RBS Syllabus

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Module – I
Introduction to Cost Accounting : (5 Hours)
a. Introduction, Terminology (Cost, costing, cost unit, cost centre, profit centre, cost
b. Objectives of Cost Accounting
c. Cost Accounting Vs Financial Accounting
d. Necessity for Cost Accounting
e. Essentials of Good Cost Accounting System
f. Practical difficulties in installation of costing system
g. Methods of costing & types of costing.
h. Classification of costs (by nature, by activities, by behaviour, by time, in relation to
managerial decision making)

Module – II
Costing Practices : (8 Hours)
a. Preparation of cost sheet
b. Output and Job costing
c. Contract costing
d. Process costing (Valuation of work-in-progress excluded)

Module – III
Management Accounting : (7 Hours)
a. efinition, Scope and functions of Management Accounting and difference between
Management Accounting and Financial Accounting.
b. reak-even and Cost-volume-profit analysis
c. arginal costing and practical application (In situations like key factor analysis,
optimizing product mix, make or buy decision, discontinuance and diversification of
products, accept or reject special offer, close down of operations)
Module – IV
Budgetary Control & Standard Costing : (10 Hours)
a. Budgeting process
b. Preparation of Sales or Revenue budget & other budgets, Flexible budgeting.
c. Efficiency Ratio, Activity Ratio, Capacity Ratio.
d. Standard Costing – Objectives, problems, Advantages and disadvantages of
standard costing system
e. Variance analysis material and labour – Interpretation of variances
f. Decisions under risk and uncertainty (meaning of business risk and financial risk)
Sensitivity Analysis.

Text Books :
1. Ravi M. Kishore- Cost and Management Accounting, Taxman.
2. Jain & Narang , Cost Accounting– Kalyani
3. Khan & Jain , - Management Accounting – TMH

Reference Books :
01. Jawahar Lal - Advanced Management Accounting , S. Chand
02. Arora,M., - Cost and management accounting , Vikash
03. Nigam & Jain – Cost Accounting: Principles& Practices, PHI
04. Pandikumar M P- Management Accounting, Excel Books.


Module – I
Ethics in Business : (8 Hours)
Meaning of Ethics, Definition of Ethics and Business Ethics, Introduction to Business
ethics, Need, Importance, Nature, Scope, Objectives of Business Ethics, Factors
influencing Business Ethics, Characteristics of Business Ethics, Ethical aspects in
Marketing, Ethical decision making.

Module – II
Corporate Governance : (8 Hours)
What is Corporate Governance, OECD emphasis, Issues in Corporate Governance,
Need for and importance of Corporate Governance, and benefits of good governance
to companies and to the society. Corporate Governance Mechanism, Anglo-American
Model, German Model, Japanese Model and Indian Model. Obligation to society,
Investors, employees, customers, managerial obligations. Case studies: 1. Infosys
Technologies 2. Tata Steel

Module – III
Role Players : (7 Hours)
Role of Board of Directors, Auditors, SEBI and Government. Growth of Corporate
Governance in India. Case discussion on – The rise and fall of Arthur Andersen

Module – IV
Business Ethics & Corporate Governance : (8 Hours)
Introduction, Importance and need for Business Ethics in Indian Context, roots of
unethical behaviour and Issues, Corporate Governance Ethics, How ethics can make
corporate governance more meaningful, Corporate social responsibility of business.
Case discussions: 1. The Enron Fiasco 2. TVS Group of companies.

Text Books :
1. A.C. Fernando, Corporate Governance, Pearson ( Also Refer for Cases)
2. C.S.V. Murthy, Business Ethics, Text and Cases, HPH
3. Hartman, Perspectives in Business Ethics, TMH
4. Business Ethics - An Indian Perspective, Ronald D. Francis & Mukti Mishra, TMH

Reference Books :
01. Crane, Business Ethics, Oxford
02. Mallin, Corporate Governance, Oxford
03. Kesho Prasad, Corporate Governance, PHI
04. Dr S. Singh –Corporate Governance, Global Concept, Excel Books.
05. Swami Parthasarathy, Corporate Governance, Biztantra (Module 1, 2, and 4)
06. CV Boxi, Corporate Governance : Critical issues, Excel Books (Module 3).
07. Weiss, Business Ethics, Cengage/Thomson.
08. Mishra, Business Ethics, TMH.

Module – I : (10 Hours)

Nature and scope of consumer behavior, Consumer Decision Making: four views of
consumer decision making- Economic man, Cognitive man, Emotional man, Passive
man Consumer Decision process, Factors influencing consumer decision making
process, Comprehensive models of consumer decision making: Nicosia Model,
Howard-Sheth model, Engel-Kollat-Blackwell model.

