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Good morning everyone.

So you have already heard the different advocacies and platforms of each
party it is now up to you to choose. And to the aspiring leaders, may I remind you that it is our fellow
students who will have the final say on who will become the new set of SSG officers. Do not instil
fear in them or intimidate them. How then will they vote for you? Instead speak to them on issues
that affect them and how you intend to govern if elected. Finally, all presidential candidates and
their parties, have a duty to ensure that there is a peaceful election environment, May God bless you

Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirits! It is a great
honor and delight to be here today. First of all, please understand that leadership doesn’t involve
domination or subjugation of the weaker sex. The world is already full with such people who have an
ardent desire to rule and take charge of other peoples’ lives. But this is not the trait of a good leader.
The true leader is someone who earns respect through his rightful actions and mass following
without any dictatorship. He inspires others to follow his footsteps and become the guiding light for
the humanity. The great leader is someone who carries the torch of wisdom and enlightens the
society thereby leading people to the path of progress and growth. Besides, the true meaning of
leadership is having the requisite ability to enable people want to follow you while being under no
compulsion as such to do so. Leaders are those people who set certain benchmarks and try to
achieve those benchmarks by allowing people to judge them according to their actions and
endeavors. The goals are set and all might is put towards achieving those goals, but without
compromising with the ethics and morals – this is the true mark of a great leader. So today's rally
and election please choose the leader you think that could really play the role of being a leader.
Choose someone who can be responsible enough to fulfill their promises. And with a heart that
encourage and inspire everyone. With these few words, I welcome you all and thank you.

Researchers studying the effects of diet on growth would like to know if a vegetarian diet affects the
height of a child. The researchers randomly selected 12 vegetarian children that are six years old.
The average height of the children is 42.5 inches with a standard deviation of 3.8 inches. The average
height for all six year old children is 45.75 inches. Conduct a hypothesis test to determine whether
there is overwhelming evidence at α=.05 that six year old vegetarian children are not the same
height as other six year old children. Assume that the heights of six year old vegetarian children are
approximately normally distributed.

Example 1: The standard deviation of 100 W light bulbs whose life span follows a normal
distribution is given to be 120 hours and a half life of same is guaranteed to be 700 hours of under
warranty. 100 bulbs are selected at random from the lot whose half-life is determined to be 650
hours. If the significance level is 0.01, then the lot should be rejected or not for not restricting to the

Example 2: Suppose a coin is tossed for 50 times and we got 35 heads.

With a significance level of 0.1, determine if the coin is biased for heads. Show all calculations and
rules. Also, calculate the value of ‘p’ and interpret it.

A simple random sample of 10 people from a certain population has a mean age of 27. Can we
conclude that the mean age of the population is not 30? The variance is known to be 20. Let = .05.

A simple random sample of 10 people from a certain population has a mean age of 27. Can we
conclude that the mean age of the population is less than 30? The variance is known to be 20. Let
= .05.

A simple random sample of 14 people from a certain population gives body mass indices as shown in
Table 7.2.1. Can we conclude that the BMI is not 35?

A superintendent in a medium size school has a problem. The mathematical scores on nationally
standardized achievement tests such as the SAT and ACT of the students attending her school are
lower than the national average. The school board members, who don't care whether the football or
basketball teams win or not, is greatly concerned about this deficiency. The superintendent fears
that if it is not corrected, she will lose her job before long.

As the superintendent was sitting in her office wondering what to do, a salesperson approached
with a briefcase and a sales pitch. The salesperson had heard about the problem of the mathematics
scores and was prepared to offer the superintendent a "deal she couldn't refuse." The deal was
teaching machines to teach mathematics, guaranteed to increase the mathematics scores of the
students. In addition, the machines never take breaks or demand a pay increase.

The superintendent agreed that the machines might work, but was concerned about the cost. The
salesperson finally wrote some figures. Since there were about 1000 students in the school and one
machine was needed for every ten students, the school would need about one hundred machines.
At a cost of $10,000 per machine, the total cost to the school would be about $1,000,000. As the
superintendent picked herself up off the floor, she said she would consider the offer, but didn't think
the school board would go for such a big expenditure without prior evidence that the machines
actually worked. Besides, how did she know that the company that manufactures the machines
might not go bankrupt in the next year, meaning the school would be stuck with a million dollars
worth of useless electronic junk.
The salesperson was prepared, because an offer to lease ten machines for testing purposes to the
school for one year at a cost of $500 each was made. At the end of a year the superintendent would
make a decision about the effectiveness of the machines. If they worked, she would pitch them to
the school board; if not, then she would return the machines with no further obligation.

