring As long as your Hit Points are full, any damage you cause is increased by +1.
Morne’s Ring Damage from your miracles is increased by +1.
Obscuring Ring Enemies will not notice you unless you get very close to them or interact with
them in some way.
Poisonbite Ring Increase your Toxic Defense by +2.
Pontiff’s Left Eye When performing a Paired Attack, regain 4 Hit Points.
Pontiff’s Right Eye When performing a Paired Attack, increase damage by +2.
Priestess Ring Increase your Faith score by 5.
Prisoner’s Chain Increase your Endurance and Vitality scores by 5. Whenever you take damage,
that damage is increased by +4.
Ring of the Evil Eye Whenever you kill an enemy, recover 3 Hit Points.
Ring of Favor Increases your Maximum Hit Points by 2, and your Stamina by 1.
Ring of Sacrifice When you die, don’t lose any souls. Then, this ring is permanently destroyed.
Ring of Sacrifice, Rare When you die, don’t lose any souls or Sparks of Memory. Then, this ring is
permanently destroyed.
Ring of Steel Protection Increase your Crush, Pierce and Slash Defenses by +1.
Ring of the Sun’s First Born Damage from your miracles is increased by +2.
Sage Ring Reduce the casting number of your spells by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Saint’s Ring You can attune an additional spell.
Scholar’s Ring Increase your Intelligence score by 5.
Silvercat Ring You take no falling damage, but a deadly fall will still kill you.
Skull Ring Enemies in the Forward Ring will attack you instead of your allies, if able.
Stoneplate Ring, Dark Increase your Dark Defense by +2.
Stoneplate Ring, Flame Increase your Fire Defense by +2.
Stoneplate Ring, Magic Increase your Magic Defense by +2.
Stoneplate Ring, Speckled Increase your Bolt, Dark, Fire and Magic Defenses by +1.
Stoneplate Ring, Thunder Increase your Bolt Defense by +2.
Sun Princess Ring In battle, regain 2 Hit Points at the end of each Turn.
Tearstone Ring, Blue While your Current Hit Points are 10 or lower,
any damage you cause is increased by +2.
Tearstone Ring, Red While your Current Hit Points are 10 or lower,
any damage you suffer is reduced by 2.
Untrue Dark Ring Regardless of how close you are to Hollowing, you appear as a living human.
Witch’s Ring Damage from your pyromancies is increased by +2.
Wolf Ring Ignore the Guard Break quality of weapons used against you.
Miracle Type Requirements Casting Number
Atonement Miracle Faith 25+ 1
Effect: Until the end of the current Round, enemies in the Forward Ring will attack you instead of
your allies, if able.
Blessed Weapon Miracle Faith 20+ 1
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. The chosen weapon causes +2 damage until
the end of the next Round. While wielding it, regain 1 Hit Point at the end of each Turn.
Bountiful Light Miracle Faith 30+ 1
Effect: Until the end of the current Round, regain 7 Hit Points at the end of each Turn.
Bountiful Sunlight Miracle Faith 35+ 1
Effect: Until the end of the current Round, you and each ally in the same Ring as you regain 10 Hit
Points at the end of each Turn.
Dark Blade** Miracle Faith 25+ 1
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. The chosen weapon causes +2 damage until
the end of the next Round. While the effect lasts, all of the weapon’s damage becomes Dark.
Cannot be used on a weapon with Split damage.
Darkmoon Blade** Miracle Faith 30+ 1
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. The chosen weapon causes +2 damage until
the end of the next Round. While the effect lasts, all of the weapon’s damage becomes Magic.
Cannot be used on a weapon with Split damage.
Deep Protection* Miracle Faith 25+ 1
Effect: Until the end of the next Round, you increase all your Defenses by 1 and cause +2 damage
with any weapon attacks.
Divine Pillars of Light Miracle Faith 30+ 5
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring suffers Pierce damage equal to your Miracle Effect +4. This
spell may be dodged.
Dorhys’ Gnawing Miracle Faith 25+ 4
Effect: Up to two targets of your choice take Dark or Pierce damage (you choose one damage type
and apply it to both targets) equal to your Miracle Effect x2. This spell may be dodged or
Emit Force Miracle Faith 25+ 4
Effect: Choose an enemy Ring (Forward, Defensive or Back). All enemies in that Ring suffer Crush
damage equal to your Miracle Effect +3. This spell may be dodged.
Force Miracle None 3
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring is pushed to the Defensive Ring. You can also cast this spell
when hit by physical projectiles, such as arrows or crossbow bolts: if you do, you take no dam-
age from the attack. If you use Force this way, the Stamina Die you spend to cast it must have
a value of 3, 4, 5 or 6, regardless of the current Turn).
Gnaw Miracle Faith 20+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Dark or Pierce damage (you choose) equal to your Miracle Effect
x2. This spell may be dodged or blocked.
Gravelord Greatsword Miracle None 5
Effect: Choose an enemy Ring (Forward, Defensive or Back) and roll 2d6 + 2: this is the number of
swords created by the spell. Distribute the swords among the creatures in the chosen Ring:
you must do so as equally as possible (i.e. if you have two enemies and five swords, you must
assign two swords to one enemy and three to the other, not one and four).
