Tutorial Notes WK 1-2
Tutorial Notes WK 1-2
Tutorial Notes WK 1-2
(Weeks 1 & 2)
Tutorial Notes
Warm Up Drills
Eagles and Dockers
- In pairs, players are to line up 2m away from each other, facing
one another
- Each pair lines up next to each other, creating 2 lines of
students facing each other, with a cone set up about 10m away
on both sides of the line
- One line will be named Eagles and one line will be named
- When the teacher calls Eagles, the line of students named
Eagles have to turn and run towards the cone 10m away, trying
tto get away from the Dockers, who are running towards the Eagles to try and tag them. The
same concept works when the teacher calls Dockers.
- If the player is caught, or if the tagger doesn’t tag them, they have to do 2 push ups before
lining back up on the line
- A ball can be thrown between each pair until the teacher calls
‘go’, with the person ending with the ball having to turn and run
away from the other player running towards them
- Pairs can hand pass the ball to one another until called ‘go’ and
the player with the ball turns and runs away.
- Students on their toes, moving with fast feet when they hear their name called
- Eyes up and looking forward when turning and running
- Effective movement of body to ensure muscles are warm and stretched to prepare for
Team passes
- Split the class/group into two even teams, indicated by
different coloured bibs or shirts if possible
- A rectangle shape is made with cones to act as the
boundary, with both teams having to stay inside the area
and the teacher outside the area.
- The teacher throws the football into the area and
whichever teams grabs the ball first has to make 3 hand-
passes between them before passing it out to the teacher
to get a point.
- This is repeated until one team has more points than the
other team, or the time allocated for warm up ends
- To increase the difficulty, players have to get 4 passes between them, then after each
point gained, they add on another pass (e.g. 5, then 6, then 7 etc.)
HPE1202 Physical Performance Lab Football 4th & 11th September
(Weeks 1 & 2)
- The space allocated to the game can be increased to make
the players run further and move around more, helping to
warm up their legs, as well as replicate skills that would be
learnt in the class
- Another ball can be added to increase the difficulty
- Students on their toes and moving around within the area
to be in a position to receive the ball
- Effective and correct hand-passing technique to team-mates
- Awareness of space and positioning
HPE1202 Physical Performance Lab Football 4th & 11th September
(Weeks 1 & 2)
Kicking Drills
Bombs Away
- Using a netball court if possible, one team of 5 players stands in
one 3rd of the netball court, and the opposing team stands in the
other third, leaving the middle 3rd as the free space.
- With one football in each team, both groups have to kick the
ball into the other teams’ area without them marking it.
- To get a point it has to land in the other teams’ third without
being marked, or you have to mark the ball from the other team.
The first team to get to 5 points wins and teams can rotate.
- Experienced football players have to kick with their left foot to
make it more difficult.
- Spaces can be cut in half using a cone, making the area
smaller and the need for accuracy to increase
- Students should line their body up with the target, e.g. line
their body up with the other teams’ 3rd.
- Ball should be held over the thigh of the kicking leg, then
guided down with one hand
- Toes should be pointed at the target, with the student seeing the ball hit their foot
- One team can form a smaller circle in the middle with the other
team forming a large circle around them. The inside circle has to
focus on small, direct kicks, whilst the large circle focuses on large,
powerful kicks.
- Ball should be controlled onto the foot, releasing with toes pointed in the desired direction
- Acceleration of the lower leg, aiming for hard and fast kicks
- Point of impact should be determined before kicking, aiming for team-mates chest
HPE1202 Physical Performance Lab Football 4th & 11th September
(Weeks 1 & 2)
Hand Pass Drills
Down the line
- Cones are lined up in a straight line about 2 metres away from each other.
A player is to stand on each cone, with up to 6 in each group, with the ball
starting at player 1.
- When the teacher calls to start, the ball is to be hand-passed to each player
down the line, up and back twice.
- The first team to finish wins.
- After a couple of rounds, the ‘slowest’ team can be given a head-start,
staggering the starts of each team by the blow of a whistle to even the
competition and challenge the teams
- The cones can be set up in a zig zag formation with one student at
each cone. The same concept is continued, however once hand-balling
to the next person, students are to follow their ball and run to the next
cone. Once every student has a go and the ball is back to the starting
person, finishing the round.
