Sugar Mill Boilers
Sugar Mill Boilers
Sugar Mill Boilers
D SL Nu D 0:35Fa Re0:57
D Pr
Nu D 0:34Fa ReD
Pr0:31 (5) II. Analysis
Consider a uniform flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid
can be used with
past a tube bank as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The ambient temperature
Fa 1 a 7:17=a 6:52 is assumed to be Ta . The surface temperature of the tube wall is
p Tw >Ta . The flow is assumed to be laminar, steady, and two dimen-
0:266=b 0:82 0:12 1000=ReD (6) sional. In determining heat transfer from tube banks, the ambient
temperature of the incoming fluid is taken as the determining tem-
For a staggered arrangement perature whereas the diameter of the tube is taken as the characteristic
length in the definition of Reynolds and Nusselt numbers. These from the inner tube rows starts to increase as a result of higher
numbers are defined as ReD DUmax = and NuD Dh=kf , where turbulence, which is generated by the first tube rows. When the
Umax is used as a reference velocity in the calculations of fluid flow number of rows in a bank along the streamwise direction is large, the
and heat transfer for both types of arrangements, and is given by higher heat transfer rate of the remaining rows must be taken into
account. So the average heat transfer from the whole bank can be
Umax maxb=b 1Uapp ; b=c 1Uapp (10) written as
where the log mean temperature difference is given by For NL 16, the value of C1 is 1.43 for the in-line arrangement and
1.61 for the staggered arrangement.
Tw Ta Tw To
Tlm (12)
ln Tw Ta =Tw To B. Heat Transfer from a Single Tube in a Tube Bank
The average heat transfer coefficient of a single tube taken from
where To is the outlet temperature of the fluid and can be obtained the first row of an in-line or staggered tube bank can be determined by
from using energy balance: an integral method of boundary layer analysis. In this study, the von
Kármán–Pohlhausen integral method is used to solve the momentum
DNh and energy equations for an isothermal boundary condition. A
To Tw Tw Ta exp (13)
Uapp NT ST cp fourth-order velocity profile in the hydrodynamic boundary layer
and a third-order temperature profile in the thermal boundary layer
The only unknown quantity in Eq. (11) is the average convection heat are used. For this purpose, a control volume is considered from the
transfer coefficient for the tube bank that depends on the geometry, first row of an in-line or staggered arrangement as shown in Figs. 1
the maximum velocity (Umax ) in the minimum free cross section and 2. The width of the control volume is taken as unity for
between two tubes, and the arrangement of tubes, as well as the convenience, and the length and height, in dimensionless form, are
physical properties of the fluid ( ;
; cp ; and kf ). The functional taken as a and b=2 ( ST =2D), respectively. Because the flow is
relationship for the average dimensionless heat transfer can be symmetrical about the horizontal centerline, the solution has been
written as obtained for half of the flow domain (i.e., for ABCEFG in Fig. 3). The
top and bottom surfaces of the control volume can be regarded as
Nu D fReD ; Pr; b; a (14) impermeable, adiabatic, and shear free (no mass transfer and shear
work transfer across the boundary). The heat transfer between the
Extensive experimental investigations (Žukauskas and Ulinskas tube and stream is Q and the wall temperature is Tw . The governing
[13]) indicate that the average heat transfer from a tube in a tube bank equations, velocity and temperature distributions for the CV, are the
is also dependent on its location in the bank. The difference in heat same as described by Khan et al. [29] for a single isolated cylinder.
