IRC Ammendments 2018

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The document outlines several amendments made to Indian Highway specifications, including changes to requirements for bitumen grade, load combinations, and other structural design criteria.

Several clauses were amended to change requirements for bitumen grade, load combinations, stress checks, and other specifications. Page numbers and clause numbers were also updated in some cases.

A rapid setting bitumen emulsion VG 10 is now required to be used as a tack coat. The quantity of residual bitumen must be between 0.20 to 0.30 kg/sqm. It must be applied uniformly using a pressure sprayer.


January, 2019)

S.No Clause No. For Read

& Page No.
1. Title
2. 3.1 Bitumen: Bitumen:
SMA shall be viscosity grade VG-30 complying SMA shall be viscosity grade VG-40 complying

Rubberised bitumen as per IRC:SP:107.

3. 6.2 Tack Coat: A bitumen emulsion complying with Tack Coat: Rapid Setting bitumen emulsion
IS:8887 of a type and grade or viscosity grade
bitumen VG-10 shall be applied as a tack coat on VG 10 shall be applied as a tack coat on the
the existing bituminous layer. Quantity of liquid existing bituminous layer. The quantity of
bituminous material shall vary from 0.20 to 0.30 residual bitumen of the emulsion or the bitumen
kg/sqm in case of emulsion and 0.30 to 0.40 kg/ 2
. The
sqm in case of bitumen. In this regard IRC:16 tack coat shall be applied by a self propelled
may be referred. The tack coat shall be applied or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped
by a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure for spraying the bitumen binder uniformly at a
sprayer equipped for spraying the bitumen binder

laying the hot mix.

January, 2019)

Section; II Loads and Load Combinations” (Seventh Revision)

S. Clause No. For Read
No. Page No.
1 Combination of Loads and Forces and Combination of Loads and Forces and
Permissible Increase in Stresses Permissible Increase in Stresses
The load combination shown in Table 1 The load combination shown in Table 1 shall
shall be adopted for working out stresses be adopted for masonry & timber bridges for
in the members. The permissible increase working out stresses in the members. The
of stresses in various members due to these permissible increase of stresses in various
combinations is also indicated therein. members due to these combinations is also
These combinations of forces are not indicated therein. These combinations of
applicable for working out base pressure on forces are not applicable for working out
foundations for which provision made in base pressure on foundations for which
relevant IRC Bridge Code shall be adopted. provision made in relevant IRC Bridge Code
For calculating stresses in members using shall be adopted. For calculating stresses in



S. Clause No. For Read

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working stress method of design the load members using working stress method of
combination shown in Table 1 shall be design the load combination shown in Table 1
adopted. shall be adopted.
The load combination as shown in Annex The load combination as shown in Annex B
B shall be adopted for limit state design shall be adopted for limit state design
approach. approach.
2 204.4 Note Below Table 7 :- Congestion Factor
Note :- For Intermediate bridge spans, the Note :- For Intermediate bridge spans, the value
value of multiplying factor may be of congestion factor may be interpolated
3 206.4 Each part of the footway shall be capable of Each part of the footway shall be capable of
resisting an accidental load of 4 tonne, which shall resisting an accidental load of 4 tonne, which
be deemed to include impact, distributed over a shall be deemed to include impact, distributed
contact area of 300 mm in diameter. For working over a contact area of 300 mm in diameter. For
stress approach, the permissible stress shall limit state design, the accidental combination
as per Table B.2 shall be followed. This
For limit state design, the load combination as provision need not be made where vehicles
per Table B- 2 shall be followed.This provision cannot mount the footway as in the case of
need not be made where vehicles cannot mount a footway separated from the roadway by
the footway as in the case of a footway separated means of an insurmountable obstacle, such as,
from the roadway by means of an insurmountable crash barrier, truss or a main girder
obstacle, such as,crashbarrier, truss or a main
4 208.5 The span length to be considered for arriving at The span length to be considered for arriving

208.2 and 208.3 shall be as follows: 208.2 and 208.3 shall be as follows:
a) For spans simply supported or continuous a) For spans simply supported or continuous
or for arches…………. or for arches………….

b) For bridges having cantilever arms without b)

suspended spans………….

reduced by 25 percent for loads on the cantilever arms reduced by 25 percent for loads on the
cantilever arms.
for loads on the main span.
c) For bridges having cantilever arms with
suspended span………………

plus half the length of the suspended span

length of the suspended span for loads on the

supports for load on the main span

5 208.7 For calculating the pressure on the bearings and For calculating the pressure on the bearings
on the top surface of the bedblocks, full value and abutment cap/pier cap, full value of
of the appropriate impact percentage shall be the appropriate impact percentage shall
allowed. But, for the design of piers abutments be allowed. But, for the design of piers
and structures, generally below the level of the abutments and structures, generally below
top of the bed block, the appropriate impact the level of the top of the abutment cap/pier



S. Clause No. For Read

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percentage shall be multiplied by the factor cap, the appropriate impact percentage shall
given below: be multiplied by the factor given below:
For calculating the : 0.5 For calculating the : 0.5
pressure at the bottom pressure on the top 3 m
surface of the bed block: of the structure below the
For calculating the : 0.5 abutment cap/piercap
to zero
pressure on the top 3 m decreasing
of the structure below the uniformly For calculating the : Zero
bed block to zero pressure on the portion
For calculating the : zero of structure more than 3
pressure on the portion m below the abutment
of structure more than cap/piercap
3 m below the bed block
6 210.3 Third Line Third Line

maximum mean velocity of the current” times the mean velocity of the current”
Where is the maximum mean velocity Where, is the mean velocity
7 Annexure B Sr. 1, Sr. 1,

Notes Notes:
The snow loads may be based on actual The wave forces shall be determined
observation or past records in the particular by suitable analysis considering
area or local practices, if existing drawing and inertia forces etc. on
The wave forces shall be determined by single structural members based on
suitable analysis considering drawing rational methods or model studies.
and inertia forces etc. on single structural In case of group of piles, piers
members based on rational methods or etc., proximity effects shall also be
model studies. In case of group of piles, considered


January, 2019)

S. Clause No/. For Read

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1. 4.2.3 Where, Where,
l is the span metres, m is the mass per unit l is the span metres, m is the mass per unit

the superstructure in N-m2. the superstructure in N-m2.