- Ball in the palm of hand, with the other hand in a fist
- Ball should be hit with a flat thumb side of clenched fist, following
though in direction of target
- Standing side on to minimising the stopping time and allowing for one motion from catch
to hand-pass
Leader ball
- Cones are to be set up in a leader-ball formation, with one cone at the front,
then the next about 5m away, followed by the rest about a metre apart
- In groups of up to 6, players are to line up on the cones, with one leader on
the front cone
- To begin, the leader hand-passes the ball to the first player, who puts it on the
ground, runs around the leader, then the back of the line to their original
starting cone, where they hand-pass the ball back to the leader and then sit
- This is repeated for every player.
- Once the last player goes, the leader runs around the end player and back to
the start to finish.
- To increase the difficulty, it can be made into a competition, with teams racing one
another to see who finishes first
- Cones can be spread further apart, making students have to pass
over a greater distance
- More players can be added in each team to make a longer leader-
HPE1202 Physical Performance Lab Football 4th & 11th September
(Weeks 1 & 2)
- Hand-passes should be firm and direct to the leader
- Students should be facing the leader when hand passing, aiming their pass to the leader’s
- When catching from the leader, knees and elbows should be bent to absorb the impact
and allow a fast take off
Four corners
- Four cones are set up in a diamond shape, with players
spreading out to the cones, aiming for at least 2 players at
each cone
- Two balls are used, starting at opposite players.
- The players without the ball run into the middle of the
space and receive a hand-pass from the player to their
right. They then hand-pass forward to the player in front of
- This is continued through, with players running forward,
receiving on the right and then hand-passing forward to the
nest player.
- After about 5 minutes, the direction can be changed to
receiving on the left
- The distance between the cones can be increased, enabling
players to run further and hand-pass over a greater distance
- A time-limit can be set where players have to receive a certain
number of passes within that time, adding a challenge
- Students are to run onto the pass, aiming to receive the hand-pass on the run
- Body should be side on, allowing for fast transfer from receiving ball to passing to the next
- Eyes up and looking forward, be aware of the space and the positioning of the other
players, preventing collisions
HPE1202 Physical Performance Lab Football 4th & 11th September
(Weeks 1 & 2)
Marking Drills
Break the barrier
- Two teams of 5 line up in line with cones to face each other about 5
metres apart.
- To begin, one ball is used between both teams
- Each team has to try and hand-pass the ball past the opposing team,
however it has to go through between hip and shoulder height. If the
opposing team catches it, they receive a point, and it the hand-passing
team gets it past the barrier, they receive a point.
- Teams take consecutive turns to have a go at getting it past the other
- Another ball can be added to increase the difficulty
- Of the two teams, one student from each can go in the middle, whilst
the rest of the students form a circle around them. The students in the
middle begin with the ball and aim to hand-pass it out of the circle,
past the other students, following the same concept as before.
- Eyes focused on the ball
- Hands up, catching in front of chest
- Fingers should be outstretched
Air ball
- Players are to line up in a line with one leader about 5 metres away (similar
formation to leader-ball)
- If the group is large, it can be split into separate lines with leaders out the front
- One at a time, the player runs forward to catch/mark an air ball from the leader.
They then hand pass it back to the leader, and run around the leader back to the line.
- As soon as the player has hand passed it back, the leader throws it again and the
next player goes, constantly rotating through players.
- The difficulty can be increased by the leader changing the height, speed and
direction of the ball, aiming to ‘trick’ the player and making them move around to
catch the ball
- The distance can be increased so that players have to sprint
forward and then receive the ball, making the drill more
difficult and incorporating more skills
- Two players can run forward at the same time, versing each
other to receive the ball from the leader first. The player who
catches the ball then hand-passes it back
- Players can begin facing away from the leader, having to turn
around when the leader calls ‘go’, working on their reactive
HPE1202 Physical Performance Lab Football 4th & 11th September
(Weeks 1 & 2)
- Eyes focused on the ball and arms outstretched in the direction of the ball
- Running forward with speed, staying on toes to move around and change position to
receive the ball
- Hands open and fingers outstretched, with elbows bending to absorb the impact of the ball
HPE1202 Physical Performance Lab Football 4th & 11th September
(Weeks 1 & 2)
Ball Control Drills
Pick ups
- 4 cones are to be lined up in a straight line with the ball placed on the second cone.