Each target takes Magic damage equal to five times the amount of swords that hit them.
This spell may be dodged (a target only has to dodge once to negate damage from all the
swords that hit them). This spell costs 2 Spell Points to cast.
Gravelord Sword Dance Miracle None 5
Effect: Choose an enemy Ring (Forward, Defensive or Back) and roll d6 + 2: this is the number of
swords created by the spell. Distribute the swords among the creatures in the chosen Ring:
you must do so as equally as possible (i.e. if you have two enemies and five swords, you must
assign two swords to one enemy and three to the other, not one and four).
Each target takes Magic damage equal to five times the amount of swords that hit them.
This spell may be dodged (a target only has to dodge once to negate damage from all the
swords that hit them). This spell costs 2 Spell Points to cast.
Heal Miracle None 5
Effect: You and up to two allies of your choice in your Ring recover Hit Points equal to your Miracle
Effect x3.
Heal Aid Miracle None 4
Effect: You recover Hit Points equal to your Miracle Effect x2.
Heal, Medium Miracle Faith 20+ 5
Effect: You and up to two allies of your choice in your Ring recover Hit Points equal to your Miracle
Effect x4.
Heal, Great Miracle Faith 25+ 6
Effect: You and up to three allies of your choice in your Ring recover Hit Points equal to your
Miracle Effect x5.
Heal, Great Excerpt Miracle Faith 2o+ 5
Effect: You recover Hit Points equal to your Miracle Effect x5.
Homeward Miracle Faith 20+ 6
Effect: You are immediately transported to the last Bonfire you rested at.
Karmic Justice Miracle Faith 25+ 2
Effect: The next time you lose Hit Points because of a Paired Attack or Strong Attack from a melee
weapon, the attacker immediately takes 10 Magic damage. Then, the spell ends. The spell also
ends as soon as you rest at a Bonfire.
Lifehunt Scythe Miracle Faith 25+ 5
Effect: A target of your choice in the enemy Forward Ring takes Dark damage equal to your Miracle
Effect x2. This spell may be dodged or blocked. If the target loses Hit Points because of this
spell, you regain half as many Hit Points, rounded down.
Lightning Arrow Miracle Faith 30+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Bolt damage equal to your Miracle Effect x2. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Lightning Blade** Miracle Faith 30+ 1
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. The chosen weapon causes +2 damage until
the end of the next Round. While the effect lasts, all of the weapon’s damage becomes Bolt.
Cannot be used on a weapon with Split damage.
Lightning Spear Miracle Faith 25+ 4
Effect: A target of your choice takes Bolt damage equal to your Miracle Effect x2. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Lightning Spear, Great Miracle Faith 30+ 4
Effect: A target of your choice takes Bolt damage equal to (your Miracle Effect x2) +5. This spell may
be dodged or blocked.
Lightning Stake Miracle Faith 30+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice in the enemy Forward Ring takes Bolt damage equal to your Miracle
Effect x3. This spell may be dodged.
Lightning Storm Miracle Faith 40+ 4
Effect: Choose an enemy Ring (Forward, Defensive or Back). All enemies in that Ring suffer Bolt
damage equal to your Miracle Effect x2. This spell may be dodged.
Magic Barrier* Miracle Faith 20+ 2
Effect: Until the end of the next Round, increase all your Defenses by 2.
Magic Barrier, Great* Miracle Faith 30+ 2
Effect: Until the end of the next Round, increase all your Defenses by 3.
Projected Heal Miracle Faith 25+ 2
Effect: You recover Hit Points equal to your Miracle Effect +3, then up to one ally of your choice
recovers Hit Points equal to your Miracle Effect x2.
Replenishment Miracle Faith 20+ 1
Effect: Until the end of the current Round, regain 4 Hit Points at the end of each Turn.
Outside battle, the effect is applied six times.
Sacred Oath Miracle Faith 3o+ 1
Effect: Until the end of the current Round, you and each ally in the same Ring as you inflict +2
damage with weapon attacks and gain +2 to all Defenses.
Seek Guidance Miracle None 4
Effect: You ask the GM a single question about your surroundings. The GM will answer truthfully.
Additionally, a glowing light similar to that of a torch floats above your head until you rest
at a Bonfire.
Soothing Sunlight Miracle Faith 40+ 4
Effect: You and each ally in the same Ring recover Hit Points equal to your Miracle Effect x6.
Spear of Sunlight Miracle Faith 40+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Bolt damage equal to your Miracle Effect x4. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Tears of Denial* Miracle Faith 20+ 1
Effect: The next time you would be reduced to zero Hit Points, you are instead reduced to one Hit
Point. Then, the spell ends. The spell also ends as soon as you rest at a Bonfire.
This spell costs 3 Spell Points to cast.
Tranquil Walk of Peace Miracle Faith 25+ 2
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring when you cast this spell will not be able to dodge until the
end of the current Round. This spell may be dodged.
Vow of Silence Miracle Faith 30+ 2
Effect: Until the end of the current Round, no combatant (ally or foe, including yourself) can cast
Way of White Corona Miracle Faith 25+ 3
Effect: Choose up to one enemy in the Forward Ring and up to one enemy in the Defensive Ring.