EI may be estimated for simply supported span The spectra for vertical ground motions may
be taken as two-thirds of that for horizontal
unit point load applied on it. motions.
The seismic zone factor for vertical ground
motions may be taken as two-thirds of that for
horizontal motions.



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2. -- Note:- In case of Pile foundation, the total
-Add Note hydrodynamic forces calculated based on
below Fig. above formula shall be considered to be equally
shared between piles covered within enveloping
3. 5.2.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.2
acceleration corresponsing to Maximum

4. 5.2.3,
Table 5.1
the Spectrum to be Used to Estimate Design the Spectrum to be Used to Estimate Design
Add Note below Earthquake Force Earthquake Force
the Table 5.1
Note: -The value of N to be used shall be weighted
mean of ‘N’ of soil layers from existing ground
level/ Scour level to ‘30 m’ below ground / Scour
level. Here N value of individual layer shall be the
corrected value.
5. 5.3.1, General, Depending on the nature of the application Depending on the nature of the application
last line and on the information actually available, the and on the information actually available, the
description of the seismic motion may be made description of the seismic motion may be made

or simulated accelerograms. accelerograms.

6. 5.3.2 heading 5.3.2 Spectrum Compatible Time History

7. 5.3.3, Heading 5.3.3 Recorded or Simulated Accelerograms 5.3.3 Simulated Accelerograms

Recorded accelerograms are generated through Simulated accelerograms are generated through
a physical simulation of source and travel path a physical simulation of source and travel path
mechanisms. mechanisms
shall be designed for the design seismic shall be designed for the design seismic action
action determined through capacity design. determined through capacity design, subject to
Alternatively, linkages shall be used to the upper limit of elastic design force considered
withstand seismic action.
to withstand seismic action.
8.1, last line This chapter deals with the earthquake resistant This chapter deals with the earthquake resistant
design of regular bridges in which the seismic design of regular bridges in which the seismic
actions are mainly resisted at abutments actions are mainly resisted at abutments

comprising of conventional pier-foundation comprising of conventional pier-foundation

system supporting the deck structure with/ system supporting the deck structure with/
without bearings. However for all special and without bearings.
major bridges, detailed dynamic studies should
be carried out as mentioned in Chapter 6
stay & extradosed type bridge foundations, non-linear soil behaviour should be taken into
non-linear soil behaviour should be taken into account in determining possible permanent
account in determining possible permanent deformation during earthquake
deformation during earthquake



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11. 8.5.2, last In seismic zone II & III, the designer is free to Delete this sentence
sentence, exercise his choice of bearing arrangement



13. Appendix -A5 An evaluation of the liquefaction susceptibility An evaluation of the liquefaction susceptibility
A-5.1.1 should be made when the foundation soils should be made when the foundation soils
include extended layers or thick loose sand, include extended layers or thick loose sand,

table level, and when the water table level is water table level. The highest water table shall
close to the ground surface. To evaluate the be adopted that can exist over a long period in
liquefaction potential, investigations have to be a year. To evaluate the liquefaction potential,
conducted which include the in- situ Standard investigations have to be conducted which
include the in- situ Standard Penetration Tests

size distribution curves in the laboratory as the determination of grain size distribution
curves in the laboratory
14. APPENDIX- Where Where
A.5.1.2 HT

Delete this sentance

energy delivered to the drill rod is about 60
percent and factors C60 may be assumed as 1.
Factors CHT, CHW, CBD, CRL and CSS are given
CHT, CHW, CBD, CRL and CSS are given below below
15. APPENDIX- amax amax
A-5 of g, where g is acceleration due to gravity
If value of PGA is not available the ratio amax/g

January, 2019)

Section IX – Bearings (Spherical and Cylindrical)”

S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 5.4.2 Nsd.max k
/ m
.Ar .k Nsd k
/ m
.Ar .k

2 e2 xy,sd
/Nsd,max. µfr . c e2 xy,sd
/Nsd, . µfr . c

3 e4 xy,sd
/Nsd,max e4 xy,sd



January, 2019)

Sl. Clause No. Existing

No. & Page No.
Contents - Seismic Analysis Methods General Design Provisions
1. Contents - Bearings, Seismic connection & Experience Bearings, Seismic connection & Expansion
Chapter-8, Joints Joints
Title of
section 8.5
2. Contents Illustration of Seismic Acceleration Method Illustration of Capacity Design
– Title of Preamble
3. 2.3, iii. The dynamic earth pressures on abutments The dynamic earth pressures on abutments, wing
during earthquakes shall not be considered in walls and return walls/retaining walls during
Zones II and III. earthquakes shall not be considered in Zones II
and III.
4. 4.2.4, vi. The shear force for over strength moments The shear force for over strength moments in
in case of cantilever piers shall be calculated case of cantilever piers shall be calculated as
as MRD Mo
Chapter 7. In case of portal type pier capacity Chapter 7. In case of portal type pier capacity
of all possible hinges need to be considered. of all possible hinges need to be considered.
5. 4.8, ii. …. The total force shall be evaluated by ……. The total force shall be evaluated by
Eq.4.2 Eq.4.2
e h e
x Ah x W Eq. (4.2)
Where : Where:
Ce Ce
of ratio of height of submerged portion of pier of ratio of height of submerged portion of pier
e e

Ah =
given in IRC 6 – 2017

cylinder cylinder
The pressure distribution is shown in Fig. 4.2. The pressure distribution is shown in Fig. 4.2.
Values of C1, C2, C3 and C4 are stated in Table Values of C1, C2, C3 and C4 are stated in Table
4.5 …………. 4.5 ………….
6. 5.2.1 For most of the structures of low to medium For most of the structures of low to medium
heights with small spand and small length of heights with small span and small length of
bridge, elastic seismic acceleration method bridge, elastic seismic acceleration method

method structure is analysed its fundamental method structure is analysed in its fundamental
mode of vibration.
7. 5.2.2 ………. .The forces are obtained for each mode ………. .The forces are obtained for each mode
by use of response spectrum as given in by use of response spectrum as given in
(b) above and (b) above and



