Syllabus of BBA I Semester

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BBA I Semester

Course/ Paper-1 (A) Code: F010101T Course Title: Business Economics

Course outcomes: The aim of the course is to build knowledge and understanding business
economics among the student. The course seeks to give detailed knowledge about the subject
matter by them basic ideas about business economics. The outcome will be as follows
 To provide knowledge about business economics.
 To provide knowledge about Demand Analysis, Production and cost analysis.
 To make aware with pricing and profit management.

Unit I: Introduction to Business Economics: Nature and Scope of Business Economics, its
relationship with other subjects. Fundamental Economic Tools-Opportunity cost concept,
Incremental concept, Time perspective, discounting principle and Equi-marginal principle.

Unit II: Demand Analysis: Concept of Demand & its determinants. Price, Income
& Substitution effects, Elasticity of demand: meaning, types, measurement and
significance in managerial decisions, Revenue concepts, Concept of demand forecasting and
methods of demand forecasting.

Unit III: Production and Cost Analysis: Meaning, Production function, Law of variable
proportion and laws of return to scale, various cost concepts and classification, Cost output
relationship in short run & long run, Cost curves, Economics and diseconomies of scale.

Unit IV: Pricing: Nature of market, Types of markets and their characteristics, Pricing under
different market structures–Perfect, Monopoly, Oligopoly and Monopolistic competition,
Price discrimination under monopoly competition. Profit Management & Inflation: Profit,
Functions of profit, Profit maximization, Break even analysis. Elementary idea of Inflation

Suggested Readings:
1. Varsney & Maheshwari, Managerial Economics
2. D.N.Dwivedi, Managerial Economics
3. D.C.Huge, Managerial Economics
BBA I Semester

Course/ paper-1 (B) Code: F010101T Course Title: Basic Accounting

Course outcomes: The aim of the course is to build knowledge and understanding
principles of accounting among the students. The course seeks to give detailed knowledge
about the subject matter by instilling them basic ideas about Accounting. The outcome of the
course will be as follows –
 To Introduce about Accounting Principles and other aspects of accounting.
 To provide knowledge about rectification of errors.
 To make able about valuation of stocks and make aware with share and Debenture.

Unit I: Introduction: Meaning and process of accounting, Basic terminology of accounting,

Difference between accounting & book keeping. Importance & limitations of accounting,
various users of accounting information, Accounting Principles: Conventions & Concepts.

Unit II: Accounting equation, Dual aspect of accounting, Types of accounts, Rules of debit
& credit, Preparation of Journal and Cash book including banking transactions, Ledger and
Trial balance, Subsidiary books of accounts. Rectification of errors, Preparation of bank
reconciliation statement, Bills of exchange and promissory notes.

Unit III: Valuation of stocks, accounting treatment of depreciation, Reserves and

provisions, Preparation of final accounts along with adjustment entries.

Unit IV: Issue of shares and debentures, Issue of bonus shares and right issue, Redemption
of preference shares and debentures.

Suggested Readings:
1. Agarwal B.D., Advanced Accounting
2. Chawla & Jain, Financial Accounting
3. Gupta R.L. & Radhaswamy, Fundamentals of Accounting
4. Jain & Narang, Advanced Accounts
BBA I Semester

Course/ paper-2 (A) Code: F010102T Course Title: Business Statistics

Course outcomes: The aim of the course is to build knowledge and understanding of
Business Statistics among the student. The course seeks to give detailed knowledge about
the subject matter by instilling them basic ideas about Business Statistics. The outcome of
the course will be as follows –
 To provide knowledge about basic concepts of Statistics.
 To provide knowledge measurement of central tendency.
 To give an overview of correlation and regression analysis.
 To make able to know the sampling and probability.

Unit I: Introduction: Concept, features, significance & limitations of statistics, Types of

data, Classification & Tabulation, Frequency distribution & graphical representation.

Unit II: Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode), Measures of Variation
(Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation and Standard Deviation), Significance &
properties of a good measure of variation, Measures of Skewness & Kurtosis.

Unit III: Correlation & Regression: Meaning and types of correlation, Simple correlation,
Scatter diagram method, Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of correlation, Significance of
correlation, Regression concept, Regression lines, Regression equations & coefficient.

Unit IV: Probability: Concept, Events, Addition Law, Conditional Probability,

Multiplication Law & Baye’s theorem [Simple numerical]. Probability Distribution:
Binomial, Poisson and Normal. Sampling: Method of sampling, Sampling and non-sampling
errors, Test of hypothesis, Type-I and Type-II Errors, Large sample tests.

