Design and Analysis of Four Stage Progressive Tool For House-Wiring Wire Clip

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ISSN 2277 – 3916 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 13, December 2017

Design and Analysis of Four Stage Progressive Tool

for House-wiring Wire Clip
Sunil Kumar1 and Lokeswar Patnaik2
Asst. Professor, CVR College of Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Department, Hyderabad, India
Email: [email protected]
Research Fellows, National Institute of Technology Silchar/ Mechanical Engineering Department, Silchar, India
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: Progressive tool plays a vital role in sheet metal Engineering. So, it produces a four stage progressive tool
industries. It can perform various individual operations or designed and analysis conducted on die elements like
combination of operations at two or more stations. In blanking punch. The 3D CAD model of the wire clip is
progressive tool design, strip layout design plays a key role. shown in figure 1.
The design of strip layout should be in such a fashion that it
can utilize more than 70% of total stock material. This paper
describes the design of strip layout, actual cutting load II. COMPONENT DETAILS
required to perform the operations and based on this load The progressive die is to be designed for house-wiring
calculation of press capacity and design of die element like wire clip of galvanized sheet. The following details shown
thickness of die block, bottom bolster, top bolster and punch
in table 1 like area of component, volume of component
plate etc. The software used for modeling of die element is Creo
2.0 and for drafting of assembly drawing is AutoCAD 2016. have obtained from CAD software.
ANSYS 17.2 is used to perform finite element analysis on
blanking punch to ensure the working condition of tool within TABLE I.
the limit.
CPMnS based galvanized steel-
Index Terms: Strip layout, progressive tool, press capacity Material
Grade 33 [7]
Thickness 0.3 mm
I. INTRODUCTION Shear strength (kg/mm2) 35 kg/mm2
The popularity of Metal stamping process is due to its high Area of the component 367 mm2
productivity, ease in manufacturing of intricate shapes and Volume of the component 111 mm3
low cost [1].
Progressive die is known for mass production. This tooling
set up consists of one or more dies which can perform
multiple operations in single stroke of the press machine.
The work is carried forward in subsequent stations in the
strip layout. Sheet metal products made by progressive
tooling set up can be found inevitably in almost all
household and/or industrial components and appliances. [2].
The essential prerequisites to execute first class press work
are good operation planning, excellent tool design, accurate
tool making and knowledgeable press setting [3].
Design of right tool holds the key to costing of the whole
tooling set up. A costly tool will increase the cost of the Figure 1. 3D CAD model of the wire clip
manufactured component. It is important to keep the tooling
cost low without sidelining the quality of the tool [4].
Progressive die design is an art rather than a science. The III. STRIP LAYOUT DEVELOPMENT AND SHEAR FORCE
tooling design is decided based on individual designer’s CALCULATION AND PRESS CAPACITY
skill and knowledge which are acquired through working
Development of strip layout is the primary task for
experience [5].
designing of progressive tool. It represents the operations to
During the die design, the first step is to generate punch
be carried out at subsequent stations [8].
layout which indicates the optimum layout of the punches.
This optimum layout is helping to avoid the clashes between A. Strip Layout
punches and die buttons. None of the piercing operations A = Back scrap = Front scrap = sheet thickness = 1mm
can appear after scrap removal operation. The space B = Bridge scrap = 1mm
between two punches should be enough to give die wall Width of the stock = 53mm
strength [6]. Pitch = Advance = B + L = 18 mm
Wire clip has high consumption for demonstration to 1st
year students in ‘House wiring workshop’ at CVR College of

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ISSN 2277 – 3916 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 13, December 2017