Each target takes Slash damage equal to your Miracle Effect. This spell may be dodged or
Wrath of the Gods Miracle Faith 35+ 4
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring suffers Crush damage equal to your Miracle Effect x2. This
spell may be dodged.
* Only one of these spells may be active at the same time, even if they belong to different spell types.
Casting a new spell with * overwrites the previous one.
** Only one of these spells may be active at the same time, even if they belong to different spell types.
Casting a new spell with ** overwrites the previous one.
Pyromancy Type Requirements Casting Number
Black Fire Orb Pyromancy F 25+ and I 25+ 4
Effect: A target of your choice takes Dark damage equal to (your Pyromancy Effect x3) +2. This spell
may be dodged or blocked.
Black Flame Pyromancy F 20+ and I 20+ 3
Effect: An enemy in the Forward or Defensive ring takes Dark damage equal to (your Pyromancy
Effect x3) +2. This spell is a melee attack and may be dodged, blocked or even parried.
Black Serpent Pyromancy F 20+ and I 20+ 3
Effect: Choose up to one enemy in the Forward Ring and up to one enemy in the Defensive Ring.
Each enemy takes Dark damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2. This spell may be dodged.
Boulder Heave Pyromancy Faith 20+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Crush damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2. This spell
may be dodged.
Carthus Beacon* Pyromancy None 2
Effect: Your Paired Attacks and attacks with the Sweep quality cause +2 damage. At the end of each
Round, if you didn’t perform at least two weapon attacks during that Round, the spell ends.
Carthus Flame Arc** Pyromancy None 2
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end of the next round, the chosen
weapon causes additional damage equal to your FB or IB (your choice). While the effect lasts,
all of the weapon’s damage becomes Fire. Cannot be used on a weapon with Split damage.
Chaos Bed Vestiges Pyromancy Intelligence 25+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x3. Each other
enemy in the same Ring as the target takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2.
This spell may be dodged or blocked.
Chaos Storm Pyromancy None 6
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring and Defensive Ring takes Fire damage equal to your
Pyromancy Effect x3. This spell may be dodged, and costs 2 Spell Points to cast.
Combustion Pyromancy None 2
Effect: An enemy in the Forward or Defensive ring takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy
Effect x2. This spell is a melee attack and may be dodged, blocked or even parried.
Combustion, Great Pyromancy None 3
Effect: An enemy in the Forward or Defensive ring takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy
Effect x3. This spell is a melee attack and may be dodged, blocked or even parried.
Fireball Pyromancy None 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2. This spell may
be dodged or blocked.
Fire Ball, Bursting Pyromancy Intelligence 25+ 3
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward and Defensive Rings takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy
Effect +4. This spell may be dodged or blocked.
Fireball, Great Pyromancy Intelligence 25+ 4
Effect: Choose an enemy Ring (Forward, Defensive or Back). Each enemy in the chosen Ring takes
Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x3. This spell may be dodged.
Fire Orb Pyromancy None 4
Effect: A target of your choice takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x3. This spell may
be dodged or blocked.
Fire Orb, Great Chaos Pyromancy None 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x3. This spell may
be dodged or blocked, but regardless of that, mark the Ring occupied by the target when
the spell is cast. A the end of the current Round, each enemy in the marked Ring takes Fire
damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2.
Fire Storm Pyromancy Intelligence 25+ 5
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring and Defensive Ring takes Fire damage equal to your
Pyromancy Effect x2. This spell may be dodged.
Fire Surge Pyromancy None 2
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2. This
spell may be dodged or blocked.
Fire Tempest Pyromancy F 25+ and I 25+ 4
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring and Defensive Ring takes Fire damage equal to (your
Pyromancy Effect x3) +2. This spell may be dodged, and costs 2 Spell Points to cast.
Fire Whip Pyromancy Intelligence 20+ 2
Effect: Choose up to one enemy in the Forward Ring and up to one enemy in the Defensive Ring.
Each enemy takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2. This spell may be dodged
or blocked.
Fire Whip, Chaos Pyromancy Intelligence 25+ 3
Effect: Choose up to one enemy in the Forward Ring and up to one enemy in the Defensive Ring.
Each enemy takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x3. This spell may be dodged
or blocked.
Flame Fan Pyromancy F 20+ and I 20+ 2
Effect: One enemy in the Forward Ring takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2. This
spell may be dodged. If the target does not dodge, they must discard one Stamina Die of their
Floating Chaos Pyromancy F 20+ and I 20+ 3
Effect: Until the end of the current Round, any enemy that performs the Create Advantage or
Maneuver actions immediately takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2.
Iron Flesh* Pyromancy None 2
Effect: Increase all your Defenses by +3 until the end of the current Round. Until the spell ends,
however, you take +4 damage from any effect causing Bolt damage and you are considered to
be carrying Heavy equipment.
Mist, Poison Pyromancy None 5
Effect: Choose one enemy Ring (Forward or Defensive). Each enemy in the chosen Ring takes Toxic
damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2. This spell may be dodged.
