Empirical Relations of Convective Heat Tansfer

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PTT 205


SEM II (2016/2017)

CO1: Ability to apply the basic principles and to

calculate different modes of heat transfer
Classification of
convection heat

Type of flow
Type of flow
determined by
determined by Natural Forced Re
Grashof Nu convection convection
In forced
In free convection:
convection: Nu = f(Re, Pr)
Nu = f(Gr, Pr) The fluid is
fluid flow is induced
by density differences forced to flow by
caused by pressure
temperature differences, a
pump, a fan
Total heat transfer in term of bulk- temperature different

The total energy added (energy balance) 

The heat added, dq can be expressed in term of a bulk temp. difference or h;

The total heat transfer 

Note: When the statement is made that a fluid enters a

tube  used the Bulk Temp. to determine fluid properties
A. Turbulent Flow in a Tube
Fully developed turbulent flow in a tube:
Valid in smooth tube

If wide temp. different are present in the flow also change in the fluid properties
between the wall of the tube & the central flow used

Note: All the empirical relation here apply

to fully developed turbulent flow in
A. Turbulent Flow in a Tube

For the entrance region and for short tubes

(The flow is not developed), used:

Thermal properties at bulk temperature.

More accurate although more complicated, the expression for
fully developed turbulent flow in smooth tube is;


All the properties using in this equation based on Tf 

Example 1: Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Tube

Air at 2 atm and 200 °C is heated as it flows through a tube

with a diameter on 1 in (2.54 cm) at a velocity of 10 m/s.
a) Calculate the heat transfer per unit length of tube if a
constant-heat-flux condition is maintained at the wall and
the wall temp. is 20 °C above the air temp., all along the
length of the tube.
b) How much would the bulk temp. increase over a 3m
length of the tube?
Example 1-Solution
a. Evaluate fluid properties at bulk temperature; 200◦C+273K = 473 K
b. From the Table given; interpolate data…
c. Determine flow regime; calculate for Re


d. Calculate h, use

e. Therefore, heat flow per unit length

d. Calculate the increase in bulk temp. in a 3-m length of tube

Example 2: Heat Transfer (Turbulent Flow) in a
Rough Tube
A 2.0 cm diameter tube having a relative
roughness of 0.001 is maintained at a constant
wall temp. of 90 °C. Water enters the tube at 40 °C
and leaves at 60 °C. if the entering velocity is 3
m/s, calculate the length of tube necessary to
accomplish the heating.
Example 2-Solution
a. Calculate heat transfer;

b. Since the tube has relative roughness

c. Evaluate water properties at film temperature

d. From the Table

e. Compute for Re. no. Turbulent!!

f. Find friction factor, f-value from Graph 6.4:
g. Since Tw > Tb, n = 0.11

h. Calculate length of the tube from energy balance

B. Laminar Flow in a Tube
The relation to used to calculate heat transfer in laminar tube flow
(The empirical relation)
Fully developed laminar flow in tubes
at constant wall temp.
# used for long & smooth tube

Fully developed laminar flow in tubes

at constant wall temp.
# used for short & smooth tube
# the fluid properties are evaluated at
mean bulk temp. of the fluid.

Used if 
Where: Peclet number (Pe)
For rough tubes (relation fluid friction and heat transfer),
expressed in term of the Stanton Number:

Entrance region in laminar flow :
To calculate local and average Nusselt No for laminar
entrance regions for the case of a fully developed
velocity profile, use the Graph with “inverse Graetz
Local & average Nusselt No. for circular tube thermal
entrance regions in fully developed laminar flow
Example 3: Heating of Water in Laminar Tube Flow