transfer from tubes of the first and inner rows depends on the The potential flow velocity outside the boundary layer was obtained
Reynolds number, the number of tubes, the longitudinal and by using complex variable theory and following Suh et al. [30] it can
transverse pitch ratios, and the arrangement of the tubes in a bank. be written as (see Appendix)
The increase in heat transfer is also observed due to flow blockage by
the upstream tubes. For ReD > 103 , they observed that heat transfer U Umax f (17)
cosh=a sin sin sinh=a sin sin cos sin=a cos
f sin 2sin2 sinh sin (18)
2a cosh=a sin cos=a cos a cosh=a sin cos=acos 2
τw = 0, Q = 0 The first term on the right-hand side gives the dimensionless average
G F heat transfer coefficient of the tube from the front stagnation point to
Umax Uapp , T a the separation point, and can be obtained, using Eqs. (23–25), for
η different pitch ratios and then correlated to obtain a single expression
s τ w sin θ P cos θ
τw θ
in terms of the ReD and Pr numbers for both in-line and staggered
S T /2
arrangements. This expression can be written as
Tw D/2 boundary layer Nu Df1 C2 ReD
Pr1=3 (29)
τw = 0, Q = 0
B 0 C
τw = 0, Q = 0
E where C2 is a constant that depends upon the longitudinal and
SL transverse pitches, arrangement of the tubes, and thermal boundary
conditions. For the isothermal boundary condition, it is given by:
Fig. 3 Control volume for prediction of heat transfer from a tube bank.
< :016 :6a2 =0:4 a2 in-line
3) At large distances upstream of the CV, u Uapp and T Ta . : 0:588 0:004b0:858 0:04b 0:008b2 1=a staggered
Following Khan et al. [29] and assuming the presence of a thin
thermal boundary layer T along the tube surface in the CV, the (30)
energy integral equation for the isothermal boundary condition can
be written as Equation (30) is valid for 1:25
3 and 1:25
3 for both
Z arrangements.
d T @T
T Ta ud (20) The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (28) gives the
ds 0 @ 0 dimensionless average heat transfer coefficient of the tube from the
separation point to the rear stagnation point. The integral analysis is
Using a fourth-degree polynomial velocity profile and a third-degree unable to predict these heat transfer coefficients. The experiments
polynomial temperature profile that satisfy all the boundary (Žukauskas and Žiugžda [31], Fand and Keswani [32], and
conditions (Khan et al. [29]) and assuming T = < 1 for Pr 1, Nakamura and Igarashi [33], among others) show that the heat
Eq. (20) can be integrated to give transfer from the rear portion of the cylinder increases with the
Reynolds numbers. From a collection of all known data, Van der
T d=dsUsT 12 90 (21) Hegge Zijnen [34] demonstrated that the heat transferred from the
rear portion of the cylinder to the air can be determined from
where Us is given by Eq. () and is obtained from the momentum
integral equation and the definition of momentum boundary layer Nu Df2 0:001ReD (31)
thickness. The values of are obtained cor-
responding to each position along the tube surface and are fitted by Thus, the total heat transfer coefficient from a single tube in the first
the least squares method and given by row can be written as
7:36 3:74 27:952 96:643 157:834
Nu Df C2 ReD
Pr1=3 0:001ReD (32)
135:87 58:65 10:10
5 6 7
Integrating Eq. (21) with respect to s, one can obtain local thermal
boundary layer thicknesses III. Results and Discussion
s According to Žukauskas and Ulinskas [13], tube banks with
T u b
1:25 are considered compact, and with b
ReD Pr
1=2 1=3 t
3 90I1
(23) 2
2 they are said to be widely spaced. For both compact and wide
D 122 f2 2g tube banks, Incropera and DeWitt [35] solved a problem of a
staggered tube bank that is used for space heating. In this study, that
where g is the derivative of the function f with respect to and problem is chosen for comparing the results of the present analysis.
I1 is given by Incropera and DeWitt [35] assumed steady state conditions,
Z negligible radiation effects, and negligible effect of change in fluid
I1 f 12d (24) temperature on fluid properties. They used the data given in Table 1
0 to calculate an air-side convection coefficient and heat transferred by
the tube bank.