Mist, Toxic Pyromancy Intelligence 20+ 6
Effect: Choose one enemy Ring (Forward or Defensive). Each enemy in the chosen Ring takes Toxic
damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x3. This spell may be dodged.
Power Within* Pyromancy None 1
Effect: Your attacks with weapons cause +4 damage until the end of the current Round. Until the
spell ends, however, you lose Hit Points equal to your VB at the end of each Turn.
Profaned Flame Pyromancy Intelligence 25+ 5
Effect: Choose one option: each enemy in the Forward Ring is pushed to the Defensive Ring and
takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x3; or each enemy in the Defensive Ring is
pushed to the Forward Ring and takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x2.
This spell may be dodged.
Sacred Flame Pyromancy None 5
Effect: Choose an enemy in the Forward of Defensive Ring with no Stamina Dice left. That enemy
takes Fire damage equal to (your Pyromancy Effect x3) +3.
Seething Chaos Pyromancy F 25+ and I 25+ 3
Effect: Choose one enemy Ring (Forward, Defensive or Back). At the end of the current Round, each
enemy in the chosen Ring takes Fire damage equal to your Pyromancy Effect x3.
Sweat, Flash* Pyromancy None 1
Effect: Increase your Fire Defense by +4 until the end of the current Round.
Sweat, Profuse* Pyromancy None 2
Effect: Increase your Fire and Toxic Defenses by +4 until the end of the next Round.
Warmth Pyromancy Faith 25+ 2
Effect: You and each combatant (ally or foe) in your Ring recover Hit Points equal to your Pyroman-
cy Effect x2.
* Only one of these spells may be active at the same time, even if they belong to different spell types.
Casting a new spell with * overwrites the previous one.
** Only one of these spells may be active at the same time, even if they belong to different spell types.
Casting a new spell with ** overwrites the previous one.
Sorcery Type Requirements Casting Number
Affinity Sorcery Intelligence 35+ 3
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward and the Defensive Rings takes Dark damage equal to your
Sorcery Effect +3. This spell may be dodged or blocked.
Aural Decoy Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 1
Effect: Choose one enemy Ring (Forward, Defensive or Back). For each enemy in the chosen Ring,
turn one of their Stamina Dice to a side of your choice.
Cast Light Sorcery Intelligence 20+ 1
Effect: A glowing light similar to that of a torch floats above your head until you rest at a Bonfire.
Chameleon Sorcery None 6
Effect: This spell can only be cast outside of battle. You transform into a copy of an object naturally
present in the environment: as long as all you do is walking slowly, non-intelligent enemies
will not detect you. The spell ends if you rest at a Bonfire.
Crystal Hail Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 4
Effect: Choose one enemy Ring (Forward, Defensive or Back). At the end of the current Round, each
enemy in the chosen Ring takes Fire damage equal to your Sorcery Effect x2.
Dark Edge Sorcery Intelligence 30+ 3
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring takes Dark damage equal to your Sorcery Effect x2. This
spell may be dodged or blocked.
Dark Fog Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 6 minus your Dexterity Bonus
Effect: Choose one enemy Ring (Forward or Defensive). Each enemy in the chosen Ring takes Toxic
damage equal to your Sorcery Effect x3. This spell may be dodged.
Deep Soul Sorcery None 2
Effect: A target of your choice takes Dark damage equal to your Sorcery Effect +2. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Deep Soul, Great Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Dark damage equal to your Sorcery Effect x2. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Farron Dart Sorcery None 2
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery Effect. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Farron Dart, Great Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 2
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery Effect +3. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Farron Flashsword Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 3
Effect: An enemy in the Forward or Defensive ring takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery Effect
x2. This spell is a melee attack and may be dodged, blocked or even parried.
Farron Hail Sorcery Intelligence 30+ 3
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward and the Defensive Rings takes Magic damage equal to your Sor-
cery Effect +2. This spell may be dodged or blocked.
Frozen Weapon** Sorcery Intelligence 20+ 2
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Any target that loses Hit Points because of
the chosen weapon’s attacks cannot dodge or regain Hit Points until the end of the Round
in which they suffered the Hit Points loss. This spell lasts until the end of the battle, or until
another spell is cast on the same weapon overwriting it.
Great Soul Dregs Sorcery Intelligence 35+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery Effect x3. This spell may be
Hidden Body Sorcery Intelligence 20+ 3
Effect: Outside battle, you may cast this spell to become completely invisible for a short while,
enough to allow you to traverse an area without being seen (enemies can still hear you,
however, and the invisibility will dissipate if you attack or otherwise interact with them).
If this spell is cast during battle, enemies will not be able to directly target you until the end
of the Round. The spell ends when you rest at a Bonfire.
Hidden Weapon** Sorcery None 3
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end of the next round, attacks
made with that weapon cannot be blocked or parried.
Homing Soulmass Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 4
Effect: You create a number of Soulmasses equal to your IB. At the end of each Round, one of the
Soulmasses strikes an enemy of your choice for Magic damage equal to Sorcery Effect +3, then
dissipates. When the last Soulmass dissipates, the spell ends. You cannot cast this spell if any
Soulmass is still present (even if it is a Crystal Soulmass).