8. 5.3 In bridges where pier height are high, bridge In bridges where pier heights are high, bridge has
has abrupt or unusual changes in mass,

in these parameters between adjacent supports,

adjacent supports, special seismic devices such special seismic devices such as dampers, isolator,
as dampers, isolator shock transmission unit shock transmission unit etc. are provided and
etc. are provided and where the large spatial where the large spatial variation need to be
variation need to considered than time history considered, then time history method should be
method should be used. The dynamic analysis used. The dynamic analysis of a bridge by time
of a bridge by time history method may be history method may be carried out using direct
carried out using direct step-by-step method of step-by-step method of integration of equations
integration of equations of motion suitable steps of motion with suitable steps which are small
small enough to include response of highest enough to include response of highest modes of
modes of vibration. vibration.
8.2, 1st Para, The superstructure shall be designed for the design The superstructure shall be designed for the
last line, seismic forces calculated based on various analysis design seismic forces calculated based on

6 in combination with other appropriate loads.

seismic component is particularly important in
Superstructure and needs to be investigated in particularly important in Superstructure and
situations mentioned in needs to be investigated in situations mentioned
Design Provisions”. in clause 4.2.1.
10. Steel members shall be so designed and detailed Steel members shall be so designed and detailed
as to give them adequate strength, stability and as to give them adequate strength, stability and
ductility to resist severe earthquakes in all seismic ductility to resist severe earthquakes in all seismic


higher ductility and can be used in any seismic higher ductility and can be used in any seismic
zone. Ordinary concentrically braced frames and zone. Ordinary concentrically braced frames and

used in seismic zones IV and V and for bridges used in seismic zones IV and V and for bridges

in seismic zone III. Provisions for eccentrically in seismic zone III. Provisions for eccentrically

guidelines and specialist literature may be referred guidelines and specialist literature may be referred
to for detailing of such frames. to for detailing of such frames.
12. The provisions in this section apply for a. The provisions in this section apply for
diagonal, X-bracing, V and inverted V-type diagonal, X-bracing, V and inverted V-type
bracing in concentrically braced frames. bracing in concentrically braced frames.
specialist literature may be referred. specialist literature may be referred.



K-bracing shall not be permitted in systems c. K-bracing shall not be permitted in systems
to resist earthquake. In K-bracing system, to resist earthquake. In K-bracing system,
bracings are connected in the middle of bracings are connected in the middle of
an axial force carrying member and any an axial force carrying member and any
unbalance in lateral force at joint due to unbalance in lateral force at joint due to
failure of one brace may result in bending of failure of one brace may result in bending of
the member leading to failure of member. the member leading to failure of member.
Along any line of bracing, braces shall be d. Along any line of bracing, braces shall be
provided such that for lateral loading in provided such that for lateral loading in
either direction, the tension braces will have either direction, the tension braces will have
to resist between 30 to 70 per cent of the to resist between 30 to 70 per cent of the
total lateral load. total lateral load.
The concentrically braced frames should be e. The concentrically braced frames should be
designed to resist all gravity loads without designed to resist all gravity loads without
considering the additional strength provided considering the additional strength provided
by bracings/ diagonals of bracing system. by bracings/ diagonals of bracing system.
Concentrically braced frames shall be so f. Concentrically braced frames shall be so
designed that yielding of the diagonals in designed that yielding of the diagonals in
tension takes place before yielding failure tension takes place before yielding failure
of connections and buckling of main of connections and buckling of main

members. members.
The bracing members shall be so designed g. The bracing members shall be so designed
that gross area yielding and not the net area that gross area yielding and not the net area
rupture would govern the design tensile rupture would govern the design tensile
strength. strength.
For all built-up braces, the spacing of tack h. For all built-up braces, the spacing of tack
fasteners shall be such that the unfavourable fasteners shall be such that the unfavourable
slenderness ratio of individual element, slenderness ratio of individual element,
between such fasteners, shall not exceed between such fasteners, shall not exceed
0.4 times the governing slenderness ratio of 0.4 times the governing slenderness ratio of
the brace itself. Bolted connections shall be the brace itself. Bolted connections shall be
avoided within the middle one-fourth of the avoided within the middle one-fourth of the

The connection should be checked for i. The connection should be checked for
tension rupture and block shear for the load tension rupture and block shear for the load
determined in respective clause. determined in respective clause.
The connection shall be designed to j. The connection shall be designed to
withstand a moment of 1.2 times the full withstand a moment of 1.2 times the full
plastic moment of the braced section about plastic moment of the braced section about
the buckling axis. the buckling axis.
Gusset plates shall be checked for buckling k. Gusset plates shall be checked for buckling
out of their plane. out of their plane.
13. Formula for ‘t’ is given as: The formula for ‘t’ should be changed as:
+ dp + bp
in 3rd para, p p

14. 9.2.8 Column Bases





16. APPENDIX- Design Flexural Strength along Transverse Design Flexural Strength along Transverse
A-3 Direction, MRD,L Direction, MRD,T

A-3 moment……….. moment………..
Over-strength factor for concrete substructure Over-strength factor for concrete substructure
o o

…… ……

January, 2019)

S. Clause No.
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1 4.1 Concrete road bridges including foot bridges in Concrete road bridges, foot bridges and culverts
2 5.8.1,
life’ of some common types of bridges.” be made to provisions of IRC 5. Unless otherwise

be designed for a useful service life of 100 years

3 Table 5.1, As it exists Delete Table 5.1

4 Table 6.1 Types of Steel Grade / Designation Types of Steel Grade / Designation
Grade-1 Grade-1
of Reinforcing
Steel” High Yield Fe 415 High Strength deformed Fe 415
Strength Fe415D Fe415D
deformed Steel Fe500 Fe415 S
Fe500D Fe500
Fe550 Fe500D
Fe550D Fe500 S
Fe600 Fe550
5 High Performance Concrete is similar to standard High Performance Concrete
concrete but contains additional one or more mineral whose ingredients, proportions and production
admixtures providing binding characteristics and
performance and uniformity requirements that
its strength, reduce its porosity and modify its other cannot be always achieved routinely by using only
properties in fresh as well as hardened condition. conventional materials, like, cement, aggregates,
water and chemical admixtures, and adopting
normal mixing, placing and curing practices.
Use of mineral admixtures is required. These
performance requirements can be high strength, high

durability for severe service environments, etc. or

combinations thereof. Production and use of such



S. Clause No.
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uniformity between batches and very stringent quality

and completely every corner of formwork by its

vibration, without segregation, whilst maintaining

homogeneity. It is suitable in situations where;
reinforcement is very congested,
access to allow vibration is not available,
complicated geometry of the formwork,
pouring is possible only from a single point,
speedy placement is required,
It has also the other advantages of no noise due to