Equation 1 shows the percentage utilization of the stock

strip. The development of strip layout is shown in figure 2. Total cutting perimeter, L = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4
= (12.6 + 31.6 + 98 + 98)
B. % Stock strip utilization (n) = 240.2 mm
Strip layout has to developed in such a way that stock strip ଵǤସൈଶସ଴Ǥଶൈ଴Ǥଷൈଷହ
Fsh =
= 3.54 T
utilization is maximum. It will save appreciable amount of
stock material and tooling expenses.
D. Press Capacity (Pc):
n = ×100 (1) Equation (3) is for Calculating the press capacity
which will be in Tons (T).
= Area of strip per pitch = Advance x stock width
= 18 x 53 = 954 mm2 The Total press capacity is 25% more than the total tonnage
ଷ଺଻௑ଶ calculated
= = 76.94 %
ଽହସ Pc = Total Tonnage x 1.25 (3)
= 3.45 x 1.25 = 4.3 T
Since 4.3 T press not available in market, so 10 T press can
be use for production of wire clip.
E. Ejection force (Fej)
After shearing, the sheet metal get stuck in the land
provided in the die hole. The stuck material is called slug
which has to be ejected by applying ejection force. Equation
4 shows the calculation for ejection force [9].
Figure 2. Development of the strip layout
Ejection force, Fej = 0.1×Fsh (4)
As shown in figure 2, from the right hand side, at station 1 = 0.1 × 3.54 = 0.36 T
two holes are pierced. At station 2 oblong holes are pierced.
Two blanking of two wire clip profiles are blanked at 3 and IV. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROGRESSIVE TOOL
4 station to have maximum stock utilization. A. Clearance (C)
C. Shear Force calculation in Tons (T) Equation 5 shows the calculation for clearance to be given
Equation 2 shows the shear force for cutting in tons (T) between die and the punch for shearing [8].
ೞ೓ ‫ ܥ‬ൌ ͲǤͲͲͷ ൈ ‫ ݐ‬ൈ ඥ‫ܨ‬௦௛ (5)
Shear force, Fsh = T (2)
ଵ଴଴଴ = ͲǤͲͲͷ ൈ ͲǤ͵ ൈ ξ͵Ǥ͸
Ssh= Shear strength of the stock material = 35 kg/mm2 = 0.003 mm per side
Stock Thickness, t = 0.3mm
K= Factor of safety = 1.4 B. Die Block Design
L = Total cutting perimeter in mm Equation 6 shows the thickness of the die which is also
known as the female member of the tool [8].
A. Perimeters of the contours at each stage:
a) Thickness of the die (TD)in mm
1) At station 1 TD = యඥ‫ܨ‬௦௛ × 10 (6)
The perimeter of the two piercing hole of diameter 2 mm య
= ξ͵Ǥ͸ × 10
is given by = 15.33 ൎ 18.5 mm
Perimeter, P1= 12.6 mm
b) Land and draft
2) At station 2 The straight portion of die opening is known land and the
The perimeter of the two oblong hole is given by intentional amount of tapper in die opening immediate after
Perimeter, P2 = 31.6 mm the land in downward direction is known draft. If draft is not
given, internal stress in the punch will cause crack in the die
3) At station 3 block. The standard value of land is
The perimeter of the contour to be blanked is given by 3 mm or three times of sheet thickness, when sheet thickness
Perimeter, P3 = 98 mm is less than 1mm then land is 3mm, while three times of
sheet thickness is used when sheet thickness more than 1mm
4) At station 4 and draft angle is 1/2°.
The perimeter of the second contour to be blanked is
given by
Perimeter, P4 = 98 mm

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ISSN 2277 – 3916 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 13, December 2017

c) Thickness of Bottom and Top Bolster

Equation 7 and equation 8 show the calculation for
calculating the thickness of the bottom bolster and top
bolster of the die set respectively [9].

Thickness of bottom bolster, TBB= 1.75×TD (7)

= 1.75× 15.5 = 27.125 ൎ 28 mm

Thickness of Top bolster, TTB= 1.25×TD (8)