Module – II : (6 Hours)
Individual determinants of behavior: Personality, perception, Attitudes (Structural
models of attitudes: Tri-component attitude model, multi attribute model), learning and

Module – III : (8 Hours)

Group influence (the influence of Culture & sub culture, Characteristics of Culture)
Social Class, reference group and family, Family life Cycle (FLC), Lifestyle profiles of
the social class (AIO & VALS), Consumer Psychographics: application of
psychographic analysis, Opinion Leadership Process.

Module – IV : (6 Hours)
Consumer Research, Diffusion of Innovations: The diffusion process, the adoption
process, A profile of the consumer innovator. Consumer Behavior Applications for
Profit and Not - For - Profit organization.

Text Books :
1. Leon G. Schiffman & Leslie Lazar Kanuk: Consumer Behavior, Pearson PHI.
2. Loudon & Della Bitta, Consumer Behavior, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Batra & Kazmi, Consumer Behavior, Excel Books
Reference Books :
01. Kurtz and Boone, Principles of Marketing, Thomson
02. Hawkins, Best & Concy, Consumer Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.
03. Peter. D. Bennett Harold H. Kassarjian: Consumer Behaviour (PHI).
04. Srivastava, Khandoi, Consumer Behaviour, Galgotia publications.
05. M.S.Raju & Dominique. Xardel, Consumer Behaviour, Vikas Publications.
06. Soloman, Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having and Being, Pearson / PHI.
07. Kardes, F.R. Consumer Behaviour and managerial Decision making, Pearson
08. Nair – Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research , Himalaya
09. H.Assael, Consumer Behavior, Biztantra.
10. Jain & Bhatt, Consumer Behaviour, S. Chand.
11. Alok,Sinha & Sharma, Customer Relationship Management, Biztantra.
12. Blackwell, Consumer Behaviour, Cengage/Thomson.
13. Sahni and Gupta; Consumer Behaviour; Kalyani Publishers.


Module – I : (6 Hours)
Introduction: Definition, objectives, Functions and classification of advertising,
Advertising Agency : Functions & structure of modern agency, functions of the
advertising department and advertising manager. Client – Agency Relationship (CAR),
Selection of agency.

Module – II : (8 Hours)
Advertising as Mass communication: the communication mix, building of advertising
program: Creative strategy-Copy, message, advertising appeals, AIDA concept
Creation and production in advertising: TV commercials, Radio Jingles, Print ads.

Module – III : (8 Hours)

Advertising media, General and special characteristics of different media: Media

planning, scheduling, selection and evaluation, Measuring advertising effectiveness
(DAGMAR): The rationale of testing: pretesting, concurrent testing & post testing,
recall and recognition.

Module – IV : (8 Hours)
Advertising Budget: Approach and procedures for determining the size of the budget,
Administration and control of budget. Regulation of Advertising: Self Regulation by
advertising Media (ASCI), Ethics & Social Responsibility in Advertising, E-advertising.

Text Books :
1. Kazmi & Batra, - Advertising and Sales Promotion, Excel Books.
2. Batra, Myers & Aaker, - Advertising Management, Pearson education/PHI
3. Jethawaney & Jain, Advertising Management, Oxford University Press.

Reference Books :
01. Shah, D souza, Advertising & Sales Promotion, TMH
02. Jefkins and Yadin; Advertising, Pearson.
03. Kurtz and Boone, Principles of Marketing, Thomson
04. Clow & Baack, Integrated advertising, Promotion, Marketing communication and
IMC plan, Pearson Education/PHI
05. Wells, Burnett, Moriarty, Advertising: Principles and practice , Pearson.
06. Parag Diwan, Advertising Management, Deep & Deep Publications.
07. Chunawalla, Sethia, - Advertising: Theory and Practice, Himalya Publication House
08. Russel and Lane, Klepnner’s Advertising Procedure, New Delhi : Pearson.
09. Belch & Belch - Advertising and Promotions: An integrated marketing
communication perspective, TMH.
10. Wells, Advertising : Principles and Practice, Pearson / PHI.
11. Sharma, Singh – Advertising: Planning and Implementation, PHI.
12. Shimp, Advertising & Promotion, Cengage/Thomson.
13. Datta and Datta, Advertising & Sales promotion, Vrinda Publications.


Module – I
Introduction to investment environment : (8 Hours)
Portfolio Analysis: Analyzing risk and return of individual security and portfolio, portfolio
selection: Markowitz and Sharpe model, the concept of efficient frontier, Case analysis.