6 Table 6.6 Autogenous Shrinkage Strain of Concrete Table 6.6 Autogenous Shrinkage Strain of Concrete
x 10 6
Above Table
concrete, subject to condition that the compressive concrete, subject to condition that the compressive
stress does not exceed 0.36 fcm at the age of loading, stress does not exceed 0.36 fcm at the age of loading.
and mean temperature of concrete is between 10°C In case the compressive stress exceeds 0.36 fcm, at
and 20°C with seasonal variation between -20°C to loading, non-linear creep shall be considered.
40°C. For temperature greater than 40°C the co-

of accurate data. In case the compressive stress

exceeds 0.36 fcm, at loading, non-linear creep shall
be considered.
8 Footnote No. 2 2.
may be worked out using equations given in be worked out using equations given in Annexure
Annexure A-2

or more
10 11.1 Add sub clauses (8), (9) and (10) below

rest of the bridge, whose boundary conditions can

purpose of second order analysis.

Ultimate Limit State only.

position at both ends and which may or may not

the member can translate with respect to other end

one or both ends.

11 11.2



S. Clause No.
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12 11.2.2
Heading columns and piers with bearings

13 Last Line:
Eq. 11.2 or Eq. 11.3 whichever is applicable.
14 11.3. Non-liner Analysis of Structures and Elements Method of Analysis for Obtaining the Second Order

15 11.3.1

at Page 118
methods and one general method based on non
linear analysis

Method based on nominal curvature.

curvature is applicable

framed structure or where they are connected integrally

to the same superstructure or a group of piles connected
through a pile cap, which cannot be isolated as they
collectively resist the side sway of the structure bringing
unequal axial loads on the compression members, only is applicable.

Non linear analysis may be used for all members

with any boundary conditions
In case of members having varying sections and

and quasi-permanent loads leading to creep

generalized methods of non-linear analysis

taking into account the geometric non-linearity
of structure and or material non linearity need
to be used.
Stress-strain relationships for concrete given

stress-strain diagrams based on design value,

a design value of the ultimate load is obtained
directly from the analysis. In equation Eq.A2-
28 and in the calculation of k-value, fcm is then
substituted by the design compressive strength
fcd and Ecm isis fcm is then substituted by the
design compressive strength fcd and Ecm is
substituted by; where is taken as 1.2.

may be taken into account by modifying all strain

value in the concrete stress-strain diagram using



S. Clause No.
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Eq 11.5 is applicable only to the braced member and

also when no transverse load is applied within the

due to imperfections shall be added to the equivalent

the middle of the member

M0Ed = M0e

17 Add New Clause

Design Bending moment for braced and un-braced
The design bending moment shall be evaluated as given
For braced member:

due to imperfections in the middle of the member

added to arrive at the design bending moment at

middle of the member.

assuming no moments due to imperfections and

moment at this end.

For un-braced member:
First order end moment including, moment due
to imperfections and moment due to second order

moment at the ends.

For cantilever member:
First order moment including, moment due to
imperfections and moment due to second order

18 11.3.3 Add New Clauses

rigidity of slender compression members with any

cross section can be estimated using the following
EI =Kc Ecd I c + Ks Es Is
Ecd is the design value of the modulus of elasticity

IC is the moment of inertia of concrete cross sections



S. Clause No.
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a group having varying axial load in members as

moment shall be taken as

imperfection. where applicable
NED is the total design axial load on the group.
NB is the total buckling load of all the compression

NB is the buckling load based on the formula

EI/ le2 where le

The design bending moment shall be evaluated as

given below:

Eq 11.5 and the moment due to imperfections in the

in accordance with clause

First order end moments including moments due

throughout its height as per clause

11.3.3 11.3.3 Bi-axial Bending. 11.3.4 Bi-axial Bending.

20 Add new para at the end of existing para New para :

for prestressing duct, for which provision has been

made in clause In case the duct is closer
than 100mm to concrete surface the concrete within
the cover portion shall be in compression.”
Table 18.1 titled Existing table to be replaced by a new Refer

22 Footnote below Note: Note:

Table 18.1, 2. For seismic zones III, IV & V, HYSD steel 2. For seismic zones III, IV & V, HSD steel bars

conforming to other requirements of IS:1786 conforming to other requirements of IS:1786

shall be used. shall be used.



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3. For seismic zones III, IV and V, HSD steel bars
shall possess following properties :
bars based on tensile test must not exceed

by more than 20 percent.

b. The ratio of the actual ultimate strength
to the actual 0.2 percent proof strength /
yield strength shall be at least 1.15.
23 Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade conforming to Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade conforming to
Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade conforming to Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade conforming to
25 18.4.2 To improve properties of fresh concrete such as Chemical admixtures and superplasticisers

be used. of the superplasticiser with the cement and any

other pozzolanic or hydraulic additives as covered
in Clause 18.4.3 being used, should be ensured by
trials, so that the following problems are avoided:
Large dosage of superplasticiser required to
achieve the desired workability,
Excessive retardation of setting,
Excessive entrainment of large air bubbles,

Rapid slump loss, and

Excessive segregation and bleeding.
26 18.5.3
the following new clause; General: Choice of materials, concrete mix

optimum performance can be extracted of each of

the ingredients. The procedure of mix proportioning
of normal grades of concrete may not be adequate.
Relationships between the compressive strength of

+ cementitious materials ratio, when part of the

between water content and workability will have

to be established by laboratory trials for the grade
of concrete, the materials to be used, and the water-

The minimum cement content of concrete, inclusive

of any mineral admixtures, shall be not less than 380

but in no case more than 0.40.

Field Trial Mixes: Mix proportions arrived
at by laboratory trials shall, in addition, be

and necessary adjustments made. Field trial

mixes shall be prepared for all grades of
concrete, using samples of approved materials.