Water at 60 °C enters a tube of 1-in (2.54 cm)

diameter at a mean flow velocity of 2 cm/s.
Calculate the exit water temp. if the tube is 3.0 m
long and the wall temp. is constant at 80 °C.
Example 3-Solution
a. Evaluate air properties at inlet bulk temperature; 60◦C+273K = 333 K
b. From the Table given; interpolate data…
c. Determine flow regime; calculate for Re


d. Calculate Peclet n. (Pe)

e. Therefore, use

f. Evaluate µw at wall temp. 80◦C (176 F) from Table A-9,

g. Calculate for h,

h. Determine the outlet bulk temperature

(Tb2); from the energy balance equation:
Example 3-Solution (continue)
i. Calculate the mass flow rate

j. Substitute all values into the energy balance equation for Tb 2

d. Calculate the mean bulk temp.

e. Evaluate properties at mean bulk temp. (interpolate data from the Table)

g. Determine Re. no. & Peclet no.

h. Calculate for h,

h. Insert h into the energy balance equation:

Example 4: Heating of Air in Laminar Tube Flow for
Constant Heat Flux
Air at 1 atm and 27 °C enters a 5.0 mm diameter
smooth tube with a velocity of 3.0 m/s. The length
of the tube is 10 cm. A constant heat flux is imposed
on the tube wall.
a) Calculate the heat transfer if the exit bulk temp. is
77 °C.
b) Calculate the exit wall temp. and the value of h at
Example 4-Solution
a. Evaluate air properties at average bulk temperature;
b. From the Table given; interpolate data…
c. Determine flow regime; calculate for Re


d. Since the tube is rather short (10 cm), expect a thermal entrance effect ; thus calculate
inverse Gz no.:

e. Since qw=constant; obtain Nusselt no. at exit from the graph

g. Total heat transfer from the overall energy balance

f. At entrance,
ṁ = pumᴨd2/4

h. Therefore, q if exit bulk

temp is 77◦C
Example 4-Solution
i. Calculate exit wall temp., determine qw:


j. Calculate h at exit;
Example 5: Heating of Air with Isothermal Tube
Air at 1 atm and 27 °C enters a 5.0 mm diameter
smooth tube with a velocity of 3.0 m/s. The length
of the tube is 10 cm. A constant wall temp. is
imposed on the tube wall.
a) Calculate the heat transfer if the exit bulk temp. is
77 °C
b) Calculate the exit wall temp. and the value of h at
Example 5-Solution
a. Evaluate air properties at average bulk temperature;
b. From the Table given; interpolate data…
c. Determine flow regime; calculate for Re


d. Since the tube is rather short (10 cm), expect a thermal entrance effect ; thus calculate
inverse Gz no.:

e. Since Tw=constant; obtain Nusselt no. at exit from the graph Nud = 5.15

g. Calculate average heat-transfer coefficient:

f. Calculate heat transfer based on a mean bulk temperature
of 52◦C and h value
Fluid flow is induced by density differences
caused by temperature differences
The vertical plate is heated and the free convection
boundary layer is formed.
The velocity profile differs from that in a forced
convection system in that the velocity at the wall is
zero and also zero at the other edge of the boundary
layer since the free stream velocity is zero for natural
The boundary layer initially is laminar as shown but
at some distances from the leading edge it starts to
become turbulent.
The wall temperature is Tw and the bulk temperature
is Tb.
1. General correlation for Free Convection

In many different geometries, the average Nusselt number may

be calculated by as:

•Isothermal vertical plates: L = height of plate.
•Vertical cylinders: treat as vertical plates, if
D/L ≥ 35/Gr1/4

= For RaL < 109

= 0.85 + For 10-1 < RaL < 1012

Constant Heat Flux Surfaces = =

= = 0.60 105 < Grx*Pr < 1011 ;

For laminar
qw constant

2 x 1013 < Grx*Pr <

For tubulent = 0.17
1016 ; qw constant
• Constants C and m from table
• Tube diameter is characteristic length

For 10-5 < Gr Pr < 1012

For laminar 10 -6 < Gr Pr < 109

Heat transfer from horizontal

cylinder to liquid metals
• Characteristic length: L = A/P
• where A is the area and P the perimeter of the

For GrL Pr < 2 X 108

Heated surface
facing upward
For 2 X 108 <GrL Pr < 1011

For 106 <GrL Pr <1011 Heated surface facing

Heat flux

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