- In their groups, half of the team line up at one end on cone 1 and the other half line
up on cone 4
- Player 1 runs forward and picks up the ball, either a two hand or one hand scoop.
They then run forward and place the ball down on cone number 3
- Player 2 then repeats, starting from cone 4 and ending the ball at cone 2.
- This is continued until all players have had at least 5 turns.
- Instead of placing the ball down, students can hand-ball it towards the next person,
making them pick the ball up whilst it is moving.
- For further changes, the ball can be thrown towards the ground,
therefore making it more difficult for the player to pick the ball up
and gain control
- Body behind the ball, with knees bent to get down to the ball
- Hands close to the ball
- Palms open in the direction of the ball
Continuous pick up
- Three cones are to be set up in a line about 5 metres between each cone.
Players then stand on each cone, forming groups of three
- The two outside players both start with a ball each
- The middle player in the ‘worker’ and the outside players are the ‘feeders’
- The worker runs forward and picks up a rolling ball from the feeder. They then
hand-pass it back and turn around to run forward to the other feeder, picking up
the rolling ball and passing it back.
- After the worker has had at least 6 turns, the players rotate and a feeder
becomes the worker.
- This is continued until each player has had at turn at being a worker
- The same concept is repeated with the feeders varying the times of
balls they give the worker, rotating through bounces, rolls and hand-
passes towards the ground, increasing the difficulty for the worker
- Players can all run to their left, with the worker having to control the ball on the run, and
continuously work at receiving the balls from the feeders and hand-passing them back
- One of the feeders can become a passive defender on the worker, making the worker have
to run off the defender and pick up the ball in a more game-like situation
- Body behind the ball and knees bent to the pick-up and control the ball
- Fast movement, staying on the toes to change direction with direction of ball
- Awareness of space and positioning to get off the defender and pick up the moving ball
HPE1202 Physical Performance Lab Football 4th & 11th September
(Weeks 1 & 2)
Evasion Drills
- 2 cones are to be set up about 10 metres away with 2 cones placed in the middle
about 2 metres away (perpendicular to other cones)
- Half the team is to start on one cone and the other half start on the opposite
- Player one begins, running towards the cones in the middle, planting their outside
foot and pushing off to dodge around the cones and change direction to then run
forward to the next player, who repeats.
- Once all players have had at least 4 turns each, the same concept can be followed,
however players are to pretend to hand-pass in one direction, then dodge and
change direction
- A player can be positioned in the middle of the centre cones.
- Players have to run to the middle and dodge the defender, aiming
to dodge, fake and hand-pass, then change direction and follow
through to the next person.
- If the defender tags the players with 2 hands, the player now
becomes the defender.
- To increase the difficulty, the defender can ‘hug’ tackle the player, aiming to intercept
their dodge.
- Pushing off the planted foot to quickly change direction in a dodge
- Obvious change of direction
- Players should be on their toes for fast movement and change of direction
Free Cone
- Five cones are to be set up in a pentagon shape, with one player on 4
of the cones, leaving one free, and one ‘intercepting’ player in the
- Using one ball, the outside players are to hand-pass the ball around
the cones to each other, with passes having to go to the next cone,
diagonal passes not allowed.
- The players are to make use of the free cone and lead towards the
ball, whilst the middle player aims to intercept the pass
- After about 3 minutes, the player in the middle can be
rotated, allowing everyone to have a go
- Another player can be added in the middle to make it more
difficult for the outside players to move the ball around
- The distance between cones can be increased, making
movements and passes more difficult
- A time limit of 3 seconds can be given to the player with the
ball, making them release it quickly and dodge/evade the intercepting player
HPE1202 Physical Performance Lab Football 4th & 11th September
(Weeks 1 & 2)
- Fast movement between cones to receive pass
- Standing side on to receive and release ball to next player quickly
- Effective dodges and change of direction to fend off defender and release to free player