Ball Skills - Touch Rugby

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Ball runner – lateral pass

Description 1. Organise students into pairs with one ball each pair
2. Pairs are to line up side by side 2m apart in the centre of the
playing field and pass the ball back and forth to each other
3. When you call ‘ball!’ the player with the ball or who is about to
receive the ball must run with it and score a touch down
4. After scoring a touchdown they return to the centre and resume
Variations Progression:
- Ask players to swap side the ensure they learn to pass and
catch both left and right sides of their body
- One point = player with the ball makes it to the score line
without being tagged by their partner

- Shorter distance
KTP Lateral Pass
“Step, shift, roll”
- Ball is held with two hands on either side with fingers spread
- Body is balanced with the outside leg forward and the body
turned towards the receiver
- Roll ball across body.
- Follow through with fingers pointed towards receiver.

Touch down
- Cross the line
- Bend knees and lower body
- Use both hands to slam ball on the ground
LEST L: 6 students on each playing area and working in pairs
E: 32 x cones and 12 balls
S: 6 6 m grid (square)
T: 7-10 minutes
Boundary pass – passing on the run
Description 1. In pairs with a football, to be dispersed over four boundary lines
8 x 8m
2. One the teacher signal, all pairs are to jog in the same direction
and pass their ball
3. Passes can only be made across a boundary line
4. Each pass has to be over a different boundary line
5. Encourage players to pass backwards to their pattern therefore
they will get the hang of it
6. Pairs are to count how many passes they made in 1 minute
7. Pairs repeat in the opposite direction and attempt to beat their
previous score.
Variations Progression:
- All passes must be backwards to count as 1 point
- Allow two or more passes across each boundary
- Call ‘change’, players must turn and run the opposite way
KTP Passing on the run – step, shift, swing
- Ball is held with two hands on either side with fingers spread
and elbows bent slightly
- Ball us carried in front of the body
- Swing the ball across the front of the body
- Flexion of the wrists directs the ball towards the receiver
- Ball travels backwards with a flat trajectory
- Receiver is able to run onto the ball
LEST L: 3 playing areas and students are to be in pairs
E: 1 ball and 4 cones
S: 10m x10m square
T: 10 minutes
Catching – spare square
Description 1. Separate players into groups of 4 with 1 ball, set up 3 x 3m
2. The three attacking players stand at a marker and can only
pass the ball to players on each side of the square (not
3. To receive the ball attacking players can move to the spare
marker cone – they cannot run whilst holding the ball though
4. A fourth players in the centre attempts to intercept the ball
5. When the ball is intercepted, the attacking players who
touched it last will change with the interceptor
Variations - If the ball is passed over shoulder height, that thrower
becomes the interceptor
- If ball is held for longer than 3 seconds, that thrower becomes
the interceptor
KTP Catching:
Track – the ball with eyes
Reach – your arms in position to receive the ball
Give – pull your arms in as the ball lands
Pinkies/thumbs – of the ball is above chest – thumbs together, ball
below chest – pinkies should be together
LEST L: Groups of 4
E: 8 x balls, 32 x markers
S: 3 x 3m playing area
T: 10-12 minutes or until all students have rotated through
Circle pass and chase - passing
Description 1. Students are to form a circle within the grid
2. While the ball is being passed around in one direction, the
student next to the first passer run around the outside of the
circle in the opposite direction of the ball
3. The student is to try and beat the ball back to their spot
Variations Progression:
- Increase the distance (bigger circle)
- Add in another ball
- Have the circle slowly jogging to get used to running and
passing backwards

- Decrease the distance
KTP Passing – step, shift, swing
- Hold the middle of the ball with thumbs on top and fingers
- Swing the ball across the body with both hands and elbows
slightly bent
- The head leads the rotation of the upper body towards the
- Release the ball and follow through in the direction of the pass
LEST L: Groups of 6
E: 1 ball and 4 cones per group
S: 5 x 5m playing grid
T: 7 minutes
Zig zag pass – passing
Descripti Instructions for activity:
on - Players stand in parallel lines 6m apart
- Player (x) stands with the ball and passes to x and so on down the
- All players are stationary
- When the ball gets to the end reverse the ball back up the line
Variation Progression:
s - Increase the distance
- Add in another ball

- Decrease the distance
KTP Passing – step, shift, swing
- Hold the middle of the ball with thumbs on top and fingers underneath
- Swing the ball across the body with both hands and elbows slightly
- The head leads the rotation of the upper body towards the receiver
- Release the ball and follow through in the direction of the pass
LEST L: Groups of 6
E: ½ balls per groups and 6 cones
S: 2m between passer (zig zag line)
T: 7-9 minutes

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