= 1.25×15.5 = 19.375 ൎ 20mm
Figure 3. Co-ordinate dimension of cutting profile
d) Stripper plate design and Punch Plate
Scrap material cling to the punch and during return Following equations (13), (14) and (15) are the load
stroke it try to lift along with punch. Stripper plate is used to calculation according to serial number of figure (3) at
strip the scrap material from the punch. different stations.
There are two types of stripper plate i.e fixed stripper ௅ൈ௧ൈௌೞ೓ ଽ଼ൈ଴Ǥଷൈଷହ
plate and floating stripper plate. When the stock thickness is At 1 Load L1=
Tons = ଵ଴଴଴
= 1.1T (13)
less than 1 mm, floating striper is used which is holding the Load at 2 is similar to L1, both have same profile.
stock against die surface tightly during cutting. ௅ൈ௧ൈௌೞ೓ ଵହǤ଼ൈ଴Ǥଷൈଷହ
At 3 Load L3 = Tons = = 0.2T (14)
ଵ଴଴଴ ଵ଴଴଴
Equation 9 and equation 10 show the calculation of the Load at 4 is similar to L3, both have same profile.
thickness of the stripper plate and punch plate respectively. ௅ൈ௧ൈௌೞ೓ ଺Ǥଷൈ଴Ǥଷൈଷହ
At 5 Load L5 = Tons = = 0.1T (15)
ଵ଴଴଴ ଵ଴଴଴
Thickness of the stripper plate, TST = 0.5×TD (9)
Load at 6 is similar to L5, both have same profile.
TST = 0.5×15.5 = 7.75 ൎ 8mm
Thickness of the punch plate, TPP = 0.5×TD (10) CALCULATION OF CENTER OF PRESSURE
TPP = 0.5×15.5 = 7.75 ൎ 8mm Serial Load, L Distance, Distance, Xi x Li Yi x Li
Number T X(mm) Y(mm)
V. CENTRE OF PRESSURE 1 1.1 23 23.50 25.3 25.85
2 1.1 50 29.50 55.0 32.45
During blanking of irregular shape, the summation of 3 0.2 59 4.25 11.8 0.85
forces at both the side of the ram varies which results in 4 0.2 68 48.76 13.6 9.752
bending moment in the pressing ram. This causes 5 0.1 77 19.96 7.7 1.996
undesirable deflections and misalignment. It is predominant 6 0.1 86 33.05 8.6 3.305
in progressive tool to find a point where the summation of Total ™Li ™(Xi x Li) ™(Yi x Li)
forces is symmetrical. This point is called Centre of
Pressure. It is important that the centre of pressure lies on From table 1, ™Li, ™ (Xi x Li), ™ (Yi x Li) are 2.8, 122
the axis of the ram. This is also known as load centre where and 74.203 respectively.
the shank is to be fitted [9]. σሺଡ଼୧୶୐୧ሻ ଵଶଶ
Distance of load from X axis, X = σ୐୧
Figure 6 is showing all the dimensions for load center of
= 43.6 mm
all cutting profile from X-axis and Y-axis. Equation (11)
and equation (12) are showing the location of center of
σሺଢ଼୧୶୐୧ሻ ଻ସǤଶ଴ଷ
pressure from X-axis and Y-axis respectively. Distance of load from Y axis, Y =
= ଶǤ଼
Calculation of distance X in mm of the center of pressure = 26.5 mm
from the axis Y-Y by the formula
X = (L1×X1+L2×X2+L3×X3+ …..) / (L1+L2+L3+…..)

Calculation of distance Y in mm of the center of pressure

from the axis X-X by the formula
Y= (L1×Y1+L2×Y2+L3×Y3+ …..)/(L1+ L2+ L3+…..)
Y= (12)
Figure 4. Location of center of pressure
Figure 4 represents the location of center of pressure for
shank mounting.

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ISSN 2277 – 3916 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume
V 13, December 2017

VI. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF THE PUNCHES The analytical calculation foor the stress develop in the
blanking punch is as follows
A. Results for Blanking punch
The stress, strain and total deformationn of the blanking Stress developed (ı1) in blankinng punch in N/mm2
punch which is developed due to cutting force
f has found by
the use of Finite element analysis (FE EA). The type of ி௢௥௖௘௥௘௤௨௜௥௘ௗ௙௢௥௕௟௔௡௞௜௡
element chosen is tetrahedron (10 nodes) and
a element size is ı1 = = 4.351 N/mm2
5mm shown in figure 5.

Figure 8. Von-Mises stress deveeloped in the blanking punch

Figure 5. Meshing of the blanking punch (Tetrahhedron 10-nodes)

The boundary condition and load applicattion on blanking

punch is shown in figure 6 and figure 7 resspectively.

Figure 9. Total deformation occcurred in the blanking punch

Figure 6. Constraint- fixed supporrt

Figure 10. Equivalent Elastic (Von--Mises) strain in blanking punch

Figure 7. Cutting force applied on cutting face off blanking punch B. Results for Piercing punch
The type of element chosen for
f piercing punch and oblong
The results of analysis for blanking puunch are shown in punch is tetrahedron (10 nodess) and element size is 2.5mm
figure 8 to figure 10. shown in figure 11 and figure 17
1 respectively.

Force required for blanking as calculated in

i equation (13) is
1.1T or 1100N.
Cutting area of the blanking punch = 252.82 mm2 (Area
obtained from CAD software)

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V 13, December 2017

ı1 = = 31.83 N/mm2

Figure 11. Meshing of the piercing punch (Tetrahhedron 10-nodes)

The boundary condition and load applicaation on piercing Figure 14. Von-Mises stress devveloped in the piercing punch
punch is shown in figure 12 and figure 13 respectively.

Figure 15. Total deformation occcurred in the blanking punch

Figure 12. Constraint- fixed suppoort

Figure 16. Equivalent Elastic (Von--Mises) strain in piercing punch

Figure 13. Cutting force applied on cutting face of

o piercing punch
C. Results for Oblong punch
The results of analysis for piercing punnch are shown in
figure 14 to figure 16.