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The concreting plant and means of transportation
employed to make trial mixes and to transport them
to representative distances shall be similar to the
corresponding plant and transport to be used in
the works. The optimum sequence of mixing of
ingredients shall be established by trials. Mixing time
may be longer than in normal grade concrete mixes.
The temperature of concrete at the time of placement
shall not exceed 25°C. The temperature of concrete
at the mixing stage should be lower, to allow for rise
in temperature during transport. When considerable
distance of transport is involved, particular attention
should be paid to ensure retention of slump as
targeted for placement.
Further mock-up testing
may be carried out to ensure that the concrete can
be satisfactorily placed and compacted, taking into
account the location of placement and provision of
reinforcement, and adjustments made in concrete mix
design and/or detailing of reinforcement accordingly.
27 New Clause
18.7.1 Constituents
In Self-Compacting Concrete, superplasticisers

segregation, and sensitivity of the mix due to

variations in other constituents, especially to
moisture content. Other materials are as in Clauses
18.4.1 to 18.4.5.
VMA’s are hydrophilic, water-soluble polymers
having high molecular weight. Such polymers
can form a network of large molecules extending
throughout the mass. The dimensions of the polymers
or particles are in colloidal range; hence these are
called ‘colloidal admixtures’. These can also be
used as ‘anti-washout’ admixtures for underwater
18.7.2 Properties in the Fresh State

characteristics. Each characteristic can be assessed

Table 18.9. Characteristics of SCC and Tests

Characteristics Preferred Test Limit of Test
Method(s) Value
Flowability 550 – 850 mm
Flowability T500 2 sec
V-funnel test 8 – 25 sec
Passing ability L-box test 0.8
Segregation Segregation 15 – 20 per



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Note: For details of the test methods and limiting test
values, as appropriate to placing conditions, amount
and congestion of reinforcement, dimensions of the
members, size of aggregate etc., EFNARC Guidelines
for Self-Compacting Concrete, May 2005 may be
Fig. 18.1 gives the dimensions of the test equipment.

(a) Slump Flow Test

(b) V – Funnel Test

(c) L – Box Test

Fig. 18.1. Test Equipment for SCC



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Mix proportions are to be selected by trials and

tests, till a satisfactory mix is arrived at. EFNARC
Guidelines 2005 suggest broad outline, as given
Coarse aggregate content - 750 – 1000 kg per
m3 of concrete,
Total powder content –380 to 600 kg per m3 of
Water/powder ratio by solid volume – 0.85 to
Water content –150 – 210 litres/ m3,
Paste volume – 300 – 380 litres/ m3,
Water/cement ratio selected for strength and
durability requirements,
Sand content to balance the remaining volume,

Note – Following this addition, Clause numbers 18.7

and 18.8 in the existing Code will change. There is no
change in Table or Figure numbers in this chapter.
28 18.7 All clauses & Sub-clauses with 18.7 ............... 18.8 ...............

18.8 All clauses & Sub-clauses with clause 18.8 .............

30 New Para to be added after 1st para, before para High Performance Concrete containing silica fume
starting "Liquid membrane forming.......". is more cohesive than normal mixes hence, there is
little or no bleeding and no bleed water to rise to the

shrinkage cracking is possible, if curing is not proper.

Initial curing should commence soon after initial
setting of concrete. Concrete should be covered with

colour plastic sheets or suitable curing compound.

setting of concrete and continue for at least 14 days.

31 Delete this sub clause.
creep of concrete at 70 years, in normal atmospheric
conditions of temperature and hmidity.

predicted creep data deduced from a computerised predicted creep data deduced from a computerised
data bank of laboratory test results is of the order of data bank of laboratory test results is of the order of
20 percent. 20 percent.




Type of Steel Grade / Relevant BIS Minimum Yield Minimum Tensile Strength, Min. %
Designation Standard Stress/ as % of the actual 0.2% proof elongation
fyk stress/yield stress but not less
than a
Mild Steel Grade-I IS:432 Bars upto & 410 MPa 23
including 20mm dia.

410 MPa 23
240 Mpa
High Strength Fe 415 14.5
Deformed IS:1786 415 MPa
Fe 415D 18.0
Fe 500 500 MPa 12.0
Fe 500D 16.0
Fe 550 10.0
IS:1786-2000 550 MPa
Fe 550D 14.5
Fe 600 IS:1786-2000 600 MPa 10.0


Type of Steel Grade / Relevant BIS Minimum Yield Minimum Tensile Strength, Min. %
Designation Standard Stress/ as % of the actual 0.2% proof elongation
fyk stress/yield stress but not less
than a
Mild Steel Grade-I IS:432 Bars upto & 410 MPa 23
including 20mm dia.

410 MPa 23
240 Mpa
High Strength Fe 415 14.5
Fe 415D IS:1786 415 MPa 18.0
Fe 415S 18.0
Fe 500 12.0
Fe 500D IS:1786 500 MPa 16.0
Fe 500S 16.0
Fe 550 10.0
IS:1786 550 MPa
Fe 550D 14.5
Fe 600 IS:1786 600 MPa 10.0



January, 2019)
IRC:SP:80:2008 “ Guidelines for Corrosion prevention , Monitoring and Remedial Measures for
Concrete Bridge Structures”
Sl. Clause No. For Read
No. (Page No.)
1. 4.1.7 The level of carbon- ----------------. The level of carbon-dioxide
dioxide penetrates into the pores of concrete penetrates into the pores of concrete by

hydroxide dissolved in the pre water. hydroxide dissolved in the pore water.
------------------ ---------------
2. 5.1 Crack width should be controlled and kept Crack width should be controlled and
to the minimum. Provisions given in Table kept to the minimum. For allowable crack
5.1 as per IRC:21, strive to achieve it by
controlling the bar diameters and spacing. both for reinforced and pre-stressed
Alternatively, crack widths as calculated by concrete members, provisions for bar
formula given in Appendix-I and IRC:21 are spacing, maximum bar size and minimum
recommended for achieving the same. It will reinforcement under section of IRC:112
be generally applicable to RC members and may be referred to.
non stressed members. For members where
crack width cannot be calculated, it should
be controlled by using well distributed steel
not exceeding spacing of 200 mm dia. In
pre-stressed concrete members also, this
early age shrinkage and thermal cracks
should be controlled by minimum level of
reinforcement similarly placed not greater
than 200 mm spacing.
3. 5.3.5 Water used shall not contain oil, acids, alkalis, Water used shall not contain oil, acids, alkalis,
sugar, and organic materials which may be sugar, and organic materials which may be
deleterious to concrete and steel and shall deleterious to concrete and steel and shall
generally conform to provisions contained in generally conform to provisions contained in
IRC:21-2000, IS:3025 and IS:456. IRC:112-2011.
4. 5.5 Table 5.1 : Requirements to prevent/control Table 5.1 : Requirements to prevent/control
Table 5.1

5. 5.5 IS:456:2000, IRC:SP:70-2005 IRC:SP:70

Table 5.2
Page 22
6. 5.6.1 ------------------. However, the current codes of ------------------. However, the current codes
practices have generally divided the conditions of practices have generally divided the
of exposure of the structural elements based conditions of exposure of the structural
on the general atmospheric environment in
to two classes: Severe and Moderate. The environment in to four classes: Extreme, Very
moderate includes all conditions except what Severe, Severe and Moderate.