The local heat transfer coefficient can be written as
h 3kf =2T (25) Table 1 Data used by Incropera and Dewitt [35] for a staggered tube
Thus the dimensionless local heat transfer coefficient can be written
as Quantity Dimension
r Tube diameter, mm 16.4
NuDf jisothermal 3 3 122 f2 2g Longitudinal pitch, mm 20.5, 34.3
(26) Transverse pitch, mm 20.5, 31.3
1=2 1=3
ReD Pr 2 90I1 Number of tubes, staggered 8
Tube surface temperature, C 70
The average heat transfer coefficient is defined as Air properties:
Z Z Z Approach velocity, m=s 6
1 1 s 1 Thermal conductivity, W=m K 0.0253
h hd hd hd (27)
0 0 s Density, kg=m3 1.217
Specific heat, J=kg K 1007
In dimensionless form, the heat transfer coefficient can be written as Kinematic viscosity, m2 =s 14:82
10 6
Prandtl number 0.701
Nu Df hD=kf NuDf1 NuDf2 (28) Ambient temperature, C 15
Table 2 Comparison of results for a compact tube bank (1:25 1:25) DeWitt [35]. The reason for higher heat transfer rates in the present
case might be due to the fact that Incropera and DeWitt [35] used the
NuD h, W=m2 K To , C Q, kW
same constants in their correlation for both cases, whereas the present
Incropera and DeWitt [35] 152.0 234.0 38.5 28.4 models are sensitive to pitch ratios. The comparison of Tables 2 and 3
Present analysis 186.8 288.3 39.2 25.5 shows that heat transfer of a bank decreases with increasing pitch
Average heat transfer from a single tube in the first row of
Table 3 Comparison of results for a wide tube bank (1:9 2:1) symmetrical in-line tube banks with 1:25
1:25 and 2:0
2:0 pitch
ratios is shown in Figs. 4 and 5. In both cases, the average heat
NuD h, W=m2 K To , C Q, kW transfer increases with the Reynolds numbers and the behavior
Incropera and DeWitt [35] 87.9 135.6 25.5 19.4 approximates a linear dependence on the logarithmic scale. The
Present analysis 113.15 175.15 27.5 20.1 comparison of both figures show that the heat transfer increases in
symmetrical in-line tube banks with their transverse and longitudinal
pitch ratios. Turbulence generated by the first rows penetrates the
Incropera and DeWitt [35] solved this problem by using boundary layer developed on the tube more effectively than in
Žukauskas and Ulinskas [13] correlations, whereas the present compact symmetrical in-line tube banks. In compact banks, tur-
analysis uses an analytical model. The results are shown in Table 2 bulence decays as a result of the flow being compressed between
for a compact bank and in Table 3 for a widely spaced bank. Table 2 longitudinal rows [13]. The present results are compared with the
shows that the present analysis gives higher heat transfer rate (around
18%) than Incropera and DeWitt [35], whereas Table 3 shows that
the present heat transfer rate is 22% higher than Incropera and
103 Analytical (present model)
Analytical (present model) ˇ
Experimental (Zukauskas and Ulinskas [13])
Experimental (Zukauskas and Ulinskas [13])
2.0 x 1.25
In-line First row
1.25 x 1.25 10
10 First row
101 3
10 104 105
101 3 ReD
10 104 105
ReD Fig. 6 Average heat transfer from the first row of a 2:0 1:25
staggered tube bank.
Fig. 4 Average heat transfer from the first row of a 1:25 1:25 in-line
tube bank.
103 103
Analytical (present model) Analytical (present model)
Experimental (Zukauskas and Ulinskas [13]) ˇ
Experimental (Zukauskas and Ulinskas [13])
102 102
101 3 101 3
10 104 105 10 104 105
Fig. 5 Average heat transfer from the first row of a 2:0 2:0 in-line Fig. 7 Average heat transfer from the first row of a 2:6 1:3 staggered
tube bank. tube bank.
103 103
Analytical (present model)
Empirical (Grimison [14]) In-line
Empirical (Zukauskas and Ulinskas [13]) Staggered
1.25 x 1.25
102 102
101 3 101 3
10 104 105 10 104 105
Fig. 10 Comparison of average heat transfer from in-line and
Fig. 8 Average heat yransfer from an in-line tube bank.
staggered tube banks.