Homing Soulmass, Crystal Sorcery Intelligence 30+ 4
Effect: You create a number of Crystal Soulmasses equal to your IB. At the end of each Round, one of
the Soulmasses strikes an enemy of your choice for Magic damage equal to Sorcery Effect +4,
then dissipates. When the last Soulmass dissipates, the spell ends. You cannot cast this spell if
any Soulmass is still present (even if it is a normal Soulmass).
Magic Shield Sorcery None 2
Effect: Choose a shield you are wielding. Until the end of the next round, all bonuses to Defenses
granted by the chosen shield are increased by 2. Cannot be used on a shield that is already
under the effect of Magic Shield or Great Magic Shield.
Magic Shield, Great Sorcery Intelligence 20+ 3
Effect: Choose a shield you are wielding. Until the end of the next round, all bonuses to Defenses
granted by the chosen shield become equal to 9. Cannot be used on a shield that is already
under the effect of Magic Shield or Great Magic Shield.
Magic Weapon** Sorcery None 2
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end of the next round, the chosen
weapon causes additional damage equal to your IB. While the effect lasts, all of the weapon’s
damage becomes Magic. Cannot be used on a weapon with Split damage.
Magic Weapon, Great** Sorcery Intelligence 20+ 2
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end of the next round, the chosen
weapon causes additional damage equal to your IB +2. While the effect lasts, all of the weap-
on’s damage becomes Magic. Cannot be used on a weapon with Split damage.
Magic Weapon, Crystal** Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 2
Effect: Choose a non-Ranged weapon you are wielding. Until the end of the next round, the chosen
weapon causes additional damage equal to your IB +4. While the effect lasts, all of the weap-
on’s damage becomes Magic. Cannot be used on a weapon with Split damage.
Old Moonlight Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 2
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring, plus up to one enemy in the Defensive Ring, each take
Magic damage equal to (your Sorcery Effect x2) +3. This spell may be dodged or blocked.
Pestilent Mist Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 2
Effect: Choose one enemy Ring (Forward, Defensive or Back). At the end of each Turn, every com-
batant in the chosen Ring (foes or allies, including yourself) loses 5 Hit Points. This spell lasts
until the end of the current Round.
Repair Sorcery Intelligence 20+ 4
Effect: Any broken weapon, shield or amor you are carrying is immediately repaired.
Snap Freeze Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 2
Effect: A target of your choice cannot dodge or regain Hit Points until the end of the current Round.
Soul Arrow Sorcery None 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery Effect +2. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Soul Arrow, Great Sorcery Intelligence 20+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery Effect x2. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Soul Arrow, Great Heavy Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 4
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery Effect x3. This spell may be
dodged or blocked.
Soul Arrow, Heavy Sorcery Intelligence 20+ 4
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to (your Sorcery Effect x2) +2. This spell
may be dodged or blocked.
Soul Greatsword Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 4
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward Ring takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery Effect x2. This
spell may be dodged or blocked.
Soul Spear Sorcery Intelligence 30+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to (your Sorcery Effect x3) +2. This spell
may be dodged or blocked.
Soul Spear, Crystal Sorcery Intelligence 35+ 3
Effect: A target of your choice takes Magic damage equal to (your Sorcery Effect x3) +4. This spell
may be dodged or blocked.
Spook Sorcery None 1
Effect: Outside battle, you may cast this spell when falling: unless it’s a deadly fall, you take no fall-
ing damage from it. In battle, you may cast this spell to Create an Advantage twice (you do
not have to spend any Stamina Dice beyond the one needed to cast this spell).
Twisted Wall of Light Sorcery Intelligence 25+ 3
Effect: The next time you would be hit by a spell that can be blocked, instead that spell has no effect
on you. Then, this spell ends. This spell also ends when you rest at a Bonfire.
White Dragon Breath Sorcery Intelligence 45+ 4
Effect: Each enemy in the Forward and Defensive Rings takes Magic damage equal to your Sorcery
Effect x3. This spell may be dodged.
* Only one of these spells may be active at the same time, even if they belong to different spell types.
Casting a new spell with * overwrites the previous one.
** Only one of these spells may be active at the same time, even if they belong to different spell types.
Casting a new spell with ** overwrites the previous one.
Enemy Creation
3. Attributes If the creature does not carry weapons or wear
Determine the creature’s seven attributes. armor (as is often the case with beasts and mon-
For the sake of simplicity, Non Player Charac- sters), do the following:
ters’ attribute scores are always equal to 10, 20,
9 When it comes to its attacks, simply select
30, 40, 50, 60 or 70, which means you’ll be f ine
a weapon that “feels” appropriate (such as a
just writing down the corresponding attribute
scimitar for claw attacks, a sweeping ham-
bonus (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
mer for its long tail, an axe for its bite, or a
Note how NPCs are not limited to the normal
bow to represent the ability to shoot quills
range of attribute scores (10 to 50) but can go
from its back). If you want these attacks to
beyond that; this represents truly exceptional
cause unusual types of damage, you might
creatures, such as giants or wyverns.
want to purchase the alternative damage
special ability (see step 6 of this process).
