Key Teaching Points
Key Teaching Points
Key Teaching Points
- Racquet begins in neutral position then taken back
using a circular swing
- Step forward
- Swings racquet head from low to high
- Follow through with hips and shoulders rotating to
face the net
- Head remains stable
Backhand (double-handed)
- Two hand grip on the racquet
- Ball hit from the left side of the body (for right-handed)
- Racquet hand is brought back around the body before hitting the ball
- Step across the body towards the ball when making contact
- Follow through from low to high
- Head remains stable
- Feet perpendicular to the net, separated shoulder width apart
- “Shake hand grip”
- Swing racquet down and back
- Ball is tossed up high
- Elbow bent with racquet going down
- Contact is made with the ball in front of the body
- Follow through down and across the body
- Ball is hit with power
- Non-racquet hand points up at the ball
- Ball lands close to the net or in the middle of the court
- Follow through across the body
Volley (forehand)
- Ball is hit before it bounces on the ground
- Pivot the body to take the racquet backwards
- Step forward into the volley
- Volley with blocking motion – not following through
across the body
- Contact is made with the ball in front and to the side of
the body
Volley (forehand)
- Racquet is held with two hand grip
- Pivot the body to take the racquet backwards
- Step forward into the volley
- Racquet positioned to the left of the body (right-handed)
- Volley with blocking motion – not following through across the body
- Contact is made with the ball in front and to the side of the body
- Body rotates back and the racquet is back
- Non-dominant hand angled towards the ball
- As the ball drops, body to uncoil and racquet is
swung towards ball
- Snap the racquet arm around to make contact with
the ball
- Follow through down and across the body
- Racquet begins in neutral position
- Ball is hit high and deep
- Follow through with racquet high
(Optimum Tennis, 2017: Pat Cash, n.d: Schools Curriculum Standards Authority, 2012: Tennis
Australian, 2017)