103 for the same pitch ratios. Good agreement is found between the
Analytical (present model)
analytical and experimental results.
Experimental (Zukauskas and Ulinskas [13]) The comparison of the average heat transfer from both in-line and
staggered tube banks for the same transverse and longitudinal pitch
ratios is shown in Fig. 10. For the same pitch ratio, the heat transfer is
found to be higher in a staggered bank than in an in-line bank. This is
Pr = 0.71 due to the fact that in a staggered bank the path of the main flow is
more tortuous and a greater portion of the surface area of downstream
ST / D = 2 tubes remains in this path.
10 SL / D = 2
IV. Conclusion
Heat transfer from tube banks in crossflow is investigated
analytically, and simplified models of heat transfer for both arrange-
ments (in-line and staggered) are presented. The coefficient C1 in
Eq. (16) is derived from the experimental data of Žukauskas and
Ulinskas [13] and C2 in Eq. (29) is determined by fitting the analyti-
cal results obtained for various pitch ratios in both arrangements. The
101 3 results obtained from this investigation are as follows:
10 104 105 1) Both models can be applied over a wide range of parameters and
ReD are suitable for use in the design of tube banks.
Fig. 9 Average heat transfer from a staggered tube bank. 2) The average heat transfer coefficients for tube banks in
crossflow depend on the number of longitudinal rows, longitudinal
and transverse pitch ratios, and Reynolds and Prandtl numbers.
3) Compact banks (in-line or staggered) indicate higher heat
experimental data of Žukauskas and Ulinskas [13]. The agreement is transfer rates than widely spaced ones.
found to be good in both cases. 4) The staggered arrangement gives higher heat transfer rates than
Figures 6 and 7 show the average heat transfer from a single tube in the in-line arrangement.
the first row of asymmetrical staggered tube banks with 2:0
and 2:6
1:3 pitch ratios. They show significant variation in the heat
transfer at large Reynolds numbers for a large change in the Appendix
transverse pitch ratio and a small change in the longitudinal pitch I. Cylindrical Tubes in an In-Line Arrangement
ratio. These results are also found to be in good agreement with the Following Suh et al. [30], the complex potential for in-line arrays,
experimental data of Žukauskas and Ulinskas [13]. Similar results subjected to uniform flow, can be written as
were obtained by Bergelin et al. [6,7] for the flow of air.
Average heat transfer values for the entire bank can be determined X
wz Uapp z
from Eq. (15) depending upon the number and the type of j;k 1
2z kSL ijST
arrangement of tubes. For a compact in-line bank 1:25
1:25 with
NL 16, the average heat transfer values are plotted versus ReD in
X 1
Uapp z (33)
Fig. 8. On the logarithmic scale, heat transfer values increase linearly 2 j;k 1 z kSL ijST
with the Reynolds numbers. The present values are compared with
the empirical correlations of Grimison [14] and Žukauskas and where j and k are the number of rows and columns. Using
Ulinskas [13]. Both correlations are found to be in good agreement
with the analytical results. Figure 9 shows the heat transfer from a X1
1 z
widely spaced staggered tube bank (2:0
2:0). The results are coth (34)
compared with the experimental data of Žukauskas and Ulinskas [13] j 1
z ijS T ST ST
the complex potential for in-line bank can be written as components of velocity at the surface of the tube can be written as
X 1
ur 1=r@ =@jrR and u @ =@rjrR (43)
wz Uapp z coth z kSL Uapp z Tz
2ST k 1 ST 2ST
(35) which gives
which gives the complex velocity W 0 z as follows: The resultant potential flow velocity will be
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W 0 z Uapp (39)
4SL sin2 =SL SL
2S R sinhr sin =SL
Uapp r sin L sin2
2SL coshr sin =SL cosr sin =SL
2SL 2 R sinhr sin ST =SL
sin (49)
2SL coshr sin ST =SL cosr cos SL =SL
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