4. Level The weapon type for these attacks is always
“Natural”. A creature using two Natural
Just like with Player Characters, an adversary’s
weapons (such as its bite and claw) can use
level is equal to the total sum of their attribute
them to perform Paired Attacks, since they
bonuses. The creature’s level might be further
share the same weapon type!
increased by purchasing one or more special
9 Creatures that wear no armor will get an
abilities (see next page).
amount of points (equal to twice their level)
Given that NPC attribute scores can go up to
and distribute them among the eight De-
70, their level can be as high as 49.
fenses: you cannot put more than 10 points
in the same Defense, but you might have
5. Gear, Items, Spells the creature simply be immune to a cer-
tain damage type if it makes sense (such as
If the creature is humanoid, equip it with any
skeletons being immune to Toxic damage).
items or magic you f ind appropriate (make use
When you do so, another Defense should
of the various item and spell lists in this book).
be really low, representing the creature’s
Monstrous creatures might even be able to
weakness (skeletons have really low Defense
wield more than two items in combat, depend-
against Crush damage, for example).
ing on the number of limbs they have. During
Remember to add the appropriate attribute
this step, keep in mind that particularly pow-
bonus to each Defense, as usual.
erful armors, shields, weapons, items or spells
will make an enemy much more dangerous
than its level might otherwise suggest (Lothric
Knights, I’m looking at you). Always evaluate
the creature as a whole - it’s more than the sum
of its parts, as they say. If the resulting enemy
is particularly challenging, perhaps defeating it
should allow the Player Characters to obtain a
useful item, spell, or information.
6. Special Abilities
You can purchase one or more of the following 9 Boss Enemy (+0 lv, Boss only): Auto-
special abilities for the creature. Each special matically purchased by Boss enemies. This
ability will modify the creature’s total level (re- creature increases its Stamina by one for
member to adjust any parameters inf luenced by each PC fighting it, and increases its HP by
this, such as the amount of Souls it is worth or +20 if three or more PCs are fighting it.
its Defenses if it wears no armor). If you want, 9 Burst Attack (+1 lv): This creature can
you can purchase a special ability more than spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6
once (as long as doing so is actually useful). to perform an attack against each enemy
9 Agile (+1 lv): This creature can Dodge. in the Forward Ring. This is considered a
9 Alternative Damage (+1 lv): One or Ranged attack but may be performed from
any Ring, and can be dodged or blocked.
more of this creature’s attacks cause Bolt,
Damage calculation and damage types func-
Dark, Fire, Magic or Toxic damage instead
tion identically to the beam attack ability,
of their normal damage type. This ability
must be purchased again for each different
damage type you want to add to the creature. 9 Cunning (+1 lv): This creature can use the
9 Beam Attack (+2 lv): This creature can Create Advantage action.
spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to 9 Duelist (+1 lv): This creature can use the
perform an attack against one target in the Parry quality of items it wields, performing
Forward Ring, one target in the Defensive Parries and counterattacks.
Ring, and one target in the Back Ring. 9 Grab Attack (+2 lv): This creature can
This is considered a Ranged attack but may spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6
be performed from any Ring, and can be to perform a melee attack against one tar-
dodged or blocked. Each target hit by the get in the Forward Ring, provided that the
attack takes damage equal to the Damage target has no Stamina Dice left. If hit by
Margin + half the attacker’s level + any one the attack, the target takes damage equal to
attribute Bonus (attacker’s choice). The at- Damage Margin + the attacker’s level. The
tack causes Crush, Pierce or Slash damage attack causes Crush, Pierce or Slash damage
(choose one when you take this ability), but (choose one when you take this ability), but
you may change it by purchasing the alter- you may change it by purchasing the alter-
native damage ability. native damage ability.
9 Blast Attack (+2 lv): This creature can 9 Pull (+1 lv): Choose one of this creature’s
spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 attacks. Targets that lose HP because of that
to perform an attack against any two tar- attack are pulled to the Forward Ring.
gets, regardless of Ring. This is considered a 9 Push (+1 lv): Choose one of this creature’s
Ranged attack but may be performed from attacks. Targets in the Forward Ring that
any Ring, and can be dodged or blocked. lose HP because of that attack are pushed to
Damage calculation and damage types func- the Defensive Ring.
tion identically to the beam attack ability,
7. Derived Statistics
9 Slow but Powerful (+0 lv): After Calculate the creature’s total Defenses, Hit
rolling Stamina Dice, this creatures turns Points, Stamina, and Spell Points. These are
all dice showing 1 or 2 to the side showing 3. identical to a Player Character’s:
9 Trample (+1 lv): This creature can spend 9 Maximum HP equal to Vitality score + 10.
a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to per- 9 Stamina equals Endurance Bonus + 2.
form an attack against one target in the 9 Maximum Spell Points equal Attunement
Forward Ring, one target in the Defensive Bonus + 3.
Ring, and one target in the Back Ring.