7. 5.6.2 Concrete in Extreme, Very severe and

Table 5.3

8. 5.6.2 IRC:112
Table 5.3

5.6.2 Use of galvanized steel as reinforcement is Use of galvanized steel and stainless steel as
Table 5.3
with epoxy can also be used.
10. 1. Delete line ‘Zink + Aluminium Coating’

11. Last line

‘The grouting should be carried out as ‘The grouting should be carried out as

12. 6.5.1 Table 6.6 Table 6.6 : Requirements for Acrylic Table 6.6 : Requirements for Acrylic


IRC: SP: 80 – 2008

Sr. No. Parameters Requirement Reference

1. Crack width A) IRC:21-2000
should be negative. Clause 303.4.2
B) Crack width under sustained loads shall not exceed 0.2 mm Appendix-1
for severe conditions of exposure and 0.3 mm for moderate
2. Clear Cover for Exposure Nominal Cover IRC:21-2000
Reinforcement Clause 303.4.3
Moderate 40
Severe 50
Alternate 75
Wetting & Drying Zone
Note: the above cover may be reduced by 5 mm for factory made
precast products with higher level of quality assurance.
3. Cover for pre-stressing Wherever pre-stressing cable is nearest to concrete surface IRC:18-2000
steel and spacing the minimum clear cover measured from outside of sheathing Clause 16.1, 16.3
shall be 75 mm.
A minimum clear distance of 50 mm or diameter of the duct
whichever is greater shall be maintained between individual



Sr. No. Parameters Requirement Reference

4 Grouping of cables Grouping of cables shall be avoided to the extent possible. If IRC:18-2000
unavoidable, only vertical grouping of cables upto 2 cables shall Clause 16.4
be permitted.
In case of severe condition of exposure grouping of cables shall
be altogether avoided.
This may be achieved by use of high capacity strands.
5 Proper detailing and Attention should be given to detailing to ensure proper
spacing of steel concretability, use of vibrators etc.
6 Coarse Aggregates The preferred nominal size of aggregate is 20 mm for pre IS:383 &
stressed and reinforced concrete. It should consist of natural IRC:21-2000
sand crushed stone or gravel. It should not contain dust, lumps,
Fine Aggregates

Concrete should be kept wet at least for 14 days.

7 Water Should not contain injurious amounts of oil acids, alkalis, sugar and IRC:21-2000 &
organic materials, which may be deleterious to concrete and steel. IS:3025
Permissible limits of solids shall be as under:
Organic-200 mg/l
Inorganic-3000 mg/
Sulphates-400 mg/l

Suspended matter-2000 mg/l

pH Value-6
Use of Sea Water is not allowed
8 Reinforcement a) Following grades of reinforcement steel shall be used: IS:432-Part I.
Grade S-240 Mild Steel IS:1786
Grade S-415-Deformed bars
Grade S-500-Deformed bars
b) Coated bar
Galvanised zinc aluminum coating As per relevant
Fusion bonded epoxy coating standards detailed
under Chapter-6
Concrete Cement content shall not exceed
450 kg/m3 of concrete
Minimum cement content for various structural members and

Structural Moderate Severe Min Cement Content

Member Exposure Exposure
PCC M-25 M-30 360 kg/m3
RCC M-30 M-35 380 kg/m3
PSC M-35 M-40 400 kg/m3
HPC -- M-40 380 kg/m3 with Admixture
Members 450kg/m3 without



Sr. No. Parameters Requirement Reference

used in the mix of concrete. In severe condition, this should be Clause 302.6.5

Chloride content in concrete shall not exceed following value by

mass of cement:
Table -5
The above value shall be respected in case of HPC also
Water Cement Ratio Maximum water cement ratio should be maintained as under:
Member Normal Severe
Exposure Exposure
PCC 0.45 0.45
RCC 0.45 0.40
PSC/HPC 0.40 0.40

10 Sheathing Use Corrugated HDPE Duct. They are especially

recommended to serve as barrier to externally penetrating
Whenever feasible, metallic ducts may be manufactured
at site to eliminate along storage period and thereby
corrosion problem.
To prevent corrosion on outer side surface should be applied
with washable water soluble oil/VPL Power injection.
C. Construction Stage
1. Curing Concrete shall be kept atleast for 14 days. IRC:21-2000
Steam or other improved method of curing wherever necessary
should be used.
2. Storage and Handling of All pre-stressing elements such as strands/ IRC:18-2000 wires, IRC:18-2000
Pre-stressing Material anchorages, ducts, couplers, should Appendix-3 be protected. Appendix-3
These materials should be stored in such a way that there is no
deterioration in quality and usage in the work. These should
be protected from rain, damp ground, ambient temperature by
covering them properly. These should be coated with soluble oil,
silica gel or vapour phase inhibiting materials.
The HTS strands should be wrapped in HDPE wrappers. The
steel should be stored in the godown wherein humidity should

heaters or equivalent means. Hygrometers should be installed in

such godown to check humidity.

weeks or so should be ordered.

3. Grouting of Post- The grout protects the pre-stressing steel and ensures encasement IRC:18-2000
Tensioned Pre-stressing of steel in an alkaline environment for corrosion protection and

in MC:18:2000 -Appendix - 5, in respect of materials,

grout vents, equipment, properties of the grout, mixing
and grouting operations etc, shall be followed.



