Stycas 2850
Stycas 2850
Stycas 2850
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STYCAST® 2850 FT Thermally Conductive Epoxy Encapsulant
Storage and Handling: and an itching sensation. Handling this product at elevated
The shelf life of STYCAST 2850 FT is 12 months at temperatures may also generate vapors irritating to the
25°C. For best results, store in original, tightly covered respiratory system.
containers. Storage in cool, clean and dry areas is Good industrial hygiene and safety practices should
recommended. Usable shelf life may vary depending on method be followed when handling this product. Proper eye protection
of application and storage temperature. Certain resins and and appropriate chemical resistant clothing should be worn to
hardeners are prone to crystallization. If crystallization does minimize direct contact. Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet
occur, warm the contents of the shipping container to 50-60°C (MSDS) for detailed recommendations on the use of engineering
until all crystals have dissolved. Be sure the shipping container controls and personal protective equipment.
is loosely covered during the warming stage to prevent any This information is only a brief summary of the
pressure build-up. Allow contents to cool to room temperature available safety and health data. Thoroughly review the MSDS
before continuing. for more complete information before using this product.
Health and Safety:
Attention Specification Writers:
The STYCAST 2850 FT, like most epoxy compounds
The values contained herein are considered typical properties
possesses the ability to cause skin and eye irritation upon
only and are not intended to be used as specification limits. For
contact. Certain individuals may also develop an allergic reaction
assistance in preparing specifications, please contact Emerson
after exposure (skin contact, inhalation of vapors, etc.) which
& Cuming Quality Assurance for further details.
may manifest itself in a number of ways including skin rashes