Force required for piercing as calculated in equation (14)

is 0.1T or 100N.
Cutting area of the piercing punch = 3.142 mm2 (Area
obtained from CAD software)

The analytical calculation for the stress develop in the

blanking punch is as follows

Stress developed (ı1) in blanking punch inn N/mm2

Figure 17. Meshing of the oblongg punch (Tetrahedron 10-nodes)

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ISSN 2277 – 3916 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume
V 13, December 2017

The boundary condition and load appliccation on piercing

punch is shown in figure 18 and figure 19 respectively.

Figure 21. Total deformation occurred

o in the oblong punch

Figure 18. Constraint- fixed suppport

Figure 22. Equivalent Elastic (Voon-Mises) strain in oblong punch

Figure 19. Cutting force applied on cutting facee of oblong punch

The results of analysis for piercing punnch are shown in VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
figure 20 to figure 22. The results of obtained fromm finite element analysis and
analytical method is tabulated in
i table II.
Force required for oblong piercing as calcculated in equation
(15) is 0.2T or 200N. TABLEE III.
Cutting area of the oblong punch = 11.89 mmm 2 RESULTS AND D REMARKS
Serial Punches Maximum Total Maximum
The analytical calculation for the stress develop in the number Stress deformation strain
developed obtained through developed
blanking punch is as follows obtained ANSYS (mm/mm)
through obtained
Stress developed (ı1) in blanking punch inn N/mm2 ANSYS through
ி௢௥௖௘௥௘௤௨௜௥௘ௗ௙௢௥௕௟௔௡௞௜௡௚௣௨௡௖௛ 1. Blanking 4.2691 6.1984x10-5 mm 2.1345x10-5
ı1 = = 16.821 N/mm 2
punch MPa
஼௨௧௧௜௡௚௔௥௘௔௢௙௧௛௘௕௟௡௞௜௡௚௣௨௡௖௛ 2. Piercing 0.049585 4.8593x10-6 mm 2.7362x10-7
punch Mpa
3. Oblong 16.54 6.9007x10-5 mm 8.7819x10-5
punch Mpa

The material of punches is high carbon high chromium

steel (D2 steel). Yield strength of D2 steel is 2200 Mpa [10]
and the results obtained from both ANSYS is less than the
yield strength of the material. Hence, the material will not
fail in the required workingg condition. The centre of
pressure for shank mounting is on X and Y axis 43.6mm and
26.5mm respectively.
This paper has completed mostm part for the design of a
progressive tool. This tool hass been designed for in-house
Figure 20. Von-Mises stress developed in thee oblong punch
manufacturing of tool for wirre clip. Students can conduct
experiments on same in produuction technology laboratory.
The same components i.e. wire clip can be used by the

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ISSN 2277 – 3916 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 13, December 2017

students for “house wiring” module in workshop practice



The orientation of punches, pilots and final assembly of
the progressive tool is shown in figure 23 and figure 27

Figure 26. XX-Sectional view of the progressive tool

Figure 23. Orientation of punches and pilots for progressive tool

Figure 27. YY-sectional view of the progressive tool


Figure 24. Bottom assembly of the progressive tool In this paper, a four stage progressive tool wire clip is
designed, modeled, analyzed and drafted. Modeling has
done in Creo2.0. Analysis has done in ANSYS 15.0 and
Drafted in AutoCAD 2016. Strip layout for maximum stock
strip utilization is developed. Stock strip utilization achieved
is approximately 77 %. Further, finite element analysis for
maximum Von-Mises stress and deformation is carried out
on the punches using ANSYS 17.2 for validating the design.
The results obtained are well within the limit. The press
capacity obtained is of 10 T. The moment generation due to
cutting force during cutting stroke will be negligible as
location of centre of pressure locate the shank, which will
fixed onto the ram of press machine in same axis.
Currently, the wire clip component is purchased from
commercial stores in the market. By studying the component
profile and its method of manufacturing, it is understood that
the component is produced by simple single stage tool due
Figure 25. Top half assembly (inverted view) of the progressive tool which the concentricity in the profile of the component is
missing out. To overcome it, progressive tool for its
manufacturing is designed so that good profile concentricity
can be maintained and finally the cost of component per
piece can be reduced as compared from the previous method
of manufacturing.

 CVR College of Engineering

ISSN 2277 – 3916 CVR Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 13, December 2017

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