Sr. No. Parameters Requirement Reference

Grouting shall be carried out as early as possible but
not later than 2 weeks of stressing a tendon. Whenever
this stipulation cannot be complied with for unavoidable
reasons, adequate temporary protection of the steel
against corrosion by methods or products which will
not impair the ultimate adherence of the injected grout
should be ensured till grouting. The sealing of the
anchorage ends after concreting is considered to be a
good practice to prevent ingress of water. For structures
in aggressive environment, sealing of the anchorage ends
is mandatory.
No admixture containing chloride of any sort shall be
used in grout.
Water cement ratio should not be more than 0.40
Temperature of grout should not be more than 25°C. Use
ice to maintain the temperature.
Power driven equipment should be used for grouting the
Grout cap should be used to provide protection to the
anchorage elements.
Should be supervised by Senior engineers. There is

last item.
1. Deck slab MoSRT&H

wearing coat to prevent ingress of water in the deck slab and Clause 2702.1.1
corrosion of cables and rebars.
2. Railing Provide mild steel post and pipe railing and paint them
3. Crash Barrier Crash Barrier of desired height with or without pipe

IRC: SP: 80 – 2008

No. Parameters Requirement Reference
1. Crack width Crack width under quasi-permanent load combination shall not exceed IRC:112
0.3 mm for moderate, severe and very severe conditions of exposure and Clause 12.3
0.2 mm for extreme conditions of exposure for reinforced and pre-stressed
members with un-bonded tendons.
Crack width under frequent load combination for pre-stressed members
with bonded tendons shall not exceed 0.2 mm in all conditions of
2. Minimum Cover for Exposure Nominal Cover IRC:112
Reinforcement Clause 14.3.2
Moderate 40



No. Parameters Requirement Reference
Severe 45
Very severe 50
Extreme 75

concrete elements, high performance concrete, use of stainless steel

reinforcement, or controlled permeable formwork. In case more than one of

3. Minimum Cover for For post-tensioned tendons, the minimum cover measured from outside of IRC:112
pre-stressing steel and sheathing shall be 75 mm. Clause 14.3.2
spacing For pre-tensioned tendons, the minimum cover shall be 65 mm.
Minimum horizontal clear spacing of 50 mm or diameter of the duct,
whichever is greater, shall be maintained between individual post
tensioning cables.
Minimum vertical clear spacing of 50 mm or diameter of the duct or
aggregate size + 10 mm, whichever is greater, shall be maintained between
individual post- tensioning cables.
In case of pre-tensioning cables, the minimum clear horizontal spacing
of individual cables shall be highest value of aggregate size + 10 mm, 2
times of tendon diameter and 20 mm. The minimum vertical spacing shall
be greater value of aggregate size + 10 mm, 2 times diameter of tendon.
4 Bundling of High In a bundle, all bars shall be of the same characteristics, type and grade IRC:112
Strength Deformed Clause 15.2.7,
Bars, Pre-stressing provided the ratio of diameters does not exceed 1.7. Further details can Clause 15.3.1
Tendons and be obtained from clause 15.2.7 of IRC:112
Grouping of cables In case of post-tensioned bonded cables, bundles of more than two ducts
are not permitted. A pair of ducts placed horizontally or vertically touching
each other may be permitted only in straight portion of the cable subject to
following stipulations :

not more than 50 mm.

more than 110 mm.

plane of curvature.
5 Proper detailing and Attention should be given to detailing to ensure proper concretability, use of
spacing of steel vibrators etc.


1 Coarse aggregates The preferred nominal size of aggregate is 20 mm for pre stressed and IRC:112
Fine Aggregates reinforced concrete. It should consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non- Clause
porous and durable pieces of crushed stone, crushed gravel, natural gravel
or a suitable combination thereof or other approved inert material. It should

Fine aggregates shall consist of hard, strong, durable clean particles of
natural sand, crushed stone or gravel or suitable combination of natural
sand and crushed stone or gravel.



S. Parameters Requirement Reference

2 Water Should not contain injurious amounts of oil acids, alkalis, sugar and organic IRC:112
materials, which may be deleterious to concrete and steel.
Permissible limits of solids shall be as under:
Organic-200 mg/l
Inorganic-3000 mg/
Sulphates-400 mg/l
Cholorides-2000 mg/l for concrete work not containing embedded steel and
500 mg/l for pre-stressed/ reinforced concrete work
Suspended matter-2000 mg/l
pH Value- not less than 6
Use of Sea Water is not allowed
3 Reinforcement Following grades of reinforcement steel shall be used: IRC:112
Type of Grade / Relevant Minimum Minimum Tensile a Min.% Clause 18.2.3
steel Designation BIS Yield Strength, as % of the elongation
Standard Stress/0.2% actual 0.2% proof
stress/yield stress but
not less than
Mild Steel Grade-1 IS:432 Bars upto & 410 MPa 23
20 mm dia.

410 MPa 23
50mm 240
High Yield Fe 415 14.5
Deformed Fe 415D IS:1786
Steel 415 MPa
Fe 415S 18.0
Fe 500 12.0

Fe 500D IS:1786 500 MPa

Fe 500S
Fe 550 10.0
IS:1786- 550 MPa
Fe 550D 2000 14.5

Fe 600 IS: 1786- 600 MPa 10.0



elongation of 14.5 percent and conforming to other requirements of IS 1786

shall be used.



No. Parameters Requirement Reference
4 IRC:112
Cement Ratio, 450 kg/m3 of concrete Clause 14.3.2
Cement Content, Maximum water cement ratio, minimum cement content and minimum

conditions for concrete with 20 mm size aggregate shall be as under: RC:SP:70-2016

Exposure Maximum Water Minimum Cement Minimum Grade

Condition Cement Ratio Content (Kg/m ) of Concrete
Moderate 0.45 340 M 25
Severe 0.45 360 M 30
Very Severe 0.40 380 M 40
Extreme 0.35 400 M 45

cement content in the above table includes all cementitious materials

inclusive of additions. For plain cement concrete, with or without surface
reinforcement, the maximum grade of concrete can be lowered by 5 MPa and

mix of concrete.
Chloride content in concrete shall not exceed following value by mass of

Reinforced Concrete in severe,

very severe and extreme

Reinforced Concrete in moderate

The above value shall be respected in case of HPC also

5 Sheathing HDPE Sheathing ducts IRC:112
1. Use Corrugated HDPE Duct. They are especially recommended to serve Clause 13.4.2
as barrier to externally penetrating chlorides/sulphates. and 13.4.3
2. The wall thickness of the duct as manufactured shall be 2.0 mm,
2.5 mm, 3.0 mm and 4.0 mm for ducts of internal diameter upto 50 mm,
85 mm, 100 mm and 125 mm respectively. The minimum residual wall

ducts upto 85 mm in diameter and not less than 2.0 mm for ducts greater
than 85 mm in diameter.
MS Sheathing ducts

2. The material shall be clean and free from rust and normally of bright

glavanised or lead coated mild steel strips shall be adopted.