This is considered a Ranged attack but may Then, apply the following:
only be performed from the Forward Ring, 9 Minion enemies have their maximum HP
and it can be dodged (but not blocked). Each halved (round down).
target hit by the attack takes damage equal 9 Normal enemies have normal maximum
to the Damage Margin + half the attacker’s
level + any one attribute Bonus (attacker’s
9 Boss enemies have their maximum HP in-
choice). The attack causes Crush, Pierce or
Slash damage (choose one when you take creased by +20.
this ability), but you may change it by pur-
chasing the alternative damage ability. 8. Souls & Rewards
9 Trap (+2 lv): Choose one of this crea-
Slaying a creature allows each PC to gain Souls.
ture’s attacks. Targets that lose HP because
The amount gained is based on the creature’s
of that attack also lose a Stamina Die of
level and threat:
their choice and cannot perform the Create
Advantage and Maneuver actions until they 9 Minion enemies award souls equal to a
spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to third of their level (round down).
break free from this effect. 9 Normal enemies award souls equal to half
While these special abilities will be the most their level (round down).
common among creatures and can be used to 9 Boss enemies award souls equal to their
handle pretty much any attack (such as beam level.
representing a dragon’s breath, or burst + push
for a devastating war cry), you can also use them A slain enemy will probably also drop part of its
as a reference when designing unique special equipment or other useful items, but that’s for
abilities (I myself have done so when writing you to decide: it might be a fixed reward, or a
the stat blocks in the coming pages - you’ll see, random piece of its gear. Whatever sounds more
you’ll see). fun to you!
As a rule of thumb, special abilities should range
from a level increase of zero to two, depending
on how powerful they are.
Basilisk level 12, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 3 Souls 4
ab 1 db 3 eb 1 fb 1 ib 1 sb 1 vb 2
Curse Breath: This creature can spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to perform an attack against
each enemy in the Forward Ring. This is considered a Ranged attack but may be performed from any Ring,
and can be dodged. Each target hit by the attack will gain a Curse token. A character with two or more
Curse tokens is immediately killed. Curse tokens are discarded at the end of each Round.
Corvian level 12, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 3 Souls 4
ab 1 db 3 eb 1 fb 2 ib 1 sb 2 vb 2
Frenzy: When the second Round of combat begins, this creature’s Stamina increases to 4.
Demon, Capra (minor) level 21, normal
Hit Points 50 Stamina 5 Souls 10
ab 1 db 4 eb 3 fb 2 ib 2 sb 5 vb 4
Demon, Statue level 14, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 3 Souls 4
ab 1 db 1 eb 1 fb 3 ib 3 sb 2 vb 2
Alternative Damage: This creature’s Flame Breath attack causes Fire damage (already applied).
Ent level 12, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 3 Souls 4
ab 1 db 3 eb 1 fb 1 ib 1 sb 1 vb 2
Grab Attack: This creature can spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to perform a melee attack
against one target in the Forward Ring, provided that target has no Stamina Dice left. If hit by the attack,
the target takes Pierce damage equal to Damage Margin + 12.
Giant Slave level 19, normal
Hit Points 70 Stamina 6 (slow) Souls 2
ab 1 db 1 eb 4 fb 1 ib 1 sb 5 vb 6
Slow but Powerful: After rolling Stamina Dice, this creature turns all dice showing 1 or 2 to the side
showing 3.
Hollow Assassin level 12, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 3 Souls 4
ab 1 db 3 eb 1 fb 1 ib 1 sb 1 vb 2
Agile: This creature can Dodge.
Cunning: This creature can use the Create Advantage action in combat.
Throwing Knife: Consumable (2 carried). Use: perform an attack with WD (14, Pierce), Ranged. Can be
dodged or blocked.
Hollow Butcher level 12, normal
Hit Points 40 Stamina 3 (heavy) Souls 6
ab 1 db 1 eb 1 fb 1 ib 1 sb 4 vb 3
Hollow Grave Warden level 7, minion
Hit Points 10 Stamina 3 Souls 2
ab 1 db 1 eb 1 fb 1 ib 1 sb 1 vb 1
Hollow Lycanthrope level 18, normal
Hit Points 50 Stamina 5 Souls 9
ab 1 db 2 eb 3 fb 1 ib 1 sb 4 vb 3
Agile: This creature can Dodge.
Grab Attack: This creature can spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to perform a melee attack
against one target in the Forward Ring, provided that target has no Stamina Dice left. If hit by the attack,
the target takes Slash damage equal to Damage Margin + 18.
Hollow Slave level 10, minion
Hit Points 10 Stamina 3 Souls 3
ab 1 db 2 eb 1 fb 1 ib 1 sb 2 vb 1
Agile: This creature can Dodge.
Hollow Spearman level 12, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 4 Souls 4
ab 1 db 2 eb 2 fb 2 ib 1 sb 2 vb 2
Man-Serpent Summoner level 20, normal
Hit Points 40 Stamina 4 Souls 10
ab 4 db 1 eb 2 fb 2 ib 5 sb 3 vb 3
Spellcaster: This creature has 7 Spell Points. It may cast the following Sorceries:
9 Heavy Soul Arrow (CN 4): A target of your choice takes 22 Magic damage. May be dodged or blocked.
9 Homing Soulmass (CN 4): Create 5 Soulmasses. At the end of each Round, one of them strikes an enemy
of your choice for 13 Magic damage, then dissipates. When the last Soulmass dissipates, the spell ends; you
cannot cast the spell if any Soulmass is still present.