Module – II
Bond Analysis : (8 Hours)
Bond portfolio management, Equilibrium Models of asset pricing: Capital asset pricing
model, and Arbitrage pricing model, Case analysis.

Module – III
Fundamental analysis : (7 Hours)
Economic analysis, Industry analysis and company analysis, Technical analysis: The
Dow Theory, Predicting the individual stock movement, predicting the general market
movement, Case analysis.

Module – IV
Efficient market hypothesis : (7 Hours)
Weak form and random walk, semi-strong form, strong form and tests of various forms
of efficiency, Portfolio revision, performance measurement of managed portfolios,
Case analysis.

Text Books :
1. Alexander, Sharpe & Bailey, Fundamentals of Investment, Pearson.
2. P.Chandra, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, TMH
3. S. Kevin, Portfolio Management, PHI.

Reference Books :
01. Gupta and Joshi, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Kalyani Publishers
02. V.K. Bhalla, Investment Management, S. Chand
03. Fisher & Jordan, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Pearson
04. Jones- Investments: Analysis and Management-John Wiley
05. Ranganathan- Investments: Analysis and Portfolio Management-Pearson.
06. Bodie, Kane, Marcus and Mohanty, Investments, TMH
07. Hirschey & John Nofsinger, Investments: Analysis & Behavior, McGraw Hill
08. D. K. Khatri- Investment Management and Security Analysis(Text and cases)-
09. Reilly, Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, Cengage/ThomsonH.
10. Pandian, P; Security Analysis and Investment Management, Vikas


Module – I
Financial Markets :
Financial system, Financial Markets, Meaning, Classification, Capital Market, Capital
Market intermediaries, Primary Market, Secondary Market, Stock Exchange,
Constitution, Control, Functions of Stock Exchange, SEBI Guidelines, Investor
protection, Grievance, Redressal measures, Money Market-Characteristic,

Module – II
Financial Instruments :
Call Money Market, Commercial Papers, Treasury Bills, Certificate of Deposits,
Commercial Bills, Gilt-edged Securities, Equity Shares, Preference Shares,
Debentures, Warrants and Convertibles, ADRs and GDRs, Derivatives- Options and

Module – III
Merchant Banking and Lease Financing :
Merchant Banking – Nature, Scope, Regulation of Merchant Banking activity, Structure
of Merchant Banking industry – Primary markets, SEBI Guide-lines for public issues.
Leasing – Origin, Development of basing in India, Classification, Financial lease and
operating lease, Advantage and disadvantage of basing Hire Purchase Vs Lease.

Module – IV
NBFC and Consumer Finance :
NBFS- Origin, Scope, Functions, Role of NBFCs in rendering financial services, RBI
regulations, Categories of NBFC, Venture Capital finance by NBFCVenture Capital-
Origin, Development, Venture Capital Institutions. Credit rating – Concept, Importance
of Credit rating, Credit rating agencies and their activities, Emerging avenues of rating

Text Books :
1. M.Y. Khan, Financial Services, TMH.
2. Gordon and Natrajan, Financial Market and Services, Himalaya Publishing

Reference Books :
01. Gupta and Agarwal; Finanacial Services, Kalyani Publishers
02. Nalini P Tripathy, Financial Instruments and Services, PHI
03. J. C. Verma, A Manual of Merchant Banking, Bharat Law House
04. Clifford E Kirsch, The Financial Services Revolution, McGraw Hill
05. Nabhi Publications, SEBI Guidelines.
06. Meir Kohn, Financial Institutions and Markets, Oxford


Module – I
Retail Environment : (8 Hours)
Retail industry overview and concepts: Introduction of retailing system, Role of
Marketing in Retail, Retailing formats, Franchising, Direct Marketing exclusive shops,
Destination stores, Chain stores, Category killers and other emerging formats; Retail
Marketing Mix, The STP approach, The retail image, Retail communication mix, Retail

Module – II
Consumer Behaviour : (10 Hours)
Factors influencing, Buying process: Cultural and social group influence on consumer
purchase behaviour, Forces acting on consumers: social, economic, technological and
competitor, Demographic and psychographic segmentation of market, developing
positioning strategy for the retailer, Retail Store location, Store Atmospherics, Total
retail experience.
Module – III
Product and Brand Management : (7 Hours)
Introduction, concepts, Retail Branding, Store Branding, Local Branding (store level
branding), Creative display or visual merchandising, Store Image Management, Retail
pricing, Retail Credit facilities, Retail promotion.

Module – IV
Technology in Retail : (5 Hours)
Retailing through Internet (E-tailing), Technological innovations in retailing, Ethics in
retailing, Consumerism, Future of retailing.