3. The thickness of metal sheathing shall not be less than 0.3mm, 0.4mm
and 0.5mm for sheathing ducts having internal diameter upto 50mm,

thickness of sheathing shall be based on recommendations of pre-

stressing system supplier.



S. Parameters Requirement Reference

C. Construction Stage
1. Curing Concrete shall be kept constantly wet for a minimum period of 14 days. IRC:112

may be used in lieu of moist curing after approval. Steam curing under
atmospheric pressure is adopted to develop high early strength of concrete
and is particularly suitable for precast concrete members.
2. Storage and Handling All pre-stressing elements such as strands/wires, anchorages, ducts, couplers, MoRT&H
of Pre-stressing shall be protected from corrosion at all times. These materials should be stored in
Material such a way that there is no deterioration in quality and usage in the work. These
should be protected from rain, damp ground and from ambient atmosphere if it
is likely to be aggressive by covering them properly.
3. Grouting of The purpose of grouting is to provide permanent protection to the IRC:112
Post-Tensioned post-tensioned steel against corrosion and to develop bond between the
Pre-stressing cables pre-stressing steel and the surrounding structural concrete. The grout ensures
encasement of steel in an alkaline environment for corrosion protection and

protection, recommended practice stipulated in Clause 18.7 of IRC:112, in

respect of materials, properties of the grout, mixing and grouting operations
etc, shall be followed.
4 Protection of Post In order to achieve a durable post-tensioning system, matching with the IRC:112
Tensioned Tendons design service life of the structure, suitable corrosion protection of the Clause 13.7
and Anchorages post-tensioning system, is necessary. The corrosion protection system shall
take into account:

from manufacture handling storage, transport, till incorporation in the structure.

and anchorages are exposed to atmosphere for an extended period of time.

or at site shall be according to stressing of the surrounding. Special care

is warranted since most parts of the tendons or other component are
generally not accessible during service life.
5 Protective Grouting IRC:112-2011
member as well as protected from corrosion by cement grout which shall Clause 13.6

created by evaporation of excess water in the grout and bleeding.

For materials other than cement or such long life permanent materials,

shall be made. Factory made coated wires/strands embedded in polyethylene

be followed for the specialist materials and techniques.

1. Additional measures for concrete IRC:112-2011
members prevent ingress of water. MoRT&H
Use of surface coatings to the concrete to inhibit the ingress
of chlorides or carbon dioxide.

2. Railing and Crash Barrier Design and type of Railing and Crash Barrier be provided in IRC:5



IRC: SP: 80 – 2008

SI. No. Parameter Requirement Reference

1 1.35 to 1.40 IS 345
2 Solid Contents IS 345
3 UV Resistance No Colour Change
4 IR-Spectrum Acrylic Polymer IR Spectrometer Standards
ASTM D 4541-02 /
5 Adhesion with Concrete 1.5 N / mm2
DIN 50014
200 – 225 Microns
6 Dry Film Thickness

7 Coverage 400 to 450 gm / m2

Equivalent Air Layer
8 DIN 53122 Part I
2 Thickness, SDCO2
Equivalent Air Layer Thickness,
O DIN 52615
2 SDH2Oshall be < 4 m


Min. 2 h to 72 h or as per
11 Re-coatability
approval of the Engineer in Charge

IRC: SP: 80 – 2008

SI. No. Parameter Requirement Reference

1 1.35 to 1.40 IS 345
2 Solid Contents IS 345
No Colour Change after minimum ASTM G-53 / DIN
3 UV Resistance
400 hours exposure EN 150-105
IR Spectrometer
4 IR-Spectrum Acrylic Polymer
ASTM D 4541-02 /
5 Adhesion with Concrete 2
DIN 50014
200 – 225 Microns
6 Dry Film Thickness

7 Coverage 400 to 450 gm / m2

Equivalent Air Layer Thickness,
8 DIN 53122 Part I
Equivalent Air Layer Thickness,
O DIN 52615
2 SDH2O shall be < 4 m



EN 1062-3-2008 or
10* Water Permeability of Coating w< 0.1 kg/m2 . h0.5
Min. 2 h to 72 h or as per
11 Re-coatability
the approval of the Engineer in
12 Tensile Strength 2
ASTM D 638
13 Elongation ASTM D 638
Pass: No Damage or Blistering after
14 Salt Spray Test ASTM B 117
atleast 400 Hours Exposure
15 Crack Bridging Capacity ASTM C1305 – 2008

January, 2019)

S.N. Clause No. For Read

Page No.
1. 3.2.1 The stresses at the least compressive face The stresses at the least compressive face
under Rare Combination of Loads shall be under Rare Combination of Loads shall be
limited to minimum residual compression limited to minimum residual compression of
of 0.5 MPa in case of epoxy jointed precast 0.5 MPa at joint locations in case of epoxy
segments. jointed precast segments.
2. 3.2.2
IRC:112 apply to all types of segmental IRC:112 apply to all types of segmental
bridges except longitudinal reinforcement bridges except in the longitudinal
of precast segmental bridges, where these reinforcement of precast segmental bridges,
stress checks have no relevance. where these stress checks have no relevance.
3. 3.3 The crack width limitations given in The crack width limitations given in clause
clause 12.3 of IRC:112 apply to all types 12.3 of IRC:112 apply to all types of
of segmental bridges except at joints of segmental bridges except at joints of epoxy
precast segmental structure where minimum jointed precast segmental structure where
compressive stress limitations of para 3.2.1 minimum compressive stress limitations of
above apply. The decompression limits of para 3.2.1 above apply. The decompression
Table 12.1 of IRC:112 apply to Prestressed limits of Table 12.1 of IRC:112 apply to
members with bonded tendons. Prestressed members with bonded tendons
for structures built in severe, very severe
and extreme environmental conditions.
4. For Structure with external unbonded tendons, For Structure with external unbonded
the shear resistance shall be calculated as per tendons, the shear resistance shall be

For this purpose, the equation 10.18 of IRC:112.






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