Non Household Setting: Products covered by this MSDS, in their original form, when disposed as waste, are
considered non hazardous waste according to Federal RCRA regulations (40 CFR 261). Disposal should be in
accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Solutions of diluted detergent in the course of use, may be
allowed to be flushed down sewer. First check with your local water treatment plant. Recycling is recommended for
undiluted scrap product. Do not landfill.
California Hazardous Waste: Not hazardous, in accordance with 22 CCR 66261.20 through 22 CCR 66261.24
Household Use: Household product is safe for disposal down the drain during detergent use or in the trash.
Dispose of empty bottle in the trash or recyle where facilities exist.
State Right-to-Know:
The following ingredients present in the finished product are listed on state right-to-know lists or state worker
exposure lists:
Perfumes contained within the products covered by this MSDS comply with appropriate IFRA guidance
All ingredients are CEPA approved for import to Canada by Procter & Gamble. This product has been classified in
accordance with the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and this MSDS
contains all information required by the Controlled Products Regulations.
Data supplied is for use only in connection with occupational safety and health.
DISCLAIMER: This MSDS is intended to provide a brief summary of our knowledge and guidance regarding the
use of this material. The information contained here has been compiled from sources considered by Procter &
Gamble to be dependable and is accurate to the best of the Company’s knowledge. It is not meant to be an all-
inclusive document on worldwide hazard communication regulations.
This information is offered in good faith. Each user of this material needs to evaluate the conditions of use and
design the appropriate protective mechanisms to prevent employee exposures, property damage or release to the
environment. Procter & Gamble assumed no responsibility for injury to the recipient or third persons, or for any
damage to any property resulting from misuse of the product.