Mimic level 20, normal
Hit Points 40 Stamina 5 Souls 10
ab 1 db 4 eb 3 fb 1 ib 1 sb 4 vb 3
Dodge: This creature can Dodge.
Grab Attack: This creature can spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to perform a melee attack
against one target in the Forward Ring, provided that target has no Stamina Dice left. If hit by the attack,
the target takes Pierce damage equal to Damage Margin + 20.
Poisonhorn Bug level 10, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 3 Souls 3
ab 1 db 1 eb 1 fb 1 ib 1 sb 1 vb 2
Alternative Damage: This creature’s Toxic Mist attack causes Toxic damage (already applied).
Burst Attack (Toxic Mist): This creature can spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to perform an
attack against each enemy in the Forward Ring. This is considered a Ranged attack but may be performed
from any Ring, and can be dodged. Each target hit by the attack takes Toxic damage equal to Damage
Margin + 6.
Sewer Centipede level 15, normal
Hit Points 30 Stamina 4 Souls 7
ab 1 db 3 eb 2 fb 1 ib 1 sb 3 vb 2
Alternative Damage: This creature’s Poison Spit attack causes Toxic damage (already applied).
Blast Attack (Poison Spit): This creature can spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to perform an
attack against any two targets, regardless of Ring. This is considered a Ranged attack but may be performed
from any Ring, and can be dodged or blocked. Each target hit by the attack takes Toxic damage equal to
Damage Margin + 10.
Skeletal Giant, Feral level 19, normal
Hit Points 50 Stamina 5 Souls 9
ab 1 db 4 eb 3 fb 1 ib 1 sb 4 vb 4
Trample: This creature can spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to perform an attack against one
target in the Forward Ring, one target in the Defensive Ring, and one target in the Back Ring.
This is considered a Ranged attack but may only be performed from the Forward Ring, and can be dodged
or blocked. Each target hit by the attack takes Crush damage equal to Damage Margin + 13.
Skeletal Necromancer level 14, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 3 Souls 4
ab 2 db 2 eb 1 fb 1 ib 1 sb 2 vb 2
Alternative Damage: This creature’s attack causes Dark damage (already applied).
Necromancy: This creature has 5 Spell Points. Whenever another Skeletal creature is reduced to zero HP,
this creature can spend 2 Spell Points: if it does, the Skeletal creature is reduced to 5 HP instead.
Undead Ghoul level 12, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 3 Souls 4
ab 1 db 2 eb 1 fb 1 ib 1 sb 3 vb 2
Alternative Damage: This creature’s Light Crossbow attack causes Toxic damage (already applied).
Undead Maggot-Carrier level 13, minion
Hit Points 15 Stamina 4 Souls 4
ab 1 db 1 eb 2 fb 1 ib 1 sb 2 vb 2
Burst Attack (Maggot Puke): This creature can spend a Stamina Die with a value of 5 or 6 to perform
an attack against each enemy in the Forward Ring. This is considered a Ranged attack but may be per-
formed from any Ring, and can be dodged or blocked. Each target hit by the attack takes Pierce damage
equal to Damage Margin + 9.
Trap: Targets that lose HP because of this creature’s Grasping Claws attack also lose a Stamina Die of their
choice and cannot perform the Create Advantage and Maneuver actions until they spend a Stamina Die
with a value of 5 or 6 to break free from this effect.
Boss Enemies
Boss encounters should be the most exciting 9 Sin Bosses represent the incarnation of a
and challenging f ights in your game. As a GM, Player Character’s Sin. They might be in-
you should take your time and make sure these vading ghosts or entities bent on finding
creatures are memorable. and destroying the character (think of how
There are three types of Boss creatures: Sieglinde hunted down her father).
9 Normal Bosses are simply the strongest
Boss enemies should really be unique to your
threat dwelling within a location. Think
game and Land; however, I wanted to give you
Ornstein & Smough, Iudex Gundyr, or the
an example of each Boss type.
Nameless King.
When you design Bosses, feel free to give them
9 Lord Bosses hold the most powerful souls
custom-made special abilities and add unique
in the entire Land. Think Seath the Scale- rules to their combat arenas.
less, Yhorm the Giant, or the Bed of Chaos.
Lady Lucine (purity, obsession) level 32, boss (lord)
Lucine’s distraught singing is what keeps the infant ghosts of Sunless Forge bound to their ancient suffering.
Gifted with the soul of the Mother Goddess, Lucine became obsessed with cleansing her countless children from
the Curse of Undeath. Unable to do so, she slaughtered them time and time again, eventually burning their
corpses until only ash was left. In contrast with her glorious, white and golden dress, her charred hands and
feet were left constantly dripping with blood and soot.
Lamond of the Eyes level 20, boss (sin)
The Xanthous Prophet Lamond leads the Eyes of the Painted World. Lamond and many of his followers were
exiled within the Painted World of Aricrea by one of the Player Characters, Marian, who feared their beliefs
might forever alter the balance of power in her homeland of Carim.
In the past, Lamond was apprentice to a fair maiden, whose monstrous appearance belied a gentle heart.
Unfortunately, he later twisted her teachings into darker arts.