Case discussions: Big Bazar-The Route to the Indian Mass Market; Shopping
Malls in India: Survival of the fittest

Text Books :
1. Swapna Pradhan; Retailing Management McGraw Hill (For Case discussions)
2. Berman, Evans, Retail Management, Pearson.
3. Sinha, Managing Retailing, Oxford.

Reference Books :
01. Gibson G Vedamani, Retail Management, Jaico
02. Dunne, Lusch, Griffin- Retailing, Thomson
03. Bajaj, Tuli, Srivastava, Retail Management, OXFORD
04. Retail Marketing Management: David Gilbert
05. Retail Management :Arif Sheikh and Fatima, HPH


Module – I
Retail Development : (8 Hours)
The evolution of Retail in India – Drivers of Retail change in India – The size of Retail
in India - FDI in Retail – Challenges to Retail Development in India – The evolution of
Retail Formats – Theories Retail Development – Life cycle in Retail – Business Models
in Retail.
Module – II
Retail Market Strategy : (8 Hours)
Factors influencing the retail shopper - The customer decision making process –
Market research – The retail perspective of Strategy – The Concept of Branding – The
concept of a retail Brand – The retail value chain – Building a sustainable competitive
advantage – Growth strategy.

Module – III
Retail Franchising : (7 Hours)
The concept of Franchising – Evolution of Franchising – Types of Franchising –
Advantages and disadvantages of Franchising – The International franchising scene
vis-a-vis India.

Module – IV
Retail Store Locations : (7 Hours)
Types of Retail Locations – Steps involved in choosing a retail location – Methods
evaluating a Trading Area – Factors affecting the attractiveness of a site.

Text Books :
1. Swapna Pradhan; Retailing Management McGraw Hill
2. Levy Michael, Barton A Weitz, Retailing Management, TMH.

Reference Books :
01. Barry Berman & Joel R. Evans, Retail Management – A Strategic Approach,
02. James Ogden & Denise Ogden, Integrated Retail Management, Biztantra
03. Suja Nair, Retail Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
04. Chopra, Meindl, Kalra, Supply Chain Management, Pearson.
05. Bajaj, Tuli, Srivastava, Retail Management, OXFORD

Module – I
Human Resource Planning : (6 Hours)
Concept, importance, objectives Types of HR plan, Dimensions of Human Resource
Planning Approaches-Social Demand Approach, Rate of Return Approach and
Manpower Requirement Approach.

Module – II
Human Resource Information System : (4 Hours)
Types of information, sources of information, Method of data collection, Procedure of
maintaining HRIS, Human Resource Reporting, Computerised HRIS.

Module – III
Human Resource Planning Process : (10 Hours)
Methods of demand forecasting and supply forecasting at micro level, Managing
surplus and shortage, Evaluating human resource planning effectiveness.

Module – IV
Career planning : (10 Hours)
Concept, objective, Career planning vs. human resource planning, career planning vs
succession planning, Process of career planning and career development, Human
Resources Evaluation: Human Resources Audit and Human Resource Accounting,
Succession planning.

Text Books :
1. Bhatacharya, Dipak Kumar – Human Resource Planning, Excel Books.
2. Aswathapa, Human Resource and personnel management Text & Case,TMH.

Reference Books :
01. Strategic Human Resource Planning – Vivek Paranjpee (Allied Publisher)
02. D.T. Bell – Planning Corporate Man Power
03. HRP – Garetch Stainer – Manpower Planning.
04. Jyothi Venkatesh – Human Resource management, Oxford.


Module – I
Conceptual Framework of Compensation Management: Theories of wages:
Subsistence theory, Wage Fund Theory, Marginal Productivity theory, Bargaining
theory, Criteria of wage fixation.

Module – II
Principles of wage and salary administration, Job Evaluation: Concept, Scope,
Methods and techniques, Performance based pay systems, Knowledge based pay
system & market based pay system.

Module – III
Wage Policy in India, Methods of wage determination in India, wage Boards: Structure,
Scope and functions, Role of Collective bargaining in wage determination, The
minimum wages Act, The Pay Commission, Methods of payment. Payment of Wages
Act & Payment of Bonus Act.

Module – IV
Incentive Payment and types of incentive plans. Compensation practices of
multinational and global organizations. Incentive based pay systems, Executive
compensation Practices of MNCs.

Text Books :
1. Milkvich & Newman : Compensation - TMH
2. Sinha P.R.N. – Wage Determination in India
Reference Books :
01. Pramod Verma –Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
02. Bergess, Lenard R. – Wage & Salary Administration, London, Charles Evami,
03. K.N. Subramarniam , Wages in India.
04. Sharma A.M. – Understanding Wage System – Himalaya.

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