Suggested Readings:
1. Gupta, S.P. & Gupta, M.P., Business Statistics
2. Levin, R.I., Statistics for Management
3. Elhance, D.N., Fundamentals of Statistics


BBA I Semester

Course/ paper-2 (B) Code: F010102T Course Title: Principles of Management

Course outcomes: The aim of the course is to build knowledge and understanding about
principles of management among the student. The course seeks to give detailed knowledge
about the subject matter by instilling them basic ideas about management. The outcome of
the course will be as follows –
 To provide knowledge about management and its principles.
 To provide knowledge about Managerial functions.
 To make aware with management thinkers and their contributions.

Unit I: Introduction: Concepts, objectives, nature, scope and significance of management,

Contribution of Taylor, Weber and Fayol in management, Management Vs. administration..

Unit II: Planning: Concept, objectives, nature, importance and limitations of planning,
planning process Concept of Decision Making and its Importance, forms, techniques and

Unit III: Organizing: Concept, objectives, nature of organizing, Types of Organization,

Delegation of authority, Authority and responsibility, Centralization and Decentralization,
Span of Control.

Unit IV: Directing: Concept, principles & aspects of directing, Concept and types of
Coordination, Concept of leadership, Supervision, Motivation and Communication.
Controlling: Concept, Principles, Process and Techniques of Controlling, Relationship
between planning and controlling

Suggested Readings:
1. Pagare Dinkar, Principles of Management
2. Prasad L.M., Principles and Practice of Management
3. Satya Narayan and Raw VSP, Principles and Practice of Management
4. Srivastava and Chunawalla, Management Principles and Practice


BBA I Semester

Course/ paper-3 (A) Code: F010103T Course Title: Business Ethics & Governance

Course outcomes: The aim of the course is to build knowledge and understanding Business
Ethics among the student. The course seeks to give detailed knowledge about the subject
matter by instilling them basic ideas about Business Ethics. The outcome will be as follows
 To develop understanding of business ethics and values.
 To provide relationship between ethics and corporate excellence.
 To give an overview about Gandhian philosophy and social responsibility.

Unit I: Introduction: Concept and nature of ethics; ethics, values and behaviour;
development of ethics, relevance of ethics and values in business, Arguments against
business ethics.

Unit II: Work life in Indian Philosophy: Indian ethos for work life, Indian values for the
work place, Work-life balance, Ethos of Vedanta in management, Hierarchism as an
organizational value.

Unit III: Relationship between Ethics & Corporate Excellence, Corporate Mission
Statement, Code of Ethics, Organizational Culture, TQM. Gandhian Philosophy of Wealth
Management, Philosophy of Trusteeship, Gandhiji’s Seven Greatest Social Sins, Concept of
knowledge management and wisdom management.

Unit IV: Corporate Social Responsibility-Social Responsibility of business with respect to

different stakeholders, Arguments for and against Social responsibility of business, Social

Suggested Readings:
1. Kaur Tripat, Values & Ethics in Management, Galgotia Publishers.
2. Chakraborty S.K., Human values for Managers
3. McCarthy, F.J., Basic Marketing
4. Chakraborty S.K., Ethics in Management: Perspective, Oxford University Press


BBA I Semester

Course/ paper-3 (B) Code: F010103T Course Title: Computer Applications

Course outcomes: The aim of the course is to build knowledge, understanding Computer
Applications among the student. The course gives detailed knowledge about the subject
matter by basic ideas about Computer Applications. The outcome will be as follows: To
provide knowledge about computer basic, components and its application and give an
overview about software system and Data base management.

Unit I: Computer: An Introduction, Computers in Business. Elements of Computer system

Indian computing Environment, Management of data processing systems in Business
organizations, Programmes development cycle, flow charting, Input Output analysis
Programming Concept, Software Development process.

Unit II: Components of a computer system, Generation of computer and computer

languages, personal computers in Business, PC-software Packages, An Introduction to Disk.
Operating system and windows, GUI, Other system softwares.

Unit III: Text Processing, software, Introduction to spreadsheet software, creation of

spreadsheet application, Range, formulas, function data base functions in spreadsheet,
Graphics on spreadsheet, modes of data processing, Report generation, Presentation
graphics, creating a presentation.

Unit IV: Computer software system, software development process, files design & Report
design, Data files types, Master & Transaction file. Data Hierarchy & data file structure, Use
of files in Programming. Relevance of DBMS, data base manager, data communication,
networking, LAN; WAN, Real Time Sharing, On line & off line processing.
Suggested Readings:
1. P. K. Sinha & P.Sinha, Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publication
2. V. Rajaraman, Computer Fundamentals, PHI
3. ‘O’ Brien, Management Information Systems

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