An experimental design was agreed upon. One hundred students would be randomly selected from
the student population and taught using the machines for one year. At the end of the year, the mean
mathematics scores of those students would be compared to the mean scores of the students who
did not use the machine. If the means were different enough, the machines would be purchased.

1A c om pan y th at pa ck ag e s p ean u t s stat e s th at at a

maxi mu m 6 % o f t h e p ean u t sh el l s co n ta i n n o n u t s. At ran d o m,

300 p ean u ts w e r e s el e ct ed an d 21 o f th em w er e em pty .

1. Wi th a si gn i fi can c e l ev el o f 1 %, can t h e s tat e m en t mad e

by th e c om pan y b e ac c ept e d?

2. Wi th th e s am e s a mpl e p e rc en tag e of em pty n u t s an d 1 − α

= 0 .9 5, wh at sam pl e si z e w ou l d b e n e e ded t o e sti mat e th e

pr op o rti o n o f n u ts w i th an e r r o r o f l e ss t h an 1 % ?

2 Th e l i fe sp an o f 10 0 W l i gh t bu l bs m an u fa ctu r ed b y a

pa rti cu l ar c omp an y f ol l ows a n o rmal di s tri bu ti on wi th a st a n da rd

de vi ati on o f 12 0 h o u r s an d i ts h al f - l i fe i s gu a r an t e ed u n d e r

wa r ran t y f o r a mi n i mu m o f 80 0 h ou r s . At ran d om , a sa mpl e of 50

bu l bs f r om a l ot i s s el e ct e d an d i t i s r ev eal ed th at th e h al f - l i fe i s

750 h ou rs . Wi th a si gn i fi can c e l e v el of 0 .01 , sh ou l d th e l o t be

r ej e ct ed b y n ot h on o ri n g th e w a r ran t y ?

3A man u fa ctu r e r of el e ct ri c l amp s i s t e sti n g a n e w

pr odu cti o n m eth od t h at wi ll be c on si d e r ed a c c ept abl e i f th e l amp s

pr odu c ed b y th i s m e th od r e su l t i n a n o r mal p opu l ati on wi th an

av e ra g e l i fe of 2 ,4 0 0 h ou r s an d a s tan d ar d d e vi ati on equ al to 30 0.

A sampl e of 100 l amps produ ced by th i s meth od h as an average

li fe of 2 ,32 0 h ou r s . Can th e h yp o th esi s o f val i di ty f o r th e n e w

man u fa ctu ri n g p r o c e ss b e a c c ept e d wi th a ri sk equ al to o r l es s

th an 5 %?

4 Th e qu al i ty c on t r o l di vi si on of a fa ct o r y t h at m an u f ac tu r es

batt e ri e s su sp e ct s d e f ec ts i n th e p r odu c ti on o f a m od el of m obi l e

ph on e b att e ry wh i ch r esu l ts i n a l o w e r l i f e f o r th e p r o du c t. Un ti l

n o w, th e ti me du r at i on i n ph on e c on v e r sati o n f o r th e b att e r y

f ol l owe d a n o r mal di st ri bu ti on wi th a m e an o f 300 mi n u t e s a n d a

stan da rd d e vi ati on o f 3 0. H o we v e r , i n a n i n sp e cti on of th e l ast

bat ch pr o du c e d b ef o r e s en di n g i t t o ma r k et, i t wa s f ou n d th at th e

av e ra g e ti m e s p en t i n c on v e r sati on wa s 29 0 mi n u te s i n a s ampl e

o f 6 0 batt e ri es . A ss u mi n g th at th e ti m e i s sti l l n or mal wi th th e

sa m e sta n da rd d e vi ati on :

Can i t b e c on cl u d ed th at th e qu al i ty c on tr ol su s pi ci on s ar e

tru e at a si gn i fi can c e l ev el o f 1 % ?

5 It i s b el i ev e d t h at th e a v e rag e l e v el of p r oth r ombi n i n a

n o rm al p opu l ati on i s 20 mg/ 100 ml o f b l ood pl a sma wi th a

stan da rd d e vi ati on o f 4 mi li gram o s/1 00 ml . T o v e ri f y th i s, a

sa mpl e i s t ak en f r o m 4 0 i n di vi du al s i n wh om th e av e r ag e i s 18 .5

mg/10 0 m l . Can th e h y p oth e si s b e a c c e pte d wi th a si gn i fi can c e

l ev el of 5 % ?

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